Armed man walks into Russian embassy to investigate 'hacking ring' after reading fake news conspiracy theories

197  2016-12-11 by danimir

He pointed a gun at people inside and then shot the floor. No one was hurt but this shows how dangerous conspiracy theories can be.




I'm starting a gofundme for the embassy. Can I get you guys to help me reach my $28,000 goal?

How much is that in rubles?

Oh about tree fidy

Bork bork

I'll give you my adidas uniform. That'll do it. It means high class in Russia.

Yeah. Blame "conspiracy theories".


Don't forget that this single bullet fired definitely destroyed a computer.

When fake news hurts real Russians

Is this not exactly just like the contrived incident that just happened at Comet Ping Pong? WTF?


Fuck all... missed that completely in my haste, nicely done OP.

I heard the guy that did it had a Washington Post press badge.

damn you're awesome OP. Love the post. Short and to the point.


Days later after conspiracy gate hit, embassy owner removed all pedo-conspiracy art from the walls and removed pictures of conspirists In suggestive positions.

MSM launches Dank News.

He did an interview about it the next day.

It might also show what some people can be made to believe or cynically espouse. Someone like op for example.