CTR and Pizzagate shills not working weekends?

282  2016-12-11 by inbetweentime

Serious question, and a test on its own - Does anybody else notice a stark difference between the previous week on /r/conspiracy and the past day-and-a-half?

Expect the madness on here to kick into turbo on Monday.


Kinda proves it is a 9-5 paid job for shills. Real redditors are around 24/7 7 days a week.

You really think so?

Until someone comes up with a better explanation.

What about people with social lives? Those who mostly check in to pass time at work?

So all those people are assholes?

Huge ones.


I stay up for hours after my day just catching up in this sub. It's the only thing I do now for my down time ever since Wikileaks confirmed so much shit.

It's interesting and exciting seeing the world open up and realize how much we've been lied to.

Are you me?

They could be working on pushing russian hacking at the moment, distracting people?

nobody in RL cares about Russian hacking, we have had multiple hacks into the US over the last twenty years, life goes on.

ten years ago the very embarrassed DoD/Pentagon discovered rootkits on their PCs during software upgrades. (source IT website register.co.uk), either Russia or China or Israel, or somebody with big balls but not many brain cells, because the repercussion would be painful.

I'll disagree. I've had what I would consider to be reasonable /r/conspiracy comments downvoted during this weekend. I obviously have no evidence backing the notion that CTR or some other brigade is the source of these downvotes, but they curiously only seem to happen when I'm casting doubt at the PGate deniers.

These comments also follow a familiar pattern of being upvoted initially (by what ill hypothesize are "real conspiracy sub readers") before being heavily downvoted until my score hovers close to zero. These posts never enter negative territory, which would seem very suspicious unless I was spouting something deeply offensive, but they always drop in their vote count to a level where they can easily fade in visibility.

I could also just be writing shit comments or completely missing the mark on this situation, which is entirely possible, but it's odd that this only seems to happen on this one particular topic when writing the same sort of position on another topic yields consistent upvote ratios and patterns.

Edit: As another commenter has posted, this could also just be the natural influx of more outsiders to this sub than we had, say 12 months before the election, but, again, the narrowly defined topics where this voting pattern happens makes it highly suspicious.

Not that I give a shit - this isn't /politics where a high vote count matters. Most of us just disregard the obvious shill posts and proudly accept downvotes as a sign that we've said something significant enough to piss someone off.

I think the notion that it's becoming commonplace for vested interested to employee teams of 'shills' is very plausible. In fact, I'd say it's so plausible that there is an entire industry that does just that. Reputation Management, or Online Reputation Management (ORM) in the modern age, is a service provided by most all modern marketing firms. After all, after perfecting sheer amounts of force, any government's next act of business is the marketing of information. Who is the enemy, who is the hero, etc... I'd say there is an army of ORM services being implemented on a daily basis by political interests with deep pockets. Hell, even small business owners use the same practices in their marketing practices, albeit on a much smaller scale.

I'll add to this and speculate that a paid service may already exist within Reddit to notify companies of posts/comments that concern their brand or interests - allowing them to essentially brigade posts via an internal notification system.

That, combined with a team (even a single individual) tasked with very strategically placing their votes/comments can influence a great deal of people.

I have zero evidence of this of course, but it seems to me that this would be a natural product development path for Reddit to follow.

They could rely on tools like Google Alerts, but those are notoriously slow and of questionable accuracy in a PR game that requires surgical precision.


Reddit is inherently difficult for many brand new visitors to really understand on a deep, practical level... moreso for companies that operate at the top speed that their own internal bureaucracy will allow. But it's proven to be an immensely powerful platform that can launch stories at extreme velocities, rivaling Twitter and Facebook if not topping them in terms of overall efficacy and "blast radius".

But In terms of the potential velocity, the "highest velocity" posts/comments are often determined as such within the first couple minutes of being posted... meaning that without a rapid response team, a post attacking a particular brand can "take off" and reach "escape velocity" (aka front page velocity) fairly quickly... and once it gets going, it becomes exponentially more difficult to stop with every passing hour.

