The common man is everywhere on this planet yet a few thousand people run us like slaves from the top.

175  2016-12-13 by LightBringerFlex

I think I know the solution to this problem. The common man is everywhere. Most of us want similar things (peace, prosperity, ect..). The elite call us the blind giant because we are unable to see together. If we learn to see and act together, what can stop us?

We are in every corner of the world. We have 7 billion pairs of hands and heads on our shoulders. We cover the globe end to end. If we were 1 person, everything would be ok because this Giant (common man) can easily feed itself with all that power in numbers.

We need to figure out how to give this giant our senses so that it can act in unison. This giant of common men and women has to see and act in unison.

The first solution that comes in mind is information exchange on social media. The 2nd solution is meme magic and other types of images/text that send messages to the public.

If you look at the after effects of a flood, people are thinking together and scrambling to clean things up. If you drive, you can see all the people are thinking together so that accidents are avoided. We can think together but we have to figure it out completely so that it can be used.

The Cabal hates critical thinkers therefore we should be critical thinkers. Nothing is impossible. We just have to figure it out by combining our many minds together and putting it all together. There are a lot of smart idea out there. More than we give ourselves credit for. Let's brainstorm this shit and fix things up. I don't have time to wait another 18 years before the people finally wake up. Let's do this quickly.

Peace and prosperity with a fantastic economy is the prize. If we keep our eyes on the prize, it will help motivate us.

If anyone has any good ideas, please drop them all over the web for others to see. That would help too.


Stop fighting each other in arguments over other peoples opinions and fight the people in power hold them responsible for their greed. All you have to is walk on your government building. S.Korea perfect example, along with Brazil. we do not need government. we need a public forum to agree laws every man should live by. IE don't harm anyone else, help those who need it. no other person has a right to tell another how to live unless a crime has been committed. and no crimes need to be committed we have the technology now to provide every human on the planet with everything they need to eat and learn, to give everyone an equal opportunity not just hyper greedy 'elite' who live above the law the average man is held to.

This is exactly correct. This is how we have to make government. A big public forum.

Is South Korea making progress? I heard they had 2 million people in the streets. What's happening with Brazil? What about Venezuela where they are digging the trash for food?

The corruption in brazil where corruption has forced a revolution of sorts. Any private 'Bank' does not have public interests at heart. every nation must have a central bank where it lends to people at low interest where interest is fed back into the system to fund infrastructure, education basic food needs, not a few thousand people around the world living with so much money it can literally never be spent! all you have to do is walk upon your government.

This is true but the elite are purposefully draining the people by spreading misery. They want the people to bend down and beg for leadership to fix it. At that point, they will act as the world savior and attain power to control the entire world. This is what they want NOT what's going to happen. When we think about bankers greed, its not just for the money. Its for the power also.

We need to just understand this plainly so that we don't get confused and think the economy is impossible to improve. Its very easy to improve. We can live in a much better world if it was the will of all people to do so.

"If you knew how much the elite was holding back from the world, you would kill them with your bare hands." Conversations with God

i'm quite aware of the possibilities for an awakened society. zero point energy is so simple and limitless, we could populate the solar system in years! but that would supply the earth everything it needs and people wouldn't need banks or world leaders...

Spiritual awakening then comes after and takes us to the next stage of humanity.

Can you explain what you're talking about in terms of zero point energy and the spiritual stuff?

Certainly, zero point energy in terms of replacing engines, generating electricity, non fossil fuel replacement to fossil fuels is valid and already working and dirt cheap. It can also allow faster than light travel that paper is from 97 and that video before is from 8 years ago

The spiritual aspect of the comment relates to the fear everyone lives with. People are fighting with each other to the death because of religion, hate hammered into people from birth based on how strong the human spirit is and we ask the question how can someone blow themselves up? Quite easily when they believe their spirit is to be rewarded. My argument is that the human spirit is what separates us from other beings. If we focused it to good instead of greed the benefits could benefit every person on the planet. People argue over politics, over fashion, sport, money and more all this is a distraction, focus on being happy within yourself and help others to do the same. yes material things are nice but mean nothing if you are not happy.

We have the technology to feed and educate every person on the planet, The need for war is only one of greed.

Park Geun-Hye is being impeached. She is going to drag the process out as long as possible, which would cause her approval rating to plummet, but it has been steady around 4% for the last month. She and Choi Soon-Sil are puppets of the Bush/Clinton/Soros wing. They have also been spanked in the Philippines.

