CHAI is twice the size of the Clinton Foundation. Hillary and Ira Magaziner are the Chairman and CEO respectively; Anil Soni is President. Here are 3 CHAI faxes, screenshotted because PDFs were upside down. CHAI overspent 23M of gov. grants, and had to be spun off from Clinton Foundation in 2008

29  2016-12-09 by 911bodysnatchers322

These faxes say CHAI is twice the size of the clinton foundation. CHAI claims to have received governement grants in the past when it was CF so we're entitled to know what is going on with CHAI. That's our justification for looking into this. If you feel like you've looked through their underwear drawer, don't. You paid for this at some point.

From the above, CHAI clearly receives foreign bribery. It says in the first link they received 5M + 6M + 7M from the government of Norway; and from Ireland, UNITAID, EJAF, PPFAR and Gates foundtation; something Clinton did in 2011 in Ukraine got the CF lots of funding. hmm, wonder what that is?

I think CHAI is like a cia cutout; they are front company / shell company to act to insulate clinton foundation from wrongdoing. They basically get to do the dirty tricks and take the fall. This is my guess on what they really are, knowing of course that the Clintons are a fascist fifth column of criminals that have been undermining america for decades. This is not 'my opinion' this is a material fact. Ask me how!

Also they use their housekeeper / chef Oscar Flores to send upside down faxes from a private number so you never would find this fax.


Alright, at the moment I don't have time to read through these faxes, but whoah this is the real deal. My guess is you're exactly right about how they are just a front company for the Clinton Foundation.

For anyone who doesn't know CHAI stands for Clinton Health Access Initiative. So not only are they actively trying to poison us but also make sure that people can access that poison!! Exciting news go; get your flu shot!

I think I'm going to do like dwight from the office and wipe a rag on all the doornobs and peoples faces, squeeze it out into a syringe and inject it on the back of my throat. Make the body stronger! Chase with beet juice