My thoughts on a lifetime of research.

1142  2016-12-13 by [deleted]



It is the mark of an intelligent mind to be able to entertain an idea without accepting it.

"Without accepting it" beeing an important part of the phrase here..


Ahh I can see this sub is still populated by 10 year olds

Or, you know, dude just pressed an extra "e" by mistake. That would seem more likely than him literally not knowing how to spell "being", I'd think.

The damn Grammar Nazis are still alive. Someone call The Bear Jew.

Bad grammar is disinformation every time. /s

Fav quote!

I'll take that into consideration.

We have this on the sidebar in /r/C_S_T

why? there's nothing particularly profound about this post. why is this an announcement here? it's the opinion of 1 person, with unverifiable statements about how they've been studying for years and years.

having humility is great, but this sub doesn't need a ten paragraph post about the definition of humility.

how about we use the announcement feature here to sticky things of actual value, and not just philosophical rants from random users?

"research means nothing without humility" is a patently false statement.

the facts are the facts, regardless of how you present them. do i have to show humility when i tell you the sky is blue?

why? there's nothing particularly profound about this post. why is this an announcement here? it's the opinion of 1 person, with unverifiable statements about how they've been studying for years and years.

The modteam (and myself in particular) thought it was worthy to share. And I disagree regarding its profoundness, and a few of us here agreed that this post would be worthy to shine a spotlight on.

having humility is great, but this sub doesn't need a ten paragraph post about the definition of humility.

Maybe not all the time. But for a few days I see it as a good message to propagate.

how about we use the announcement feature here to sticky things of actual value, and not just philosophical rants from random users?

Message the moderators with a post of actual value (or better yet - come up with something yourself) and be the change you want in the sub instead of bitching about something you don't have to read at all.

"research means nothing without humility" is a patently false statement.

Then refute it, Plato.

the facts are the facts, regardless of how you present them. do i have to show humility when i tell you the sky is blue?

You do if I cannot see.

This announcement was needed because lately more and more people in this sub have been taking claims at face value and unquestionably believing them rather than reserving their judgment for when there is more concrete evidence available.

And to make things worse, when people ask questions critical of a popular view they are called names or dismissed outright instead of just having a productive argument. And vice versa.

Agree. Its the same as Einstiens qoute. IMAGINATION IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN THOUGHT.

It's "Imagination is more important than knowledge, for knowledge is limited but imagination encircles the world "

I agree, but this doesn't fit with people on this subreddit or conspiracy-minded people in general. I posted a thread to debunk pizzagate myths and it was immediately downvoted, despite the fact that I spent the entire thread reading and responding to peoples' comments with an open mind.

the above sentiment held true before the days of bot armies and bullshit like CTR.

Except jews and israel, whose control of everything cannot even be questioned........

Say that often enough and maybe we'll believe it. Things don't always go as planned however.

I just joke

its not that jews run the media, it just so happens that the 5-10 people who control the media are all scumbags who just happen to also be jews.

Sounds good...but i can think of too many examples where that is certainly not true thereby turning it into the mark of an entertaining mind that accepts any intelligent idea. Intelligence and wisdom unfortunately walk across the streets together rarely holding hands. Imoho the world is made up of 4 kinds of people; the blind, the deaf and the mute. The blind accept what they are told because from and early age they rely on it, the deaf see what they believe to be real and cant hear any other argument (they see the lightening and wont understand why people who didn't but heard the thunder are reacting the way they do. And then there are the mute. The ones who see and hear but either cant or won't communicate it to the other two. Oh yeah, the 4th kind of person? Dead.

It's a good exercise in critical thinking

" as objective and detached and as neutral as possible. Never instantly accept what you see, and never instantly reject it either. Cross reference as much as you can. Let it float around your head. Don't turn it into a belief system. Always let the information you digest be malleable, so you can add to it and shape it and let it grow naturally. Allow yourself to go down the rabbit hole without effort."

...worth highlighting and re-reading. thanks for this.

Hey /u/pleiadianbigfoot, can I copypasta this


I am making a quote poster with your username.

I'll take one!

Love it

Irony. :D

A strong reminder for a sub that has seemed to turn into a echo-chamber for regurgitating rhetoric while simultaneously forgetting there are other things going on in the world that may be immediately more important.

This sub is not a monolithic entity. There are many different agendas at play here, and not all of them are productive.

Painting this sub with a broad brush is not productive.


Indeed, you are correct e.g. as i type the Dallas Police pension fund has stopped paying it's beneficiaries and is accepting No 'new claims' as it's run out of cash!

Half the US is going/gone broke and no one is discussing that!

Maybe becoz it's hard enough to believe what TPTB are really All about, let alone how FUBAR the global situation IS right now BUT it's being 'hidden' behind a bunch of sensationalist Bullshit!

Finally the 'sheeple' are beginning to 'wake up' but it may be too late, even if most of them did!

There's major division and the only truth is we have the true power. We've just been groomed to think otherwise. Whether a person is a Marxist or republican shouldn't matter, but it does. Here in America, we've been fed history with a bias, decided to puff our chests out and bully the entire world. When the proles here became too expensive to pay, they sent the jobs to the proles in 3rd world. They busted up unions. They made healthcare inaccessible.

It's important we come together to save the earth and each other. I never understood why people are ok with government employees having access to socialist programs, but do not think that WE need them. Bootstraps, work hard, company line. I don't want my people to worry about going broke if they break their leg or get cancer. This is America for chrissakes. We eat burgers bigger than some countries.

Great post, fam. Say no more.

Word!! Bu after merica has f#%* the world, now they wanna MAGA. Hehhee really. Why not make the whole world great again

Well, that's part of why trump won, right? He was able to prey on racism, xenophobia and national pride.

That's simply not true. The bigger factors were his willingness to address several topics that many grassroots voters have been concerned with for a while -- namely illegal immigration, Islamic terrorism, and corruption in DC. Whether or not he'll tackle these issues is beside the point of people believe he will. Add to that his willingness to toss aside typical political pussyfooting in favor of a brash, no-holds-barred persona and it's no wonder so many people took to him as if he were their prophet. Trying to connect these factors to "racism and xenophobia" is extremely patronizing to a large portion of Americans. And ironically enough, it's that patronizing attitude that pushed many people to vote for Trump who normally would not have.

And the elephant in the room is Hillary Clinton. Trump's opponent was millionfold flawed. That most certainly gave him a helping hand.

Sure, some who harbor racial hatred likely voted for Trump because they felt he appealed to those ideals. But it's in the smallest of minorities of voters.

You don't think it's true, ok. Bernie was talking about the same things. He just wasn't appealing to racists and xenophobes because he preached acceptance.

Look at his cabinet pics. Leh.

