Request to ban #pizzagate and redirect to a new sub.

0  2016-12-08 by [deleted]



this sub tries to be a place for free speech and discussion on all conspiracy theory topics

Hey, thanks for reminding us.


Don't exercise your free speech or you'll lose it

You sound ridiculous

Either you value free open discussion or you don't


Speech is restricted in a lot of places and for a lot of reasons. My suggestion of taking it to another sub is a good one and would be done to protect this sub.

No its not, and they know if they shut this down they are fucked.

Your idea would be a good one if reddit were interested in allowing antiabuse activism, rather than propedophile activism but it isn't

You're being intentionally obtuse here. Either you don't know the history of pizzagate or you're pushing an agenda


No, I'm talking about the pedophile subreddits which reddit allows

Why are you acting so stupid, clearly you're not


If I remember correctly there was a sub for it and it was banned


...No your point was we should make another subreddit

So basically what you're actually saying is "STOP TALKING ABOUT PIZZAGATE" but doing so in a misleading manner

Concern trolling basically

I don't know much about why they were banned but it would seem to reinforce the conspiracy if everyone is trying to get people to stop talking about it. If you truly want it to go away stop posting shit like this.


How about reporting the abuse instead of complaining about it?

If you're not part of the solution you're part of the problem

Heil Trump!

This is not a pro Trump sub. Sorry.


If you're not part of the solution you're part of the problem

You may not be aware. This phrase was Hitler's political machine. You summed it up nicely.

It's a phrase we will be hearing a LOT over the next few years, I believe.

Lol you obviously aren't aware that it originated with a Black Panther

Learn your history

This phrase was Hitler's political machine

??? what does that even mean

are you trying to say political philosophy?

Are you intentionally convoluting what I said with Nazi's because of Hitler's "final solution"

Doesn't matter where it originated. It still brings to mind the Hitler regime from beginning to end.

Of course his solution was rather more Final.

You're part of the solution or part of the problem.

Your'e either with use or against us.

You work with us or stand against us.

These are all the same types of slogans that let Hitler, and others, cast their opponents as enemies of the state.

Godwins Law says you just lost this argument


You showed me.

Good job.


learn to argue your point

. . .

That's what I thought

If you do not care for the discussion do not read it.

But to call for something to be censored I think is inherently against what this sub is about.

I would think that jet fuel can melt steel beams.

Yes, let's not discuss conspiracies here so our conspiracy sub doesn't get shut down....


Sacrificing the subreddit to just the inkling of helping of abused children is worth it.

I am sorry, but Pizzagate and /r/conspiracy must not be separated. If you believe in free speech, and the safety of others stand with this idea.

We don't crumble to oppression we rise above it.

Also let's not forget this is just a sub reddit. An online forum. One that can easily be remade. A forum that is not more important than another humans life.

You don't need to believe in pizzagate. In fact spend all your time amounting an argument to disprove it. Please give peace of mind to parents, students, kids, and americans everywhere by showing our system isn't pure evil.

WE turn every stone here at /r/conspiracy.


We tried to do that and it was banned

Stop telling people to self-censor. If you don't like it you go somewhere else.


Bro, we had a whole subreddit named /r/pizzagate. It was banned very quickly as connections were made and the investigation started to make great strides.

Even if we did still have that subreddit, people will still discuss it here. This is /r/conspiracy after all

I'm not sure why you'd ask a community of conspiracy theorists to not discuss one of the biggest, most likely conspiracies in modern history. Seems wrong to deny them that.


Stop equating discussion with targeting.

Go create a new sub an leave this one I guarantee you won't have to hear about pizzagate or anything else.

Yeah dude there was a Pizzagate sub and it got banned. Get with it.


Removed, final rule 10 warning.


So you admit you're with CTR


Good riddance, I don't want to try and engage in conversation with someone who is being willfully ignorant for the purposes of pushing propaganda


Rule 10. Removed. 1st warning.

and these nerd virgins are locked where?

lol it says in the article if you read it which you didn't

the reference to a basement.....

Is this the subreddit you claim is "directly responsible" for the actions of the fellow who had a gun at the pizza place? Just curious.

