1 more thing for Pizzagate aggressors that needs to be said regardless of whether Comet Ping Pong is true or not: I hope you have to fall asleep with just a little bit of the terror you are willingly enabling against kids.

80  2016-12-12 by inbetweentime

Making fun of flat-earthers or lizard people believers is one thing. But when you attempt to make a mockery of people investigating abuse of those who are defenseless, whether you actually believe it to be true or not yourself, you are no better than those committing the abuse.

By being aggressive against Pizzagate and discouraging investigation you are proving nothing. But you are helping to conceal every other instance of child abuse that happens around the globe.

Do you think that being arrogant towards Pizzagate researchers is going to have a positive effect on pedophilia investigation in general?

There's really not any more to it. It doesn't matter how stupid you think Pizzagate is. What matters is the effect that your tactics have on the world.

And no, this doesn't include the people displaying reasonable skepticism. Skepticism is necessary and beneficial to the cause. This is only about the people taking it upon themselves to personally attack investigators and ridicule the investigation instead of offering rational civilized opposition.

I made sure to pick a neutral title so I'm sure the comments will be lovely here... Let's try to care for each other.

Edit: added bold for clarity


Whether it's all real or "fake". Planted, leaked, hacked by a shill/dnc/Russia/masterminds trying to censor us I really dont know but What I do know is this:

People are now for the first time addressing the human/sex trafficking epidemic that's been unspoken of for years. Pedophilia, abuse, sex crimes, those are still very much silenced.

maybe these investigations and not letting up on the subject may save others from entrapment and abuse. Maybe we save one person or thousands. Maybe a parent finally gets an answer to what happened to their child. Hopefully this is he beginning to an end of this.

It's important to actually investigate things though. Not throw around wild accusations like this so called pizzagate "investigation". Hard evidence is required. It takes A LOT of work.

No one brought down the Catholic Church ring by looking at weird pictures online, analyzing spooky but ultimately meaningless emails or making idiotic Youtube videos.

For the first time? There are many organizations dedicated to solving the human trafficking problem, organizations which don't insinuate the most heinous crimes on a person because of the artwork that they buy.

Pizzagate is operating on mob mentality. Please be careful because you could be contributing to it without really understanding it. I understand that everyone who believes pizzagate isn't responsible for that guy going to the pizzeria with a weapon. But that person was online reading what everyone was writing and basing his actions off of that.

If the crime is as heavy and extreme as is being accused make sure you have the proportional amount of evidence to even insinuate it. If you see a suspicious email call it that and LEAVE IT at that.

The people who are involved in making the pizzagate accusations deserve to be mocked and criticized because of the way they are going about this with no maturity, critical thinking, or respect.

We'll said . Up vote x 1000

If this whole thing saves a single child, it'll have been entirely worth it.

thats what I'm saying.

Also, what I meant by my post is that it's always been an epidemic but often overlooked. So I think either way it's good that people are so interested. People my age had no idea about trafficking until this

Oh, I know, I'm just agreeing with what you're saying.

No, in fact, the topic and research on pedophilia (and interest) has never been so low in the last decade.

If any pizzagater would even care looking to truly help victims, they'd try to learn first where victims are and how to identify them. Most sexually abused children were abused by family members or someone close.

Only a very very small percentage was "kidnapped" and never found, and that's where pizzagaters are focusing. So with all the trouble the pizzeria owners get lately, I'm hoping the few potential victims that need help will be found (we don't know who they are yet apparently...). I'm not hoping for victims but I do hope this isn't a dumb witch hunt.

And of course, I wish the focus was also put on the huge majority of abused children as well. Right now they're totally ignored and anyone mentioning it is aggressively opposed... for obvious reasons. Sad.


I'm gonna add this already because I know what's coming: No I'm not saying to stop investigating. I'm saying to not lose focus and to in fact explore ALL the areas where there's a lot of victims of child abuse, not only the minority happening in "occult network."

Dude I'm all for investigation into it. Getting kinda tired of people saying "if you don't agree with me you're doing harm" though. I honestly think it has at least a kernel of truth, but I also think all the "investigators" have been their own worst enemy most of the time by posting things way outta left field as leads and making themselves look batshit by posting this black and white viewpoint kinda stuff

Edit: seriously it reminds me of arguing with my grandma where I'm willing to concede there may be a god, but she wants me to say America is gods chosen country and white people are the best, otherwise my concession that there may be a god means nothing. If that makes sense

Dude I'm all for investigation into it.


"if you don't agree with me you're doing harm"

Like I said above, it doesn't matter whether you agree with me on it or not. That's not at all what I'm saying. But maybe you're referring to hearing that elsewhere.