As far as I know, he most certainly was not addressing illegal immigration or Islamic terrorism. Not in the way many would want. IIRC he even planned to legalize tons of illegals. To the vast majority of Trump's base that's a big no-no, a massive cheating of the system and extremely unfair to those who immigrate legally. And he was practically the anti-Trump in personality. Many viewed him as weak, like when he basically relinquished the microphone to BLM members who stole the spotlight from him.

I'm on the fence about his cabinet. I have a feeling he has some bigger design in mind with these picks. But I'm not certain. I'm not forming an opinion until he's in office and we start to see some of his real choices. If he even makes it to office.


Could very well be. We may be pleasantly surprised. Maybe after decades of business he actually wants to improve the country?

It's not true for you, but it's true for a lot of people. A lot of people felt disrespected and isolated by his words (minorities, women, etc.) and a lot of people felt liberated by them (white men). I bet I could guess what you are

And what of all the women and minorities that voted for Trump? Are they white men too? You're painting with too broad a brush.

White men felt liberated by his words? Lol. Liberated from what? And liberated because they were white men? This is little more than oppression fantasy. You want to know how I felt? I was happy someone was finally addressing immigration, and was happy that someone was speaking to Americans as Americans, not as white and black and brown and make and female blocks of voters. Identity politics are so tiring and unintellectual. And good god, I'm not even gung-ho about him. He could still turn out to be a greedy bastard who doesn't change shit.

Also, what about his female and minority voters? Just slaves voting for their master, or something? Since they weren't "liberated" by his words, you know.

I'm talking about when his supporters write off racism as "refusing to be politically correct", and say he's such a breath of fresh air. So idk, liberated in that way maybe? I just think people who have never been mistreated as an identity group, of course are sick of identity politics. You felt he was speaking to YOU as an American. A lot of Americans didn't feel that way.

A couple things I've learned by sitting on the fence

1) people don't like you sitting on the fence. They demand you come down. They want you to come down on their side if they like you, or on the other side if they don't so they can have fun attacking you.

2) You can see both sides from the fence.

3) Sometimes you may ideologically be on one side of the fence, but you need to sit atop it so you know what everyone is saying

4) There's nothing wrong with sitting on the fence.


As a UK citizen, I've found myself in a train of thought very much similar to yours. The fight between left and right wing voters since the conservative party first won parliament right through to brexit, all I've seen are people become more stubborn in their beliefs then vilify one another for opposing them rather than listening to each other and at least trying to understand where someone is coming from. I've learned to listen to someone and to always comb over what I believe in. I certainly have my ideas and values, and I feel that in time, the right people will understand mine as I try to understand theirs. People can say they sit on the fence, but they can't deny their legs dangle on one side or the other, if not both.

Your post history isn't very fence sitty.

You're right. I always take the side of the global everycitizen and never stand up for busineses or corporations everywhere or authoritarian governments...

You got me.

Some quotes I've picked up:

  • "Questioning everything especially our own assumptions. Most importantly, the assumptions you've made and don't even realize"
  • "The amount you read and the way you process what you read is more important than finding the "right" books. Learn a lot of facts about a lot of things, and be careful not to confuse assumptions or hunches for fact. Deduce for yourself, rather than accept others theories."
  • "Your main limitation is your belief in things that are not true. Try to axiomatize your worldview. Test these assumptions by examining the extrema of their consequences. Get rid of or add new assumptions and examine what you can no longer explain or the validity of new deductions. You'll come to know yourself and your world in this way."
  • "You need to deemphasize exposing the current system to some degree, more specifically put it in the context of offering a better alternative and expose what people are missing out on by going along with the current system. If you can do better, you can show people they are being cheated. If you can't offer a better alternative, they will wonder why should they care."


Hell, I share just about anything on my FB page for instance. But much like you I don't just immerse myself in it 110%. I've been called both a "Libtard" and an "Alt Right Conspiracy Nut" in the same day.

It's as if moderate, middle-of-the-road politics, is now a repulsive concept. I post something about Pizzagate on FB, and two days later I get messages from family linked with "Alex Jones Pizza conspiracy Debunked!" as if Alex Jones is my idol, or that high-level pedophile rings are simple not possible.

People's critical thinking abilities are seriously hampered. Yes, Pizzagate hasn't been 100% proven, but did anyone ever consider that is because it's being actively hidden by powerful people? No, I don't want to shoot people at a pizza joint. Yes, I understand some people are fucking retarded when it comes to "conspiracies." But Yes, conspiracies happen, all, the, time, and are never heard of by anyone.

Basically every historian will talk openly about a Roman Emperor's conspiracies; Ceasar did this, Caligula did that, but holy fuck if you mention how retarded Trump OBVIOUSLY is or how corrupt Hillary OBVIOUSLY is, jesus, ya better watch out.

this should be the top post here and on the larger reddit community FOREVER. kudos.

Very well said.

It also helps to remember that the opposite of "belief" isn't "disbelief" it's simply "doubt" and a true skeptic doesn't attempt to debunk anything but rather waits until there is enough evidence to determine what's worth believing or not and maybe not even then because there are often more than just two sides to any proposition although they are almost always presented that way. Proving one side wrong doesn't in itself prove that the other must be right. With patience and perseverance it often turns out that the real truth lies elsewhere is entirely different from what anyone thinks because the actual answer is quite simply too big for the question being asked.

The prover will prove what the believer believes. Knowing this, the only path to certainty is to believe as little as possible :p

There are only ten belief systems, but there are millions of beliefs.

I too am a 30 vet... but I use my truth filter... that emotional bias we encounter when we find something that agrees with us... it's been right so far (so many conspiracies that have ended up being true) I find that the great divide in humanity is something to be celebrated... it so much nicer to have SOOO many people to agree with... much better than being told i'm crazy constantly

Are conspiracies a popular topic among army buds when they get out?

I'm a vet. Served during Desert Storm. Many of us are very interested in conspiracy theories. But more of us are interested in the actual truth, when we can find it.

Like the news about Mike Pence, the new VP, being a Defender of Child Rapists. No one likes that, but it is true. Mike Pence stood up and defended his personal and family friend, Dennis Hastert, a Child Molester, who just reported to Federal Prison. No American serviceman can stomach rapists being in the Chain of Command. It is unconscionable. But here we are. This Defender of Molesters is the incoming VP.

Can you imagine?

Oh, and here is proof of his actions in standing up for Dennis Hastert, the Child Rapist and longest serving Republican Speaker of the House. Read this shit carefully. This is our new government:

Pence Defends Speaker Hastert in 2006

Pence Defense Of Hastert 2006

And This One. 2016

You think him, Podesta and pemce are all buddies?

It is very hard to say.

These people run in a very different world than the rest of us. All I can rely on is what I know from looking at their histories.

Pence and Podesta have been personal friends since 1965. You can find that by running any search in google or other search engine. Trump is certainly Pence's friend or he wouldn't be VP.

But there are connections that cross parties via Dennis Hastert and others, like Wiener. There are so many connections going back and forth it all becomes muddled.