That essentially means that whoever can get to a potentially toxic post first will determine whether or not it gathers enough traction to have any sort of impact. The inverse is also true, but to a lesser extent. Posts that ultimately rise to the top require a great deal more "synthetic" force to make an impact if they don't also have widespread "organic" votes... but being able to nudge a post in the first couple of minutes can often give it the opportunity it needs to find eyeballs > upvotes > exposure.

But I'll be clear, trashing posts/comments negatively is much easier and requires a lot less force, which is likely why we see quite a few strategies attempting to discredit conspiracy theories attacking Clinton during the election, but relatively few posts attacking Trump, who IMO has plenty of material that was attackworthy. Put simply, CTR could influence this sub by trying to control negative posts, but they never succeeded in launching a true set of posts to attack her competition like they were able to do on /politics where the "organic" support existed to supplement their "synthetic" push strategies.

Anyways, to get back to my main point and wrap up - Reddit has cultivated a massive community, but as we've seen on both Twitter and Facebook and Google, their ultimately goal as a corporate is figuring out how to monetize this community.

So, it's reasonable to assume that Reddit would produce a tool that would allow companies and other groups to address this massive community in a way that is effective and monetizable. God knows they aren't going to make their billions off of selling Reddit Gold... so selling a tool to assist rapid response PR teams has gotta be something that they've already developed or something that they are deeply interested in figuring out.

Just a few examples of the types of services that revolve around 'reputation management' a.k.a. 'shilling':

http://www.trackur.com/ https://www.placesscout.com/reputation-management https://www.buzzbundle.com/

Those are just a few of the near-stand-alone types of consumer products that are available for such purposes. Online reputation management services are usually offered as parts of larger marketing contracts from enterprise level firms. Building a web-crawler to constantly monitor popular social sites really isn't that difficult; the magic IMO is in the responses to posts/comments/articles. Like you said, you see a lot more 'trashing' posts and comments. In my very novice acquaintance with Natural Language Processing (NLP), I can say that forming a negative comment towards a potentially threatening statement is much more feasible than a positive rebuttal.

Let me break that down a bit; let's say there's a post alleging that Hillary Clinton forwarded classified documents to a foreign leader. That post/article/comment would have the potential to cause her cause great harm, and would likely show up on the radar of anyone monitoring her online reputation. Now, think in terms of automation; think in terms of handling the entire internet. Imagine a piece of software that could identify this type of post—which is easy to accomplish—and how to best stem the flow of information. To properly counter this accusation, you'd need a language processing bot that would have to dynamically identify and counter specific points of information (accusations), find relevant data to back up the counter-claims, and combine them all into a syntactic manner that seems naturally constructed. As far as publicly-declared tech goes—that's impossible still. A good article on how this approach can fail is here:


Now, imagine the approach of simply trolling such threads; adding broad, non-specific comments that not allege falseness, but also derail the conversation. A reply as such might be; "More bs from the crazy right that hate women. When will people just grow the fck up?". That says "this article is false," and also opens up a shtstorm of people defending each side of the argument until most people forget the topic and are simply concerned about winning an argument.

I used to help run a small website that covered alternative news. We'd post 20 something articles to Google+, and maybe get a collective 100 comments across all of them. Now, if we posted a single article with the #israel hashtag; it'd hit the 500 comment max in a matter of hours. Israel is well know to employ an Internet Defense Force (JIDF). I link to that, because I thought it was a running joke for the longest time, and didn't realize there was actually such a publicly acknowledged group. The comments on those posts were scarcely-related to the actual articles, and we say very little web traffic to the actual articles. That means, the battle was in the comments, and no one on either side gave a shit about the actual article. Such is the internet now; the facts and truth have little consequence with the majority of people simply take away an impression of the topic. You're completely right I think about the power of the rapid-responses to content. I'll even catch my self dismissing an article sometimes if I scroll down and the first three comments say that it's wrong, the site sucks, and that this is just more 'fake news.' It's powerful because it works, even when you're looking out for it.

