Pizzagate is a revolution.

602  2016-12-08 by Naw_let_me_spam

The first completely online revolution of a Country. Perhaps the most significant revolution of all time. This giant conspiracy is the key to every major elite conspiracy, as they are likely involving the same scum. This is the big one and everything is at stake. Don't stop! They will begin contingencies soon; I, for one, am willing to lose everything for the truth to come out and see that justice is served. Its almost 3 am east coast and the pizzagate voat subverse is being browsed by nearly as many people as /r/conspiracy is. They have 8000 users. We have over 400k. Its on, don't get fatigued. Spread it in every creative way you can think of, advocate non-violence, advocate investigation. Bring them down. Bring them all down.


I love these kind of posts.

I was watching a youtube video about PG, and I saw a comment that said "New Zealander checking in to show support" or something like that.

You know what was below it? Probably a hundred comments from people showing their support from all over the world. It was beautiful. Australia, Germany, Hungary, South Africa, Japan and dozens more.

I started tearing up, because I realized how beautiful that is. Tens of thousands united from around the world to combat against the child abuse that has infested our power structures. Some of the Americans here, myself included, sometimes focus on just the American aspect, but we obviously have seen cases in other countries like the Dutroux affair or the UK Parliament and now Football case.

Internet crowd sourced revolution. Amazing. "May you live in interesting times".

Many empire have fallen because of the populaces's disgust with the ruling elites sexual depravity. History really does repeat itself..

Literally no empire has fallen because of the populace being disgusted with the ruling elites sexual depravity

I'm pretty sure the citizens of the Roman Empire were disgusted with their leaders' sexual depravity. Homosexuality was pretty high up there, but I think bestiality is what took it too far.

Dude the fall of the Roman empire took a long time and it was due to many different circumstances but mainly they couldn't protect their colonies from barbarians

Also a huge influx of immigrants from Germany escaping the Huns lead to food shortages and an internal collapse

My comment doesn't say that it was the direct cause of the fall. Just made a statement that the citizens were in fact disgusted with the sexuality of their leaders prior to it falling.

Oh, well I agree with you

Now I have seen everything...

If you were some colonist in some far-flung corner of the empire, how would you even know what Cesar was fucking, and would it matter to you at all? I say nobody gave a shit.

Yes, obviously the overexpenditure on wars, over taxation, corporate pandering, false flag attacks, and police brutality are why this is happening, but it's the kid diddling that pushes it over the edge.

I mean. Rome wasn't overthrown by outraged citizens. It collapsed over more than a century because of many factors working in tandem. There was a huge plague, runaway inflation, nonstop coups, invasions on several front, a mini ice age, all happening at the same and exacerbating one another.

What did NOT happen was the people of Rome overthrowing their leaders for being sexually depraved. I can't honestly think of a single historical example of that happening. I'm open to hearing some, but the fall of the Roman Empire doesn't jive. The fall of the Roman Republic doesn't jive either.

Depends on who you ask. A lot of people would attribute the weakness that allowed Rome to be overthrown as a direct result of the effeminate culture propagated by the change in behavior of their leaders.

Keep in mind, this isnt a pro or anti homosexuality argument. I'm sure vulnerability to Barbarian hordes wasn't dependent on how individuals preferred their sex. If their leaders aren't focused on leading though, they'll eventually be lead to their destruction. The motivation largely doesn't matter, but to dismiss it entirely because it's not PC is rather silly.

Its not ridiculous to say that this shift in culture lead to a more passive stance of their military, leading to defense vulnerabilities they hadn't previously had to deal with. I can guarantee you their citizens weren't happy about that.

Depravity is a symptom, not a cause. This scandal simply tells us where we are in the denigration of leadership.

yeah so they went underground with it and formed Catholicism which took over the roman empire

Actually though... That's kind of what High Level inside anon was saying

not sure who that is

It's only speculative but definitely a nice read. Even if the guy is lying and isn't in some secret society he's clearly very intelligent and has interesting ideas. Claimed Jesus was in the secret society he's now in. He also predicted the Turkey coup and 'the happening' (the black lives matter guy who was sniping cops in Dallas)

ahhh I remember now I saw that. I think I ignored it right away cuz he said wikileaks is in a holding pattern and Assange is alive, makes no sense to not show proof of life cuz of that.

He says Wikileaks is a CIA operation. But he also said there's various factions with different intentions, all of which have infiltrated intelligence agencies of course.

Maybe Assange isn't alive anymore or maybe they're keeping him safe somewhere.

could be true that he is CIA but still need proof of life, if he is CIA what is the need for killing him, no proof of life means they killed him.

Once you start fucking monkeys you never go back- dave chappelle

You know how long it took me to train this monkey to suck my dick, without peeling it first?

"Ay man we tryna go to the club tonight wanna roll through?"


This is the new American intellectual.

Not a single one.

and that 'empire' (actually a kingdom at that time,) went on to be one of the largest and most influential empires and societies in human history. Case closed.

It rhymes


money doesn't talk it swears

Many? Name three.

Which ones?

Dude! from India here,has been reading about Pizzagate since DAY 1,that Pizza Map Post referring to Podesta Archive,since then I have hooked myself into this sub,the day pizzagate sub-reddit got banned I was confirm with this shit,My sister lives in California,and I want to see my niece safe from this Pizzagate stuff,I hadn't told my sister about this Pizzagate scandal because its too complicated in such a orthodox relationship where you can't talk about sex in your own house,that's India in a nutshell,and I don't know what category my sister falls in if she is pro-Hillary then she will think I am fucking retard.

Fuck these capitalist scums,motherfuckers ruined the whole world.

"if she's pro Hillary then she'll think I'm a fucking retard" haha. Brutal wakeup call incoming.

That's awesome. Thank you my friend.

Capitalist scums... My man...these are the people pushing for socialism here.

It wouldn't matter what goddamn political system we have if all the people in power having blackmail pedo pacts

Ain't that the truth

Well that explains why they conspired to keep the only socialist leaning candidate any where near the white house.

Yeah see burnbrun at least would try to do the whole "try to help people until the system goes broke" thing but the Clinton camp those progressives want social control through handouts.

this isnt an american problem nor did it start in america.. the whole commonwealth is involved.. this is a global issue..

Which is exactly what I said...

the goverment wants globalization.
The power to controll all.
But they forget that whit globalization there while be a global public.
The global public is stronger together and harder to take down.
U can easily control a country and its people.
U can not control all the people of the world.
And if people all over the world are after u.
there is no where to hide.
In a country if 0.01% are after u that is a low amount.
In the world if 0.01% is after u your fucked.
Globalization is a dubble edged sword.
But these fucks think they can control everything.
I am sorry we 99% are smarter as u.
And wen robots start replacing humans on a grand scale U ALL FUCKED.
We humans will not laze around and watch t.v 24/7 we will investigate invent and explore < human nature.
And wen the world is globalized it will be super easy to from powerful independent group,s whit connections all over the world.
Wikileaks unanimous is just the start.
We humans adept and overcome.
And yes 99% of us will not go there but the 1% that will, will show the rest of us whats up.
Have fun whit your global cobalt cus it will in the end explode in your face ! .
Have u all not notice how everytime u controll and manipulate one thing.
That thing explode and die,s out.
Only to get replaced ?
We are so close to create a decentralized internet one where u have no control at all.
The more control and manipulation u push.
The more control u and every one loses in the end.
This is what your fighting every time.
And yes the start is easy to manipulate and exploit,
But in the end they attacks on u will increase faster and faster till it brake,s your own capacity

Uh, you do realize that's not a "Chinese blessing," right?

It's a CURSE.

Hah shit turns out you're right and there's actually no proof of Chinese origin.

Fuck me, I'm still stoked for this though. Bring it on.

I 8 when that happens.

Haha, I was about to post this! I'd rather live in interesting times than not, but yeah, the phrase is sometimes called "the Chinese curse" and implies that that the most interesting periods of history are also the most dangerous to live within. Stay frosty, theorists.

I live for THIS shit right here.

Much love to all who imparts their own time and effort to help this cause.

Alberta, Canada, here, checking in to show support

God bless!

I was tearing up at 3am today too. It wasn't for the online support, it was just that I was watching the testimonies of an English girl whose grandmother abused her as part of her twisted satanic rituals. I literally broke down. The things these children describe are beyond any healthy person's imagination. We have to stop this. It needs to end now. We need to prove who the people are that are doing this, and organize a worldwide movement to out them in public. Fuck these bastards.

We all seem to judge other people on their country and its government but many people oppose their government. As individuals we are united as countries it feels like war.

Thank you for sharing this ♡

I was watching a youtube video about PG, and I saw a comment that said "New Zealander checking in to show support" or something like that.

You know what was below it? Probably a hundred comments from people showing their support from all over the world. It was beautiful. Australia, Germany, Hungary, South Africa, Japan and dozens more.

Everyone's getting involved. :D

The world is watching their every move, the curtain will fall.

The more you open your mind to other people from different cultures, the more you realize we are all the same. The divides that are pushed by the media of all countries are there for one purpose: control. Once more and more people wake up and see that for all government's, the last thing they want is a war-free peaceful world, then we will have a chance at true freedom. I don't know about all of you, but I'm sick of being used as a mouse to turn the wheel of these war machines!!

We need to remember Pizzagate is not just about child abuse. It is one part of the entire operation of Human trafficking for torture, experimentation , organ harvesting the whole lot.

For us to progress we need to not only take this down but purge the world of these people.

2016: the year Pepe united the world. Thank you God and Jesus

The Chinese saying is not intended as a blessing - it is a curse

People forget Donald Trump raped a 13 year old.

He's gotta go.

Yea, we both know that was the most bullshit smear case I've ever seen. You bring that up now like the case wasn't brought forward by a jerry springer producer.

You defending a pedophile?

You're probably a Pedo too.

I don't think he's a pedo, so your argument ends in logic there. I think he's a slimy fuck, but not a pedo. Don't make it seem like I love the dude, he's defintely guilty of shit but in my opinion he's not a pedo.

