Trump is NO FRIEND of Ours. Or /r/Conspiracy. He's a conman out for himself.

147  2016-12-10 by IGuessItsMe

This damn sub has been overrun by Trump fans. It has made this sub worse than I could imagine. TRUMP is evil. He IS establishment. We need to be watching HIM. The incoming VP is a FRIEND to CHILD RAPISTS. It don't get more establishment. Get these damn establishment shills off of our sub.

This is a nonpartisan place, I think, to question EVERYTHING. I am tired of being downvoted and questioned by the damn T_D supporters.

It was better a couple years ago.

Edit to add sources on Pence and his Child Rapist friend, Dennis Hastert, the longest serving GOP Speaker of the House. Who reported to prison a few days ago after fighting for years to delay jail.

Pence Defends Speaker Hastert in 2006

Pence Defense Of Hastert 2006

And This One 2016

I thought everyone here would already know this, give it's a place for exactly these types of thing.


Trump is a scoundrel, and we're no further away from another disastrous war because of his election. The machinery that has elevated both he and Clinton has not changed its dangerous trajectory. He is filling his cabinet with millionaires, billionaires and military brass, many of whom had been vetted for similar posts by the Clinton campaign. This is not a recipe for peace and prosperity, but one that will have tragic social consequences, in the United States and around the world. The reactionary right wing is gaining momentum across the world, and the only thing that will prevent another global catastrophe is the uniting of the international working class and poor on an informed anti-war basis, one rooted in an objective understanding of world history. No solution to the crises confronting us will be found in any section of the bourgeois capitalist establishment.

The only war is class war, and it has been waged against us since long before our grandparents were born. The only hope is a coordinated offensive against the war mongers and political charlatans who see in the world and its inhabitants as nothing more than the opportunity for more profit. They've long ago proved that they have no intention of letting our petty concerns about peace and harmony stand in the way of their own sick and selfish desires.

Very well said.

We're fucked, no?

Dark times.

Dark times, yes. But to my eye, that's no reason to embrace cynicism and hopelessness. As they say, nothing worthwhile comes easily.

Hindsight may prove that Trump was the wrong choice but we were more fearful of a Clinton presidency than a Trump one.

Spoken like a true communist. You might say Socialist, but Marx himself said that socialism is only an easement to communism. Capitalism is the worst, except for all of the rest. As a rationalist, I have taken Sociology, Psychology, economics and finance classes, and once you separate the idealism of socialism from the rationalism you will come to the same conclusion. Capitalism is horrible, but unfortunately socialism is based on idealism, and humans are not yet biologically evolved to the point where the ideologies of socialism are viable alternatives.

At the tender age of 35, I've had to accept the harsh reality that socialism is a failed idealist ideology and despite the numerous flaws, capitalism>socialism.

If you replace "socialism" in your post with "libertarianism" it would still make complete sense. Every country on earth is a split between capitalism and socialism, and going too far either way doesn't work. In the US you've got roads, fire departments, volunteer military, radio spectrum management, social security, public education, etc all which are socialist programs.

Socialism/communism: those words are basically interchangeable. Marx referred to the "first phase of communism," but it was Lenin who called this first phase "socialism."

As for idealism, the key aspect of Marx and Engels's work is precisely their fight against idealism. Marxist philosophy is based on Marx's conception of historical materialism, the opposite of subjective idealism. This isn't some pie-in-the-sky Utopian pipe dream. See: Engels, Socialism, Utopian and Scientific. I recommend at least reading the first two introductions--General Introduction and the History of Materialism, and The History of the English Middle-Class

The history of mankind, as they say, is the history of class struggle--slaves against slave owners; bourgeois against feudal monarchy; and in the present epoch, the proletarians against the bourgeois capitalist order. Capitalism has provided mankind the basis for previously unforeseen levels of progress. But, at the same time, capitalism is incapable of solving its inherent contradictions. The class struggle is ongoing, and it is not simply a matter of Marxists taking power. Largely, that will not happen. Objective necessity will dictate the course of action for the lower classes, and it is up to the lower classes to wage this struggle for their emancipation from the rule of capital. With or without Marxism, the oppressed will be compelled to fight for their survival. The poor and abused don't need me to point out their degradation at the hands of capitalism-- they can surely see that for themselves. However, what is missing from popular consciousness is a clear conception of history, and the history of class struggle--its successes, and its failures. The history of opportunist betrayals against workers and poor is a central pillar of the work we do. Why did Stalin rise to power and sabotage the gains of the Russian Revolution? What did Mao represent and why has China become a massive slave labor camp? Are Cuba, Venezuela, or North Korea socialist states? These questions can all begin to be answered by asking further-- where was the working class? Why in every case mentioned above were the workers betrayed by political opportunists and charlatans?

