Why are there 20 links about Pizzagate here and not a single one about allegations that Russians interfered in the presidential election to help elect Donald Trump? It seems like that might be one of the biggest conspiracies of all time.

1  2016-12-10 by JoePesciOfGoneFishin


if the CIA says the Russians did it, you can be absolutely certain that is the real 'fake news'.

We all know it was the 400 pound hacker.

this ignores the fact that trump directly asked russia to hack clinton during the campaign

LOL thats totally funny. This is the most astonishing misdirection seen today.

thats not a call for russia to hack the election, sorry.

this ignores the fact that trump directly asked russia to hack clinton during the campaign

did trump have the russians put clintons server in the bathroom unsecured?

You mean Wikileaks? Because that's what the CIA means when they say "the Russians" helped Trump.

We talk about Wikileaks all the time.

But I think you knew that.

The CIAs official statement is even no comment. This is some crazy fake news

There is no evidence Wikileaks is associated with Russia however.

I think the biggest conspiracies of all time should be reserved for killing and pedophillia. Foreign Politics influencing national politics is nothing new. In the1770's France propagandize revolting against the red coats, USA does it all the time- tried to overthrow Castro many times, Venezurla, practical all of the middle east.

Not a hit on religion (Im spiritual) rather the corruption that lies with in.

Biggest conspiracy out there would be Jesuits. They are 1 head hydra head of the giant illiminati -Responsible for millions of deaths. Catholic church has paid over 100,000,000 in court settlements and losses because thier priests are pedo's. Jesuits have infiltrated the CIA (George Bush SR was in CIA during JFK assassination era)

Good point, I should have said "biggest conspiracy this election." Stuff like the Tuskegee experiments and MKUltra are obviously bigger, to name just a few.

And MKUltra is related to the child trafficking and ritual abuse, which is related to pizzagate

What do you mean by "Jesuits have infiltrated the CIA"?

Who started the CIA? When you answer that you'll see why I asked the question.

Are you informed about the OSS? Research that former entity and how it was then morphed into CIA, M16 by jesuits.

And you'll see why I asked that.

CIA had its roots in the OSS, but the OSS was shut down by jesuits who later created CIA and M16.


History of OSS


Are you informed about the OSS? Research that former entity and how it was then morphed into CIA, M16 by jesuits.

Yes which is why I asked the question.

later created CIA

So they can't "infiltrate" (your words not mine) something that they've created. They've always been in control.

Because it's fake. It has no evidence and was invented by hillary clinton. That's not exactly a grassroots theory against the establishment.

Exactly. Even the Washington Post article says the CIA "does not have specific evidence" of Russian involvement ... If they did, it would be CNN headline news in minutes.

China just got testy with Trump for talking with Taiwan

tell me again how he is in with the communists>??


I think the reason so many people here aren't talking about it is because the mainstream media has been too quick in painting the Wikileaks emails as some vast Russian conspiracy, completely ignoring the actual content of the emails.

Of course Russia had some influence in the election, and I'm sure China did to a degree as well, why wouldn't you if you were a major power and the US had been doing the same kind of meddling in your affairs? But aside from speculation that Wikileaks got their emails from Russia, it's just the mainstream media crying wolf, similar to the whole "fake news" situation.

To me is fit so little proof is not worth talking about. It could be the case with any hack, but without security researchers presenting strong evidence is simply unknowable

But yet, front page of this sub is littered with PG. I agree about the little proof, but people automatically think your a shill when you try to explain the lack of proof in pizzagate..

Yeah, CeyeA seeds MSM with some 'Russia did it' claims and we at r/conspiracy are suppose to bark at it as if true? please!

Is your coffee cold? Russia did it! Do you disagree with US policy in Syria? you're a Russian agent spreading Russian propaganda!

give me a break!

Tbf the russians came out and said they were in contact with the trump administration.

So my theory is trumps campaign, with the support of russia, did hack the elections and pushed alot of shills into reddit. This would explain almost everything. Including PG

This doesn't explain why Seth Rich was smoked.

Because he was walking drunk at 3 am through a shitty neighborhood where there has been a bunch of armed robberies?

Except he wasn't robbed. That is very telling in my opinion

No it's not. I've lived I'm a shitty neighborhood for most of my life, and robberies gone wrong are incredibly common. Happens all the time.

I'm not saying it's impossible, but to say that murdering someone and then not taking anything is an "incredibly common" form of robbery is disingenuous.

No it's not. It happens all the time in shitty neighborhoods, especially ones with shot spotters like they have in DC.

Yes, it always happens, especially when those people are DNC staffers who are potentially leaking sensitive information that is damaging to Clinton's campaign. This should raise suspicion in any rational individual, and it's dangerous to jump to conclusions. Maybe it was a botched robbery, but it is disingenuous to act like it's obvious that this is what happened

Typically robberies result in emptied pockets. Rich has both his wallet, and his keys. So let us leave the whole "robbery" term out, because this wasn't a robbery, or an attempted robbery.

