I say censor The_Donald

0  2016-12-09 by [deleted]



Pizzagate is real.




I've want real proof too not just circumstantial internet proof there's a million conspiracy that are always just nothing so I wanted real proof

Calls for censorship in the most anti-censorship sub. Do they even try??

Out of towners are pretty obvious...

But it's only anti censor when it comes to their views but they want censorship when it comes to others even if you do support trump they don't care they seem to be mindless drones blinded by trump like trump he can do nothing wrong

Those jerks on the vegan boards get all upset when you try to talk about the best way to grill a steak too. Censor everyone that doesn't want to hear me babble!

Well that's blatantly being a dick. I merely was asking questions to gain some insight but that to much so they banned me cause omg questioning them is unholy to them

Yes. Yes it is.

It just seems weird cause without questions no knowledge is gained

Go to the grilling board. It's not that complicated.

What's the grilling board

r/AskThe_Donald would be one that might be more suitable.

Awesome. another month old account calling for rule changes. Chelsea, you are see thru.

No I just wanted to point out their hypocrisy of censor people but they don't want to be censored

It's not a place for critical discussion. Wouldn't it be easier for you to block it?

Well I actually was a part of it because I like Donald but even so I don't have to agree with everything bit I guess they can't handle a single question

And they have some mass critical discussion until you question one thing

Who's Chelsea?

Chelsea Hubble Clinton

Don't you think that's lady has more important things to do than cruise reddit

your first mistake is assuming that reptoid spawn is a lady.

No it's more about the hypocrisy then anything

I just don't get their hypocrisy they censor any one who questions anything but they don't want to be censored

I know, common, for example, covering the orlando nightclub shooting, there is no place for that crap on the internet, why did they have to go and talk about that and not be better people like r/politics and most of the other default subs. Geesh, those guy sure are some nasty buggers. Keep 'em quite! #silence

And at least in politics they don't censor you for questioning something

Yeah, they at least have the decency to delete entire massive threads with thousands of comments because they don't like the entire discussion. Furthermore, they don't hide behind admitting that their subreddit is for the sole purpose of rallying behind an individual, they at least have the audacity to claim that they are showing all sides without preference.

Here ya go, there are tons of these if you google "r/politics deletes posts":


I hope using Sanders to prove a point doesn't offend anyone around here. /s

I'm new to Reddit and I didn't know that it hasn't happened to me yet so my bad

Leave now, seriously, this place is a hell hole, but I can't stop. I don't know why.

No joke, don't be new to a place like this, think cigarettes/abusive boyfriend. It has eaten my ability to use the computer/internet, I get so much more done when I go somewhere that I know there will be no internet.

I'm starting to see that it seems all social forums are like at least in real life if someone said some off this stuff they've said to me on here I'd break their face

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Nope, it's never going to happen. There is a reason why and I can't go into it because someone is going to say I violated rule 10.

I actually joined a month ago because I never new what reddit was but I find it amazing that they get made about censorship and yet that's what they do who's cheslea

This sub has been pretty much overrun by T_D, you're not going to get any support for that here. I'm not for censoring them either, because then we'll have more of them and just be T_D2.0. This sub used to be really anti-partisan. The only candidate I've seen it support really is Ron Paul. Now it's heavily conservative.

I like Ron Paul a lot to maybe next time it seems everything on here is overrun by the Donald centipedes as they call themselves and they never seemed to actually articulate their points

I think a lot of it is kids who are just caught up in the "cool" thing right now. I'm not saying all of them are like that, but even they can't deny the behavior of a lot of their user base can be extremely childish. It's part of every user base but since they've migrated here, I've noticed it's pretty prevalent with them.

I wouldn't mind it being a cool thing if they actually would admit it for what it is but they can't even handle somebody questioning them I've already gotten blasted for posting this and you're the only one who seems to be adult it. They've allready told me to kill myself and lots of name calling.

Report anyone that tells you to kill yourself.

And yeah, lots of us have been experiencing it. I've been called many things in the past week for trying to approach everything rationally or even just with extreme skepticism.

Yea I'm thinking about just giving up on reddit it was a weird experience but I rather just go back to talking to random real people. I got rid of facebook for Reddit I think I'll just give this up as well it seems almost online social forums a cesspool of moronic people

the_donald influenced the election more than the Russians.

  • Stein Voter.

That's a sad statement on American being influenced by memes and straight delusional conversations

Yea quite a bit I got banded because I questioned pizza gate and said it's pretty idiotic to threaten people with violence on line and I actually like the Donald