Russia helps Trump win election, taken as fact in the mainstream, no evidence. Worldwide elite pedophile ring, compelling evidence, considered "fake news" by the mainstream.

1171  2016-12-13 by 4thdimensionalshift

Anyone else find this hilarious?

Edit: it really shows how controlled media is (not like it wasn't obvious already) when they won't even touch the evidence of pizzagate. So anyone who has the argument "the media won't talk about pizzagate because the evidence isn't good enough" must feel pretty silly right about now.


No, it's amazing. It's amazing because it is working so beautifully.

Focus on Trump vs. Clinton, don't focus on what the elite do in their spare time. Don't focus on the fact that if we didn't slave away at our shitty and pointless 9-5's, the eceonomy would literally crumble. We must consume, or we die. We must spend money, or the thing breaks.

This is just the another thing they do to keep people feeling like they understand the world. Pedophilia? That's awful! I wouldn't want that to happen. Well, maybe it's not. I feel better already.

Go red team, go blue team!

Go Team Love!

I'm honestly expecting our electoral college to not 'elect' Trump. We'll see in 6 days.


TPTB want the system to crash. Strange days are ahead.


The more desperate and divided the public is, the less prepared we are to oppose whatever the next move in the game is. TBTB create a Problem, stoke a Reaction, and propose the Solution. They're boxing us in one crisis at a time, and they have become exceedingly efficient at it.

They don't give a damn about the 'stuff' you waste your time making. They just want you scared.

There's like 30 dnc ones having a presentation on the Russian accusations to decide if they vote or not! They are using this Russian bullshit to fix the election.

They are constantly dangling carrots in front of angry Americans looking for an outlet. This is what's so frustrating to me about Pizzagate. It's just another carrot. For fucks' sake, the source of the Pizzagate conspiracy could BE the government.

Pizzagate comes directly out of Podesta's emails. The government did not want the public to have years of Podesta's emails.

Even if the Russians are responsible, all they did was expose Hillary rigging the primaries.

I love how you never see Russians hack, and Bernie Sanders in the same article.

Maybe they're the same person!

Both communists! (/s obviously)

Maybe they're the same person!

Maybe they're the same person!


Death rattles

And possibly have dirt on Trump and the RNC. If they were able to get at the other side what makes you think they didn't hack the Republicans? Also the Tillerson appointment could already be interpreted as Putin blackmailing Trump and handpicking a Russian surrogate over Mitt Romney. I mean we can dismiss it all we want and circlejerk about Pizzagate and the Clintons, but the only real winner out of this election is Putin and to a lesser extent Russia.

Insane. Random words strung together. The left has lost all credibility on this one. You're not going to be able to climb out until you've changed your tune.

Well, I mean you can definitely try to argue against my "random words strung together," just know that Trump and America are going to be Russia's cuck, for lack of a better word, for the next four years. If you don't believe there was any Russian hacking whatsoever in this past election or if you think it was only against the Dems, wake the fuck up. while this article is from CNN and you can call it fake news as much as you want, here's proof of a Republican saying at the very least "Republican political operatives have also been hacked." There has been hacking and with hacking comes blackmail opportunities, which is exactly what we see here. I had never heard of Rex Tillerson until after Trump was done embarrassing Mitt Romney in front of the nation, is that not a little suspicious along with his close ties to Russia? Also this isn't an issue that should deal with either being classified as being a part of the "left" or "right," it's a matter of sovereignty and national integrity. Honestly though, surprised that someone with such a strong myths-symbol complex rejects information that even slightly goes against the rhetoric of Trump. That is if you're a real person, for all I know you might as well be a Russian zombie account who posted in this sub. #MAGA oh fuck..... I meant #МРГА

Attack the messenger all you want. Hell start WW3 over it, but its not going to change the fact that you are supporting the most corrupt politician in history. She rigged the fucking primaries.

Says the guy who initially attacked the messenger. Did I ever say I supported Clinton? See that's where the issue lies for me with Trump supporters, you're all so dogmatic and aren't willing to criticize Trump, despite how his history of corruption will make him just as corrupt as, or even more than, Clinton.

How do you know that's all they did?

How do you know that's all I know?

Because that's all the Clinton dead enders are crying about.

How is that evidence, at all? What kind of conspiracy subreddit is this?

My mom's sister's friend's brother knew a guy. That guy had a friend who knew a guy who was super smart. The super smart guy said it was true. Obviously 100 percent certain.

Zoidberg . . .

So they could get their guy elected


The alternative viewpoint is that members of this community believe in things like: Bush did 9/11, Sandy Hook was a false flag, Obama is a Kenyan Muslim, and Hillary is a member of an international child sex-slavery ring. But they find it laughably unlikely that Russian hackers gained access to unsecured email accounts.

Why do you think this is?

Someone has already taken credit for supplying Wikileaks with their info. And I think the main problem is that the mainstream news is the one reporting on it. If the media started pushing a Bush did 9/11 agenda I would immediately think that's just what they want us to think. Just follow the money, owners of these mainstream news networks have everything to lose if they can't completely discredit Wikileaks and those who support the amazing work Julian Assange has done.

Put on your critical thinking cap for a second: What if Assange has been co-opted, and isn't the bastion of impartiality you all seem to think he is? Hasn't he seemed rather one-sided in his leaks lately?

Why hasn't he, in the past 18 months, put out anything even vaguely anti-Russian? Just a coincidence?

Julian Assange has been missing for weeks with no proof of life, and many suspect that WL has been compromised.

Wait so because he hasn't posted anything anti-Russian your saying he's on board with the Russian Government? That is such a strech and has no real evidence whatsoever similar to the idea that Russia is involved in the first place...