Interests, be them political or business, are terrified of large numbers of organized people as the have the power to destroy at the drop of a hat. Dividing groups makes it easier to manage reputation, as well as dissent from whatever information is being marketed. I think that it unprecedented if a group from a community such as r/conspiracy were to conspire to stem the bleeding caused by the war on information being brought by the MSM.

this is a great post and exactly the type of deconstructive logic i like to see here.

you've pointed out HOW reddit posts can be gamed from concerted voting early in their lives, and how comments can be pushed the same way to legitimize or marginalize perspectives conveyed by posts.

we know part of reddit's monetization strategy is to consult with marketing and PR groups to help them better use reddit as a business tool. this is a professional service and an "analysis tool" like the one you've described would be an integral part of the model.

Much of reddit is open source, other than their proprietary voting algorithm. There are clearly many people and groups who use scripts to set up listeners on reddit. you find the same accounts posting early in threads on certain subjects. specific brands (mcdonalds and coca cola being two obvious ones) have likely been using reddit voting for years for brand management.

Jesus fucking Christ, that's a long post.

I'll cut to the meat: there's no need for Reddit to offer a service like that, because individuals and organizations are currently able to do just that through glorified scripting. It's how its worked for ages. Google alerts is a consumer product. The "big boys" with a bit of tech knowledge have been able to do this already on their own.

Without a doubt. Private businesses too.

during this weekend

topminds or SRD cancers. some amateur some paid.

This was exactly the behavior on any julian assange related sub when i brought up anything of substance, especially the topic of assange being taken onto us custody oct 17th (which i am sure he was). Initial upvotes slow and steady, then once traction, brigade of downvotes to bury topic and negative comments (for no good reason) which all seemed to be upvoted by each other. It was pathetic. Eventually i started just flat put calling them fed agents (they are) and was banned.

There was an article that mentioned the office of the ctr team. The other superpac people said ctr are a bunch of nerds. Point is the yes it is a day job held by a team of i think 20 people.


Sadly true.

Here's an upvote to prove it

I am here 24 and 7 for you all.

Could be that, or the flood of people that showed up at that point were nothing more than tourists and trolls that were here to see what the subreddit had to say.

Yeah, I met a guy who told me the moon landings were faked and that jet fuel doesn't melt steel beams. He definitely seemed like a guy who'd be online "24/7 7 days a week".

lol you really lack any ability to think rationally.

Nice account you got there. 16 posts and one of them about shills being a myth, eh?

I am still here. Your resident CTR, pizzagate shill. I was too busy going out and getting drunk...

Edit: You know living an adult life.

Just proves that T_D shills are even stupider, doing it for free.


I would love to talk to an ex-shill. We should do an AMA with one.

There are no "ex shills". You can't leave CTR without being suicided. They pay us so well because of the sacrifice we have to make in never leaving.

shill in shill out

So, you're a shill? You say us. As in you. I thought you guys have the weekend off.

We don't have the weekend off, we just do fun things at the office on the weekends and as a result don't work as much. For instance, today we're having a pizza party

I'm not even mad. If you are a shill, this is an odd way to come out. I'll check your history and see if you are being honest.

I think he's fucking with you

IDK, check his history. He does some shill-like stuff.

I didn't check, typically when people confess to being paid shills they are just trolling, but I'll take your word for it

Don't bother. This guy spends 90% of his time on Reddit trolling r/conspiracy. Someone took the bait that he was an actual paid shill and now he mentions it every thread cause he knows people will keep falling for it

Pretty sure this guy is trolling. He might legitimately believe pizzagate isnt real though, I see him defending pedophiles all across this subreddit.

First rule of Shill club: don't talk about shill club

I've seen a few slip ups like that recently.

Maybe the guilt is getting to them. Freudian slip.

You idiots will believe anything.

Then I have an interesting post for you https://np.reddit.com/user/e3270ed3e (it oddly doesn't show up in the comments so only visible on the throwaway's profile)

I'm not surprised at all.

They probably don't see it that way, though. They see it as these horrible dumb troglodytes calling their wise, beautiful mentors and role models and spirit guides such nasty, terrible names. How dare they call my Queen such a vile thing! I'll show them, I'll even work for minimum wage, or even for free! HOW DARE THOSE DEPLORABLES!

Hey everyone, Peyton_Manning_18 is a paedophile! The number 18 means he doesn't go above the age 18, and Peyton Manning is code for Paedophile Man!

I've not seen it debunked yet, so it must be true! I wonder if he'll defend himself, a paedophile!