Lol, your thoughts aren't law, Pedo.

Yea, the law says he isn't a pedo too, which is why he's president.

The law says Hillary isn't a Pedo, but look at Pizzagate.

Way more evidence supporting Trump's pedophilia than Pizzagate.

Hey remember when this sub wasant so far up Trump's asshole you could see the back of his teeth with a flashlight? Man those were good times."

Member when this sub was full of people who actually thought about the story they were spreading, instead of some bat shit like pizzagate?

You have never even posted in this sub in the past few months. You've been in the bag for Clinton for awhile it seems though.

I don't really remember ever posting on this sub. Doesn't mean I don't come to read every day. There used to be some interesting stuff on here. Then it just turned into garbage that obviously swings to one side. I remember a time where every conspiracy theory didn't have to do with Hillary Clinton. I hope you enjoyed spending your morning looking through my meaningless posts.

+1 --Sure am glad I'm not the only reasonable person that still visits this sub. I don't ever post here but seeing how ridiculous it's gotten I don't see how anyone ever can.

If you don't think Trump is the prettiest pony with the most beautiful mane, you must be paid by HRC to say so. Only money could create such lies.

The Trump presidency is essentially the equivalent to a grownup version of My Little Pony.

There's a kids' version?


It's like watching a dumpster fire. You don't need to say anything, it's just fun to watch.

I actually think this is exactly what the Salem witch trials were like.

It's also how Nazis got rid of their opponents. Call someone a child fucker and the angry mob will take them out for you!

lol so NOW you start posting

How dumb do you think people here are?

Judging by the amount of context you got out of what I said, I would guess there is at least one dumb person in here. However, I never mentioned anything about the intelligence of the people in the sub. I've read some great stuff and I think there are a lot of very intelligent people who contribute. I just mentioned that as of late, there is nothing but Hillary email conspiracies and it's getting boring.

nothing but Hillary email conspiracies

You mean one of the biggest conspiracies that has hard evidence behind it, which was completely glossed over by the media

Like its so obvious the whole email thing is setup to circumvent the FOIA, and beyond that, just on principle she made the country less safe by using email as she did. If you really want secure email, it takes a full time staff doing network monitoring, making sure the latest patches are applied to all servers etc.

Shit in the wake of the shadowbroker leaks, I wouldn't trust anyone but the NSA to setup a truly secure server - HDD firmware viruses, 0-days against routers and firewalls, Intel management engine, etc etc there are just too many holes to worry about for a small team if you have an advanced persistent threat.

And if she wasn't technologically illiterate she would have understood this, but she wanted to have her cake and eat it to. And people don't even bring up the fact that using the same address for personal and official affairs is in my opinion an abuse of power/conflict of interest - It's like using secretary of state letterhead on personal emails. Especially if she has personal emails with the same people she is emailing professionally, the lines get real blurry.

But all the nuance was destroyed in this conversation because Americans don't do nuance very well and she spun it pretty successfully as an unfounded partisan attack. It absolutely was not, she fucked up, she broke the law and james comey basically said as much - the statute doesn't need intent to prove, its the act that's illegal. And it would have been easy to at least put criminal motive to it - hiding from FOIA requirements. Those emails along with podestas lost her the election, have no doubt about it

Christ, you're still not getting my point. My. Point isn't that the Hillary conspiracies are invalid. My point is that it is the only thing posted anymore.

Because people are interested. If you find something more interesting by all means share it, and it will get upvoted.

Also its not often that we have a treasure trove of original source uncensored, candid documents. We are just starting to look behind the curtain

He meant the guy he replied to checked his post history to see if he posted in /r/conspiracy recently. He still hasn't posted here

What we seeing is two groups, sure the diehard trumpets are all into pizzagate, but another huge group are the ones who just are not diehard democrats who cant imagine entertaining the thought that their group might not be comprised solely of saints. That is why there are so many people discussing it, the only ones who call it bullshit without investigating are the most extreme dems blinded by their devotion.

The problem is the whole thing falls apart when you remember the Pizza place has employes. You really think some 19 year old slave wage kid working for xbox money is going to keep quiet about a child sex ring happening at his work?

Whats more likely? A massive cover up by vetran politicians of a long running chikd sex ring based out of a long standing family restraunt?

Or that a man living in a Broom closet realizing mid october that his so called "October Suprise" turned out to be a quiet wet fart and had one of his more clever cronies make something up to save face?

It doesnt take hard examination to make the house of cards tumble. Its about as likely as the Sandy hook Actors or the 9/11 hollogram energy weapon planes theroy.

Well, if the fact that minimum wage workers is what brings the theory down for you, then I suppose that learning that workers eventually go home will be quite a surprise to you.

Funny how nobody whose emails have been leaked are claiming they are fake, they all just seem to say it is no fair and the russians (despite evidence) cheated at international politics.

It is getting more and more to be just the extreme liberals who so desperately need their precious politicians to be clean that are holding to the idea that there is nothung there. So many of us dont give a damn about american politics and from an unbiased pov it is very clear that something is off here. Imagine if your mother was accused of rape, it would be so hard for you to see any amount of evidence, i feel for you, but you are blinded, it is not your fault, you literally cannot see what is going on. Your main defense was 'Minimum wage workers'. Good luck buddy.

So insteed of examining the evidence impartially and reach our own conclusions like one does with theroies.

You want us to just take your side or else your a shill paid by the goverment.

I dont think you get how theroies work Lurker.

By all means, examine impartially away, that is all it takes, be willing to reach any conclusion irregardless of who it implicates and you are well on your way. I have no way of knowing who is paid to post.

Like you just did in your OP stating anyone looking into this is so far up Trumps ass? Nice double standard, jackass.

Funny how nobody whose emails have been leaked are claiming they are fake

No one believes that they're fake. What many people including myself believe is this whole pizza == pederasty connection is batshitinsane.

I mean, no one has exhibited even one piece of solid information. If you don't believe the pizza code (and why would these otherwise-competent people be tweeting about horrible crimes that would make anyone disgusted with them regardless of politics) then there is nothing here!

I'm not trying to start shit or anything but what does the following mean? I sincerely want you opinion on what this could mean in normal context:

"Do you think I'll do better playing dominoes on cheese than on pasta?"

I've seen this tossed around like its a smoking gun and I really don't see it. To me it reads: "Do you think I will play the game of dominoes better after having eaten cheese rather than pasta?"

Just a little Occham's razor is all you need here. Which is more likely, that he meant the above or that it was secretly referring to his plan to rape his grandchildren?

You don't find the wording strange though? I like the way you worded it, even though it still makes no sense, but don't you think the way he worded that is bizarre considering he is a well educated man?

I liked the analogous sentence that somebody posted here yesterday:

"Do you think I'll play football better on protein shakes than candy bars?"

This is a completely reasonable statement, and you wouldn't give it a second thought if you heard somebody say it. However, since we're all sitting here trolling through some 84-year-old man's sent e-mails, we have no context of previous history. Maybe the last time he got killed in dominos, he blamed it on being too full from the pasta meal they just had? Maybe they have a running inside joke about making excuses for why they lost the dominos game?

Literally any explanation is more plausible than these the pedophilia theories that are being tossed about. You could tell me that he's talking about cocaine (cheese) and PCP (pasta), which would still be pure bat-shit insanity... and yet 100x more plausible than this pedo angle.

Yes, I think it is awkwardly worded, totally agree on that. But you then want to make the leap to "well, it's awkwardly worded, that seems odd so I will assume he is a pedophile". I am willing to believe but I do require real evidence. Everything I've seen has a more convincing explanation than "satanic pedo ring". For example, in the above, he was sending a quick email to friends and didn't take the time to edit his email for clarity. Now before you tell me that doesn't make perfect sense remember that I am only saying it makes more sense than your interpretation.

Fair enough. I just find it very odd that he didn't say pizza and instead said cheese. Let's say he meant cheese pizza and forgot the pizza part, why would he specify "cheese pizza? This is what intrigues me.

He got a box of cheeses from Podesta as a Christmas present, instead of the usual gift of pasta and sauce from years prior. He's going to wait until Susan and James (his grown children) return from their holiday travels (e-mail is dated 12/24) to enjoy the cheese with them. There is at least one other e-mail where Herbert talks about playing dominos with his grown daughter, Susan.

So you can either interpret it as BDSM-fueled child rape sessions with his own grown daughter, or a fucking game of dominos. Which one is more likely?

And BTW, I'm not the one downvoting you. You're looking at it critically, which is a refreshing change of pace on this sub lately.

Got ya. I've never seen that other email. I'll look into it further.

There is an email about dominoes before that one. The guy lost to his daughter playing dominoes who he claimed to be using Podesta strategy of making rules up.

Then that email shows he got a gift of Cheese instead of the normal pasta gift, followed up by a question if he will play better with cheese.

Take that for what you will but it looks like he is joking that he hopes the next time he plays dominoes he will win with the cheese vs the last time he got pasta as a gift.

Right on, I've never seen that other email. I'll look into it.

This is what intrigues me.

You certainly are easily intrigued.

Because he was given a box of cheese, rather than the usual pasta and sauces.

That email is probably the weakest part of this entire stupid load of bullshit.

If people read the texts me and my best friend send to one another, they'd probably think it was some nefarious code too. Don't you people have personal lives and silly quirky dialogues with people you spend the majority of your time with?

People having been using this term for at least 6 years.. Do a search for deep web child pornography forum posts and you will see the same exact language contained in the the emails. Then you might vomit and realize we need to lock these people up and anyone else REGARDLESS of party or country because this is a GLOBAL issue and not just one contained in the US.

Check out the English football abuse as well..... how public should THAT have been?

Sure, but these football clubs kept it a deep secret - they didn't have long tweet threads about it!

The football thing is about youth coaches creeping it up of their own accord and using their position to trick or intimidate the kids into keeping quiet about it. There is, afaik, no suggestion of organised abuse. Just a classic case of paedos getting into positions of authority over kids as they are wont to do.