It's not just that. When the Panama papers came out he was dismissing it as a US funded operation to attack Putin. That for me was the clear he's in team Putin sign. Also if you go back to very beginning he gave info on dissidents to a regime friendly to Putin. Can't remember the details but I can look it up if you care.

It was a bit convenient there were no real us citizens in it...

The fact that the MSM covered the Panama papers so heavily was the biggest red flag for me. Compare that to the coverage Wikileaks got. Not to mention, as u/Middleman79 stated below:

It was a bit convenient there were no real us citizens in it...

Convenient indeed

Just think man, could the Russians possibly hack unsecured e-mail? Why with a password like p@ssw0rd, why podesta thought he was so clever I'll never know.

Quite possible!! But until I see some evidence either way I'm inclined to remain skeptical.

|Why hasn't he, in the past 18 months, put out anything even vaguely anti-Russian? Just a coincidence?

The problem with this argument is you can interchange "Russia" with literally any country not mentioned by Wikileaks. I don't know whether it's Russia or not. But I do know someone has already taken credit, and that there's more evidence for pizzagate than there is for the Russia Wikileaks link. The integrity/whereabouts of Julian Assange has yet to be determined. I'm not wildly speculating, just sticking to the facts here.

So 6 years ago, Wikileaks was about to drop a ton of info on Russia. But nothing was ever released, probably because the FSB said they could shut down Wikileaks permanently

In January 2011 (only a few months later), Assange is given a Russian visa. The following year his show on RT begins.

There is certainly evidence for something being up. What happened to the Russia leak, and what was said or done to keep them from being released? Here is an extensive post detailing the connection

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He isn't impartial. He's clearly anti Hillary. But it doesn't matter where his interests lie he's putting out information nobody is claiming the information is false. He gives information and lets us make up our mind while the media try to tell us what to think.

Hasn't he seemed rather one-sided in his leaks lately?

Because he's dead.

Why hasn't he, in the past 18 months, put out anything even vaguely anti-Russian?

Because he was attempting to expose the corruption in the west, not russia. When did wikileaks ever focus on anything non western during the past 10 years?

Funny you should say that last bit. Wikileaks was going to release very damaging leaks on Russia in 2010, and then it was never spoken of again. Then, 3 months later Assange was issued a visa to Russia.

The main focus has always been on the West. As I said -- they never released it.

Probably because the FSB compromised them. Assange himself said he was getting help from the States, so there was clearly intent.

WK has posted leaks before about Putin and Russia. Get your facts straight!

Someone has already taken credit for supplying Wikileaks with their info

lol, well that settles it then. Go home folks, someone took credit!

If the media started pushing a Bush did 9/11 agenda I would immediately think that's just what they want us to think.

Well that's not a thought process that could ever lead you to false beliefs. Whatever the media says is wrong, so whatever they don't say must be true! Brilliant deduction.

No one said to "go home" but you.... Don't misinterpret what I'm saying. Just stating that someone already claimed it, you have the free will to believe it or not.

I don't trust a lot of things. That's why I get my information from many different sources. Some of those sources spin the story or purposefully leave out important evidence. I do hope one day you begin to understand how the mainstream media is literally just an elite controlled propaganda tool.

You could tone down the sarcasm, no one is going to take your point seriously if they feel attacked, just saying.

I see all of these posts talking about how there's so much evidence, but I haven't seen any that list links to all of this evidence. I'd be totally interested in reading it, because I'd like a chance to evaluate it but so far just have read people who already believe it and don't post any of the evidence that's convinced them. it's extremely irritating. if anyone here would like to write out what convinced them, or link me to the emails, or to articles or, really, anything at all, I'd appreciate it.

This summary has a lot of good information, some stretching, some pretty sketchy, but this is most of it!

You forgot that Michelle Obama is a Transgender male and Obama is gay.

This is clearly false, i have never heard of a gay lizard.

These are my personal favorites.

It's actually very simple if you think of this not as a group of people willing to believe anything, nor as a group of people in search of the truth through critical thinking. But rather, think of it as a group of people actively seeking to disbelieve what are commonly held beliefs and/or beliefs stated in main stream media.

Then this behavior makes perfect 100% sense.

After all, isn't a conspiracy theory typically just a theory that most people believe are horseshit, and rejects the commonly accepted version of events? Wouldn't a conspiracy theory community center around theories that most people believe are horseshit, and reject commonly accepted versions of events, especially if the mainstream media tells it that way?

Sometimes the commonly accepted version of events are wrong. Sometimes what most people believe to be horseshit is actually correct. It is healthy to challenge and reject commonly held beliefs, and instead see the logic in an alternate theory sometimes.

But someone who does these things all the time are likely plagued by irrationality, unwarranted paranoia, and believing in uncommon beliefs just because they are uncommon, and disbelieving in common beliefs solely because they are common.

What, then, would plague a community that is balls deep in conspiracy theory all the time?

I would say a bigger issue is the way most of these conspiracies are worded in the media. To say 'Bush did 9/11' or 'Hillary is operating a child sex ring out of a pizza parlor' invites ridicule and completely misses the point on both issues.

Hillary is operating a child sex ring out of a pizza parlorp

It does not help that most people who believe in pizzagate genuinely believe that James Alefantis runs a child sex ring out of his pizza parlor, and base this largely on Instagram posts of his goddaughter.

The pizza place being a hub of a child sex ring is literally why it is called "pizzagate". And people who believe the theory are the ones who gave it the name, not mainstream media.

