I have just resigned in protest.

515  2016-12-11 by 9000sins

I am no longer a moderator of /r/conspiracy. I have decided that this is what is best for me after seeing the state of this place and the total disregard of the rules by (some) of the mods. I am not going to call anyone out specifically, but way more than half of the mod team is in favor of allowing EVERYTHING to flow through this place and have absolutely zero content moderation. I am not a fan of removing content myself. I believe a lot of subs fall victim to overmoderation, and in a place like this you want as little of that as possible.But allowing everything to just flow through here is a recipie for disaster. Let the votes decide is the rallying cry for a lot of people here. I can get behind that 100%, but we need to stay focused and on target here. I am not attacking anyone here in this post so please don't remove this based on that basis. I just think the users of our sub deserve to know these things. I am no longer your "gatekeeper" as some would put it. I only wanted what was best for this sub and everyone involved. I will take this opportunity to say that I am going to be working on new projects that will probably require a lot more of my time than I can devote if I am busy with moderation duties here. I want to start a documentary film. I want to do things to be more active in the conspiracy investigations circle. I want to really make a name for myself and not just sit behind a computer screen typing my opinions to the world. I am going to be the change I want to see.

I hope that this place does well with the current mod team. One thing I can tell you for sure is that they won't censor your content at all. And they are usually pretty reasonable about comment removals as well. I wish you all the best. I love you guys.



The regulars here will know that although /u/9000sins is a long-standing mod, he has been virtually absent for the last 3 years. Then, 3 days ago, and without any discussion with the active mods, he approached the site admins and asked to be given control of /r/conspiracy....citing the fact that our most senior mod /u/illuminatedwax has not been active for over a year.


Although /u/9000sins explained to us later that he was doing this as a gift to the sub, it is fair to say that the other mods were not convinced by this explanation. The current mod team work by consensus and mutual trust, and Sins' rogue action was a breach of that trust.

A vote was underway to demote /u/9000sins in the mod order and suspend his privileges, but he saw how the vote was going and decided to resign instead.

Holy crap, it's like a conspiracy within the conspiracy sub. This is way too meta for me

Oh god your username. Fucking LOL.


Not surprising really, powerful scum always seek to control the narrative any way they can

I came here for a conspiracy will stay for the spy hunt.

Holy cow, this is insane. /u/9000sins explain yourself. Why did you suddenly become active again? Why didn't you talk to the mod team before creating the subreddit request? How can we be assured you are the same person you were three years ago when you were active? Why should we believe anything you say at this point?

I think the answers to these questions r obvious:

He likely is NOT the same person who created the account, and likely is part of the systematic takeover of all reddit subs with any psy op or political exploitative potential. Has already happened on several other subs and is an open secret already. My own feeling on the behind the scenes puppet masters are us alphabet agencies, fairly recently passed regulation explicitly allows exactly this behavior and activity. But we dont have to play their game, it has been exposed. For now strongly suggest move to voat and gab, longer term a new platform might be needed

He says things aren't being censored here and that the mods can be trusted. I've seen first hand the censorship that goes on, and I'm on the other side of the curtain.

I don't trust anything with Correct the Record still out in full force.

We need to get off of Reddit and into a new forum. This place is already phucked.

also... it's nearly impossible to do any crowd sourced investigation like pizzag*te without being accused of doxxing. I was threatened with a ban for posting shady stuff via Google maps links and I apologize as I don't want this Sub shut dow, but places like Voat give us more freedom to investigate and share info.


I think its safe to say we are all glad that you resigned. I hope you also stop visiting and posting. Goodbye, delusionalsin


Lol, sry but it is rather funny to see someone who was once a pillar of this community be turned upon by the users here.

The way conspiracies are emerging to explain your absence is hilarious. Clearly, you are FSB intel psy-op operator/Mossad intel core/CIA/FBI/NSA/WWF/NBC shill.

Clearly. :)

well .. where have you been for the past 3yrs?

It's NOT like moderating this sub 'took a lot of your time' as you haven't been doing it

so PLEASE explain at least these few 'sins' e.g. Why did you Stop modding for 3 YEARS and all of a sudden make a 'comeback'?

How can we eve know 'you' are the same "Orignal 9000sins?" After all, we KNOW accounts (and upvotes) can be bought (and sold) here at Reddit?

If you can answer these questions and provide a modicum of proof ... Go for it

otherwise, if you don't or won't answer these questions,, then sorry dude but you've Lost ALL the 'credibility' you once has

what kind of proof do you want me to provide? Raising a baby is a tough job, especially when you have 2 other kids.

just answer the question, "why 'disappear' for 3 yrs andd then suddenly return ... as a Mod?"

I never disappeared. I told everyone about my son being born and how I would need to take an extended break. I promised everyone here several times that I would be back. I checked in all the time and commented here a bit here and there.

ok, fair enough, tbh I can't recall seeing you posting either, just your nym in the mod box

anyhoo, all the best amigo, I bet those kids are keeping you busy!

Oh hell yeah you know it. 2 girls, 8 and 10, my son and a new baby we just adopted about 4 months ago. He's about 13 months old, so I have to do all the baby stuff again. And I didn't even make 3 of these kids! Lol.

haha mate, they're All yours! all the best hehe!

Raising kids is very time consuming. Now that my son is old enough to walk and talk I have a lot more time on my hands. And the state of things in the world is a big motivator as well.

It's irrelevant to the issue at hand. Whether or not you are the original owner of this account, you conspired against your peers and tried to dethrone the top mod. Whatever agenda you have, it is a selfish one. Yet, you sit here and pretend as if these malicious actions you set in motion were a gift to the sub? Actions speak louder than words.

you do know he typed this response to a comment that was questioning if he was still the original owner of the account.

Top mod? The one who does literally jack AND shit?

You've deleted your post, yet still find it necessary to reply to my comment? You were inactive for three years until recently.

It is again irrelevant to the matter at hand, since you went behind the back of your fellow mods to try and quietly take over the top mod privileges of this sub.

You've openly stated you want to remove all Pizzagate information off the sub completely, with your unimaginative "toxic waste" analogy.

This may not be a sub dedicated to one subject of conspiracy, but for now Pizzagate is quite the horrifying highlight among the numerous illegal misconducts regularly funded through the Clinton Foundation. If you find the material is too "radioactive" for your taste, kindly move on. There are many of us interested in following one of the biggest reveals of government corruption and collusion in the history of the America.

You've openly stated you want to remove all Pizzagate information off the sub completely, with your unimaginative "toxic waste" analogy.

What? Did you even read my dozens of comments on this already?

"Should I provide photographic evidence of my incredible life of poverty?"

That made me crack up, good luck.

Wooowww haha he deleted it.

For those of you who didn't catch it, op just listed a bunch of mundane details about his life to "prove" he's real. It came off as a little try hard and I assume he deleted it because it made him look even more fake

I assume he deleted it because it made him look even more fake

His handler told him too.

The record has been corrected.

that was a good laugh. thank you lol.

The only person who "handles" me is my girlfriend, and she doesn't do it nearly as much as I'd like. ;)

I saw that too. I was going to report it for PII. He gave his mom's maiden name and his location, talked about his 3 year old on his lap as he was smoking a bowl.

A Real classy effort to justify how not fake he is.


Yeah it sounds crazy because it is.

No worries. If you've been misunderstood, then resigning sounds like the best way out. Sorry your modding experience here had to end on a bad note :/

Umm that isn't true and you know it. Maybe you should stop spreading lies.

Quit while you're ahead buddy and just leave.

Nobody cares about this.


Love your username.

"Should I provide photographic evidence of my incredible life of poverty?"

All the more reason to shill, or sell your account.

Hah I guess if I was a soulless animal with no morals, anything is possible, right?

As much as I love weed, smoking with your 3 year old around really?

Responsible adults can't indulge in their vice of choice when their children are in bed? FOH. How many parents drink while their kid is right next to them? Do you even have kids?

Smoking anything around your kid is going to be bad for their developing lungs, I think that's what he meant but otherwise you're right. If the kid is in another area then smoking a bowl or two wouldn't be wrong. If we're talking about setting bad examples here then nobody should ever drink alcohol or smoke a cigar in front of a child but that's never the case because people do it all the damn time.

Yep. I'm very strict about smoking outside for this reason. I don't let anyone smoke around the kids.

Edit:Who the fuck downvotes this?

It's cause you FSB.

I like the whole 'live and let live' on this issue. Unless you live in an extremely small, non well ventilated apartment or blow it right in someone's face, smoking a bowl in the house every night is not going to damage any non-smokers by any note-worthy means. Get over it.

and ill just bet you hide any incense when children come over? stop with this shit.

They didn't mention anything about their kid being in bed, I'm talking about secondhand smoke issues.

Yeah I do it outside. No worries there, right?

Reponsible toker, here. Obviously we don't sit around our kids/pets blowing rings in their faces, geeze. Keep up the crusade, brother. (And get a vape!)

Yeah that guy made it sound like I said I was smoking with my son in my lap, which is an obvious lie. What intelligent person would do that, then post about it on reddit? Jeez... I deleted the comment because I thought better about putting out a ton of personal info like that. I just wanted to make a point, but no point was really made because I never really diverged too much personal info on here to begin with.

What gets me is the fact that DCF can really fuck your shit up if somebody anonymously tips them off that you smoke bud. They'll come in your house to look around, ask bullshit questions, drug test you and depending on your location they'll maybe even look into having your kid taken away. Taking shots of Everclear in front of your child wouldn't warrant an investigation but if you vape cannabis then you're the most irresponsible parent ever. You could hotbox your house with cigar smoke all damn day and the most DCF would do is just say "maybe stop it plz?". I speak from personal experience, it's nauseating to have to go through something like that and understand that your child could be taken away.

Yep. I'm familiar with the hypocrisy that is family law.

Not literally in the same vicinity as him. That isn't cool.

you must grow your own, being so poor and all that 'poverty' ... Pot's Not cheap, nor is "making a film"

How do you finance yours3elf (and wife and child I presume, or does she pay for you while you're a SATD?) Musy be, either that or you're a DarkNet dealer of WMD's!

People can make a film on their own time with commonly available tech. I have a few computers kicking around because I build and repair them (how I make money). How do you think I record my own music? I put as little money as possible into acquiring the tools I need. Yeah pot is very expensive. That's why I keep my habit to a minimum. I have 4 kids I am taking care of on a daily basis, so any spending on stuff like that is a luxury. We own our house which is great, but bills are extremely expensive and feeding 4 kids is crazy expensive. The girl has a great job, and even does voice acting for commercials on the radio now, but she hasn't been able to work for a while now due to health issues.

ad hominem.

us alphabet agencies

Interesting. Tell me more.

strongly suggest move to voat

Ah. Now I see. I hope the rest of you do too.


Gaby, Voat and we need a YouTube pro freedom of speech alternative

vk.com instead of facebook, DuckDuckGo instead of google. Im strictly limiting my use of services that have outed themselves as liberal globalist left propagandists. Agree we do need a better option for free speech video. Youtube is obviously a google company.

Seems more obvious that he is an AI. MK Ultra is using AI's on the internet to train them for when realistic looking robots become available.