It's really annoying to see Americans mischaracterise our scandals to try and legitimise their own Satanic panics.

And we have a winner!

Logic and resson to the rescue.

Pizzagate is not about a restaurant. If you think that, you may have been mislead by media "debunking". Comet was merely a possibility and not a given, and at this point I think a false lead.

good, so let's stop talking about "pizza" and dis-associate from that particular avenue of inquiry until/ unless some better evidence to support it pops of. call it pedogate or whatever (even though a lot of these folks are probably more interested in teenagers than actual children)

Either way, the location is obviously burned, looks like everyone's trying to cover all the track's they can

Pizzagate IS NOT comet pizza and Alefantis. Pizzagate is the realization and potential understanding of how the ruling elite operate, what they are willing to do to hide opposition, and the fact that the US government very well may be extremely close to child trafficking found in numerous other countries abroad

but it's a certain ethos of "low information" that we're associating with the Trump supporters.

it's posts like this, from 3 day old accounts using emotional language and extreme concepts in the promotion of what currently bears many hallmarks of a witch-hunt, that connects it to the troll campaign which has been waged in favor of a Trump candidacy.

Wikileaks is the main source and their reputation is stronger than possibly every other news agency out there.

The main source is the "pizza code" which some anonymous people have applied to mundane and common words in the wikileaks emails.

When you start altering facts and applying controversial interpretations to things (like "pan is the god of pedophilia"), then it's easy to create a narrative which fits with your pre-determined conclusions. This type of story building is consistently used to discredit "conspiracy theories".

Especially if there IS some truth to the larger allegations and concepts (which there absolutely is), now you've managed to discredit the search for truth by associating it with a very specific and misguided investigation into a goose chase.

This guy gets it.


The "4chan pizza code" is the fucking Rosetta Stone of this whole conspiracy, yet I haven't seen even one single source that validates its credibility.

It's just absolutely nuts that it has gone this far.

I've seen pics grabbed from pedophilia websites on the deep web and the language they use is the same as they do in the Podesta emails, referencing pizza and cheese etc.. notice the date You can also search for dark web posts from child porn forums and you will easily see the connection. Only a fool would think these emails are not code.

I've seen pics grabbed from pedophilia websites

Well, you've got me beat there. I'm not interested in being exposed to child porn in order to expose this non-existent child sex abuse ring... but huge props to you.

But you're still making a HUGE stretch, dude. Out of like 50,000 emails, they've been whittled down to about 100-200 that mention pizza or cheese. Out of those 100-200, you've narrowed them down to about 6 (as far as I can tell) that aren't embarrassingly easy to explain away as office banter, or, you know... actual conversations about pizza. Out of those 6 or so, there are still perfectly plausible explanations for all but one.

The pizza-related map is definitely weird. But given that it is literally the only e-mail that isn't painfully easy to explain, I still think that it's not anything nefarious. Any conversation that took place on the original e-mail thread between Susan Sandler and the realtor has been lost... which is certainly a possibility, because the wikileaks thread doesn't ever show her answering the question about pillows they purchased. It's totally plausible that the realtor described more about the handkerchief during those e-mails to Susan... including what design it had on it, and then Susan forwarded the original to Podesta in order to keep those subsequent conversations private. I do shit like that literally every day with my work e-mails.

Podesta was so amazingly unconcerned about the alleged semen and blood-encrusted Satanic cum rag left on the kitchen island, he didn't even respond for 36 hours. When he did finally respond, he said, "It's mine, but not worth worrying about."

That's right. This guy who was with the Clintons through the whole Monica affair was so unconcerned about a random Martha's Vineyard realtor having his DNA-covered Satanic child-raping jizz rag, he didn't even give her instructions to dispose of it!

Just think about it. Use every bit of critical thinking capacity you have, and if you're still convinced that it was a Satanic blood and jizz-encrusted child rape trophy, then at least I've said my piece. There's nothing else I can do.

I think the word "map" is just an autocorrect typo. Possibly for the word "mark" because that makes the sentence make a lot more sense.

Also, your comment made me laugh hysterically.

Totally plausible... but it still doesn't explain whether it had a tomato sauce stain on it from John's mouth, or the pizzagate explanation: jizz and blood from his Satanic ritualistic child rape session in Martha's Vineyard.

Ehhh... I'm still going to go with the former. I have always liked Occam's razor.

Seems like it'd be a real risk bringing all those kids to Martha's Vineyard. Like, why do that when you have a perfectly good series of tunnels and underground ritual chambers? Fucking idiots.

And why shuffle the kids around when it's always easier to head up to the Luzzatto's farm, where an otherwise admired and respected mother lets the DC politicos fuck her own kids in the heated pool?

I mean, it's just simple logic for the average elite pedophile, amiright?

You're my favorite redditor today, keep up the good work sir/ma'am.

You can check out this from voat And there are some other sick emails like this one. "How thinly to slice it.." Makes me want to puke. Also, how do you play dominos on cheese or pasta These people are sick.

You're 100% right to be sickened. Any decent person would be. I only read the text of your voat link, because I have zero desire to view the links.

That said, you're mistaken about the other emails. They have absolutely nothing in common with what you linked from voat, and are a total red herring.

First off, you do realize that the phrase "cheese pizza" appears exactly zero times in the Podesta or Clinton e-mails, right? It appears exactly once in the Stratfor dump... and they're talking about... wait for it... a goddamn cheese pizza.

The other Stratfor e-mail that everyone has their panties in a bunch over is "How thin to slice it?" Jesus Christ, this is so clearly an in-joke between the Stratfor staff. The e-mail is addressed to the entire Austin staff, men and women alike. Like this woman. Holy shit, there's a guilty looking pedo if I've ever seen one.

Do you honestly think 100% of this office just happens to be child rapists?

I don't know if they didn't order enough pizza last time or what, but all the jokes about filling out forms in triplicate, double-sided, color-coded, etc. is typical office humor. Plus, there's another e-mail thread about an office pizza party which shows the off-site employees bumming out since they won't be there for pizza, and the final guy insinuates that it's a bribe from management, and somebody else should eat his slice.

I don't know how young you are, but let me let you in on a little secret: Those of us who work in offices eat a metric fuck-ton of pizza. It's the easiest meal to bring in when you're busy. And I think you can safely assume that Stratfor Austin is pretty fucking busy.

If you look at it honestly, and without rage or bias getting in your way, you quickly understand how fucking ridiculous is to think that their entire Austin office is planning to fuck a kid over an office-wide e-mail thread.


Dominos on cheese or pasta: This one seems so blindingly obvious. Keep in mind that the author is the 83-year-old Herb Sandler. His wife Marion of 51 years died about 3 years prior. Podesta had traditionally sent him an Xmas gift of pasta and sauce (Podesta is a known "foodie"), but this time, he got a box of cheeses. He thanks Podesta, and says that when his children (Susan and James) get back from their holiday travels (e-mail is dated 12/24), he'll enjoy the cheeses with them. Since there are other e-mails talking about how Susan (his grown daughter) has beaten him at dominos before, he's wondering if the cheese will improve his luck. This is a simple thank you for a Christmas gift. And fucking news flash: An 83-year-old man likes to play dominos.


Use your brain, man. Don't fall for this bogus shit. It's ruining all credibility of the real shit going down, i.e., Silsby & Hillary, people getting "suicided", Epstein's pedo plane and fuck island, and all those who visit there.

This is incorrect.

This sub has NEVER been in favor of any of the ruling politicians. If people here are a bit sceptic about PG then it is NOT because they are democrats. Because I think we have very few of those here. It is because they have other issues with the theories. (I might misunderstand you though, it is hard - for me - to understand what you write)

This sub has never been partisan. Please let it stay that way.

Kinda already gone down the rabbit hole on that count... Over the past few months its slid to be partisan as shit.

It has become The_Donald 2

Sorry, I hate the Democrats enough that I fled the US in anticipation of a Clinton victory (that it was Trump only validated my decision).

But I still think Pizzagate is one of the stupider things ever.

I don't support Trump like that but I fully support the investigation of potential trafficking brought to light by pizzagate

Pizzagate IS NOT comet pizza and Alefantis. Pizzagate is the realization and potential understanding of how the ruling elite operate, what they are willing to do to hide opposition, and the fact that the US government very well may be extremely close to child trafficking found in numerous other countries abroad.

So, no evidence of pederasty then.

I tried posting about Trump/Russia connection back in June. The mods deleted the posts almost instantly.

Pedo Don raped a 13 year old (and probably a lot more kids) he's the first one that has to go!

Discussing conspiracies on r/conspiracy????? Oh, the humanity!

Pizzagate isn't a conspiracy! It's some made up story which I believe has been admitted that it was made up.


You missed a word there, because there is no hard evidence to speak of.

top proof is MSM freaking out and denying it.

That's not proof. I don't even see them freaking out. You have nothing.

definitely freaking out

Denying it is not freaking out. Calling it lunacy is not freaking out. Deriding it is not freaking out. How are they freaking out.

you have the right to be wrong and i'll defend it to my death

Oh thanks man, appreciate it. Now give me this proof you speak of. So far you have "the media are definitely freaking out".

no need it's obvious


I think I've just fallen in love with you

Hey maaaaaannn. He's just, like, asking the hard questions man.

If you don't think it needs investigation then you're not very smart or haven't looked into it. Done deal

I haven't seen a single shred of evidence offered by a single person that would lead me to think that maybe there was something going on. You people are adding 30 unconnected coincidences or outright fantasies and putting them together like they form some kind of whole. It's complete and utter nonsense. I mean, by all means enlighten me, but you probably won't be able to because you yourself have no single specific piece of actual evidence to show. You have just decided to believe in this fairy tale, either for the luls, or because it fits your worldview, or god knows why.

So what it can't be true?? Is that what ur saying? This has happened before, EXACTLY. A pizza shop with young girls in the basement has already been found. The guy was tried for human trafficking and pedophilia. This exact scenario has happened before, but oh no this is such a crazy conspiracy. Ur an idiot and clearly haven't done any research . There, enlightened bitch.