Hey somebody out there is running a pedophile ring. Kiddie porn doesn't make itself. And there is precedence for a pizza shop owner involved in cp. look up Dojo Pizza. Of course none of this proves Alefantis is the kingpin. But pedophile ring mos def exist.

No one is saying that pedophile rings don't exist. But saying "This man is running a pedophile ring in the basement of his pizza parlor, and these Instagram posts of his goddaughter PROVE it" is literally what pizza gate believers believe.

If representing it this way invites ridicule, then they shouldn't base their accusations of heinous crimes on instagram posts of the guy's goddaughter and a cryptic code, literally made up entirely by one guy on 4chan, in emails that have nothing to do with Alefantis.


i like how you paint all pizzagaters with one brush, as if everyone holds the same strict beliefs when that is obviously false.

the "pizza gate" name was disputed on this very sub, with people calling for it to be called "pedogate" so people like you couldnt paint the picture youre painting.

the "pizza" came from a couple strange emails in podestas archive speaking about stuff using pizza as code, this led to investigation into other pizza related emails in the archives, this then led to that spirit cooking lady which ultimately led to alefiantis.
alefiantis just happened to be named one of the most influential people in DC
this led to speculation on his business practices, obviously. the point being, how can a standard pizza shop owner be SO influential? turns out. he has big friends.
people then sleuth his public info, including his businesses public instagram which was, for a public business that invites children into its doors, highly sexual
also holds all ages shows for bands that are quite, "artsy"(for lack of a better word) with their content. bands like "heavy breathing" that play songs called things like "all the children" with art that is extremely sexual.

pizzagate doesnt JUST refer to the allegations regarding alefiantis. pizzagate addresses all manner of powerful people abusing children. google pizzagate norway and youll find that norway has just arrested 51 people including lawmakers and officials. this too, is pizzagate.

so to say that all people who think pizza gate is real, think these very specific allegations are true is extremely disingenuous

Edit: it's like saying all Muslims are terrorists

the "pizza gate" name was disputed on this very sub

The fact that a small minority of pizzagaters disputed calling it pizzagate does not change the fact that the majority wants to call it that, that the pizza restaurant is central to the conspiracy theory, or that the vast majority at the very least believes that Alefantis and Podesta rape children, if not all the allegations made against them.

the "pizza" came from a couple strange emails in podestas archive speaking about stuff using pizza as code

You do know that the code words, often put on jpegs that PROVE pizzagate is legitimate, were entirely made up by one guy on 4chan and there is no record of them being used in the way they are allegedly being used before this conspiracy theory, right?

alefiantis just happened to be named one of the most influential people in DC

this led to speculation on his business practices, obviously. the point being, how can a standard pizza shop owner be SO influential?

Maybe taking a pizza shop owner being featured in a magazine as the gospel isn't a rational thing to do?

The only feasible way this can be used to support the allegations is if you also believe that the magazine was privy to his child raping satanic rituals in the basement of his pizza parlor, and included him because of the influence hosting these rituals granted.

However, my pet theory is they included him because he regularly hosted fundraisers that occasionally made a lot of money and occasionally big wigs would show up, and the author of the article about the 50 most influential people in DC was down to the dregs because 50 is kinda a lot of people.

I know my pet theory is fucking ridiculous, though. But for some reason I still believe it.

people then sleuth his public info, including his businesses public instagram which was, for a public business that invites children into its doors, highly sexual

No, they weren't. This is objectively false, unless you consider pictures of his goddaughter to be "weirdly sexual".

Alefantis' friend, and not James Alefantis, posted some sexual jokes involving pizza. And an adult posting sex jokes for his adult friends to see is not proof for a damned thing.

also holds all ages shows for bands that are quite, "artsy"(for lack of a better word) with their content. bands like "heavy breathing" that play songs called things like "all the children"

I really hope I don't have to explain to you that a restaurant that normally caters to all ages occasionally hosting events meant for adults is not at all suspicious. I also hope I don't have to explain that a band that performed in his restaurant also having questionable songs in their catalog doesn't prove shit.

James Alefantis should not be held personally responsible for every song or every view of every person who ever performs at his restaurant.

google pizzagate norway and youll find that norway has just arrested 51 people including lawmakers and officials. this too, is pizzagate.

Saying that a case that has literally nothing to do with anything about pizzagate, or the "evidence" presented to support the theory, is "also pizzagate" because it happens to be about pedophilia is horribly flawed logic. And you guys only do it because, since this an actually real and credible thing, linking it to your pile of horse shit makes your horse shit look more credible. Not because there is a logical connection between the two.

it's like saying all Muslims are terrorists

If you say "most Muslims are terrorists", what you're saying is egregiously and objectively incorrect.

If you say "the vast majority of pizzagaters believe Alefantis rapes children", you would be making a true statement.

This is the difference.

Those code words were used well before any of this shenanigans. Cheese pizza on 4chan/b/ was a standard Internet thing. It wasn't "made up by one guy" it has a full and thorough history on the Internet. You're foolish or misinformed if u think anything else... when I get home I'll read and refute the rest of this post if it's all as dumb as that remark.

Cheese pizza was literally the only thing that was a "codeword" before this came up, and even that was lied about blatantly on the "codeword" list.

Cheese pizza was used, explicitly and only, to mean Child Porn. That's the only thing it was standard for.

The bullshit of "cheese" meaning "girl" and "pizza" meaning "little girl" is completely made up.