Half of me thinks the gunman was a gov't plant to make us all look crazy. It's a standard tactic.


I surely don't believe this sub is "directly responsible" for the actions of anyone.

Absolutely not. First off, people are responsible for their own actions. If I read online that the Pope kills baby ducks for fun and I act on that in an illegal and irrational way, that's on me. For the record the Pope has nothing to fear from me. Hear that, G Men?

Secondly, the people on this sub are mostly rational human beings, despite the implications of the sub's name.

I agree completely.


Nope. I think you did really well crafting this post to avoid a rule 10 violation already. And, good luck to ya.

I would prefer to have the admins shut down /r/conspiracy than start censoring posts. I believe you'll find the mods agree.


Then ur not a good fit here. We live in a world of half truths. People here are trying to see the other half.

Now proceed with the downvotes and shill calling

So you know what you have said is straight dumb.

Isn't the whole point of this subreddit to discuss controversial ideas? If any sub shouldn't censor their users, it's this one.


Name one incident person who has been hurt.


The guy was a plant. Tons of stuff on this sub about it, but here are the first few I've found with a quick search.

EDIT: Also google his father Harry Welsh Jr and you'll find some bizzarre connections.

That youtube video gave zero evidence to the incident being a hoax.

While I totally understand your perspective, I personally think that if the accusations are truly false, any mud slung against these people won't stick. Then we'll know for sure. Unfortunately that's the price of freedom of speech, some people will have false accusations leveled at them. But if they ultimately hold no water, those people will walk free.


Fair enough.

Sooo either we stop practicing free speech here or it will be taken away? FUCK that. That's not free speech. Reddit is becoming just another heavily censored site

so leave, gtfo

I think you want that other reddit subreddit:


Have the mods made any official statement about this issue? It seems suspect, if they haven't.

Fuck that, you actually say in one of your comments that we just accept the world has gone to hell or accept we're wrong if we cannot trust authorities.

The whole fucking point of most arguments on this sub are to exercise our free thought whilst we still are able to and pull together evidence to suggest that as the public we are often victims of collusion.

Your comments are nothing but doubting the findings that as a community we have discovered, so what reason do you want to 'save' this sub?

If they ban this sub then it's more fuel to the fire, the Streisand effect.

P.S. How do you have 85k karma when your comment history goes back 19 hours?

I'll start /r/pizzagate. I'll need some help if anyone wants to mod.

Not for a ban, but otherwise agree.

These people will rationalize any belief if it feeds into their anti-hillary narrative.

Hillary is a distraction folks. A convenient lightning rod for controversy. Stop fixating on the smoke-screen.


Hyperbole. You lost me with this post.

This is not witch hunting this is reporting





I'll confirm that you're a user I recognise and post valid input, however, censorship is a slippery slope and this sub is not about proscribing acceptable topics for posting or discussing even though we may not agree with all topics ourselves.
If our regular users exercise diligence reporting doxx and actual calls of witch-hunting/harrassment I see no reason why this should be a danger to the sub.
The admins have been diligent in removing posts that cross the line already and are actively working with us to stop things getting too out of hand.


Out of interest, if somebody posts about a cop beating someone up (without any definite evidence that it happened yet) do you jump to their defense and ask people to stop posting in case somebody harrasses a police station? I certainly don't.
While I haven't seen any really compelling evidence for these claims myself I likewise won't entirely rule out the possibility either given what we already know about the epidemic of pedophilia infesting society throughout all levels, including the military, religions and Govt. I mean a pizza shop owner was actually arrested for pedo porn recently.
This by no means implies pizza-selling has any meaningful connection to pedo rings IMO but without any intention for investigation (and suspiciously massive attacks by the big media) it's not going to just go away.


They then get flooded with death threats and hate messages.

Doesn't this also happen to politicians and business representatives too? Should they be exempt from concerned citizens asking questions too?

People are reporting their finds to the police and FBI, the problem is are they complicit? Are they protecting their own? Only by forcing their hand to act will anyone find out. It seems to me TPTB are eschewing investigating their own and resorting to covering up elite/organised pedophilia and related trafficking (as they always have) via a complicit and deeply corrupted media.


