"Show me where those code words existed before Pizzagate, you lunatics" [Pre-Existing Evidence]

218  2016-12-10 by 911bodysnatchers322

Here is the Podesta-era slang explanations. There have been many people in this sub and abroad making comments such as "these are common words. you guys are idiots". They don't understand context, and they don't believe this slang existed outside of Podesta's emails.

  • Dominos = Domination / BDSM
  • Pasta = little boy
  • Cheese = little girl
  • Hotdog = young boy
  • Pizza = young girl
  • Map = minor attracted person or semen
  • Walnut = African American or African

And quite frankly, it's easy to prove they are right if you use google the wrong way: a standard search like 'pedo language pizza'. It's going to give you a pro-pedo / pedonormalizing filter bubble where all it will return you is pizzagate. It's easy to get lost. Espeically if you are like 99.93% of people who aren't pedophiles and know nothing about this subculture.

MAP -- this def. predated 2016 by at least a decade


Hot Dog


  • <<not found>>


Comet instagram risque pizza images from one transsexual user


Don't forget "Chicken" for little boy. It can be found in one of the stories on NAMBLA's site.

I swear I posted this, before, and it vanished...

Yep, the #chickenlovers photo is the most damning imo. "Chicken lover" has 100% been used as a term for pedophiles.

I tried Googling everywhere but I have yet to find a single reference to "chicken lover" at all outside of Pizzagate blogs.

Not even the "Chicken Lover" episode of South Park? Seems unlikely, as millions of people watched that episode many times. That was in the early days of South Park, one of the first 3 seasons I believe.

Not implicating Matt and Trey in today's scandals, but that term was about an adult who had sex with chickens in efforts to help Officer Barbrady develop literacy. Wonder if they had heard the term before, or if they simply came up with it as a joke.

Either way, that phrase was certainly used in at least one major way before Pizzagate.

That has nothing to do with pedophilia. I was specifically looking for mentions on forums, chatrooms, etc tying "chicken lover" with pedophilia. As far as I can tell outside of the title of a single TV show episode it was never used in the manner it is claimed in the chart.

Go to NAMBLA and read their stories. One of them refers to this.


last modified: 18 July 2011


chicken lover colloq. Paedophile one with a sexual attraction, and need for young boys, under the age of consent. See also: ▶paedophile A man in his '40s that goes for young man eighteen to twenty-four. Source: [late1990's]

That's the seemingly oldest reference I can find

Wait, a man in his 40s is referred to as a pedo for being attracted to 18-24 year olds?

chicken lover colloq. Paedophile one with a sexual attraction, and need for young boys, under the age of consent.

You're trying to use the "See also" alternative definition to disprove this guy? Are you serious?

(colloq. means how people generally use the word)

Did you even click the link?


    Any boy under the age of consent.

I was specifically looking for mentions on forums, chatrooms, etc tying "chicken lover" with pedophilia.

Then you were lying, because all I had to do was google 'chicken lover pedophile' to get results more than 20 years old indicating that chicken-'something' was a common way to refer to someone with a sexual preference for younger boys.

The term has always been "chickenhawk", not "chickenlover". Just ask any old gay man.

Even your venerated "Urban Dictionary" source doesn't list "chickenlover".

EDIT: Note that there are 4 pages of UD definitions for "chickenhawk".

Lol, you clearly are lying. Google results in 3 seconds indicate Chicken Hawk is a homosexual in pursuit of younger males, and chicken is a younger male.

The whole imaginationland series was about whistleblowing pedophila; and how everyone treats it like it's imagination; it could also have been predictive programming to shut down the same (ie conspiracy theorists are nuts because they are talking about CERN opening a portal to hell)

I vaguely remember the episode being about a man coming to town that was extremely perverted and creepy

Even though they make a show about little boys, they aren't exactly keyed into the whole realm of pedophilia

It's also the case that google seems purposefully suppressing some of these terms as a type of soft filter bubble.

I had to use ixquick.eu and duckduckgo.com (ie: now lycos with a facelife--I can prove that btw) to find some stuff; I also had to force google to omit 2016 results and use a daterange up to 2016

First result when I googled "Chicken lover definition". http://www.definition-of.com/chicken%20lover

The term "chickenhawk" is used in gay slang to refer to an older man who chases after younger men

Men. Not little boys.

""Chickenhawk" also indicates a man who uses underage boys for his sexual pleasure. The usage was publicized by members of the controversial group NAMBLA in the 1994 documentary film Chicken Hawk: Men Who Love Boys,[6][7] although Time magazine reported it in this sense in 1975.[3]"

You're quoting selectively.

Underage doesn't mean pedophilia.

You do realize that?

So,any evidence this refers to pedophiles and chicken is slang for pre-teens?

The original thread is asking for proof of these slang terms existing before pizzagate, and the sub thread was questioning whether or not "chicken" referred to young men or boys. The link I posted helped provide that.

People convicted of pedophilia - notably in the Vatican and sports clubs - will call boys of twelve and younger "young men". The age of maturity is debatable in many cultures. That's all I'm looking at here. Sorry if that confused you.

No confusion here.

You just made another claim without providing evidence.

You cannot prove one claim with another claim

LOL. You're funny.

BTW, the OP's post was full of errors. Those words are slang for a lot more. Depends upon the circles developing the language, and the era. Remember when cool meant cool, and then it didn't?

But I feel it's true. Are you going to tell me my feelings are wrong?

Folks, this here is Sarcasm, folks.

You never adress any of it, do you?

You want to talk about chickenlovers?

Can you show me a single instance of that exact term being used in pedophilia circles?

And if chicken means "young boy", why is he using that term while holding a young girl?

Sometimes chicken means chicken.

Someone posted that they knew the guy in the photo, and he had recently purchased a chicken coop, and people were teasing him about it.

I have absolutely ZERO evidence to back up that claim, but on it's face alone, it makes 100x more sense than the pizzagate explanation... which is that the guy in the photo is sexually attracted to the infant he is holding.

Jesus christ... there is more projection going on in "pizzagate" than in a Cineplex 24.

That's interesting and it makes much more sense. Do you have that comment handy? No worries if it's hard to find.

reddit's search engine is shit, and I can't find it.

It was either on /r/politics in one of the pizzagate articles, or here.

But again, this is just anecdote from me, relaying an anecdotal account from some other anonymous person, so it's definitely not proof or disproof of anything... just a more likely explanation than ritualistic child rape of an infant.

Maybe try Google... There's plenty of previous comments with links, or do your own research. Or do your feelings and pretend you are better than anyone else and that bad things do not happen.

I don't think you caught the sarcasm in the post about my feelings above.

I have googled these terms. The term chickenlover does not appear in association with pedophilia. Chicken certainly does in some contexts, but it refers to a young boy. Notice that in the accompanying instagram post, the father is holding a young girl, not a young boy.

The vast majority of the time, chicken means chicken. If you search instagram, there are hundreds of references to "chicken lover", all of them referring to literal chickens. You can tell because their profile photos are often of actual chickens and they are discussing chicken care and chicken coops.

The preponderance of evidence in this case indicates that in the instagram post in question, they are very likely talking about literal chickens. The burden of proof lies on the pizzagate accusers to prove otherwise. If you make an extraordinary claim, you must produce sufficient evidence. None has been provided to suggest that the father hugging his young daughter is involved in pedophilia.

Chickenhawk too.

There's a documentary about the subject called ChickenHawk (1994).


I think it may have come from "Chickenhawk" which is a gay older male that goes after younger males. This is a slang from earlier than the 70s, which has fallen out of usage, afaik. It is kind of like a gay cougar

Younger males means little boys or younger males?

both. The gay community apparently has looser boundaries on where that linguistic distinction is, so they roll them together into 'boi' with an 'i'; get it? Change the language, change the game.

that's what xe said!

The gay community also uses the term 'spartacus' as a kind of 'ideal'. I'm still trying to piece this together linguo-historically. I believe it goes back to ancient greece where the relationship of men to boys was more fluid an pederasty was much more widely accepted in that culture. Also sparta was a warrior based (militant / military worship) culture that was run by women for women, and they apparently thought it was ok for men to screw kids

I'm going to make a post about this later, I've been working on the research for it, because I was looking into the origin of the illuminati's adam weishaupt signing his name 'brother spartacus' and why that came to be and what it was about. it led me to weird places, namely "spartacus international" which is a pedophile ring that runs resorts where men get to play with young males. Again 'young males are anywhere from teens (illegal teens) to 20 somethings

Your claims don't mean shit without evidence.

In fact, your claims are highly suspicious considering how you've been shown to make up stuff in this very thread.

So, do yourself a favor and stop posting these claims if you don't have supporting evidence.

The term 'Chicken' is corroborated as existing well before pizzagate. Malcolm MacLaren ex-Sex Pistols manager ran an S&M bondage boutique called Sex where he came up with a T-Shirt design of a nude, young boy smoking a cigarette. The image came from came from a copy of Hans Herbert Hubermahl’s paedophilic underground magazine Boys Express purchased by MacLaren in Brixton, south London. McLaren coerced Sex Pistols Bassist, Glenn Matlock, at the time a student at Central Saint Martin’s art school, to use the college printing facilities to produce the original run. “We didn’t make very many, 40 or 50 at most, and they were in quite small sizes,” said McLaren. “They were supposed to be sold in the store but at first I gave them away to people who looked cool.”

