I read the 25 protocols of Zion and it looks like the grand plan is for a 1 world government after the world falls its knees. (These plans remind me of the rise of the Biblical antichrist) Details inside.

26  2016-12-08 by LightBringerFlex

There is a long backstory behind all of this that involves a group knows as the Khazarian Mafia who formed in the Barbaric, Baal worshiping country of Khazaria (located on SW of Russia during 100 AD). This group was under a lot of pressure to change religion and so they had to fake being Jewish in order to appeal to the Russians. They have always hated the Russian in particular because the Russians have constantly meddled with their plan for domination. They infilitrated the UK entirely and the US pretty badly but they themselves created Israel which is falsely representing the Khazars as Israelis. There are real Israelis for sure but one has to be of Khazar origin to really partake in the deep parts of the Khazarian Mafia. To read more on Khazar history, follow the link below:


In this post, I will discuss the findings of the controversial texts called the "Protocols of Zion". These protocols are a game plan for world domination and one world government under the Barbaric Khazars.

Keep in mind that the Khazars are patient and so they have spent the last 1900 years or so trying to dominate the world. Below is a serious TLDR on how it all works. There are many details within details that the Khazars have thought up inside. Keep in mind, these Khazars are pretty much insane. They truly believe that by ruining all that stands against them in order to bring the world to its knees, they can harness power in the chaos and become the rulers of the world.

  1. The original plan was to infiltrate as many positions of authority and once done so, do hire knows Khazars to expand power. They have infilitrated the UK entirely and most of the US and of course Israel. Israel is actually their world capital (so to speak). They wanted to be near Jerusalem as it is a portal to Baal (according to them). Most of the infiltration is complete.

  2. They had detailed plans inside on how to ruin the society from within by creating a people so desperate for money that they would cannibalize each other for it. In particular, they wanted the 3rd world countries to suffer the most for some reason while the 1st world countries reduce the world population through wars. They still wanted the family/friend systems to break down in 1st world as well. They do this in various, ingenious ways. They call Media the "Great Power" that totally brainwashes the people. They dump so much contradicting information at the same, it confuses the people into NOT wanting to be involved in politics. They put out plants that talk against establishment (possibly Alex Jones is one) so that anyone who really wants to go against the establishment will show their cards to the plants and expose themselves. They make sure that elected officials promise the world but never deliver. The word of the elected official CANNOT match the deed. That is the game plan. They put stuff like lead or fluoride in the water to dumb the population down from thinking. They have the power to withdraw large sums of cash from the economy if they ever need to cause a fake recessions/depression. For the depression, they literally withdrew 30% of the money. They fabricate fake viruses to destroy people while spreading more misery. Every single action is meant to increase suffering, increase desperation, increase insanity, while decreasing unity of people. They wanted all the racism and prejudice you see today as it separates people. The ultimate goal is to bring down all of humanity to its knees into a state of begging for mercy. There are many ways to do this.

  3. Their absolute secret weapon of global domination is money. They control all the money. They know how to inject it and extract it at all. They hired goons to protest just this year with that money. They dominate the money. They know how to extract giant chunks particularly through high interest lending. They simply print the money and lend it and then you pay it back with high interest. They make money out of nothing. They continuously cycle the money back and forth through the population. They only pay when they need people to act on behalf of the Khazarian Mafia. The Federal Reserve was built by them. They have controlled the entire planet with money for the past 2000 years and they continue to do so. They want industry and trade so that all looks normal from the ground view but all is def. not normal. Honestly, I have thought about it and the only way to end Khazarian world slavery (debt slavery) is to end our dependence on money or find some temporary work around so they can't use money against us. They will always try to in the end though. One system that doesn't use money but thinks of humans as money is Sacred Economics. This means, we are the value of the economy and we can't really be hoarded without the use of actually money. This isn't quite communism as some may think because communism uses money and the Khazars have been behind every economic model including communism.

  4. It is important to understand how racist/prejudice the Khazars are. They don't like anyone who is "Goyim" (non-Khazar). They despise us and they believe we are only here to be their slaves. In the end, they would like to murder us all and take the planet for themselves but this is kind of "up in the air" as we make for good slaves.