I was referring to elsewhere. And I get that's not what you're saying. Honestly I think there's a lot more truth to it simply because of the whole "fake news" thing. Their reaction means a lot. So I really don't want it to be some crazy barbarian charge to their front while they outflank us lol. Also, to be honest, it seems like there is a civil intelligence war going on that is probably informing most of what is going on right now that would make it impossible for pg to be used as a weapon because it would take out both sides Cold War style. Mutually assured destruction hahah

Yea, and it works both ways. People shouldn't be shutting down skepticism about Pizzagate either.

Still, shutting down skepticism of it and shutting down research into it have 2 very different consequences.

I'm all for investigating rape and human trafficking. But sometimes there are bullshit stories, like the Rolling Stone expose and IMO PG as well. Some people fight against people running around screaming about horrible evidence because it discredits not just this investigation, but also any future attempts like this that might be more well-founded.

It's like some of the posts here now. A guy posts that he sees a pattern of human trafficking near port cities. That's an interesting fact. But he can't help but throw in the PizzaGate tag and so it all becomes related to some pretty wild claims that are hard to believe. Instead it would be far better to just be investigating the networks in general. Then something good could come out of all of the attention that PG has given to human trafficking.

Well, sometimes you need exposure. He might have documented all sorts of statistics about human smuggling in port cities, but only 5 people might have ever seen it if he hadn't included the PizzaGate tag.

Unfortunately that's exactly what you're saying when you say that a person questioning is "no better than the abusers themselves." Using the logic of that quote, if abusers do harm, and we know they do- that infers that questioning is doing harm. But that is inaccurate, in fact, it's absurd.

People who are asking questions about the truth on an online forum are nothing like actual pedophiles who violate children- and if they do any damage at all, it's a fraction of that of an abuser. But they're not "no better."

Skepticism is good. If you hadn't at one point in your life started to become skeptical of your government, you wouldn't have considered believing in PG. But that skepticism led you to this point. That's why it's a bad idea to be strident about these things. Why would anyone want to go from being so closed minded to an idea that they're a million percent closed-minded to its opposite?

Questioning is good- it challenges us to get better evidence of what we believe.

Edit: Does Reddit give you a way to see how many times an original post was edited? On mobile? Or at all?

Read my post again.

Skepticism is great.

This is not about the people asking questions. It's about the people being mocking and aggressive towards it. Big difference.

Fair enough.

Do you think it isn't mocking or aggressive to equate asking questions with pedophilia?

But you are correct: the rest of your post is fair and reasonable, it's just that that one hyperbolic sentence makes it less legitimate and closes off debate.

Due to my experiences talking to PG believers, I thought your title was addressing the believers and not the questioners/deniers. I'm dead serious...The ones I have spoken to have been every bit as aggressive as CTR was. Here's one example.


You're still not reading it for what it says. Look up "aggressor" if you need to, it has nothing to do with asking questions. Neither does 'making a mockery'.

All questions are welcome and all reasonable civilized skepticism is beneficial to the cause.

Having said that, I too have seen pro-Pizzagate aggressors. It's not a good tactic.

Let's just say you'd be a minority of pizzagaters if you actually discuss the points.

I also haven't witness yet any pro-pizzagaters defending the skeptics against these aggressive people.

I see a lot of upvotes though on those stupid comments.

ag·gres·sor əˈɡresər/ noun a person or country that attacks another first.

My point is it's aggressive and mocking to equate the two, which means you're doing what you're saying they are. This degrades the legitimacy of the rest of your points.

I feel like I addressed the fact that the rest of your post was fair.

While I commend you for being so even-handed, the fact that you have a response to everyone who has commented (mostly refuting what you already disagree with) suggests that you may not be as open to fair discussions as you might believe. It's human nature.

I hope you continue to be a role model for other PG believers, they could learn something from you about communication and more importantly, persuasion, because you're right, it's a bad look for either side to be rude or disrespectful. Worse, it directly conflicts with what is intended to be accomplished.

Where do you get the idea that I'm referring to people asking questions? How am I equating 'the two'? I think the hyperbole is yours my friend.

Lizard people is one thing, and quite frankly it's ridiculous. But those in power covering things up? Thirsting for more power, abusing that power, getting off on the exploitation of the vulnerable? Doesn't sound so crazy to me.

what if it's code? what if lizard people is code for demon possessed?

Lizards are ridiculous, but demon possession isn't.....................?

Anything can be code for anything.

Joe McCarthy is that you?

This is typical witch hunt logic. Just because the accusation you're making is very serious doesn't give you license to say or do whatever you want and it especially doesn't mean you can't be criticized. Calling people who criticize you pedophile enablers is the lowest of the low.

