We need to put a stop to this. The elite are,calling real news fake and fake news real and trying to filter real news. They are trying to censor Real News.

568  2016-12-13 by LightBringerFlex

If I'm not mistaken, this is unconstitutional. They can't censor real news by calling it fake. That is manipulation and evil intent. If we don't stand up for ourselves, they will laugh at us and call us weak. The elite seem to be scrambling for power right now. They have been exposed. Enough is enough.

We can't just allow,this Satanic pedo group to dictate what we can and can't read. That's 3rd world level blasphemy.


This is getting confusing.

Welcome to Newspeak

Doubleplusungood you will be an unperson for your thoughtcrime.

What you should be refering to is "Doublespeak"


Newspeak is a fictional language itself, and is much more complex. The idea behind newspeak is to create a new language which only allows communication so that people can work, but not articulate (and therefore develop) ideas that are anti-party. It is to strip down the soul from the human language so that people can only use it for performing mundane duties.

Which although won't ever be as severe as 1984 portraits, reducing the overall intelligence of the population through lower funding accomplishes the same thing.

Dumb enough to operate the machinery, not smart enough to understand why.

First SMS then Twitter.

Not only is it communication without substance, it has helped create an environment where people append TL:DR to, and/or apologise for, a "wall of text" that consists of two sentences.

The truly scary thing is that written language in this medium has actually devolved. Writing started with Emojis.

Oh you mean political correctness?

I know...It's kind of like going through the looking glass these days:

Alice: If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary-wise; what it is it wouldn't be, and what it wouldn't be, it would. You see? (Alice in Wonderland)

"News" - as in, what they say is: = stories currently being spewed from the mouths and pens of journalists who are paid to do so by media outlets that are controlled by those with ultimate power.

"Fake News" - what is real = stories that have been fact checked by independent journalists who are committed to reporting the truth.

That's the goal!

Very reminiscent of the Surkovian post-modernist political theatre that has been gaining traction around the world recently.

I believe that is the intention.


Is human trafficking a myth? Is that what you are saying? Do organized groups enslave people around the globe? Is that a myth or not? Please let me know your views on this.

Human trafficking exists. That doesn't mean that some nerds in a pizza shop are satanic pedo murderers.

I'm sure there are some pedophiles who are elites. I mean, there are pedophiles at every level in society. The ones who are elite can get away with it. There's even decent evidence that there are "rings" of pedos among the elites.

There just isn't any evidence that it's going on in the damn pizza shop. All the 'proof' being posted is that they have some mildly weird art that isn't even that weird in the scope of modern art. It's tamer than a Marilyn Manson video.

So you're definitely agreeing, yet for some reason trying to normalise, that there are paedo rings among the elite, but still somehow missing the point of pizzagate. No, of course Hillary Clinton isn't raping, murdering, and eating babies in the basement of Comet all in the name of Moloch. That's the dumb fucking narrative that the MSM says pizzagate believers believe. Comet is obviously tied in with the paedo ring in DC, and James Alefantis is definitely a high roller in the ring. The pizza places are just a front on which to launder money through, while giving easy opportunity to speak in code through innocent pizza terminology. Pizzagate extends far past that though. It's a global blackmail ring to make sure that those who are in power, and are wanted in power by those "behind the scenes" (big oil, banks, Rothschilds, Rockefeller, Soros et al.) shall stay in power.

No, I am not agreeing.

I agree there are pedos in the world. Some are bound to be elites.

Where I stop agreeing is the point at which you condemn people of being pedos without any proof. That's unfair, immature, and downright silly. It makes you look like a nutjob, and you're trying to ruin some person's life based on wild conjecture. THIS BS HAS ALREADY LEAD TO A MAN GOING INTO THE BUSINESS WITH A MACHINE GUN TO KILL THEM. It's time for you guys to shut up and grow up.