I am a cyborg to be exact.


did you mean Lieborg?

Is this like a game where we have to guess how many posts from youbare bullshit? I'm guessing 99%

Beep bop.

So funny how the really crazy people also visit r/the_donald alot

Acting like there aren't a bunch of crazies everywhere and singling out a community is pretty shitty but hey it's hating on r/the_donald subs so who cares huh?

You shut your whore mouth when you talk to me

Trust me, no one wants to talk to you.

You can safely disregard anything that mod says about this, IMO. He is disrespectful of the sub's rules and mods in opposition to them if he feels like it.

I've helped manage other 'controversial' subs, and this is essentially how 'shill' take-overs occur. Long story short, often 'shill takeover' is less 'paid shills' (though they are in the mix), but essentially a question of mod power vs reddit / social power. 9000sins is essentially saying reddit power has become derailed and mod power needs more authority.

So what happens in 'shill' take over (the long of it), is that 'bad information' starts to corrupt or degrade a sub. 9000sins is almost certainly referencing pizzagate, but let's discuss 'memes'. Memes start making front page, degrading sub, along with shit comments.

This forces mods to make a decision : 'allow it' or 'don't'. Though Conspiracy ruled allow it, many people choose the 'don't allow it', model. Now once you choose 'don't allow it', the question because who decides what is or isn't allowed? Then this becomes a game of votes, seniority, and fear mongering (this is a big thing with mods lol... or 'rulers' - the idea of 'peasant uprisings', and so on).

Does any mod feel more info should be allowed? They are part of the Peasant Rebellion! Ban / Strip them immediately! Are votes not going your way? Invite more mods to swing the vote, and echo chamber! Do I have top authority? Rule in a chaotic fashion, and 'revamp' the sub! and so on...

I'm not saying 9000sins was shilling or anything like that, but that his actions could have lead a path toward what users call Shillary but really is more a kin to 'a series of bad decisions', which is partly caused through paid bots or shills, but is primarily caused via the hierarchical mod structure, reddit's support of bot / gov disruption, and current mindset of 'war of mod vs users, users vs shills, mods vs shills', instead of say... a better model or platform.

I support a very, very low removal policy, and I would have likely agreed with the Conspiracy mod team at large. The reason being NOT because I don't feel 'branding' or whatever is important, but because I don't believe (especially in a sub like this), I could trust myself, or anyone else, to know remove content in a proper manner. There is simply too much to look through, and the ultimate criteria for removal would come down to 'I am familiar with this, or I am not familiar with this', and having mods remove everything they are unfamiliar with ends up being a LOT of shit, and discourages aggressive info hunting.

I've seen a few subs get totally destroyed (participation wise) through even low amounts of user post removal + high bans. However, some mods would argue that low participation is a good thing, so long as the quality of the sub is preserved, but personally I'd say there is too much opportunity for personal bias when one (or very few) decide what is this 'quality' you are 'preserving', and for whom?

I guess the reverse metaphor is the neighborhood bar overrun with outsiders. Do you ban them and say 'jock / hippie speech' is no longer permitted, or do you adjust in some other way? Many do the former, which creates us vs them discussions ad nauseum.



Sounds like the bullshit I left with the cat clubs. People really are the same everywhere.

I have to put it out there once again. I believe pizzagate is legit. But it's also a radioactive mountain of garbage. Anyone willing to hold it or dig through it in a public setting is bound to get sick. I guess that is the best metaphor I could cobble together for this comment, but pretty accurate. Why not store the radioactive material in a separate facility and inspect it there? This was my argument.

As it applies, Wikileaks sub went through the same thing - without getting into too many details, we essentially decided to Denounce Pizzagate. I likely would have agreed with something 'akin' to your thought process. However, reddit straight banned /r/pizzagate, so it's hard to give them a community since reddit won't allow it. I'll just say I understand the predicament. Like ~70% of the front page of Conspiracy is Pizzagate, but this wasn't an issue while /r/pizzagate was active.

The most socially accepted policy I've used for this process was locking 'repeat' threads (say the 3rd thread discussed Pizzagate) while sticking a comment linking to the current 'hot' pizzagate thread, as well as Voat for further discussion (which isn't even in your sidebar).

In either case, it's a tough decision to arrive at via mod mail, emotions, yadda yadda.

I don't know all of the answers to fix what's wrong, but I am willing to admit that there is something wrong, and open the lines of communication.

I was actually going to make a post about your strange behavior, wanting to remove illuminatedwax from the top position, wanting to censor stuff, wanting to limit discussion about #pizzagate, but ultimately decided not to, but now I realize my gut feeling was right.

You are either not 9000sins or you are, but you've all along been a shill and at every opportunity you could have tried to censor real, specific details of a conspiracy!

Good that you ousted yourself like this, good riddance!

Lol okay then.

...because they deleted the Pizzagate sub and pizzagate is a conspiracy theory.

Keyword: theory.

Listen dude, I understand you are a mod and have to deal with the constant onslaught of PG stuff in this sub. And I admit that some of said posts offer nothing and are just shitposts. Also I think the name is foolish.

That being said, dismissing it because it's "just a theory" is against what this sub is about. JFK was assassinated in 1963 and all we have about that are theories. We have the power of the internet now. If there is even a chance that kids are being hurt? I have no shame in discussing it.

It's come up in other circles of elites before. Why not in America?

I am not a mod. I quit in protest last month.

If I saw proof of the "pizzagate" then I wouldn't call it a theory. Simple as that.

I fully doubt the official 9/11 conspiracy theory, touted by "history" books and the government, for the same reason. No proof.

Each has blatant motives for putting forth a falsehood:

  • 9/11: frame Israel's and Saudi Arabia's regional enemies as villains in order to use the grotesquely bloated US military against them (among other reasons: spying/arms-industry/oppression/torture/habeus-corpus/etc)

  • "PizzaGate": frame internet "conspiracy theorists" as crazy and juvenile while smearing the Clinton campaign at the same time (aka the FBI's wet dream)

Wait. Sorry. Not to change the subject; I can see we are rather divided... but you resigned too?

...you resigned too?

Yep. I didn't make a post about it.

I would like to share the modmail where I left, but it's a gross violation of reddiquette to share an in-house modmail without permission.

...well shit. You and I may not often agree but I respect your impartiality in whatever was posted either which way. You may dissent with the content, but you at least let the posts ride. agreement or not.

I had a very simple rubric for modding rule 11, that only a handful of other mods seemed to share: Does the post make an assertion of fact? If not, approved. But if so, does the post's content provide sources to confirm the claim? If not, removed for lying in the post title. Simple as pie.

That is apparently too complicated for most of this mod team to comprehend.

I tended to let some of the crazier stuff go, like UFO, Bigfoot, flat earth, hollow earth, etc. I know maybe it doesn't fit into those categories but I tend to like the sub to have a little more variety than just political conspiracy all day every day. Don't get me wrong, it's the biggest issue we face as humanity right now. But I have always believed that /r/conspiracy was like an umbrella sub that covers all of these subjects and doesn't leave anything out. Asserting fact in a lot of those subjects is damn near impossible as there are almost no established facts to go on. This made moderating that stuff pretty easy because I mostly just left it alone. It never really gets that much attention anyways. But when you have misleading political conspiracy stories they somehow always rise to the top.


Thank you for your confidence. ;)

You've just tripled his credibility.

No he hasnt

Considering the source? Yeah. Yeah he has.

That a personal attack?

Not at all. Was yours?

The for explaining all this, Dusty. I'm out of the loop on this subject

He "resigned in protest" to avoid humiliation of being ousted by the mods.

I'm so ashamed.

Wasn't there a rumor that certain people were paying cash for long established Reddit accounts? I wonder what the going price of a mod account is...

Enough to buy a Pizza.

Just kidding. But it actually isn't that much from what people have posted about it here.

My good friend does a lot of business with the most well known account buying and selling operation. It depends on the sub of course, but accounts can run as high as $800 currently

Yeah I wipe my ass with $800. Having 4 kids, we go through that on groceries every month. Wouldn't be worth selling my online persona for a months worth of food.


My name is for sale also. I want a 15 dollar gas card.

For marketing purposes. I don't know about control from an alphabet agency. I have never been approached by any so I honestly couldn't tell you if they would pay for one or for how much.

He was out for Pizza.

I have been active the whole time. Just not regularly moderating in this sub.

I didn't want the spot for myself, I simply wanted Illuminatedwax to removed from the top spot seeing as how his account has been inactive for over a year and has not once contributed to the community in any way other than admin type stuff, which we cannot rely on him to do anymore anyways now that his account is dead. It was a security hole that I wanted to see dealt with. I want to see a good mod in the top spot because I was there once, and the amount of power there is huge. I personally want to see Mr.Dong in the top spot because he has proven for years that he is a solid dude who can be trusted with the sub. I hope that my resignation is proof enough that I wasn't asking for myself.

It does not, you went to the admins instead of talking to the other mods. That reeks of corruption (either from the current mods or yourself). I have severe reservations about pizzagate but watching people behave like you makes me believe there must be something to it. People are acting so abnormally around this specific conspiracy. Not lizards in control of our government, not the moon landing was fake, not the illuminati, not any of those conspiracys were attached like this one. That's despite the fact that elite pedophilia had been around since the dawn of time. It's getting harder to dismiss this theory the more it's attacked.

I never attacked pizzagate. I believe it 1000 times over. Those people need to be locked up.

You believe it yet you don't want it mentioned here?

It's not that I don't want the topic mentioned here. Quite the opposite. I just want to distance ourselves from it a bit more because it's radioactive. Post all the links you want, but don't go out and stalk/harass people then post it on youtube and then on reddit. If you must do that stuff at least post it to Voat, then link it. I am not asking that much. I just think a degree of separation is a really good thing here. Reddit is not as free as we all seem to think it is. And the growing list of banned subreddits is a testament to that fact.

See this is perfectly reasonable. If you wrote that, I would be right there with you. But from what we can tell, you were trying to be super sneaky and tried to gain control of the subreddit without ever bringing up those concerns to the public or the moderators. Your actions were/are very questionable.

I understand the concern. I thought the majority of the users and the mods would be happy about getting him removed from the top seeing as how he really hasn't done anything here and his account is dead. I was wrong. I will admit that. But not for the wrong reasons, which is what a lot of people here are suggesting.

99% BS for sure. If you thought everyone would like it why the one man coup attempt via the admins?

You've probably already been asked this, so if you have, feel free to copy paste or link your answer.

I understand your concern about Pizzagate here. I personally think there's a lot of truth to it, but I also worry that this sub could be removed or quarantined if we aren't very careful about personal information.

You wanting to lower the amount of pizzagate stuff makes sense and isn't suspicious.

BUT - I 100% understand why people are suspicious and upset about you going to the admins about removing said inactive mod.

I don't know if you're telling the truth or not, but some of your answers seem really off to me and don't make much sense.

Even if you thought you were doing a favor and everyone would be OK with what you did, why wouldn't you even discuss it with your fellow mods?

Did you at least link them to your request or did the others find out on their own?