As is "pasta" meaning "little boy", "ice cream" meaning "male prostitute", "walnut" meaning "person of color", "map" meaning "semen", and "sauce" meaning "orgy"

It is all completely made up fake horse shit that did not exist before this conspiracy theory, made up by one guy on 4chan. And I've seen this "code word list" passed around quite a few jpegs that PROVE pizzagate is true.

hey man, jimmy savilles a pedo and so are some serious officials in norway, thats the shit that pizza gate is addressing. its out there. why not here?
i agree with all the other random codewords, but there are a few that i recognized like pillow->prostitute dominos->domination
my point being, when a group adopts a certain codeword, the things around the MAIN codeword get codewords too

for example a kid i knew used to sell "concert tickets"(drugs) "front rows" was the good stuff, floors were other drugs (use band names to specify for example 'infected mushrooms' 'cocaine cowboys' etc)
so its not COMPLETELY unbelievable that someone who has actually been in the pedo community or close to it, much like since i used to lurk /b/ i learned about the cp/pizza codewords; its not unbelievable for them to know about the other codewords used, and its not unbelievable that the codewords change from each circle to the next...
and this is why i suspend my disbelief, because of evidence not only at home (400 kids freed in canada from pedo rings a couple years ago) but also very recent (im sure because of all the pizzagate hubub) high profile arrests and busts over seas (150 terabytes of kiddy porn and only 51 arrests, pretty lackluster if you ask me but i dont know the data on how many TB each guy had)
if it can happen over there, with their media stars and with their newspaper CEOs covering for them (guy whos now the NYT CEO/Saville). it most certainly can and has happened over here, and most likely is going on to this very day.

the fact that the DOJ official responsible for child trafficking stuff "liked" the photo of the little girl taped to the table really irks my conspiracy nerve. along with other things. but as you can see its not totally absolutely, completely, bonkers irrational. at least, i think i have made that relatively clear.

To follow up, I'm on mobile so forgive me
The pet theory is probably why the article had him in the list , I agree with that, why he's so connected is the question in the conspiracy mindset...
The photos I refer to are pictures of men with pizza over their dicks, which were posted to the comet pizza account. Having that beside the little girl is the contrast I was talking about
And the shows with the questionable lyrics/songs/art were for all ages. That was the strange bit, that they advertised adult content for all ages.
Furthermore I agree on the fact it's all objective.
And that alefiantis shouldn't be held accountable for this heavy breathing band. It just so happens that she is the spirit cooking lady who has ties to podesta, which is interesting but still just objectively creepy.
And then you find out lady Gaga is friends with the heavy breathing girl and then you FU KING SEE LADY GAGA DRESSED AS A NAZI OKMicheal Jackson at Hilarys speech and you're like wtf does lady Gaga have to do with hillary Clinton ?
So like I said before. It's not all completely irrational
And ya the people who adamantly think alefiantis is actively a pedophile is high, but to my knowledge there hasn't been a statement addressing all this pizza gate stuff and that just fuels the conspiracy.

I think it's a disservice to dismiss it so easily.
Dave Chappelle said the worst thing you can call someone is crazy. because it's dismissive , and there's no want to look further to find out the why.
And as I have laid it out the why isn't sooooooo unbelievable. Surely there's something afoot. Could be kiddy rape, might be a good idea to find out for sure tho...

Individuals who display those characteristics would "plague" a community that solely promotes conspiracy theory, but a healthy, progressive example of one such community, would also include individuals who are willing to dispute the very notion that these conspiracy theories are true. And for that, I give you an upvote.

Because that's what the media is forcing down our throats and we here in this community know that when the media keeps repeating something over and over and over like "fake news," or calling anyone who questions 9/11 just "conspiracy theorists" or , the headline we saw over and over"Is this the end of Donald Trump?," it's pretty clear they are creating the narrative they are told to either by lying or spreading only part of the truth. They basically saying, "ignore the man behind the curtain" and the masses are so entrenched in both the notion that our government and media are infallible and their own confirmation bias be it only watching CNN on the left or Fox News on the right that they believe the garbage they are fed.


Exactly what you think it means, plus a free, bonus 'ing'.

I think you're misinterpreting the issue regarding this Russia narrative. The problem people have is there isn't any concrete proof the Russian government directed or orchestrated any of these leaks, and yet the media is reporting this as fact. The truth is, the NSA would have conclusive evidence if it exists. There is a reason we haven't see that yet, and that's because it doesn't exist. Everyone who knows anything about how this works understands that tying a phishing scheme to a Russian server / entity is not conclusive evidence, whatsoever, especially considering how attribution capabilities have evolved.

So the media needs to be reporting this as, "it's possible the Russian government orchestrated these leaks, we believe that to be the case, but the reality is we're just not sure right now. The DNC was breached multiple times, and at least one of those breaches involved Russian actors who are least one step removed from the Russian government. The person or group responsible for leaking these emails to WikiLeaks could also be tied to a different foreign country all together or to an inside source. If the investigation into these leaks yields definitive proof, we will provide that. Otherwise, based on everything we know, it seems most likely that Russia is responsible, yet we cannot say that conclusively at this point."

That's why people don't trust the MSM. It's not honest. At all. What I just said is realistically what the MSM needs to be saying if truth is important.

Great post. Mind if I copy/paste that second paragraph elsewhere?

Go for it fam 👌


Well, pack it in folks. This guy says it wasn't Russia. Somebody alert the government and the media, we're done here.

Seriously though, if you want us to believe you, you gotta give us more than your word. Any technical docs you could share, after blotting out the personal info, of course?

Well, pack it in folks. This guy says it wasn't Russia. Somebody alert the government and the media, we're done here.

Seriously though, if you want us to believe you, you gotta give us more than your word. Any technical docs you could share? (after blotting out the identifying info, of course)



Doesn't matter comrade. Good luck untwisting that mind.

