Consider the Possibility

0  2016-12-13 by Zetterbluntz

Are we useful idiots? The pg evidence and pedo code that is required for pg to have teeth were provided by the CIA FBI to wikileaks.

The same CIA that wants to tell you Russia was the cause of the elections. The backlash from pg could be to get the conspiracy minded to believe that this one's real. Then the awakened go forth and push the buttons of everyone who just doesn't want to believe that this is real. This could be the CIA intentionally creating division among the skeptical and alienating those who disagree and creating multiple echo chambers in the process. -(Be it pro or against) This could be subversive info.

Now for part two of my theory: Eventually if pg is a false narrative planted by the CIA to cause strife, than they'll release the "debunking evidence".

Why? Why would they do this?

Because it would discredit all of us. Could you imagine if this actually gets legitimately debunked? What if this is literally the CIA pulling our chain and just giving us bullshit to waste our time and resources on.

The media would have a field day with multiple victory laps. The words conspiracy theory will forever be tarnished if this scandal really is just hot air. If that is the case, this isn't the brainchild of an overactive mind, it's direct subversion and controlled opposition.

The severe lack of any usable evidence is what seems to smell fishy to me as well. It seems to scream controlled opposition to me, as well as how the only thing any of us reference as evidence is these fucking jpegs that the rest of the internet finds laughable. I think the seed was planted and we gobbled it all up. We could be getting played.

Think how much easier it will be for our gov to ban "false news" if they "prove" the news is false?

I'm all for further investigation but I don't think we should tout it as fact despite the mountain of circumstantial evidence. These breadcrumbs could've been dropped, and there may not be more crumbs to find.

On another note- Would they really be that stupid?

Either Podesta is: 1) Completely incompetent at flying under the radar. 2) Was fucking bold as shit and went into panic mode when pg evidence unfolded (Logo change anyone??) 3) He's playing it by the book. CIA planted evidence, painted us a picture, and the internet did the rest.

Now if it turns out to be #3 -If you thought conspiracy theories were disregarded before you've seen nothing yet.

TL;DR: Hopefully we're not the sheep. Don't forget that the rest of the world is spinning, not just pizza.


Thing is, who has the right to define what "pizzagate" is? The reality of the situation is that "pizzagate" is different things to different people.

Probably the most likely common ground one could find as far as defining it in a way that most would agree with, would be to say that "pizzagate is a civilian investigation into suspicions of human trafficking that originated from interpretations of the Podesta emails." Or something worded better than that but that contains the exact same information.

But I have seen everything from claims that pizzagate is civilian research into child trafficking in western governments, to claims by skeptics and the MSM that pizzagate is a conspiracy theory that Hillary Clinton eats children in the basement of a pizza parlor, and everything in between.

And frankly there are conspiracy theories that are far easier to mock than whatever the hell pizzagate even officially is. No offense to some of you, not trying to be mean or anything, but reptilian conspiracy theories (which are popular in their own right as far as conspiracy theories go, thanks in large part to people like David Icke), are much easier to mock than suspicions about people who use pizza as sexual symbolism, then use that symbolism with children in 'art' and 'jokes' and then have powerful influential and financial ties with an establishment largely run behind the scenes by a think tank who has a proven history of defending human trafficking in ACORN and of helping the Clintons with scandals, when Bill Clinton was best buds with convicted child predator Epstein and took many rides with him on his Lolita Express i.e. rape jet.

If they want a conspiracy to make make fun of, suspicions about possible child abuse by government and political figures is the most tasteless choice they could have ever picked, and is also nowhere near as easy a target as something like David Icke's relatively-popular reptilian theories.

Perhaps what is most powerful about pizzagate is that it has no official definition, and that being a civilian investigation, it has spiraled out and into many different directions, with plenty of false leads, disinfo and bogus shit woven into a lot of valid information and history and solid reasoning for citizens to be concerned. It's like a slippery eel that everyone wants to control and define, but fkin nobody can, and it's just going all over the place.

Maybe this particular subject matter was chosen to get us to latch on and refuse to believe it may not be real. And at the same time those who don't want to fathom how deep this rabbit hole goes won't do so.

The lack of definition is part of the division. Those who want to dismiss it can easily by claiming the theory is about hillary eating babies; and the viewers in their particular echo bubble will gobble it up and regurgitate it to their friends. All to stamp out alternative news media and roll out a new censorship protocol? If they were to take our communication and information we have nothing to unite us against them anymore. Devil's advocate; it's what I do.

It would need to be a really long con. Podesta was claimed to be a paedo back in 2012 (Breitbart).

I agree, it would have to be a really long con and wouldn't explain why the South Korean president recently stepped down (because it was found that she was part of/taking orders from a satanic cult) or why the Italian and New Zealand prime ministers also stepped down in the last month.