Lots of people walk through that hood, and don't get randomly murdered. The two shots, from a 9mm, that killed Rich were landed perfectly. Not sure if you shoot a lot, but to draw down and murder a moving target with a 9mm, is quite a feat. The report shows that there was indeed a "struggle," but there's not a whole lot of evidence. The precision leads me to believe that this isn't just another gangbanger shooting. Gangsters don't frequently qualify, with their weapons; they typically empty entire magazines. The double tap shows training and control. This was an executed mission, not a random game of kill the white boy.

The nearly 50k in reward money turns gangsters into snitches real quick. But not a peep.

It would be negligent to dismiss the DNC leaks and the Seth Rich murder as coincidence. Using your brain doesn't mean fake news.

I live about 4 blocks from where he was shot. Just a couple weeks ago (at 8pm) my neighbor called to let me know not to walk my dog because a guy had been threatened with a gun and the gunman was on the run. So yeah, not that unrealistic that some drunk guy was shot at 4:30 in morning.

Also, as an interesting side note, there are a bunch of flyers around here offering $125,000 reward for information on the murder.

"American intelligence agencies say all their evidence points to Russia interfering with the election"

"Nah that doesn't sound true, I'm not gonna believe it"

"Oh and some anonymous guy on 4Chan says that Jonh Podesta is part of an underground child sex slavery ring and that when he says pizza it really means child rape"

"Its the biggest cover-up of all time! The signs are all there!"

For one, I'm not an active pizzagater, although I have watched with interest. So that has no relevance to me whatsoever.

For two, last I heard the various government agencies were contradictory, but I haven't been following super close.

The point is, without evidence of any kind or corroboration from security researchers who make a living analysing these claims, there is little to discuss.

And so long as you insist on tying in pizzagate (which I don't understand at all), the difference is the people researching that believe they can find hard evidence. I'm sure if a group of people had similar beliefs about the Russian connection to the hacks there would be more discussion.

There is corroboration from security researchers actually.


This post would have grabbed an up vote from me, but reading through the case they present its rather vague. I'd prefer more infirmation

I agree but I think thats the point right now...All we have are unnamed sources who clearly want to leak this information, and Obama has ordered a full review that we will see hopefully soon.

"say"....wow, overwhelming evidence.

CIA scum are the very liars ( possibly pedo too; I haven't kept up on this pizza stuff even with my handle) who blame Russia without really saying much other than that they are Daddy Bush people and that should (this is hill-arious) be enough for citizens to believe their lying KGB CIA (same difference) asses.

We must be looking at two different websites, there's about a thousand of these posts. And Hilary so crooked, I could really care less.


all I heard from the DNC for the past year was "we THINK the russians are behind the leaks and fake news"

they have 0 proof & the fact that they are currently opening an investigation to see if it was possible - proves they have nothing

You've got high ranking CIA officials making the claim that Russians interfered with the election, a claim corroborated by independent online security firms that have investigated, but that's not evidence.

You've got PizzaGate where some anonymous person made up a fake code that is supposed to uncover a giant child sex ring (a code where "cheese pizza" is a code word for rape...at a pizzeria, like what else could cheese pizza possibly mean?) and that's proof to you?

Yeah, I guess I'm the shill.

And you also have high ranking whistleblowers saying that it wasn't the Russians, but our own white hats in the intel community who have been doing these things. Do you discount what they say?

Edit to add: and we also went through all of this 14 years ago when our omnipotent and benevolent leaders and analysts assured us that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. There's nothing wrong with remaining skeptical of their claims when no clear evidence is offered

Oh man... you're living in an illusion.. obviously you yourself didn't investigate the pizzagate since you are reffering to a cheese pizza.. get your head out your a**. You give an example of CIA officials SAYING/CLAIMING stuff with NO PROOF AT ALL. Against. Pizzagate where they have documents, emails, photos as evidence of the high ranking officers and gov people pedos involved in it.

So your resoning is you will believe some dudes with a badge appointed to the job by the same people who are guilty. It's obvious that they all will cover their asses and media will spread diversion news to fool the masses.

With pizzagate (and don't focus on the name too much because you're missing the point) you have hard evidence and you are willing to overlook that because it doesn't come from official source...

Well in that case I say to you good day and enjoy your life in the stable with rest of them sheeple.

Unfortunately I can no longer continue the conversation, as I have died from a fatal dose of irony.

Except pedophilia in Hollywood and the government isn't a new thing. It's an expansion on other conspiracies of this same type of stuff. It's linked with mkultra and other known conspiracies. Russian and the U.S. trying to fuck with each other isn't a conspiracy, it's the last 50 years of our history. And the media is more than willing to talk about it. So we will let them talk about it. They are not willing to talk about rampant pedophilia and human trafficking, which is why those subjects have/need more of a spotlight on them right now.

The hypocrisy is strong with these people. And I bet the shill comment will stay up.

Removed, warning for rule 10

RT has been around for a while now. It's not news here.

For one, I'm not an active pizzagater, although I have watched with interest. So that has no relevance to me whatsoever.

For two, last I heard the various government agencies were contradictory, but I haven't been following super close.

The point is, without evidence of any kind or corroboration from security researchers who make a living analysing these claims, there is little to discuss.