The scary thing is that the United States, Europe, and China are the last strongholds for this arm, but China is ruled by Chinese, and Europe looks on the brink of dissolution. This is why they are fighting so hard to stop transition to Trump. They know it's the big house, if Trump makes it to the White House. Psychopaths will sooner kill everybody than give up power - be prepared.

I rooted for Trump this whole time but now I'm having doubts since he hired some banker goons. Do you really think he is for us? I hope so. I'm not going to distrust him for no reason but his actions will tell a tale. If they are mixed (both good and bad), I think we are getting played. We'll see.

Either way, I hope Trump drains the swamp quickly.

I'm happy for the South Koreans. They are a good example to us all. They are working people power by the masses. That's a huge feat.

I have believed that the US election is NWO infighting. The banks still win, even if the CF and CGI are prosecuted. Goldmanite hires indicate that Trump will play ball with the financial establishment.

the Bush/Clinton/Soros arm has control over the media, and was willing to use its influence to force governmental agencies to goalseek and publish favorable results. On the one hand, they wrote themselves squeaky-clean reviews, but on the other hand, they have completely destroyed their credibility, as well as that of the MSM.

They say that power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. I think that this is one of the lessons of 2016. Rigging things way too successfully has led to a number of unintended consequences. First,the uniform reports about the "Great Recovery" left many people skeptical. Next, the railroading of Bernie Sanders left many Dem voters questioning the ethics and fairness of the DNC. The CTRs on Reddit hijacked r/politics, r/political_discussion, and even a few threads on r/the_Donald... but instead of changing peoples' minds, it just made Hillary and David Brock seem creepy af. When most of your support is manufactured, you've got real problems...

To some extent, we are all getting played. I am with you on rooting for better management. I keep thinking that Trump will end up like the next Nixon... might run thru 3 veeps (hopefully) and be extremely effective at a few policies. Is also certain to be hated by MSM. I don't have my mind made up, either. We will have to wait and see... I still think that the Bush/Clinton/Soros arm hasn't given up yet - they r gonna try to steal this piece.

Did Iceland really kick out / imprison the Rothschilds or was it just medium level bankers? Are all elite backdoors closed or are they still screwing Iceland somehow?

Iceland had a peaceful revolution of,sorts and arrested many mid level bankers. They took control of the country and life is a whole lot better now.

Russia kicked out the Rothschild bankers, and banned Soros. This is why Russia is demonized. Any country we cannot control is demonized.

But isn't there still a Rothschild owned central bank in Russia? If they really kicked them out, wouldn't they get rid of that debt machine?

Is there? Which one? I am going by what I read, but maybe it was not accurate. Is Russia in debt to a Rothschild owned bank?

Well I'm not sure if there's still a Rothschild owned/controlled central bank in Russia, I might be going on outdated information I read several months ago that showed a list of banks and Russia was on the list somewhere while Cuba, North Korea and Iran were absent. Some sites are suggesting as of August that Putin will or has nationalised their Rothschild owned central bank. Not sure how to confirm such claims but even if true, how do we know the Rothschilds are actually kicked out rather than using puppets as a proxy or something? Do you trust the BRICs thing or is that another pathway to the NWO?

OK. Thanks for that information. I have been reading up on all of this. We owe it to future generations to undue what President Wilson did. It is incredible to me that it has not already been undone.

You are right. These people are masters at operating behind the scenes, and keeping the true nature of how things work a secret. It makes it that much more difficult to "fix" things.

I know that they are Fascists and absolutely hate Communists and Socialists. This is why I push Socialism. It is not that I believe Socialism is a long term solution, but it must be better for us if the powers that be hate it so much.

The elite love socialism.....for themselves (e.g. subsidies, using our roads, abusing our tax money for war profits, etc.) But not for us "peasants". They want us to suffer rough capitalism because they know it's hard to get to the top like that. Shills always say crap like "start a business, you're lazy"...I don't want to bloody start a business! And besides, I'd be getting in debt with the BANK to fund/risk the business startup. These losers have no morals. Conservative = conserving LOW WAGES. They pretend it means "conserving the old ways"....YEAH, like forcing children up carcinogenic and dirty chimneys for super low wages just to help their families.....Miss them old days right? Lol. I cringe whenever some A-hole says "I'm a conservative" as if it's something to be proud of....conserving low wages = economic slavery. You keep the population needing more money just to survive, that's slavery. We're on a leach. I bet if there was a (democratic) socialist island, the NEOcons would be screaming "DICTATOR LIVES THERE, HE'S KILLING HIS PEOPLE, EATING BABIES AND....UH....WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRU.....hey is there oil there? Just curios bro...." :/ These scum want all the people as slaves. I don't understand these elite idiots. At the very least they could "cap" how rich someone can be if they're so desperate to be NUMBER 1. But it's not just about that. It's about keeping the population on a leach. Oh how I want to see the day that everyone becomes rich and the elite panic and make excuses, it will be priceless!