I think this is part of their design plan. And they should ALL burn.

For political purposes, we are now only hearing about the dems and liberals. Which makes me think the repubs and conservatives are hiding so damn much, too. The GOP is entering power and has a lot to lose, so their crimes are covered up. It would be the reverse if dems were coming to power.

They are all a bunch of fucking liars and criminals, both parties. I want ALL the guilty people to hang.

What are your thoughts?

I wouldn't necessarily assume that Pence and Trump are friends. They've made conflicting statements re: some policies pre-election and generally I don't get the sense that they're close. I'd be happy to be proven otherwise, however.

It's a big club and you ain't in it.

You should post this as a new post. Too many people think the trump administration is some moral, justice-serving administration for the people. When really it's just as involved, except with a billionaire non politician running it.


Do you mind elaborating? I remember on the Jimmy Dorr show he had a former marine and cop on the show who said that overseas he realized that he wasn't fighting for some amazing good but was rather conditioned to fight brown people for the benefit of very few

I've been researching for 30 years. And in thirty years I have never seen society so split on what truth is. Every group is in firm belief the other groups are misinformed sheep.

I wouldn't know... I was referring to OP's statement

I see nothing from this sub any more but posts about pizzagate. However, none of them actually contain any information or places to look to examine any of the evidence. Is there a post here where people shared evidence and research? Could someone link me to it? If not, would someone make one and link me to it?


I appreciate your response. The only thing at all I know about this is that my girlfriend grew up in D.C. around the corner from the pizza joint and says the idea that it was involved in a pedophile conspiracy is ridiculous. I'll definitely read your links and see where it takes me.

Pizzagate started as a bunch of weird observations with strangely coded emails and pictures/symbols of pizza places near DC.

It QUICKLY expanded into people believing there was a global pedophile/trafficking network . The name #PizzaGate doesn't do it justice. It makes it sound like it's all about CometPizza and that's just a tiny portion of it. Visit and just scroll through the topics. You'll see that very little of it has anything to do with comet pizza.

Also, keep in mind, it's an investigative/theorizing effort. People don't know the extent of what's going on, so there are a lot of wild ideas being tossed around. Don't assume that everyone believes everything posted in on that subverse.

Exactly. Most of the pizza gate posts are just circlejerks of the same 'evidence' ... But if you take you time to follow a lot of links to a various things happening, a lot of pieces of a puzzle come to fit together. Just enough to say 'Hold on , there's definitely something shady goin' on here.' I'm literally sick of the Alefantis related posts, when there's so much other very related themes and mails that need further attention.

Where are the victims

Dead maybe? Would the elites leave any witnesses?


Let it float around your head. Don't turn it into a belief system. Always let the information you digest be malleable, so you can add to it and shape it and let it grow naturally. Allow yourself to go down the rabbit hole without effort.

Intuition is the easiest to manipulate.

It is all about the quadrivium, a more complex model of dialectic. Instead of only making inquiry into two domains, dialectic, aka individual and economy, you make inquiry also into the psychological and cultural spheres.

In essence, I tend to think that the separation you discuss, is of course tempered by the sword of humility. Humility is the key, only you can represent a fragment to people, a more whole fragment with those you are most humble with.

Humility is not aiming to be right, only knowing with the right epistemological pragmatism, and perhaps a little bit of faith or confidence in ones self, in the struggle of maintaining positive or truthful narritive among different perspectives.

A social constructivist foundation embedded with the relative material pragmatism of very self-reflective thought on oneself and others. Tempered by moral and ethical conviction in the righteousness of action, or faith in action.

Thanks for the reminder fellow truth seeker.

Well said. As I have begun researching I learned that the longer I can wait to form an opinion and "sit" on an idea, philosophy, etc. , the more likely I was discover my truth.

That's called grok. It's when you take the time to understand an idea fully. Heinlein was a genius.

Only one person in my life ever understood my grok tatt. Everyone else just kinda said "huh" when I tried to explained it to them.

Great advice and extremely relevant to current events.

People have a tendency to cherry pick information to bend to a belief system they have already created for themselves. Then they justify their belief system with said information.

Exactly, this is the way most people think. It's called confirmation bias

That's how governments convince their people to do what they otherwise normally would not. In Nazi Germany, Hitler and Goebbels did not just propose the idea of subjugation, and then genocide: they fed people only information they wanted them to hear, and let their brains process the information they had available to it--the conclusion Goebbels wanted them to believe becomes a belief the people thought they came to on their own.

A more current example: the reason the American public supported the Iraq War: we were told what to believe, that they had weapons of mass destruction, were an evil regime, etc. In reality, it was about oil, and even senior US officials admitted this.5

If someone can control what someone has can see and hear, they can control what they think. When I saw the Washington Post article claiming the Ron Paul Institute and Wikileaks are "Russian Propaganda," which was published in their 'News' section-- I was terrified.1 2 This WaPo article is an example of a broader political agenda to influence and even set the stage to control what information people have access to.3 At the same time, the US government has quietly repealed the ban on domestic propaganda.4

[1] Article in question

[2] The Source that Article Cites

[3] WaPo story serves various journalistic agendas

[4] US quietly repeals domestic propaganda

[5] Alan Greenspan admits Iraq War about Oil


The Invasion from Mars: A Study in the Psychology of Panic

There is some evidence the Orson Wells' War of the Worlds radio broadcast was a propaganda experiment.

Excellent post, my dude.

People like you are why I got into the conspiracy community in the first place.

This post is a breath of fresh air.


I have tried yet the mandela effect disturbs me to my core. Most people don't believe any of the hundreds of alleged changes but when you experience a flip flop then you will believe.

What change did you experience? I've experienced a few, but it seems apparent in hindsight why the specific misunderstanding manifested.

So many man..not the mandela one though, which is why I doubted it for a while. If you're serious about learning and want a mandela sub without so many shills try /r/retconned

What is your personal memory of Tank Man? I swear I watched him die.

Nah I remember him being moved and never seen again.

Very insightful OP; I've always wondered if Orson Welles was perhaps conveying a similar insight with Citizen Kane; whereby the best way to find out the truth about a man (or a given even/situation) is to hear as many people possible lie to you about him (or said event/situation).

Reddit being corrupt as to cover up #PIZZAGATE isnt the place to gain TRUE KNOWLEDGE. this entire company is a GLOBALIST NWO AGENDA... Watch the downvotes begin by Soros/Clinton paid operators..

But now i said it watch nothing happen... What happened to BLM? All cashed thier soros cheques and ran back inside to hide.

Mine bounced after Hillary lost :(

Fully agree with you. I don't question just this outlet or that outlet, I question it all. I've studied the media in an academic setting and just try to be fully aware of the fact that they all have some objective behind their reporting.

I feel if you have done enough research it gets into the occult and sacred knowledge and secret societies. There are many fine details but hopefully everyone is aware by now that there is basically a battle between the gods going on and the current bad gods who want to keep us enslaved know that their time is up soon.