Lol u wild, wyd tho?

You might as well ask if people can imagine being a leprechaun, or a pizzagate believer who is capable of looking at evidence in an objective manner (i.e. fairytales).

I noticed.

there was a post in 4chan from someone claiming to work for CTR that said his contract ended around Dec 11th

Good to see you're still around after all

finally had a long discussion with mods last night. gotta keep my nose clean, can't let the nasty trolls get to me so much

Ahh I see, I've had my own slip up with them as well but I don't think I was reported over it

In the end getting upset will just lead to the unsavory

when you hit r/all as much as i was, the comments can really get to you...

Yeah, in the internet age harassment is a whole new ballpark

lots of things to digest..

I noticed last night that there were quite a few high level comments questioning the Russian hackers narrative in /r/politics.

Several hours before that, the high level comments were calling anyone questioning the Russian hackers narrative to be "traitors to the American people", along with flinging shit at the FBI and Bernie for some reason.

so the hysterical snowflakes are now blaming Bernie for splitting the vote and ruining HRCs chance at immorality immortality... as POTUS for a day/week/month. and of course the horrible FBI for semi doing their job...

Yep! PG is getting played on both sides! It's plain as day.

The top comment in the top post right now is skeptical of Pizzagate. That's what you mean by "shill," right? Anyone who presents even an ounce of skepticism of unsourced speculation?

Not talking about skepticism, talking about assholes.

CTR shills have moved on to pushing the Russia narrative all over the site. Although they are bringing up pizzagate without it being mentioned in order to discredit anyone asking for evidence related to Russia, so theyre still working on that. Go into any of the top threads about russia on /r/politics and ctrl+f "pizza" to see what Im talking about

There may still be a few here and on voat but thats what they are focusing on now.

Sorry i was sleeping.

Pizzagate isn't real. No solid evidence.

I think I'd enjoy watching you converse with a religious person.

Good point.

probably is religious him/herself. Most religious people are hypocrites without ever realizing it.

Most people in general are hypocrites. It's the human condition.

You're right but I feel most people sooner or later realize the hypocrisy in whatever it is they said or did.

You mean T_D/conspiracy?

No I mean someone who believes in god or mainstream media.

So T_D and conspiracy.... ?

retreaded !?

Sorry, I was jerking off. Rational human being checking in. Pizzagate is still bullshit.

you know not what you say, are you retreaded !?

Haha. Maybe. Must be all the circle jerking. I should really cut back.

This is the problem with banning /r/pizzagate, all the toxicity spills over into these subs because there is nowhere else to discuss it.

We are growing tired of our unpaid battles with this insanity.

But haven't you heard? We're shills too!

I will follow you down the path until we get to Trump is the answer. The partisan nature of the pizzagate conspiracy is what turns off so many people.

The Clinton's may be scum but their is more tangible evidence showcasing Trump as a incestuous pedo.

When tribalism makes you defend pedophila it's time to reevaluate your contribution to society.


There's simply nothing partisan about pizzagate - it's the very shills that are part of the reason you think so.

Maybe a name that did not invoke politicized controversy would of faired better. The use of the suffix alone is partisan in nature.

Wikileaks also only released DNC emails

Comet Pizza housed a plethora of DNC fundraiser.

I have yet to see anything about this conspiracy that amounts to anything more than circumstantial evidence.

Meanwhile Trump is filling his cabinet with everything that goes bump in the dark. And there is hardly a peep about Trump and Epstein and evidentiary factual sex trafficking.

I still feel the true conspiracy here should be called #pizzagategate

Yes it's called Pizzagate because of its origins, and concerns more than just Comet Ping Pong. That isn't hard to understand.

What is hard for me to understand is how so many people can be so single minded on this issue.

Have you read Podesta's emails? When I read through his emails I do not see a monster. I see someone committed to fighting for the rights of people of all walks of life. The sheer volume of information this man has processed in almost incomprehensible.


Again I default to the primarily partisan nature of the conspiracy. But I am all ears!

BTW I dislike the Clinton's for reasons based in fact. If there is something here they should go down for I am all ears.

I see someone committed to fighting for the rights of people of all walks of life.

