Meet Michael Aquino, Satanist in US Military Intelligence who devised the plan to commit domestic terrorism upon US citizens. Unprovoked Psychological attacks and directed energy attacks on citizens is terrorism.

147  2016-12-13 by 911bodysnatchers322

The following is what EIR / LaRouche publishing had to say about Michael Aquino. It's not all inclusive. Nor is this authored by me. This is not my reportage and I do not endorse or necessarily agree with it. This is a collection of historical reportage of best-effort factual information on a figure in the US Military Intelligence who drafted MindWar and provided the intelligence community the ideas that they could attack US citizens with psychology, propaganda, media-run strategies of tension, subliminals, bioelectrical weapons, directed energy weaponry from widely deployed consumer and commerical appliances and environs including but not limited to television, kiosk screens, satellites, hidden speakers, etc; and the idea of using directed energy weaponry directly on single targets and possibly the use of even magick systems of divination, sex magick, black magick, (subproject MKOFTEN), remote viewing, telekenisis to the extent that it's empirically useful (it proved not to be--duh! (or did it???)).

Aquino was also implicated in Satanic Ritual Child Abuse and was fingered by kids as witness but these accusation were dismissed and he was not charged. However, the police confiscated many pornographic videos because that's something they do in a state where pornographic videos are actually legal to posess. The associate of Aquino and his wife Lilith (cute) was actually arrested for child abuse. But given the context of the numerous sex crime rings at that time (mid 80s, 1988 in particular), it's widely considered that Aquino's case was a cover up, not unlike the Franklin pedophile ring in Nebraska.

Michael Aquino EIR Articles

Article Relevance Hilight/Quote
Satanic Subversion Of the U.S. Military --PDF "On Feb. 5, 1999, in U.S. District Court in Lincoln, Nebraska, an extraordinary hearing occurred in Paul A. Bonacci v. Lawrence E. King, a civil action in which the plaintiff charged that he had been ritualistically abused by the defendant, as part of a nationwide pedophile ring linked to powerful political figures in Washington and to elements of the U.S. military and intelligence establishment." Larry King to pay 1M in damages. "During the Feb. 5 hearing, Noreen Gosch stunned the court with sworn testimony linking U.S. Army Lt. Col. Michael Aquino (ret.) to the nationwide pedophile ring.... I will say, that was an offshoot of a government program. The MK-Ultra program was developed in the 1950s by the CIA... then there was a man by the name of Michael Aquino. He was in the military. He had top Pentagon clearances. He was a pedophile. He was a Satanist. He's founded the Temple of Set. And he was a close friend of Anton LaVey. The two of them were very active in ritualistic sexual abuse. And they deferred funding from this government program to use [in] this experimentation on children...They used these kids to sexually compromise politicians or anyone else they wish to have control of." /// Paul Bonacci, who was simultaneously a victim and a member of the nationwide pedophile crime syndicate, has subsequently identified Aquino as the man who ordered the kidnapping of Johnny Gosch
Satanists Escalate War against Western Civilization A memorandum was passed around through cults called "Beltane Conspiracy". Article also discusses teen suicide cults, subversion by gnostic groups into political and military office. "To the informed intelligence specialist, this charge might have been seen as a signal that 1988 would be a singular year for activation of satanist cults. And indeed, it was. Communications among satanist organizations early in the year de­fined 1988 as a year for public "combat" against Christian belief. Along similar lines, "green" and "ecological" groups worldwide began to more explicitly embrace Roman-model "Great Mother" cultism."/// "In fact, the astrologers influencing the Reagans were creatures of the World War 11-era British "Occult Bureau," who, LaRouche stressed, had deep ties to the "overtly Satan-worshiping Theosophical Society of Annie Besant, Madame Blavatsky, Aleister Crowley, and Astor-backed Rudolf Steiner." /// "OTO has at least 48 offices in the United States. One offshoot is centered around a certain Lt.-Col. Michael Aquino, and has managed to infiltrate the U.S. military and NATO. OTO is also under investigation in Britain..."
Murder of Roberto Calvi Tied to Global Satanist Cult In the wake of P2 investigations, Milan judge determined that Roberto Calvi, a masonic bigwig found hanging from Black Friar's Bridge in London was actually freemasonic ritual murder, not a suicide. "The finding in Milan revives what has been described by European and American intelligences specialists as a war between northern [Scottish Rite / British-German masonry] and southern European [French-Italian] rival Freemasonic factions. // Freemasons are behind a lot of cultic satanic abuse "These brutal conflicts among the Freemasonic elites pale in significance, when compared with what is being unleashed upon the population at large by the same degenerate circles. The frightening proliferation of Satanic and Luciferian cults, many of which are engaged in brutal acts of child abuse and murders, and wild sex-drug orgies, is no mere "sociological phenomenon" brought on by the pro­liferation of Satanic rock videos and the spread of newer and more devastating varieties of drugs." // "[BBS system,]BaphoNet, is run by a former LaVey disciple named Michael Aquino, an active-duty lieutenant colonel in the United States Army, a specialist in psychological operations, who was accused in 1987 by the San Francisco Police De­partment of being involved in child rapes near the Presidio Army Base.
Cheney's 'Spoon-Benders' Pushing Nuclear Armageddon Discussion of US Military Intelligence waging permanent nonlinear psychotechnical warfare against the public "The paper was titled "From PSYOP to MindWar: The Psychology of Victory," and it presented a Nietzschean scheme for waging perpetual psychological warfare against friend and enemy populations alike, and even against the American people." It was written by Temple of Set Satanist Michael Aquino./// "Mindwar should employ subliminal brainwashing technologies, and weapons that directly attack the targetted population's central nervous system and brain functioning: "There are some purely natural conditions under which minds may become more or less receptive to ideas, and MindWar should take full advantage of such phenomena as atmospheric electromagnetic activity, air ionization, and extremely low frequency waves," the paper concluded."
Warning: Satanists May Spread AIDS - LaRouche - Executive ... An undisclosed number of aexually assaulted children among 'over hundreds', contracted chlamydia, could have contracted other things...this article is kind of AIDS panic plus satan (keep in mind AIDS was a death sentence in the 80s) The headquarters of the Temple, Lt. Col. Aquino's Russian Hill home, was raided by the San Francisco Police on Aug. 14, 1987, based on allegations that the home had been he scene of a rape of a four year old girl. In the raid, police confiscated 38 pornographic videotapes, photo negatives,and other evidence that the house had been the hub of a pedophile ring operating in and near the base. A month later, Hambright was arrested on ten counts of "lewd and lascivious acts" with six boys and four girls ranging in age fromthree to seven years. Aquino and his wife Lilith were never indicted with Hambright. Although several of the children identified the couple