Why did the police arrest that guy?

Because it was true.

Why are they not arresting anyone at Comet Ping Pong?

Because it's not true.

Because we don't have evidence yet. Are you that stupid? They had evidence for that guy because they did an investigation. We're doing the investigation for comet ping pong and do not have evidence yet. We both know how dumb you sound right now so I think we're done

Grow up. Then we can talk more.


Show me the evidence. You don't have the evidence. You are ruining people's lives with your dumb games. You are scum. Literal scum.

How am I ruining lives by investigating? You sound like a fucking idiot right now

How do you think the owners and workers of these businesses you are harassing are feeling right about now? Have you even stopped to think about them? Or are you too busy playing detective on the internet?

Lol oh so a couple people harassed the workers and its all of our faults? Haha once again you sound like a fucking idiot

Of course it's your fucking fault, you are linking them, without a single shred of evidence, to a fucking paedophile ring. How is it not your fault that they are being harassed?

If I start claiming that you are a peado just because I felt like it, and some guy reads my comments and starts threatening you, am I not, at the very least, partially responsible?

Oh my God. I just realised. You don't know how responsibility works. Are you quite young by any chance?

Hahaha wow, I didn't start this dipshit. Yea if you start an untrue rumor than ur an ass but this is just an investigation. None of which is my fault so fuck right off with thag and ur shitty logic haha

So finally, evidence: you are a kid who doesn't understand how responsibility works.

With all due respect: you need to grow up. Study hard, get a job, and pray that the internet doesn't decide you are a paedo.

OK, I'm out. Don't forget to brush your teeth before you go to bed, OK? Bye.

Hahah OK bud, sure, I'll just keep starting little rumors with no grounds for investigation. Cuz that's all any of us do right? Lol people smarter than you are interested in pizzagate so you can fuck right off bud

You are without a doubt the stupidest person I've seen on reddit in a long time, you've failed to even come up with one cohesive argument and instead just parrot the same shit over and over again. I think I've lost brain cells just looking at the babble that you've somehow managed to type, which was probably extremely complicated for you, seeing that you've got the same level of intelligence and critical thinking as a 2 year old who's done nothing but sniff glue for his entire life.

Haha exactly don't even rebuttal, just take ur shitty logic and go.

Okay well here's the biggest issue with "Pizzagate". It's actually putting people at risk. Seeing that a fucking gunman decided to go on some stupid unjustified "rescue" mission for some children that most likely don't exist.

Yea if you had researched like I said in the past you'd realize there's something fishy about that guy too but hey, you probably listen to mainstream media so, fuck it

Because I'm sure that sites like "Above Top Secret" and "Infowars" are truly dedicated to spreading the truth. Alternate media isn't some kind of beacon of trustworthiness in today's society. It's the same as the rest of media, dedicated to pushing a specific agenda.

Haha I think I've proved my point

Rule 4.

"if you don't agree you're stupid" okay

Is that what I said? Okay bud

Yep. You said if people don't come to the same conclusions as you they're stupid, bud

Haha quote on quote that's what I said? Man ur reading skills are off the charts

if you don't think it's worth looking into you're not very smart

Yea, now u see the difference between that and what u said. Take ur time bud.

Google the word "Implicit"

Take your time bud

you could at least try, friend

You could atleast comprehend what u read bud

If you say someone isn't smart in a snarky way, what do you think that implies? I don't know if you're so thick that you don't know that sometimes people imply things without saying them directly or if you're just combative

You can't see the difference between the two sentences and I find it absolutely hilarious because u won't admit it

Yep there's a difference in the words, that's right. I never said the words were exactly the same, why are you acting so thick? I said it's implied, do you understand what that word means?

Yea because that's not what the implication was hahah. Just leave it alone bud

Alright bud will do bud, see ya later bud

And you wonder why people don't take you guys seriously. When presented with a very simple question, you can't even answer it. You just say it's 'obvious'. Well, if it's so obvious then you shouldn't have any problem spelling it out.

The truth is, you have nothing, and you are not fooling anyone.

But that's fine for you. You'll just say that you're the only one that sees the TRUTH, and everyone else just has their heads buried in the sand, because they actually make decisions based on facts and you make yours based off of feelings and distrust.

You are a joke.

How can anyone look at his Instagram and think that's okay behavior. You guys think you're the majority but just like trump winning you all are wrong asf and just upvote each other for days while we laugh with the truth. Girls taped to tables is totallyyyy normal, so is chicken lovers :) soo normal

What does this have to do with Trump or the election? And what do you mean "you guys"? Fellow citizens?

Jesus Christ. How do you people even call yourselves conspiracy theorists if there's no theory?

At least make up a good story.

I'm starting to believe (to become redpilled if you will) that #pizzagate is a conspiracy, or trollspiracy, funded by Stephen Bannon, to cover up a peadophile ring run by Donald J Trump (the only high official formally accused of peadophilia, incidentally). This literally goes all the way up to the highest levels of goverment and threatens to bring it down, so they have enlisted an army of useful idiots to create this mountain of garbage they call #pizzagate to bury the real story here.

Wake up sheeple.

That's... actually a decent theory. One of the most basic forms of subversion is to accuse your opponents of exactly what your organization is doing. In the case of Trump, we actually had (past-tense, since the death threats kept their victim from going public) evidence that he is a dangerous pedophile.

They did it to HRC as soon as Pussygate broke out, with goons shouting "Bill is a rapist" at her husband's speeches at every opportunity. This is just that on a bigger scale.

Not a SINGLE expert has discredited your theory. Looks like you got em

Join the #pizaagategate movement!

Look up the facts you ignorant fuck, jesus

I did. Everything I saw was conjecture rather than fact. Without a victim or any proof of a crime actually happening, what fact is most convincing for you?

Lying about a basement, interesting art taste, weird emails, the list goes on. There's no smoking gun but all of it is worth investigating and the fact that it's already happened before in a pizza shop makes this not farfetched at all.

Lying about a basement, interesting art taste, weird emails

now that's what I call grounds for prosecution

K bud


Stop freaking out, mann

You're a pedophile. If you deny it, I'll know for sure I was right.

He's not denying it! It's proof that he's silently agreeing with your statement. We should have known why he was taking such a vested interest in discovering as much as he could about a pedo ring.

nice try pedo. blocked

someone going there with a gun to "self-investigate" seems like a great reason to have a problem with the "theory"



Seriously. There is zero evidence to substantiate a child sex ring at Comet Ping Pong. I have seen nothing credible, but I keep checking back in, hoping one of you perverts will exonerate yourselves with a shred of anything beyond "muh code words".

Yes, we know some politicians and other elites are rapists and pedophiles. Yes, we can make a safe guess we've caught fewer of them than are still at large. And you've caught... zero.

Thousands of you tards have been at work on it for a month, and the only thing you've managed to do is scare the shit out of patrons at a pizza restaurant by getting on of your own so riled up, he tried to be an hero.

You failed. This whole movement is a failure. You're just too spineless to admit your failure, so you keep going after the same target.

And tell me, what have you actually done to help victims of sexual abuse? Have you volunteered or donated to any organization that attempts to help victims find peace? Yeah, most of you people dgaf. You're doing it because it arouses you.



Please stop copy-pasting the same spam comment all the time, only warning.

Even if it is related to the topic being discussed and is in response to someone new every time?

Why? How about if I change the words a bit? How about if I say the same thing in different sentences?

I'm not posting threads nor are these top level comments.

You see what I'm getting at? I don't want to be banned obviously but I would like to why it's spam? because I don't feel like typing up the same response each time despite the same thing needing to be said?

Was I reported? I get it but I don't get it at the same time.

Comment spamming is lazy, not a conversation and smacks of propaganda.
It also annoys the other users as demonstrated by every comment being reported, for spam.

"smacks of propaganda" is quite the choice of words considering the influx of that very thing into this subreddit recently.

I understand, but I am stopping in protest in the sense that it's obvious my comments were reported by those who do not agree and/or have followed me into this sub as I have been trying to persuade other people.

To be fair I'd do exactly the same to anyone arguing against you with copy-paste comments. It's just not encouraged generally.

No problem. Good talk😀

The biggest issue I find in this whole "pizzagate" thing is that there are no victims or witnesses coming forward to corroborate these allegations. Only internet sleuths.

I wonder if the people who believe in this would take a woman's report of sexual assault as actual evidence...

The same people that would celebrate these nonexistant children/women coming forward would be the same people discrediting those who accused Trump of sexual assault - guaranteed.

I'm sure many were overflowing with sheer ecstasy when Jane Doe withdrew her pedophilia accusations due to death threats.

How could victims come forward if they've all been murdered in satanic ritual and used as ingredients for pizza in the restaurant?

(Yes, I've seen people get lots of upvotes on this subreddit making this exact allegation)

I think the conspiracy here is to make us all fiend for pizza. I need some right now.


I can't disagree with you on the point of evidence, but the majority of users of the sub have only one tool in order to uncover this mystery. All we have is a computer.

We don't have the resources of the FBI, the authority of the local PD, or even the protection for really diving head first into uncovering disgusting crimes such as this.

The real problem is you are asking for proof from the wrong people. Have you asked yourself, where is the proof from people in a position to provide it?

Understand our frustrations. We are relying on a system that prosecutes whistleblowers, that protects those with enough power that can do harm without repercussions.

Donate to a cause, you say? Like the Red Cross...? You hang out in this sub and point fingers. We have reasons why we don't blindly "donate to a cause". There are fine "normal" people out there like you and me looking into these issues and they end up killed.

So, where is the evidence? It's being buried while we are at work, or at home, or on Reddit. It's being stolen from us as "propaganda" or fake news. It's being hidden under the guise of looking for evidence gets you arrested.

We, or maybe some, are fighting against a system with little else than an IP Address. I can only hope that you find a passion for truth and a means. It's more than we have at the moment.

So, no evidence but believe me anyway because the government is scary. Gotcha.

I'm not asking for your belief. You can believe what you want. I was directly responding to the "no evidence" claim.