But I have no doubt in my mind that if someone was able to present reasonable evidence of child trafficking, that they would not rest until the children were rescued and the truth exposed.

Unless, as has already been the case in the UK and probably America too they are complicit at least to a level of covering up for the wealthy and powerful.

As a mod, you have an obligation to this sub to protect the ideals of the sub. But with that comes the responsibility to protect people who have become the target of unjustified witch hunts.

I have an obligation to ensure the users comply with the rules here and site-wide. As the admins have only removed actual problem posts, three so far, I can only assume we are still within the site-wide requirements too.

While I haven't seen any compelling evidence that pizzagate is more than circumstantial evidence I also haven't seen any compelling evidence to the contrary either. I have seen a lot of circumstantial evidence suggesting that a proper investigation is justified yet hasn't happened yet, just a vast and multi-pronged attempt to discredit and devalue the theory. This is deeply suspicious.


We all know about what happened with the shooter.

Well no, I've seen an 'official' story and several other conflicting stories about what actually might have happened. Given the wealth of evidence for FBI sponsored 'terror' attacks I'll remain suspicious until convinced otherwise.

Have you been following the other pizza places that are now reporting about what is happening to them? About the abuse and threats that are coming their way because of Reddit posts?

This is so much bigger than reddit and as a deeply controlled outlet information-wise we are literally the lowest on the blame foodchain. Look to the chans for your demon if you truly require one, that's where calls to attack people and harrassment come from, not a subreddit that is actively banning people for even apparently suggesting it.


who is suffering threats and abuse because someone posted the name of their restaurant in this sub

Your repeated attempts to blame this sub for the actions of the more lawless parts of the internet, the entire internet, are making me seriously question your real motives here.

If the admins were going to shut us down over this they'd have done it already, instead they're actually actively helping us mitigate the problems and protect the sub.

Conversation is over.

Don't like a business? Accuse them of harboring pedos and post it to /r/conspiracy

You act like these accusations are 100% unfounded which they are not

There is a reason people are suspicious and it isn't just because someone mentioned them on /r/conspiracy

Mentioning a public business is not illegal. No one is encouraging harassment, we are encouraging research. The reaction to the gunman on here was pretty universal that he was an idiot who is harming our cause. If you can find anything counterfactual in that video then by all means share it, but just saying "you can't talk about public businesses on this subreddit" is nonsense.

Should we stop talking about haliburton too?

Or Xe/Blackwater/whatever the fuck they're calling themselves these days

The difference there is that halliburton is pure evil and no one is debating that (I am being only slightly facetious.)

Whereas if you start mentioning small businesses - potentially completely innocent small businesses owned by completely innocent small business people, real. live. people. whose livelihoods depend on maintaining a good reputation - in the context of pedophilia, it's defamatory.

For example, I noticed the orchard that supplies the organic tomatoes to the main pizzagate pizza shop was mentioned in a thread. Their logo was brought up and it was insinuated that it could imply a pedo-connection. I have been to that orchard, met the owner, spent some time, discussed his farming ethics and practices, bought some produce. I would hate to see this guy ruined by baseless insinuation. It saddened me to see the orchard's name mentioned anywhere near this topic.

Lol ok so you are the arbiter of what is evil and what is good?

Innocent and guilty?

Go watch judge dredd or something

t saddened me to see the orchard's name mentioned anywhere near this topic.

I saw it and forgot it already because they didn't have a bunch of pedo innuendo on their website when I went and looked. The reason comet is on blast is because of the images their owner uploaded to his public instagram

Lol ok so you are the arbiter of what is evil and what is good?

Sorry, did I need to define facetious?

I get why comet is being investigated. I just think it's a really bad idea to start dragging everyone and his brother through the mud on the basis of proximity to comet.

Convenient you left out the adverb slightly

. I just think it's a really bad idea to start dragging everyone and his brother through the mud on the basis of proximity to comet.

That isn't whats happening, and if you think it is you're not paying attention



Naive ey?

That's one thing we here at conspiracy are not



Discussing != Targeting

If you see a post that encourages harassment then report it. But the posts you're citing aren't doing that - they are just sharing observations, the conclusions you want to draw are up to you







It isn't an assumption, it's a statement from the gunman himself. Are we not trusting primary sources now?