The accusation is extremely serious and if you actually had respect for the weight of the accusation you wouldn't throw it around as if it were nothing. All it takes for you all to implicate someone as a pedophile is for you to have a funny feeling about them. Don't understand their taste in art? Pedophile. Conversation sounds off? Pedophile. It's disgusting to watch and what will happen when nothing comes of this? You will just get bored one day and move on to the next thing and people will be scarred with the pedophile accusation after a brief period when a mob decided to give themselves license to tear apart and scrutinize everything they've ever done or said.

whether you actually believe it to be true or not yourself, you are no better than those committing the abuse.

I think there's a difference between asking for proof, and raping kids.

Do you think that being arrogant towards Pizzagate researchers is going to have a positive effect on pedophilia investigation in general?


It enforces the idea that these things require proof.

What matters is the effect that your tactics have on the world.

You're right: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/dec/05/gunman-detained-at-comet-pizza-restaurant-was-self-investigating-fake-news-reports

this doesn't include the people displaying reasonable skepticism

Oh, well i've already written this out so far...

I made sure to pick a neutral title

. . . That title wasn't neutral.

Perfect. I should've read this and upvoted instead of commenting myself.

I'm /u/Rockran and I go to posts to deny Pizzagate without even reading the entire thing.

*I also argue that this is the ground floor https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/5hvjt9/documented_proof_that_comet_ping_pong_has_no/

What makes you think I didn't read the entire thing, considering I quoted sections throughout?

Methinks you're just running out of things to say. So you just invent problems.

Just your above admission of it

Where was my admission?

Real or fake, educate your children and keep them close. Trust only yourself and your spouse with them fully.

i would NEVER bring kids into this evil world!

Then what's the point of us existing?

speaking as a pagan i would say that the earth needs our help-i pick up litter every day.

Your accusation is not logical. I doubt that pizzagate is true. I would personally get rid of someone who is without a doubt an active rapist pedophile. Does that sound logical to you?

What about the terror felt by the employees of Comet Ping Pong who have been harassed online and also had a crazy dude storm into their place of work with a gun?

I'm curious what kind of proof more than a mountain of circumstantial evidence skeptics need to warrant an investigation? There's not going to be a video of Podesta raping a 6 yr old while carving a pentagram on his back while eating a slice of Pizza....there will be nothing more than compiling circumstantial evidence until public outcry grows to the point where real cages get rattled and heroes step forward....IMO.

This episode of Black Mirror (Netflix) is seemingly the next destination for this mess. I'm personally guilty of only having my popcorn ready for all of this, but I'm sure if there is some shit out there, it will be rightly exposed in time. ('hopeless optimistic' here)


Awesome series, I almost forgot about this episode... genius in a very creepy way! Maybe the exposed ones won't be the ones we expect.

Actually, you Pizzagaters are taking time away from legitimate child abuse and trafficking cases.

This to me is the biggest surprise and problem with the MSM agents and the citizens that Dont personally feel these accusations are serious enough that they themselves Dont bother looking into the evidence that is easily available and make up their own minds.... Why are they this way?

Oh fuck you. I think the people who are fucking losing their minds about Pizzagate are all closet child rapists. All you fucks want to believe that Pizzagate is true so you can deflect away accusations against yourselves. Stop touching kids you mentally ill fucks! Leave the kids alone!

The sad thing is you're not even far from the real facts about child abusers. No surprise they divert the attention.

One of them even recommended me to go search for CP on the darkweb and that he "guarantees me 200% I'll see their shit is true."

How fucking sick is that?

They want other people to get "their disease". I have seen the same thing from heroine addicts... they want to drag others down to their level so that they feel normal. The people that are complaining the loudest about Pizzagate have skeletons in their closet, guaranteed.

Do they "want other people to get their disease", or are they encouraging people to look up child porn as a honeypot for future use against dissidents?

Great question... I wish I knew the answer.

That's my biggest argument for those who try to downplay PG. If you are "right" all you get to do is give yourself a pat on the back. If you're "wrong" you were trying to protect pedophiles. Great job

Wait till you find out where all those kids go... they are fed to the lizard people that live inside the flat earth! Cause otherwise there would have to be mass graves for kids everywhere... when actually they never ever find any bodies of the 800,000 missing kids every year. You have fun sleeping too.

Thanks for the sad insight into how you internally justify it.

Well if you are the senior investigator on this case tell me where the 1,648,000,000 bones generated from the last decade of these illicit activities all went?

I'm sorry, I have no idea where you got the idea that this is a debate on whether pedophilia is a real thing or not.

Wait... where do you think all these kids they kidnap end up?

You are failing your Turing Test.

It makes absolutely no difference whether you or I think thousands of kids are being kidnapped or not. Pedophilia is real.