  5. Slowly, through hard work and mass manipulation/mind control of the public the Khazarian Mafia wants to bring the entire world down to its knees and display that all the Presidents have failed their people. Remember, the Presidents of these countries are mostly Khazar plants who intentionally avoid helping the people but rather, they throw bones here and there just to avoid the "Joys of progress". The "Joys of Progress" aren't even really felt in this world but they are natural. This means, without corruption, people would progress very fast and progress is actually Very fun!. Without the Khazars, there is no resistance to progress. They did, in fact, setup WW1 and WW2 but WW3 is planned for a fight between the Khazarian Zionists vs Arabs in a giant battle. This is why there has been so much attack on the Arabs lately. They need to cause so much destruction as to break the human psyche worldwide. As you can see, we are now 20 Trillion in debt. Once the entirety of the world is brought to its knees in shambles, the Khazarian Mafia will pop its head out under the guise of a "helpful party" and claim that they can solve our problems IF we give them power to run the whole planet as a 1 world government. They expect the people to at first say, "Hell no!" BUT they have a plan for this. They will first say, "Just hear us out please. Give us a chance. If we fail, you can get rid of us. We only want to help recover all that your Goyim presidents have failed you on." At this point, they expect the world to say, "Alright, we'll give you a chance, but don't mess this up!". (Note: All these puppet Presidents and major officials always have a dark history in their past. This works just like Pedo Insurance for the Khazars). At this point, the Khazars will create a 1 world government and plant a grand ruler to rule it all.

  6. Once the grand leader takes the seat of power across the globe, he will make regular contact with the people for appearances purposes. He will make the Law so powerful that people will have to worship the law like God or face severe consequences. They always use severe consequences. They kill or destroy people who go against their will (ie rogue Judges, ect..). They also want to remove a lot of the luxuries from society to humble us (whatever that means). The Khazars will rule with money and government authority with almost absolute immunity. The only way anyone can go against them is if the people rise up. They will do all they can to fight back of course. As you can see, they fight dirty with viruses, food shortages, fake recessions, ect... I hear there might be a planned recession in the Summer to make Trump look bad but who knows. Plans can change or some White Knight up in the top can foil the plans secretively. Who knows. However, once they have achieved Global rule with a Khazar at the helm, they will have accomplished a 2000 year old plan. Then they can do as they whilst. They can kill us or anything they want really. The world will be a very ugly place.

  7. All in all, before the NWO (now) or after the NWO, the Khazars will always make money limited so that people can come to them and take out loans which end up profiting them and they will have people in a state of begging mode. The secret is that we don't have an economic problem at all. The only way recessions happen is when the Khazars deliberately remove money from the economy. Always remember that. There isn't much information on what happens post Khazar rule but it is important to note that they look upon non-Khazars as less than human which is of course false. They merely don't care. They call the masses a blind beast because the masses have a hard time acting in unison (which we need to change) and so when the masses act, they often act "blindly".

This is the whole plan written word for word in this document that has somehow slipped into the hands of the public and is actually marked a forgery. Now, keep in mind, that this claim should not be considered reality because the Khazars obviously want this to be seen as a fake.

Now, check out some of the diabolical samples from the 25 protocols of Zion below. The best thing we can do right now is raise awareness very quickly. Awareness is the Khazars kyrptonite. In fact, they invented the internet so that they can spy on the public but they didn't anticipate that the public would find alternative news sites that actually tell us the real news.

Our country/world is compromised folks. We need to take bold but careful action as a masses. There are 7 billion good people out there and only a small amount of Khazars (Note: Khazars aren't the actual Jews. They replaced as many real Jews as possible by killing many off in the Holocaust). Pizzagate is definitely a Khazar related operation and so we are getting closer and closer. We need to force transparency so that we can see exactly what they are doing to us. They love the secrecy because it keeps us guessing.