Yes, we think alike... I am sure you have read Chomsky, but there is this.

A lot of companies would be out of business if it was not for taxpayer subsidies. Others, like Walmart, take taxpayer subsidies and they refuse to pay their employees a living wage. The taxpayers have to subsidize them again!

I think it will get to the point where people will revolt, and it will be ugly. I see us getting closer and closer to it.

Have you watched Where Should We Invade Next by Michael Moore? He is annoying as hell, but this is actually a pretty good movie. We should not have to work our lives away. That is not living. Spending time with family and friends enjoying life is living. Being chained in a cubical is a horrible existence.

I agree. I don't really want to work 9-5 in a job I don't enjoy, for a company I don't like, to be paid a wage that's not reasonable. I think even 24/7 jobs should have people take it in turns depending on who likes to work at night and who likes to work in the day. I can totally see such a system work where no one has to work 9-5. I think with democratic socialism (or at minimum social democracy or bare minimum centrism) the population would be so educated, that doctors would not be in low supply, and they wouldn't have to be stressed all day doing work for example. Some people do long shifts. It's got to change. And the homeless aren't getting any more comfortable either. I'll check out the video when I can. I didn't know much about Chomsky but he seems pro-Corbyn (UK socialist politician) and pro-Bernie. So that's good.

Yes! You get it. I was making a ton of money working in an office, but I was losing my health. I said "Fuck this!" and gave it all up. I was making others rich, not me. I have been much happier since then. I can make enough to get by, and spend my extra time reading, hiking, drinking coffee, etc. I took back my life and could not be happier.

The US has the resources to make life easier and more pleasant for everyone. The problem, as you know, is that the selfish bastards at the top are ruining it for everyone but themselves. We need to put a stop to this.

Yes, Chomsky is great to read and follow. He has so much insight into the workings of the world. There is a Chomsky subreddit, and a bunch of videos on youtube. I highly recommend him. He is the world's leading intellectual, in my opinion. Nobody else is even close.

Do you want to see an intellectual beat down? Have you seen this before? It is Chomsky debating William F. Buckley.

As you guessed, I support Bernie to the end. We need more people like him, which is why the powers that be did everything they can to makes sure he was not President. We have to keep pushing for the 2018 and 2020 elections.

I am thrilled that Hillary lost in a landslide. I hope Trump messes things up enough that people will be ready for the Progressives.

We are the future.

Thank you for the interesting post. Are you on a low wage job, if so, is it still a pain, just not as much as the good pay office job? Is there a "next stage" in your plan? Just curious at possible plans of action, career wise.

I am not on a low wage job, but I could make a lot more. I do not care, though. It will not make me happy. I already learned that by slaving away in an office for several years. I work at home now, and I am much happier.

I could start my own company, but I do not want to deal with people at the moment. LOL.

What gets me is a company like Walmart makes millions, and the owners already have millions. However, they pay their employees as little as possible, then the employees have to get public assistance. The taxpayers give Walmart a lot of money and tax breaks, then we have to give Walmart employees money so they can survive.

Yeah, that's really not cool with Walmart. Do you mind if I ask what type of job you now have? Or at least include it in a list of types of jobs that you think would make people more happy than an office job? I always see these adverts with "work home, make lots of money" I know they're scams and stuff but I'm curious as to the real "work at home" jobs and what they involve. Sounds better than spending money, time, effort and discomfort to travel by train instead of working at home. Just curious of different options available.

I am a lawyer, and I built up a book of clients. I could make a lot more money at a law firm, but the people that work at such places are not the most pleasant. I was making great money, but losing my health. It is not worth it.

It is funny because there are about 4 lawyers that work out of the coffee shop I go to. The last thing they want to do is go work at a firm. LOL.

Lol. OK, Matt Murdoch. wink wink (Daredevil TV show reference...he's a lawyer that doesn't work in a big firm, as well).