Are you kidding?

Show me some examples. Better yet, show me one single example of Podesta fighting for people's rights.

I will wait.

I will wait a long time because all those emails contained was proof that Podesta & co. have absolutely no regard for anyone's rights. All they do is conspire on the best way to manipulate people and their opinions.

*I am literally laughing right now so thanks for that at least

Click the link and use the search bar and type in the following.


If you don't your loss, although you might learn something factual about the man.

Look... Since it seems that you're serious...

You just recommended I look at 15 emails about how Podesta & co will approach "paid media" and their "public opinion" strategies against Sanders, Cruz, etc., and how the DNC plans to handle and collude on debate questions.

Do you have any examples that even come close to backing up your moronic claim?

Sorry I know it's tough considering they don't exist. But you volunteered.

How many do you need?

Repealing DOMA


Global Climate Change


But this is not about me defending Podesta.... it is about you defending your assertion he is running a global pedo ring.


More emails of them discussing how to manipulate public opinion

And now I apparently asserted he's running a pedo ring too

I'm dying right now -

Aside from the fact that people like you actually worry me.

Did you just wake up yesterday? It is politics...

HIllary Clinton believes that whatever one's motives were for supporting

the passage of DOMA, they do not justify what was a purely discriminatory law.

You've succeeded at failing to provide me with 1 single example of them being "committed to fighting for people of all walks of life", but then admitting that the manipulation and collusion you showed me instead is 'politics'.


Carry on in your dream world it sounds like a pleasant place :)

You feel as if your enlightened, a stroll through your posts shows you have bought into the Alt Right media blitz hook, line and sinker.

Good luck you might wake up someday.

FYI I am a Berner, #neverhillary #dumptrump

Bernie... Tell me more about when I'll finally 'wake up' so I can be fooled by our political system

Lollll I'm all ears


Also - you mentioned the 'alt right'.... Would you say that it's...... Gasp..... Fake News?!

When you stop posting Breitbart news fool.

I supported Bernie. But I can see that pedo or not, Podesta is a pile of human garbage

Can you share something that indicates he is? Because his pile of emails are anything but threatening......

There is a real incestuos pedo about to take office.

My only dog in this fight is regardless of fact or science The_Donald believes whatever benefits himself. This alternate reality the Trumpetiers live in is fucking obnoxious at best.

Really? There's nothing partisan about pizzagate? Even though it focuses on left leaning politicians, and it was "leaked" in a Donald Trump forum on reddit?

Yeah, absolutely nothing partisan about it.

Is real pizza partisan now too, because it's in DNC emails?


Wow, yeah you guys keep cultivating an echo chamber by completely disregarding any and all skepticism. It's a cult in here.

No, shills are people who spend hours in a day aggressively disproving and arguing with any sort of evidence posted in this sub. Doesn't matter if they're paid shills or not.

Healthy skepticism is important. And informed discourse and discrediting of false facts or leads is imperative. I respect informed dissenting contributions that have actual important points to make. We all need to keep our minds open.

What shills do, paid or not, is sit there trolling any and all PG- related post or comment just for the sake of trolling. They don't go beyond "fake/insane/you people/zero evidence/russian". The narrative changes every few days. And when someone posts anything trying to further the effort, the shill response is, in effect, "LALALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU"

i don't really care if that makes you an actual CTR shill or just someone with nothing better to do. You're a shill.

No what you said is not true for the most part. I can pose some skepticism as polite as humanly possible in this sub and I'd still get called a shill. I'd just be a shill that's "concern trolling" and then I'll get pms asking how much I'm getting paid to defend pedos.

The only reason you get so riled up about people yelling "where's the evidence!" is because you have no real evidence. You've got some really normal looking emails about a gift basket of cheeses, kids coming over to swim, and pizza. And you've found out a liberal gay guy living in DC has some NSFW content on his instagram. There's nothing substantial at all, yet you're getting pissed at SKEPTICS.