This history does not invalidate the struggle for socialism. Indeed, much of this history has been effectively suppressed precisely because the established order seeks to obscure the truth of the matter and thus keep the lower classes confused and complacent in their misery. There's no profit motive in the worldwide expropriation of the capitalist, imperialist landlords. The owners are terrified by this fact, but the fact of the matter is, whether it's a Coca-Cola, Apple, or General Motors, the piles of wealth the owners and shareholders hoard away were created on the backs of us. We're simply demanding, through force, if necessary, what rightfully belongs to us.

humans are not yet biologically evolved to the point where the ideologies of socialism are viable alternatives.

"it is not the consciousness of men that determines their existence, but their social existence that determines their consciousness." Again, it is not simply some subjective or idealistic desire that communism be brought about, but the objective necessity of a degraded and oppressed working class pitted historically against the capitalists who enslave them. The task, therefore, is to educate the masses of people of their social interests so that when the day for revolution comes they are prepared to carry on the struggle in order to build a society in their own interests, not in the interests of the exploiters.

If you frequent this sub, I typically post articles from the World Socialist Web Site, the most widely read socialist site in the internet. I would urge you to check it out. The party that runs the website has a very serious commitment to history, and this shows in their analysis of world events. Socialist or not, this is a highly valuable resource for world news. But don't just take my word on it. Their work speaks for itself.

This is the only way forward against war and austerity.

Of course, I'm only 34, so maybe I'll learn something new over the course of the next year.

Nicely said friend.

That conclusion might mean something except for the Wikileaks rude awakening to the fact of a shadow govt that rules us thru "elected puppets". Obama & BC/HC have quietly been dismantling democracy for a couple of decades. All our wealth is getting sucked to 1% and fake endless wars while our military slaughters millions. Prob'ly on brink of Marshall Law and totalitarian hell.

Those people are gone.

This is about TRUMP. No one else.

Nope they arent.

They are seriously still trying to knock Trump out of that POTUS chair.

Edit: word

Seriously bro, Trump is going to be by far the richest president ever. And the 2nd and 3rd owned hundreds of slaves. Do you not understand that he's actually part of the 1% instead of just being their puppet?

Actually the shadow government came out from our own FBI releasing the Clinton investigation.

Wrong, that was the counter coup move. The main coup is corporate globalists and a secret society taking over America, the counter coup are the attempts to stop it like The Clinton Investigation.

Wikileaks exposed group on 7th floor called shadow govt. Don't know what Clinton investigation you are referring to.

The FBI investigation they leaked. I read the whole thing minus relations obvi. It specifically talks about the shadow government.

Not aware of any FBI investigation that has been released except the one from Benghazi emails after which Comey absolved HC. Is that what you mean? Did not review that closely.

As far as Trump being establishment, it 'appears' he has threatened the establishment status quo by beating HC. Many suspect (and Wikileaks DNC leaks reveal) he was set up to be unelectable against HC. Hard to judge how much is real and contrived. Those Soros protests were ready to go day after election. (Craig's list ads/ busses-impossible that fast, on that scale. Very suspicious.) I agree that Trump is establishment to a great degree, but I also think HC was a more evil candidate. We really had *no choice. Election was a badly executed illusion -when I remember the openly dirty primary & rise of cartoonish Nazi opponent candidate... sooo bad. Trump has not drained any swamp and he has antagonized every hope after reaching out to Minorities, middle class & Bernie supporters during campaign. Are we watching seduction of Trump by swamp creatures? Or is this continuation of Establishment repair to damage from Wikileaks exposure of corruption & much worse? Maybe you are right.

Yeah, I'm over the idiots who talk about him like he is John Wayne coming to clean up the town. He is a fucking clown, who was viewed as a clown his entire career, whose claim to fame has more to do with his brand as a TV personality than his actual business acumen. A guy with the speech patterns of a two year old who is pulling from the same swamp he claimed he would drain.

Petroleum state Russia subverts our democracy to help Trump win election. Trump then moves to make the head of Exxon our Secretary of State. Head of Exxon has massive financial links with Russia.

pizzagate is not the conspiracy that needs to be your main focus.