Sample texts below:

In order to put public opinion into our hands we must bring it into a state of bewilderment by giving expression from all sides to so many contradictory opinions and for such length of time as will suffice to make the GOYIM lose their heads in the labyrinth and come to see that the best thing is to have no opinion of any kind in matters political, which it is not given to the public to understand, because they are understood only by him who guides the public. This is the first secret. The second secret requisite for the success of our government is comprised in the following: To multiply to such an extent national failings, habits, passions, conditions of civil life, that it will be impossible for anyone to know where he is in the resulting chaos, so that the people in consequence will fail to understand one another. This measure will also serve us in another way, namely, to sow discord in all parties, to dislocate all collective forces which are still unwilling to submit to us, and to discourage any kind of personal initiative which might in any degree hinder our affair. There is nothing more dangerous than personal initiative; if it has genius behind it, such initiative can do more than can be done by million, of people among whom we have sown discord. We must so direct the education of the goyim communities that whenever they come upon a matter requiring initiative they may drop their hands in despairing impotence. The strain which results from freedom of action saps the forces when it meets with the freedom of another. From this collision arise grave moral shocks, disenchantments, failures. By all these means we shall so wear down the GOYIM that they will be compelled to offer us international power of a nature that by its position will enable us without any violence gradually to absorb all the State forces of the world and to form a Super-Government. In place of the rulers of to-day we shall set up a bogey which will be called the Super-Government Administration. Its hands will reach out in all directions like nippers and its organization will be of such colossal dimensions that it cannot fail to subdue all the nations of the world.


We shall soon begin to establish huge monopolies, reservoirs of colossal riches, upon which even large fortunes of the goyim will depend to such an extent that they will go to the bottom together with the credit of the States on the day after the political smash.... You gentlemen here present who are economists, just strike an estimate of the significance of this combination! In every possible way we must develop the significance of our Super-Government by representing it as the Protector and Benefactor of all those who voluntarily submit to us. The aristocracy of the goyim as a political force, is dead - - we need not take it into account; but as landed proprietors they can still be harmful to us from the fact that they are self- sufficing in the resources upon which they live. It is essential therefore for us at whatever cost to deprive them of their land. This object will be best attained by increasing the burdens upon landed property -- in loading lands with debt. These measures will check land-holding and keep it in a state of humble and unconditional submission. The aristocrats of the goyim, being hereditarily incapable of contenting themselves with little, will rapidly burn up and fizzle out.


What we want is that industry should drain off from the land both labour and capital and by means of speculation transfer into our hands all the money of the world, and thereby throw all the goyim into the ranks of the proletariat. Then the goyim will bow down before us, if for no other reason but to get the right to exist.

To complete the ruin of the industry of the goyim we shall bring to the assistance of speculation the luxury which we have developed among the goyim, that greedy demand for luxury which is swallowing up everything. We shall raise the rate of wages which, however, will not bring any advantage to the workers, for at the same time, we shall produce a rise in prices of the first necessaries of life, alleging that it arises from the decline of agriculture and cattle breeding: we shall further undermine artfully and deeply sources of production, by accustoming the workers to anarchy and to drunkenness and side by side therewith taking all measure to extirpate from the fact of the earth all the educated forces of the GOYIM. In order that the true meaning of things may not strike the GOYIM before the proper time we shall mask it under an alleged ardent desire to serve the working classes and the great principles of political economy about which our economic theories are carrying on an energetic propaganda.


The principal factor of success in the political is the secrecy of its undertakings: the word should not agree with the deeds of the diplomat. We must compel the governments of the goyim to take action in the direction favoured by our widely-conceived plan, already approaching the desired consummation, by what we shall represent as public opinion, secretly prompted by us through the means of that so-called "Great Power" -- the Press, which, with a few exceptions that may be disregarded, is already entirely in our hands.


It is from us that the all-engulfing terror proceeds. We have in our service persons of all opinions, of all doctrines, restorating monarchists, demagogues, socialists, communists, and utopian dreamers of every kind. We have harnessed them all to the task: each one of them on his own account is boring away at the last remnants of authority, is striving to overthrow all established form of order. By these acts all States are in torture; they exhort to tranquility, are ready to sacrifice everything for peace: but we will not give them peace until they openly acknowledge our international Super-Government, and with submissiveness.