Same to you, I suppose. We really are all in this together.


Reddit won't let me approve this link so I had to hit the "remove" button to get it out of our mod queue.

Reddit won't let me approve this link

That's not a statement I've seen before. Could you elaborate please?

I click on the "approve" link in our mod queue and it is accepted but when I reload the mod queue the comment has already been automatically removed again. The only way to get it out of the mod queue is to "remove" it.

It's also interesting to note that we can approve some websites that are banned but not others.

Just so I'm clear, Spaz has determined that there are websites is so terrible they cannot be approved on reddit anywhere?

From my understanding most, if not all, of the websites banned from here were banned as a result of incessant spamming. It had nothing to do with their content. I will add that the recent banning of v/pizzagate/xxx pages was done as a result of all of the doxing taking place in that subverse.

Where's the compelling evidence for this world wide pedophile ring?

John Podesta likes Italian food and modern art.

It's worse than I could have ever imagined.

And "hot dog stands" in Hawaii for some reason. And that modern art is sketchy af.

Just for you

Hot dog stand actually means...A hot dog stand.

"But he conceded that his brother often says--in a voice that seems only half-joking--his biggest goal after the White House is to run a hot-dog stand in Hawaii. Even that might prove too stressful for a presidential chief of staff already getting the feel of beach sand in his toes. His true goal, Tony Podesta speculated, is to run "a crazy T-shirt store on the Big Island."

I'm sure his brother subliminally told him to stfu because he's getting too cocky and chimed in "what he actually meant was a.... Crazy t shirt store! Yea... That's it"

Lol, ok mate.

And handkerchiefs with pizza related maps. For hours!

Its funny how none of the responses actually provide any information. I'm genuinely interested as well, show me some evidence peeps.

They can't because there is none.

Stay in ignorance my friend, you don't want to know what reality is ALL about.

Ummmm how about all the European elites that have been busted, the one recently in Sweden, the franklin case. Theres tons of evidence if you would take your blinders off and actually do some research

What elites have been busted?

What ring in Sweden? Do you mean Norway? How are they related to DC?

Because DC has been implicated since the 80swith the Franklin case. And the dutroux affair had plenty of elites implicated in it

Yes but where is the proof of pizzagate being a thing? "It happened somewhere else" does not provide any connectivity to anything being claimed by pizzagate people, nor does it represent concrete proof.

what a ridiculous question. you even use the internet dude? well obviously you do, because you are on reddit. But wtf. Just look at it.

Or maybe Pizzagate was thrown out there to distract y'all from the fact that Exxon mobile now controls our diplomacy and Goldman Sachs controls Treasury. Also a question that's been bugging me. Alex Jones seme like he's trying to move y'all past Pizzagate, why is that?

Cmon, guys. Regardless of truth here. One of these claims is purportedly coming from the CIA. The other is coming from random people online. You don't see the difference here? I'm not against pizzagate, but let's not pretend these are the same things.

Yea! Just like 9/11 and JFK!

Because the CIA has no history of pushing an agenda or influencing hearts and minds of Americans! It's not like that is their modus operandi or anything!

Because random people on the internet have no history of pushing an agenda or influencing the hearts and minds of people who already agree with them!

Who is 'people on the internet?'

Is there a single cohesive group here I'm missing?

That's like calling a grassroots presidential election where the people get together to nominate someone 'people influencing hearts and minds'

There's kind of a difference with that and an intelligence agency with an enormous history of propagandizing and even violently instigating people, yea?

one doggo made an appeal to authority. other doggo made an appeal to lack of authority. both are bad points. both doggos should get off the forum for brainwashed people and go play fetch

I don't trust anything the CIA says. That's a fact.

Alternatively, one is coming from the people and the other is coming from a shady government entity

Jesus Christ guys. Coming from the MEDIA's FUCKING PERSPECTIVE is what I'm talking about. Of course we don't trust the CIA. I'm saying the MSM still has to.... You can guys see one word and go ballistic without thinking about the argument being made

Right because of course its not the media's responsibility to investigate and research the claims that they publish, they are just there to blindly report whatever information their government tells them to. Like when the CIA said there were WMDs in Iraq and the media blindly ran with that story.

I'm pretty sure you missed the entire point to this thread

Well, not the entire point of the thread. But re-reading the OP title, I see what you're sayin'.

In all fairness journalism is dead. As someone said, real journalism is now called 'whistleblowing' and it's a criminal offense.

With a Whistle-blower protection act that creates a kangaroo court that determines if you deserve the status of Whistle-blower and denies 98% . Read an article in it today but having a hard time finding it to link

I totally see what your saying. A statement from the CIA reasonably will get more media attention than a massive group of online people. (And I know this isn't the case) but shouldn't there be a moral journalistic responsibility to at the very least report on what evidence there is? In this case substantial for a worldwide pedo ring and non existent for Trump Russia connection.

Should, yes. Totally on board. Just meant more along the lines of- what do you expect them to do, knowing who they are... but yea I get what everyone else is saying, too.

There actually isn't a responsibility to support pizzagate for journalists. Taken straight from the Society of Professional Journalists Code of Ethics

– Avoid undercover or other surreptitious methods of gathering information

One of the cornerstones of the Code of Ethics is to minimize harm

– Realize that private people have a greater right to control information about themselves than public figures and others who seek power, influence or attention. Weigh the consequences of publishing or broadcasting personal information.