I will have to look that up. Maybe it can be my undercover occupation.

Venezuela would be doing much better if the CIA were kicked out.

They fear Socialism, so lets give it to them.

Eliminate money and watch this problem vanish. Money is the means of control.

100% I sometimes say this and I am ridiculed. Money is the slave whip. This is totally true.

The alternative? Sacred Economics

We can all work cooperatively toward eliminating the purpose of money over time. People could pool their money together to build automated greenhouses using robotics/solar energy. Suddenly you have some amount of free food.

If everyone involved can eventually get enough free food for themselves, then you just eliminated money from that facet of life for those people.

We would have to run a full blown indoor farm where anyone can walk in and pick up foods of all kinds.

It would be a lot easier if we can take a whole state and run it on sacred economics. Everyone works a passion while being responsible to society when unwanted jobs need employees and we all work for free. One of us cuts down trees. The other guy transports the wood. Another guy builds a table out of the wood. We just run everything like clockwork and we all participate because the more people that work, the higher our quality of life. If we can only get a large stretch of land like a state where we have everything we need. That's when life will really get interesting.

How do you punish the people who only take and give nothing bac, or those who commit crimes like murder? Mob justice? How do you prevent mob justice from turning ugly (i.e. running the black family out of town in backwards areas)?

First of all, punishment doesn't work. It never has. It only works as long as there is an intimidating hand over someone's head and once that hand is lifted, the person repeats his behavior. Bad behavior is a result of a false belief system. Beliefs cause behavior.

2nd, we have to acknowledge that most of these crimes are crimes of desperation. People are so desperate, they sell drugs, rob banks, ect.. This desperation is artificial and can be lifted. Also, a lot of these desperate people eventually go crazy and some of them end up becoming murderers after going insane.

3rd This might seem like a pain in the ass but we have no choice in the matter if we want to succeed. We have to treat everyone in the world like family even if others don't. A lot of people need to set the standard for others to model. This is a must. Look at the ants. They all work together without issue or any particular loyalties to any other ant. They just use efficient teamwork. That's how we run the world. Whenever there are issues, we can set up a people's court. We have to change the laws to be much more clear though. They are cryptic purposefully so the elite can use it for their own benefit. Clear laws. We have to rethink punishment entirely. A prosperous world has low level criminals so if we can make the world prosper, we should be mostly dealing with a few Kooks that need psychiatric help.

The problem isn't money, the problem is we have a non voluntary money system, you can't opt out. I'm all for free trade, if two or more individuals agree that they're going to exchange using shiny rocks and call it money, I'm fine with that. What the problem is, we have a monetary system backed by guns.

The Federal Reserve needs to be nationalized. That is the first step.

The answer is higher consciousness - I like to believe it is achievable, but I don't know how. I think the first step is full disclosure on available information. Not only are we ruled by the elites, but I believe that important truths about history, religion and science are withheld from us. This lack of disclosure limits our view and perception of the world - we are trapped in a box of what we know (or what we think we know), and we need to globally escape that before we can achieve a united consciousness.

If we aren't biologically capable of some single consciousness, then I think the next answer would have to be through technology - some sort of chip add-on to the human brain that could convert digital data to whatever information protocol that our brain uses and vice versa- so we could essentially be connected to the internet all the time and seamlessly interact with one another. Opens another slew of problems, but its a concept

Sounds like a perfect plan for governments to enact mind control.

Well, the point would only be to transmit information, not actions. But already, the internet is essentially mind control. We are shaped on a minute-minute basis by the stuff we read on the internet, whether for good or bad. The chip would just be a new way analog-ish way to sync to the net

I think both the biological and the chip option are available. For technology, we need some kind of app that guides the masses. Something that can take input and output the thoughts of the masses.

We need to educate ourselves and other people about the inner workings. Then we can make the changes we want to be made.

True, they only rule with our consent, and consent is achievable with violence and by keeping everyone divided via religion, race and national origins.

Madman's rant below, expecting down votes.

We don't need leaders. We need rules based on common sense upon which we can all agree. This doesn't seem too far fetched. I think we can all collectively agree on what's right and what's wrong. Either way it would be 100x better than what the elite agree upon.

Next step would be a new currency on which we can all agree. But we'd want a decentralized system (no banks, no loans of sums that do not exist). Kind of like bitcoin. Imagine having something like that with the transaction fees going towards funding various projects (healthcare, education, infrastructure, research etc.). We'd just need to establish a way so that everyone starts off relatively equal.