We are limited to circumstantial evidence (questionable photos, questionable context, interlinked shady business activity, questionable motives) unless the law is broken to obtain in.

If you want to ignore the ugly plausibility then in no way will I stop you. There is no "hard" evidence one way or another, but enough for an agency to do more than is currently being done.

You are asking for citizens to pursue potential abduction cases. It's absurd.

No, I'm asking for people to have evidence before making accusations of pederasty, because someone might take them seriously and decide to take matters into their own hands. I dunno, maybe walk into the pizza place with an assault rifle?

You are taking the actions of one person (actor or not) and applying it to the population as a whole. That seems unfair.

I cannot condone putting people in danger and will never want to face a situation like that with my family.

Do you see the bigger picture, however? These questionable, disgusting, allegations are not being challenged thoroughly.

  • Who were the children on the Instagram feed of the Pizza shop owner?
  • Why was one child taped to a table?
  • Why does their website have a login to large zipped files?

There are many, many more questions that are not only being ignored, but pushed aside as "fake news". There is no hard evidence because either: A) There is pressure from the very top to make this go away or B) There are agencies involved that are trying to keep things under wraps for investigation purposes. I hope its B, i'm more concerned its A.

Ask yourself for one moment, as a human being, would you ever in your life post a picture of a child taped to a table to your social media feed? If not, then I hope you can understand why we, or maybe I, am so angered by this.

Somebody already asked James Alefantis who the girl is and why she's taped to the table. They were abrasive as fuck and still got a calm response from Alefantis. And they were offered free coffee and got a free tour of Comet Ping Pong.

Alefantis says it's his goddaughter, and the reason she's taped to the table is because she's playing with her sister.

Big sis tapes little sis to the table for fun. Children do really stupid shit. Childish shit. Like, shit that doesn't make any sense whatsoever. Also, kids who are siblings do mean stuff to each other. Or "playfully mean," whatever you want to call it.

And people always freak out about the baby with the money. Is it so hard to believe that someone would hand a stack of cash to a baby for a funny picture? That sounds funny to me. And GUESS WHAT?? BOMBSHELL: Babies put fucking everything in their mouth. Literally. Everything.

What is your evidence that the evidence you don't have is being buried?

I was making a generalization. As we move through the new era of "fake news", anything that doesn't fit the agenda narrative will scrubbed away and hidden. Search results will be removed, not indexed, or hidden. Our history can be changed as easily as editing a wiki entry.

And what is your evidence for that?

Google, Facebook to Fight Fake news

In a move disclosed Monday, Google said it will withhold lucrative digital ads from appearing on any sites that “misrepresent, misstate, or conceal information.”

What if sites reporting on Pizzagate are considered "Fake News"? Who determines what is "Fake"? RIP r/pizzagate

Lets not forget, that Facebook already experiments on its users

But last week, Facebook revealed that it had manipulated the news feeds of over half a million randomly selected users to change the number of positive and negative posts they saw. It was part of a psychological study to examine how emotions can be spread on social media.

The two largest companies is a digital space have openly admitted to experimenting on what you see in your "news feed" and Google wants to help dictate what you can search for.

"withold lucrative digital ads from appearing on sites that "misrepresent, misstate, or conceal information"

Which is exactly opposite of what you are implying. It sounds like you are arguing that news sources should "misstate, misrepresent, and conceal information."

The facebook fiasco is old news and is no different that what you are advocating for.

Fake news could be "Donald Trump wins by 2B votes" or "Pizzagate - The Truth"

Yeah, we should totally have hard evidence of what is likely a global conspiracy in a little over a month. Let's just give up.

What justifies the leap from "we have no evidence" to "it's likely a global conspiracy?"

Damn bro, you're, why are you so mad? Does taking about pizza pg make you upset? You want us to stop really bad don't you? You really want people to stop talking about it, that's it. You don't care about whether it's true or not, you just want it to go away and everyone to forget about it. Too fucking bad

Dude, the first thing I said was prove it. If I want anything, it's evidence. I don't respect baseless nonsense, and I don't respect your ignorant ass for not understanding the concept of evidence, but being totally willing to toot your horn about the righteousness of your "investigation". You're not smart enough to investigate anything but your peen.

So why are you here? What do you care? Are you really so upset about people harrassing one or two pizza joints? I dont support any harrasment of the establishments. But i just dont get why its your mission to come to their aid. Of all the fucked up things in the world why are you not using your time more efficiently to help out those problems than posting on a conspiracy forum and arguing with internet strangers about a 'kooky' conspiracy. Honestly. Most people who have no dog in the fight would just ignore it and move on. Is there something personally at stake for you in all this? If not then wow, homeslice go do something more productive.

My mission? No, I'm just annoyed enough with the stupidity to challenge you guys on it once in a while. I'm here because I've been here for almost a decade. I'm here out of habit.

I find the whole thing asinine, and I have as much right to tell the mob how asinine it is as the mob does to howl about how close they are to upturning the elite power structure, or whatever it is they think they're doing.

And I bother because it's dishonest to call what they've uncovered "evidence". I think it's worthwhile to challenge dishonesty. I'd bet you anything, some of the most vocal mob members agree with that sentiment. It's just too bad they don't understand how hypocritical they're being.

Well then i suppose we all have something in common, thinking our words will change peoples hardline stances. It just doesnt work that way. Which is why i myself wisened up and quit being so fanatical about talking conspiracy with non believers. I will bring up points about systematic control and propaganda at times. But just small doses and not with the belief my words will change minds. Just in the hopes my words will help plant seeds which will grow the more people are exposed to sinister agendas.

It helps when you have evidence.

Of course. This is why real life detectives must use what evidence they have and follow leads. They also never dismiss coincidences. Dismissing coincidences is in direct conflict with their line of work.

Reddit has a history of shamefully harassing people.

So why are you here?

I am personally here to read about evidence for conspiracies and to make my own mind up.

Absent even the slightest shred of evidence, I am completely unconvinced.

Well then i commend you for exploring different avenues in search of truths.


Is that how you handle things? You accuse people of being pedophiles and when people ask you for the evidence you just resort to memes? God you are such a fucking idiot.

Bonus triggered, mad triggering going on

Lol, you're such a clown.

You didn't even use it right.

Lots of blah blah blah - still not a shred of hard evidence.

This whole movement is a failure.

clearly. hahahahahahhahahahahahaha

sighs deeply


Ok, fine then. Why haven't you already taken these pedophiles to court if you have such good evidence? Surely you'd be able to find a victim, or someone who knows a victim, directly linked to one of these pizza places. Are you a victim? Did you get molested in alefantis's basement?

This is their chance to destroy the liberal media for good! Why arent they taking this to court? The left media has staked their entire credibility on this.


you should google the world "circumvent." Also, the words "conjecture" and "evidence"

I realized my misuse of the word, my apologies.

Still, the point stands. There is a massive human trafficking market. These people just get cycled back into it. The same with drugs cpnfiscated by the DEA.

Conjecture. Evidence.


You want hard evidence...look at this circumstantial evidence and these feelings...

Hmm, that doesn't seem to add up.

I don't know what you mean by the medias handling of it. Which media? There's so many out there.

Not only that but that's literally not hard evidence.

Zero. Just a bunch of coincidences. Because coincidences are so rare.

He doesn't know either

never play dumb

Why don't you gather all the evidence together and send it to the cops? Tell us their response to your evidence which proves pizzagate 100%

"Look at how the media is handling it" is not hard evidence. Tell that to a judge, see how long it takes him to jail you for wasting his time.

Yeah, that's not even close to hard evidence. It's not even jello evidence.

That is not "evidence".

Lol. You need to relax. There is nothing at all suggesting anything is true. Go investigate with a rifle.

sighs deeply

<smh at people that narrate their own stage directions>

Don't feed em, downvote and let em die off

its postings like yours which make storys like this so annoying

lol you guys are so deluded. This is the furthest thing from a revolution possible. This is you about to lose your freedom of speech. And you asked for it.

We asked for it by discussing something on public forums? Gtfo shill.

Reddit is not a public forum, it's a privately owned forum.

I didn't say it was publicly owned, but it's open to the public.

But it's not public so freedom of speech laws don't apply here. You are able to speak here because reddit allows you to, but they are free to ban you, and that's 100% their prerogative.

Louis XIV also had all the power and that only ensured his demise. You forget who actually holds the power.

What the fuck does that have to do with anything. If Conde Naste decide to shutter reddit tomorrow, reddit shuts down, and we're all banned, and there's no more conversation on reddit, and there's nothing anyone here can do about it. That's not censorship, or an attack on free speech, it's a company deciding what they do with their website. Full stop.

Did he say publicly owned? No he said public, you're reading skills are fucking weak try again

Sure, it's a privately owned public forum, if you want to be precise. So still freedom of speech laws do not apply here, which was my point, which you might have deduced if you could interpret language.

Edit: you're writing skills need polishing a bit.

So he was right and you were wrong. Just end it there man. Admit it.

We were talking about freedom of speech. Nice straw man.

But you're wrong and not man enough to admit it. Nice straw

yes, actually. Watch what happens.


Have you been to america? If there's one thing both sides agree on, its that they should be allowed to shit talk the other freely

wow you are out of touch. Already the major social platforms have agreed to censor this stuff, a legal agreement with the EU. A house resolution was already passed to censor fake news. You are in for a real surprise buddy.

And so are these fascists when any of this actually goes to court in america - if they couldn't get our guns, they're not taking our speech.

Are you an American? If so, the fact that you think we shouldn't be allowed to speak freely is disturbing. This isn't fire in a crowded building, this isn't libel, this isn't slander

this doesn't go to court. Social platforms and news sources have the right to censor anything they like. PG made it easy to do so, and no one will complain. If you have been watching the democrats are laughing their asses off about it. Go look up Sam Bee's segment about it from 2 days ago.

about to lose your freedom of speech.

