STOP with all the political posts - speculating on what Trump will or won't do IS NOT A CONSPIRACY

63  2016-12-13 by WhenYouCloseYourEyes

this sub is getting flooded with way too many speculative posts about how Trump is going to ruin the country, he is "the system"

Trump Trump Trump!

No different than the current "russians rigged the election" lie = no proof. No one can predict the future, especially without evidence other than your perception of politics or your internal hate for a party or person.

STOP POSTING THAT SHIT HERE!!! go to T_D or Politics

this is about conspiracy - we're not here to talk about your speculative bullshit about Trump's picks.

are these shills? what is going on?


STOP with all the posts complaining about all the posts.

For real, there are now more posts complaining about Trump-bias than actual Trump-biased posts.

Given that Trump is the first president-elect to even question 9/11, WMDs, MSM bias, The Federal Reserve, Corporate Lobbiests, etc - I'm not surprised to find Trump-related conspiracy theories.

"Only talk about conspiracies I agree with"

Ya. No.

no, Im asking people to stop with the politics

tell me how are Trumps picks are a conspiracy?

the fact that DNC are trying to desperatly to dismantle the election is a clear sign to me he is not one of them. If anything I am worried he is unknowingly being inflitrated by NWO stooges that will do their best to destroy him from within.

I think OP's point was speculation about cabinet positions aren't really conspiracies. They're shitty politics.

don't tell me what to do

it's multiple propaganda engines with both organic and non-organic components IMO

I have to agree with OP - the speculation isn't going to go anywhere. There simply isn't enough information. If somebody leaked some emails from Trump / his staff, then maybe I could see some formulation of a conspiracy. It is important to publicly vet the people that Trump appoints, for sure - but beyond that, there really isn't much substance to speculate a major conspiracy beyond "he will / will not be establishment".

the speculation isn't going to go anywhere.

there's plenty of information. look at his appointees and their history. why do you want to judge people on what they say rather than what they do? these are salespeople.

I already addressed this - it only leads to two avenues: either he will be establishment or he won't be. I see the argument that he will be establishment, for sure. But I also see plenty of evidence that he may not be (and it is more than just "he said this"; its about reading the behavior of the whole system, not just one person).

The fact is, that is ALL of the information we have right now and it is inconclusive either way. We are just wasting bandwidth arguing over it until we get some more information.

either he will be establishment or he won't be

i understand what you are trying to say, but you've really oversimplified these concepts in your mind. that comes across as a very "low information" thing to say.

His appointees (including his VP) have a history behind them. Even though Trump himself can make excuses as "a businessman" we're talking about people who can be evaluated at face value for their actions.

It's not a waste of time to evaluate the team of "very very smart people. very very smart..." that he is putting together to run his administration. Ignorance is not an admirable quality.

exactly, conspiracies start with at leat SOME evidence, coded emails, redacted documents etc.

not giving someone a chance to perform before judging them, is not a conspiracy

My guess is that this is a tactic being used to keep certain topics from being exclusively focused on. I mean, there is suddenly a political thread a minute and strangely people are discussing candidates as if they are separate entities. Remember, if you think politics matter you are in the wrong sub. Politics is nothing but a smoke screen for small minds to argue over

Or people are bored of certain topics and looking for new stuff amongst the deluge of pizza.

is there a a conspiracy section that filters out US Political Conspiracies?

Your moms a conspiracy.

I honestly don't even get why he's apparently so popular here, besides the fact that he's not Hillary.

He's a billionaire corporate stooge who is filling his cabinet with other corporate stooges and climate deniers.

Gotta be a special kind of stupid to believe that the guy would somehow have the interests of the common man at heart. lmao

I honestly don't even get why he's apparently so popular here, besides the fact that he's not Hillary.

Throughout his campaign and throughout his life, he has touched on some topics that have been prevalent among partisan and/or political conspiracy theorists for years. His campaign team also made some statements/tweets on the same notes.

Some conspiracy theories are of a political nature, in some cases directly and in some cases loosely. And then there are additional conspiracy theories that Trump has essentially tricked millions of people by pretending to believe in certain political/economic conspiracy theories. So theories based on theories based on theories sort of tunnel.

And that's even using conspiracy "theory" loosely as a term itself, since in some cases it's theory, and in some cases it's simply observations of something that few want to acknowledge.

And then anyway, on top of all that, he won the vote for presidency, so now he's an even bigger deal than he was even just a few months ago. And now there are additional conspiracy theories being rolled out in regards to Russian involvement, as well as the CIA and FBI throwing down covertly over the election, etc.

I'm also not really used to conspiracy theory communities receiving so much attention or traffic, although I'm fairly new to this place in particular. But if it was like what I'm more familiar with, a smaller community that gets almost no traffic/attention and mostly discusses aliens, secret society, ancient civilizations, etc and then is suddenly, utterly flooded with political conspiracy theory talk, then I guess I can see how that would be really obnoxious to long-time regulars.

then I guess I can see how that would be really obnoxious to long-time regulars.

Oh totally.

I'm so fucking sick of hearing about the damn election. Honestly, the guy could fucking get us nuked and I could deal with it, as long as I don't have to see a billion posts about it every day.

Same shit, different day, no matter what the twatwaffle does with his new power, I doubt it could be any worse than W's reign of terror, the world will keep on turning regardless.

Gotta be a special kind of stupid to believes the Clinton Cartel would somehow have the interests of the common man at heart. lmao


Did I say that she would somehow be preferable? Nope.

I just don't get why people latched on to this dude so much. (Note: I'm not American, so no horse in this race either way)

Entertainment value alone? Perceived wild card factor?

In all seriousness, the absolute worst I would have expected from a Clinton presidency would have been more of the same. We survived Obama and Bill ok.

Ugh, just because you don't like Trump doesn't mean you like Clinton. It's not hard to understand. You act just like a Clinton supporter.

I already addressed this - it only leads to two avenues: either he will be establishment or he won't be. I see the argument that he will be establishment, for sure. But I also see plenty of evidence that he may not be (and it is more than just "he said this"; its about reading the behavior of the whole system, not just one person).

The fact is, that is ALL of the information we have right now and it is inconclusive either way. We are just wasting bandwidth arguing over it until we get some more information.