At what point does this sub wake up and clean house?

Or is this subs function to distract from what is possibly the largest actual conspiracy of modern times?

Are you saying trump/russia involvement is more important than pizzagate? Because you are sorely mistaken.

Yeah, that is what I'm saying. Pizzagate is A.not real, and B.Not involving a world superpower trying to subvert another world superpower.

I remember the calm and collected intellect that ruled this sub before the Hillary scandals, not that it shouldn't be covered but stuff just went haywire and people got emotional which never leads to anything too logical.

Spoiler alert - I think all of us might be friends with child rapists... we just don't know it.

Do you think it is THAT common?

My god, I hope you are wrong.

That is a very dark view of people in general.

I really hope you are wrong.

If this trafficking ring is true, then you can pretty much guarantee that some of your favorite actors/artists/famous people are implicated in some way, whether directly or indirectly (knew about it, didn't speak up). Honestly, any person in the spotlight who spoke out of term and tried to impose their favorite candidate onto the public, whether it was trump or hillary, should be especially suspect to you

If this trafficking ring is true

this is where it breaks down for me. If it is that big, it just seems impossible. We are contemplating a child molestation ring that spans the globe.

It is difficult to believe that this could go hidden for so long, with so many involved.

if the whole thing is controlled.
That those in power / in poblic powerfull places.
Can only get into those places if they do PG related shit.
And that is used to controll them and keep there mouth shut.
And the abused are killed / removed after x amount of use.
Then the amount of data and proof out there would be low.
There are some that speak up about it ( like holliwood is a pedo place and so on ).
But in general it would be a low amount.
If u watch amarican ( replace whit any country name ) got talent.
U should know a SHIT ton of people can sing really well.
Yet only a small amount brake trough ( and even then some of them just playback / need autotune crap to make themselves sound good ) < why? we have way more then enough high quality singers that do not need this crap.
Yet there working factory jobs

I think people are definitely more evil than most realize but it's plain old corruption and not that everyone is a pedophile.

Throughout my life it has come out that I've known 1 confirmed pedophile. You know what the difference is? I don't tell people he's a terrific guy and continue to hang out with him.

I understand you hate Trump OP - but I think most of the people who defend trump are really only on trumps side because hillary was so obviously corrupt and a terrible choice as well. Somebody had to win, and i think trump was the better result for now - but the most important thing is that the public rallies together and stays on their asses.

We need to try to find ways to reconcile between ultra left and right, and the middle. Being divided and infighting wont get anything done. Pizzagate, altho it may be false, is actually a really great way to unite the public, because thats something we ALL can rally against and is not taken lightly whatsoever

My hate is not reserved for Trump.

My hate is equal for all members of The Establishment.

I cannot believe that people voted for Trump as an anti-establishment outsider. Given the choice between him and Hillary, it gets easier to believe.

These are insiders, both of them. They deserve only contempt.

Hillary is corrupt as hell. Trump's VP is a protector and defender of CHILD RAPISTS.

Surely we can do better than this.

That is my point. We need to investigate and expose ALL the establishment.

Since The Donald people arrived, this place looks like a sub to promote Donald. This is not right. This sub is supposed to fire on and question EVERYTHING.

Let's get back to our roots.

Do you have a source for the stuff about Pence?

Yea, i didnt hear anything about this either

I added sources to the OP.

It's disturbing stuff.

Hm thats interesting. He was defending the speaker of the house, not Foley, the pedophile; which isn't quite the same as him defending a pedophile. But either way, these guys are all slimey- we will see what happens if there is a successful bust :/

That GOP Speaker of the House was convicted of Child Rape.

Dennis Hastert, the former Speaker, reported to prison just a few days ago.

What is it with these guys and pedophilia? Its shocking how prevalent it is. There must be an internal requirement to participate in it, there just must be

I added sources to the OP.

It's disturbing stuff.


Trump didnt win because of this. He won because everyone switched their votes because Hillary was a worse canidate. And why don't you let him actually become president before you make assumptions about him. Maybe he truely is anti-establishment? You don't know his plans. Maybe he needs these people on his side before he can go about "draining the swamp". You never know. Stop judging before any actions have been done.

Bullshit he didn't win on being anti-establishment, that was the crux of his entire campaign. That he was an outsider, WASNT a lifetime politician, and that he was going to end the games they play and "drain the swamp". It's what got him the working class vote from people who felt abandoned by the system.