Lol ok so now you're changing your claim

. Social platforms and news sources have the right to censor anything they like

Yeah and users have the right to move to more transparent platforms


No that's actually the exact opposite of how it works. The more we use our free speech, the more it reinforces our right to do so. Stop trying to create a chilling effect

Man up

use your free speech (I never changed anything, I said it is already being censored, ie: losing free speech), just realize you may be in the middle of a trap. I don't have to convince anyone of anything, just go read the f-ing news. It is all over. I'm a man, one who is not deceived by bullshit. Go ahead and move to smaller platforms, all that does is limit your exposure, which is exactly what they want. I am not saying there is a way around it, they set the trap, you stepped in it, now you are pissed off I am pointing that out.

You said you're about to lose your freedom of speech - that doesn't mean "you're gonna get censored" stop this 1984 destruction of language bullshit. Words have meanings, think before you speak - unless you're just trying to spread propaganda by using hyperbole

Lol no they are trying to control the narrative and by buying into their bullshit you're helping. They want to have a chilling effect, and you're saying we should STFU because they're gonna censor us? If we can't talk freely whats the point?

And this whole thing will back fire on media outlets, because of their extensive record of fake news - namely WMD's in Iraq

I don't have to have a chilling effect, go talk about whatever you want. I am not the one who will be forcing you to shut up. Go talk, shout it from the rooftops. Nothing will backfire because the media are the ones propagating this. You think they will tell a balanced story? You think people will suddenly wake up and see the world is a conspiracy? That is naive, this has happened many many times already, rights are taken away because of a made up bullshit story. Think "shoe bomber" just as an example. Complete bullshit yet we still have to take our shoes off to fly. That is a much less impactful freedom to lose, but it is a simple example. No pushback, no one pointed out the story was bogus, they just accept it because the media told them to be afraid, so they are.

Dude you aint even making sense now

It will backfire because the media are losing control, and they are looking like the pot calling the kettle black when they scream about fake news. It only draws more scrutiny to their own shortcomings and the general downfall of real journalism in the last 40 years

Of course not, it is very complex. /s

I don't care, all you have to do is read the news, and wait and see how this shakes out. Just don't be surprised when you get censored.

all you have to do is read the news,


Listen to the ministry of truth!

You don't get it. And censorship on the internet just makes shit louder if you haven't noticed.

I said read the news to see what is about to happen to you. You are pretty fucking dense, which is why this is working so well. Good luck with all that.

Haha it's not working for shit

Why are you helping the people trying to censor us?

Editor’s Note: The Washington Post on Nov. 24 published a story on the work of four sets of researchers who have examined what they say are Russian propaganda efforts to undermine American democracy and interests. One of them was PropOrNot, a group that insists on public anonymity, which issued a report identifying more than 200 websites that, in its view, wittingly or unwittingly published or echoed Russian propaganda. A number of those sites have objected to being included on PropOrNot’s list, and some of the sites, as well as others not on the list, have publicly challenged the group’s methodology and conclusions. The Post, which did not name any of the sites, does not itself vouch for the validity of PropOrNot’s findings regarding any individual media outlet, nor did the article purport to do so. Since publication of The Post’s story, PropOrNot has removed some sites from its list.

Lol "Sorry for spreading fake news about how fake news is a problem. We double pinky swear we aren't fake news tho. Even tho we parroted these claims without vetting them which is precisely what we are decrying"

It's already backfiring

except no one read that, or cares. All they know is what Colbert said and the headlines that have been trending across all social platforms and MSM for the last few weeks.

Lol this record ain't getting corrected

Yeah it probably has everything to do with your civil discussion online and nothing to do with the radical terrorist that shot up a pizza place.

Dang media. It was a guy who went in, shot NOBODY, walked into the back looking for children to rescue. Meanwhile everybody ran out the front door. This guy finds a locked door in the back and shot the door lock so he could get in and still found nothing.

This is not the definition of a terrorist who's trying to cause terror. It's also not the definition of "shot up". It is however the definition of the kind of activity we reject.

I think it shows how stupid a lot of the people continuing this bullshit are honestly. So assuming Pizzagate was all even real, did that guy who went in there really fucking think he would find kids in there being abused? Even after this has been publicly discussed for over two months? They would just carry on like normal? With all the real cases of child abuse going on and people like Epstein who actually were guilty of it, this is just a circus show of ridiculousness and illogical thinking.

I think he was pushed into the action, by people who need an excuse to shut pizzagate down. The same people who adjusted the camera so it wouldn't see anything.

If you really feel that way then why the fuck are you even commenting here? You feel there need to come into a random forum and harass people?

I just offered my opinion, which is what this site is for, discussion. But the main point of my post was that these people have been publicly accused of a crime, and everyone here thinks they are just continuing on as if nothing has happened and would be stupid enough to still be using places people are stalking for their crimes. If you really believe all of this Pizzagate stuff, do you really believe they are dumb enough to not change the sites they use or lay low for a while? I think anyone going to Comet Ping Pong now and thinking they will find someone in the act is certifiably batshit crazy.

What would changing websites or taking the stuff off of Instagram do anyways? People have archived that shit and it's over the internet now, taking it down would do nothing but make people even more suspicious

Sites as in physical locations. Not websites. Locations like Comet Ping Pong's supposed use.

"Why are you even here if you disagree with me??"

You don't want a conversation, you want a "safe space". That just shows how weak your beliefs are, that they can't even stand up to criticism and scrutiny. Pathetic.

Right. I am all for people having and expressing their opinions. And we should not all live in an echo chamber. But what is more pathetic. Being a conspiracy theorist. Or somebody who comes onto a conspiracy forum to randomly argue with conspiracy theorists? Most people i know who are not into these sorts of things just go about their day and dont waste their time and energy to dispute it. Sure if somebody comes to you then you may get into a discussion. But going out of your way to get into an argument. Seems strange to me.


These comment histories are hilarious...this guys forte is pretending to be a trump supporter and purposefully saying things to get sad sad creature lol...


It goes deeper than I thought.

What the fck are you talking about? Starting to worry about you...

What kind of autistic kid goes through people's comment histories and start replying to random shit days old with irrelevant attacks? You'd be better off killing yourself if that's how you contribute with your life.

Haha trying to figure you out.. mission accomplished

Obama and Bernie sympathizer. Now a EnoughTrumpSpam groupie who's goal is to stop the scary Trump on Reddit. Good luck.. just checking on the blind and stupid


Jesus Christ you people are crazy. I was just expressing my opinion that if anything gets shut down it's not going to be for online civil discussion, it would be something else. That was my point.

No, youve expressed quite a few opinions, one of which i found humourous was your defence of Tamera Luzzattos emails. How her specifically naming the person providing Uber transport for the three kids, with their appropriate ages, being provided as 'entertainment' in the pool for the adults attending was just normal. The reassurance that they will be in the pool as well, everything about it I know you gotta put people down to try and discredit this thing but hold back on the namecalling, its hypocritical but mainly it just gives you away. Noone treats people like that on a conspiracy sub cause well...its a conspiracy sub

Why did you make a reddit account 9 days ago to just discredit peoples attempts to bring justice to children

What children?

Oh, that's right, the ones that don't exist because this is all crazy bullshit.

I thought I was in /r/conspiracycirclejerk

Fuck you.

You already fucked yourself.

It is truly insane how much time you spend defending this narrative.

A week old account shows 99% anti-PG posts. With hundreds of posts in that week.

I truly admire your dedication and determination. Never before have I seen such a concentrated history.

Yes I made an alternate account because I feel very strongly about this. We are all going to get hurt from this bullshit. Now, looking at your history shows very short simple posts on almost everything, exactly what a bot would look like. Did your human handler take you over to post this? See how fun it is to snoop on people and make snarky comments instead of making an intelligent reply?

Good job.

Hook, line and sinker.

I don't think anyone asked for nor deserves to lose their freedom of speech. Rumors have been around forever. Just because this is big and involves a lot of people doesn't require or justify any sort of legal intervention to stop it. Nobody is "asking for it".


no, that is a much older conspiracy, you don't get to rename it with some fake name in order to push it under the rug. That is global child exploitation and trafficking, and some of us have been researching that for many years. Pizzagate is exactly what the name says, that pizza places and Podesta are involved in some sort of child sex thing.



Where should I start

How about. Why does it matter? Stop shilling and keep doing research about child trafficking. It is a foregone conclusion the US is involved, the media wants to invoke comet pizza and the election as a way to discredit this GLOBAL TOPIC.

You have all lost your minds.

Pizzagate is a revolution against sanity

This is what happens when rural America gets internet.


I've said it before and I've said it again, but the most useful rural America will ever be is as a nuclear testing site.

lol jfc

yes lol jfc no way idk rugay

I'm out. I've been reading r/conspiracy for 6 years, and as of recently, it has completely divulged into a breeding ground for the craziest of r/The_Donald. A sub that should be fully investigating the hundreds of conspiracies surrounding our new president-elect is stuck on fucking code names for pizza. Fuck.

Have fun obsessing over PizzaGate y'all. It was fun while it lasted.

See ya! Don't let the door hit you on the way out!

bye know it's got nothing to do with code names for pizza right?

PG is the biggest conspiracy since 9/11....we're going to be on this one for years

The first thing I read on this sub about PG was the emails to John Podesta referencing pizza related maps, as well as a reference to pasta, which are apparently code names for sex with children (although I've never seen official evidence of this). I read into Tony Podesta's fucked up art collection and his connections. I read about the strange events held at Comet Pizza and Ping Pong, which happens to be located near a few establishments also related to the Podesta's and other high ranking officials. I read about the fundraisers that they held for certain Democratic candidates. I watched some shitty cell phone videos of independent investigators looking for tunnels. I read about a government official who works in the area for law enforcement, and could be related. I went through pages of weird pictures on their social media accounts that seemed to have no direct connection.

None of this, not a single bit of it, comes close the scientific and structural engineering inconsistencies of the 9/11 commission report - a real conspiracy. Not a far fetched political narrative like you all seem to be pushing.

Do child sex rings and secret pedofile groups exist? Yes. Could they involve high ranking government officials? Absolutely. Does the evidence produced by the PG conspiracy prove any of it? Not even remotely.

