EIR Archives on Satanic Ritual Abuse in the 70s-current. If anyone dares to challenge even the possibility of pizzagate before the evidence, tell them Murder, Inc. has already happened several times. Show them this, and ask them why it is they think it had stopped.

48  2016-12-08 by 911bodysnatchers322

Article Relevance Highlight
Explosive new developments in Nebraska child abuse case Revelations of ties to Bill Colby (CIA director) and MKULTRA's Monarch program "Damning new evidence implicating George Bush in the child abuse case centered around the Franklin Credit Union in Omaha,Nebraska, is at hand—if a key witness can be kept alive."
FBI Covers Up Child Abuse, Murder in Nebraska Embezzlement case becomes a child pedo ring case and then becomes a nationwide, Iran-Contra Drug money mafia crime ring case, then it becomes National Security because GHWB and Reagan [Larry E King] bragged of his ties to top Republican circles in Washington, and the credit union sported a four-foot-high picture of King and President Reagan at its entrance" / "...where a lO-year-old boy was repeatedly sodomized and beaten by older men. He finally lay crying, with blood streaming from his rectum."
Uncover UNICEF Links to Child-Sex/Espionage Ring Ring spans 16 countries, Belgian intelligence points to Soviet involvement and a group called WICCE, a neopagan UN org coordinating a movement based in Geneva, Moscow and Rome, as many as 400,000 child victims "the investigation into the UNICEF-linked international pedophile ring extends to Holland, Great Britain, France, and Switzerland. Among those arrested apart from Verbeeck and Falu, there were eight other Belgians, plus one Swiss and one Dutch citizen.
Pedophiles arrested in Britain: More powerful than the Mafia 4 convicted for sodomizing at least 150 young boys sodomized as young as nine in a 'permanent conspiracy', one arrested refused to testify saying they were more powerful than that mafia; true size of this ring is over 400 throughout Europe; the pedophiles sometimes dress as clowns (Shriners perhaps?) On Aug. 3, 1986, the Sunday Times of London "Insight Team" exposed the activities of a secretive organization called the Spartacus Club based near Amsterdam in Holland, which sent pedophile literature to 25,000 subscribers in Great Britain, and which specialized in procuring boys from the Philippines for pedophile activity. Headed by one John Stamord, the club was part of Spartacus International, which published homosexual literature and the Paedo Alert News, "a magazine about boy love."
Belgium Rocked by Protests as People Stand Up against 'Pornocracy' Belgians outraged at The Dutroux Affair--Beligium's Franklin Scandal / Pizzagate "a ring of pedophiles, killers, blackmailers, and thieves, directed by Marc Dutroux, operating with the protection of the highest level political circles in the country. At least four girls were killed by Dutroux' s gang, including two who were starved to death"
Ted Gunderson:FBI's Lanning sides with Satan, says former top bureau official Ken Lanning published disinfo to gaslight the public into thinking Satanic Ritual abuse was a hoax I have evidence chiseled in stone showing that the U.S. Army and the Department of Justice covered up that satanic angle and framed up Dr. McDonald. Why? Among other things the Mc­Donald case could have exposed a major heroin-smuggling operation out of Vietnam involving highly placed Army offi­cials running drugs into the U. S. in the body cavities of dead American GIs-green body bags loaded with heroin. Ele­ments of this story even came out publicly in the Jan. 1, 1973 issue of Time magazine
The Child Pornography Lobby Protects Cults, Drugs, and Mass Murder Discusses Congresspeople who are involved in Nambla and also wicca and their voting against child protective bills The fact that nearly a quarter of a million children each year are abducted and otherwise abused and destroyed by organized and semi-organized criminal rings engaging in the drug-laced sex-abuse of children(pedophilia), child-pornography, and murder.