"Oh well I believe the gunman when he said he was inspired by pizzagate rumors. I don't believe the gunman when he says he doesn't have internet"

You don't get to cherrypick like that


Rule 10. No personal attacks. Removed. 1st warning.

There is one easy way for #pizzagate to end.

Have Podesta explain what he meant in those weird emails. If he does that- it all goes away immediately... until then - keep digging!


I am not a government official and my emails don't reference bringing 7 year old girls to an adult pool party for "entertainment". Also, no one is responsible for providing YOU with evidence. You should do your own research like the rest of us do. But since you are either incapable or too lazy- here is an excerpt from the email i referenced.

"With enormous gratitude to Advance Man Extraordinaire Haber, I am popping up again to share our excitement about the Reprise of Our Gang’s visit to the farm in Lovettsville. And I thought I’d share a couple more notes: We plan to heat the pool, so a swim is a possibility. Bonnie will be Uber Service to transport Ruby, Emerson, and Maeve Luzzatto (11, 9, and almost 7) so you’ll have some further entertainment, and they will be in that pool for sure"

Why the hell would a grown man refer to little girls swimming as entertainment??? If you say that isn't strange you are flat out lying. That along with using code words that the FBI had included in a released list of pedophile codes and symbols. There is no smoking gun but there sure is a ton of circumstantial evidence.


After you admitted that you "don't have time" to look through the emails, you state that the theory "hasn't presented itself to me with much proof". This is a nonsensical statement, theories (especially of the conspiracy variety) very rarely "present themselves with proof", they are arrived at and discovered as a result of tireless research. If you don't "have time" to do this research, you probably shouldn't be all over reddit suggesting to censor those who HAVE DONE the research. You then went to task on defending the content of the email by suggesting that I don't understand the terminology because I wasn't raised by "aristocrats". You say this while knowing nothing about me or my upbringing, not to mention that he is speaking quite plainly in the email. He is not using some sort of sophisticated elitist jargon. If i heard a grown man referring to little girls as entertainment I would find it off-putting to say the least and you know who else would? The thousands of people who were subscribed to the, now banned, pizzagate subreddit. I suppose none of them were "aristocratic" enough to understand. You are coming off as someone with a biased agenda who already drew definitive conclusions while admitting that you did zero research... and your assumptions about my upbringing bare the distasteful stench of elitism.


I did nothing of the sort. I was not rude, I disapprove of what you are doing. You are the one calling for others to be censored while admitting to ignorance on the topic. I think making assumptions about my upbringing was rudest part of the entire exchange. Nothing i said has been discredited. On the other hand, everything you said was discredited the minute you admitted to not having time to look at the emails.... and throwing in a reference to "my agenda"? I have no agenda- i am merely a concerned citizen. nice try tho.


I was not hostile. I was the victim of your assumptions, ignorance, and judgement. You won't get far in civil discourse with these tactics. You are trying to quell opposition to your denial of a theory that you admittedly did no research on. A quick look at your posts and comments exposes YOUR agenda. My upbringing was more than "proper" - your ignorant assessment of it, however, was not. Please quote me where i was "rude" & "hostile" or go away.


CF is a big part of pizzagate, if you don't know that you haven't been paying attention

Hyperbole. You lost me with this post.

This is not witch hunting this is reporting

I'll confirm that you're a user I recognise and post valid input, however, censorship is a slippery slope and this sub is not about proscribing acceptable topics for posting or discussing even though we may not agree with all topics ourselves.
If our regular users exercise diligence reporting doxx and actual calls of witch-hunting/harrassment I see no reason why this should be a danger to the sub.
The admins have been diligent in removing posts that cross the line already and are actively working with us to stop things getting too out of hand.

Lol ok so you are the arbiter of what is evil and what is good?

Sorry, did I need to define facetious?

I get why comet is being investigated. I just think it's a really bad idea to start dragging everyone and his brother through the mud on the basis of proximity to comet.

Fair enough.

lol it says in the article if you read it which you didn't

That youtube video gave zero evidence to the incident being a hoax.