I've been with you all the way until this post man.

What is the mounting evidence of occultists running the world?

It takes understanding of the world and system around you to come to these conclusions, the atrocities of the world and the symbols used all around us point to the ancient Babylonian religions. It just takes a little bit of research to connect the dots.

Don't turn it into a belief system

Please listen to this ^

Just go where the facts go, even if it is anti your current belief.

I think we are all getting it at the same time. Like Tony Soprano in the desert when he did mushrooms. The problem is we each only have the pieces and we have to put them together, together.

Great post. I will try and remind myself of this sentiment often.

It's very difficult to remove emotion from the equation. I don't believe that I am inherently special or something, when it comes to my willingness to dig and question. I believe that it's a result of my life experiences. And those life experiences make it, again, difficult to have no emotion in the process. I make an effort, but succeed less than half the time.

Spoiler alert... Sociopaths fulfill a certain need on this planet... God makes some people without emotions on purpose... arbiters of truth.

hm, a surprisingly prescient comment on a subject I am interested in. Got any more to add?

The first teams of human colonizers sent to a another planet in our Solar System will be comprised of a lot of high-functioning sociopaths and people on the autistic spectrum... only they will have different names for those "disorders" by then.

Sociopaths will bend the truth to manipulate for gain, no?

Supposedly... but I hit all the markers aside from the lying and manipulating part... so I'm thinking there is a crop of Sociopath 2.0s out there... without the lying bit... or the whole thing is disinfo to demonize/drug freethinkers.

I think everyone has narcissistic traits but I'm not sure you can be a sociopath if you don't lie. What markers do you hit if you don't mind me asking? It's strange also that someone would declare themselves a sociopath, doesn't fit.

I have all the traits of a textbook sociopath/narcissist... except for the lying and manipulating part... I despise lies... they are a tool for the mentally weak. I have no true empathy... I can recognize the feelings people exhibit... I can read their emotional state and body language... and trace it's origins... but under no circumstances do I ever "feel" their emotions myself.

I don't think they have a name for what I am... but sociopath is the closest thing we have right now... so I'm gonna have to stick with that.

I'm sorry you suffer from this, but you recognise it which is promising should you ever wish to have therapy etc thanks for being so open about it. It's a subject that I'm quite interested in as I was in a relationship with a narcissist for two very difficult years... apolos for going off topic.

I am assertive not aggressive... My narcissism can be annoying to others... but I wouldn't use my powers for evil. I guess I could use some other pseudoscience label and say I am an ENTJ or Gemini... or Fire Dragon or O Positive instead of a sociopath... but whatever a person identifies as... as long as they don't hurt others... I'm fine with it.

Thank you sir this is very enlightening.

"Pleiadian" Bigfoot eh?.. so you're one of the more rare, actually redpilled members of this sub. Glad to see you and people like you. ;)

Many thanks to OP for this well-timed scribe.

As for myself, all I know is that I don't know shit.

Makes for a very level mental, emotional & philosophical playing field.

Fantastic post, this is what I like to see.

Biggest challenge to my humility? Being able to admit, over and over again, that I was wrong. I was wrong when I thought Muslims were responsible for 9/11, wrong that Oswald killed Kennedy, wrong that Neil Armstrong walked on the moon. Wrong that I got a good education because I went to "good schools," wrong that my doctor is the best source of information about getting and staying healthy, wrong that Newsweek magazine keeps me well informed.

Wrong, wrong, wrong. Not easy to admit.



With all do respect, and while I personally tend to follow that path of neutrality, I would like to add that it's some of our country's "go-getters" that, without their own strong convitions, may not have had the impact they have had in reality. Just saying. I think there IS a time and place for firm believers. But, I'm also far from disagreement with your sentiments.

I respect those people with righteous conviction. The Batmans and Trey Gowdys of the world. And I also respect the ever-skeptics.


Of course, thank YOU.

What are your thoughts on Syria, Russia and the U.S.?

Based on my research, it seems that one could make a good argument that the categorization of events that we see reported as fact here in the US would certainly be heavily disputed by the regime in Syria and the Russians and could be disputed by someone holding all the facts. Who is the true agressor? What is the cause of all the fighting?

Well stated. Everything is twisted to shape the narrative.

I'd gold this if I had any but I only have Bitcoin.





Kickass username btw.


I'm curious, do you know some good online communities for truth quests? Are you on twitter?

(I prefer "truth quest" after msm and pop culture practically deem "conspiracy theorists" as tin foil hat wearing lunatics off their needs)


Phoenix source distributors isn't as active as I wish. But I check up there weekly

thanks. dont want to read a wall of text from some guy i dont know before finding out what the point was.

The eternal grain of salt... Everything you experience is scrutinized in a way that most people don't understand.

This is a great post! Great job capturing what a lot of us are feeling right now.

Rene Descartes is an amazing philosopher to study when getting into research of conspiracy. He makes so many awesome points that will help cultivate the information you take in as well as knowing who you can trust throughout the course of your study.

Before the internet people ALREADY thought the government was spying on everything. Conspiracies will thrive forever.

[deleted] incase you haven't seen it already.

Best post I've read all day.



It's all good.

I take a similar approach as you... intense and rigorous apathetic indifference.

You are correct about your assessment... but what I see different is that HR 6393 is actually a good thing for the American people... and was written up to shutdown the corrupt mainsteam media and the badguys in CIA at the same time. Reddit and breitbart aren't the intended targets at all.


If you look at the bills, acts, laws and executive orders all being pushed though collectively... you can see that it is literally the blueprint to Make America Great Again. These are being passed unanimously in some cases... it they were bad the house of reps and senate would be fighting tooth and nail... but they aren't... because they know it is time to "fly right" or "crash and burn" because everybody knows the good guys have won... the NSA whistleblew everything to everybody that they could trust. FBI2 is on top of everything.

Only thing that doesn't sit well with me... I think at least one of the vaccine/GMO/chemtrails/flouride conspiracy theories are probably real... widespread... and probably really really bad for us.


In the end I am a living organism and operate on a belief system based upon self preservation. "Good guys" in my interpretation are the ones which are most likely to extend and increase my quality of life.


Red and blue? I'm talking about black and white... evil and good... yang and yin... destruction versus creation. It has nothing to do with political affiliations.

Sounds like the foundations of Scientology. I think it's a legit belief system, without the rest of course.

I did a post here a few weeks back about Scientology being founded as a force to fight the "shadow government"'s MKUltra programming.


Consider that maybe everything you hear in the mainstream media is the opposite of the truth... and then it totally makes sense.

Ok, considered. Now I'd like just a shred of evidence that scientology is a force to fight the "shadow govts." MKUltra program. You can't just drop speculations like that without (at least circumstantial) evidence.