What's lacking is proof. There is NO proof. You have some mildly creepy art - but so what? That's basically every hipster food joint on earth. Have you ever been outside? Have you ever been to an art museum? That's what artists do. It's like heavy metal musicians and television. Shocking stuff sells.

You're just like the old ladies in the 80's and 90's who claimed that all rock and roll bands were the work of the devil. You're creating links where none exist.

I totally can believe that there are powerful people who blackmail each other with stuff like child sex. Just like the CIA blackmails their enemies by putting CP on people's computers. But that doesn't mean I can just point to anyone I dislike and claim they are part of it. YOU HAVE TO HAVE EVIDENCE. And by evidence, I mean more than just "if you remove 5 letters from his name and add 2 more, it says something in another language that sounds like something a pedo would say". Or that you can find a logo that has one or two things in common with the child love logo or whatever.

Look at the Trump/Pence logo. It's a T penetrating a P. Does that mean they are secretly a cabal of transgender/pedo sex ring? Or maybe it's just a T and a P for Trump and Pence. And the Comet Ping Pong logo is two ping pong paddles. Look at Trump's apartment - there's a statue of underage looking girls making out. There is a flower sculpture with four leaves that looks as much like the butterfly pedo symbol as the Ping Pong logo. Are you ready to admit he's the leader of a satanic pedo ring now? There's every bit as much proof as there is that Alefantis is.

These are REAL PEOPLE whose lives you are trying to ruin. Reddit already did this with the Boston Marathon bombing. Then did it again with that daycare center. One of you idiots already showed up with a fucking machine gun at Comet Ping Pong.

You have to use logic and rationality when talking about conspiracies, or you make us look exactly like what they say we are to discredit us - wackos who will believe absolutely anything that follows a chosen narrative.

You're missing the point. Still. But first off, let me just mention that that guy who went into comet with a machine gun (while the only traffic camera watching the place conveniently wasn't there), who never even fired the weapon - he is not a pizzagate investigator. He's just another one of America's conditioned masses who read a bit about pizzagate from some shitty sources, and based on an emotional reaction went there himself to put a scare into James Alefantis. Either that or it was a false flag. (orchestrate a near disaster situation, blame it on fake news, and voila - you've got the people asking for Internet censorship like it was their idea the whole time. Classic honey pot.)
Anyone seriously investigating this isn't focused on the anagram of a name in another language. No. That's stupid. Anyone who really researches it looks into actions and history of Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) and the Clinton Foundation (CF). We look at their donors, who lobbies for them, where they are active, etc, and follow trends in those areas and of those people who associate with them. We look at the continuing increasing number of missing children in Haiti, where CGI operate and have done for now decades. We look at how many children go missing from poorer states like Virginia and also in DC. Those two places have some of the highest rates of missing children in america.
Also, yes I would very well accept that trump is leading the paedo ring if sufficient evidence came to light that would suggest so. But so far it hasn't. We don't even know who is the "ring leader" or if there is only one. But we can name those who are in high positions and seem to have the most to lose by being involved in this. Would you suggest that everyone stops investigating and we just go back to mindless life as the system says we should live while they carry on doing what they do under a veil of secrecy? Or would you suggest a full, formal investigation and to get to the very bottom of it. Politicians are not above the law. Politicians are public servants. They should work for us, so therefore we have a right to know if they are following the laws they write. Here comes a classic: if they have nothing to hide then they should have nothing to fear. It's the line they've used on us countless times to slowly break down our privacy rights and give the governments permission to spy on us for their own benefit. Well we the people believe everyone should be treated equally. So now it's our turn and now we deserve to see what they do behind closed doors. If it's really nothing and it turns out these people are just useless at their job - kick them out of office. If they turn out to be the paedos they're currently shaping up to appear as - may God have mercy on them.

But what does any of that have to do with Comet Ping Pong, other than that's a place some of those people like to eat? Apparently it's a popular restaurant in DC. I don't see how that warrants calling them child rapists.

I'm not going to argue anymore. You're clearly missing the point and aren't even trying to see this from another perspective other than the mainstream narrative.