Okay look at like this, do you think trump would have won if there wasn't a huge Hillary scandal at the end of the election? Im going to say no, Hillary had alot more support. The DECIDING FACTOR of him winning isn't because of his views. Its because people didn't want to deal with corrupt ass Hillary.

Meaning its retarded of people to judge Trump before he actually does anything. So many people trash talking Trump. He hasn't done anything yet. Plus we had no other options, unless you honestly believe Hillary is a better choice? Trash talk our government and the way our system is run. Trash talk our 2 party voting system. Not this man who became president on a fluke. 2cents.

If im not allowed to shit on him yet, then hes not allowed to take credit for MAGA!!! by subsidizing a new Carrier factory in Mexico. Fuck off with this bullshit. He can and will be judged today, and all days, as he fucking spouts off and attacks individual American workers via Twitter for calling him out on his Carrier PR stunt lying about job figures. SAD.

You seem really triggered right now. He can take credit for MAGA any day of the week. Who says he can't? You? LOL. Go ahead talk shit about him attacking people on twitter. You are right. He shouldn't do that.

You people make this worse. You sit here behind your computer, doing nothing relevant but talking shit about the guy. Make your point, don't sit here and attack him 24/7 because you want to push your own personal agenda. If you don't like him..... tough luck m8 hes now the president. If you wanna do something about it to change it, hop on the MSM bullshit train and call him a russian terrorist.

Nah bro. MAGA!!!! Is a mockery of you lot. Innit?

Also... I dont think you made a single salient point. Trump would be proud.

"You people made this worse"....... hahahahaha

Bow to your new king

My point is everyone talking shit about trump is doing so in a bad manner. You guys are just equally as bad. Spread love not hatred.

Pizzagate, altho it may be false, is actually a really great way to unite the public

That's what I think makes specially fishy IMHO. Remember that through history, pedofilia, sexual deviation and cannibalism always get used to smear people. I tend to distrust stories that use this kind of accusations. It's just... too easy, too obvious.

It's like being told to stab yourself or shoot're choice!!!!! There is no "choice" when will people get that through their head.

Trump's part of the elite as well. Why would it be so unlikely that among the elite there aren't several factions fighting for power?

Chill out man, it's election season. It'll blow over. Everyone in DC is establishment and to be watched. We all know that. In the meantime, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Just looking at your post history. For the last month you've been posting mainstream media in anti donald trump subs fervently and this is one of the first times you've posted in conspiracy. You have never said a bad thing about hillary Clinton or critiqued her throughout the election period. You don not have a reputation of being neutral so dont pretend to be. (I support trump for transparency, clearly by my own post history).

A lot of the top voted users in this thread are all anti-trump, but completely silent over the Hillary/emails/any other conspiracy. (In their post history)

How about a little evidence to support your claims?


Is Donald Trump Playing the Jews?

Ok that first video about the cabal, they mentioned the dreaded words about peace and safety or security. The Bible puts a clear warning out there in the book of Thessalonians 3For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. Israel is Gods nation, but they will not turn back to him until after the rapture of the Church. Thus the 144000 thousand.

Israel is Gods nation, but they will not turn back to him until after the rapture of the Church. Thus the 144000 thousand.

Could you explain that some more? What is the rapture of the Church?

It all goes back to the original covenant God made with Israel, God's chosen people. The significance of that is he chose this bloodline in which he would send Jesus to redeem all of man's sins. But through all God used them for they turned away to worldly idols so when Jesus was on earth he set up the church to take Israel's place in carrying the gospel throughout the rest of the time up until the tribulation period. The rapture is the gathering of the born again Christians or collectively called the church. This event will take place leading up to the 7 years tribulation which the Bible describes as the worst time the world has ever seen. God will remove his presence and allow Satan his full reign of evil to take place on the human race. Now I wish this were a fairy tale, but many of the prophecies from thousands of years ago are setting up as we speak, so to say it's not real is to choose blindness as most of the world will do. The Bible is the first to speak of the new world order, a cashless society, and many more things that we see in the news daily. Most of the population will die during this time. It is truly horrible. The only way to be saved from this is to repent and believe that Jesus payed for all of your sins. Because the only way to God is through Jesus and what he did on the cross. What I tell you freely here many have died for, there is power in the name of Jesus


I haven't heard that about Pence. Can you link to your sources?

I added sources to the OP.

It's disturbing stuff.

Friend to child rapists?

Fake shit does get spread quickly by anti trump.