The Finders Case: CIA Link To Pedophile Rings 8 kids were being used sexually and for mind control by the CIA "The CIA has denied any involvement in it, even today.But there is enough documentation to show that children, at a fairly tender age, were being used for sexual purposes, to compromise people, and for the "mind control" non­sense. Why? I don't know, and I don't claim to know."
Stunning breakthrough reached in Nebraska satanic pedophile case Larry E King found guilty in pedo case initiated by theft from a credit union "the Franklin case in-volved an international satanic pedophile ring based in the U.S. military, operating from military bases in the United States and abroad, and involving NATO personnel. The ring also served as a nationwide drug distribution network and money-laundering apparatus for the Iran-Contra nexus run by then-Vice President George Bush."
FBI, hysterical over EIR expose, plans next phase of coverup Just like with Pizzagate and Clinton's private email server, the FBI tried to coverup EIR's exposee of the fed's whitewashing of the Franklin Scandal with attacks on them; they paid off the grand jury to indict the abuse victims on trumped up perjury charges. "The FBI's defensive outpouring was amplified by several days of front-page and lead editorial attacks against the EIR by the World-Herald, the state's leading newspaper. Longtime World-Herald publisher Harold Andersen has been repeatedly named in the investigation as a child abuser who burns young children with cigarettes as he performs his perversions.
{Omaha World Herald}'s Bob Dorr: The NAMBLA Connection CAN "deprogrammer" wrote disinfo to smear a Doctor tied to LaRouche (EIR) as being associated with NAMBLA, a laughably spurious claim given that the Doctor was a leading expert on ritual abuse, investigator of child pornography rings, and wrote federal law on child abuse, stating publicly that Nambla was public enemy number 1 CAN:"the LaRouche organization is more a destructive cult than it is an extremist political group." Yes, because they are trying to protect children from monsters.
Commission Finds Nebraska Bigwigs Covering up Child Abuse and Satanism SSIA The commission found that there was "torture and a murder in progress" under way against Bonacci, due to his extraordinarily bad treatment in the Omaha Correctional Cener, which caused, among other things, a severe drop in his body weight.
The Franklin Cover-Up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska Between 1988 and 1991 there was a child sex ring serving prominent citizens of Nebraska, as well as high-level U.S. politicians "When I first heard about the Franklin case, I said it was all nonsense. But the deeper I got in, the more I learned. ... It's not a coverup of just some lowlife clowns; it's people like the local FBI, certain judges and public officials, and some of the most state and in this country."
Nebraska Grand Jury Protects Child Abuse ssia (subject says it all) Jury foreman Michael Flanagan has, for the last 27 years, worked at Union Pacific Railroad; some of Union Pacific's top executives are rumored to have surfaced at the Franklin investigation as pedophiles. Perhaps coincidentally, former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, who has been dogged for years by rumors of his involvement in molesting young boys at New York's Carlyle Hotel, is also on Union Pacific's board of directors.
Death Threats Fly in Nebraska Child Abuse Case Key witness in jail for unrelated charge deteriorates rapidly in with strange medical symptoms When he was first incarcerated, he received messages from Alan Baer, through inmates, that he had better shut up or he would be killed. Bonacci is extremely dangerous to the pedophile establishment in Nebraska and beyond, because, as Dr. Densen Gerber noted after examining him in prison, "He has one [DID] personality with a computer chip memory.
Nebraska Pedophile Trial Ends in Coverup SSIA A fraudulent conviction: Miss Owen [victim] was convicted [for trumped up perjury charges] on June 21, the day of the Summer solstice, which satanists consider a high holiday.
Child Abuse Expert Warns Nebraskans Warning that the cults were satanic; they practiced ritual murder and cannabalism of children. That kids were sold into prostitution and many were contracting AIDS. "State Senate's Franklin Credit Union Investigating Committee constitutes a "menace to the entire community."