When we have accomplished our coup d'etat we shall say then to the various peoples: "Everything has gone terribly badly, all have been worn out with sufferings. We are destroying the causes of your torment -- nationalities, frontiers, differences of coinages. You are at liberty, of course, to pronounce sentence upon us, but can it possibly be a just one if it is confirmed by you before you make any trial of what we are offering you." . . . Then will the mob exalt us and bear us up in their hands in a unanimous triumph of hopes and expectations. Voting, which we have made the instrument will set us on the throne of the world by teaching even the very smallest units of members of the human race to vote by means of meetings and agreements by groups, will then have served its purposes and will play its part then for the last time by a unanimity of desire to make close acquaintance with us before condemning us.


The goyim are a flock of sheep, and we are their wolves. And you know what happens when the wolves get hold of the flock?... There is another reason also why they will close their eyes: for we shall keep promising them to give back all the liberties we have taken away as soon as we have quelled the enemies of peace and tamed all parties. . . It is not worth while to say anything about how long a time they will be kept waiting for this return of their liberties For what purpose then have we invented this whole policy and insinuated it into the minds of the goys without giving them any chance to examine its underlying meaning? For what, indeed, if not in order to obtain in a roundabout way what is for our scattered tribe unattainable by the direct road? It is this which has served as the basis for our organization of secret masonry which is not known to, and aims which are not even so much as suspected by, these Goy cattle, attracted by us into the "Show" army of Masonic Lodges in order to throw dust in the eyes of their fellows.

Here's the link but scroll down a bit to get to protocol 1.



I have read the LOTR and it seems that Sauron is trying to take over the world.


Maybe it is an allegory for what is happening in reality.

The Star of David is a khazarian symbol. After the Khazars "converted" the first references of the Star of David as a Jewish symbol come out. Seriously, just look on Wikipedia. They have an ancient khazarian sun disc seal with a Star of David. 900AD khazars convert. 1000AD Star of David pops up as a Jewish symbol.

Nice find. Also, Rothschild means "red shield". I think he changed his name into Rothschild for this reason and he manifested his shield to look like the star.

Star of David is satanic 666 symbol. It's the symbol of Baal. The use of it as the Jewish symbol is a 10th century psyop. I agree with red shield (for blood and sacrifice) but what do you mean by shield?

Ok, my bad, here's the story about the name Rothschild (which means "red shield" in German)

In 1743 a goldsmith named Amschel Moses Bauer opened a coin shop in Frankfurt, Germany. He hung above his door a sign depicting a Roman eagle on a red shield. The shop became known as the Red Shield firm. The German word for 'red shield' is Rothschild.

Amschel Bauer had a son, Meyer Amschel Bauer. At a very early age Mayer showed that he possessed immense intellectual ability, and his father spent much of his time teaching him everything he could about the money lending business and in the basic dynamics of finance. A few years after his father's death in 1755, Mayer went to work in Hannover as a clerk, in a bank, owned by the Oppenheimers. While in the employ of the Oppenheimers, he was introduced to a General von Estorff for whom he ran errands. Meyer's superior ability was quickly recognized and his advancement within the firm was swift. He was awarded a junior partnership. Von Estorff would later provide the yet-to-be formed House of Rothschild an entré into to the palace of Prince William.

His success allowed him the means to return to Frankfurt and to purchase the business his father had established in 1743. The big Red Shield was still displayed over the door. Recognizing the true significance of the Red Shield (his father had adopted it as his emblem from the Red Flag which was the emblem of the revolutionary minded Jews in Eastern Europe), Mayer Amschel Bauer changed his name to Rothschild (red shield). It was at this point that the House of Rothschild came into being.

So you think they follow Biblical paths?

Not at all. They follow the path of Baal (being Jewish is their cover) but it so happens that the biblical end times appears to be similar to the Protocols. Either the prediction of the Bible holds truth or its just a coincidence.