I added sources to the OP.

It's disturbing stuff.

But he's also no friend of the establishment. The Republicans didn't want him to get the nomination.

"Emperor Palpatine is Evil!" Obe Won "From my point of view, the Jedi are Evil" Anakin "Well then you ARE lost!" Obe Won I know, everyone hated that movie. But I think its pretty good.

Trump is evil. How? Compared to what other choices? Obama ? Hillary ? Dude you are clueless and fooled. You basically come in here and tell us all the same thing weve been hearing from media and pundits all year and you say, "WE NEED TO BE WATCHING HIM". LOL the whole world has him under a microphone and scrutiny.

Its funny you say he is conman for wanting the presidency, are you aware of who we have now? You can't just mouth off and call names, then say get people out of here with different beliefs than mine.

Establishment is politicians making a living off us for years running our country into the ground. Your opinion is based off fear and hate. This is the one thing about reddit I get into a a discussion and look back at what you wrote and realize that maybe your a child.

You think Donald Trump is above using the presidency to make himself more powerful/wealthy at your expense?

One day you may realize how criminal the people running our government are. Until then this is like arguing with a toddler

You're 100% correct, that's why I'm not buying into your fairytale that "This rich billionaire DOES care"

Because that's exactly how a child would think

You know he just paid a $25M settlement for conning all of his TrumpU students right? I feel sorry for your ignorance.

If you think that's the reason he settled than there is no debate here your all knowing

Innocent people dont pay $25M settlements. Sorry bro

Reread what you just said.

Now realize you will never push your ignorant judgments as "FACT" to people like me. I do not worship or take opinion from all knowing false gods of reddit strangers.

Yikes... dont worry dude. Trump is going to make America great again. He will fix all of your problems and make the real enemies pay. Hes gonna like, totally drain the swamp, one goldman-sachs exec at a time. Hes gonna like, bring back jobs to the US, One US govt subsidized mexican Carrier factory at a time :) Hes gonna like totally lock up Crooked Hillary and MAGA!!!

But of course you already know this, because you get your "FACTS" from Donny Trump, you dont just take them blindly from false gods...... hahahahahahahah

And trump voters like to call other people "cucks". I feel sorry for people who really have to deal with you on a daily basis.

He will fix all of your problems and make the real enemies pay

OH yeah the Enemy. The one who put this religion of belief in your head that Donald Trumps settlement means the TRUTH is he is guilty. Judge, Jury, Condemnation.

Don't feel sorry for me you aren't capable of it. I weep for our citizens though. Watch closely, your precious authority figures are going to make sure that Trump is guilty and is the enemy, sleep well - maybe they will even tuck you in

I didnt say I feel sorry for you. But youre fucking awful at reading and comprehending information presented to you, so you concluded somehow that I feel sorry for YOU. I don't. Its not about you. Its never about you. You're inconsequential. Yes, you're pathetic, but I don't feel sorry for you. Youre an irredeemable deplorable :) hahahahaha

I do feel sorry for other humans who are unfortunate enough to share daily life with you though.

But youre fucking awful at reading and comprehending information

From the guy that lives in a fantasy universe where when Donald Trump settles a lawsuit for 24 million it means he is guilty. That is not truth bud, that is speculation. Granted, yes it does bring about suspicion BUT you cannot come tell me he is guilty of fraud in that case because that is not TRUTH but you sell it as such then ridicule me for my comprehending information - how ironic that the all knowing is always better. He could of settled because maybe he had to focus and get untied from any unimportant battles because the biggest one was right now. Is that the case? Maybe not because you have decided in your mind the truth of reality is he is guilty but we know the word guilty and I don't think that word means what you think it means.

I do feel sorry for other humans who are unfortunate enough to share daily life with you though.

Well of course you should feel sorry because all humans would much rather be in your presence your holyness.

I didnt defraud any of you, but here's $25M to go away and keep your mouths shut. The amount of time and energy it would take to prove my innocence is more than $25M, so the cheaper option is to just pay out a settlement. I borrowed it from an overseas bank because my credit is dogshit and US banks wont loan me any money.

I bet you cant wait until this guy is throwing around taxpayer money to make his problems go away instead of his own money. Youre probably confident he will be WAY more responsible with other people's money.

He wants to keep living in Trump Tower and force the secret service to rent two floors, spending $3 million per year of tax payer money back to Trump. Hahahahahaha

Bow to your new king

Well - If a day comes along where you finally discover the truth of who the enemy is , what they are doing - then you can reread this message seeing the fault. Its amazing Trump has made it this far and would be amazing if he made it into the white house alive.