Ritual Abuse Case Shakes Nebraska Larry King was a CIA-connected black Republican Fundraiser involved in sexual abuse "State legislators investigating the affair were approached by members of the state's Foster Care Review Board who told them that a dossier linking King to child abuse had been ignored by state and federal law enforcement officials.
Nebraska Plea Bargain Seen as Coverup Victims recounted such incredibly rich detail of names of hundreds of people, but they were of course making it all up and were jailed for perjury by a paid-for grand jury "who recounted in great detail their victimization by Larry King and by many of the other prominent people in the Omaha business establishment and in other cities where they were taken as child prostitutes by King. In a move unprecedented in the nation, the grand jury indicted two of the young abuse victims, Paul Bonacci and Alisha Owens, for perjury
Nebraska pedophile scandal is reopened, with new revelations George HW Bush's cocaine ring tied to Omaha Case "In Belgium, a pedophile ring, involving some of the country's political and judicial leadership, had abused and then ritualistically murdered children.
Nebraska Civil Rights Suit Charges Pedophile Conspiracy Catholic Archbishop of Omaha, Larry King, police chief and officers, School district, Union Pacific Railroad official, psychologists, local government, grand jury prosecutor, others named in a massive pedophile conspiracy "Pedophiles protected by establishment"
Nebraska Courts Still Shield Pedophile Ring ... "and the coverup of the circumstances of the mysterious deaths of at least 10 people connected to the case over the last year, have provoked increasing disgust among Nebraskans."
The mark of the beast: America's children are in mortal danger HMOs, Albright and Clinton are killing children thru policy "the world is becoming very quickly completely dehumanized"
Warning: Satanists May Spread AIDS - LaRouche - Executive ... An undisclosed number of aexually assaulted children among 'over hundreds', contracted chlamydia, could have contracted other things...this article is kind of AIDS panic plus satan (keep in mind AIDS was a death sentence in the 80s) The headquarters of the Temple, Lt. Col. Aquino's Russian Hill home, was raided by the San Francisco Police on Aug. 14, 1987, based on allegations that the home had been he scene of a rape of a four year old girl. In the raid, police confiscated 38 pornographic videotapes, photo negatives,and other evidence that the house had been the hub of a pedophile ring operating in and near the base. A month later, Hambright was arrested on ten counts of "lewd and lascivious acts" with six boys and four girls ranging in age fromthree to seven years. Aquino and his wife Lilith were never indicted with Hambright. Although several of the children identified the couple
Nambla Leader Fired from Teaching Post His public advocacy of pedophilia got him fired "Over the past 10 years, 15 Nambla members have been convicted and jailed for pornography, kidnapping, sexual abuse, and related crimes"
Is JDL Tied to Black Market Baby Rings? "private black market adoptions" "[JDL] runs a large network of foster care homes in the United States and Israel." Stories of children lost to Ohel were aired on Fox TV by Dr. Amy Neustein, the daughter of an Orthodox Rabbi in Brooklyn, and in the New York Post by Mrs. Marlene Hazan."
The Privatizers Are Destroying District of Columbia's Children Republicans privatizing social foster care programs so they can eliminate them Miller was the perfect man for the job: He has top credentials as a social control brainwasher. Miller began his career, after graduating in 1957 with a Master’s degree in social work from Loyola University in Chicago, as a psychiatric social work officer with the U.S. Air Force
Battle Lines Harden against Spiritual Child Abuse Outcome Based Education (ie: "no child left behind" / "common core" ) At the outset, the most radical Bolsheviks planned to take children, from infancy, away from their parents, and put them in creches, and have the education of the child taken over entirely by the state.