It's part of the reason, so many journalists have come out against Wikileaks. Wikileaks is not journalism, they don't follow the code of ethics. They don't question the motives of their sources (literally mentioned in the code of ethics), they don't respect people's right to privacy (other than their own), they're not accountable nor transparent (one of the cornerstones of the Code of Ethics) but they do seek truth and report it.

But nevertheless, there isn't a moral journalistic responsibility to report on pizzagate. The code of ethics is very vague, simultaneously calling for journalists to seek truth but there is also a responsibility to protect the public and respect (especially private individuals) right to privacy and in particular they actually have a responsibility to

– Avoid pandering to lurid curiosity, even if others do

it's pretty obvious to me, (albeit as a firm pizzzagate skeptic) why they haven't reported on this. But even if you do believe in pizzagate you can see there is justification from their side to not report on it

But the cia will not release official statement on it....right.

How can you say there is no proof to Russia helping Trump? Do you know anything about information assurance or how it works?

What about Assange saying it was a leak not a hack and saying the DNC staffer was behind the leaks? Thats all bullshit? Keep in mind Assange is the top mind in wikileakes.

Did Wikileaks ever end up releasing that dirt they said they had on Russia a few years back?



What are you talking about? Source?

[Assange] even told the global media that new leaks would expose more secrets not only about the U.S. military but about other "repressive regimes," such as Russia and China.


The signals coming from Moscow, however, suggest that the Russian reaction will not be as reserved as America's.


on Wednesday, an official at the Center for Information Security of the FSB, Russia's secret police, gave a warning to WikiLeaks that showed none of the tact of the U.S. reply to the Iraq revelations. "It's essential to remember that given the will and the relevant orders, [WikiLeaks] can be made inaccessible forever," the anonymous official told the independent Russian news website LifeNews.


"If the FSB says it is capable [of taking out WikiLeaks], I believe them," says Gadi Evron, an expert on cybersecurity and counterespionage. It would not be necessary to crash the WikiLeaks site, says Evron, because "behind every Internet project, there are people." And people can be coerced — or worse.

Thank you for this. This is the only shred of compelling evidence to support Wikileaks being compromised I've seen so far in a sea of evidence free denial.

I truly hope Wikileaks redeem themselves by releasing detrimental corruption evidence pertaining to other world powers.

The hashes changing was what convinced me

Top mind? The guy gets files and then shares them with other people, he isn't Linus Torvalds.

Yea just ignore my point

It should be noted that someone has already (whether true or not) taken credit for being the source supplying Wikileaks with their information.

Steve Pieczenik: One of the world’s most experienced international crisis managers and hostage negotiators, received his B.A. from Cornell University, trained in Psychiatry at Harvard and has both an M.D. from Cornell University Medical College and a Ph.D. in International Relations from M.I.T. He was the first psychiatrist ever to receive a PhD. He served four presidents as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under Nixon, Ford, Carter, and Bush Sr. and was a Senior Policy Planner under president Reagan.

In this video Steve states that he is speaking for a group of select members from 15 agencies in the US who are devoted to bringing down Hillary and all those involved in the attempted coup. This is just the beginning. Blaming Russia is just nothing new.

The video you linked is a cellphone charger advertisement...

That's just what they want you to think

I found the video. I just find it weird that he linked to a cellphone charger advertisement.

yeah it happens sometimes though, forget to copy the right link

True. At least it wasn't a weird fetish video or something.

Yeah genuine mistake, weird thing is I've never even seen that charger advertisement before. I fixed it.

Maybe your comment got edited.

Yeah paranoid conspiracy me immediately went there.... But I'd like to think I just genuinely made a mistake. All of the posts I left that comment with that link had the charger ad, and I copy pasted from the get go so more than likely just a mistake.

I'm betting it was just a mistake too. Reddit comments have been edited, but editing this random comment would make no sense.

Yeah wow I genuinely made that mistake I guess, funny thing is I've copy and pasted that comment a couple times over the past week and no one had said anything yet. Guess no one watched it! Revised the link now, my mistake!

A lot of guys on this subreddit are saying that "Russians" have infiltred Reddit to manipulate the elections and to elect Trump and post Pro-Russia Pro-Putin content...

No proof of course.

The proof we have is the wikileaks emails that no one even tried to say being fake emails.

NATO accuses Russia of having a vast social media army. The proof of this? Russian papers accusing NATO of having a vast social media army. Because Russia is projecting, according to NATO.

So to counter the Russian social media psyops, NATO is creating its own social media psyop army, the thing it was accused of having.

There's been a lot of independent reporting on the troll army. Adrian Chen's piece "the acamdey" in the New Yorker is a pretty good look at it.


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Since when does anyone on this sub care about proof? You've got multiple pizzagate articles at the top of your sub right now.

You are right. The Russian infiltration into Reddit is just a conspiracy that is baseless. That said, it is still a conspiracy as much as pizzagate, which was on the front page for more than month already.

Nobody can deny /r/politics during the last month before election. Though, I believe its possible in a way, similar to an agent provocateur at a protest. It definitely happened from both sides. You never know with those guys, but the security community has been warning our dumbass government for decades over their lack of security. It is about time they wake up to the fact that they are not alone in this world.

In the end, Hillary truly lost with her lack of interest in the midwest. Scott Walker should have been her canary in a coal mine.

We know the Russians have a crazy internet propaganda machine. What sites are those people using? I doubt it's just Russian ones. Why hack when idiots will spread stuff for you.

I find it pretty fucking depressing. On top of dealing with serious personal and mental health issues for 30-some years now, I know for a fact how corrupt and disgusting and fucked our overall system is. And how the majority refuse to even look at it. But that's "just a part of human nature," I try to remind myself, albeit a small part. Some Humans are being inhuman to other humans and seem to love it: must still be human nature, an evolutionary hold-over.