When the Sex Pistols broke up MacLaren went on to start-up a band called Bow-Wow-Wow with a 13 year-old singer named Annabella Lwin. MacLaren had Lwin pose nude on the band's album cover when she was 14 years-old and their top song was "I Want Candy". Their most notorious recording was "Sexy Eiffel Tower," which consisted of excitedly sexual heavy breathing and moans. EMI dropped the group after releasing their second single, "W.O.R.K. (N.O. Nah, No No My Daddy Don't)".

The members of Bow Wow Wow also promoted clothing designed by McLaren and his partner Vivienne Westwood, and he embroiled the group in such controversies as his plans to publish a paedophilia magazine to be titled Chicken, to celebrate sex between under-aged individuals.

So I think it's safe to conclude that MacLaren was a fucking paedophile besides being a right cunt in every sense of the word.

Sources: http://www.paulgormanis.com/?p=8459 (Shows Chrissie Hynde wearing boy with cigarette paedo shirt.)


If you ever doubted the term "chicken lover" check out this pic and google Peter Truong.

Oh, no doubt. And Putin banning foreign adoptions doesn't seem so crazy, anymore!

True and chickenhawk is a gay guy who goes after younger guys

Cheese pizza is deep web slang for child porn.

Thats the only existing code before pizzagate that i could verify

Yup, but "cheese pizza" is not listed as a code word in the Podesta emails according to the original chart: https://i.sli.mg/eoWIeB.jpg

The fact of the matter is, none of the codewords listed in that post have ever been used before Pizzagate. The chart itself can be traced back to a single 4chan post hypothesizing what the Podesta code could be, someone added to to a JPG and people just ran with it as being the truth. Classic disinfo and psyop tactic to repeat lies enough and they become reality, and shocker, /r/conspiracy users fell for it hook, line, sinker.

OP's post doesn't do a damn thing to validate any of the other code words either, it's just random links to pictures of hot dogs... the only thing OP got right is the "cheese pizza" connection, but that phrase is not one of the suspected code words. And it's almost exclusively used as Internet slang... I highly doubt some 60+ year old political figure is up to date on 4chan lingo.


You're trying too hard to justify your inaction, looking the other way on child rape and ignoring the mountains of other circumstantial evidence that to a normal agent of criminal justice would constitute legal 'probable cause' to investigate futher.


I worked in two supermax stays facilities including where people such as Sandusky are housed. As well as death row unit. Can confirm at least cheese pizza/pasta never heard of the term walnut though[1]

I think you meant to heap your praises of circumstantial evidence in reply to another user, friend.

You're right, sorry. Totaly lost at this point who i was intending to repy to

"The chart itself can be traced back to a single 4chan post hypothesizing what the Podesta code could be, someone added to to a JPG and people just ran with it as being the truth. " !!!!

That's not true. Hot dogs have always refered to penis, pizza is clearly referring to vaginal intercourse and has predated that. Did you follow my links? I proved pizza usage before this.

Walnut has been used for cameltoe, but no, I could not confirm this was used for minorities, nor 'sauce' as semen but it makes common sense it would be used. Spunk, jizz, sauce, those have been used before but not specific to pedophiles but just vulgarites

But to quote Rummsfeld--whose opinion your side clearly values (establishment view):

"The absence of evidence is NOT evidence of absence"

Give it time, we'll find these usages. We won't find them using Google, because I proved many times google is complicit in filter bubbling pedo. Prove it yourself


  • "site:reddit.com pedo"
  • "site:reddit.com pedophilia"
  • "site:reddit.com pedophile"

Don't use the excuse "that's too specific". It's fucking not. Reddit is a giant website that's run > 10 yrs with billions of pages, among them, probably millions of pages with those words, so don't you dare use that shutdown narrative. It is invalid. It will not work with the general consensus opinion on facts and discourse. Thanks and have a nice day.

Sometimes a hot dog is just a hot dog

A hot dog is a hot dog out of context.

One of the things that a doubter does that's a fallacy is take things out of context and look at everything singly, apart from the next thing. When you look at things in a vacuum, then you are looking at them clinically as the thing they are, not the thing they mean, suggest, intimate, imply or associate with

A bacterium is a species of organism, and not a deadly pathogen or a Causal agent

And what's especially bad is to then invent an entirely new, completely fictitious context and accuse them of rape and torture, murder, and cannibalism.

[Citation needed]

So now we're just left with arbitrary words that couldn't possibly mean anything outside the nonsensical context in which they're used. Ok.

What if I told you that DeBlasio's "CP TIME" wasn't 'colored people time' but talking about "Cheese Pizza Time"?

That's why Obama wasn't offended. He was ready to fuck a child with a biracial swinging couple + hillary + ultra

I worked in two supermax state facilities including where people such as Sandusky are housed. As well as death row unit. Can confirm at least cheese pizza/pasta never heard of the term walnut though

Thank you. Walnut is very suspicious. It seems like bullshit

Sorry I'm just now getting back to this but from lurking I think you're one of the best posters on this sub man

How long has that been the case?

How old is 4chan

Yeah that's my take away...most of those terms seems to start on 4chan which leads me to wonder if 4chan is not related to pizzagate (in bad way).

Since the pizzagate slang only really shows up on 4chan and associated websites it makes wonder if people involved in pizzagate came from 4chan.

I wonder if anyone has looked in to that

This is literally my biggest issue with the whole pizzagate since the entire house of Cards falls apart without those code words. And they originated on 4chan.

But no, people accuse me of being a paid, pedophilic shill for even bringing up such a thing. It's like they've never been to /b/.

And what's also funny is I'm pretty sure it used to be common knowledge that Anonymous/4chan have been compromised by the FBI for a few years now

I mean, is it possible that in this huge pizzagate disinfo campaign, regardless of which side you're on, people attempting to sway public opinion might shovel out some fake terms alongside some real (and easily confirmable as real) terms in an attempt to make the whole thing seem crazy?

I mean, is it possible that in this huge pizzagate disinfo campaign


This is an unpopular perspective in this sub, but Russia/Putin has been shown to have paid "troll farms" consisting of actual paid shills posting disinformation on the internet. "Trolls" that have been linked to pro-Trump postings. This was long before Russia was implicated in DNC leaks. Putin/Russia also have experience with similar tactics of disinformation being used in the Ukrainian election that helped elect Russian backed Viktor Yanukovych ("fake news", social media bots, paid shills, "conspiracy theories", etc). Again, this was long before the DNC blamed Russia for their leaks.

The motives would be rather straightforward. Create general distrust among the population. Distrust of the government, news, each other, etc. "A house divided" and whatnot. A lot of people here are pretty averse to this theory, but if you're actually interested I could put together some links that back up my claims. Maybe not until later/tomorrow, though.

Edit: In case anyone reads this, I detailed my "theory" below in my response to /u/MrsMadHatter04.

I am interested in hearing your theory. I think all sides should be looked at.

Sounds good.

But first, I'd like to point out that the person I was responding to accused me of pushing "propaganda". You'll notice that whenever people bring up legitimate concerns/points about "pizzagate", they are accused of being some kind of paid shill. It's why I asked if anyone was actually interested in considering my points before I wasted my energy putting this together. You'll also notice I will only use a few quality sources, as opposed to a mountain of bullshit.


In June 2015, Adrian Chen, a freelance journalist, wrote an excellent article about paid Russian "trolls" titled, The Agency. It goes into great detail into the "what, when, who" of the subject of paid "trolls". The TL;DR is that the Russian government pays people to go online and post pro-Russian propaganda, disinformation, rumors, etc. There are other articles/evidence of Putin's widespread use of paid "trolls". You can search for "Russian troll farms" or "Russian troll factories" and find plenty more articles and even document leaks detailing these people/organizations. Much more evidence than you'll ever find that paid Clinton "shills" were covertly posting on social media accounts (yes, CTR is real, but they AFAIK they never posted covertly) . However, I'm going to focus on Adrian Chen.

But before I continue (sorry for interrupting myself), I'd like to point out that my sources are actual professionals who have reputations, careers, etc on the line. You'll notice that "pizzagate" proponents are almost entirely anonymous or unsubstantiated sources. Claims about the "code" being known to the FBI are completely unsourced, for example. Which is one of the concerns people are bringing up in this thread.

Additionally, I'd like to point out the irony of "pizzagate" proponents posting on voat.co, a safe haven for /r/jailbait exiles, after /r/pizzagate was banned. You'd think if these people were actually concerned about pedophilia, they'd start looking under their nose. This brings me back to Adrian Chen, who doxxed "violentacrez", a moderator for /r/jailbait and /r/beatingwomen, among other subreddits. I bring this up because, whether you agree with Chen's decision to dox or not, there is no doubt that he has journalistic/investigative integrity. And it's a good example of someone doing a proper investigation into the subject at hand.