Also, considering the fact that we've witnessed actual take overs on other subs, if another mod had done the same thing and didn't tell anyone, wouldn't you find that suspicious? Especially considering the topic of this subreddit?

My answers don't make sense unless you interpret them as what they are. The god's honest truth.


Admit what?

Rule 10. No personal attacks. Removed. 1st warning.

Lots more in here. Just FYI.

yup I'd say this is pretty interesting considering the recent post history

The fact that his first post after returning is about romerules?

Lol I have always believed the Vatican does more than charity and praying. I have nothing against romerules except they are really quick to brand someone a jesuit cotrolled operative even if they did something as innocent as attending mass as a child.

PS, that was not my comment that was deleted... just for the record.


So glad he's been outed!

Please tell me what the comment (now deleted) before you said?

Along the lines that he is glad you are gone now.

Bye then.

Oh okay. Thanks man!

No probs, bye then.


Translation: "reddit is a festering pile of governmental takeover shit behind the scenes, and they have now begun the move to this sub."

I suggest, with a heavy heart, that all hands abandon ship and move to voat and/or gab. Reddit is toast for those who wish truth and free speech

Something is going on with Reddit again. Leading up to the election this place was crawling with CTR. After Hillary lost the site went back to normal, but I'm noticing that things are starting to go back to pre-election reddit. Something is up and they are starting to lay the ground work again

Wow that should have been mentioned in his resignation post. I don't know what to think except to see he hasn't addressed these accusations. The silence is deafening as the saying goes. Thanks for sharing your perspective

I made a post about it the other day, but I removed it once I rescinded my request.

Yeah... sure...

I am sure I speak for a lot of us in saying that I very much appreciate the fact that you have given us a valuable insight into what is really taking place here. Thank you.

Something is going on with Reddit again. Leading up to the election this place was crawling with CTR. After Hillary lost the site went back to normal, but I'm noticing that things are starting to go back to pre-election reddit. Something is up and they are starting to lay the ground work again.

CTR never died, it just got it's second wind.

We had legit a two day reprieve after the election. Even r.politics was back to normal. Then someone else picked up CTR's tab.

That was literally the weirdest thing I'd ever seen on reddit.

Me too!

It actually felt like an alternate reality/dimension crossed paths with our own for 2 days and then went away.

Even the normal default subs seemed to start balancing back out to how it was before this spring/summer.

Now it seems even worse somehow.

Seconded. The difference is night and day. The question isn't "is there astroturfing?", it's "how can we make it stop?"

New orders and more direct path of funding from Soros, now cutting out failed Nihillary.

I can confirm I have not seen him until recently


The fact that Illuminatedwax isn't here much suggests to me that he/she is legit with a busy life, it is these not very active mods who I trust, whereas the ones who have all day to mod here are obviously more likely to be doing it as a job, which generally means they are bad, there are always exceptions to the rule of course.

whereas the ones who have all day to mod here are obviously more likely to be doing it as a job, which generally means they are bad,

Jeez, that's harsh! All of the current mods in this sub have long and consistent reddit histories. To the best of my knowledge, we are all here voluntarily, in our spare time, just like you are - because we enjoy it. There is no agenda or financial incentive.

The probability is that any mod who has all day to mod here is more likely to be an infiltration than one who has little free time to mod. As I say, there are exceptions, there are explanations, but this is just basic logic what I'm saying, it's probability.

In theory that would be true, but in practise, nobody is "here all day". I check in several times a day, but there are no rostas, and a lot of the time there is no mod here at all - we all have lives outside of reddit.

Lol that call out though.


Rule 10. No personal attacks. Removed. Final warning.

Guys, he's right. Most of us who have been here long enough have seen what's left of r/conspiracy slowly heading south. There has been a influx of complete and utter shit posts sometimes which makes this place looks so disorganized and retarded. I'm am 100000% for complete transparency but there has to be some kind of moderation of shitposts. One of the biggest shill tactics is to shitpost just they like T_D and what ends up happening is all the real quality post don't get the attention they deserve. I think it would be a good idea for mods to do a stickied posts for open discussion of the future moderation of r/conspiracy



Robert Anton Wilson type conspiracy? Where we focus on the banksters and bilderbergers? How about the trans dimensional reptilians that infiltrate our minds and plague them with illusions? I think satanic child trafficking fits in there somewhere. And some Antarctica hollow Earth stuff? How about some Hexagonal poles of Saturn, or some sacred geometry stuff? Like what's up with that rhombic dodecahedron tho?

Or of course we can't deny the Government black ops stuff, like the using of cyclotrons to irradiate cancerous tissue to be able to induce it in humans. And the mind control stuff like that Darren Brown makes his show about.

And on and on and on.

you're very educated on these subjects..this is really the meat and potatoes of stuff

I know nothing!

lol...i don't even know what know means...know what i mean?

knowledge = know the ledge

excellent! thank you


I'm no anime freak but I remember this one episode of ghost in the shell SAC where the chick is investigating the laughing man, and she's in a virtual forum. I always wanted this place to have that sort of vibe, where different informed people bounce around different points of view in hope that they can start to tie all the information together. I suppose that's more of a think tank than anything.

i think this is exactly what pizzagate is turnin into at voat

The technology sub experience is a relevant case study to weigh outcome of potential strategies.

When news of domestic spying broke the sub was heavily manipulated both from within the mod team and comments to disrupt conversation (nod of appreciation to creq for helping restore some room for conversation out of that mess). It looked like an earlier model of the type of activity we're seeing through CTR or other groups aimed at disruption. After the initial disruption there was a longer term campaign to divide the community and split it out into multiple other subs. To some degree argument can be made that this approach was successful in splitting and dividing eyes away from a concentrated forum information could be shared quickly, and SOPA-like organized response could be coordinated.

Don't have many solutions for the problem but it's worth discussion and some thought at what splitting out of a community might accomplish.


Thanks for the thoughtful reply. I couldn't have put it better myself. Thank you.

I must agree, great post.

Yeah I would love that. I have already started one for planning my documentary.


I started that sub years ago as a junk sub. Maybe we can start putting some content there.


I'm not an investigator. I don't do any work uncovering stuff other people put weeks into. But I do care about the truth, and I will be watching, sharing whatever I can.

If you create a sub like this, I'll sign up for sure.

There must be a place where "conspiracy theories" can be discussed, and that is between total skepticism and total bias.

(interesting trend correlation that give you a clue of how people talk a lot but reseach little... or what truly interest them: http://imgur.com/a/WSnvx)

Agreed. All these people that are investing so much belief into this conspiracy turn around and tell the public to "use critical thinking". I am, you're story just doesn't make any sense. There is no evidence at all backing it. And when you press for "proof", it's more opinions and rumors with no clear source or confirmation. Ridiculous.

Watch it get infiltrated as well. These same people are everywhere nowadays. They jump from pol, to T_D, 8pol, here, stormfront, GLP, ATS, Voat, etc etc etc.

gtfo then

I see that Srd has found this post. /s


An open discussion would be a good thing.


Happy Sunday Lord [where have i heard THAT before ;0]

What's good with you CR?

You probably heard that at one of those fancy clubs you have to visit every Sunday. You know, the ones where they have baskets of money floating around?

i have never been invited into any of THOSE clubs but i am glad to see you ... this has been a crazy sunday the mod at CST is insane and we have lost 9000sins with the kool eye of horus

feels like every sub is turning to shit ... are you having this same feeling TLH?

THEN YOU PERSONALLY SHOULD SUBMIT BETTER POSTS. I'm not afraid of the free flow of information. Can we be the sub that removes NOTHING? I'd much rather do that.

the issue isn't that there's not enough good posts. The issue is that they are getting drowned out by r/t_D shitposts.

I remember how the sub used to be, with quality posts and not shite.

This would be a great idea if quality posts naturally beat off topic shitposts that have nothing to do with the theme of the subreddit all of the time.

But this is not the case.

Ageed, bots and $hills run rampant here. Been around here 8+ years.

Less censorship, not more. Choose which side you want to be on.

You must be new..

What a bullshit, no legs argument.


its a good hang and many less troll cept for one saturday bout two weeks ago

My recommendation is to create another sub reddit. R/ConspiracyShitPosts then create a way to push any moderated post over to that sub. Or just mark it with "ShitPost" at the beginning.

This is the actual biggest shill tactic to be honest. I have never seen this problem, I've only seen people cry about it when in reality it wasn't an actual issue.

no go take your ctr shilling elsewhere, you guys lost...

We have several mechanisms in place for moderating shit posts.

The important thing is that those mechanism don't judge the content itself. A 9-11 meme is just as unacceptable as a flat earth meme, as a lizard people meme.

Not all shit posts are memes, unfortunately

That was just the example I used. We have a list of rules on the sidebar.

Which are disregarded and undermined regularly. The mod team is a "feelings" based operation at this point. You guys literally tell users in modmail "we do not remove things that a user submits in good faith", like you are a coven of psychic wizards. It's led to the sub looking like a SCREAMING TABLOID, TO THE TOP!!!1! WHAAARRRGARBLE!

I think the election is why the sub looks bad right now. Nothing more and nothing less. It will pass.

nothing more

I disagree. Naive ideologues bullying rational mods in modmail for enforcing the rules is a serious problem. Promoting salacious 4chan originated witch-hunts in the side-bar doesn't help the sub either.

It's because "some guys" messed up their own subs and don't like the pro-pedo ads they get on voat. So here we go!

It does look like a very bad tabloid. You need to look at the "controversial" tab for now on. That's where the interesting stuff is, or some at least.

Quote of 2016, nailed it.

No you don't.

This sub is unlike any other sub. Zero moderation works best for /r/conspiracy because of the very nature of our cause. Any and all analysis of any subject is to be allowed. Who is anyone as a moderator to decide what the community should or should not discuss? Why would any true conspiracy theorist want any material pruned at all? Isn't that why the vote system was designed in the first place? Let us all decide on what's relevant, together. Everyone has something to contribute when on the earnest journey of finding truth.

Furthermore, this vein of ongoing chatter about how this sub has lost its way, or "heading south", IMHO, is just another shill argument. If you want to see better posts, then make it your business to create better posts. Instead of spending time complaining, start posting more of what you want to see and allow the community to self-adjust.

A small group of individuals do not get to decide for me what is or what isn't a shit post. I will think for myself and use the vote system.

Promote what you love instead of bashing what you hate. For all of us baby.

This guy is right. If our current mod team is on the side off removing less then I'm happy. Remove nothing.

Agreed. Unless it's blatant shilling which should be removed IMO. It's not hard to tell after you've studied their patterns and narratives. There are many shill accounts lately with 1-5 year account histories of posting NOTHING in conspiracy until the last month or two, and then it's a flood of concern trolling or outright insults and "zero evidence" shit. Polar change from their previous years of posting.

One shill acount in particular where i wasn't 100% sure if he was legit or not had a post from 1 year ago where (i presume) the original owner was actually instructing someone you could sell your account on Reddit and that his company made their employees do that every so often or something like that. That original dude had a history of posting only on smartphone and biking subreddits for years and all of a sudden since November he is on r/conspiracy concern trolling 24/7. There are too many instances of this stuff on Reddit these days.