I tried to do a fair amount of research on PG before denouncing it, but if I have it wrong, please enlighten me with some facts.

No that's not far off from what we have so's not overwhelming yet

I think the sentiment so far is that "theres SOMETHING going on, which we would have never been clued into if those emails weren't leaked, there are more pieces to the puzzle they just need to be found."

This is also something many have been (more broadly) alleging for years now, and we finally have a few more specific strings to start pulling and seeing the evidence of that segment of elite scrambling to shut this down is validating the movement and giving it drive to keep pushing

From the guy on a throwaway. Really risking it all buddy.

I can't tell if you're trolling or not.

As an ex-pizza delivery driver I can confirm PizzaGate is real!

Is it true that your tomato sauce just comes from a big bucket that gets delivered on a truck?

Nope! I had to make it every morning I opened. Open huge cans of two different kinds of sauce and mix in a packet of seasoning and viola! SPIRIT COOKING!

You are clearly a shill. When I worked as a pizza driver, I opened two bags of the same kind of sauce and mixed in water. /s

Who did you work for?

BlackJack pizza in Tucson Az. Don't know if they have many around anymore...

I made lots of Dollar Shills...does that make me a shill for Big Pizza?

Pizza hut right?

Domino's, actually.

Perhaps the most signifcant revolution of all time?

A more significant revolution happened just 5 years ago, have you ever heard of the Arab Spring?

no, people talking about satanists eating kids online is much more significant

With how much this has developed, I really hope some big people get nailed and not just another patsy.

Pizzagate IS NOT comet pizza and Alefantis. Pizzagate is the realization and potential understanding of how the ruling elite operate, what they are willing to do to hide opposition, and the fact that the US government very well may be extremely close to child trafficking found in numerous other countries abroad

So it was just a prank?

The Aristocrats!

It all goes back before the Sumerians. The elites linked to this satanic cult believe they are doing this all to make the sacrifice to bring gods vision of perfect or some shite like that. This plan has been in the works for a long time to make the biggest human sacrifice ever! don't just look at the now, go back through history people like John Dee, the start of the Greek empire and the Sumerian tablets..

I sound crazy as shit!

honestly though folks, everything i came across was from official historical documents available to anyone.

Which god? Are we supposed to believe that the moneyed elites not only believe in a god, but that it's an ancient Sumerian god? And that they are performing ritual human sacrifice?

Now that's a real conspiracy theory. Or a call of cthulu campaign.


I know it sounds crazy, i think it's something similar to the Yazidis' belief in the devil as god rather than a god (the Sumerians believed aliens where god) only more of a satanic cult than anything else.

Sounds a bit nutty, yeah.

People don't like reading history because it doesn't match to their view of the current world.

I am with you tho.

We used to seek truth now we seek easy

Word! Spread the word, call for a thorough unbiased investigation. ✌

You can't just investigate people because of random circumstantial internet evidence. That's not really how the law works...

Viva la revolucion.

Its not just a online revolution in one country, this is global. I feel there is a worldwide awakening happening, these 'people' know this and they're running scared

Fantasists. The lot of you.

Watch Requiem of an American dream on Netflix if you can. Noam Chomsky believes it for fucks sake

This has been in place since the 70s and this is the first real chance to make a change. Everything that has happened in the past 40 years isn't by accident. It has been a coordinated attack on the citizens by the ruling elite.

PIZZAGATE IS HOW WE ORGANIZE. ITS HOW WE RECRUIT. Not to fight comet pizza but to organize against the media and ones telling us what to believe and what not to believe.

Why not organize around something we have reason to believe exists? Membership will skyrocket.


I understood the point, I just think it's absurd.

It's absurd that for the first time in history, thanks to the internet, we we seeing coordinated propaganda and opposition to... What? A bullshit theory involving a pizza place? That isn't weird to you? Of all the damaging theories before this and all of the crazies spewing bullshit for decades....this is what they take a stand on?

Not 911. Not WMDs. Not Benghazi. A fucking pizza joint warrants the POPE SPEAKING OUT?

all I'm saying it's fucking weird man

Noam Chomsky believes the elites of the world are in a satanic child raping death cult?

Gonna have to disagree with you there...

No he believes there is a subsect of people who herd us and profit off us.

He believes in a power that is, and it's not god, and that's all I meant.

Your super naïve if you think this is a revolution.

This has been a long time coming. It's the type of investigation where large numbers are necessary so that being silenced isn't an option. About three years ago I wanted to start an investigation into this topic. If organized right it would reveal who the kingpins were. My wife and daughter talked me out of it. Too dangerous to go it alone. Now it's a movement. I would say, don't get angry at the non-believers. They have normalcy bias and some others may be involved (MSM cough). They have to be terrified. I expect the strongest push for censorship we've ever seen.

They were concerned for your mental health, mate. They didn't think you'd find anything our get hurt, they saw you tipping over the edge and pulled you back.

Donald Trump is a known pedophile.

Take him down.

So let's be really generous and say that half of /r/conspiracy's subscribers actively believe in this pizzagate thing. That's 200,000 people. Even if every single one of them was American, that's what, 0.05% of the US population? Doesn't sound like a very effective revolution to me - especially when the real number of supporters is probably closer to a tenth of that figure.

Pizzagate is new so we are still working out the payment details. I've been cleaning up on claiming the moon landing was real and denying the existence of the lizard people though.

Pizzagate is a false flag to take away more of our freedom.

" the pizzagate voat subverse is being browsed by nearly as many people as /r/conspiracy is. They have 8000 users. We have over 400k. "

do you mean voat has just 8k users but many more are lurking and browsing?

It means r/conspiracy has been around for years and many older subscribers no longer come around.


you have that right

Sounds hollow. But hey if this is what you need to get your weird fetish fix. By all means. Carry on.

Pizzagate could potentially lead to the end of the empire. The crumbling down of all governments in the world and the eradication of secret societies. Keep it up people, I have never seen MSM in such full panic mode.

I believe you are 100% correct! I think that the very right to freely post on the internet might be at stake; and that it would be smart to begin taking measures to ensure the spread of the ideas and analytical pursuit of truth found here in r/conspiracy. I've started a thread for anyone wanting to discuss it further:

We need to be upfront and Honest, and to be frank all MEDIA is lying so much, We need to people to figure out on their own that all the Media on TV and even the "fake Media" that infiltrated Reddit, youtube etc, is all paid fucking PROPOGANDA, nothing is real anymore, STOP WATCHING IT, and then they have no one watching them lying , FUCK THA AGENDA>

I'm going to start with your comment.

'memeber that time we found out the government imported cocaine and invented crack and destroyed the oldest cities in Americas with it. I think it spark those riots in LA. No, that was probably something they had on TV at the time.

I imagine right now there are some 9/11 truthers or moon landing deniers looking at all this pizzagate shit and having the exact same thoughts us normal people have when reading their ravings.

Interesting times indeed. But not for the reasons you think.

Hello, I'm not normally into conspiracy theories, but if Colbert covered it, it must be pissing someone off.

Can someone give me something to satisfy my curiosity on the matter, considering I know nothing about this at all? I googled it and only got a YouTube video about Comet Pizza and upside-down stars, which I can safely dismiss as "nutty".

Eh thats about all there is to it. Obviously thats evidence of a global conspiracy.

Hello, I'm not normally into conspiracy theories, but if Colbert covered it, it must be pissing someone off.

Yeah, they couldn't possibly be upset because they're being accused of mass pedophilia and child rape, or that their business was attacked by a guy with a rifle for no fucking reason. It must be because you're right!

I hope it doesn't turn out to be another Kony 2012.

This isn't doing anything I hope you all know. Getting people aware of the issue is not doing any justice to the people committing crimes. We'ree all sitting on computers not going shit


I'm just curious what the ratio is here in terms of awareness of the truth.

(Usually older) Folks that only watch Shit stream media watch one or two source videos or articles and they declare, wow the Internet is reporting on a fake news story, and it's ruining the life of a pizza shop owner, then a crazy gunman goes in and shoots up the place. (As my manager recently said).

If people do their own research (multiple sources!) the conclusion is quite obvious and this is a satanic disease that everyone involved is desparately covering up.

I hope the ratio is 80:20, truth seekers to Shit stream media parrots.

If people do their own research (multiple sources!) the conclusion is quite obvious

Show us the evidence. Even one piece of hard evidence. One actual child who is suspected of being raped and murdered. One eye-witness testimony. Physical evidence. Anything other than, "I have deciphered this coded language."

There is so much disinformation to throw most off the trail that we are left with a bunch of circumstantial evidence, and documented evidence which in sum points to guilt. Wikileaks shows clear documented verified evidence that points to what these sicko are into, what the practice and believe.

If you refuse to do the research, I won't do it for you.

You don't want people to know? I thought that was the point, to spread the truth. You don't have any evidence you'd like to present?

What convinced you? (Other than the bullshit code)

So if you are wanting to out the truth, now it's your turn to do some research now that I've given you a solid starting point. Or are you just going to keep denying it and say this isn't evidence?

I'd rather not waste my time with you because I know even if I present a pile of "evidence" you will say it's not good enough. You are either unwilling to open your eyes, or you clearly have alterior motives. (meaning you do not want the truth to come out for whatever agenda.). I'll assume you have good scrupulous intentions so am providing some sources here.

All these sources are in addition to the established fact that Hillary Clinton got Laura Silsby pardoned after she got caught smuggling 33 children out of Haiti. Why do you think the CF was in Haiti and burned billions? And an important prosecutor in the DOJ - Ruo - was also caught showing interest in sick instagram images. The Podesta brothers clearly have a sick interest in spirit cooking (see wikileaks email) and related art, while they show an uncanny resemblance to Madeline McCann's kidnappers.


Extra sources you probably want to ignore:

Michael Aquino is a satanist who is now being exposed as being a long time pedophile, involved with the military, CIA, Bush Senior and top level politicians in many nations on earth.


