VP Mike Pence Is A Defender Of Child Rapists. We Need To Investigate. P-Gate Connected? We Need To Know.

77  2016-12-11 by IGuessItsMe

Hastert is a convicted child rapist and a very close friend of Mike Pence, the incoming VP. They have been close friends for decades and Trumpists and the GOP do NOT want to talk about it.

Vice President Elect Mike Pence went to great lengths to defend and support his friend, the Child Rapist Dennis Hastert. Who also is the longest serving Republican Speaker of the House.

Pence tried to derail the investigation. When that failed, he preemptively declared pedophile Dennis Hastert to be innocent. When THAT also failed, Pence wrote letters and articles in support of convicted Child Molester Dennis Hastert, a longtime GOP and family friend.


Pence Defends Speaker Hastert in 2006

Pence Defense Of Hastert 2006

And This One. 2016

So many times, those who shout about morality the loudest are actually the least moral among us. It is repeated throughout history.


Only liberal kid rapists matter here buddy

If Pence is guilty of something he should be held accountable. As far as I can tell he has not even been accused of any crimes. All accusations must be examined, regardless of political affiliation.

Why is this view NEVER offered when people discuss "pizzagate"? The common theme on those threads are always "he said something strange in an email that could be taken out of context to be code for something sinister! Hang him!!!"

But it is. Connections to Reagan and Bush have also been discussed.

Sorry I'm not understanding what you mean by this comment in reply to mine? How are the Bush and Reagan connections related to the belief that we should not judge without evidence of a crime?

I saying all leads must be followed, regardless of party affiliations. If you're expecting the powerful to investigate themselves, you have high expectations.

Oh I don't. I just meant that I never see anyone offering this same viewpoint on the threads about Podesta. You don't see appeals to reason reminding that people are innocent until proven guilty.

I wonder if Pence eats fresh with fellow Indiana boy Jared from Subway.

I always eat fresh! A healthy mix of greens and meats is a smart way to keep your body lean and strong for years to come!


I totally forgot that guy was from Indiana!


Jared has AIDS!

Upon reflection, Mike Pence thought all of the power lunches Denny Hastert hosted at Chuck E. Cheese to be strange.

Good luck getting the pizzagate nuts to investigate a republican in all this. Trump's good friends with Jeffrey Epstein and he never gets mentioned in this stuff.

Just like how "lizard people" is just code for "jews", "cannibal pedophile" is now just code for "liberal elite". Pizza gate ain't real, m8, it's just a ruse.

I will pass this along the voat people....

Why does it matter if they're liberal or not?

It shouldn't matter. Not at all.

But when Conservative (alleged) molesters and pedophiles are exposed, there is, seemingly, no interest at all.

It is a strange reality. The people promoting these child molestation accusations are only interested if it is a Liberal or Democrat. If you dare drag a Conservative or Republican into this mess, you will be met with silence.

I know. I have tried repeatedly.

Hastert was a Republican.