There's a lot of people who didn't post things in this sub until the Pizzagate stuff started happening. Calling them all shills is a great way to close out people and turn them against you, which seems to go against the very concept of this subreddit. Now I could be wrong but I thought this was a place for discussion and attempting to spread truth, not being insulting to everyone who doesn't 100% agree with your conclusions.

I'm saying this as someone who didn't contribute to this sub, or at least I don't think I did because I've been here for years but have one-off posts in a lot of places, before recent events but did lurk here and read things now and then. I'm highly skeptical of the Pizzagate stuff, like I am of anything until there's evidence, and that's what attracted me to this sub. There's a lot more attention to this sub as of late, but skimming through some of the posts it seems there's a decent amount of people who are hostile to anyone that is skeptical. This is going to turn people off, turn them away, and in general stop people from wanting to listen.

There are many shill accounts lately with 1-5 year account histories of posting NOTHING in conspiracy until the last month or two, and then it's a flood of concern trolling or outright insults and "zero evidence" shit. Polar change from their previous years of posting.

Would you consider the possibility that these are just real people with differing opinions than yours?

Take me, for example. I fit your description perfectly. 8 year account with over 20k karma. Never posted to r/conspiracy until this Pizzagate stuff surfaced.

Why am I here? Because watching Pizzagate go down is like rubbernecking at a car crash, or reading a mystery novel you can't put down. It's grotesque, intriguing and so different - it breaks the monotony of my otherwise completely mundane life.

I mean, a secret global pedophile ring! Implicating some of the world's richest and most powerful people! With the FBI and CIA involved in cover-ups! Right in the midst of a contentious election!

Shit's intriguing, right?

So I looked into it. Believe me, I know our politicians have the capacity to be corrupt sacks of shit, and I didn't want to be the dude who just jams his fingers in his ears and sings "la la la" hoping for the best. I hate people who are willfully ignorant - if some heinous shit is going down, I need to know.

I found the now-banned PG subreddit. I went through the evidence in the sticky threads, and in discovery threads that followed over the next few days.

What I found was a mountain of 'evidence' that is mostly circumstantial and/or mis-informed. In many cases, I felt the investigations were rooted in heavy confirmation bias from the start (I'm gonna prove these rich powerful people are pedophiles!), and the facts presented were simply warped to reinforce the desired conclusion.

I consider much of the evidence presented to be "weird" or "in poor taste" but it takes a huge leap to go from there to "conclusive evidence of sex with minors."

Provocative art is just art.

Bathroom graffiti is just graffiti.

A handkerchief map is just a handkerchief with a map on it. You'd find that kind of thing at a gift shop, or on Etsy or whatever.

Pool parties with the kids just means the kids want to swim too.

"Dominos on pizza or pasta" is just a dumb dad joke about whether switching up food courses will make him play better or worse when everyone sits down for their family dominos game (seems to be a yearly tradition).

Alefantis was named 49th most powerful person in DC - not because he is, but because the list was a fluff piece curated by GQ, a fashion magazine. The list also featured baseball players, party planners, actors and hairdressers. Since JA owns a few local community watering holes and has rubbed elbows with political elites, he made the list.

(I'm gonna stop here - I don't want to get too deep into details or I could be here all night. The point is all of these things are still being cited as smoking gun proof of pedophilia, even when there are eminently more plausible explanations for these things.)

Basically, I think many of the conclusions drawn just operate on confirmation bias and presumption of guilt by association. I have not seen a single piece of hard evidence that convinces me any of the accused parties (Podestas, Clintons, Alefantis) have engaged in pedophilic behavior. Just a whole lot of "what if" and "don't you find this suspicious?"

So if I don't believe it...and I'm not a shill...then what am I still doing here?

Because what you call "concern trolling," I just call legitimate concern. As an empathetic human being, I'm actually concerned. This shit has spilled out into the real world. A dude who owns a pizza place, as well as his employees who are probably young and work for shit pay and hate their jobs anyway, now have to deal with harassment and death threats on a daily basis. Then a guy with a gun comes in and scares the shit out of them, and they have to close the business for a few days and lose a bunch of money.

All because (gasp!) some politicians once held a fundraiser, and ate pizza, at a pizza place, and it turns out that "cheese pizza" means "child porn" in some circles, so everyone who eats pizza must be a pedophile.

This community is pulling out tenuous, poorly-researched accusations against strangers; some people are then using these malicious accusations as excuse to stalk and harass innocent people, both over the phone and in person.

That's why I'm here: if I can convince just one of you guys to stop harassing innocent people, I'll be happy. There is a very real danger that employees or patrons could get hurt or killed due to the reckless propagation of these theories. I don't want the misguided research here to turn into misguided violence in real life. So I'm speaking up.

Note that I'm not telling you to stop looking into it. Don't stop doing responsible, unbiased research. I think the claims about CPP and Alefantis are bogus, but Pizzagate isn't just about CPP - it's about (as I understand it) underage sex trafficking on a global scale, and unfathomable cover-ups and abuse of power by elites.

I want to know more about the Podesta-McCann link.

I want to know about Bill Clinton's flights to Epstein's island.

I want to know about the circumstances surrounding Monica Peterson's death.

IMO there are actually legitimate, intriguing questions here that may implicate individual people in serious crimes. Clearly with all the high-profile pedophilia busts lately, the world's most powerful people are capable of sick shit like this. Based on what I have seen, it would not shock me if it turned out someone like Bill Clinton or Tony Podesta had sexual relations with minors. But right now there is no evidence that convinces me this is the case. And even if one person is guilty, that doesn't implicate the whole tribe by proxy.

Look at it this way - my best friend in high school stole CDs from Borders. That doesn't make me a thief by association. In the same vein, not everyone who sent an email about grabbing a bite to eat somewhere is a pedophile. Such serious allegations require a higher standard of evidence than "he knows somebody, so he's guilty too."

Please, keep doing legitimate research, but stop the witch hunts. And stop calling people "shills" when they're trying to have a reasonable, civil conversation with you. We are not shills, but skeptics who have looked at the evidence and come to a different conclusion than you have. Pizzagate is in the national media spotlight, and long time redditors are showing up here for the first time to do their research - it makes complete sense we would express our disbelief, especially when the most accessible and digestible 'evidence' is so demonstrably false or misleading.

If you truly want to make progress in this investigation, I encourage you to be skeptical of our skepticism in return, and use our feedback to separate the wheat from the chaff. If you filter out the weak and nonsensical arguments we poke holes through, what should remain is a truly compelling body of evidence with which to make your case.

After all, if there really is something to this, eventually you're gonna need to put together an argument that convinces people who don't share your opinion. Telling us "GTFO shill" is not exactly the most effective way to do this.

One of the best posts here.


You're right, I'm a shill.

There is only one valid opinion in this world (yours) and if anyone disagrees with it, they were obviously is paid to do so.

You got me - busted! Boy, nothing gets past you. Darn those pristine critical thinking skills of yours!

Rule 10. Removed. 1st warning.

As long as people here are downvoting when necessary. And can overcome whoever is upvoting shitposts.

If I was running a group of shills, I would introduce discord and manufacture a state of drama. Then I'd move one of my shills into top mod position. But first I'd sacrifice a low value mod name in an obvious takeover attempt. Then manufacture behind the scenes drama or make someone life more difficult IRL thru oppressive government misunderstandings or such. The actual account that would end up with top mod would already have a good reputation and would be seen by the community as a good choice. But somewhere along the way I lost the list of shill accounts only to find it again and realize there aren't any real non-shill users on the platform. So I'll just keep my mouth shut and keep collecting that soul annuity! 💰💰💰

Tomorrow on /r/Conspiracy Survivor...

our cause

Define this, please. I don't know you and you are claiming I have the same cause as you.

Our cause, in a conspiratorial context has only one definition. And that is the cause of full and complete disclosure and dissolution of all secrets keeping humanity in the insane cycle we find ourselves in.

In this context then, we can easily see how all content has the ability to add a piece to the grand puzzle.

The conspiracy theorist is a critical thinker and knows deep in their hearts that humanity is capable of much, much more. He/she is also intellectually honest and understands the ancient ties and historical precedence that lead to these conclusions. Most of which the average person dismisses due to cognitive dissonance.

Fight on unsung heroes.

In this context then, we can easily see how all content has the ability to add a piece to the grand puzzle.

The conspiracy theorist is a critical thinker

Then use your critical thought to realize that there are entities that are in the practice of seeding this sub with total garbage for the express purpose of mass upvoting them, and then using the positioning of the story on the front page to smear the name of this sub. Usually timed to counteract a large disclosure story moving towards the mainstream.

It's been this way since I started coming here 6 years ago.

Then use your critical thought to realize that there are entities that are in the practice of seeding this sub with total garbage for the express purpose of mass upvoting them

"Total garbage" is subjective and invalid as an argument. If there is something that you like, use the upvote. If there is something that you do NOT like, use the down vote. Use the vote system. Furthermore, I have yet to see evidence of "shit" posts being mass upvoted in this thread. Everything at the top is relevant to the happenings within the power structure as it relates to society and the common theme of the conspiratorial nature.

...and then using the positioning of the story on the front page to smear the name of this sub.

Smear the name of this sub? Well that's the first time in my conspiracy career anyone has ever even suggested anything conspiracy related as legitimate. You reveal your intent with this statement. No conspiracy person I know, or have ever known has ever had to worry about having their name smeared. Simply subscribing to the conspiracy mindset one becomes instantly smeared. This sub is where the smeared come to for support and affirmation that their observations are not "crazy" We are the outcasts, the ones ridiculed and laughed at, the "conspiracy loonies", the "waaaay out there" people. You think you'd know that after being here for 6 years.

If there is something that you like, use the upvote. If there is something that you do NOT like, use the down vote. Use the vote system.

Entities buying votes and old accounts washes out any popular effort to use the voting system. That was my point.

Otherwise, we agree. I was pointing out how the vote rigging is positioning conspiracy researchers in the eyes of the public we are supposed to be trying to reach out to.

Zero moderation works best for /r/conspiracy because of the very nature of our cause

Wait till the meme's start popping up.

Who is anyone as a moderator to decide what the community should or should not discuss?

I was of the same mind, till /r/atheism went through their massive controversy over the 'one click memes'. Now that sub is full of actual content.

Drastic action and mod control can have great results.

A small group of individuals do not get to decide for me what is or what isn't a shit post.

Most people don't vote. So it's actually a small group of individuals who choose what reaches the front page.

C:"Wait till the meme's start popping up". R:Use the vote system or make it a community rule - no memes.

C: "I was of the same mind, till /r/atheism went through their massive controversy over the 'one click memes'. Now that sub is full of actual content". R: Use the vote system or make it a community rule - no memes.

C: "Drastic action and mod control can have great results" R: Apparently these moderators have been absent for years. Now that some really controversial shit drops (PGate and a few others), people start popping up out of the woodwork to mod this sub because... they care? - use the vote system. 'Great results' is is subjective. Great results for who? The moderators? The shills wanting to take control?