Here is my original kneejerk reaction posting detailing circumstantial evidence... since then I have refined it to include stuff about Charles Manson and the Communist party... but no one is really interested in the subject so I keep that conjecture to myself...

That was more than I expected for a response. You still say in your opening paragraph that you are just brain-storming though. Don't buy it. Still think they are shady as fuck. Tom cruise is a weird cunt. And he was married to Nicole Kidman. Do you know who her dad was? I think that is a far more interesting lead.

Yeah why do you think they split up... Tom didn't like her immoral ways despite the arranged marriage... Scientology unbrainwashed him... if I knew for a fact that this shit was true and could back it up don't you think I'd write a book or make a movie or something and get rich?

Oldschool Pervert/Commie busters...

That link implies that the cell involved at the "dynatic club" were perverts that made contact with other perverts in government. How were they busting them exactly?

That is an excerpt from 1500 pages of FBI docs... in the full context it makes sense... Dianetics was the honey trap to catch both sides red handed... Dianetics kept close tabs on the commies so they were often confused for commies back in the red scare... a lot of people mailed the FBI asking "WTF is a scientologist? Are they commies? Or just a little weird?"

1,500 pages of FBI docs proving it? I thought you said you didn't have any solid evidence? Which one is it?

It's not solid evidence... it is just a massive pile of FBI documents open for any kind of interpretation youd like... Scientologists are a cult... kidnappers... perverts... commies... whatever bias ya wanna confirm you can do it with 1500 pages of redacted documents.

So why, if they are the good guys, wouldn't they say that is what they are doing, in the name of transparency, and to recruit more like-minded people? Sorry dude, this one has so many holes in it I just can't believe it. You tried though. And that's the thought that counts.

Cause as soon as you say you are an anti-government organization instead of a religion you are fucked... who would believe the MKultra stuff anyways if you ran around shouting about it? You don't want to be transparent when you are literally the anti-CIA...

Maybe they aren't trying to overthrow the government... but maybe it is just trying to help people that have been fucked up from a young age by generational abuse... They are very anti psychiatrics... . more into talking it out I think.

Never heard any of this before. I mean, I have frequented quite a few conspiracy theory boards over the years, would have thought if it had any validity it would have come up at least once before. Still extra credit for going that extra post in trying to convince me.

Thats exactly why I looked into them... every organization is coming out of the woodwork this year... KKK to KGB... Los Zetas to the Vatican... but no Scientologists mentioned anywhere... sometimes what is missing is just as important as what is in front of you.

I haven't heard from the IRA lately either, does that mean the leprechauns are behind everything too?

they know it is time to "fly right" or "crash and burn"

You present two options, then arbitrarily choose one: fly right. It could also be argued they have chosen the other. My hope is that you are correct. My fear is that you are wrong. My gut tells me that far from beginning to settle, the dust is swirling more than ever.

Wise words that will surely fall on deaf ears, this may not be an appropriately serious enough forum for such both commonsensical and pristinely logical observations.

Well said, I try to maintain the same attitude, but sometimes it's really hard to keep track of how much you're stretching the imagination. Symbolism is a large part about conspiracies (esp illuminati related), and unless you have a PhD in math, it's hard to keep track of how correlated the proposed findings really are.

For example the speed of light being endoded in the pyramid's location on the earth, in meters/second. I've verified this fact myself through Google Earth (wiki lists it aswell), and it seems generally accepted fact. Yet, how likely is it (statistically) for this to happen by chance? And alot of people will hit at a dead end here, as do I alot of times, because the a large part of the credibility relies in it not being coincidence...

On your long search, what are some of your personal beliefs? I know you are like me, and you don't really want to claim one thing or the other, but if you had to make a prediction 30 years from now, which things do you think will have been proven fact. (Chemtrails, vaccination, illuminati, ...)

Symbolism is absolutely not part of conspiracies, unless you mean the kinds of conspiracies read about in comic books and chewing gum wrappers.

Not sure if serious, or attempting to bait. Every conspiracy related to flat earth, hollow earth, secrets societies, pizzagate (pedophelic codewords/logos), symmytry (golden ratio in nature), anything related to ancient cultures and so on will have some sort of symbolism in it. Like the example I mentioned, about the Pyramid of Gizeh.

Exactly my point, bubble gum wrapper conspiracies (e.g. Allan Quatermain adventures).

Bullshit. If you ain't reading symbols, you ain't reading at all.

Ok, so how many "symbolic systems" are you proficient in?

Sorry to soften your d, but I'm not going to engage with you.



Go read Dan Brown and stop engaging.

My mom went to the same church as Dan Brown and said he was a real dick.

Thank you, I will do more research before posting a comment.


I will always this though close to my heart.

congrats man i try to look at many information as possible but I like to spread my time around other subjects/area. Do you do this for a job?


Do all roads lead to Israel?

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I really wanted an answer from /u/PleiadianBigfoot but thanks. If all roads lead to Rome, do they lead to the Jesuits? That is a more modern group founded by Jews.

Edit: Yeah that sub is all about Jesuits. So maybe the road doesn't lead to Israel, but it leads to Jews. Goddamn it I'm destined to be a racist.


Thank you sir and sorry for the hassling. 3/4 of those factions are associated with Jews, but I look forward to learning about Pax Romana. I know that saying Jews is lazy, I'll probably switch to cabal.

Any other advice you want to give? I really appreciate what you've written already. If you could only suggest, let's say, 2-3 sources to lead one into the rabbit hole, what would they be?


David Wilcock is really interesting. I'd also recommend Graham Hancock for some alt archeology stuff.

It's best to approach every bit of information by using a "what if" mentality. Don't take what someone tells for granted, don't believe what you read to be true if you can't test it and take everything with a pinch of salt.

I think the most important thing however is the following: don't disregard something you can't prove or disprove immediately because it seems unlikely or because others tell you it's impossible.

And now it's reached a point where we may actually have our alternative media shut off, according to this latest news of congress passing a bill to censor alternative news.

If they do, then won't there be ways around it? Like encryption? Tor?

If they literally shut down alternative news sites on the surface web, there might be a public uprising. Lots of people depend on those sites for news.


Sneakernet, IP over carrier pigeon, wifi dead-drop servers, etc. Information storage density on media like microSD is at a level spies in the past would have died for.

Thus information would still flow. The downside is how much latency the interference would cause, and accessibility may drop below the convenience threshold for some. Any diehards will still be at it though.

A quote i learnt from a history teacher was "follow the money" rather than instantly accept or reject the thought, think of the reasoning behind it. Whether the situation is plausible. What reason would they have for doing this? This helps a lot when considering news.

I learned a long time ago not to share information in a declarative fashion.

this is very wise & also a kinder approach.

You seem to me like well educated person in matter of information circulation... and theories about world around us. taking your advice I will not take as face value... but if you can say... through the years of research ... You surely have some ideas and well theories...i don't know what is your expertise... but I would ask you what you think of alien presence on earth. thanks


I know you are getting lots of questions and I am really enjoying your post and the discussions it has generated.