As well, we have all this past evidence --- Recently, the huge Paedophile bust in Norway, The connection to Jeremy Epstein and his Lolita express, The big Paedophile scandal with Jimmy Saville and the BBC, the massive Paedophile ring uncovered in Australia and then we have the Finders cult in the 80s which has direct ties to the CIA and president bush. There's a ton I forgot, but Paedophilia and our leaders/the elite has been going on for way too long.

Honestly, conspiracy theorists already discredit themselves (whether right or wrong) in the eyes of the media and general public. Coming from somebody who used to think all conspiracy theories were horse shit, but now believes everything is actually a linked ploy- the media already largely enjoys shaming and humiliating cons theorists; pizzagate won't change much, because this whole deal is basically following the same exact trajectory as Sandy Hook and 911.

As far as the public goes, it is very diverse. Theres a whole bunch of people who think consp theorists are just nut jobs and wont be persuaded until the MSM has no choice but to concede the truth. There are also loads of people who don't trust the government, but the consp stuff sort of goes over their head- they would be willing to rebel if the right information got out, but they aren't about to join the ranks of consp theorists and start digging around.

I don't believe PG failing will change anything. I am sure that entities have purposely left false bread crumbs for consp theorists; but in my opinion, I do not believe that PG was a totally manufactured ploy to distract theorists. The people on these subs basically keep an eye on everything going on- the other stuff that doesn't get a lot of attention probably wouldn't get much attention even if PG didn't exist.

Personally, I think it would be retarded for the cia to artificially create PG, which even if it is a distraction, it is terrible self-slander that effectively unites a lot of people against the gov - the only people who will be satisfied with a debunk are the people who already don't believe in PG - the rest will still think something shady is going on

I think that the CIA self slander would really only apply to cons theorists. And since when did the CIA care about how the public feels about them? They've been breaking all the rules and doing terrible things since they were established and who's gonna stop them?

They create all this misdirected hate and then whip the rug out from under us. In the same blow they'll attack sources of "fake news". I hope I'm wrong. I really don't even put that much weight into my own idea about this. I just wanted to speculate with others about this whole thing possibly being a red herring from the CIA. They would gain a lot of control in this sub and voat using this. In voat you need 100 upvoats to unlock full upvoat/downvoat power. This scandal could easily be used to farm shill accounts. That would be a fucking petty use of this but that could just be a small piece of the pie. The CIA has already created blasphemous conspiracies to sit alongside real ones simply to discredit the conspiracy crowd. It wouldn't be the first act of subversion.

When I said self-slander, I meant towards the overall governing body, not just CIA.

This is the angle I'm coming from: the whole underlying concept for conspiracy theories is that the government is essentially trying to keep us stupid and docile so they can control us. They always want to limit their exposure and try to make the people 'like' them, which is substantiated by why politicians would tell the people what they want to hear in order to get elected in the first place.

Everything about this idea of using pizzagate to intentionally mislead the public sort of goes against that though. Once you open that can of worms, it is very difficult to close. Its like, if somebody gets arrested for allegedly having CP, but the charges get dropped, it doesnt really change the way that society views them; they are tainted, even though they were innocent. The public doesn't fuck around with this sort of thing- its a concept that EVERYBODY can rally behind, left or right; and it ANGERS people, especially when it is apparent they the news is poorly trying to deflect it.

If people think PG was a means of an excuse to push the Fake News, then it was a terrible way to go about that too. It just makes them look more guilty, and it also compounds peoples anger towards the censorship. Not to mention, if you want to pass bills to censor the first amendment, the ideal way to do that would be when nobody is watching- not when #pizzagate is trending lol.

To me, it looks like aggressive damage control, plain and simple. Im not saying PG is real- all I'm saying is that it looks like they don't like the rumors going around, and they are trying to stop it

Well said, there's a good chance I'm overthinking the damage control and overestimating our government. In my eyes, either the PG accusations are true, and merely leaked by someone who wants to not be suicided, or they were planted.

Personally, I think we are smarter than the gov. We just don't have the resources and tools that they have.

The original code was "found" on 4chan in association with "fbi leakers". My contention has always been it was a honeypot/trap to call out the crazies, and then to pull the rug, and pass legislation to outlaw the spread of things like this. It was a massive success. The psyops guys are great at their jobs, they'll get a raise.

The pedo code has no source.

The FBI not the CIA released the pedo symbol information.

by giving it to wikileaks?

This visually explosive FBI document reveals the secret symbols organized pedophiles use to recognize each other and is likely to be of broad interest to readers, especially parents. Wikileaks has verified the document.

The classification codes in used in the document (different parts have different classifications) are:


Law Enforcement Sensitive


For Official Use Only



Wikileaks believes the information will be of assistance to parents and other care givers in recognizing pedophiles. Wikileaks affiliated journalists obtained the document via "child erotica" networks in Spain, which raises the question of how this FBI document came into the hands of individuals so close to the people it is meant to be investigating.