I'm genuinely curious, why do you feel this way?

Not him, but I can speak for my own, er, "skepticism".

Pizzagate is a scattered collection of circumstantial evidence that leaps wildly from figure to figure, giving a small smattering of clues from an enormous data set and imbuing them with outsized significance in the form of secret code words, most of which had zero meaning before this whole mess started.

But someone who followed the pizza shop's twitter made a joke about selling a baby! Confirmed Illuminati baby-eating satan worshipers.

Also, don't forget that the owners of a pizza parlor spoke about 'cheese', and 'pasta'. WHAT MORE BLATANT PROOF DO YOU NEED?

We don't need any proof! We'll keep smearing people for fictitious crimes regardless!! Stay woke

The Ministry of Truth can't build itself you know..

True, and it should be under construction now.

U.S. Senators Rob Portman (R-OH) and Chris Murphy (D-CT) today announced that their Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act – legislation designed to help American allies counter foreign government propaganda from Russia, China, and other nations – has passed the Senate as part of the FY 2017 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) Conference Report. The bipartisan bill, which was introduced by Senators Portman and Murphy in March, will improve the ability of the United States to counter foreign propaganda and disinformation by establishing an interagency center housed at the State Department to coordinate and synchronize counter-propaganda efforts throughout the U.S. government. To support these efforts, the bill also creates a grant program for NGOs, think tanks, civil society and other experts outside government who are engaged in counter-propaganda related work. This will better leverage existing expertise and empower local communities to defend themselves from foreign manipulation.


Basically made CTR part of the federal gov

What amendment does that go against if it's unconstitutional?

Especially since they repealed the Smith-Mundt Act.

Censoring free speech?

Constitution are not worth the paper their are written on when the power is in private hands that do not have to abide by it. People on Reddit are very quick to remind everyone that Reddit, Facebook or Twitter filtering stuff is not an attack on free speech because they are free to do what they want with their product.

While everyone was so busy worrying about their governments, about their constitutions, they forgot to look at the real threat of our time, the corporations. They make their own rules, they operate on fascist principle and the general population is ready to defend their right to do so.

Governments have not been in power since WW1, corporations have, yet nobody is looking at them seriously because we've all be told they have the right to do as they please. They break law, they ravage the environment, they cause death, they sponsor wars, with no accountability for anyone.

I for one am tired of people fighting the wrong enemy, governments are a mirage at best, a tool made by corporations to give an illusion of freedom to the general population. Trying to fight corporations with governments is like trying to stop a fire with more fire, ain't gonna work (I am aware of the edge cases of stopping fires with explosions, though that could still apply...).

The only thing we, as individuals, can do - aside from attempting to spread knowledge of the truth of things - is vote with our monies. Don't like the way some corporate entity does things? Great! Take away as much of their money as you (legally) can. Use an adblocker (but whitelist those sites/companies you feel deserve it). Don't subscribe to their services. Don't buy their product, and don't be their product (because remember, if the service is 'free', you're the product).

It's all we can really do, without running the risk of punitive measures being taken against us. That, and don't be quiet about it. (Though, do keep in mind that nobody wants to hear about your/my/our political views constantly. That will only serve tune us out.)

Censoring it isn't withholding the right.

They're letting people say stuff, then removing it if this whole thing is to be believed. Idk what's true anymore, which I guess for them, mission accomplished

The evil intent is all that I need to know wrong from right. I don't need to look up some law the elite made to determine wrong from right. We can all do this without laws.

I don't think you fully understand the first amendment. I assume your beef is with Facebook possibly censoring "fake news". There is no constitutional right here. Although you may feel like you have a right to publish your views there, you don't. The same goes with MSM. Your first amendment can only be violated by a government entity, such as a public college, law, etc. Fully private companies can censor its users and content at their leisure.

AUP's don't bind public opinion.