Ok, so back to Adrian Chen. In December of 2015, he appeared on a Longform podcast. He mainly talks about his work. It's an interesting listen IMO, but what I found relevant was at about 35 minutes in. He states:

A very interesting thing happened, I created this list of Russian trolls when I was researching. And I check on it once in a while, still. And a lot of them have turned into conservative accounts, like fake conservatives. I don't know what's going on, but they're all tweeting about Donald Trump and stuff...

When the host asked him who was paying for it, he responded:

I don't know. I feel like it's some kind of really opaque strategy of electing Donald Trump to undermine the US or something. Like false-flag kind of thing. You know, that's how I started thinking about all this stuff after being in Russia.

I include this quote to show you that he is not pushing some kind of agenda. In other words, there's no reason to think he is making this stuff up in order to protect Clinton or something like that. The interview was also long before the Wikileaks DNC email leaks.

Now, he may not have know why Russia would back Trump and he would probably not want to implicate motives, either. This brings me to this article written by John R. Schindler, "a security expert and former National Security Agency analyst and counterintelligence officer". It goes into great detail into why he believes Julian Assange/Wikileaks is essentially a Russian counter-intelligence "cutout". It's not directly tied to Pizzagate, but it's what helped me look at the subject with a more well-rounded perspective (one that's pretty unpopular in this sub). If you read his other articles, however, you will note that he is anything but a Clinton supporter. Again, I bring this up to show you that he is not pushing some kind of pro-Clinton agenda. He criticizes her and believes that what's in the Wikileaks emails is real. He just understands that both Clinton corruptness and Russian involvement are possible.

I'd also like to note that this study (warning: pdf) by Oxford University’s Project on Computational Propaganda, estimated that pro-Trump bots out-produced pro-Hillary bots by about 7-to-1 on Twitter.

What's above is basically to give you some background. I believe this helps us understand Russia's online propaganda landscape. The reason I believe Russia is involved in "pizzagate", specifically, is due to a couple things. Firstly, Russia has used "fake news" sites to spread conspiracy theories in the past. Here's an article from early 2015 detailing a growth in pro-Russian websites in the Czech Republic.

Not only that, but according to this article in the Washington Post:

An oddly disproportionate share of the tweets about Pizzagate appear to have come from, of all places, the Czech Republic, Cyprus and Vietnam, said Jonathan Albright, an assistant professor of media analytics at Elon University in North Carolina

According to this article from 2014:

Russia is not universally reviled. It has an astounding 75 percent approval rating in Vietnam, which may be in large part due to Russia's long-standing support for the Vietnamese communist government against the country's historical enemy, China. Russian support for Vietnam as a balance against China has been rising in recent years as well. China and Greece also report mostly favorable views toward Russia (66 and 61 percent), perhaps because they see Moscow as challenging the West, which is viewed with deep distrust in both countries.

And if you look into Russia-Cyprus relations, you'll also note Russian intelligence influence through Foreign Intelligence Service.

Now, I can't be 100% certain of this, but, basically, my line of reasoning is as follows:

  • Russia stands to gain from US domestic discord. The more focus and distrust we have in our government, journalists, each other etc, the more Russia can do on the international front. This is compounded by the fact that Trump has expressed a foreign policy agenda that would benefit Russia
  • Russia has a long history of disinformation, or "dezinformatsiya", a word that didn't even appear in English dictionaries until the 1980's as a translation of the Russian word "дезинформация".
  • Wikileaks, which has never released anything damaging on Russia (wonder why?), is the primary "source" of the "pizzagate" theory.
  • The strategy of using "fake news" sites has already been employed by Russia in the Ukraine
  • Pro-Trump twitter bots out-tweet pro-Clinton bots.
  • "pizzagate" bots are disproportionally from a country that has had pro-Russian propaganda websites, another country that has 75% approval rating of Russia, and another country that has known ties to Russian intelligence.

The question of why Russia wouldn't care to hide where the fake news is coming from is rather simple: disinformation is about creating skepticism/mistrust. Pointing out that Russia is behind these cyber-attacks is seen as deflection or propaganda from "the powers that be".

Anyway, this is pretty much why this whole "pizzagate" thing seems to me it could be a disinfo campaign, likely perpetuated and/or originated by Russian intelligence.

So you're of the opinion that Russia is intentionally trying to discredit Pizzagate...? Not that I don't appreciate the propaganda!

No. I am of the opinion that people have made up pizzagate entirely. There is no actual evidence that any of the allegations are real. If you have evidence that ties Podesta/Clinton/etc to an actual, real-life crime, please post it. I believe that Russia simply pushes these theories because domestic discord benefits their international ambitions. There is actual evidence of this. Not just imagined innuendo.

Edit: Just realized you're the person I was originally responding to. I guess I shouldn't be surprised I'm being accused of being some kind of shill. That's the go-to response from people on this sub to discredit someone with a legitimate point. Serious question: Do you see all opinions that are contradictory to yours as "propaganda"?

No. But when people post long biased replies unrelated to what they're responding to, then I begin to suspect that they may just be looking for excuses to spread their narrative.

Also, the fact that you're spreading propaganda doesn't make you a shill! Shills get paid!

lol, you keep using the word propaganda. That's not what it means. Propaganda is spreading a particular political point of view. What political POV do my "theories" subscribe to? At least learn the meanings of the insults you're trying to level.


You do know that 4chan is a pedo haven website? That's where pedobear came from

I lurked /b/ before I came to reddit. I know all about 4chan. Pedo haven? Wouldn't say that considering the mods actively remove "cp" when they see it, though yes it is much more 'liberal' with what they allow than reddit is.

This doesn't change the fact that a) 4chan will gladly give your IP and relevant info up if it keeps the site running, b)4chan is not a reliable source, and c)FBIAnon was never verified to be FBI.

I want FBIAnon to be true, but I don't believe pizzagate is right. In FBIAnon's first post, he says to stay focused on the Clinton Foundation and not get distracted. Where are people now? Now everyone is wrapped up in a global pedophile conspiracy. I don't deny something of the like can't exist, I just don't think this movement is correct in their allegations. I think people should be focused on the actual, proven to exist crimes that implicate hillary and anyone else involved in the massive fraud and Pay2play. People should be focused on how they just got "Obama'd" for the second time in 8 years, electing a president promising change and turning out to be the exact same thing that we've seen the bipartisan POS system churn out for the past maybe 40 years.

Blah I'm done

I can tell you now FBIAnon was definitely fake. So of the procedures he wrote about were straight outta movies and extremely far removed from reality.

I wouldn't know. I don't know anyone in the fbi, I imagine most people here are the same. But I can acknowledge that FBIAnon is likely BS

That's helpful thanks. I really didn't mean it was a pedophile site tbut that on some boards (like /b/) I was pretty sure there was pedo stuff. I've seen it myself there albeit a long time ago (2000?). And of course also tubgirl and goatse and the japaense girl eating bones out of vomit...

Have you ever been to 4chan?

Long time ago. I know what it is. Everyone there is anonymous and they post all sorts of images. My point is they get the images from somewhere. 4chan doesn't autogenerate pictures form the ether.

It's mostly hentai and a bunch of teenagers trying to out troll each other like a bunch of wasteoids, contributing very little other than memes and stuff. There is some merit to it though, because some very smart pppl there have whisleblown novel info there as it's a safe place to do it compared to here

How does that make 4chan a "pedo haven"?

Is it allowed to post child porn there?

What's your definition of "pedo haven"?


Rule 10. Removed. 1st warning.

4Chan had a bad habit of sending child porn to one another as a joke. or at least that's what they said. either way it was not funny

its just a prank bro

No, it wasn't. It was a test. Think who would have been in collage and want to be edgy without getting caught and would be in power today

I'm just joking, it's a play on those lame-ass youtube pranksters who do shitty things and think "its just a prank bro" makes them alright


You made me feel old

They play it off as pranks but they have to get it from somewhere.


where are they getting it from?

If tubgirl / goatse never came from some sick website and was given to you 'as a joke', would you ever know about it? (rhetorical: no you would not)

Don't know. I know that based on my research, the first meme or reference to cheese pizza stems from a person on HTCAP offering a pizza to the host in exchange for letting him go.

Criminals reuse things. KISS keep things simple stupid. But I know each sect or group has its own set of call words and symbols. Reason and logic is a child rapist nom de plume. Control is a prerequisite

Ok, but what I just mentioned pertains to a guy literally offering the host a pizza to let him go, not code words or anything like that. It was a literal pizza. So before HTCAP was there any reference to cheese pizza having some sort of meaning?

Why would you keep the code words the same for such a long period? Pedo's are Pedo's for a reason. Stupidity is not always one. Sometimes there is a weird one that truly love them. But the absolute control is the true addiction they have. And you get caught using the same code words over a long period like that. ask queen Elizabeth how that worked out for Mary Queen of Scots. History is something I have found these people share a trait of.

What do you consider a long period of time? Is there any evidence of cheese pizza being referred to as child porn before HTCAP? A pedo goes on HTCAP, offers the host a pizza in hopes of him letting him go, it becomes a meme and then cheese pizza becomes child porn based on that meme and the incident that occured. So again, is there any evidence of it being used before the HTCAP episode?


