"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." Mahatma Ghandi

179  2016-12-09 by [deleted]

These wise words resonate as truth, especially today. The mainstream media has ignored us and that failed. They laughed at us and that failed. Now they are forced to fight us, intellectually, and they will fail once again. I would just like to congratulate all of the people working tirelessly to expose evil in high places for our inevitable victory. It has been and will continue to be a strenuous information battle. The ultimate evil, the one's who lust for power and control. Their time is running out. They are attempting to take the whole of human consciousness for themselves. It will fail as well. This is because Love and Truth from our source is the One and only TRUTH. Stay strong and remember that the MSM is in its death throes. Keep spreading love, life, light and Truth.

EDIT: Another user pointed out that this is a common misattributed quote to Ghandi. There is not much evidence to show whether he said this or not yet it is very similar to another quote by the trade unionist Nicholas Klein gave in a 1918 address to the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America in Baltimore, "First they ignore you. Then they ridicule you. And then they attack you and want to burn you. And then they build monuments to you. And that, is what is going to happen to the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America." Either way it is an inspirational quote and I'm sure Ghandi would have loved it too. Thank you to the user who pointed this out.


We're at the "fight" part with the current news onslaught and internet censorship. That's how you know we're close.

Exactly, that's why I felt this was important to share. Hopefully give everyone a little motivation who might need it

Then you get shot

The badge of the ultimate truth warrior

Now that I think about it they've taken that away too. Now you get suicided, cancer or drop dead for no reason

Yeah, true. Either way anyone paying attention knows the truth and that says enough imo

Can they shoot us all?

It's a lovely quote, and even more interesting to me, it's not from Ghandi, but rather from an early 20th Century labor movement leader: Nicholas Klein.

"First they ignore you. Then they ridicule you. And then they attack you and want to burn you. And then they build monuments to you. And that, is what is going to happen to the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America."

So Ghandi borrowed it? Because many sources quote him as saying it as well. Can't speak on their credibility though. Are you suggesting he never said it or just wasn't the original?

Gandhi never said it.

I'm not sure if he borrowed it, or if people attribute it to him because he would characteristically say something along those lines. He may have come up with it on his own, but from what I recall on the debunking who really said this type blogs, like the one I linked, it isn't originally his.

after colbert, this feels true.

Yes but what's left out and missing on the end of that quote for obvious reasons is "then they assassinate you and everything goes back to square one."

often stops at laughing, though..

Usually yes, however this time they have been forced to fight. It will backfire on them.

Every time someone misspells "Gandhi", God kills a kitten.

Too many anyway


That's up to you

Flat earthers also like to trot out this quote.

Good for them

Yes man! The sun changes sizes in the sky everyone! I am an insane flat earther bought and paid for by yours truly for a merely 0.00$.

Just kidding the sun actually does change sizes drastically in the sky because it's going away and coming back it spins around the north pole. We're not spinning around millions of kilometers away in space.

Well that's my little tangent I'll leave it at that.

What makes you think the earth is flat? I've never seen the globe earth with my own eyes only pictures, and as a natural skeptic I know I can't trust gov pictures. In other words I have no idea either way. I'll tell ya one thing it sure does look and feel flat and still from my perspective but what do I know lol. One thing I haven't heard flat earth advocates explain is a crescent moon. Offical explanation of course is it's the shadow of the globe earth cast by the sun. Any explanation?

The moon goes through it's own cycles and does not reflect the sun light. The moon gives off it's own light, the moons light is cooling by roughly 7 degrees.

The sun and moon are almost the same size and same distance from the earth. We have never been to space so all that science is fallacy and all their pics are (admitted even by them) all CGI.

Yeah I had heard that all their photos are admittedly CGI and it doesn't surprised me. What I find interesting is that all the photos show a perfect sphere, yet they turn around and say that Earth is more pear shaped when debating with flat earth advocates. About the moon, I have seen the experiment that shows things are cooler under direct moonlight at night which is interesting. But if the moon is giving off its own light how come the cycle it goes through forms a crescent moon? What I mean is that it seems like an odd shape to randomly create that can be explained away by the shadow of the globe earth being projected on it.

Good question research that yourself but keep an open mind. There is an easily explainable reason. Maybe the sunlight doesn't line up properly. I can add that the moon goes through cycles, new moon to new moon is 29.5 days. Watch the sky, it's an elaborate lie. :)

It is possibly somewhat ironic in this case though, seeing as how Ghandi was said to have requested his grandnieces to sleep naked with him in his bed as a "celibacy test".

Did he pass?

Depends on who you believe. Do a little searching about Ghandi and his sexual "experiments" and decide for yourself whether or not Ghandi did anything.


Usually yes, however this time they have been forced to fight. It will backfire on them.