Weird stuff going on Wikileaks FB page.

117  2016-12-12 by RevoltAmericas

Cant post link because its fB. But go on wikileaks "official" facebook page. This video/tribute video has been looping ever since it went live. Its very creepy/eerie. Something very weird is going on. I dont know what, but something. Its honestly as if Julians dead and its some tribute video. also wikileaks fB page has been very odd for weeks now since his internet shut off.

Alot of the posts from the admins there are mostly targetting Trumps cabinet picks... just look up the wikileaks page and check the live feed... The video on loop is just creepy. Random people in live chat are posting random hashes and are saying play it backwards... Something just dont feel right.


Now the audio is muted on this current loop... No idea whats going on but it seems like propaganda video.

Looks like this was initially posted 6 months ago on the channel. From what I gather, there are a lot of interesting themes in this video. Now it could be that if this page was compromised, they are using this to tie Julian Assange to Russia.

However, the meaning/themes I get from this video are totally positive. The main thing I get from this is that the Russian (patriotic) youth is strong and powerful and on our side ("we fight for you"). They seem to clean their spirit through a baptism ("the spirit is clean"). They practice their breathing techniques on a feather before blowing up vases (I guess they have ear protection to protect their own ears). They are "breathing as one". They appear to not only have physical strength, but also psychic strength using themselves mixed with technology as weapons (weaponized autism?). They drum as one. Breathe as one. We are all connected. "Our Mission is blessed". Anyone notice the Monarch butterfly on the wall by the pots?!? Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden (whistleblowers) framed in painting much like Julian. Would like to know what the music notes are on screen - could that be a message? The video ends with them blowing up the dead pots (metaphorically) and one pot remains with new life. Powerful video!

Would love to see an English translation if anyone can help?

from one of the comments: Laibach is Slovenian art/musical collective that has subverted totalitarian symbolism in way that is difficult to define.

They have been around since 1980 and actually played a supporting role in the downfall of Communism in Yugoslavia. They were also the first western band to play in North Korea, where they performed their own renditions of The Sound of Music last year.

They're known for covering pop songs in a martial style that seems to give a whole new meaning to seemingly innocuous pop lyrics.

Back up live now

I don't think much of this, really, but I was somewhat startled by a video allegedly put out by "Anonymous," highlighting several anomalies in a recent video of Assange. Almost as if it had been done or altered with video editing/production software. Stuff like his collar seeming to dematerialize or shift. I don't know if there's anything to it.

See video here:

(Edit: Upon actually viewing the live repeat Wikileaks Facebook video you mention in detail, it is definitely weird. Rammstein-ish song playing, kids with heads underwater, noses bleeding, punching someone hung upside down, strange "altar" to Assange surrounded by butterflies. Why?)

This is an artifact from Adobe Premiere. When you use the tool Morph Cut which allows you to cut bits and pieces of video out without it being jumpy.

why would they need to use CGI when they could just drug him?

If you think there is a drug that will make a person say whatever you want them to say, when you want them to say, you may be watching too many movies.

I don't think anyone in this sub gets to accuse others of watching too many movies...

Almost as if it had been done or altered with video editing/production software.

It has been edited, very obviously, creepily edited. That one edit was in mid-sentence was a bit off-putting.

I liked the crazy eye the video warping created.

So he's in captivity?

The dude is dead. Can we just get a confirmation on that? It would actually be a relief at this point. The fact that they are trying to pretend he is still alive is more disturbing than the fact that they would kill him in the first place.

Can I get a description of this video or a link because I cant seem to find it. What is happening in the video so I know what to look for to find it

Sorry I dont get notifications on reddit anymore so didnt see this..

It was like a Russian video on kids basically saying they will rise up kinda, I cant explain it.. It was a music video on loop and kids who seemed like a Russian Hitler Youth were doing flips and singing and then showed a picture of Assange on the wall.. It was just totally bazzare and have never seen anything like it before in my life..