C: "Most people don't vote. So it's actually a small group of individuals who choose what reaches the front page". R: "Most people don't vote" is an unsubstantiated claim. Subsequently, the small group of individuals that choose the content that get to the front page change post to post. The group changes because each and everyone of us feel differently about different content or aren't available to vote at the time of original posting. It's not always the same group of people that make the content rise. This only adds credence to my argument as to my original statement. USE THE VOTE SYSTEM. It provides for the most diversity of content and synchronizes users across the world to discuss what truly resonates within those groups.

R:Use the vote system or make it a community rule - no memes.

It is a rule. It's a great rule. It's why we should have rules enforced by mods.

Now that some really controversial shit drops (PGate and a few others), people start popping up out of the woodwork to mod this sub because... they care?

Only OP. Just the one.

The other mods have been pretty consistent all throughout.

'Great results' is is subjective. Great results for who? The moderators? The shills wanting to take control?

Great results for those looking for quality content, sourced to actual articles/stories. Not meme's that make you giggle for a second then move on.

"Most people don't vote" is an unsubstantiated claim.

Millions of people use Reddit yet votes are in the thousands - I reckon that's pretty solid proof right there.


How do you plan to counter trolls without mods?

Never heard of a brigade?

Only OP. Just the one.

The other mods have been pretty consistent all throughout.

He's one of the oldest mods here, just FYI. He was #3 before /u/donbueno demodded everyone on a bad day.

Otherwise, great points.

it wasnt my bad day I demodded them because they were shadow banning comments that were in dissent with their stupid rules to prevent posting... it was a shit storm and quite frankly they were pulling some serious shady crap... imho we didnt need that many mods and they were meddling with crap that was not needed and there at that time was at least a better voting system was I right maybe not but whatever they were shitty mods and this was one great place that wasnt over modded IE GLP and ATS....

Seeing as how I quit in protest of their current inability to adhere to modding per the rules I have sympathy for you.

I remember now this was all to "stop the trolls"... could be said though that because the topic was so big and new people were coming that we were missing possible vital new information/posts and you can never "stop the trolls" its like "the drug war" and for some reason all these little kiddie mods freaked their shit and when everyone started to question they were going into the dissent threads and just removing anyone that disagreed of course labeling it.... A TROLL... wtf amateur hour

All true.

I report "flat earth" "and "Lizard people" posts as content that does discredit to the conspiracy community.

EDIT-Perhaps I was in error.

Why? Those are conspiracies as well and should be allowed posted here. They might be bat shit crazy but what good conspiracy isn't?

If it's stupid, it'll be down voted. Simple as that


The definition is provided in the side-bar.

Those aren't conspiracies, they are conspiracy theories. Please recognize the difference, otherwise it's all going to be quite confusing for you (and for everyone who upvoted you here).

Way to nitpick, dude. Slow night for ya?

Wow, new guy. If you don't understand why it's important to recognize the difference between the two concepts then you are way out of your element.


Rule 10. Removed. 1st warning.

How often do those get to the top?

I have never seen an actual lizard people post on /r/conspiracy since I joined Reddit years ago.

If you ever do - please get a picture.

People should be allowed to review the info for themselves and then decide their own opinion. The "Lizard People" are actually real. Just because you do not understand and therefore ridicule the theory, is no reason for censorship. David Icke talked about the Elite Pedo Rings decades ago and would be censored for it.

I report "flat earth" "and "Lizard people" posts

Please don't. The philosophy we abide by is not to remove anything due to content, so reporting conspiracies you don't like just makes extra work for the mods.

...so reporting conspiracies you don't like just makes extra work for the mods.

Oh my god... you don't understand the difference between a conspiracy and a conspiracy theory. No wonder...

If the poster doesn't make a false claim of proof/fact in the title then it's totally cool to talk about those "conspiracy" theories.


I mean... I don't believe in flat Earth, but have you ever done tests yourself to see if the world is exactly how we're told it is?

Have you been to space and seen it for yourself?

This place has gone to shit and I can't even speak on it without violating several rules because my words will be taken out of context.

I will say this, partisan bullshit contributed to what we're witnessing here now.


What? Isn't that the opposite of why /u/9000sins is stepping down?



No actually another reason I stated in the original post was arbitrary enforcement of the rules. This means I don't want to have people banned for talking about the integrity or state of the sub as a whole. Quite the opposite. The rule about personal attacks on the users, mods or the sub should be enforced very, very selectively and not until all other options have been tried and failed. It's only there so that if there really is a problem that we have to deal with, that the person can't say we are breaking the rules.

The intention of the rule: Don't be a dick and insult or attack the sub out of nowhere, because this derails conversations and leads to flame wars.

The way the rule is enforced: Pointing out flaws or criticizing the community here is not allowed and is liable to get you banned.

He just answered it with a no. So there you have it.

/r/conspiracy is one of the few reasons that reddit is not dead to me. It's one of the very few, if not the only, subreddit where real discussion is allowed to take place. I cannot say enough good things about this subreddit. It is a light shining in the darkness. It is hope amongst despair.

Literally the only reason I come to Reddit. Not sure where else to go.

You love this sub and think it's a light shining in the darkness but you somehow missed the_donald and CTR running amok here all election, and the flatearthers and the conspiritards before them?

Yeah, I think you're full of shit.

reddit, in its wisdom, has given me a tool to deal with you.


So I was right. You're full of shit. Cheers.

reddit, in its wisdom, has given me a tool to keep people like you from annoying me.


That's what I thought. You LOVE the shine. You won't block me.

So let's discuss this: How did you miss the_donald and CTR running amok in conspiracy for the entirety of the most recent election cycle, and the flatearthers and the conspiritards before them?



Anywhere else I can get shadow banned or outright banned for having an opinion outside the liberal millennial norm on Reddit. You're trying too hard to discredit a sub that allows highly critical scrutiny of the sociopaths running the show who everyone else seems to worship. People will try to understand even the most outlandish trains of thought here because this community is so open minded. Say something constructive that will help change someone's worldview or get out and go back to your echo chamber if you don't like it.

Anywhere else I can get shadow banned or outright banned for having an opinion outside the liberal millennial norm on Reddit.

Or banned on one sub because you post on another that runs counter to it. See the_donald vs enoughtrumpspam, theredpill vs reddit_relationships/SRS/askmen.

Read this post at own risk and presume this has been modified by Reddit Inc.

You're right. I should have said having an opinion outside the narrative a particular sub is trying to push.

Rule 10.


Browse /r/conspiracy/new for a few days. It's wild down there.


presidential rat race

America's Next Top PresidentTM

I am going to be the change I want to see.


but we need to stay focused and on target here.

And who gets to say what the target is? You? What is the target, since you brought it up?

There lays the problem. We can't have mods advocating for the removal of a specific subject "because the sub will get in trouble". We are already doing what is required of us with the pizza gate hysteria. We have a sticky post asking that doxxing information be reported to us if found, and that it isn't posted in the first place.

What else can we do? Do we give into the pressure that pizza gate shouldn't be seriously discussed? Do we tow the line of the MSM and label it debunked, not worthy of further consideration?

I say no, I say fuck that.

The truth.

I don't know what this is but I am fascinated. Thank you for sharing.

From the site itself:

Death is the great equalizer: If you are born with advantages, you can have more good times than bad times in your life, but when you die, you are reborn with disadvantages, and have more bad times than good times and vice versa.

Uh huh, the poor man's consolation prize.

Yeah, when someone tries to sell me on their matter-of-fact version of an after life, I have to call bs.

I haven't had a chance to read any of it yet so I haven't made any conclusions.

You rang?

truth = i love your eye of horus!

Here we go. And so it begins. I expect many more resignations, and then new mods being appointed. Soon, same as /r/dncleaks, /r/wikileas, and /r/whereisassange, it will become obvious that this sub too has been taken over. Im not saying it has been yet, im saying this sub is the next target and the writing has been on the wall for a while. Suggest everyone go to voat and gab. Reddit is dead, it is fully government controlled behind the scenes.


Is anyone so stupid as to fall for this?

OP's post, in brief, is this: "The mods are allowing too much pizzagate stuff to be posted, so I'm rage quitting."

You know it's true because that's the only thing that's been inundating this subreddit recently, while the OP has become active again.

The subtext is that OP is throwing another dart at pizzagate with as much substance as a child screaming, "Nuh uh, you big stupid head!" That's what this is. That's what it all is.

Pizzagate is THE conspiracy. It's the tip of the iceberg for the conspiracy above all others: satanic, perverse, bloodthirsty wickedness at the very top. It's long been suspected and now there's a modicum of proof, so they're firing back with every subversive tactic they have available.

I wouldn't be surprised if the original person behind OP's screen name is dead.

If this were the case, I would think conspiracy would be the last to be jacked. You bring up a good point.

And What's with just going over other mods and requesting control of the site without any communication? Just showing up out of the blue, requesting the site, getting denied, then bitching about how the site is moderated.?! This is HIGHLY SUSPECT.



If you were referring to my post, then I'll concede ad hominem and appeal to emotion, but I didn't straw man anyone.

There's nothing substantial about anything OP said in the original post or in any of his responses throughout the thread. I can't straw man something without any substance already.

OP said this: "There's stuff the mods are allowing that I disagree with, and it's too much of an issue now that I can't take it anymore and I'm quitting."

Based on the timing, we must conclude OP is talking about Pizzagate.

Therefore, my supposed straw man of "The mods are allowing too much pizzagate stuff to be posted, so I'm rage quitting," isn't a straw man, but it's exactly what OP said, only more succinct. If there's some nuance I'm missing, please let me know so I can be informed, otherwise stop patting yourself on the back for knowing a couple of logical fallacies while you misapply that knowledge.

Furthermore, my overall message above isn't reliant on appeal to emotion and ad hominem, so the mere fact I used them isn't damning to what I said.

All that being said, I still must agree in part to what the guy you replied to (who apparently deleted the message) said. I think there is a need for other scandals exposed by the leaked emails to be brought to people's attention.

Having made that concession, I still think OP is a shill and this whole thing is some sort of weird reverse psychology psy op.

You know what, I can actually see your point. I don't deny I have a strong desire to see Pizzagate thoroughly investigated, but every bit of conspiracy and corruption that gleaned from Wikileaks needs to be outed.

As worked up as I find myself getting about Pizzagate, I have been wondering what else is going on in the world that should be mentioned instead of 15 variations of the same post about Pizzagate.

Not that too much PG stuff was being posted, it was a particular video. I opened the lines of communication about it.

So, you're saying you had a problem with a particular video? Which one? Be a man and respond with the link.

Edit: Was it the tunnels one?

IMO it was the "tunnels" one. It was a hoaxer/troll and the fact that it lingered on the front page for most of a day is insane.

I expect many more resignations, and then new mods being appointed

This will be the 5th time I've personally watched this cycle unfold in this sub.

Why don't you take the lead? Delete your account and get out.

I dont recall telling anyone to delete their account, and Im not deleting mine. In my view I still use reddit in non political, non controversial discussion subs, but anything political or controversial, I dont even bother to try contributing new things, they will be downvoted to the abyss and/or I will be banned (both have happened numerous times, though this sub hasnt banned me), and I am letting my friends and fellow users here in those political/controversial subs that if they think anything is amiss, they are right and in my opinion this is what has happened and is happening behind the scenes. I am certainly not the first to loudly proclaim this.