What are you thoughts on Judy Wood's DEW theory of 9/11?

I am mostly interested in abductions... It was really big thing in last century but now I think it is really fazed out... what's going on.

This is golden. Excellent perspective.

I've been told I am a very good "seed" planter. I just want to get people thinking!

This is great. This is also the approach I've been using and thank you very much for putting it into such wise words.

This is why I don't belittle flatearthers or call people tinfoil hat wearers. All the information you learn is a piece of the puzzle, a giant elusive puzzle.

Power to you!

Great philosophy! It takes such a long time to get to where you are at. I'm finally getting it after 20 years.

Agree with most of what you say, but there are things that can be declared valid. Like the fact that the climate change paradigm is bullshit. It's a left wing ideology scam. Without any doubt whatsoever.

The fifth agreement: be skeptical but learn to listen

Post like OP's and post in the comments remind me why r/conspiracy is the best place on reddit. Thank you.

Beautiful ideology beautifully stated. Thank you.

I have always put forth an effort to do the same. It's important to recognize you can try to get close to the truth, but you never know for sure. And it is immensely important for us to do our own research from a vast amount of sources of varying opinions and positions.

My biggest mission is to try to remind or teach my friends this. One cannot simply google whatever article and the word "fake" next to it to disprove their position. We must keep our minds open to all possibilities, and entertain many different ideas and theories. It never hurts you, but could end up with a different world view.

what is good and what is evil? is it two opposing forces, or is evil redundant?


yeah well. what can i say. the rabbit hole goes deep, man.

That's why I always start theories with "I wonder if...".

30 years I quote from Joe Walsh: have a mansion but forget the price Ain't never been there, they tell me it's nice I live in hotels, tear out the walls I have accountants, pay for it all They say I'm crazy but I have a have a good time I'm just looking for clues at the scene of the crime Life's been good to me so far My Maseratti does one-eighty-five I lost my license, now I don't drive I have a limo, ride in the back I lock the doors in case I'm attacked I'm making records, my fans they can't wait They write me letters, tell me I'm great So I got me an office, gold records on the wall Just leave a message, maybe I'll call Lucky I'm sane after all I've been through (Everybody say I'm cool, he's cool) I can't complain but sometimes I still do Life's been…

Thank you

PleiadianBigfoot----Based on your name alone, you're someone I would love to hang out with.

Here's my bottom line conclusion: Truth is never told or read. It can ONLY be experienced and/or realized.

This is certainly refreshing. This, in my opinion, is also how most of the folks on this sub function. At least I hope it is. As I was driving into work this morning my thoughts went to this exact place. Maybe Putin did have something to do with the leaks. Maybe its the Assange folks that are lying. Then it hit me, maybe they are all lying. Its up to our gut instincts at this this point to suss out some form of objective reality out of this situation. One fact is clear. There is a concerted effort to sway public opinion and this is were our power rests. We can help to at the very least put alternative information out there so that its at least a planted seed as OP said. They may try to shut this all down. They may try to demonize anything not directly related to corporate controlled media. They may even start arresting people. For whatever reason they want to take our truth from us. But I say to you all as a call to arms, or keyboards as it were. "From my cold dead Tongue!"

Sound advice, I'm sure.

I'm a lurker here and sceptical about everything but I try to be as open-minded as I can. I'm interested in conspiracy theories for the same reason I'm interested in other beliefs people hold. For me, that's about thinking from a philosophical perspective about how it colours a person's view of the world to hold beliefs of any kind -- Robert Anton Wilson's idea of Reality Tunnels, an ontological filter that colours everything we see. I spent a large part of the summer absorbing as much Flat Earth information as I could, not in order to judge whether I think it's true or not, but to understand their perspective and to try seeing the world through that tunnel myself. Watching hours of videos every day, defending the position to people I know, thinking about all the news I heard in light of the fact that the earth is flat. I really enjoyed it! I think I was actually (almost) as excited as any of them when the NO FORESTS video came out, since I was up to speed with their belief system by that point, and here was a frsh addition to it. What a day! All of that made me think the experiment was working and a few days later I was done with it. I should be clear, I am not equating all CTs with Flat Earth.

The desire to and habit of projecting patterns onto the world around us is what makes us human. It may be the one kink in our brain that led to us evolving how we did and is what caused religions, science and conspiracy theories to appear. Keep it up but remember we're in our own reality tunnels too, it's just that some of them are less distorted than others.

As a science person, engineer by trade, this is just the reality of reality. This is why I can't contribute to /r/askengineers because you can't possibly know every domain in engineering and there is always a set of pricks (consequence of arguing with an engineer) who point out technicialities in everything you say. They aren't wrong, but for fuck sake when I say air velocity near the boundary of a solid is minimal therefore polishing the surface to a mirror finish is not going to improve the aerodynamics...but technically it does improve the system aero by 0.00034% and more in water, information that a Surface Flow Engineer actually studied and pointed out, so now I am a fucking idiot for opening my mouth even though reality is 0.00034% means fuck all.

Confirmation bias can be difficult to avoid

An intelligent man can entertain himself, a friend, and a new idea.

Your have a intelligent mind :)

Thank you for posting this. I haven't been at it as long as you, probably about 12 years, but I've come to a similar conclusion as you. You cannot do any kind of research if you've already convinced yourself what you're researching is true, or untrue. I went through a period in the mid 2000's where I was just lapping shit up from places like Infowars and random idiots on youtube, then realized that everyone, everywhere, all the time, has an agenda. Even when they don't realize it themselves.

So thirst for knowledge all you can, and question everything. Including the things that line up nicely with your current world view. Maybe even ESPECIALLY those things.

While I understand your sentiment, I think there's a responsibility of anyone "reporting news" not to report stuff they're not informed of, and/or things they know are pure crap. That's a slippery slop too.

Well said, my dad always told me to question everything, be it religion, politics, the media... basically, any time anyone is telling you anything. It is a philosophy that has served me well in these tumultuous times.

"...research means nothing without humility" I love it! So true. Thank you for making this post. Definitely something I will keep in mind.

second hand information

That is correct, unless you are the witness directly don't read something and act like you were there.

Have you seen the same stories repeatedly enough to realize you're watching a play? We need you on Team Love.


I'll give you a change to delete your comment before I do.

I thought it was pretty obvious that this was a joke, given the context of OP's post which addressed being of modest temperament and knowing when you can't know something.

No adjectives, no adverbs. Lose adjectives and adverbs and you're closer to the facts.

i like you

Great post. I will take your words to heart here. What I have learned is being neutral is difficult but like most things practice makes perfect. It gets easier. I think it is important that we come together, I feel like something bad is in our very near future and we will need each other.

But sometimes you do just actually know from years of experience.