Kissinger Watch - larouchepub.com Rumored pedo Kissinger getting homoerotic in 'low jinks' at Bohemian Grove "Mexican government officials informed EIR about an orgy in Acapulco, where Kissinger murdered a Romanian busboy witha a booze bottle"
Drug Pushers Petition Washington To Narcotize Children with Ritalin Kids being doped with legal methamphetamine by collusion between the mental health establishment and pharma companies "It's the Elite Who Matter-In Future Britain Must Concentrate on Educating the Top 5%, on Whose Success We Shall All Depend." What about the other 95% of children? The rest are sup­posed to be taught merely the few "skills" needed for basic low-wage employment in the Third Wave, post-industrial economy Gingrich and his mentor Alvin Toffler are promot­ing. The rest can spend useless days being entertained by rock music, video games, and interactive computers. They don't need creative minds facing a challenging curriculum. They're supposed to be dumb and happy."
Kissinger Watch Kissinger is basically a mobster "Kissinger's best friend in the Middle East, the Jesuit-trained head of the Cult of Baal, Syrian President Hafez Assad.
The New Cult of the Teenage Suicide Bomber Videogames and Normalization of Violence have led to psychopathologizing teens To “evoke” the powers of your “persona,” shoot yourself! (this is really quite fucked)
LaRouche Prosecutor Links to Satanic 'Murder, Inc.' Confirmed EIR investigated the prosecutor of Lyndon LaRouche and found they had ties to Process Church of the Final Judgment BUSTED: "As reported in last week's EIR, John Markham is the attorney of record for the Process Church in court papers on file with the State of New York dated both January and May 1974" FYI process church was linked to manson and son of sam and several other satanic cults, all of which are connected, we know now--that's right--to the CIA's MKULTRA program
Will Great Britain's Pedophile Scandal Bring Down Lord Carrington? Hundreds of thousands of youths between 6 and 16 have been exposed in child pornography through various pedophilia rings in London involving high level gentry, clergy and parliament "According to NAMBLA, a U.S. pedophile lobbying group, NAMBLA's British affiliate [(PIE - Pedophilia Information Exchange (pizzapie?))] was run by [Steven] Adrian from his office in the British Home Ministry, until he was fired"
Belgium Arrests Tied to Iran-Contra Scandal Political-criminal complex ("Murder, Inc.") revealed through investigations of Belgium's Dutroux Affair have led to ties to Iran-Contra through murdered politician Cools While the case began as yet another horrible child sex ring scandal, it soon expanded into proportions that have overturned the population's faith in their own government. Within two weeks, over 30 people, including police and judicial authorities, were arrested.
50,000 Belgians march against plant closings and for social justice Multi-colored march for jobs was to include the last years' 'white march' against government corruption in the Dutroux Affair, the massive, international pedophile ring revealed in Belgium "It's the extreme consequence of an ultra-liberal economic world order, where even children can be bought and sold on the free market," [Erick Deruecke] told the World Conference Against the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children.
Alfred Kinsey and the Pedophile Agenda EIR book review of "Kinsey, Sex and Fraud" a thesis on Kinsey's attempt to normalize homosexuality and pedophilia "In a Siecus Report published during the Year of the Child (1979), she likened her mission to that of establishing a "new religion " based on the flourishing of polymorphous sexuality among children"
Australia Tortures Children in Camps Article is about child prisoners of the Iraq and Afghanistan War "on terror" "Children in immigration detention for long periods of time are at high risk of serious mental harm. The Commonwealth's [Australia's] failure to implement the repeated recommendations by mental health professionals that certain children be removed from the detention environment with their parents, amounted to cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment of those children in detention."