You only fucking post in r/conspiracy and r/the_donald, but you just use reddit for non political/controversial subs?

Look for help.

Thanks for the personal attack, very mature. Lets deflect from the reality that Reddit has been overrun by behind the scenes puppeteers.

Lets instead focus on me relaying that to others, yeah, thats it.

I need help. How dare I announce what most people already know, and use Reddit otherwise in subs that are still sane.

It's not a personal attack it's some advice. And you need it if you think reddit is being taken over.

Also why bold certain words? Makes you look stupid as fuck. And yes that was a personal attack.

well thank you so much for the unsolicited advice, Agent friendly. Nice to meet you.

The part thats funniest to me is that even though only you and I are writing this to each other, HUNDREDS if not thousands of people will see it and nod their head in agreement, knowing what I know, or at least suspecting, and my validation will give them confidence that, no, they arent crazy. Sorry, bub, you have lost.

You gotta be trolling at this point, no way would anybody sane write that comment.

People don't care, the only thing they will get out of this is a good laugh and some cringy comments.

have you noticed the name of this sub, BTW?

It's by design. Ever noticed how the most ridiculous shit is 9 times of out 10 what gets promoted from here to the front page?

Legitimate discussions fizzle out, while sensational halftruths and altogether falsehoods are artificially boosted to cast r/conspiracy in a negative light.

I have no opinion of you as a mod, but from what I've read it'd be nice if you could disclose the full truth in your OP or you will be right in line with halftruth bullshit.


Well, yes. I really wish this would have gone the other way. I really want to this place stay around forever, and I hope that this current style of moderation helps that ultimately. As I was told by someone earlier, "I was making a lot of waves around here" lately and that I "needed to leave and not look back". So I was thinking maybe I should take that advice even though I didn't really care for who it was coming from or the sentiment behind it. Ultimately in the end mod consensus is really what is good for the sub, so I bowed to the pressure. I really hope this actually helps because my opinions on the direction things should go is a bit different than the majority and I am actually impeding progress by standing in the way. I wish them all the best. And if they are reading this, Sorry if I was nasty in the mod mail. I was just a bit fed up with the tone of the conversation.

I'm going to miss you sir; and, although I think we may disagree a bit with regards how to approach the necessary removal of spam/off-topic content (I'd rather let downvotes handle it), I think we can both agree that the free exchange of ideas is what makes this subreddit one of the last vestiges of a much older reddit; as we find a current reddit that, outside of this subreddit, nearly fundamentally opposed to the core values that defined this platform upon its inception; free speech, organic curation of content, and a fervent desire to question authority at all times.

I respect your decision to leave the team, but it saddens me as I very much felt we all could have come to terms with a style of moderation that was able to respond to spam while protecting the free exchange of ideas sans compromise.

I will miss your insights and oversight sir; it was a pleasure having been able to moderate with you for so many years.

Also, if you need any help with your documentary (funding, research, whatever) just say the word, I'll always be right here if you need me.

I'd rather let downvotes handle it

Votes are being manipulated by brigades. Anything worth seeing is downvoted, and CNN articles are upvoted to the front page. It's quite obvious what's happening. Votes don't mean shit on this sub anymore.

Absolutely, If you don't search by controversial then you likely won't see anything substantial.

That in it's self should raise alarms.

Nor on reddit as a whole

He doesn't understand that and probably never will. I've explained it many times over a period of ~3 years. Sensationalism and hyperbole also attracts knee-jerk upvotes from both trolls and the gullible.

There's also the issue of all these virus/adware/spyware ridden dodgy websites constantly being spammed.

The attack on this sub goes much deeper than just vote manipulation.

Good points.

Thank you so much! I am really seriously planning this. I don't even really have a script yet, just ideas. But I think it will be big.

If you need any sound design, foley and music let me know.

Please send me an email.


Anyone interested in getting something together should also send me a message in my email. We can work out more secure communications later if you are worried about security. I do need a lot of help if I am going to do this right.

You're needed in the trenches!

There are some mods that fail to inform the subscribers in here that this sub lives or dies by a few simple guidelines and commonly acceptable community ethos!

You and I might be miles apart in every aspect of life but we're here in r/conspiracy to thrash out theories, agree to disagree, to expose, educate and imagine a better future for all!

Cool man! I hope the mod team doesn't let stuff through that will potentially get this sub banned.. Hopefully that's not part of the plan.

Thanks for your dedication and service. Place has been good so far.

All the best and best of luck. Hope to see your documentary soon at some point. Peace.

** could be smart to have term limits or ways to get rid of mods anyway after some point of time. And transparency of the deletions and mod logs hopefully remain and are accurate.

Thank you. Coming from you that means a lot.

i agree orange one is very kool

There is no plan. It's Lord of the Flies at the moment. And the "fuck the rules" kids have the conch.

/u/mr_dong could fix all of this madness if he was so inclined.

Well when I was there I thought censorship, especially of criticism, was the main problem, so the pendulum has swung the other way it seems.

They still censor criticism. They like to have their cake and eat it too.

Term limits would basically guarantee that this sub would fall.

You might have a few successfully transitions of power, but since Reddit would never step in to force anyone to honor a mod agreement, and since Reddit only honors the "top mod makes all choices with ultimate authority"... It would predictably be a matter of time until someone decided to not honor their "term limit" and hijacked the sub for whatever purposes they chose.


This is sin 9001.

Mods at r/conspiracy have to constantly walk that thin line of removing shit posts and censorship/ repressing information. Who are they to say what conspiracies are true or disinformation/distraction. People here in r/conspiracy are constantly bitching about overmoderation and censorship of the donald. I guess mods here believe they should allow everyone to speak and we will weed through ourselves with downvotes

I am generally in favor of this style of moderation. In this particular case it's not that I don't believe it. I believe 1000000% that pizzagate is fucking real. I want those involved to face serious consequences. This video was not about truth. This should have been downvoted to obilvion, but somehow it found itself at the top of our sub, making us all look crazy. People should investigate this, but not the way those people did. It was reckless, irresponsible and borderline illegal and we all got duped into promoting it to the top of the sub. I just felt that it would be better if people posted things like that elsewhere and then link it rather than posting it here directly. That was enough for some to think that I was somehow censoring that information. No I just asked that people post it elsewhere for the integrity of our sub. After /r/PizzaGate was banned we all saw what can happen. To avoid something like that here, we need to redirect that subject to a place where there is a degree of seperation from us or a similar fate may befall us.

I believe 1000000% that pizzagate is fucking real.

Just FYI, it's all conjecture and reeks of 4chan trolling/manic-delusion. They use the term "cheese pizza" as a euphemism for "child porn" and have done so for at least a decade or so. That reaching coincidence, and the fact that the conspiracy theory smears Hillary Clinton's people, is the impetus for all this hysteria.

edit: downvoted within 3 minutes. Sweet!

I agree that the alt-right jumped on this particular theory because it helped to de-legitimize the left and in D.C. this kind of thing is great for the opposition to sling around as a weapon. I know it's been sensationalized quite a bit (if it's true, it doesn't need to be sensationalized, it's already insane enough). There is quite a bit of conjecture, but that doesn't make a lot of inconvenient facts go away. I need to watch some pizzagate debunking videos to really get info from all sides to make an informed decision. I will admit that I am being a lazy researcher with this subject because of kids and time constraints.

Edit: anyone who thinks all your information should come from one side of the debate is not very open minded.

There is no way they would get away with banning r/conspiracy. The users of reddit would not allow it. You seen what happened when they tried to ban subs lIke r/fatpeoplehate. There was a huge uproar and the ceo had to step down. I am extremely surprised something didn't go down after r/pizzagate was taken down. I think it's because it was a fairly new sub and topic. R/conspiracy has been around for a long time. And for alot of people it's the one of the only subs they visit. Taking out r/conspiracy would be the end of reddit as we know it. Personally I think reddit has proven more than once that is suppresses free speech and we should boycott it. Nevertheless people still congregate here and it is still a great place to get breaking information

I hope you are right.

we will weed through ourselves with downvotes

"Voterigging doesn't exist, real conspiracy users upvoted this bullshit to a man!"


Since the election season this sub has turned into a shit show. Its just /r/politics 2.0 favouring the right instead of the left.

Weren't you #2 on the list of mods?
Many don't know this but the moderator list is a hierarchy. Those mods that are lower on the list can't remove mods that are higher on the list. No matter what. They don't have the rights to do it.

Don't believe me? Well here's the quote from wiki at /r/modhelp

Can I be removed as a moderator of my subreddit?

Any mod above you on the moderator list can remove you at any time. If your account is inactive on reddit for 60 days or longer any mods below you in seniority can use /r/redditrequest to have you removed or if you are the only moderator any user can use /r/redditrequest to take over your subreddit. Please see the rules in /r/redditrequest for details.

It's further clarified in another section of that wiki also:

Can other moderators remove me as a moderator?

Any moderator appointed after you cannot remove you, only moderators above you that have 'full permissions' can. They can however override your bans and post removals. The chronological order of appointment is shown vertically in the list of moderators. A moderator that is listed below you cannot remove you.

Therefore the reports about him/her being voted out don't hold water. Now if he/she was lower on the list then yeah, he/she could have been removed.

The other thing is, quitting in protest is silly because once you're out, you're out. Stay and fight for what is right regardless of how difficult the fight is. If the sub was good enough to fight for, you should have stayed.

Yes it is a hierarchy. This is why we need a strong top mod that will keep in close contact and not go MIA for long periods of time. I was #3 for a long while (just below donbueno and illuminatedwax). A few years back donbueno removed all of the mods below him because we did something that pissed him off, and I think it was the admins who stepped in and gave us a handler to make sure we played nice for a while. When we were re-added the mod order got shuffled, and I ended up like 4 or 5 on the list, so there were like 2 or 3 mods that could have removed me if they wanted to.

donbueno said illuminatedwax was the real culprit, after he purged the mods and they all got added back. Is wax a top-level admin account?

I say you just stick around and become a regular contributor here. I never really saw you participate before which is probably why a lot of people are questioning this maneuver, but more can be done from the sidelines than from the top anyway. The true hierarchy is horizontal not vertical. :)

ahh gotcha

Interesting, I had no idea there was a hierarchy. I thought it was who ever got to the issue first, took care of the situation.

Well, the only real power that the top mod has that no other mod has is the ability to remove any moderator under them.

wow, that could cause major issues.

It has before. I am still a bit wary after what happened last time.

Therefore the reports about him/her being voted out don't hold water.

There were active mods were above him in the modlist.

if you're on the 'Red List' then I'm afraid resigning won't help.

Yes that isn't why I quit.

What's the red list?

Shit I'm loosing the only sub I love !

Thanks for the transparency, I hope that everything goes well with the documentary !

Thank you so much!

This sub became r/politics.

You misspelled r/The_Donald

this made me laugh TY


Your opinion has been duly noted.