I saw an article that said all of humanity has a decade left. "science" approved and all. This is complete fubar nonsense.

You should get good at assessing what might be real and what is obviously junk.


after all this time researching surely you are aware that consensus means nothing, right?



Second-hand, hearsay testimony resulted in hundreds of billions in reparations for the jews. If we bring back Judicial Notice, we never have to prove anything again. Think about it.

Brilliantly stated.

<3 great post

Bullshit. There are known knows we know we know.

Then there are known unknowns that we know about.

And lastly there are unknown unknowns that we don't know anything about.

Are you really telling me, that this 3rd wave feminists and Clinton supporters are not brainless sheep? Srsly dude!?


I don't have time for that. Got to be tending my memes, since they don't get kek'd by themselves.


You are the perfect poster child

Thanks! I take this as a compliment from you overanalyzing downer.

A quick laugh is better, than any real talk.

Lots of words to say read, digest, discard/absorb, conclude.

Can I please use your attention and experience for a few questions?

1) According to your analysis and long-term pattern watching, is global warming real?

2) What do you think about the NBIC complex and how it will affect the world?


Not really, I meant the nano-bio-info-cogno complex.

"This above all, consider all possibilities; arrive at no conclusions."


Oh, yes, yes, yes. I see what you mean. This line was imparted in a dialogue of... different... context (on life, the universe, and everything, not the affairs of the dwellers of the aforementioned.) So, somewhat of a non-sequitur, I suppose. Never said I wasn't dumb!

To bolster what you said in an example: 9/11 - the official story is an obvious departure from reality.

What is the most true thing you know?

Well spoke sir. Ultimately, we don't know what we don't know and therein is the bear trap we all tend to step in.


so kennedy shot himself?

Everything came from India. Lifetime of research. It was the last global power that ruled with knowledge before rome fucked it all up, we still suffer from it! is useful

It's true, we cannot prove anything to anyone. People choose to believe whatever they want. All we can do is plant seeds. I personally said some "crazy" stuff on my facebook a few years ago. There was so much resistance and hate put forwards me. I didn't care and kept on saying what I believed in. Some who shared the same beliefs have contacted me privately. Few years later and now I can see the seeds sprouting and new minds opening up to the truths and lies. I have no idea if I had any effect on these people and their egos would never let them say it. I'm just happy to see more people waking up.

Meanwhile idiots are up voting a picture of a tweet about voat being down despite it being from May. They haven't even bothered to look at the date.

As Crooked Hillary stated: "What Difference does it Make".

This was a "women" in charge of matters for the government and people around the world. She and the Clintons, let people die and as far I can tell from reports there were others that got erased as well.

Just do the research and don't let people / users sway you away from the truth. There are people enjoy tricking your mind from not believing what is real and separate (single you out) you from the rest thus separating the world.

Remain strong, confidant and up to speed on the truth!


We have a very long list of politicians and elites



Yes. Correct.

Can you please post this over in voat? The Pizzagate thing there is out of control.


Jumping to conclusions without thinking objectively and/or making connections on tenuous links. It's quite fevered.

Don't turn it into a belief system. Always let the information you digest be malleable, so you can add to it and shape it and let it grow naturally. Allow yourself to go down the rabbit hole without effort.

This is where you see people who have fallen down the rabbit hole really lose themselves. Some of them get so paranoid that anything that happens is automatically a nefarious, pre-planned, dark occult-inspired event. So much so that they never have hope for a way out of this big mess. The conspiracies, even down to the very darkest ones, are very much real. But they cannot live in the light of wide-spread truth.



Negative energy shouldn't be perceived as problematic, but as a challenge of spirit. A window for POSSIBLE solution, responsiblementic sort to say



Nice words but you're preaching to the subreddit that, very recently, jumped on the fact that some AP story was removed from the NY Times as evidence that the owners of NY Times were covering things up until multiple people pointed out that this in fact how AP (or is it Reuters?) works and has always worked on other media outlets as well. Forgive me if my impressions from visiting the sub are that it isn't exactly a bustling hive of rationality---and keep in mind folks that just knowing about cognitive bias can sometimes actually make you more biased because you (think you) see it better in other people but not in yourself.

And yet you are visiting the most gullible sub in Reddit.

30 years 10 paragraphs. Good Job.

I don't think I've ever seen anyone get gold in this sub... especially suspicious that it was so damned quickly after posting.

I hereby proclaim that this topic will hit the front page of /r/conspiracy in record time... Get your booted up.

I was right... #1 topic on this sub... and I level up yet again... where will I spend this talent point?

I agree with the post however I am wondering that myself as well.

Always be suspicious of gold posts here bc the purists here would never give money to Reddit.

That's not to say OP is shilling, I don't think he is, as his post is quite eloquent and well though out. However, that doesn't mean this well written call for "rationality" doesn't serve the same purpose as many shill posts do, resulting in gold within 20 minutes.


I've been in here (exclusively) 7 years and twice have had gold. While my appreciation for the giver was expressed, the community dialog spawned is far more important!

Your well formed content is worthy of all eyes, contemplation and my own self-introspection!



Well, since u/PleiadianBigfoot appears to be a new poster in here, this was my way of politely countering the discourse posited, concerning the rapid gold.

I'm not at all interested in driving wedges or being pavlovian to any political worship.

IMHO, OP's post is timely for myself, as well, I believe for the serious theorists, those newly redpilled and contrarians alike.


Well, oops you replied to me on accident then!


I just wanted you to know that there are dozens of us left.

Not certain what you're implying... as if you're a holdover from the purge of last winter? I don't recognize your moniker but it's all good.

The more the merrier!


Hope you will feel welcome and post often!

please delete this


how much did it cost to get this stickied

It's kind of interesting, I've heard over and over in this sub about the biased mainstream media and many people saying it would be perfectly fine if they were completely banned from existence. Now these same people are jumping to the defense of a country that completely controls and censors almost all of their media and actually citing their propaganda as justification for their beliefs... This is a country that literally murders reporters who criticize their leader. How are you supposed to do fair research if the leadership is suppressing opposing views? I've head a lot of support for Trump's plan to impose broad federal libel laws on the press, which would allow rich people to bully and bankrupt critical reporters.

Russia has launched a very powerful psy-ops campaign, especially in this community and it is readily accepted because until now, it has favored Trump and people like that. But they are posing as Americans and using botnets to inflate likes on twitter accounts, youtube videos, reddit posts, facebook posts, conspiracy websites, etc while down voting opposing views. I would not be surprised if this very post was written by a Russian. It sounds incredibly reasonable and it's impossible to find anything to criticize, no matter what your beliefs... but then it prescribes a specific policy. The bill in question is specifically targeted at Russian state-created propaganda. Are you just trying to protect your ability to hear what you want? Or will you also stand up for free speech when Trump tries to suppress his critics?