I have about 2-3x this amount left to go in the satanic murder section. Highlights, if you want to skip ahead (search larouchepub.com)

  • "Satanic Subversion Of the U.S. Military"
  • Satanic-Pagan Cults Launch War on West
  • The Lucis Trust: Satanism and the New World Order
  • Probe of 'Son of Sam' Terror Cult Documents Satanic Underground
  • The Weird Religions of Cheney's Empire
  • How Brzezinski Is Linked to the Jones Cult.
  • Elliot and the Nashville Agrarians: The Warlocks of the Southern Strategy

coming soon


This is beautifully executed and frankly projects a lot more credibility than some of info graphics. More of this please, in general.

This is amazing! Absolutely amazing!

On a side note, due in large part to the work of many in here but specifically u/Mae-Brussell-Hustler and yourself, u/911bodysnatchers...

I've learned a thing or two about research, investigating cold leads, how to look for clues in new ways, all in my personal quest for my sister and nieces.

There's a bit of breakthrough and I'm conflicted about moving forward. While I have no proof of life for my sister, I believe I've located my nieces.

Thank you. I worked on this all night and happy I did. I didn't know about your family's backstory and your investigations, but I'm really sad to hear about it.

I saw that Colbert episode with sighorny weavers and got really really unhappy with him. He used to be one of my favorites, now he's just a sellout punk, and dispicable to side with the bad guys who do stuff to people whose families have to worry about them, and that new families have to dread, knowing the truth.

So I think getting together a bunch of facts and examples of widespread, proven pedonetworks-in-government from just a few decades ago will lend credibility to pizzagate and it's what I'm able to do, because I don't know how to conduct real 'original' research, only to maybe put a new spin on other peoples stuff

Ted Gunderson was one of the architects of COINTELPRO, and was the Los Angeles FBI Bureau Chief.

Ted Gunderson single-handedly destroyed the investigation into the 1984 McMartin preschool pedophile case, which was prosecuted by Gunderson's pal, Los Angeles District Attorney Ira Reiner.

Here is an interview with one of the mothers who credits Gunderson with being COINTELPRO.

How did Ted Gunderson enter both the investigation and your personal life? How long did you live together?

I'd love to clear up the misconception that gunderson (I never capitalize his name) was involved in the investigation. He was never formally hired or paid in any way. He simply stuck himself in by offering to do things. Who wouldn't trust the retired chief of the Los Angeles division of the FBI who introduced you to senators and former State Attorney Generals? Some things we allowed him to do but many of his ideas and attempts to take over were rejected.

He was a persistent presence. He became so annoying that eventually the parents would not talk to him. I always thought in some way that he would help our cause. He was present at the Archaeological dig as often as he could and he talked to the ever present media as the rest of us were exhausted or did errands for the crew. At the time we did not know what he was up to and did not think it would be harmful to let him talk, as we thought he said positive things.

I want you to know that allowing him to be involved was the demise of any credibility we had.

His reputation was well known by law enforcement, but he is such a slick con man that we had no clue what we were getting ourselves into. I have to say that it was mostly my fault for letting him be involved. Later I found out he was COINTELPRO. Years later when I read the description of that program it all made perfect sense. I met ted at a California State Social Services Hearing ion San Diego, where I was formally asked, by an invitation I got in the mail, to testify. He approached me in the hallway because I was known then for keeping a file of documentation on the issue. I had appeared on several news programs and talk shows.

How he wormed his way into my home is a rather long story. Basically he tried to hire me to not only work with him, but do research for attornies, which I did maybe twice, then started hanging around our apartment. I had just been diagnosed with malignant melanoma and while waiting for results of the test, was told I may only have three months to live. He got into a nasty fight with my downstairs neighbor and my landlord doubled my rent. I had thrown him out once because of his nasty temper towards the neighbors. While looking for another place to live and still communicating with him, he found a big house one block from my children's school. Needless to say the children loved the house. Against my better judgment, I agreed to let him move in with us and share expenses. This was almost immediately after we finished finding the tunnels at the preschool. I was not only exhausted, but I had contracted Psittacosis (parrot fever) which can be fatal. My temperature was so high seemed as if I were cooking from the inside. I was very sick for weeks, ted refused to help me. He took the checks I had made out to pay bills and told me he had to give his daughter the money. That was just the start of almost 4 years of my decent into debt and serious health problems.

More at link.

Gunderson praised J. Edgar Hoover until the end of his life, which would be at odds with the decades-long elite pedophile cult that Gunderson claimed to have battled. Hoover, of course, famously said there was no such thing as organized crime (even while he was cultivating relationships to it) and used sexual blackmail on politicians & officials.

It seems to me that gundersen was vetted, and then discredited, then revetted, then rediscredited. I mean it's ok to dismiss gundersen on account that he's a controversial figure, but by no means are or 2 people's opinions we don't know that well the basis of discrediting valid. If you consider the massive amount of research he put forth, it seems like something 'they' would do to discredit him. Also, sometimes people have praise pulled out of context or they just dont' know everything we know now. For example, if someone said they praised chomsky would you immediately discredit them? I wouldn't even though I think chomsky is a gatekeeper. People dont' all know this or agree with it.

