Everyone in the US, regardless of political party, should be very concerned over the anti-Trump media alarmism. They are instigating people and some crazy person will try to kill Trump, possibly succeed, and then we will have a real problem: civil war 2.

39  2016-12-12 by [deleted]



if trump is assinated it wil not be a crazy person

it will be completely orchestrated by THEM!

Trump knows there are people after him. And even if he gets popped off by some loony, he brought assassination insurance by the name of Mike Pence.

I don't think that would stop a civil uprising from people who, correctly, realized that the corrupt, bought mainstream media was begging someone to do it by comparing Trump to Hitler and pumping out sensationalized articles regularly about how he would destroy the entire world.

The elites know they can't win this war with Trump dead. We outnumber them by a significant margin.

Civil War 3.

The "Civil War" was the second one. The first one is called the "Revolutionary War".

Trump, who is has 0 political as of this time, did not

(ill be fair and just post things even the MSM couldn't deny, so no conspiracy theories in this list)

  1. Start, continue, and expand continuous and many times covert wars over the last 50 years. I thought congress had to agree to all that?

  2. Do things like Project Phoenix, Paperclip, MKULTRA, Mockingbird, torture countless people, install dictators around the world. Tuskeege experiments, the MOVE bombing where they dropped fucking bombs on an American town.

  3. Initiate mass surveillance on nearly everything we use everyday. Building new data centers all the time just to store all of the fucking data. Why even do that? Good discussion here: We Lost the War (2005)

  4. Aggressively prosecute and torture whistle-blowers or anyone trying to expose the abuse of #3

  5. He did not pass or sign a law allowing the indefinite detention of American citizens even allowing them to be sent to Guantanamo Bay (that's just a scary term. like we need to be in Cuba or something). And he didn't pass this current law destroying freedom of the press.

Why is this being discussed on r/conspiracy? Why isn't this being discussed in r/politics?

I can think of two reasons:

1) OP theorizes that there are conspiracies to kill the president-elect

2) Any post mentioning Trump that isn't vehemently anti-Trump is immediately downvoted to the very bottom and ridiculed, or simply removed/shadowbanned/etc.

Yeah just wanting to highlight that

As in, think about this for a second, in order to have real discussion of politics you have to come to the conspiracy subreddit

Ah, ok gotcha. My bad

That's what they've been pushing.

Murder is never acceptable. Where were you when Trump himself called for the "second amendment"crowd to deal with Clinton?

They, whoever they are, are already crowd funding and advertising for an assassin to kill him on the dark net. So, if they can't get the electors to turn on him, or they can't find a way to prevent him being sworn in, they are apparently going to have him killed.


And the right wing media outlets did the same with Obama, with several failed assassination attempts. Nothing new here. Civil war 2, that's funny though.

You seem to have a hard time understand the concept of extent.

If you believe that Obama was demonized to anywhere near the extent that Trump is being demonized, then I would question your critical thinking skills.

Depends where you were looking, if you only watched MSN and CNN along with other left leaning media outlets you wouldn't have seen the Obama fear mongering,, if you watched Fox News along with Brietbart and other right leaning media outlets you would have seen it.

Civil War 2 caused by trump's death, which would leave Pence behind the wheel. If anything your critical thinking went out the window on that idea. So funny! ....Civil War 2 hahaha!

not if they kill trump before the ignaurgaral .... then obama buys what 8 more years 7 its quite the final solution for them but it has a time factor

Obama, failed assignation attempt? Did I miss something juicy?:-)

There were a couple morons that jumped the white house fence and one woman who rammed a white house road barrier and got shot to death by the police/secret service. Nothing that would be constituted as a serious assassination attempt though.

actually the story about the woman i have heard was killed because she had obamas baby ... there is more to that than what it seems

First of all, there will be no civil war, period. Also "Civil war 2", be more creative, really apply yourself.

Second, "alarmism" suggests that the reaction to Trump's actions are out of proportion. Well judging by his cabinet picks I am very alarmed. The man he appointed to lead the EPA wants to dismantle it and he appointed a Goldman sachs banker as Treasury Secretary. Not to mention that Ben Carson, someone with no qualification (no not even that bullshit excuse about him living in a public urban housing, that was false) is going to be HUD Secretary.

Trump's surrounding himself with people that range from questionable to outright unqualified and now it's revealed that the Russian government might have been Meddling with the election? Hell yeah I'm kinda worried.

Oh geeze, you've wandered into the wrong sub with this kind of rhetoric

I don't think so. My other comment here fared pretty well (Sort by upvoted). I think there is a steep divide in this sub with r/The_Donald users on one hand and long time r/Conspiracy users on the other. Then there are of course the faceless masses in between that mostly dictate what gets upvoted or not and they mostly agree with whatever they see the most, right now there are hundreds of posts of Pizzagate a day on this sub so they think whomever speaks out against such things must be shills.

If true, it really is a shame that spamming can so easily sway public opinion in a sub dedicated in rational and free thinking.

Russian government might have been Meddling with the election? Hell yeah I'm kinda worried.

Well, there goes taking you seriously. Have you caught the Red under your bed yet?

actually the story about the woman i have heard was killed because she had obamas baby ... there is more to that than what it seems