Pedophiles who sexually abuse children as well as those who produce, distribute, and trade child pornography, are using various types of identification logos or symbols to recognize one another and distinguish their sexual preferences. To specifically indicate the pedophile’s gender preference, members of pedophilic organizations encourage the use of descriptions such as “boylove”, “girllove”, and “childlove.”1 These symbols have been etched into rings and formed into pendants, and have also been found imprinted on coins.

How to verify (as provided by our source) Call FBI’s Cyber Division, Innocent Images Unit on -----------. In addition the unrestricted parts of the document appeared briefly in an Ann-Arbour police newletter, subsequently removed from the internet, but the text is still available via Google's cache. Search for "formed into pendants, and have also been found imprinted on coins".

so, not "released" by the FBI or CIA, as I was intimating.

I don't think anyone said the doc was not legit. What is not legit is thinking businesses, clothing, logos and so on bearing slight resemblance to a common type of design element means they are automatically criminals. What is not legit is thinking companies will use these logos despite them being well-known by law enforcement, in order to "advertise" to other criminals in some way.

Oh weird I thought I was commenting elsewhere b/c I recognized ur username from another post I replied to. - My bad I'll change the post so it reflects that.

Could it not just be that they are distracting us with this so we don't investigate even worse crimes that have been committed?

If it's a distraction at all you can bet it'll be used to "Stop Fake News". ie- Silence news not spoonfed and approved by the establishment.

Watch true detectives. Same logo used. Show came out years ago. So...... Yea.... Explain that ctr.

I'm not disputing the symbols.

I'm disputing the code words of hot dog, pasta* etc

From 2010

God help us... If there is a God.

Any other questions

Didn't think so

Another possibility:

  • more than a year prior to election Russia starts social media campaigns designed to radicalize mentally ill people. We haven't been seeing false flags, we have been seeing crazy people driven over the edge by foreign agents trained in agitating them.

  • Black Lives Matter is an easy movement to create given dynamic between police and minorities. Push all kinds of theories through right wing media that suggest a race war. Cops start getting shot and a black president still doesn't want to take the emphasis off of the people being killed by cops. This alienates law enforcement from current administration.

  • Enter Trump. Huge social media campaign designed to basically SPAM the hell out of social media with pro-russia views is targeted at the conspiracy crowd. Smear campaigns are crowd-sourced on social media. All the shit is flung at the wall and anything that sticks (gets enough upvotes or echoes enough) makes it to main stream right wing news in a few weeks. Trump's first plan was to be an outsider. It worked well with the GOP base but it wasn't enough to win the general election. The narrative that was being provided by hacks and some added disinfo worked. Unfortunately, much of the analysis was of the same quality of the PG scandal, so he basically ran the entire end of the campaign on fake news and over the top accusations.

  • Intelligence agents could have been sympathetic to the campaign on social media and decided to make sure the side that the cops are on wins. (I'm thinking mostly FBI here). FBI is more sympathetic to police mindset than the other agencies. We may have had FBI or NSA agents hacking as a political act here. That is a very serious problem. The more I see Clapper acting politically, the more concerned I become that this is true.

  • In this context PG is just an extension of Russia's disinfo campaign. Their goal here is simply to make us fight ourselves. The fear by our gov't of fake news is real because they realize that some shit has been pulled on them and they need to cut off the flow of disinfo.

  • The Russians may well have allowed someone to hack one of their servers to allow a hack from there. CIA blaming the Russians for what Russian propaganda caused our own intelligence agencies to do would be exactly what they want.

But we don't have any proof of any Russian involvement whatsoever. Do we?

You didn't / don't see a massive propaganda campaign coming from Russia? They are definitely pushing their views through many media outlets. I presume a large part of the social media push that contains tons of links to their state run news agencies are also of a similar origin.

Aside from that my theory only suggests that the Russians are using propaganda, and allowing hacks, not doing the hacks themselves. This would be why we have Russian IP addresses involved in the hacking.

The problem is that we have no idea if the info is from Russia other than hearsay. Russian IP's involved in the DNC hacking?

Yes the claim is the IPs are Russian that were involved in the hacks.

My claim was that our agencies hacked our own politicians using Russian IPs that were allowed by Russia because they were sold on election rhetoric.

You have to see the end result here. Think of Russia not as someone seeking to kill us directly. They just want to remove the sign that says wet floor before they pull the fire alarm.

Oh weird I thought I was commenting elsewhere b/c I recognized ur username from another post I replied to. - My bad I'll change the post so it reflects that.

by giving it to wikileaks?

Watch true detectives. Same logo used. Show came out years ago. So...... Yea.... Explain that ctr.