Apparently because they aren't infringing on a right directly, and working within the bounds of privacy, that means its a good and righteous thing to do. /s

Until Google stops getting a seat at private political meetings. Until there's a better alternative that is truly open and not private. Until they stop filtering what they deem as factual. Until that happens, they can go fuck themselves. This is not a good thing no matter what way it's spinned.

It's a very bad thing.

Disinformation causes people to hurt themselves. That's unconsititonal because per the very beginning sentence of the constitution--the preamble--a social contract between citizens to abide by it is formed, and therefore the constittuion's jurisdiction is based upon popular sovereignty.

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Therefore I can tell you that disinfo does the following:

  • It inhibits Justice, if people don't know what the truth is, or have been given counterfactual information or have been inhibited from facts.
  • Disinfo in the form of making riots, disasters, slayings bigger than they are to sensationalize or manipulate people has the effect of greatly undermining domestic tranquility
  • Disinfo makes us much less safe because it manufactures consent for WAR, which then only causes more TERRORISM later.
  • Disinfo destroys the common good (general welfare) because it causes neighbor to go to war with neighbor, it causes racebaiting, genderbaiting, trannybaiting, bigotry, anger, hostility, infighting, militiamaking, cultmaking and other forms of social tension.
  • Disinfo destroys the posterity of americans because people learn incorrect information and pass it down generationally, injuring their children's success in making wise, cautious, informed decisions. Disinfo screws up education, history, and ruins our connection to the past, and without a past there is no future.

I've satisfactorily demonstrated all the ways that disinformation is injurious to the public. Any government that thinks it is legitimate can guess again. I do not abide or respect any law that legalizes disinformation. I will not accept it because I believe it to be against the highest law of the land and prima facie violation of common law and popular sovereignty.

What news sources do you consider 'real news'?

Infowars, Breitbart, pol, GLP, ATS, T_D, rightwing youtubers, this sub. Get with the program.

I think you missed RT.

Infowars, Breitbart

Both support the neo-con Zionist perspective

Youre correct.

what is pol, GLP, ATS ? I couldnt find the references

Pol is on 4chan and 8chan

You dont wanna know, bro.

so to fight fake news from major media, you won't let me know the other news alternative? is that how to fight fake news propaganda by major media? by denying someone like me who wants to search for alternative media? nice

How do I know this smelly gunk on my shoe is shit if I dont taste it?

I dont buy your analogy, or maybe it's your own exp

GLP (GodLikeProductions) ATS (AboveTopSecret) Both are forums.

There's no absolute real news source because error exists in every news source. MSM hides a lot of the real news but subs like this are great sources for rare news that is filtered by msm.

News is news, no matter what. It is up to the producers to provide proof of facts. It's up to the consumers to verify those facts and to form their own opinion. I'm getting tired of all of these labels and people not formulating their own thoughts.

This is true. There should be no control tap on news at all. Let the people decide.

Am I going to have to learn Russian in order to finally get the real news?

My family is Ukrainian /Russian, they have a box set up where they can watch foreign channels including the ones back from their home. They watch Russian television a lot and their news.

I always thought my dad sounded like a crazy lunatic. I was a liberal. He wanted Trump. He called Hillary Satan, etc, told me American news is propaganda and try to smear Russia. I didn't listen. After pizzagate, I went up to him and told him Hillary Clinton is as close to Satan as she can possibly wake up. And in Russian he was like "OH REALLY".

No guys it's real. They're trying so hard to blame Russia for swaying the election. If anything their hackers found Kiddy Porn on the Democratic Party and have known for years, that's why they probably don't let Americans adopt from Russia. If they spoke about it before Trump won, a war against Russia would've started. Clinton would've loved that. I've really opened my eyes since this investigation.

Learning Russian is easy if you download Duolingo (using it for French rn it's so efficient). Good luck!

^ This.

Literally everything said about Russia/commies since the Sykes-Picot agreement is propaganda to get back at them for exposing how the "allies" were actually doing pretty nefarious, evil thing. Political reasons, power, and money too.