I personally don't agree with the discrediting of Gunderson, sorry. Thanks for bringing the research forward though. It's good to see both sides of it, and I've spent quite a while trying to decide on this guy and was convinced by another guy who did a lot more research into this. If I find the youtube video of it i'll post. He may be the most knowledgeable person on ted gundersen there is.

I personally don't agree with the discrediting of Gunderson, sorry.

So you're disagreeing with the mother at the center of the McMartin Preschool case. Loud and clear.

Yes I am. Did she spend over a decade and a half of her time interviewing witnesses, travelling the country, working 40-60 hrs a week putting herself in harms way, writing countless documents, talking to the press, putting her life and reputation on the line? No. She made some statement that was based on her limited experience and may have even had her own underhanded reasons for her statements

My personal litmus test is whether people are served in the community or for dinner; and whether or not gunderson undermined the bad guys or not. It doesn't make sense to have a 'limited hangout person' whose actions don't end up serving or justifying the establishment. One could say 'they went off script' or 'they flipped' or you could conclude they were legit all along.

THis has to be shadowbanned or something. Just fyi i went to your page and saw it there. No way this shouldn't have more comments


It wouldn't surprise me. This post, I believe had over 200 karma at one point, now it's less than 50. I'm serious

compare / contrast with same article, now 128 karma for which I received gold, on cst


i have not vetted all of these. should be archived to preserve history

https://www.reddit.com/r/badselfeater/ https://archive.is/GiBRG https://xfamily.org/index.php/Main_Page https://twitter.com/Dave_Maynor https://georgiebc.wordpress.com/2012/12/24/stigmergy-2/ https://archive.fo/MrsGu http://www.dw.com/en/deutsche-telekom-hack-part-of-global-internet-attack/a-36574934 http://www.wanttoknow.info/sexabuse/pedophiles-politicians

https://www.sott.net/article/322016-Pedophile-rings-are-enormous-and-pervasive-among-the-worlds-elites http://www.wanttoknow.info/mind_control/cults_ritual_abuse_mind_control


http://www.wanttoknow.info/mind_control/mind_control_hidden_history http://www.wanttoknow.info/medianewsarticles

http://www.wanttoknow.info/16/2-secret-society-scalia-antonin https://archive.fo/VPIlt

https://archive.is/rSIm6 https://s3.amazonaws.com/s3.documentcloud.org/documents/1508273/jeffrey-epsteins-little-black-book-redacted.pdf https://twitter.com/OpGabon/lists https://twitter.com/OpDeathEaters/lists https://twitter.com/f_by_tolerants


https://archive.is/H5eWl#selection-1128.0-1128.1 http://groups.able2know.org/xfamily/topic/149-1 https://www.reddit.com/user/MinervaSchools https://www.reddit.com/user/MinervaSchools https://archive.is/SmZAa https://www.reddit.com/r/badselfeater/comments/52qc11/so_there_is_a_dod_sponsored_conference_called_the/ https://www.reddit.com/r/MinervaProject/rising/ https://web.archive.org/web/20160418172014/http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Children_of_God https://archive.is/KKy3z https://web.archive.org/web/20160520033206/http://rationalwiki.org:80/wiki/International_Society_for_Krishna_Consciousness https://archive.xfamily.org/www.movingon.org/article.asp%3FsID=4&Cat=24&ID=1210.html https://web.archive.org/web/20160603090255/http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Damanhur https://www.movingon.org/blogs/1/2/lucidchick-my-life-or-an-18-year-long-episode-of-punk-d https://safepassagefoundation.org/ http://www.johnnygosch.com/ http://www.eraofwisdom.org/pizza-gate-accused-pedo-directly-calls-fake-news-censorship-ny-times-james-alefantis/

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_children_of_Woolpit http://www.whale.to/b/pedophocracy.html https://archive.is/RmtBj


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