If they are not going to censor our content at all then we are doomed to fail... as soon as the doxxing takes root we'll be gone. I hope you were just exaggerating when you said there would be no censoring... cause that is a death sentence... gives the admins the perfect excuse to drop an axe.

Have there been any warning from admin to the mod team in regards to this? PG got plenty of advanced warning... have we been given notice?

Not explicitly, but we did occasionally get admins telling us that they removed content for reasons that could be considered doxxing.

As long as the mod team continues to enforce the redditwide rules I'll be satisfied... thats all I ask really. Though the removal of memes and blocking of duplicate links is very helpful from a "quality of life" standpoint.

Maybe a dozen times tops in 9+ years.


Sheeit. They sure have censored me - more than once.

Granted I might be an asshole...but yeah. The whole "let the voting decide" has absolutely not been applied to some of my comments.

Just saying.

i have it on great authority you are NOT an asshole!

:) There are some who would disagree with you, but I'm glad some realize that I'm certainly not only just that! :)

did you catch that sacred geometry OMG!

hey since almost all of reddit is going to hell in a hang glider we gotta stick together [birds of a feather]!

I need to visit VOAT more often. Saw some of the sacred geometry. Yes. Heavy stuff!

i just had no idea it all tied back musicially to solid geometry

totally freaked me out yesterday ... this part of life is so quantum amazing and then the shitshow sucks me back in ;0

this part of life is so quantum amazing and then the shitshow sucks me back in

Yeah. I hear that. Different aspects of life can fill you either with a great amount of positive awe and wonder, or a great deal of dread and hopelessness.

i am aiming daily for positive awe and wonder ....

they just keep tightening the noose

evenall this brand new CONFUSION around the EC <---bullshit really they just dont know when to let go ....

i am aiming daily for positive awe and wonder ....

Not an easy thing to accomplish on this planet for sure.

they just keep tightening the noose

Exactly. Yep.

evenall this brand new CONFUSION around the EC


electoral college i think hillary is goin for the steal 12/19

they have been bribing the electors for the past few week im afraid

i think hillary is goin for the steal 12/19

Better get ready for a serious civil war if that happens then. Big time.

i know they keep parading the popular vote but she cheated there too but now obama is getting involved

its really sick in nyc they are all brainwashed here seriously ... dazed she didnt win im sure its not this bad where you are

Whaaaat? Are you crazy?? Not that bad where I am? I'm in frickin' LOS ANGELES!! The Shillery capital of the United States! lol

Hell there were frickin' ongoing protests in downtown with butt-hurt Hilltards, peopel crying, etc... lol Was hilarious (or, should I say, shillarious).

I'm not Trump supporter (all these corporacrats are crooked), but I'm glad Clinton didn't get in, and I hope she absolutely stays out.

you really made me laugh so we are both stuck in the land of complete zombees who cant think outside the box and have their collective heads up their asses

i would feel badly for you but i am surrounded tooo ;0

we are both stuck in the land of complete zombees who cant think outside the box and have their collective heads up their asses

Oh gawd. Seems that way. :/

i would feel badly for you but i am surrounded tooo

I just stayed inside and away from them all.

i know a life of shunnin neighbors lately cuz they resent me for not voting for HER

i wish they would recount nys they'd see how many votes were manufactured for her

FTR you've been on my reddit "friend" list for years. ;)

Thanks, Dusty.

There’s a reason why I have a green mark by your name with a shit ton of upvotes. :)


Rule 10 is upheld. It's by far the most cited moderation.

Eh. So if I understand this correctly, you were pro-censorship and that somehow makes you a sympathetic figure on (edit) /r/conspiracy? How does that compute?

I don't get your question exactly. What do I have to do with /r/censorship?

autocorrect mistake, was /r/conspiracy originally

I have never been pro-censorship. My record on that speaks for itself. I have been here for about 5 years as a mod now, and I wrote the original sidebar mission (with help from the other mods at the time.) I believe very much that this is a free speech zone. I've never removed content that wasn't very much over the line (the rules listed in the sidebar). I have worked very hard to maintain this sub under those conditions. About 3 years ago I had my first child and I have taken a lot of time off from day to day moderation of this sub. I still checked in quite often and made sure most of the mods were on the up and up. But something bothered me about the things I have been seeing lately, and the mod team being divided about these issues really does no one any good.

If this is true you probably should have talked to us about it instead of doing weird shit like Reddit requesting the sub.

The reason you found yourself in this position has nothing to do with concerns you had, as you said above, and everything to do with concerns you created by going rogue.

You sure it's not because someone else jumped the gun in response to his benign but conspicuous impulsiveness?

That asked, I only have a partial view of this situation. Rashomon.

What bothered you about the things you have been seeing lately?

Hi, I understand exactly what you mean, but the thing is (and this is why I appreciate our mod team) censorship is a slippery slope. Yes there's a lot of retarded shit being posted. Yes people are upvoting this shit.

And it's odd you decided to try to take top mod without discussing it with your team. I'd vote to remove you too, no offense but it's a big deal. Especially right now as the winds of shit are upon us.

Your idea of letting the vote decide who's right is farcical without telling us specifically what you think should be moderated or banned. You disagree with other moderators, so what?--tell us what that disagreement is then! There is no right or wrong, true/false, or informed vote on something unless you make a specific claim. Make your claim (something capable of being true or false) and then ask for a vote on it. But simply coming on a "conspiracy" subreddit and assuming that upvotes to your tantalizingly vague post proves some kind of point that the rest of us don't even know is completely childish. I for one will be happy to be rid of you unless you bother to state a thesis.

Its sad to see a Mod cry! Makes you wonder!


he ded.

All of the conspiracy forums I frequent have gone to shit in the most spectacular ways. They have been infiltrated by people who are shit posting to make the rest of the forums look crazy. It's working. Most replies are brief obnoxious ones and there is no longer any meaningful discourse. I'm over it. I don't care anymore. I'm no investigator but I do enjoy reading material on intriguing subjects. I shall reserve my precious time for books now. Nobody has had any clear conclusions or solutions to any conspiracies anyway. Good luck all.....

the floodgates in r/conspiracy were opened on campaign time because people felt there was no freedom of expression in some of the main political subs. That said, we passed that, the "underdogs" won, for now, so it's time to go back to focus on conspiracies. I'm one of those that admited I was coming to r/conspiracy for news, because I felt it was sacred ground for some info to flow.

Maybe there should be a new sub with conspiracies in mind for all the "BREAKING" and all the other shitposting, which it might be interesting and valid, but it definitely clogs this sub and diminishes its capacity to discuss and document about conspiracies with time and reading. Not surfing on "news".

Sorry to heat it came to this for you 9000sins. Good luck with your projects!

I am no longer your "gatekeeper" as some would put it

You've barely been on.

The other mods have been doing their part just fine. In the past year how would you rate your moderating compared to other mods? Preferably on a scale from Doing <----> Nothing

if I am busy with moderation duties here

But you haven't been doing anything.

He was busy AFK. Big whoop. Good on him for prioritizing correctly.

He's been here longer than you and most others.

He was busy AFK

That's a contradiction in the context of modding this sub. Either he's here or he's not.

If I create an account, leave it for a few years then come back - Does that mean i've been here this whole time?

I think you're missing the point of his resignation. He came back to find a Lord of the Flies situation and it turned on him at his first move.

lol Love how the batshit insane conspiracy theories are cropping up because some guy no longer mods this little tinfoil clubhouse. Are you all so paranoid that you think i'm secretly George Soros, one of the Koch Brothers, David Icke's lizard people? Or that i'm somehow a "CIA Shill"?

I have to admit this place as become an arm of the alt-right. Although I do subscribe to these views I used to come here and see a whole range of conspiracies but now it's just Hillary Clinton and Pizzagate. /r/conspiracy gained a LOT of users from /r/the_donald and a lot of those guys who came over here only want to see that kind of stuff so it completely nullifies other stuff people post because that's what gets the votes.

Thanks for this post and good luck!

Thanks for this post & thank you for your time & efforts

Thank you for your hard work that often goes unnoticed, and best of luck on your documentary. I look forward to watching it some day

I'm fairly new to this sub, but I see what your talking about. All of a sudden the quality of posts just dropped like a ton of bricks in the ocean. And only garbage threads are making it to the top. I also notice weird things with the upvote counter on threads where they jump up votes then get knocked down by either 2, 5, or 10 votes the next second.

Just weird how this was actually a good source for investigation purposes and now you have to check at least 5 pages back to make sure you didn't actually miss a good post. And then that good post dies because it's constantly pushed to the bottom to never be seen.

So in conclusion I see it all man, who would of thought it would get this far SO QUICK! Goodbye either way I hardly knew ye. But major props for wanting to get out there and ACTUALLY do something about it :).

Come to r/politics1

We have a 100% record of never fucking up. We have "252" subscribers. And we're building a winning franchise.

I will take this opportunity to say that I am going to be working on new projects that will probably require a lot more of my time than I can devote if I am busy with moderation duties here. I want to start a documentary film. I want to do things to be more active in the conspiracy investigations circle. I want to really make a name for myself and not just sit behind a computer screen typing my opinions to the world. I am going to be the change I want to see.

I hope that this place does well with the current mod team. One thing I can tell you for sure is that they won't censor your content at all. And they are usually pretty reasonable about comment removals as well. I wish you all the best. I love you guys. <3

There is more than one way to fight for freedom. Best of luck!

So can I be the new Admin for Reddit now?

removing/banning all this US-voting bullshit would be a start ...

I don't know you, I mean I've seen you comment once or twice while being a mod but I'm relatively new here and judging by your OP I think leaving was the best thing for this sub. let the votes decide is exactly how it should be. It's not up to any mod to decide what we should or shouldn't see in this sub, obviously when you have a post that isn't in any way related to conspiracy or some guy making $1000 a day working from home that's another story but seriously... you complaining because you couldn't filter a conspiracy theory sub?? listen to yourself man! Good luck on your venture and dont be a shill!

Quitting in protest? That's my job!

K...keep us posted

Keep us updated!

God speed. Thanks for putting work into this place.

This makes me sad. Without Mods like you this place is hopeless.

With ZERO moderation you get these conspiracy theorists who eat up fake news and buy into all sorts of bullshit. This fucking kills the sub because it makes everyone look bad.

Yes I agree. Thank you for your support.

TY for your time and efforts to reign us in


i have such eye of horus envy i hafta be honest.... go try to mod at CST their mod there is on a complete power trip and cancelled my thread and downvoted everyone of my comments .... that to me is ridiculous outta control mod behavior ... was just wondering your opinion felt like power trippin and censorship .... reddit is becomin quite the shitshow

dont resign you are still needed!

this site is censorship, I delete my account in protest.

Censorship is not the answer and i do not believe you had good intentions, infact quiet the opposite. Dont let the door hit you on the way out.

Once again, no censoring here. Just asking for a bit of separation between us and pizzagate. If you carefully read all of my comments you will understand what I mean. You can post as much stuff as you want. Ask the mods how many posts I have actually removed in the last 2-3 years. You want to know the answer. Zero.

What does "us and pizzagate" mean?

no censoring here. Just asking for a bit of separation between us and pizzagate

Can you explain further? I don't agree with you but I still would like to know what you have to say and why you think that. I am open to being persuaded.