How old are you? It would be helpful in my explanation as to why pizzagate is directly connected to 4Chan

Nah man, you and I don't need to continue this exchange. Take care.

Think about how old all these guys in politics are. What was the coolest thing to be apart of in a world just getting the Internet. Who would those people be today I wonder?

But those tools never listened that everything was recorded and tracked.

You don't have to fight this fight bro. These guys are fucked. The NSA has losted it tools. The game is over for these sick fucks. They just don't know it.

When the Internet first came out. This is the very thing they said would happen. I wonder how many people are going to regret what they put out there? There is no such thing as freedom from choices

Cheese Pizza = C P = Child Porn? That's how I always understood it

Please refer to the short video I posted. Before that episode, was cheese pizza used to refer to child porn? If so, when and where?

I have regularly heard "Cheese Pizza" to mean child porn on 4chan since 8-10 years ago. "Mods are asleep everyone post Cheese Pizza"

Even the urbandictionary top definition is from 2010

The video I linked to was between 2004-2007 as that is when the show ran. So that would be 12 years from the lowest year and 9 from the highest. So, based on that, is there anything that is more than 12 years old that shows cheese pizza or pizza was slang for child porn?

Look I don't know the origins for a fact but I always felt it was safe to assume it's because they both start with CP. I don't see why the origin matters though, this thread claims the "pizza" code word existed before 2016 and we agree that it did

The origin matters a lot. Yes, it existed before 2016. Ok, so you have CP. Canadian Pacific? Captain Planet? Construction permit? Cathay Pacific? Communist party? So is it safe to assume these are code words for CP?

The origins of words absolutely matter and so does the application. This is why you have syncretism, myth, etc. It's also why you have people studying dead languages. Ultimately, my point here is to show that the cheese pizza being used to mean child porn probably isn't that old but, most certainly, does not come from FBI documents outlining different meanings (which some have alleged). In addition, it shows that those involved/acussed would have to know about the slang and what it means as it did not originate with them.

I haven't seen your video bit I unfortunately know as a fact it was used in the mod nineties. One thing I also know is there is absolutely know way this stuff gets discussed on the clear Web . Even on onion sites they're that paranoid they'll still use code.

And how do you know this for a fact?

Back around 2000 my girlfriends sister's boyfriend was arrested for kiddie porn. A few years later the sister is moving and found some disks ( not floppy, I dunno what you call them) hidden behind a wardrobe. They had the year on them, 1996, 1997, 1998 and one for 1999. She asked me would I look at them to see if she should give them to the police. Luckily my brother had a reader for this particular type of disk. On it were names and contacts, some had 'the best cheezee pizza anywhere ' or something along those lines.

There was also an index of ages which made me fuckin sick, as I knew this guy and the sister had young kids in one of the youngest age groups.

I handed them straight to the police at that stage as I didn't want to be seeing shit like that. The guy was already sentenced and a few years in into his term. I dunno if he got any extra sentence. Hope to fuck he did.

and it's not in a single email

4chan isn't deep web.

Not talking about 4chan.

Obviously but the slang originated there not in the deep web. It's been used on 4chan for ages so it's obviously not deep web slang.

So what makes you think it's deep web slang? What is your source for that?

That is the worse set of sources ever

Find better ones instead of complaining.


Lol. I'm not trying to prove that pizzagate slang is real.

I'm not trying to prove pizzagate is real.

So no, I'm not going to contribute along those lines


Because I find conspiracies interesting and fascinating and pizzagate is not any less.



Do you need a safe space to discuss your conspiracy theories without pesky people questioning them?

Both correct and incorrect. Clearly, pizza/cheese is NOT girl and you correctly identified that CP = Cheese Pizza = Child Porn. I'll go ahead and throw away this stupid blog post because it has nothing to it whatsoever. You should have posted the actual source screencap of these terms which I'll explain are 100% inaccurate.

You claim walnut = black, but then say it say it refers to vag. Wrong again. fake proof.

map and pasta you didn't even bother.

I'm not seeing a lot of actual proof here, clearly hot dog = weiner = penis. But that's kid speak, not pedo code language. Everyone knows this, you can't use it as a fucking codeword because everyone would realize what you were saying.

Part of the problem is how pizzagate posters can't stay on topic, like how you ended this post with instragram images that have no correlation with pedo terminology whatsoever. It's almost as if you think posting a field of links means people will believe anything you're claiming, which is sadly probably true.

Here's the current FACTS. Cheese Pizza = CP = Child Pornography. Hot Dog can mean penis, but cannot be found in that context in the Podesta emails.

Everything else is from a completely unsourced post from someone who didn't even understand the meaning of CP. That one person, who PROVABLY has NO IDEA WHATSOEVER about the meaning of ANY OF THESE TERMS, INCLUDING THE INCREDIBLY POPULAR "CHEESE PIZZA", is responsible for all of these incorrect term translations. And I"m being serious here, really absorb that this person didn't even understand the most widespread terminology!

By all means, keep going, but stop promoting blatantly false trash.

"Would I have better luck playing dominos on cheese than on pasta?"

Please, explain away this one.

Here is the full email.

Mary and John

I think you should give notice when changing strategies which have been long in place. I immediately realized something was different by the shape of the box and I contemplated who would be sending me something in the square shaped box. Lo and behold, instead of pasta and wonderful sauces, it was a lovely, tempting assortment of cheeses, Yummy. I am awaiting the return of my children and grandchildren from their holiday travels so that we can demolish them.

Thank you so much. I hope you and your gang are well.

I miss you both

Best wishes fro a merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


Ps. Do you think I’ll do better playing dominos on cheese than on pasta?


Makes a little more sense when given the context right? "Do you think I'll d better playing dominos on cheese (which you just gifted me) than on pasta (which I was expecting to eat)."

I'm on the fence with the code words. But a couple things that doesn't really make sense if "Herb" is really referring to pedophilia is 1) why would he include Mary, presumably John's wife, in this sordid coded email, and 2) why after talking about pedophilia, would he suddenly mention his kids and grandchildren and only when they arrive can he "demolish" the cheese ie commit pedophilia. It doesn't really make sense.

He's saving the gift to enjoy with his kids and grandkids, once the return from their holiday travels. It is literally that simple.

Herb talks about getting skunked at dominos in another e-mail, too... although some depraved pizzagaters try to turn that one into Herb and his 60-something-year-old female friend Sherry getting whipped by his own fucking grown daughter Susan during a BDSM-fueled child rape session.

I was on the fence, too. Until I took about 2 hours to study the available (and missing) context, and the complete lack of any sort of reference to the alleged "code words".

Then I applied Occam's razor, and it's pretty easy to deduce that there is nothing nefarious going on in any of the Stratfor or Podesta e-mails.

They mean it like you would say "Do you think I'd play dominoes better on alcohol or on weed?" It's just a joke that he blames his performance on his dinner rather than the fact that he's just sucking at dominoes that night (or whatever, maybe he played great, who knows). Maybe he genuinely thinks pasta made him sluggish or energized or something, idk.

These people have known each other for years and have thousands of hours of interaction outside of these emails. When they reference those interactions and you don't understand them and assume they are secret codes it doesn't make them weird. It makes you weird.


Well, don't want to sound like a dick or nothin' but it says on your chart that you're fucked up. You talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded.

Oh my god, that reference could not possibly be more fitting.

Rule 10. No personal attacks. Removed. 1st warning.

I actually can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not. You don't actually think they're talking about dominos, pasta, and pizza do you?

Regardless of if they're talking about children, they're obviously speaking in some code. You're just delusional on the other side of the spectrum.

Yes. They're talking about dominos, cheese and pasta. You're the pervert that is turning it into kid fucking.

Dominos on cheese or pasta: This one seems so blindingly obvious. Keep in mind that the author is the 83-year-old Herb Sandler. His wife Marion of 51 years died about 3 years prior. Podesta had traditionally sent him an Xmas gift of pasta and sauce (Podesta is a known "foodie"), but this time, he got a box of cheeses. He thanks Podesta, and says that when his children (Susan and James) get back from their holiday travels (e-mail is dated 12/24), he'll enjoy the cheeses with them. Since there are other e-mails talking about how Susan (his grown daughter) has beaten him at dominos before, he's wondering if the cheese will improve his luck. This is a simple thank you for a Christmas gift. And fucking news flash: An 83-year-old man likes to play dominos.


I literally said nothing about child fucking. I said they're obviously talking in a code, even if they AREN'T talking in a PEDOPHILE code.

Get a fucking grip you loser.

You don't actually think they're talking about dominos, pasta, and pizza do you?

Regardless of if they're talking about children

Shit, don't know how I could have jumped to that conclusion. GFY.

Me: Normal people food and then play dominoes. There are even more emails about all of these topics that show they love pasta and they play dominoes together.

You: It is literally unbelievable for someone to eat a food then play dominoes, or have conversations about pasta, therefor it must be a secret code.

Which one do you think a normal human being would say sounds delusional?

