Can we get a filter for most downvoted posts? That's where the goodies are in this sub.

252  2016-12-10 by CaucasianEagle


agreed. upvoted.

Ironic, isn't it?

really, I felt out of place saying it. Like I dont know the vernacular for the new bizzaro world.

Good point. The craziest, most esoteric stuff always has less than 1 vote...

80% of my esoteric stuff gets slammed and trolled. I dunno why, this country is run by esoteric societies. It makes no sense a conspiracy sub doesn't aknowledge that.

All the good stuff is at r/C_S_T

This sub instead is mostly p1zza g8 and politics

Seems like the antithesis of CTR

I hear a lot about CTR here, but at the same time I don't see anybody encouraging us to "spread the word" about the stuff on their site. When it comes to anti clinton stuff, half the posts are encouraging us to spread the news on facebook and trying to make us turn it viral.

Seriously. Constant pizza gate posts is getting old. Over half of them are grasping at straws.

on one hand, we need stay on it and keep the spot light lit.

On the other hand, I feel like no one is going to do anything and it will all blow over


That's a lot of posts that aren't grasping at straws.

I thought my "Scientology is an anti-"shadow government" group fighting against MKUltra" topic was pretty fun... but it stayed pinned squarely at 1 upvote.

I made a thread showing how the men's gymnastic team was wearing baphomet on their jersey.

I also made a thread about how a comet is an ancient symbol of a Fallen Destructive Star, and a Fallen Star is a Fallen angel, or Lucifer. And how Comet's sign has authentic Israel regardie baphomet symbolism of" as above, so below", with the inversion of the star and moon. Comet's sign is a Esoteric symbol of Satanism, in other words.

Anything I do about explaining esoteric symbols seems to get trolled the most.

Lucifer is also said to have been "God's brightest star" before he fell.

Lucifer is Venus. The fall of Lucifer and the Angels comes from the heliacal rising of Venus. It's presence before the Sun rises was the signal for the disappearance of the night sky stars (fall of the angels)

Thank you for understanding. Greeks called a comet an Evil Star, from which comes the word Destruction.

It's not that hard to imagine ancient man staring at the heavens, making the stars into angelic beings, and then seeing a comet come by, and associating that as an angel who has fallen from its place in heaven. Sure, there were tales of fallen stars that had destroyed places on Earth, as we assume about the dinosaurs and the apocalypse. perhaps even the flood from the old testament was an impact result.

I also made a thread about how a comet is an ancient symbol of a Fallen Destructive Star, and a Fallen Star is a Fallen angel, or Lucifer.

Yeah, and as I pointed out at the time, and will gladly re-iterate here, you were talking 100 per cent gobbledygook. It's not 'trolling' when someone explains why you're wrong about something.

Well, his explanation for the symbolism is correct. And while you or I may not believe in it, there are plenty of people in governments who do. Which is why that's important.

No it's not, no they don't, and no it isn't, in that order.

Thanks for the completely logical argument.

I gave a completely logical rebuttal, with details, when this nonsense was first posted. If you think I'm going to type it all out again every time someone else refers to it, then you are overestimating how important you are to me.

The person who posted this crap is just butthurt that his pet theory collapsed the moment it impacted reality. Anyone who wants can look back through his posting history (or mine, come to that), find the incident in question, and make up their own mind.

Honestly, I wouldn't think it's real either with the evidence we have.

But when you look at how vehemently every media outlet with any sort of public credit is denying it and preemptively "debunking" it, the more it looks like they pulled out all the dirt on everyone and said "If you don't do everything in your power to make this go away, you're going to have a hell of a time in prison."

And like I said in another post, every action they take makes them look more guilty; if they weren't guilty, CPP would just invite the public in his joint to roam around every room for a day with cameras and dispel any sort of possibility there was. Better yet, invite the police to investigate him. He fucked up, got scared, and started acting guilty.

if they weren't guilty, CPP would just invite the public in his joint to roam around every room for a day with cameras and dispel any sort of possibility there was.

C'mon. I mean, this is so naive it's almost charming. Let's just suppose that we live in the sort of society in which lynch-mob justice means that innocent citizens felt compelled to turn themselves in to the authorities in order to prove themselves innocent, a concept which is alien to western jurisprudence in the first place. Or used to be, I'm not sure these days.

The next thing that would happen if the police were invited to spin Comet Ping Pong is that no-one would fucking believe it, because the lynch mob vigilantes would be convinced that CPP had scrubbed the scene clean of anything and was putting on a dumbshow intended for public conception.

The less evidence there is for a crime, the more incriminating it is of a cover up. That's the logic here.

No victims, no forensics, no witnesses, no police investigation, no news coverage... a normal person would perhaps suspect that there is nothing to find because nothing has happened.

By calling it gobledygook. Do you see why I don't take you seriously?

Yes. It is because you are impervious to sense.

Although not the same, you can sort by "controversial". You can also set your Reddit user preferences to highlight controversial comments with a small dagger symbol.

I like controversial but I also want to see the most hated posts in this sub.

The controversial tab works wonders.

It's at the Alamo, the basement.

Here's a goodie for you even before it gets downvoted. I think we have to go beyond the obvious fact that Satanism exists, and figure out why Satanists are convinced they are pleasing a higher power. Followers of this cult which is as old as the world believe God wants them to torture and kill.

I've been documenting 23 years of circumstantial evidence pointing to communication with ETI. From my observations, ETI have indeed been led to enjoy violence. But as you would expect, they are multifaceted and also the most loving. Here is the blog. I would like to help them heal from cruel and/or boring forms of worship. Cruelty as in Satanism, and boredom from conventional religions made up of ancient, repetitive prayers. Put yourself in God's or ETI's position; is this all we have to offer?

Here is the research:

Totally agree! Upvoted.

Have any examples?

I see the good stuff getting few upvotes (<10) and actual nonsense that's getting the appropriate heavy downvotes.

I personally have quite a few negative posts that I thought were good (others not so much). I would just like to see the other side of the sub from time to time to get a wider view.

You could probably write a bot that could generate a list for you.

What language do you use to write a bot? Can you use java?

I wrote a couple a while back just for the sake of seeing how the process worked. I used the PRAW site here:

I think that's the right link - just took the first thing I found. Should get you started - it was really pretty easy, although my bot didn't do much.

As far as java, not sure.

scrolling through the controversial section it seems anything with russia in it comes up

Agreed. Downvoted.

this site is censorship, I delete my account in protest.

A lot of good ones stay at 1 upvote

Totally agree man. It's like opposite day on this sub everyday.

Those with tons of upvotes are shills and those down voted to hell are the truthers

Ideally there would be a filter that would intersperse the most upvoted, downvoted, and controversial posts.