Gotta love that his wife's name is Lilith.

Did you notice how Aquino's lips said the same words the other guy was saying offscreen?

This is a common, telltale acting mistake (betraying rehearsal), to mouth the other actor's lines. I'm saying Aquino trained that guy to feed bogus information on satanism on oprah and then use him as a straw man to discredit the 'dismemberment murder ritual' angle, and thereby sanitize it as "a harmless religion he and his wife practice in private"

Or he did it to freak out the other guy. Bounce radar off someone's head via satellites, and transfer that data to another individual. Get person A to mouth the words of person B before person B says them.

do better, shadester

The sad part about all this is that Satan isn't even real. All this murder for nothing.

Fucking this! So many people forget the shit is all made up. people who are desperate for answers to the big questions do not always act logically, perhaps because the strength of their emotions might compel them to find relief wherever possible, making them vulnerable to the persuasion of organized religions and cults that claim to have the information people desire, and the relief and security it supposedly brings.

Satan and magic are just excuses, illusions of a force 'too powerful to fuck with'.

People, on a primal level, are impacted by the most basic of symbols.

I remember this stuff from the 80's now. He is too confident he can't get caught, and his appearances on those talk shows demonstrated to any victim watching that he is indeed well above the law, and can make them disappear at will.

I can't look at his image without negative energy flowing up from my colon. God dammit.

And even if Satan were real, nobody actually worships him.

Satanism is real

They worship Saturn the planet

Everything in this reality is a vibration, There are certain vibrations that are manifesting in this reality from Saturn, as sort of like interference. Icke has gone in to this in some of his presentations.

I wonder if he has any relation to the Order of Nine Angels (Angles) 09A.

Myatt grew up in Tanzania, where his father worked as a civil servant for the British government

If Myatt ain't a spook it is a forgone conclusion he is acquainted with spooks. It is definitely a valid suspicion that Aquino and Myatt know each other. It is a certainty they know of each other.

(I am assuming here that reports that Order 9 Angels is a Myatt centered operation are correct. TRUE FACT: we ain't ever going to know the truth.)

I see what you did here =)

fingered by kids

Or the opposite. freddy got fingered

"dahdah do you want some sausage?" my gf and I laughed hysterically as old people walked out on that movie in disgust


Actually, I don't think he was close friend with Lavey in the end. Lavey was more philosophical and didn't want any satan "god" bs, while Aquino wanted his dead goat party and his satan. That's why the guy created his temple of set.

Michael Aquino is a poopy pants who is gradually being destroyed by the superior mind and religion of Israel Regardie.

Yay Hebrews! Go Tarheels!

Aquino is just a shitty Star Wars fanfic author who likes gothic crap and pretending to have superpowers.

Do you realize you might have accidently yuck-yuck apologized for a child pedophile?