How is it obvious? Because you feel it is?

Cheese as a meal equivalent to pasta? The mental gymnastics.

Yeah dude, charcuterie, I eat that shit all the time.

Besides that, he's just making a joke to a friend. He'll probably eat the cheeses whether he feels like it, I doubt he would literally save then just for dominoes.

Not everything is either 100% literal or a secret code with no in between.

A cold cut ensemble isn't cheese, if you had a tray of just cheese you'd feel like fucking garbage afterwards. They could've say charcuterie, I'm sure they know what it means.

Either way I find it hard to believe these people would spend their time regularly playing fucking dominoes. Is Podesta reminiscing bout his times spent with a bunch of drunks hanging out in front of the apartment complex in Serbia, where they played dominoes into the night? Board games might be a little more believable but dominoes is just, eh. (Also the world is pretty damn close to domination) Furthermore I don't see how the performance difference in dominoes after eating cheese or pasta (which there would be absolutely none) is anything worth writing about.

There are way more implications than just the food related emails, so I don't care too much, but they could still have something to them. Could also just be regular emails we are wasting our time with.

He talks about cheese specifically because he got a cheese gift. He didn't have to explain in detail what he's going to pair it with when he eats it. Besides that it's a joke about blaming food for affecting his domino skills, it isn't a literal belief that cheese is a performance enhancing drug. I already explained what he probably means by "playing dominoes on x" you are welcome to go reread it.

I have a semi-regular domino and BBQ night with friends. I used to play regularly with my ex's family, it was a tradition at all family gatherings. I own a set of dominoes I play with extended family on our vacations (in addition to puzzles, board games, etc.) Omg is that code?!?! Board = bored = depression = suicide?!

People play fucking dominoes, Jesus christ. The fact that you can even pretend that's suspicious shows how badly you want something to be happening here.

If I had access to every single private conversation you have ever had with anyone, would I be able to understand literally everything that you are saying at all times without any context?

Would it be fair for me to say that something I didn't understand meant that you were raping children, without any proof other than the fact that you said something I didn't understand?

It's actually quite easy to make that jump, go have a look at Alefantis' disgusting, depraved Instagram. Or the equally disgusting art hanging Tony Podesta home, or in John's office.

Try as you may to justify or rationalize any one pebble on this mountain, but you're only showing your own ass.

So the answer you give to my question is:

"It would be totally unfair if you did that to me, but it's not unfair if when I do it to other people."

Is that accurate? If not, then answer the fucking question.

I would WELCOME the storm of shit coming my way if I posted even 1/10th the shit Alefantis has publicly, or either of the Podesta's have hanging on their walls. I can say that because I'd never post such disgusting things, on the internet, in my house, or elsewhere. Like 99.99% of the population.

Like I said, by acting like we're dredging this up out of nowhere from one ambiguous sentence is completely dishonest, and you're only showing your own ass.

I don't know if you're paid to come on here and freak out on people over this, or if you're just an idiot, but it's a sad state of affairs either way.

Okay so, to recap, it would be totally fair for people to take a statement you made in a private conversation that you were having with a friend, and say that this means that you rape and murder children, simply because they don't understand what was being said while lacking context.

But this is only true if and only if you have perfectly legal paintings in your private home that people think are strange.

Do I have that right?

No, you're completely wrong. You would never, under any circumstances, be able to take any conversation I've ever had and make the same connections that you can with people like the Podestas or Alefantis. Not in a million years, and the same is the case for 99.99% of people, like I said.

You're taking out an entire mountain of context and acting as if this is all a misunderstanding from one ambiguous sentence or term. And the fact that you're completely fine with the Podesta's taste in art, however legal it may be, speaks volumes about you.

I understand this is going nowhere. You've very clearly already made up your mind that you're going to defend these people, for whatever disgusting reason you have. You're on the losing side, though, and I'm comfortable saying that now. This story isn't going anywhere. So keep shilling if you'd like, for pay or out of ignorance, but you're having zero effect other than showing how shitty of a person you are.

You would never, under any circumstances, be able to take any conversation I've ever had and make the same connections that you can with people like the Podestas or Alefantis.

You wanna fuckin bet? I can guarantee that if I had access to every private conversation you've ever had, and read them under the assumption that you rape and murder children, I would find a ton of shit that would suffice the very low bar of "evidence" that you are currently using for this conspiracy theory to support my claim

You're taking out an entire mountain of context and acting as if this is all a misunderstanding from one ambiguous sentence or term.

Please explain to me how this "mountain of evidence", together, through logical connections between them, form something from which someone could logically conclude that he rapes and murders children.

For instance, you willingly admit that podesta's private conversation taken out of context does not suffice as evidence that he rapes children. And you admit that him owning those paintings does not suffice as evidence that he rapes children. But somehow, together, they do?

How? How can that conversation and those paintings be logically connected, and why do those things, with this logical connection, form something from which you can logically conclude that he rapes children?

Although I used those two things as examples, the questions asked apply to anything in your "mountain of evidence". How is any of this shit evidence that he rapes and murders children, or evidence that Alefanfis rapes and murders children in the basement of his pizza restaurant in satanic rituals with the political elite?

And if none of this shit is evidence of that, then logically explain how and why all of this shit, with their logical connections to each other, leads to these conclusions.

Build a fucking case. Don't just throw shit at a wall and then say that the fact that the wall is covered in shit means that it's proof now.

And the fact that you're completely fine with the Podesta's taste in art, however legal it may be, speaks volumes about you.

The fact that you think accusing someone of some of the most heinous crimes imaginable based upon their taste in perfectly legal art is acceptable speaks volumes about you.

So keep shilling if you'd like, for pay or out of ignorance

What the fuck does this even mean??? I'm a shill even if I'm not a shill? Do you even know what that word means?

These folks are super fucking disturbed and sick.

They've latched on to this theory, and there is nothing that will budge them.

Somebody could come out tomorrow, and admit that all of the 4chan "code words" were just a giant troll... and they'll still think that there's a pedo ring running out of CPP, because those Instragram photos and Podesta's art makes them feel icky.

God bless you for even trying. The suspicion of modern art here is just coded antisemitism and fear of intellectuals and modernity.

This sub is what you get when a bunch of discount Torquemadas try their hand at ferreting out the devious, mysterious Jews who must be responsible for why the simple folk feel powerless over their own lives.

No, you shill. If I said something using uncommon language and inside jokes, people wouldn't assume I'm pedophile because I don't also have a brother who collects pedo art, I don't frequent a pizza place that appears to cater to children (which is weird in itself), I don't frequent a pizza place that appears to cater children yet decorated with incredibly bizarre artwork and hosts entertainment nights such as "Sex Stains" and advertise it for all ages, I don't frequent a pizza place whose owner was listed as the 49th most powerful person in Washington D.C. (which I'll remind you has hundreds of congressmen, generals, media personalities, etc.) despite just running a pizza place who also posts incredibly bizarre things on his Instagram, I don't host private spirit cooking dinners, I don't have incredibly creepy taste in art myself, and I'm not a member of the political elite who have long been suspected of satanic involvement and child trafficking. So, it would make no sense to take a one-off joke of mine and suspect I'm a pedophile, but it makes sense to see pedophile code language in John Podesta's email "joke."

My God you people are deluded.

Let's not forget friendship with KNOWN pedos Freud, Hastert, Epstein(?)_.....Good dialogue here , still on the fence

People act like this is actually news. The only thing 'new' about this is the Podesta emails, giving us some confirmation and a look into the world that many, many people have been talking about for decades.

Like in this thread, people trying all kinds of really fuckin weird ways to rationalize one sentence away, nevermind the hordes of people that have been publicly warning us about elite satanic pedophilia for years and years. Or the confirmed cases like Saville and the Penn State weirdo.

Not disagreeing with you, only adding to your point.

Cheese and pasta are not code words for anything. He's literally talking about playing dominoes while eating cheese or pasta. For fucks sake.

Do you have any other example of someone using cheese or pasta in this way to refer to raping children? Anywhere on the web. Anything?

No. They don't.

They'll trot out the "Cheese Pizza" references to child porn from the deep web... but then they fail to realize that the phrase "Cheese Pizza" occurs exactly zero times in the Podesta e-mails, and it refers to the abbreviation CP, anyway.

Everything else is made up, kooky 4chan shit. And people are lapping it up like gospel truth.

Someone explained that as you being more sleepy on pasta, though when using code you usually dont use direct speech


It was just a simple joke, they were probably not going that far with it.

I'm glad that you put in the effort for this so I didn't have to. Seriously, thank you.

Your'e kind of being an asshole. I doidn't know what cheese pizza was before this pizzagate thing. Why would I? I'm 42 programmer who spends time in conspiracy and honestly, I've spent exactly 2 weeks looking into this pedo thing, thinking it was psyop for a while. I didn't really get into pedo conspiracies before that, maybe an investigation fo Micael Aquino for a while.

Stop being an ass about my ignorance. We are trying to figure this out and your accusations are not helping whatsoever. I posted my best effort to figure out if these terms were used prior to podesta's emails. I'm not "spreading disinfo' or something

Also, what makes you an authority? You aren't urban dictionary. You aren't a pedo? Why do you claim to know so much more than I do about these.