I would not be surprised if this very post was written by a Russian. It sounds incredibly reasonable and it's impossible to find anything to criticize, no matter what your beliefs... but then it prescribes a specific policy. The bill in question is specifically targeted at Russian state-created propaganda.

So Ron Paul is Russian propaganda to you? The most patriotic politician America has seen in decades? You gotta be fucking kidding me. You don't see the Irony in what you're saying? That bill is targeting free speech and you buy the bait that it's aimed at a collapsed superpower with the GDP size of Italy whose more efficient in propaganda than the current standing super power?

Oh god please don't tell me this is how the majority of Americans think. If it is say goodbye to your bill of rights everyone. The deep state is only getting started... Ignorance is bliss until it comes knocking at your door.

I mean I hate to say this but I think you're just trolling. Good job troll! Because if you truly believe in what you're saying, you are delusional. It doesn't matter republican or democrat, Trump or Hillary, they're all out to fuck us over and gain more power for themselves. If Putin did help Trump it makes sense since Hillary was literally trying to fuck Russia (and her allies) over anyway she could. Guess what though, Russia would win if this bill is passed you know how? Our traditions of freedom and independence in our open society (or what's left of it) goes down the drain. We slowly let our values become authoritarian just like the country you are demonizing right now. You actually think Fake news and Russia is a threat? It's brainwashed minds eating up corrupt politicians lies that is the threat. Wake up dude.

I'm not for it, but it is targeting foreign propaganda, not free speech(which is a right that only American citizens are guaranteed). That of course does not mean it isn't a threat to free speech. My point was that Trump has rhetorically attacked every facet of the first amendment, and Russia represents the worst case scenario for it. I just hope this community will be just as outraged when Trump targets liberals, minorities, and democratic institutions. I'm not optimistic, because Trump lies more than any person I have ever seen and his supporters believe him regardless of the truth. He could literally take over half of the American media the way Putin did and say he's doing it in order to protect free speech and his supporters would believe it.

Many people in conspiracy are already outraged at Trump for many different reasons. Personally for me it's all his promises he made on the campaign trail that he will go half ass on or just plain lied about and also his VP choice/cabinet picks. I wish you would be outraged about all the lies/corruption the DNC has hidden. Our government has a 1984 way of naming things that imply its there to help/protect the citizens instead it helps drive the agenda of the government/corporations . e.g. Patriot Act. Affordable Care Act, NDAA

I don't know why you're talking about the DNC but I agree and I'm glad you at least adhere to some principles rather than mindlessly following a dishonest narcissist.


I sound like a jackass compared to OP lol

EDIT: I need to reread OPs post to take the humility part to heart...

I never know exactly what people mean by mainstream media. I think a lot of people consider it to just be the FOX, CNN, and MSNBC tv networks. I agree media is changing but the most popular sources are always going to have the most money and are going to hire the best journalists and editors with degrees from the best schools. So sure, guys like Alex Jones with a community college degree will still have an audience but online papers and magazines like the New York Times, Washington Post, and Wall Street Journal will continue to dominate - because they have the most consistent reputations for being accurate, breaking stories first, having the best writing, and doing in-depth investigations. The fact that you believe what you're saying in your second to last paragraph is why fringe sources don't survive long-term - their audience eventually looks silly for believing their bad reporting.

The Russians have been doing this all across Europe recently and it will come to a head soon.


There are a lot of reasons for it, your link sites the most glaring one for the very recent trend: Donald Trump. He stole Sean Hannity and Alex Jones' formula for capturing followers. Make people believe that you're the only one they can trust and everyone else is lying to them. Trust also goes down in election years because people use it as weapons and consequently also find themselves on the receiving end of it. Also, uneducated people take an abnormally strong interest in it around election time, propping up less reliable sources before they lose interest again. But my point is it will never go away, it will just adapt. Just because people think that most sources are biased doesn't necessarily mean they're going to stop consuming it. People may drift toward other sources, but then those will be the new mainstream. The cable networks are dying because tv is dying. But the one thing that will never change is that news media is a free market where branding and building trust are the most important elements. All of the most successful media sources will secure the integrity of their brand by hiring the best journalists and that means the educated liberal elite who run the New York Times, Rolling Stone, Salon, Time, The Washington Post, etc, will always be in the driver seat.

Decades of research and you sound like you are still a vegetable sitting on your armchair gazing at a LCD haven't found nothing mr perfect wise human. I might be wrong.


No. Unlike him, there are those who haven't died in their chairs. I thought he may want to know.

"People have a tendency to cherry pick information to bend to a belief system they have already created for themselves."

People have beliefs (not a "belief system") they have acquired through observation and logic. Don't try to talk down to us. The increasingly frequent use of the words "humility" and "humble(d)" by the msm and inquiring, concerned "minds" online and off are an obvious attempt to make us believe that line of bullshit. Our enemies need to be humbled, humiliated, and destroyed. And they will be. (You do what you're told. No. I don't.)

"And now it's reached a point where we may actually have our alternative media shut off, according to this latest news of congress passing a bill to censor alternative news."

And this is because we haven't learned humility? Bullshit. We don't engage in pissing contests. We are enraged.

This is classic failed atheistic liberal philosophy in the same vein of the first of Bertrand Russell's "Ten Commandments" of liberalism which states to never be certain of anything. Was he certain of that? This hypocritical and contradictory philosophy only fosters confusion and weakness.

Since when did logic, reason, critical thinking, critical reading, and shunning confirmation bias and cognitive dissonance become exclusive to liberal philosophy?

who created the enlightenment, illuminati

What kind of half-baked rhetorical question is that?


Amazing the constraints a person can put on themselves thinking two dimensionally.

This. Times 1099.

What you are saying is that established truths cannot be stated as such which is a hyper-contradiction and is a known liberal philosophy; if you don't like that then too bad. It is simply stating a fact. Your appealing to "peace" also invokes an argumentum ad populum fallacy.


Rule 10. No personal attacks. Removed. Final warning.


Calling someone a "douchebag" is a pretty low personal attack.

Your first warning was here:

I see that you deleted that post after being warned so I have no way of knowing just how egregious or blatant it was.


Attack other users' arguments, not their character. It's really quite easy.

Hope you will feel welcome and post often!

Your post history isn't very fence sitty.

David Wilcock is really interesting. I'd also recommend Graham Hancock for some alt archeology stuff.

It takes understanding of the world and system around you to come to these conclusions, the atrocities of the world and the symbols used all around us point to the ancient Babylonian religions. It just takes a little bit of research to connect the dots.

So why, if they are the good guys, wouldn't they say that is what they are doing, in the name of transparency, and to recruit more like-minded people? Sorry dude, this one has so many holes in it I just can't believe it. You tried though. And that's the thought that counts.

I haven't heard from the IRA lately either, does that mean the leprechauns are behind everything too?

I will always this though close to my heart.

the above sentiment held true before the days of bot armies and bullshit like CTR.