You are attempting to mock investigation into it. This post is directed at you.

Hey... you can't come in here and shit talk ufo or bigfoots or flat earth or reptiles and then be like "pedophilia is real!" no shit it is... thats not even close to a conspiracy... pedophiles are real... there are subs on reddit dedicated to pedophilia... go get pissy with them, not us... FYI it isn't illegal to be a pedophile.


Honest question - do you have any clue what you're talking about? I didn't shit talk ufo or big foots or flat earth or reptiles.

Do you mean the part where I suggest that mocking flat earth has different kinds of consequences than mocking pizzagate?

Is that a concept you're able to wrap your mind around?

Thanks for providing my post with an example of the mockery I was referencing, though, for some reason.


Watch it there buddy... don't pull aggro unless you are sure you can tank it.

Aggro, a cute choice of words since if you're ignored or become bored, you'll to right back to what you were doing like poorly programed AI.

Pick an issue... any issue... and I am programmed to debate it it. I'm not a troll... I'm The Advocatus Diaboli. Lets give my AI a whirl shall we?

Rule 10. No personal attacks. Removed. 1st warning.


Rule 10. No personal attacks. Removed. Final warning.


Rule 10 after final warning.Removed. Banned.

it's because the 800k a year is a statistic that also includes 200k kidnapped by their own parents, and a majority of teenagers who are runaways.

Then they'd end with about 5% of 100-1000 children who were really kidnapped by strangers and were never found.

So you see, why they push the 800k and not the 5% of 100-1000! Doesn't make a good story.

Truth is: most kids are abused by their own family and people close to them. Or even pimped by them. That's an ugly side the majority does not want to be involved into since it's too close to home.

edit: Oh you know why there's no victims or body. "They were eaten or dissolved in acid." Here you go! Now they need to find those buckets in some storage room.

I'm /u/Rockran and I go to posts to deny Pizzagate without even reading the entire thing.

*I also argue that this is the ground floor https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/5hvjt9/documented_proof_that_comet_ping_pong_has_no/

It makes absolutely no difference whether you or I think thousands of kids are being kidnapped or not. Pedophilia is real.

You are attempting to mock investigation into it. This post is directed at you.

Perfect. I should've read this and upvoted instead of commenting myself.

Fair enough.

Do you think it isn't mocking or aggressive to equate asking questions with pedophilia?

But you are correct: the rest of your post is fair and reasonable, it's just that that one hyperbolic sentence makes it less legitimate and closes off debate.

Due to my experiences talking to PG believers, I thought your title was addressing the believers and not the questioners/deniers. I'm dead serious...The ones I have spoken to have been every bit as aggressive as CTR was. Here's one example.


We'll said . Up vote x 1000

It's important to actually investigate things though. Not throw around wild accusations like this so called pizzagate "investigation". Hard evidence is required. It takes A LOT of work.

No one brought down the Catholic Church ring by looking at weird pictures online, analyzing spooky but ultimately meaningless emails or making idiotic Youtube videos.

If this whole thing saves a single child, it'll have been entirely worth it.

For the first time? There are many organizations dedicated to solving the human trafficking problem, organizations which don't insinuate the most heinous crimes on a person because of the artwork that they buy.

Pizzagate is operating on mob mentality. Please be careful because you could be contributing to it without really understanding it. I understand that everyone who believes pizzagate isn't responsible for that guy going to the pizzeria with a weapon. But that person was online reading what everyone was writing and basing his actions off of that.

If the crime is as heavy and extreme as is being accused make sure you have the proportional amount of evidence to even insinuate it. If you see a suspicious email call it that and LEAVE IT at that.

The people who are involved in making the pizzagate accusations deserve to be mocked and criticized because of the way they are going about this with no maturity, critical thinking, or respect.

No, in fact, the topic and research on pedophilia (and interest) has never been so low in the last decade.

If any pizzagater would even care looking to truly help victims, they'd try to learn first where victims are and how to identify them. Most sexually abused children were abused by family members or someone close.

Only a very very small percentage was "kidnapped" and never found, and that's where pizzagaters are focusing. So with all the trouble the pizzeria owners get lately, I'm hoping the few potential victims that need help will be found (we don't know who they are yet apparently...). I'm not hoping for victims but I do hope this isn't a dumb witch hunt.

And of course, I wish the focus was also put on the huge majority of abused children as well. Right now they're totally ignored and anyone mentioning it is aggressively opposed... for obvious reasons. Sad.


I'm gonna add this already because I know what's coming: No I'm not saying to stop investigating. I'm saying to not lose focus and to in fact explore ALL the areas where there's a lot of victims of child abuse, not only the minority happening in "occult network."