It's really difficult to ponder this sort of mess and not feel so shitty and helpless, that I can slowly watch in disgust, my society circle down the drain and only hope humanity will one day grow the fuck up; it bothers me on a deep level, and yet I'm essentially powerless to do anything besides feel sad at where we are today.

At least one day I know I'll finally die and can let go of everything.

I'm with you in more ways than one. 25 years of depression/anxiety since I was 9 years old. I've spent a lot of time by myself reading, watching, researching, but mostly just paying attention. The funny thing is I have a lot of really good friends but many of them don't want to know this stuff, they just don't. I don't blame them, and I am now extremely cautious who I talk to about this subject with (no matter how well I know them). I also have a lot of fully functional, amazing people in my life that see this too, but what do we do about it? As someone who totally relates to you, do yourself a favor and just try and minimize your intake of information like this, because it mostly just hurts yourself and condition more than anything at this point. I wish I had an answer for you. I'm at a pretty low point right now too, and I've wished and prayed for death more times than I care to count. I can't tell you to stay strong because that's impossible when one is low, I just wanted to let you know you aren't alone in your thoughts, no matter how fast the internal gears start spinning.

Its all extremely shocking to say the least. It's hard to not be depressed realizing the scope of corruption and true terror perpetuated by the elite. But I feel like now more than every it's important to have hope, and finding hope is harder than ever. I have faith that there are forces actively combatting the cabal.

Steve Pieczenik: One of the world’s most experienced international crisis managers and hostage negotiators, received his B.A. from Cornell University, trained in Psychiatry at Harvard and has both an M.D. from Cornell University Medical College and a Ph.D. in International Relations from M.I.T. He was the first psychiatrist ever to receive a PhD. He served four presidents as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under Nixon, Ford, Carter, and Bush Sr. and was a Senior Policy Planner under president Reagan.

In this video Steve states that he is speaking for a group of select members from 15 agencies in the US who are devoted to bringing down Hillary and all those involved in the attempted coup.

There is a significant amount of scientifically backed data to support the fact that our brainwaves effect the world around us. Thinking negative thoughts creates disorder, chaos, and deterioration. Whereas positive thoughts create universal harmony. It may sound like some hippie new age crap but the science supports the idea that the strongest way to influence and change the world is to feel love; and spread knowledge lovingly to the best of your ability.

Will this stop pedophilia or any of the terrors inflicted on us directly? No way. But I truly believe it will influence and create a wave of higher consciousness that will speed the collapse of this worldwide cabal by influencing those who have the power to reveal what can only be described as demonic acts of terror.

Have I lost all credibility yet? We NEED open minded people like you more than ever to not give up, and not lose your momentum and desire to see justice.


Yes, I have a mental illness. It is called "treatment-resistant depression" and while there is plenty of stigma from uninformed idiots who only think they understand, paranoid delusions are not something I have to deal with. People like you who don't know anything about it and judge sick people are much more of a problem.

Pizzagate is not going anywhere. It has been all over this sub for over month. Anybody on this board who is vehemently (for some reason?) trying to silence and stifle pizzagate discussion, you're wasting your breath...

I know I always say this, but this is a fucking conspiracy related sub. I would think the kind of people who frequent a conspiracy sub would be relatively open to questioning the official mainstream media narrative. The skeptics are literally echoing MSM talking points, and you're on a conspiracy forum, where NOBODY here trusts the media. You are not only wasting your breath and your own time by relaying their narrative here and slapping down the legitimate questions we have, but you guys look ignorant for pushing that stuff here.

It's pretty funny actually, think about what you are doing. You're literally coming onto a conspiracy sub, discouraging an independent investigation and protecting the Elite who are implicated using mainstream media talking points as your rationale. Thats the stupidest thing I've ever heard in my life, you are going to get nowhere. It's a fucking conspiracy sub! Everybody here hates and distrusts the elite and the media, and you're on here essentially protecting them and telling us we shouldn't bother looking into this. Ha! Thats classic!

I have never seen a "conspiracy" so aggressively attacked. Especially one that is actually backed by mountains of circumstantial evidence, that no rational person could overlook. Ignoring even the slightest chance that these kids could be in danger is stupid and selfish. The shills are going to try and split this board up over this issue, and divide us. We need to unite under this issue. I can tell you right now that millions of people all over the world are taking Pizzagate and the content in Podesta's emails seriously. You guys are smart enough to see that they are covering their tracks, deleting twiter posts and instagram photos, and the media is launching a fucking onslaught of "fake news" attacks, they likely staged a false flag gunman to demonize our investigation, and now they're trying to de-legitimize Podesta's emails with this new Russia narrative. They are blatantly scared. If you are still denying pizzagate, than you simply do not possess the ability to see the big picture in your head. The majority of people on this board are able to, we encourage a questioning attitude and we have an innate distrust of authority, we don't attack or try to embarrass others for looking into something as you are doing.

Well said!

What's the compelling evidence for pizzagate that everyone acknowledges exists but never posts? From what i've seen there is equally strong evidence of my involvement.

Lol, how do you say "no evidence"? Every single US intelligence agency is saying it - obviously you'll retort that you don't find them credible / they have their own agenda but nobody is better positioned to know these things.

The problem is that nobody believes in institutions anymore.

No I think the problem is that "saying it's true" is not and should not be considered substantial evidence by any means.

I would love for you to back up that statement.

Here is an article from the NYT that says the FBI found no real evidence to support Russia Trump connection.

Here is a NYT article that says the CIA has tons of evidence for the Russia Trump connection.