The worse part is when you guys get backed into a corner, because then you pull the "well yeah, there's no smoking gun but you gotta admit it's kinda suspicious." and then go right back believing everything 1000% when all the skeptics are gone. Someone will completely disprove a piece of "evidence" and you'll be like "Okay, that evidence is bad but what about THIS EVIDENCE!". And then guess what you'll do after that arguments over? YOU'LL GO BACK TO USING THAT DISPROVEN PIECE OF EVIDENCE IN FUTURE GISH GALLOP COPY+PASTE SPAM. And why will you do this? Because you don't actually care what the truth is. You just very desperately want it to be true for whatever reason. You want so bad for there to be a pedo ring that caters to all the liberal elite you hate so much so that you can demonize them in your head.

I am a liberal who desperately doesn't want this to be true. I believe i can speak for most of us who have been researching this for some time, that this goes truly beyond partisan politics to the core of who we are as human beings.

If you truly don't believe anything wrong may be happening on a wide scale in our government, I respect your opinion and calls for stronger evidence. We get it, we"ve heard your points. We're looking for that evidence as well. That's all this sub is about. Leave us be to our work on finding it. If you have some shred of human decency you will understand what we're trying to do. If not then i fear greatly for you.

What if I have healthy skepticism of the narrative YOU'RE trying to feed me?

there are crickets chirping over at voat's pizzagate

I dont particupate on pg at voat, but i have noticed crickets in general there for several weeks, which is strange sunce i know many have left reddit for it. By contrast, much more activity on gab. I dont know who owns or controls voat, but i wouldnt be surprised if they are essentially govt controlled now as reddit is

The only people who go from reddit to voat are the subs that are so shitty and break so many rules, they get banned. Fat people hate, coontown, pretty much places dedicated to hate speech.

well thats just completely wrong, The largest sub here The_Donald has been absolutely ripped to pieces by more and more backend manipulations and rules by the admins, they are essentially forcing T_D to leave sooner or later.

And as for "breaking rules", that could be true with PG, I really never followed it at all - but I have followed and participated in 3 or 4 subs here that are wikileaks/julian assange centric, and every single one of them has been systematically had their narrative controlled 1 at a time, its pathetic and pretty obvious, unfortunately.

They're all gang banging voat.

Nah mate I'm still here. Not a shill (there are no shills, just a lotta redditors like me that enjoy a good internet fight) but y'all sure think I am.

I still don't believe this conspiracy because its based on extremely frivolous evidence and y'all are doing serious damage by spreading information that you haven't proven as if they were fact.

There's already been one terrorist attempt, how many is it gonna take before you start being more careful about what information you say is true and what information is just a random theory that needs more research?

If there are no shills, then why did CTR specifically say they were targeting reddit?

Mate I'm not one of you, if you want me to reply to a claim you have to show me proof that you aren't talking out of your ass. I don't magically accept what random redditors tell me

Read their website Why get involved in a conversation if you are totally clueless about it?

Well now at least you know that I'm obviously not a shill. And y'all are mostly paranoid, a few paid commenters can't control a website visited by millions in the way you think it could happen. If that were possible then the_donald and brother nazis would have already taken control of the site themselves.

$6 million can buy a lot of comments

Goddamn six whole million bucks worth of comments, totally enough to thwart one of the most popular websites in the world

Yes, it probably is.

But it clearly isn't so it isn't.

Based on what?

based on the fact that this website clearly hasn't been taken over by liberals since the_donald and this sub and a few others are so prominent

Venture over to /r/politics and /r/news and try again

that's two subreddits m8, the fact that conspiracy and the_donald exist and kotakuinaction and other are so prominent show otherwise

That's just nonsensical. There is an in between 100% and 0%, there is a middle ground.

LOL deluxe paid shill in conspiracy. That's rough

If you know how to get paid for this shit please tell me how, I'd love to get paid to argue with conspiracy nuts all day.

But sadly I don't get paid for this. I still get emotional satisfaction from helping you guys properly evaluate the authenticity of your "evidence" however. Even got some people to kind of step back a little and rethink it all.

Enjoying that overtime pay? Just jokin'. I actually respect that you come on here to challenge ideas. It's always good to challenge your own view. I wouldn't respect you if you were getting paid to play a narrative or read from a script though. No integrity there. Anyway, hopefully PG doesn't turn you away from other notable conspiracy theories.