Where is YOUR research on it? Where are YOUR links?

You know what, you have 20 karma and are a 1 month accoutn and you've pissed me off so bad here that I'm just going to block you. continue barking at me.

Did y'all read ALL OF the Podesta emails that mention the word pasta? It's easy as fuck to do, there are fewer than 50. In 2014, he got a pasta making attachment for his Kitchen Aide, and he has become a pasta artist/connoisseur. He's literally just fucking obsessed with actual pasta. He gives it away as gifts. He is always asking people if they want it, people whom it would make no sense that it is code for fucking child porn or something.

And the walnut thing, evidently there is this walnut pasta sauce recipe that comes from this place in northern Italy, I can't remember the name exactly, like Liguria or something like that but IT IS A REAL PLACE KNOWN FOR WALNUT PASTA SAUCE YOU FUCKING IDIOTS. Jesus. Read ALL of his emails in full and it's pretty easy to see this for yourself that this shit is preposterous.

Stop it with your logical thinking and big words!

You're fucking up the circle-jerk, and a lot of these fellas in here are just about ready to pop.

Can't you at least wait until they finish spewing on their pizza-related maps?

Hahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahaha omg that link though! I figured he was at least partly Italian after reading all those emails, didn't know he was also a runner. 😂 Jesus man. Of COURSE he loves pasta then!!! Fucking Christ.

so if i use pasta in the proper context it automatically means im innocent of ever using it in any other context?

I never saw it used anywhere improperly.

im paraphrasing here but:

"i found a pizza related map....do you want me to mail it to you"

"im dreaming of spending an hour with a pizza"

"thinking about your hot dog stand in hawaii"

"we have a pool party, these 3 kids who will for sure be there for your entertainment"

"we are flying pizza and hotdogs into the white house" (not allowed to bring outside food to the white house)

"the owner of comet ping pong is a special guest chef for thier pizza dinner"

like i said im paraphrasing here, so i recommend checking the wikileaks or just finding a YouTube video. they break it down.

but those uses of the words do not make sense... dreaming of spending an HOUR with a pizza? who would email that to someone? a hot dog stanf in hawaii? go buy a hot dog...who emails things like that?

but that combined with the other findings is what stands out more than anything else

I was talking about pasta.

I've read all of the emails you're paraphrasing, and the thing with paraphrasing is that you really can't do that when you're claiming it's the phrasing that makes it all weird. I WILL agree though that the pizza related handkerchief map is weird, but all the others pretty well make sense when taken at face value. I'd like to see the dreaming about pizza for one hour email, as I had not seen it.

sorry for replying so late

this is the email chain


dreaming wasnt in the text like i thought

Amazing. Keep this going without being busted by the elite.

Did you actually look at what he found? There's literally nothing amazing about his findings. The best he got was the use of Cheese Pizza on forums but most long-time users of those forums witnessed the term come into existence in the following manner: Child Pornography became CP then CP became Cheese Pizza (simply because Cheese Pizza also has the acronym CP and it's a 'funner' code word that offered better plausible deniability).

I'm saying that his post is amazing and well thought out. That's all about to it.

You're setting the standard for amazing really low there, buddy.

There isn't a single usable piece of information contained within his post. It is the textbook definition of a "shit post".

Ah, ok. Apologies.

What are they going to do? Rape and kill and eat me? They'll all get aids. Better they just do non sexual things to me but I'll be really disappointed. I was really looking forward to being plugged into the underground milking and joke writing caves

I mean this sub being exposed as a revolutionary front and they will shut it down. I hope they won't be dumb enough to do this because this only further consolidates the unity of the people against the NWO.

Language evolves and cliques develop their own vernacular. I think a majority of posters take the code stuff too literally, both in confirmation or denying.

I think a stronger argument from the start would be to just point out pedophiles use code language, show some examples of real code language, and demonstrate the context in the pedosta..I mean Podesta..emails etc. False surety invites denial.

The real problem is that--outside of the redpillers--there are paid denialists and there are fence sitting innocents and there are people who've always sided with the establishment viewpoint. The fence sitters are mortified and don't know what to think, but they also haven't gotten to the point to understand that this is real, and it goes back a long time, because they are new to this stuff. Others who have investigated the veracity of various consipracies know that conspiracy is not just a theory, it's history, and it seems to be an everyday working modality of the same group of fascists that are trying to undermine politie society in various ways, by making us fight each other mostly. These people on the fence will either figure out how to judge for themesleves or they will just think it's too hard and go back to the MSM where they can get their fix of the daily disaster and never really understand anything ever again. THen the shills will go home, knowing they protected america from the russians that don't effectively exist for all intents and purposes

The thing about conspiracy theories is that there is never even close to enough evidence. Best thing to do is keep an open mind and not succumb to paranoia. Popularity of a theory is not required to eventually demonstrate how sound it is.

Where do you think they are talking in code in the Podesta emails?

Read some of them. They are definitely talking in code about something.

How do you know its code though? You sound very certain. If there something specific that sounds like code to you?

To those not having much luck finding these terms on google- Would you really expect to find many references to the use of the alternate meaning of these words from google? It's called the "dark web" for a reason.

People in this sub who claim to have found these terms on the darknet (whilst actually admitting to be browsing CP sites..) have been asked to show this many times, not one has. On the other hand there's proof that a 4chan shitposter invented them.

People in this sub who claim to have found these terms on the darknet (whilst actually admitting to be browsing CP sites..) have been asked to show this many times, not one has.

Just because no user in /r/conspiracy has posted whatever you require to see does not mean that the use of these terms does not exist on the dark net.

On the other hand there's proof that a 4chan shitposter invented them.

How can you prove that someone on 4chan invented these terms? You can't.

I'm not going to claim that it is on the dark net, because I can't show proof. My claim is that it doesn't make sense for it to be found on google, because the sites where this dialect would be used are not indexed by google.

It's quite amazing that with all the links pizzagate investigators have to throw around, and all the heinous acts they can spout off about - not a single one can show that it's real, and not just this.

Your claim doesn't hold a drop of 'map.' We once again come to the idea of proving claims, if you're saying that someone is a paedophile based on this real code then why can nobody share the source and its actual use? Even when they explicitly claim that they themselves have observed its use.

But photos of artwork Podesta doesn't own (but by the same artist), no problem! Damning evidence of anal rape of a child because a t-shirt says "butt" on it, no problem! Obama being in on it because there's a photo of him playing ping-pong, no problem!

It's quite amazing that with all the links pizzagate investigators have to throw around, and all the heinous acts they can spout off about - not a single one can show that it's real, and not just this.

This is a completely different argument, and is irrelevant to our conversation.

Your claim doesn't hold a drop of 'map.' We once again come to the idea of proving claims, if you're saying that someone is a paedophile based on this real code then why can nobody share the source and its actual use? Even when they explicitly claim that they themselves have observed its use.

I'll copy and paste this from my last comment, because apparently you missed it completely. "I'm not going to claim that it is on the dark net, because I can't show proof. My claim is that it doesn't make sense for it to be found on google, because the sites where this dialect would be used are not indexed by google." I never claimed to have observed it's use.

But photos of artwork Podesta doesn't own (but by the same artist), no problem! Damning evidence of anal rape of a child because a t-shirt says "butt" on it, no problem! Obama being in on it because there's a photo of him playing ping-pong, no problem!

Again, irrelevant to our conversation.

So why did you bring up Google, why comment at all in fact?

People in this sub who claim to have found these terms on the darknet (whilst actually admitting to be browsing CP sites..) have been asked to show this many times, not one has. On the other hand there's proof that a 4chan shitposter invented them.

How do you go from that to "well they can't because they can't Google it?" Even though they're all ready saying they've actually found it on the darknet, yet won't provide proof.

So why did you bring up Google, why comment at all in fact?

Answered in my first comment- for those not having much luck finding these terms on google

How do you go from that to "well they can't because they can't Google it?" Even though they're all ready saying they've actually found it on the darknet, yet won't provide proof.

You seem really skilled at re-directing the conversation, but I'll just reiterate that my comments don't have shit to do with what anyone else in this sub has said. Say one more time that they won't provide proof, maybe it will be relevant next time.

It's not on the dark Web also. And pedophiles are probably the most paranoid group of people going, not a chance they'd talk even using code on the clear Web.

This is a very good point. Also, Cheese Pizza or CP is so well known that you'd be an idiot to use it out in the open. It would be like flashing a common gangsign and then pointing to it and winking.

The shirt says the name of the bar,

This is what I thought whwn I seen it to. The guy wearing the shirt is also the bar owner. Clearly this isnt proof.

Yeah and the instagram photo of the boom boom room is at the same bar/restaurant. Not comet

What bar?

His shirt says l'enfantis does it not?

It even says "L'enfant" in the top right corner.

Pierre L'Enfant designed the layout of Washington DC. There are numerous references to L'Enfant all around DC, most notably L'Enfant Plaza. I wouldn't read much into anything named L'Enfant in DC.