If we would then just decide to use this new currency and abide by the rules we agreed upon the elite wouldn't be able to do anything. Their stacks of money would mean nothing, their power would mean nothing if nobody would abide by their rules and they are too few to take anything by force.

That is all cool and dandy... While we all bicker about financial systems, political ideology, social structures and conspiracy theories... You all forget the most important thing... And that thing is pussy.... As a great man has once said:

"everything is about Sex, except sex, that is about power"

So... Let's say we fix our other problems ( social, financial and resources) there will be always prettier women that more men will want to fuck than these women will be able to provide... In general it feels like this whole rat race is about fucking... Fucking the hotter women, who would only fuck the power full (rich and connected) men....

So what we gonna do about that?

Maybe a brave new world solution.... Where women would fuck as much men as possible and monogamy will be something frowned upon?

Love how everyone forgets this

A valid point. I think the first step would be to educate ourselves with regards to sex. We've been brainwashed by the media into thinking a man's worth is only measured by how much sex he has. On the other hand a woman's worth decreases based on the number of partners she has sex with. This shit needs to go away.

I don't think monogamy is the issue. If monogamy would still be a thing then we wouldn't be where we are now. Right now it's something like 10% of all men fucking most of the women.

That's because women are biologically programmed to want to fuck men with higher status. Back when we were cavemen those guys were most likely to provide them with food via hunting and protect their family from wild animals or other invading tribes. If you mated with a man who wasn't able to provide all that you and your kids would have probably died back then. Natural selection doing what it knows best.

Get rid of social status by changing the system and women wouldn't feel pressured to act on these impulses since they would see most men as being more or less equal. 50/50 chance of this resulting in either proper monogamy or everyone fucking everyone. Both would work well.

All valid points... And yes the 80-20 , alpha fucks beta bucks if very real.

The problem with women selection is like saying that men want to fuck young pretty women only because natural selection ensures that pretty, young and other traits is what will give strongest biological offspring...

If you think that will work..... try this... next time you watch porn find the exact opposite thing of what u like and then convince yourself that you should like it

I think overuse of porn is detrimental to the mind. It makes you content, it makes you numb to the fact that you are unhappy with the current state of things, it promotes inaction.

If you're part of the elite, you don't want people that question the bullshit they are fed, you don't want people that are unhappy and most of all you don't want people taking action as a result of the above.

It's perfectly fine to have preference and not everyone will have the same preference. So in theory there would be enough for everyone to be satisfied, but a select few are keeping everything for themselves (money, women, technology, information).

If we want to hit a grand slam:

  1. Government by the masses (centralized voting system for every major decision run by the masses).

  2. Sacred Economics (an economic system that doesn't use money at all). This way nobody can use it as a weapon to terrorize humanity as they are now.

These are big goals but this is how great people become great people. They believe that big ideas are doable and so they do it. Then everyone wonders why they became so successful. Its because they never say "I can't". There is always a way to achieve great things. All it takes is a constant stream of determination until its all figured out.

  1. Would be likely to work if you're suggesting something like a global referendum system in which we decide what to work on next, what's most important to do now and what we may want to change.

  2. What happens if someone consumes, but refuses to contribute to the greater good? If only a small percentage do it then it wouldn't be a problem, but if too many start to do it the system will collapse. Would we have certain rules against inaction?

    The problem with the current money system is that the elite can print as much of it as they want, they can lend you nonexistent money and then charge you interest. That's why I suggested a currency that always will have a limited number of coins.

If we did Sacred Economics, the first thing we would have to upgrade is our minds. It is true that the more workers we have, the higher quality of life we all will have. This way, people can feel the progress and this rewarding experience will further motivate them to work more happily.

We have to also teach people to work on themselves and be an example to others instead of waiting for others to act before they follow. This is much more efficient. Whoever is working should keep working because their work motivates others to work. Eventually, it will be against social norm NOT to pitch in unless someone is too handicapped to work. At that point, the community will have to intervene through friends and family. Also, it would be very wise to put up a public database where anyone can look up and see who is actively working. This way, we can identify the exact amount of people not working and figure ways out to motivate them to work. We shouldn't force anyone into it. Its a LOT better if people work out of pure free will. The bottom line is that all of our life qualities can drastically improve and so that alone is motivating enough to work every day. We may not even need 8 hours of daily work if most of us work. It might be 5 hours. Plus, most people follow their passions or they do noble duty like picking up the trash every week. We would be an army of people that feeds itself successfully. We would also gain an understanding of the value of work without money being involved. The whole world would have to be shared and there is plenty to share once we untap the vast oceans of resources the elite are holding back from us plus all the technology that's being held back would be used to create a much more efficient life for us all.

