The New Posts in r/conspiracy is the best fucking part about reddit.

148  2016-12-13 by [deleted]




Seriously. It sucks, I see some gold in here all the time.

The mike pence ate at comet ping pong shit is going to be downvoted as fuck

No way, serious? If you have that link send it over!

Yeah, this sub ruins my reddit routine pretty much all the time.

I like to go through my 5 or 6 favorite subs individually first. I rarely even use my front page anymore and probably only look at /r/all maybe once a week at most.

The problem is, I almost always come here first and when I do that, a lot of the time I won't even make it off this sub. I can basically get stuck here for hours and end up not having enough time to check out my other subs.

That's why I love it here though. 💕

Dat raw ass.

In a way all news is fake and some really good stuff makes it to controversial cuz of shill brigade, this sub's best. it's where common truther and corp sell outs come together, get high and just talk about whatever's new(s) if you're really bored can sort by new comments...I don't recommend this but it's interesting to get a view of ppl's opinions


Can confirm. Best way to do this sub.

We need more chemtrails and NSA super soldiers like the old days tho.

two facts then eh

I posted about blatant chemtrails today and it down voted to oblivion.

Shills and normies...

Every 12 or so hours the 20 or so post about sandy hook hoax that comes from a new user but same post every time. Is the best

Agreed, while the pro censorship mods here would disagree and rather throw a fit , I see them as contributing to the spam with their subreddit drama more than actually contributing content these days..

I like to think that this sub has sharpened me on researching the facts of every article. With the brigading of hill shills/flat earthers