I'll try and dig up the picture that reveals the full wording. As far as I know it's l'enfantis and it refers to a person.

No it doesn't. It's L'Enfant.

Yep. I fucked that one up

Holy shit I'm not sure I've seen a response like that in this sub in a long time.

Don't take this the wrong way but I don't care what anyone on here thinks of me. It makes it really easy to admit when your wrong.

Are you referring to L'Efante? That's a square in NYC, so it could possibly be referencing that. Sorry if my spelling is off, but it's just from memory.

Yes thats the name of the bar cafe that pic was taken.

You're intermixing one or two verified child abuse terms with a majority of unverified/made-up terms that have only been discussed/used in those contexts since post-"Pizzagate."

And using substituting these codewords with the text of emails makes no sense. For example, map for minor attracted person yields,"I think it has a minor attracted person that seems pizza-related."

Not to mention that this supposed code originally had map = semen. It was only changed later when no one could find a source.

If you read the email it looks like it's probably a typo/mistake anyway.

Yes, the email has tons of typos. It's probably supposed to be "mark."

Incorrect. I'm investigating the veracity of those and I gave an honest opinion that I could not find walnut or sauce or pasta, although I'm looking in the wrong places and so are you.

I found that cheese pizza is a common term and showed pizza is infanto-sexualized via popular mind controlled celebrities such as britney spears miley cyrus and katy perry and even madonna had a few pizza related sexual tropes

If you want to know where to verify, install TOR and go to pedo forums on onion sites. I'm unwilling.

Thanks for the illegal advice (not).


There wasn't any "source" as far as I remember, nor do I see much reason for there to be a source for something like that. The logic was that map in that context meant something that "can be used to trace back to you", as in biological material containing DNA. Considering the wording of that original email, it was certainly code for something.


Who the fuck sends handkerchiefs and pillows over the mail? In the year 2014 can you not just send a photo of the "map" on the handkerchief if needed and be done with it? Not saying it is guaranteed to be anything out of the ordinary but I've never heard of normal people mailing handkerchiefs to each other cause they forgot it during an open house. Nor does anybody normal say stuff like (seems pizza-related) especially given the context of their other "food" related emails.


Since when is it out of the ordinary to return something to somebody when they leave it behind? My buddy just came into town for business, and spent his last night at my our place. He left a small stack of receipts on the nightstand in the guest room.

I texted him the next day, and asked if he wanted me to drop them in the mail. He said, no, they weren't related to his expense report. I could throw them away.

Why is it any less likely for the realtor to reach out to Susan Sandler, and ask if anybody wanted the handkerchief returned? More importantly, if it was some nefarious semen and blood-encrusted child rape trophy... why the fuck wouldn't Podesta want it back, considering it could send him to jail for the rest of his life?

None of the pizzagate theories add up. They're all ridiculous stretches to come to the preconceived "ritual child rape" conclusion. I'm glad that people are finally starting to wake up to this around here.

I didn't say anything about blood-encrusted trophies, bud. Again, just read the comment thread I already argued with another guy saying basically the same thing lmao.

No, but you said that "normal people" don't return lost shit via the mail. That is patently stupid.

Also the email that state "I wonder if I would play dominoes better on pizza than pasta?" it sure sounds like code for something!


Oh they are almost certainly all guilty as sin of the worst crimes imaginable, including pedophilia, so I'm not worried about whether this specific email is actually evidence or not tbh. There is plenty of more evidence for the accusations being made apart from this which you are free to investigate. There are also many cases in the past that were blown wide open of high level officials and celebrities being involved in this stuff.

Also I didn't say its almost certainly CP code, I said almost certainly code for something. Simply playing devil's advocate in response to your question, no need to attack me for ruining "real lives" of scumbag elites, who by the way, have no problem whatsoever making your life as shit as possible.


I didn't say anything to accuse this woman of participating in a child ring, the only thing she said is do you want me to mail your handkerchief that you forgot, she wasn't the one mentioning pizza. Nor am I accusing any cashiers or delivery guys working at the pizza place.

Comet Pizza is definitely being used a scapegoat to make anyone investigating this look crazy (see John Oliver's shill segment) so they can use it as a dismissive "crazy conspiratards think a pizza store is a pedophile headquarters lolololol".

I don't give a shit about any pizza, or any gate, but to deny that there is a high level international child ring is fucking retarded, especially seeing as how just today they discovered 150TB of cp in fucking Norway, a tiny country that has the highest standard of living in the world. Again, there are many instances of extremely high level officials in all areas: politics, sports, media, etc. being involved in this shit.

There is lots of evidence that points to these people having questionable moral and sexual beliefs from these leaks, like their choices in really deranged art, 'spirit cooking', and the people they interact with.

There was a 4 hour period where Susan and the realtor likely had conversations about the pillows, how to pick them up, and what the handkerchief looked like.

Given that it's widely known that Podesta likes to cook for people, it's likely that he left some kind of cloth napkin or handkerchief in the kitchen with a printed map on it, like a map of Italy or something.

This context is not included in the email, because Sandler forwarded the original e-mail 4 hours later. There is the distinct possibility that there were further e-mails between 10:00a and 2:00p that day, and they aren't included in the thread. I do shit like this all the time when I don't want a recipient to be involved in subsequent conversations. Why the hell would Podesta need to know about the pillows that Sandler bought?

Can you honestly say that it's more likely that this was a Satanic jizz rag than a common kitchen napkin that Podesta didn't even care enough about to bother to retrieve?

You're about 2/3 comments late to this comment thread, I suggest re-reading the above comments.

I was just pointing out that any of the conversation that Sandler had with the realtor about said handkerchief is not going to be in Podesta's inbox. That leaves a whole lot of missing context.

I agree with you that there is definitely pedophilia going on at high levels in all areas. Where I disagree with you is on whether people's taste in art, music and sexual orientation is "evidence" of pedophilia ring. It's all opinion and conjecture... literally the opposite of "evidence".

Just because someone likes "edgy" art and goth music doesn't give you cause to draw them into a public witch hunt.

When you Google you can hit "Tools" and restrict the dates. It's not perfect but it will get rid of a lot of results.

You're not going to find anything, just a search tip.

This is more or less irrelevant, except for generating leads -- and these leads have yielded quite a lot of fruit.


Acting like the whole case hinges on a few pedo slang words is classic misdirection. That was just the catalyst.

Exactly. They find one minor thing and attack it. It's called doubtmaking. It's part of their JTRIG dox the 4Ds deny, discredit, deceive, distract..

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Holy shit, you could not have put together a less-compelling list of "sources" if you had tried.

Are you purposefully trying to discredit "pizzagate"? Because this is an absolute shit post.

I'm talking about words / slang you antiintellectual lunatic.

Also, this sub is interested in the TRUTH not taking sides. I'm trying to figure out if these terms are real and it appears at least that half of them are real and were in use far before podesta emails.

You've got "cheese pizza", which is an obvious reference to "CP" or "Child Porn".

You've got "walnut", from one demented fuck on Urban Dictionary.

"Hot dog" I'm not going to even dignify with a response, it's so patently retarded.

What else you got? A bunch of gay pics from his Instagram? SCANDALOUS.

You've got nothing else. Nothing. The phrase "cheese pizza" doesn't even appear in the Podesta e-mail dump, Einstein.

archive.org won't let me archive this post

try archive.is

Debating whether or not these words were code for something before all of this came out will not prove or disprove anything. If it did not exist before there is no reason that this code was made by the people involved. Especially if the cover up business is a pizza shop. All we can know is that the emails use some words in an out of context way, I think the thing is that it is a code, and that's all that matters.

I think the thing is that it is a code, and that's all that matters.

How self-important are you? I don't know if this is worse than the "won't someone please think of the imaginary children!" posts or not.

Self-important? I am not convinced that any of this pizzagate thing is going on. I believe in looking under every rock and checking every lead. I just think that debating whether or not it exists won't do anything for or against the case as a whole.



over alleged Satanic ritual abuse in the 1980s and early 1990s. The school was located on Walnut and Manhattan Beach Blvd.


How far are these fuckin gobshites gonna reach?

All the way it takes to find anything they can in any way use to confirm their bias.

"Let's use walnut as code for black people because a school in the 80s was located on walnut street".

Apparently, this is what racists think like.

I told you they like to mock us

I was just searching around the internet for walnut. I found it ironic that it brought me to this story. I know it's not related. Still, what may be going on now has been going on forever.

I don't understand how reddit can censor this. How can it be legal to stop people from exposing this? Disgusting. This is not fake news.

Because normal people see it for the bullshit it is.

There was an FBI agent who did say those were consistent with code words used for child pornography. That is not normal. And that is not bullshit. Stop colluding with people who may be hiding some awful because of political beliefs. Grow a spine.

"normal" people is basically another way of saying uninformed when it comes to things like this

That transsexual user is actually a bar tender at comet and good friend of Alefantis

Then it makes even more sense, doesn't it?

In my opinion, yeah. I was just making the statement so people who didn't know could be aware it wasn't just some random instagram account


Yes please.

The thread that exposed pizzagate for being the bullshit it is.