Here is a Reuters article that states: "While the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) does not dispute the CIA's analysis of Russian hacking operations, it has not endorsed their assessment because of a lack of conclusive evidence"

And just for fun. Here is the Google search that showed no indication that any other agencies were claiming this connection.

And your right, nobody is better positioned to know these things. And no one is in a better position to abuse their power and spread a false narrative for political reasons. Either you know your lying or your responding emotionally without doing the research. So here, I did it for you.

its funny, if he were a conspiracy theorist hed tell you how the CEO of NYT was someone who lied while at the bbc to protect jimmy saville, and how NOBODY should ever think of the NYT as anything but rags.
regardless if the NYT agrees with your point, they are pretty much off the list of reputable news sources

Media won't talk about pizza gate because they don't want to embarrass themselves by getting sucked in to a ridiculous story!

Guys the new York times investigated this !!!!!they asked the accused pedophile if he was a pedophile and he said no closed ...wish it were like that for everyone ...SIR is that your weed ? ....ok thanks have a good night

yes.... i mean, fuck, did i screw that up? can we try that again?

"compelling evidence"

my sides

Some made-up "code" from some emails is "compelling evidence".

The bar is very, very low here.


Right? Either they know they're lying, responding defensively and emotionally, or are just plain ignorant about some things.


Yeah I've never seen so many people try so hard to discredit something. You'd think 9/11 conspiracies would get a similar response but I never saw it to this degree. Seeing that top comment a couple weeks ago that had 3 gold and 4000 points comparing pizza gate believers to flat earth believers sent a chill down my spine... The vote manipulation/ vote farms are so real...

people cant just be dumb and watch too much tv anymore?.. theres simply a lot more people out there who are hearing that pizza gate is false and totally a fake news story. they trust whoever told them that and boom. now theyre on the internet regurgitating MSM talking points

The CIA is claiming Russia helping Trump is real. No one listens to the people that claim pizzagate is real.

Number after your username says it all. No facts.

Ok Mr. Puppet

No puppet. You're the puppet.

the banks own the media...the media is a fucking joke, just like banks are a joke of "capitalism"

I'm sure the cabal gets a good laugh out of how hard they play the public. It's all a big joke to them.

It's all a big joke to them.

Trickle down economics.

Read this post at own risk and presume this has been modified by Reddit Inc.

Ok maybe I'm missing something. Where is this evidence for pizzagate? All I saw were Instagram photos of babies playing with money, a smiling girl goofing around with sellatape, a few symbols in corporate logos and a pizza shop owner emailing someone about pizza. I've seen guys on 4chan claiming responsibility for pizzagate and high giving each other over it getting picked up by the media.

Did this whole thing start from the fact 4chan use the term "cheese pizza" when talking about child porn?

Holy shit I was just thinking that today, actually tweeted at somebody saying "if you can say Russia stole the election I can say Podesta is a pedo cuz there's more evidence showing he is one"

I was reading an article today and the author kept referring to them as the "illuminati media," seemed kinda fitting.

Whatever that does not match their narrative is 'fake news'.

Evidence is not needed to 'satisfy' their narrative. So keep feeding the 'mass' with BS. And it is the 'norm' of MSM.

There is ZERO compelling evidence for a "Worldwide elite pedophile ring". Zero.

There is zero evidence that Hillary did not lie. We seen it with our own eyes. It's proven. Truth.

Go away with your zero shit! Trump won. It's over.

And you think Trump will stop them? He's good pals with Epstein. Trump is a con, possibly the greatest con to ever live.

A New York Billionaire with a penchant for young women has convinced poor white Americans he cares about them.

Trump won! All those secret libtard pedophiles that definitely exist better be fuckin scared because TRUMP AIN'T HAVIN THAT!! I know this somehow

There's zero evidence to support anything if you refuse to look for the evidence....

There is no mention of the russian propaganda fake news bill that got signed into law. Non MSM committee approved Independent media is getting cut from social media and search engine results. The first amendment has been permanently compromised because they are censoring this 'fake news' story.

You should go to YouTube and search for Pizzgate

Only certain news story are allowed: Their fake news stories.

What sounds more realistic? Russia trying to mess with the US or a sex slave ring in a pizze place? Like it's obvious what motive Russia has to get Trump elected. But why would people chose an active pizza place for sex slaves?

Well which has more evidence? Truth is much stranger than fiction. The whole "what sounds more realistic" argument doesn't hold much credence anymore considering recent events.

You're assuming everyone makes an effort to see all the evidence. Many people just dismiss pizza gate the moment they hear about it.

That's the truth right there. People dont make an effort unfortunately. And in a non corrupt world, it would be the responsibility of the mainstream media to report the facts, and only the facts, and let the people decide for themselves. And since the media won't even touch the evidence, I feel it falls on all of us to respectfully and intelligently spread the truths we do know while letting others use their own informed intuition to discover the real truth.

Why would the FBI do the work to discredit HRC by investigating the result of a known to be Russian hack? Is the FBI working with Russia to help Trump win? No! It's bullshit and lies.

You do realize Comey is very openly Republican right?

You do realize Comey is very openly Republican right?

Maybe your comment got edited.

Funny you should say that last bit. Wikileaks was going to release very damaging leaks on Russia in 2010, and then it was never spoken of again. Then, 3 months later Assange was issued a visa to Russia.

I click on the "approve" link in our mod queue and it is accepted but when I reload the mod queue the comment has already been automatically removed again. The only way to get it out of the mod queue is to "remove" it.

It's also interesting to note that we can approve some websites that are banned but not others.