Clinton trafficking women on an international scale:


65 top media outlet reporters agree to attend major planning meeting with Podesta:


Pedophilia in the U.S. is "unprecedented" and has reached an almost "epidemic level," according to assistant director of the FBI's Criminal Investigative Division.


Unprecedented levels of pizza gate sales and exploitation

I'm aware that pederasty happens. I also know some satanists, and they're chill folk. None of what you linked is evidence that the claims of pizza gate are true.

I find it bizarre that the satanism angle keeps being brought up like it's relevant.

As I said, in aggregate, when you research for hours on this and other connected topics, it's plain as day.

Even more specific: Taking one or two sources into account, you are left with many gray areas. When you look at aggregate data, or multiple research theories, accusations, witness testimony and journalistic conclusions, your perspective becomes more black and white. (Assuming you can hold many data points in memory to string them all together.)

Satanism is completely aligned with those pulling the strings. Read up on 'khazarian mafia veteranstoday'. Also see the South Korean president's complete outing - controlled by 8 [mostly] satanists (goddesses).

I don't think satanists are bad so long as they are getting consent. A dictator like Mugabe is different. He is doing the opposite of dictating by consent. Some people want to see mass murders, but I don't think all satanists would want this.

It's happening whether you like it or not. The first few dominoes have started falling. Better read up.



Logic and reason to the rescue.

Real journalists do actually leave their computer desks once in a while.


Yeah I'm definitely not advocating that. I'm just pretty skeptical that an accurate picture can be drawn without actually doing real investigating. If it was this easy to uncover a story then investigative journalists would also operate this way.

I'm not asking for violence. It's just not a revolution if all people are doing is upvoting and then patting themselves on the back. Things aren't just going to fix themselves.

This investigation just started. You know it takes years sometimes for sexual abuse victims to cover forward. Look at how long it took for bill Cosby's victims to cover forward. Not to mention, if there victims are children how could they possibly come forward? It's not like little kids know how to leak information to the media or file a police report. I mean, a kid couldn't file a police report without their parents, and who knows if these kids are orphans, run aways, or abductees. So they may not even have parents to protect them

Someone tried the boots on the ground approach. Of course he brought a riffle with him like the good little truth solder that he is.

Yeah, that dude was an actor whose father has ties to the us dod, but you know probably just a random conspiritard Reddit lurker

You mean like this;t=318s

For the record, I am NOT saying anyone should go there, just look and see what this guy discovered. Absolutely fucking nothing. Not even a basement.

Yes, that's what I wanted.

My bigger point, though, is that people are expecting a passive unveiling of this conspiracy and the just won't happen. This is not a revolution until real action is taken.

Mods, can we can this mother fucker, he's inciting violence

People are already protesting outside of comet pizza. Sorry that the TV hasn't told you that

Protestors? Thank god; it's only a matter of time before the criminals give themselves up.

Stop. Somebody did this already, got all the way to the back, found nothing, and was arrested. Next day, media is calling for total censorship of the subject. It was all a ruse instigated to get that censorship. The real story is probably elsewhere.

This would be Hegelian Dialectic.

The media is still talking about Pizzagate, probably not in the way you would like; nothing has been censored.

He failed. That doesn't mean there is nothing there. Maybe a more subtle approach next time. If this is real, then the response needs to be real.

We have no proof of anything at Comet. Just shade. It could very well be a distraction, like say Alefantis is part of a ring, and that's why he likes the dirty rock concerts there, but at the same time doesn't actually do anything illegal at Comet. Just an arbitrary theory, but at this point there is no proof of any illegal activity here. One further: If there ever was, they surely stopped once they got the spotlight and went elsewhere.

We need to go after the proof, it's not gonna fall in our laps. Real work and real action is required here.

Literal all account, just created. Someone fucking ban this guy now

Okay, but you can't prove something false. If there ever was anything at Comet, they moved it and all your efforts will find nothing. Remember when the traffic cam was turned?

You really need to stop with this shit, now

That shit is not gonna fly here bro, no one is advocating doing to cpp or trying to confront active involved. What you are doing right now is destructive, I think this comment should be deleted before someone starts trying to blame us for vigilante bullshit

Your other comments were fine and approved as you clearly stated a non-violence position in your comments but this one is actively calling for direct harrassment and has been removed.

You should watch the matrix. Maybe you might want to stay plugged in. Cause it's going to get uglier before it better.

What can you do to help the revolution??

  • TALK ABOUT IT! From all the money they're pouring into shilling, they REALLY don't want us to talk about it. Its important to spread the message online but don't forget about talking about it to friends and family irl! I'm a college student so many of my friends are college educated, and I have yet explain pizzagate to someone who straight up refuses to believe there's anything suspicious. The CTR wants you to believe your silly conspiracy theories will be mocked and laughed at, BUT THIS IS NOT THE CASE!

  • JOIN THE FIGHT! It has been very clear now that conspiracy has been fighting against an onslaught of shills from the elites. Simply calling someone a shill does not help our case. FIGHT THEM argue with them until your blue in the face! Don't let even a single post trying to discredit our investigation left unrefuted. Lurkers will read every comment and see our truth everytime these shills try to cover this shit up.


Almost every pizzagate post here is made with a throwaway including yours. Playing detective on the internet is causing real harm to real people and you won't dare risk exposing yourself for fear of ridicule.

That's because I don't want my main account to be ambushed with Downvotes from you and your shill friends. Plus I think my username is pretty appropriate for discussing pizzagate

Yet you talk of being willing to lose everything. Do you bring this up with people you work with? Post about on Facebook? I'm guessing no because that could have real consequences for you. Hiding behind your laptop on a throwaway while boasting about how committed you are is almost as absurd as pizzagate itself.

So you reference my post and then ask dumb questions you should already know the answer to? I just wrote about how I have talked to many people Irl about this already. I'm not afraid of ridicule.

I'm not surprised your reading comprehension is this terrible. If you had any ability to think critically you would see why pizzagate warrants a legitimate investigation.

I understood you just fine. I attempting to imply that you are a liar and a coward without actually saying it. I guess my communication could use some work.

How exactly am I a coward and a liar? Because you disagree with me? Seriously, your deductive skills are quite terrible as well.

I don't think a coward would be openly supporting a conspiracy theory that the media is trying to turn the entire world against. Standing up to the mainstream media and the elite that govern it is not something a coward would do. You don't think I've encountered people in real life who has already succumbed to the fake news narrative? That doesn't stop me from spreading pizzagate.

A REAL coward would allow himself to be bribed into defending these sick fucks. How much money did it take for you to completely abandon your morals? You shills make me so fucking sick. Don't dare call me a coward and a liar when you yourself a filthy sell out.

If somehow you're not a shill, then you are the classic example of a sheep. Learn to think for yourself. Quit defending people who kill, rape, and sell children.

LMFAO. "Defending people who kill, rape, and sell children." Holy shit. We need to increase access to mental health services. You guys are dangerous as fuck.

They must have the wrong address listed for me, I haven't received one check!



Pizzagate IS NOT comet pizza and Alefantis. Pizzagate is the realization and potential understanding of how the ruling elite operate, what they are willing to do to hide opposition, and the fact that the US government very well may be extremely close to child trafficking found in numerous other countries abroad.

Those speaking up against it are almost already a lost cause. the ones on the sidelines. The one still wondering. The ones across the world who understand how the globalists work. These are the people we need to influence. Not the literal shills who shill without even knowing it. At least tv pundits get paid millions of dollars. The idiots trolling us are doing it for free and think it's because they are patriotic.

What we seeing is two groups, sure the diehard trumpets are all into pizzagate, but another huge group are the ones who just are not diehard democrats who cant imagine entertaining the thought that their group might not be comprised solely of saints. That is why there are so many people discussing it, the only ones who call it bullshit without investigating are the most extreme dems blinded by their devotion.

He failed. That doesn't mean there is nothing there. Maybe a more subtle approach next time. If this is real, then the response needs to be real.

Actually though... That's kind of what High Level inside anon was saying

This would be Hegelian Dialectic.

You said you're about to lose your freedom of speech - that doesn't mean "you're gonna get censored" stop this 1984 destruction of language bullshit. Words have meanings, think before you speak - unless you're just trying to spread propaganda by using hyperbole

Lol no they are trying to control the narrative and by buying into their bullshit you're helping. They want to have a chilling effect, and you're saying we should STFU because they're gonna censor us? If we can't talk freely whats the point?

And this whole thing will back fire on media outlets, because of their extensive record of fake news - namely WMD's in Iraq

Member when this sub was full of people who actually thought about the story they were spreading, instead of some bat shit like pizzagate?

Sites as in physical locations. Not websites. Locations like Comet Ping Pong's supposed use.

Discussing conspiracies on r/conspiracy????? Oh, the humanity!

The media is still talking about Pizzagate, probably not in the way you would like; nothing has been censored.

Sure, but these football clubs kept it a deep secret - they didn't have long tweet threads about it!

If people do their own research (multiple sources!) the conclusion is quite obvious

Show us the evidence. Even one piece of hard evidence. One actual child who is suspected of being raped and murdered. One eye-witness testimony. Physical evidence. Anything other than, "I have deciphered this coded language."

Depends on who you ask. A lot of people would attribute the weakness that allowed Rome to be overthrown as a direct result of the effeminate culture propagated by the change in behavior of their leaders.

Keep in mind, this isnt a pro or anti homosexuality argument. I'm sure vulnerability to Barbarian hordes wasn't dependent on how individuals preferred their sex. If their leaders aren't focused on leading though, they'll eventually be lead to their destruction. The motivation largely doesn't matter, but to dismiss it entirely because it's not PC is rather silly.

Its not ridiculous to say that this shift in culture lead to a more passive stance of their military, leading to defense vulnerabilities they hadn't previously had to deal with. I can guarantee you their citizens weren't happy about that.

Grow up. Then we can talk more.

I tried posting about Trump/Russia connection back in June. The mods deleted the posts almost instantly.

Pedo Don raped a 13 year old (and probably a lot more kids) he's the first one that has to go!

Lol, your thoughts aren't law, Pedo.