tptb will never let this peacefully happen on a large scale, and they have the largest guns, so what do we do about that?

this sounds great in theory, but what we actually need is people implementing this on a small then medium then large scale

this more or less sounds like the core principles of communism, everyone works together, shared resources, nothing happens without consent of the community

now how does this work in practice? an actual plan for distribution of resources, land, manpower, time, etc is needed.

we need built in measures to avoid the inevitable corruption, but what do these look, I can see transparency at every level being a must, but then we're exchanging privacy(depending on implementation won't be so bad).

further more we need to educate the populace on EXACT steps on what to do in the inevitable event that power beings to amass in a few, and what the signs look like, because as of now we're bred to just ignore it and hope it goes away

finally, what's the first step? where can we collectively gather online or in person to start, and how do we stop the inevitable infiltration and assassination by tptb through cia,nsa,fbi, etc, that's guranteed to happen once we get anything of size

all it takes is for one unstable guy to be convinced to build a bomb or kill someone and you're collectively labeled a terrorist group, Yet tptb will violently oppose you, kind words can't stop bullets,yet we can't fire back 🤔

we need leaders, but leaders can be compromised,it seems we would need vastly planned put education as you said

these are just some of the problems and things that need to be addressed if we're trying to go from talk->action

edit: also its shown that you can buy the hearts and minds of the majority when you have unlimited resources, how do you tackle that a large majority of people will actively fight against you/ a better society and imo are too far gone due to brainwashing

Ya transperancy is a must. Communism is forced labor that is selected by government and they use money. They are supposed to split the money among the people but they pocketed most of it instead. Money is too easy to steal. Sacred economics doesn't use money and it encourages people to choose their own path in the workplace.

We would have to work it one step at a time. I would first dig up existing organizations that want to try this. I heard the pirate party from Iceland wants to try this and they are very popular right now. So if they do it, I would love to move there. If a country does it successfully, the other countries might follow.

supposedly actual communism works the same as your sacred economics,no money community driven resource production and allocation, ie "real communism has not been tried" meme has some truth to it

if you're looking to iceland, do you think this isn't possible to start in the usa? it seems like getting a group of like minded people with the resources to accomplish this on a small scale would be an ideal starting point,if that's not possible then I don't see this taking off

I'm sure there are self sufficient communities in America but it's a very new fad that could be spread. One thing I heard is that the elite might trigger an economic collapse in the summer of 2017. They simply remove money from the economy to make it happen. If this happens, we would have to fall back on something like sacred economics or else many will suffer badly.

Another good bet is to talk about it often like we are doing here. Ideas travel fast and can reach powerful people before you know it who may help us with it in the future.

Starting small is good too. All we would need is maybe 200 people so we can all have our own jobs. Low population areas would be a good starting point. It would act as a haven for people who get crushed by the economy and grow from there.

It can be done, spreading the word is a good step in the right direction. Next would be showing others that it can be done. Small scale at first could work. Most people seem to be worried about guns. The thing is those guns are held by people. The elite never do anything themselves because they are too weak. So they make us do everything for them and turn us against each other. We need more people to wake up.

Sadly; It gets much worse than this. My theory is very controversial and usually met with skepticism or ridicule. I genuinely believe this to be true: When you die you will be pulled into the "Fake Heaven" which is actually an Astral Holding Area. After a period you will be judged by the "Archons". They will then say you must return for "More Lessons" and to remove "Karmic Debt". Both are complete scams. Your memories will be erased and you will be reinserted into this hellhole. We are used over and over as "Energy Slaves". The Archons are Parasites, and the Earth Global Elite work for them.. Google: 1)Archons White Light 2)Archons Reincarnation 3)Archons Lords Of Karma 4)Archons Reptilians 5) White Light Trap 6)Gnostics Archons 7)Illuminati Archons 8)Illuminati Lords Of Karma 9)Reincarnation Memory Erase. If you take the time and google search all these, you will come across a large amount of information.. It is much worse than you could imagine. If you google search what I have listed, you will come across an enormous amount of information. Watching "David Icke" videos on youtube will explain everything and is something everyone should do..