Okay. For a very long time, we the mods of /r/conspiracy chose not to censor content of any kind unless it explicitly broke one of the few rules listed on the sidebar. I have not removed any content about PizzaGate, nor do I have a problem with people researching it or posting findings here. I simply felt that with the recent closing of /r/pizzagate we have had a huge rush of users here that used to post that stuff there, but now they do it here instead because of the no moderation policy. My concern is mainly that if those people got their sub shut down by posting only about this subject, and then when it got shut down they all came here and continued business as usual, what does that say about our chances of survival in this space? All I have asked people to do is post pizzagate related materials to voat.co and link it here. Nothing less, nothing more.

No I dont agree, there needs to be certain restrictions on content that is cluttering up the timeline. Double posts need to be handled, and posts that are not sourced will should be removed. Im sick of all posts aligning with the pizza gate clutter that detracts from more important information.


Not cool.

Let him go

I love you too man! <3



Good. Let's just have one sub reddit where 'let the votes decide' is the most important maxim. If people want heavily moderated content they can go to almost any other sub reddit. The whole point of r/conspiracy, for me, is its lack of moderation.

Some people feel that way. You are entitled to that. This is why I left. I think I did the right thing for the sake of the congruity of the sub.

I want to really make a name for myself and not just sit behind a computer screen typing my opinions to the world. I am going to be the change I want to see.

Oo, exciting!

Best of luck to you, and looking forward to hearing about your projects in the future, be sure to post 'em here!

"... is in favor of allowing EVERYTHING to flow through this place and have absolutely zero content moderation."

That sounds great.

More lizard people please.

Thanks for hating this sub. Get out.



Please don't go you're amazing. You are one of the few reasons I trust this place.

What is happening to our hood?

love you

Only one.

peace be upon you, brave warrior of the truth :D

you'd better make a name for yourself! if it ever get difficult just picture a mass of r/conspiracy silhouettes, cheering you on as you lead the charge.

"I want to start a documentary film" Yeah, that will take up most of your time and good luck.

Time for a new Conspiracy sub then... I'll follow you, as I agree with your method of moderating a sub.

I am a person who seeks out truth. Not for want of power or control, but because I believe in knowledge for knowledge's sake, to be aware of the realities of this plane in which we exist. This place, while full of inaccurate information at times, is somewhere I can go to keep my mind perpetually open and curious.

I hope that does not change - and if it does - I hope I can find new places that offer the same.

I hope we will take responsibility for our own place of interest by actually browsing New instead of Hot and for Christ's sake vote on submissions. There's so much duplicated content, so little cohesive discussion. It's becoming Pinterest for Tinfoilererz.

Meh, I don't see anything odd with conspiracy. Maybe I'm missing the junk posts... shrug

Good for you. I am a documentary filmmaker and maybe I can help you with one or two things. Remember, if you want any help. Good luck, my friend.


Thank you! It's been a great ride. r-conspiracy and the early incarnation of Reddit have opened my eyes. But of course it's naive to think a place like this would be left alone. Tptb are scrambling to try to contain the massive enlightenment going on in the open Internet. But for me the bell cannot be unrung and I have a different view on many things and will try hard to avoid being fooled again by the Nutwork. Again - Thank you!

I am glad to have been a part of this. If i helped to change even one life this would have been worth it. Instead I got to be a part of something that potentially changed thousands of lives, and just that in and of itself makes my heart swell with pride. I am so proud of who we are and what we have accomplished and learned together. Thank you for your kind words. They really hit home. Anyone who stands for truth stands on my side. I will always remember the times I've had here. Thank you all for all your love and support.

Nice to get a reply for a change that does not question my mental capability because I claim thorough research has led me to the conclusion that for example the Lunar landings was a hoax :-)

This place is overrun I'm afraid and all good things comes to an end. But new sites and people pick up the torch. In my home town for example there is now a monthly gathering for people to discuss things like this! Going there on Tuesday :)

Have you read this? So well put IMO http://cluesforum.info/viewtopic.php?f=19&amp;t=1685

Edit: It's the last comment in that thread I like.

Take care and never stop searching! /Patrik

Good, censorship is bad. Bye bye.


you won't be missed, reddit doesn't need more censorship


yeah sure...please. i read the op by the way...please cry for censorship more though...your ilk are losing by the way


great response there. also its not that reddit faces legal issues...stuff is shutdown because the nazi mods are going crazy like they did with ellen pao.

its part of the mainstream medias fake news media hysteria and censorship drive. wall street and the cia hate to be held to account

What pile of shit. Mods of /r/conspiracy have been deleting posts and comments left and right if they don't support the establishment's preferred narrative, and I happen to know because I've had mine deleted numerous times recently.

/r/conspiracy has been hard at work shilling for the establishment and unless one falls for the narrative by worshiping Trump, they get quickly silenced.

That being said - why not tell the truth? Have you been sacrificed and chosen to take the hit so the establishment can continue manipulating the narrative on /r/conspiracy because the readers have become aware of the rhetoric on the sub being controlled to promote "Trump the Savior" agenda? The aware among us know that Hillary was sacrificed in the same fashion - in order to hoodwink the sheeple into worshiping Trump as God.

Sorry that you have to go! I'd be your replacement, if that's possible! Cheers!

I hope the door doesn't hit you in the ass on the way out.

what a bullshit message. It's not like a ton of shit posts are posted here, and anything truly shitty gets downvoted. The users do a fine job of "moderating" the content that goes on here. Get fisted.

To hell with you

To heaven with you brother. :)

Heh. Resigning before you could be ousted by the mods to avoid humiliation, classy.

They wanted to demote me, not remove me.

Cool story, bro.

nicely played ;0

US lawmakers and intelligence agencies, plus foreign governments, are saying that there's credible evidence that Russia worked to influence the US presidential election. And /r/conspiracy is more concerned with this pizzagate horseshit than an actual credible conspiracy. This subreddit is a pile of hot garbage right now. Can't blame you.

I've seen more credible pg evidence than I have of Russian hack evidence. Of course the US lwmakers, intelligence agencies, etc. are saying they have that evidence... The propaganda machine has to keep churning out that stuff to bury the 'fake news'.


pizzagate evidence

Pick one please.

Right. I totally forgot that any of the info re: p-gate was brought out by Russian hacks that the US Lawmakers and Intelligence Agencies have all their evidence of.

Funny how you believe that they have that without seeing it. Why aren't you demanding to see any of that before you buy in?

If you need any sound design, foley and music let me know.

You're needed in the trenches!

There are some mods that fail to inform the subscribers in here that this sub lives or dies by a few simple guidelines and commonly acceptable community ethos!

You and I might be miles apart in every aspect of life but we're here in r/conspiracy to thrash out theories, agree to disagree, to expose, educate and imagine a better future for all!

I am generally in favor of this style of moderation. In this particular case it's not that I don't believe it. I believe 1000000% that pizzagate is fucking real. I want those involved to face serious consequences. This video was not about truth. This should have been downvoted to obilvion, but somehow it found itself at the top of our sub, making us all look crazy. People should investigate this, but not the way those people did. It was reckless, irresponsible and borderline illegal and we all got duped into promoting it to the top of the sub. I just felt that it would be better if people posted things like that elsewhere and then link it rather than posting it here directly. That was enough for some to think that I was somehow censoring that information. No I just asked that people post it elsewhere for the integrity of our sub. After /r/PizzaGate was banned we all saw what can happen. To avoid something like that here, we need to redirect that subject to a place where there is a degree of seperation from us or a similar fate may befall us.


Browse /r/conspiracy/new for a few days. It's wild down there.

"Should I provide photographic evidence of my incredible life of poverty?"

That made me crack up, good luck.

I think its safe to say we are all glad that you resigned. I hope you also stop visiting and posting. Goodbye, delusionalsin

It's irrelevant to the issue at hand. Whether or not you are the original owner of this account, you conspired against your peers and tried to dethrone the top mod. Whatever agenda you have, it is a selfish one. Yet, you sit here and pretend as if these malicious actions you set in motion were a gift to the sub? Actions speak louder than words.

As much as I love weed, smoking with your 3 year old around really?

CTR never died, it just got it's second wind.

presidential rat race

America's Next Top PresidentTM

Acting like there aren't a bunch of crazies everywhere and singling out a community is pretty shitty but hey it's hating on r/the_donald subs so who cares huh?

You shut your whore mouth when you talk to me

99% BS for sure. If you thought everyone would like it why the one man coup attempt via the admins?

...you resigned too?

Yep. I didn't make a post about it.

I would like to share the modmail where I left, but it's a gross violation of reddiquette to share an in-house modmail without permission.

we will weed through ourselves with downvotes

"Voterigging doesn't exist, real conspiracy users upvoted this bullshit to a man!"


...well shit. You and I may not often agree but I respect your impartiality in whatever was posted either which way. You may dissent with the content, but you at least let the posts ride. agreement or not.

You've probably already been asked this, so if you have, feel free to copy paste or link your answer.

I understand your concern about Pizzagate here. I personally think there's a lot of truth to it, but I also worry that this sub could be removed or quarantined if we aren't very careful about personal information.

You wanting to lower the amount of pizzagate stuff makes sense and isn't suspicious.

BUT - I 100% understand why people are suspicious and upset about you going to the admins about removing said inactive mod.

I don't know if you're telling the truth or not, but some of your answers seem really off to me and don't make much sense.

Even if you thought you were doing a favor and everyone would be OK with what you did, why wouldn't you even discuss it with your fellow mods?

Did you at least link them to your request or did the others find out on their own?

Also, considering the fact that we've witnessed actual take overs on other subs, if another mod had done the same thing and didn't tell anyone, wouldn't you find that suspicious? Especially considering the topic of this subreddit?

We need to get off of Reddit and into a new forum. This place is already phucked.

What gets me is the fact that DCF can really fuck your shit up if somebody anonymously tips them off that you smoke bud. They'll come in your house to look around, ask bullshit questions, drug test you and depending on your location they'll maybe even look into having your kid taken away. Taking shots of Everclear in front of your child wouldn't warrant an investigation but if you vape cannabis then you're the most irresponsible parent ever. You could hotbox your house with cigar smoke all damn day and the most DCF would do is just say "maybe stop it plz?". I speak from personal experience, it's nauseating to have to go through something like that and understand that your child could be taken away.


Yep. I'm familiar with the hypocrisy that is family law.

just answer the question, "why 'disappear' for 3 yrs andd then suddenly return ... as a Mod?"

I tended to let some of the crazier stuff go, like UFO, Bigfoot, flat earth, hollow earth, etc. I know maybe it doesn't fit into those categories but I tend to like the sub to have a little more variety than just political conspiracy all day every day. Don't get me wrong, it's the biggest issue we face as humanity right now. But I have always believed that /r/conspiracy was like an umbrella sub that covers all of these subjects and doesn't leave anything out. Asserting fact in a lot of those subjects is damn near impossible as there are almost no established facts to go on. This made moderating that stuff pretty easy because I mostly just left it alone. It never really gets that much attention anyways. But when you have misleading political conspiracy stories they somehow always rise to the top.