By definition I don't believe in conspiracy theories, because once it has enough concrete evidence to be declared true it's no longer a conspiracy. But thanks for the open arms regardless.

A "conspiracy theory" doesn't MAKE it true, I agree with that. But once the evidence is there - it doesn't stop being a conspiracy. Friend, you should reevaluate all the times in your life that you yourself may have been part of a conspiracy. Remember - it's just a group of people planning something harmful in secret. These happen time and time again in the workplace, and with your family and friends. Yes, even high level government officials are guilty of it. What do you call it when people conspire to overthrow a government in secret? Why does it stops being a conspiracy because there's evidence for it?

this is just semantic but yeah I meant it stops being a "conspiracy theory" when it is proven true, not just "conspiracy".

Yea yea yea... cry for me when you get the tapes. They are saving them. Its not good.

This isn't how proper investigations work mate. You find the evidence AND THEN find the conclusions. What you're suggesting here is that you reached the conclusion and are now looking for the "tapes" to prove it. This is why everybody is laughing at you guys.

OK I'll give you this one then I'm out--won't do the back and forth with you since that's your game, not mine. Back when there was a PG Reddit, someone came on and said they hacked into We the Pizza's password protected back end and found MBs of videos and pics of CP. They posted videos and pics to prove authenticity--people on 4Chan and Reddit who looked to see if it was legit saw: A toddler with pins shoved in her clit; a child being anally raped in a cage; a live amputation without anesthetic. Now--either this was a real hack, and WTP, who they found connections into the rest of PG is guilty of OUTRAGEOUS crimes against children; OR whoever is covering up PG posted these to justify closing down the PG Reddit, which happened shortly thereafter. Whichever the case, all agreed the videos were unquestionably real, and if it was to frame the Reddit, whoever did it went to alarming, sinister lengths to do so. I don't care which is true, or even if it is some third option, so argue as you will. These videos demonstrate that WHETHER OR NOT these people MIGHT be innocent, investigation must happen, as children must be saved--and if authorities won't do it, people must. Any anyone on here spending all day trying to shut it down are morally, ethically corrupt as well.

Listen mate it's easy to say that that shit happened, but it sounds like you have no actual proof that that was found, or that anyone even CLAIMED that it was found. Do you actually know for a fact that people found these things or are you just trusting another internet denizen to be truthful?

Dude I was on these threads at the time, as were 24,000 other people on the PG Reddit and an unknown number on 4Chan. Now STFU you pedo apologizing scum. I'm out.

And yet you have no proof that people actually found this information, or that these 4channers weren't just using pizzagate as an excuse to share their CP collections. "I was there" ain't gonna cut it.

Do you want to see the videos or some shit mate? I bet you only a handful of people archived that shit and even if they did they wouldn't willingly share it on this site that's a great way to get a big target painted on you.

i'm just saying that "i saw some shit on 4chan" doesn't exactly mean jackshit

well yeah which is why it's an ongoing investigation and not something people are or genuinely shouldn't be espousing as fact right now. It's a here are a bunch of fucked up coincidences let's try to paint a more detailed picture of what's actually happening type of thing. Have a look see what you make of it. Hopefully contribute to the discussion or investigation. An investigation like this is a bunch of people disgusted with what they're seeing and hoping beyond hope it isn't real. But digging deeper and deeper into the shit and finding more putrid shit.

This isn't how proper investigations work mate. You find the evidence AND THEN find the conclusions.

Lol like contact the FBI with evidence of this nature it we be off to the authorities to show them.... yeah i don't think the world is quite the way you think it is. Thats a quick way to get gone.

for the "tapes" to prove i

nobody is looking for these it would be a rough day for normies, they will come though if things get real rough. they are in nyc with the man podesta loves... not trump.

I literally can't understand you, you need to speak more clearly. Sorry.

Freedom of speech is fading sorry... Ill try a different connection

Me too! Pay me, these people are bat shit crazy! #shillsonparade

Hey man paid crisis actors get two days off just like the rest of us actual hard-working individuals

Work at the office is turned down quite a bit on Sundays because that's when the boss takes everyone out for some cheese pizza or some hotdog pasta. I'm partial to a walnut topping myself.

