You guys have an actual conspiracy on your hands- Russia hacked the US and deployed information to get its preferred candidate elected- and still all you can talk about is pizza

0  2016-12-10 by [deleted]



So you're mad people aren't taking the MSM bait? Lel.


You realize the CIAs official statement on this was no comment and the FBI officially announced they found no russian involvement. You are repeating a false narrative from simple hearsay instead of using your brain and looking up this information yourself.

Also its astounding the amount of effort people out on who leaked this rsther than its contents.

Please wake up fellow patriot, we need you.

The Russians did not hack the election.

There, that's the insight you seek. Seriously, you'd have to be mentally deficient to believe that.


Are you asking him for evidence that Russia did not hack the election? If so, that's not how it works, you're the one positing the claim, the burden of providing evidence is on you.

What is your evidence we were hacked by Russia?

Edit: in second thought, dont answer because you already have lower in the thread. You seem like a karma whore after going through your post history. Others have said it in this thread and I agree, you don't seem very knowledgable on certain things. So my real question is, whats the point of your post when it is being discussed elsewhere in this sub?

The incoming asteroid is extremely easy to verify. No need to take anyone's word.

Don't worry, one of your coworkers already started this exact same thread earlier.

If you want proper discussion, then we need strong evidence because these are the same people who lied to us about Iraq. Add in the fact that whistleblowers are telling a very different story, and you can forgive us for being more than a little skeptical

Oh my god. Someone gild this comment.


In a sense you're right, because they did provide "evidence" to lead us into war against Sadam. I guess the main takeaway here is that these people can't be trusted


Where is the evidence that russia did this?

Oh anonymous leaks discussing a secret cia report?



ok so you don't have evidence?


lol read about operation mockingbird and get back to me


Lol come back to me when you have evidence, not partisan bullshit


Maybe depends how strong the evidence was, chain of custody and all that. See here's the thing I understand that you obviously don't - attribution of online attacks is damn near impossible if the people doing it are sophisticated enough

To most of us, you materialize as a scheming Eric Cartman (Southpark) like:

"Guys!! Look over here!! It's Russsssshia!! CMON GUYS RUSSSSHSHAA!!! I got 'em! Stop looking at Pizza info because I got Putin in a headlock right over here and he's ready to talk!"

In other words, you are very bad at this.


Solid argument. ;)

You're in conspiracy here...

because an agency goofed once

Getting Osama doesn't count?

I'm beginning to question your level of knowledge in these matters, at least as they're discussed here. If you don't know many of the most basic topics we discuss, then what brings you here to talk about the Russian boogeymen?

"Goofed once"... Ever heard of the Gulf of Tonkin?

Osama? The guy that the Taliban offered to hand over if we provided evidence he was in any way involved with 9/11 and cease our bombing of Afghanistan?

CIA was against going into Iraq and said they did not have WMD.

Yes, that's true, but I think my point still stands. This anti-Russia narrative is coming from "anonymous sources within the CIA" which means there's no way to verify that this is actually what CIA analysts have determined

Edit to add: and the fact that the Bush administration manufactured evidence contrary to what intelligence analysts were saying is only further proof that these people will do whatever it takes to further their agenda

JFK Assassination RFK Assassination MLK Assassination Gulf of Tonkin USS Liberty WMD Iraq Libya Syria Branch Davidian Slaughter OKC Bombing Ruby Ridge WTC Bombing MKULTRA XKEY

Pardon me for not taking "unnamed government sources" at their word. And thanks to Project Mockingbird, I have little faith in mass media control corporations.

The "Russia hacking" diversion is so obvious it's stupid.

We have evidence of a conspiracy you say? This evidence, coming from the CIA, the most famous "conspiracy" plotters themselves

Ok, post some evidence. This is a free and open forum


"The CIA presentation to senators about Russia’s intentions fell short of a formal U.S. assessment produced by all 17 intelligence agencies. A senior U.S. official said there were minor disagreements among intelligence officials about the agency’s assessment, in part because some questions remain unanswered.

For example, intelligence agencies do not have specific intelligence showing officials in the Kremlin “directing” the identified individuals to pass the Democratic emails to WikiLeaks, a second senior U.S. official said. Those actors, according to the official, were “one step” removed from the Russian government, rather than government employees. Moscow has in the past used middlemen to participate in sensitive intelligence operations so it has plausible deniability."

So the argument here is that Russia uses middlemen for plausible deniability, which would make sense, however, the question remains, is simply releasing email content equal with disrupting or undermining the election? Where does it end, if that is the basis for the conspiracy?

It's been shown that the DNC did take measures to undermine the primaries, are they working in concert with the Russian middlemen as well? The lack of focus on the content of the emails released does not help the credibility of the mainstream media in the broader picture, instead they chose to paint it as a vast Russian conspiracy from the beginning.

“The lack of an administration response on the Russian hacking cannot be attributed to Congress,” said Rep. Adam B. Schiff (Calif.), the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, who was at the September meeting. “The administration has all the tools it needs to respond. They have the ability to impose sanctions. They have the ability to take clandestine means. The administration has decided not to utilize them in a way that would deter the Russians, and I think that’s a problem.”

Also, if the U.S. government as a whole, without a doubt, believes that Russia had a hand in influencing the election (which they don't), why not impose sanctions on them, like the above paragraph suggests?

Here's some insight:

Even if they did, who cares? Do you want to go to war with Russia? Is Russia an economic powerhouse? Has the US ever tampered in other elections? Were there not other countries besides Russia tampering? Why is the CIA making this public? If Trump is supposedly "their candidate" why does it matter? Should we ignore a potential global pedophilia ring because "Russia"? Are there Russians implicated in pizzagate? Is Pizzagate a partisan issue? Has spacex nuetered Russian rockets and economics? Can we send people to space without Russia yet?


And so is launching over a decade of wars based on fake intel

It is a perfect distraction and the support for the imaginary tale is at least 95% faked up and serves the dual purpose of drawing ridicule to any people who are monitoring the real conspiracy against us.


Right, pizza is the distraction, and so disrespectful and dismissive and all fake from A to Z.

The likelihood that Russia "influenced" the elections is as likely as me magically waking up tomorrow with an extra 6 inches on my dick.

But how many people were here in this sub before the election crying scared because they thought it was about to be WW3 with russia? A lot.

All I'm gonna say is this. This "muh Russian conspiracy" bullshit is nothing more than an Alinsky tactic of the left. It's what they do. ALWAYS. When they are caught wearing no clothes they deflect the blame. Because it is Hillary and her ilk that are the ones trying to undermine the integrity of this Republic. Not Russia.

Even in the unlikely event this isn't just fake CIA "news" why are you so concerned?

Look on the bright side it might have prevented WW3 which Clinton promised and you aren't getting a permanent boozed Yelzin clone like the one the USA installed in Russia to rob their assets.

Didn't Snowden and Assange confirm it wasn't Russia that provided the information?

Everyone knows if you hack dirt on Democrats, it's entirely unacceptable to not hack dirt on an equal number of Republicans.

Politics is such a ridiculous smoke screen. Who the fuck cares about this nonsense? Don't get caught up in pizzagate because the MSM is making shit up about Russia for the 20th time since the primaries. This is lowbrow shit

The methods of Cass Sunstein and cognitive infiltration

We don't follow that narrative.


This is not a partisan political issue.

But how many people were here in this sub before the election crying scared because they thought it was about to be WW3 with russia? A lot.