Do you think Russia provides real news too? Cover ups are everywhere, even in Russia.

Lol, no fake news is a bit of a joke. From Obama being a Kenyan Muslim to those stories about bill Clinton raping a child on video, there is plenty of fake BS out there.

“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.” ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭5:20‬ ‭NIV‬‬ http://bible.com/111/isa.5.20.niv

We should start writing in the context of "fiction" but actually be telling the truth. We could use the fake news shit against them with fake, real news through story telling.

Start writing sponsors Of CNN, MSNBC. Snail mail. They hate that. Find the name(s) of corporate principals and address directly to them. Send the lettters registered or certified --- whichever gives you a signature and return receipt. (I always get them mixed up and always have to ask at the post office)

Get a group of people to sign off on the letters with you and split the mailing cost. Keep the letter short --- 2 medium sized paragraphs is sufficient. Hand written signatures. Get an English major or creative writer to help you out if you are not talented. Make the letters impactful and to the point.

MSM is not going to learn a thing until revenue is affected.

Occult law of reversal.

They didn't get the election result they wanted, so they're making sure nothing like that happens again.

You know that scene in Princess Bride where the intelligent bad guy kept saying "Inconceivable!"? You say "They can't censor..." and I wonder the same thing the Dred Pirate Roberts wondered, Perhaps you do not know the meaning of CAN'T because the THEYs of this world can and do whatever THEY want. Unfortunately. I agree with your basic premise, however, and think enough is enough.

I think we will make progress in 2017 though. They have power in secrecy but not much in the open.

but they can't really censor the whole internet. so actually they can't.

You are indeed mistaken. The constitution had been suspended in 2001 following the attack. The sitting president has continued suspension. Furthermore, despite laws no longer being enforceable, laws were passed allowing use of propaganda. This is done for public perception and to provide basis for unjust prosecution (despite the fact that laws aren't legally enforceable under continuity plan). They are pushing more now along the faux news line. Sure, you and I, and every other citizen will still be treated as if the constitution was in effect, but the gov gets a free pass. IMHO, the constitution cannot be suspended under any circumstance without following the procedures the constitution allows. The government is run amok. But who cares anyway? 1963 is still relevant.

Furthermore, the for profit media companies are under no legal obligation to tell the truth.

Where in the constitution does it say that elite people can't have an opinion on what is news?

Aren't you T_D tards the same people who constantly whine about freedom of speech? I think calling bullshit rumors "fake news" falls under free speech.

Basically anything which is against their ideologies are discredited as fake. Boys, this is not 2017, it's 1984.

They are begging you to turn off your television and never, ever listen to the main stream media ever again.

It's like Thomas Sheridan says about psychopaths: never contact again.

what you're going to do, and what needs to be done, aren't the same thing.

you mean propaganda? here in the usa?

When a website censors something for being "absolutely false," you can be 100% sure there are seeds (plural) of truth in there, ready to sprout.

Stop watching the news then pal

There is no real or fake news, there is only truth. I feel "we" as a people are losing our ability to think critically and research on our own and instead are succumbing to sources that essentially control your thoughts.

It's what I've thought they've been doing all along.

But I suspect that this election cycle has really thrown them for a long one and they got a huge shock from the outcome despite the huge amount of money they threw at it.

Now they're in panic mode and realising that their grip is slipping and this damn internet thing is a real threat to them.

I'm expecting some sort of challenge to Donald before Jan 20 comes around. They're doing their darnedest to ensure he isn't POTUS come then. I hope not because I think it could be a destabalising event if it comes to it.

Can they call fake news, fake?

Yes. They can also call real news fake and fake news real!

I kind of wonder if they are doing this now to get ahead of the curve because they are afraid trump will spill the beans on something. Remember he has the guy from shitty ass breitbart in his cabinet. Is it possible it will leak through that site and sites like it?

Actually by the Pope's own words they're committing a sin. Not like that really means anything.

A sin against the cabal...