But by the time we all get back we're too tired to shill as hard as usual. Sundays are usually chill days for us anyway

If you think people need to be paid to protest Trump or denounce him online your brain is very small

Lol are you in denial that CTR exists or something?


How short are you cause everything goes over your head

Alot of people reddit during the work week and have family obligations on the weekends.

They sleep in on weekends.

This sub let itself get taken over by racist right wingers long ago.

It really is sad. This sub is just an alt right circle jerk. Voat is even worse.

code word for white people. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulWXlAJQGlU

Passed through the traditional political subs Friday night sharing my thoughts, with expectation of downvote into oblivion for not supporting the narrative. Imagine my surprise when many of those thoughts received upvote traction and lead to actual conversation.

This observation with be in line with a 9am-5pm M-F operation. May be some outside core hours staffing in place, but not the same numbers capable of drowning out all unapproved thought profiles.

To assess activity I think we should be exploring comment trends rather than submission activity. As next step it would be interesting to analyze comments per hour across a sub then explore the distribution.

Anyone aware of tools available to further collect and explore data regarding comment behavior in a sub?

It would be cool to play with this more. Hell just exploring daily word-frequency would be interesting to filter out the message of the week being pushed, and possible set of associated accounts.

Why would ctr still be around? A lot of people don't like trump.

Oh yeah. It's started back up again.

CTR and Pizzagate shills

They're both still here and both still arguing with each other. There's still some of us though that think both of them are wrong.

Supervisors are union.

I've been posting against the narrative because I honestly don't believe it. And I haven't been posting this weekend because I've had plans of doing real life stuff like moving a fridge and a freezer to a new house, playing music with my cousin and not having to deal with you nuts for a couple of days.

You're chasing off people with dissenting opinions, and you're not providing any evidence besides stuff that feels like it's really reaching. If someone gave me concrete evidence, I'd be the biggest believer.


Then they should employ non-Jews to cover for those periods.

Shabbat...that's like an Evil, nocturnal, and winged rat? Ctr me if I'm wrong.

look up judaism. Shabbat is what led to Sunday I think.

No, it isn't what led to Sunday as Sunday is the first day of the week. Shabbat = weekly sabbath. I say weekly because there are different types of Shabbats/Sabbaths. But I'm mainly speaking about the weekly sabbath Christians and Jews observe.

Thank you for this clarification.

yes, the US due to the ownership of it newspapers and publishing industries, seems to use the Jewish week (calender), Sunday the first day and Saturday the day of rest.

unlike Europe which uses the Christian calender of Monday to Sunday.

anybody know if the US situation has always been this way or a more recent change.

I'd rather not. /s

So shabbatday leads to Sun worship?

These things are all related. Sun worship and to not work on sundays. I know it sounds weird but everything we do, from baptism to putting a square shaped hat on our head when we graduate...everything in society is made so that we all openly practice satanism.

Paganism =/ satanism

Babylonian = satanism.

Christianity is of the Horus school, Egyptian heretical monotheism.


Just a thought but the only other holiday that I can think of that starts at twilight is Halloween.

So the Shabbat seems to be a holiday that both begins and ends in twilight? Can anybody relay the significance of that? Thanks.

Shabbat = Sabbath. Jews have always observed different types of Shabbats but the one being discussed here is from Friday sundown to Saturday sundown. So it's the weekly Sabbath that Christians observe on Sunday only the Jews and other Christians sects like the SDA keep the original day of Saturday.

saturn day


I had pizza a few days ago. Am I a pedophile now?

I always eat my pizza with the kids!

I didn't check, typically when people confess to being paid shills they are just trolling, but I'll take your word for it

What is hard for me to understand is how so many people can be so single minded on this issue.

Have you read Podesta's emails? When I read through his emails I do not see a monster. I see someone committed to fighting for the rights of people of all walks of life. The sheer volume of information this man has processed in almost incomprehensible.


Again I default to the primarily partisan nature of the conspiracy. But I am all ears!

BTW I dislike the Clinton's for reasons based in fact. If there is something here they should go down for I am all ears.

That's just nonsensical. There is an in between 100% and 0%, there is a middle ground.