And so long as you insist on tying in pizzagate (which I don't understand at all), the difference is the people researching that believe they can find hard evidence. I'm sure if a group of people had similar beliefs about the Russian connection to the hacks there would be more discussion.

Because nothing related to reality can ever pierce the veil here.

Interfered is a bit of a stretch here. Hacking voting machines is interference. Supposedly supplying journalists with evidence of corruption is not.

Russia definitely tried to employ tactics to change the opinions of some us citizens but to which degree it worked is hard to gauge in a confirmable , however hilary's emails (which generated no wrongdoing) spread doubt in the minds of Us citizens about thetransparency of official government information. It also overshadowed the possibility of russian influence being a big topic as most people who could care to know aren't as anatic about their candidate as trchumpanzees.

It's documented that russia employs people to manipulate social media in the same way the illegal apartheid state The zionists" does.

if, and it's a big if with no proof, Russia hacked podesta by catfishin him, and released truthful emails, thanks Russia.

Poor Giorgios

Because the real conspiracy there is the story itself, which is a disturbing attempt to provide a basis for multiple legislative attacks on the first amendment and anti propaganda laws. I honestly don't have any reason to believe it was the Russians, and if their 'interference' was releasing a bunch of true information about a major political candidate, all I have to say is 'thank you'.

The liberals ran out of tin foil hats.

msm lyin as usual, that's a conspiracy sure but one that goes without saying, why waste time talking about it here

OP this is a good topic, but unfortunately it will fall on deaf ears here. This sub is way too partisan. I applaud you, nonetheless.

Naysayers, just imagine if:

  • Wikileaks had put out RNC emails only
  • Wikileaks had offered anti-Trump and anti-Melania merchandise
  • Wikileaks had said they had info on Hillary but they weren't releasing it
  • Wikileaks tweets a link to r/politics saying "This is partisan, but check it out anyway"
  • Hillary publicly calls for assistance from foreign hackers
  • Every intelligence agency and even private research groups claim Hillary has Russian support
  • The entire time Hillary is saying super nice things about Putin

I mean, Assange would still be a shining beacon of TRUTH and TRANSPARENCY, right? /s

Us 'Naysayers' have quite good imaginations but extend your imaginings to include MSM in the Wiki-mix above and most would say the above is child's play/nonsense compared to MSM machinations...'Partisan' is entirely the wrong analysis; this sub, like Putin's Russia, is too anti-war to vigorously support the at-any-and-all-times pro-war BIPARTISAN US establishment whose aggressive wars have embraced the Goering analysis of his Nuremberg indictment's first count. Wiki's first run-in with this evil establishment resulted in Iraq war crimes getting exposed, Bradley Manning having his torture supervised by America's bipartisan pro-torture elitist establishment scum ('with her'), and many other things, including her advocacy of his murder, that made Assange admittedly anti-Hillary. That said, he still is "...a shining beacon of TRUTH and TRANSPARENCY."

I actually like conspiracy theories and as a journalist that is actually what the best reporting does... But this sub is essentially The Donald plus the pizzagate refugees. Pretty sad

Whoa now, we still have 9/11 truthers and alien cover ups. Let's not forget about those of us that discuss stargates and demons. I agree that T_D has an influence here, and PG is certainly a big time ordeal to people in this community. That's the thing though. You can choose what content to put your efforts and shape your ideals from in this sub. None of the information is force fed to you. You have to be the one that clicks a post.

I know dude, I have been following conspiracies for about 15 years. I'm open minded.

The only reason I argue with people about pizzagate and other stuff on here is because I think it's appalling how many people are willing to get dragged down into a tar pit while at the same time ruining people's livelihoods and accomplishing absolutely nothing in the realm of real mass-traction political action.

You're correct. That's exactly what this place is.

Except he wasn't robbed. That is very telling in my opinion

Typically robberies result in emptied pockets. Rich has both his wallet, and his keys. So let us leave the whole "robbery" term out, because this wasn't a robbery, or an attempted robbery.

Lots of people walk through that hood, and don't get randomly murdered. The two shots, from a 9mm, that killed Rich were landed perfectly. Not sure if you shoot a lot, but to draw down and murder a moving target with a 9mm, is quite a feat. The report shows that there was indeed a "struggle," but there's not a whole lot of evidence. The precision leads me to believe that this isn't just another gangbanger shooting. Gangsters don't frequently qualify, with their weapons; they typically empty entire magazines. The double tap shows training and control. This was an executed mission, not a random game of kill the white boy.

The nearly 50k in reward money turns gangsters into snitches real quick. But not a peep.

It would be negligent to dismiss the DNC leaks and the Seth Rich murder as coincidence. Using your brain doesn't mean fake news.

I live about 4 blocks from where he was shot. Just a couple weeks ago (at 8pm) my neighbor called to let me know not to walk my dog because a guy had been threatened with a gun and the gunman was on the run. So yeah, not that unrealistic that some drunk guy was shot at 4:30 in morning.

Also, as an interesting side note, there are a bunch of flyers around here offering $125,000 reward for information on the murder.

if, and it's a big if with no proof, Russia hacked podesta by catfishin him, and released truthful emails, thanks Russia.