Uhh...What are you talking about dude?

Read the thread.

The "codewords" are bullshit.

Wait, for real? Hmm...Well, alright. Hey pack it up everybody, this guy says it's all bullshit. The investigation is over, we can go back to masturbating and playing Gears of War...

The whole pizzagate narrative rests on the alleged "codewords" being true.

Except for "Cheese Pizza" which was never used by the accused, the codewords have all been shown to not code for what has been originally alledged.

Get it now?

I understand that is your rationalization of things, and thats cool. However, there is a surplus of information out there that refutes your understanding of things. If you are unable to see this thats cool, but you alone are not going to convince the millions of people that are looking into this and trying to spread awareness that we are somehow "dead wrong" or "bullshit". We are talking about the safety of children here, are we not? We take this very seriously. Feel free to stop on by if you do decide to research more thoroughly and question the mainstream media narrative.

"Spread awareness" is actually a code.

Code for "it was all made up but it was justified to get people talking".

The ends do not justify the means.

Ask yourself: how was it possible that pizzagate took off like it did based purely on the fake "codeword" allegations?

more than just code words. donations and meetings at these places, interesting connections between people and weird photos at even more interesting locations. theres a lot more behind this than codewords. the emails were only the tip of the iceberg. the real damning evidence shows up when you start looking deeper and seeing the very strange connections and "coincidences"

the real damning evidence shows up when you start looking deeper and seeing the very strange connections and "coincidences"

So is there any actual evidence of child abuse?

Yes or no?

Or just stuff that "looks weird"?

you have to be realistic

we are web sleuths doing an online investigation. we dont have access to these peoples physical property or even the amount of resources an actual police agency would.

but even with those factors working against us, there is still enough online alone that has gone beyond a reasonable doubt. no one is saying these people are guilty, we are saying that there is enough information to open an actual investigation into these peoples activities.

thats what it means when people say pizzagate is real. the evidence is real, the connections are real. all thats left is for a real agency to come in and start a criminal investigation.

do you need a smoking gun to begin to open an investigation? no, you do not.

no one is saying these people are guilty,

Are you kidding? When /r/pizzagate was still up it was nothing but posts accusing people of being murderers and rapists.

The whole debacle around pizzagate happened because people wouldn't stop calling people murderers and pedophiles.

the evidence is real

Which evidence? The made-up shit that gets posted here all the time? The fake videos of "tunnels"? The imaginary code?

There is no evidence. It's at best conjecture.

Show me evidence for one case of rape or abduction. Just one.

"This looks weird" is not evidence. Learn the meaning of the word.

evidence isnt the same as proof

you might need to look up the word yourself.

i also suggest you go to youtube and find a video about it. they will lay out all the evidence and explain it all in a very simple to understand manner. i have no doubt you will be able to keep up. it will be much easier that way as you can educate yourself on your time and at your own pace.

youre welcome

Cover terms do not have to be known outside the network for them to be cover terms. The whole point of cover terms is to not have anyone else know about them.

very true. i do graffiti anyone know what these terms mean?

throw up

probably not

Your own post just changed what the words meant. You said hot dog = "young boy" but your evidence cite shows it only referenced as a euphemism for penis (as was pretty easily guessed since people do refer to their junk as a "weiner." Then you said cheese pizza = "little girl" but some of your evidence says it just means "vaginal intercourse." And finally, you said walnut= African American or African but then your source says it means "immature clitoris" or something. I'm just saying that if you're going to make a point about this, you should make sure you're accurate.

I had been wondering where these terms were coming from. Thanks for providing sources, OP.

As I mentioned to others, they aren't the best sources, but I'm not a pedo so i don't know where to go other then just searching google. And I did show that google tries its best to bury this stuff and promote only pizzagate and beyond results unless you force it not to do that. I could probably find better sources but honestly I believe the case was made. I just wanted to shut down the narrative that pizza is not a term used in the pedo community when fuck it absolutely is. And the pedo mind controlled celebritards like miley cyrus use it as a taunt / occult mockery. Her first hit was about pizza, '"pizza in the usa"

Her first hit was about pizza, '"pizza in the usa"

Holy... fuc jjjeeessu. I think I'm having a stroke. You're just trolling us all at this point, right?

Found some girls Twitter that was all about pizza can not remember the name, was very weird though

pre-existing (obviously), though irrelevant.

the point is: the investigation led directly to 100's of child porn accounts on Twitter to be shutdown (including Jack Dorsey's personal Twitter account).

I'm not sure I follow. I'm talking about slang. Are you responding to the title only like those lazy assholes that are arguing with me and proving my point in doing so?

I like these find of post that try to uncover the origin of a story.

cp...child porn or cheese pizza has been posted on 4chan for over a decade

"mods asleep post cheese pizza"

idunno why i'm even posting this but at least one piece of "evidence" here is a total joke. that "i love children shirt" does not mean what you think it does. an architect named pierre l'enfant was chosen by george washington to plan out washington DC. note the name of the restaurant they tagged. the man wearing the shirt owns the restaurant. there are a few establishments around DC bearing the l'enfant name.


What's your problem there? Why so salty

His mom found his pizza-related map. :-(

Are you just a random bot that says stuff? Do you even know what this post is about?

Rule 4.

What bar?

Are you referring to L'Efante? That's a square in NYC, so it could possibly be referencing that. Sorry if my spelling is off, but it's just from memory.

This is what I thought whwn I seen it to. The guy wearing the shirt is also the bar owner. Clearly this isnt proof.

What's your problem there? Why so salty

Because I find conspiracies interesting and fascinating and pizzagate is not any less.

They mean it like you would say "Do you think I'd play dominoes better on alcohol or on weed?" It's just a joke that he blames his performance on his dinner rather than the fact that he's just sucking at dominoes that night (or whatever, maybe he played great, who knows). Maybe he genuinely thinks pasta made him sluggish or energized or something, idk.

These people have known each other for years and have thousands of hours of interaction outside of these emails. When they reference those interactions and you don't understand them and assume they are secret codes it doesn't make them weird. It makes you weird.

If I had access to every single private conversation you have ever had with anyone, would I be able to understand literally everything that you are saying at all times without any context?

Would it be fair for me to say that something I didn't understand meant that you were raping children, without any proof other than the fact that you said something I didn't understand?

Do you need a safe space to discuss your conspiracy theories without pesky people questioning them?

Not talking about 4chan.

Obviously but the slang originated there not in the deep web. It's been used on 4chan for ages so it's obviously not deep web slang.

So what makes you think it's deep web slang? What is your source for that?

Someone explained that as you being more sleepy on pasta, though when using code you usually dont use direct speech


Here is the full email.

Mary and John

I think you should give notice when changing strategies which have been long in place. I immediately realized something was different by the shape of the box and I contemplated who would be sending me something in the square shaped box. Lo and behold, instead of pasta and wonderful sauces, it was a lovely, tempting assortment of cheeses, Yummy. I am awaiting the return of my children and grandchildren from their holiday travels so that we can demolish them.

Thank you so much. I hope you and your gang are well.

I miss you both

Best wishes fro a merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


Ps. Do you think I’ll do better playing dominos on cheese than on pasta?


Makes a little more sense when given the context right? "Do you think I'll d better playing dominos on cheese (which you just gifted me) than on pasta (which I was expecting to eat)."

I think the thing is that it is a code, and that's all that matters.

How self-important are you? I don't know if this is worse than the "won't someone please think of the imaginary children!" posts or not.

Rule 10. Removed. 1st warning.

Cheese and pasta are not code words for anything. He's literally talking about playing dominoes while eating cheese or pasta. For fucks sake.

Do you have any other example of someone using cheese or pasta in this way to refer to raping children? Anywhere on the web. Anything?

He's saving the gift to enjoy with his kids and grandkids, once the return from their holiday travels. It is literally that simple.

Herb talks about getting skunked at dominos in another e-mail, too... although some depraved pizzagaters try to turn that one into Herb and his 60-something-year-old female friend Sherry getting whipped by his own fucking grown daughter Susan during a BDSM-fueled child rape session.

I was on the fence, too. Until I took about 2 hours to study the available (and missing) context, and the complete lack of any sort of reference to the alleged "code words".

Then I applied Occam's razor, and it's pretty easy to deduce that there is nothing nefarious going on in any of the Stratfor or Podesta e-mails.

Thank you. Walnut is very suspicious. It seems like bullshit

Uhh...What are you talking about dude?

Are you just a random bot that says stuff? Do you even know what this post is about?

Long time ago. I know what it is. Everyone there is anonymous and they post all sorts of images. My point is they get the images from somewhere. 4chan doesn't autogenerate pictures form the ether.

It's mostly hentai and a bunch of teenagers trying to out troll each other like a bunch of wasteoids, contributing very little other than memes and stuff. There is some merit to it though, because some very smart pppl there have whisleblown novel info there as it's a safe place to do it compared to here

The thing about conspiracy theories is that there is never even close to enough evidence. Best thing to do is keep an open mind and not succumb to paranoia. Popularity of a theory is not required to eventually demonstrate how sound it is.

Rule 4.