Its not about Trump being a hero because he isn't and he isn't the enemy or part of them either. A hero won't save us because many hero's are dead who have tried, its a battle for belief. The belief is Trump is a bad guy and the fooled will spend time trying to prove to the people of this nation who elected him that he is a bad guy and fascist.

Nobody has to prove that he's a bad guy. Its in right in front of our faces black and white. Some people who care about fellow Americans have spent time trying to educate others about Trump, but its futile especially with those, like yourself, who do not want to be convinced of anything, rational or not. Its a much more cozy place to live in Trump's distortion field where all problems are caused by an outside group (this is called scapegoating), where he and he "alone" can fix all of your problems with a few simple steps (this is called gross oversimplification and promising the impossible), where all news media is a false made up conspiracy to hide the truth from you (this is called attacking the media that draws attention to his broken promises). As with you, you are blind to actual information and are willing to "explain away" everything bad about Trump. You are under his spell and he keeps you there because you are uneducated and easy to manipulate, you fail to review or consider the facts eight in front of you, and have allowed him to convince you that anything negative at all is simply a lie. I have no interest in convincing you, because I now feel that someone like you deserves to suffer the actual consequences of a Trump presidency. At this point I'm just trolling. But honestly, Trump U documents are everywhere and whether or not the case went to trial, its very clear that he was conning the "students" and having all of his employees work to scam customers. Whether people want to accept reality about Donald Trump is one thing, facts are another, and $25M is a fact. A 6' tall painting of himself paid for with "foundation" money is another fact. Bankruptcies are fact. Conflict of interest is fact. Broken campaign promises are fact (Lock her up!). No one has proof that he will continue to be a giant con-artist, but educated people have made informed assumptions about the behavior of a 70 year old demagogue with a massive financial stake in manipulating Americans and abusing his post to influence foreign investment into his own businesses, is probably NOT going put Americans first.

Sir you do not know me. I support Trump all of the sudden you know who I am, how easy to manipulated I am, and what it is about Trump that made me support him. I'm uneducated? Oh. Wow. Give a man a masters degree and educated he is! Abraham Lincoln had hardly any education but he had a drive... and he freed the slaves with the will inside him and spirit of God behind him.

Its a much more cozy place to live in Trump's distortion field where all problems are caused by an outside group (this is called scapegoating)

LMAO you know what. When Trump talks about ISIS, building a wall, bad trade deals, etc etc etc. I know he is really just reaching the people who are still fooled to think these are enemies or problems. He cannot say what he has come to do but its easy to see if you listen........... this is a suicide mission. I know what he is gonna do and you damn near have to be in love or insane to attempt this for us. Especially if you already have money. There is only one way to make america great again only one way - none of it is what Trump has said what hes going to do because honestly you can't say it. Like Trump says you can't let the enemy know your plan. Yea sure some people think all the things Trump said he would fix if he fixed them we would be great! No. There is only one thing. Even if he does fix everything he said but doesn't solve the real problem America will never be great again. SO its the things he doesn't say which is good cause even Trump supporters would be afraid, so for those who have ears let them hear.


Sorry, but people support Trump. He is the best president those of us who want the truth have had in 50 years. Keep posting and crying about it though. See where that gets you.

"gais gais gais...LISSEN....WE KNOW HRC & OBama were ebil. but theyre gone now. theyll be retired. lets ignore them. they wont hurt anyone anymore. they have no influence.

instead lets focus ALL our time on Trump now...yeah. He's been part of big gov oppression problem of our constitutional liberty for last 30 years!!!


nicely done trolls.

you can try and discredit President Trump before he even takes office and you have any proof of anything. We instead shall be like Nazi Hunters - following on the crimes commited over past decades no matter how much time has passed. no stone unturned..

bet most of the people who making these posts voted for HRC or are infact straight up from the media since no one listens to it anymore they gotta pretend to be "normies" on a forum.

Israel is Gods nation, but they will not turn back to him until after the rapture of the Church. Thus the 144000 thousand.

Could you explain that some more? What is the rapture of the Church?

You're 100% correct, that's why I'm not buying into your fairytale that "This rich billionaire DOES care"

Because that's exactly how a child would think

The FBI investigation they leaked. I read the whole thing minus relations obvi. It specifically talks about the shadow government.