VP Henry Wallace could have ushered in an era of progressive equality and economic prosperity for all Americans. The damn democrat political bosses made sure to snuff him out. The world would have been a much different place if Wallace followed FDR instead of Truman.

I'd like a warrior society which conquers in the name of spaghetti monster.

1) Corporate mainstream media. Boycott it. Pirate it, whatever. Start a social media channels that shill alternatives cannot compete with (Alex Jones for example is a shill). 2) Somehow get sheep off their asses. I say: "BRO, the illuminati want WW3!!" Sheep replies "I don't care man, I got my own WW3 on BattleField 1 in glorious 4K, leave me alone bro." How do you wake these people up? Maybe show them building 7 xD 3) Maybe make an "Anonymous TV" social media channel only run by some conspiracy guys who don't reveal their identities so the channel is never hijacked. Then make videos about the truth about politics, the illuminati, common myths, etc. If short snappy videos were posted daily on Facebook, you'll see a lot of people waking up. 4) Figure out how to stop people being bribed/blackmailed with money and stuff. Money is their biggest power, without it, those elite banker scum are powerless. Perhaps alternatives to money on the community level? Separation of currency. Maybe you want a graphics card from the U.S. but live in Germany, use the national currency I guess. But if you wanna buy fruit from your local German fruit stand, exchange new currency. It would have to be some cleverly thought campaign....kind of Brexit-ish where the theme is "nah don't worry we're not gonna go broke, Brexit and Trump, see weird stuff can happen and we can do better". This is really ambitious stuff but maybe we can get the ball rolling? Bernie Sanders almost single-handedly woke millions up, many had NO IDEA the bankers, corporations and wallstreet had anything to do with their economic hardships and stuff. Now more are aware of conspiracies. We can use some elements of Bernie's campaign that worked, into the conspiracy channel. It needs to really hammer the truth like "illuminati are not reptilian magicians, that is propagada. They are international criminal bankers collectively worth $500 trillion from 200 years worth of economic slavery from their debt-based banking system they've been handed down." This video is pretty short and helpful in waking people for example: But we have to make it absolutely sane-looking because there are still people who think "conspiracy theorists are crazy" -_- We gotta mention myths like Flat Earth that muddies the waters too. And stuff the CIA have been involved in like smuggling drugs in ghettos and such that have been CONFIRMED/admitted by Nixon administration officials at the time.

At this point the only good ambition is a big ambition so we have to be very ambitious about everything we want as a people. So far I found Sacred Economics the only alternative that doesn't use money and it looks good. It's a coombaya type of economy that literally builds tight knit, cohesive communities and breaks the slave chains once and for all. Let them worry about the debt. We don't need money to live large!

I think we all need to live in small villages of 30-200 people. Building organic community structures on top of the village "cell" unit. Would solve a lot of problems but there are a lot of obstacles in the way today's society is set up. I'm trying to chip away some at this by moving toward this type of living. There are many others, I'm seeing a lot of earthship, sustainable farming communities, CSA, home school groups, even gyms or sports teams a lot of these are similar to the underlying idea.

We need to prevent a one world religion from taking control of us. That's the main tool the elite would like to use to set up their government.

Sounds like some real workers of the world unite shit.

We saw how well that went.

They'll just find more ways to coerce and manipulate and buy themselves into power and voila. No real change.

We need more creativity on our side.

Go after the people at the top. The police do not know any better. Politicians are easily replaced. The people responsible for our grievances are never held accountable. There is less than 1000 of them. Probably less than 100.

Love how everyone forgets this

A valid point. I think the first step would be to educate ourselves with regards to sex. We've been brainwashed by the media into thinking a man's worth is only measured by how much sex he has. On the other hand a woman's worth decreases based on the number of partners she has sex with. This shit needs to go away.

I don't think monogamy is the issue. If monogamy would still be a thing then we wouldn't be where we are now. Right now it's something like 10% of all men fucking most of the women.

That's because women are biologically programmed to want to fuck men with higher status. Back when we were cavemen those guys were most likely to provide them with food via hunting and protect their family from wild animals or other invading tribes. If you mated with a man who wasn't able to provide all that you and your kids would have probably died back then. Natural selection doing what it knows best.

Get rid of social status by changing the system and women wouldn't feel pressured to act on these impulses since they would see most men as being more or less equal. 50/50 chance of this resulting in either proper monogamy or everyone fucking everyone. Both would work well.