Anyone else suspect those protesting the most right now about Trump winning aren't doing it because they believe he's dangerous but actually because they're about to be implicated in the gigantic pedo ring we've uncovered? (*cough cough* Harry Reid)

97  2016-12-14 by OhHeyItsMeKevin


Bush Sr endorsing Hillary is a giant fucking red flag. Bush Sr was head of the CIA, no?

Yeah I consider myself fairly liberal and I would never ever vote for Hillary. That's like one of 1,000 red flags surrounding her.

She doesn't have any other kinds of flags. She is trying to convince us they are all purple now. But, just keeps adding more red ones.

Bush did not endorse Clinton. One person claimed he told her he would vote for Clinton (Kathleen Townsend). The claim was never verified, she never followed up on it, and Bush himself never made any public endorsement.

A spokesperson for him said, “The vote President Bush will cast as a private citizen in some 50 days will be just that: a private vote cast in 50 days. He is not commenting on the presidential race in the interim.”

So, no endorsement.


As someone who lives in an extremely liberal part of the country, I will say that Trump's being elected has genuinely pissed off the dems off in a major way. I do not think that the people protesting against him are all acting on ulterior motives. Do I think MSM putting more of the spotlight on the Trump opposition as a way to undermine the recently exposed DNC corruption? Absolutely.

I agree, I'm from a relatively affluent area and almost everyone is just bummed out that Trump got elected over HRC, but I don't know a single person protesting (especially not over a month after the election).

It's pretty clear that the MSM is just a propaganda machine at this point that's beginning to lose its control over people (hence all the #FakeNews BS).

Where was the MSM during the massive protests at the DNC convention, or at Bernie's 100's of massive rallies? (Or even just covering HRC's scandals without bias)

Yea I'm not really talking about us normal folk, I should make that clear. More so the people in the belly of the beast that is D.C.

Yeah I think TPTB are running around like chickens with their head's cut off looking for the next thing they can have MSM "cry wolf" about to distract the public from the pizzagate investigation. It's fun to watch them squirm under pressure!

This is what I'm most scared of. Desperate people doing desperate things... like staging a terror attack and blaming Russia. They get their distraction and the war they wanted all in one.

Yes exactly. Even my non-conspiracy minded democratic friends while sad of Clintons loss, still respect the results. To be fair, most of them/us are worked too hard in their everyday life to even have time to consider protesting on the streets.

But at least some of my friends are finally starting to see how deceitful the msm is.

There are like a dozen reasons for these people protesting so incredibly hard against the president-elect... I think Harry has some sketchy bribery/tax thing going on right now... but honestly most people are straight up brainwashed or blackmailed... or both.

Pay attention folks! Don't do shit you are ashamed of

Bonus - Sen. Harry Reid: Give Trump fake CIA intel briefings

Yeah this election has had so many layers to it: Dying MSM, Wikileaks, huge corruption exposed, Assange disappearing?, Soros, Trump out of nowhere, Bernie getting cheated, Clinton Foundation, Pizzagate... on and on.

There are legimate reasons why people are still protesting Trump, mainly the people he's surrounding himself with e.g Climate change deniers and people with close ties to Russia.

Oh I know. It's just when Harry Reid compares Trump getting elected to 9/11 you stop and go... really? The day 3,000 people died? REALLY?

Harry Reid

Strawmanning much? There are extremists on both side of this debate, but that's what they are, extremists.

Look at the actual issues instead of paying those loud minorities attention; Is the issue of Trump adding people like Rex Tillerson (who has strong ties to Russia) to his cabinet something to be concerned about, especially when the US intelligence offices believe that Russia had a finger in the Election?

There is no proof of Russia being involved in the hacks. What, an anonymous source from a secret meeting by a shady government agency reported by a lying media says Russia is behind the hacks? I'm supposed to believe that and be worried? Yeah, I'll pass.

The US Intelligence Chief said that "Russians have a very active and aggressive capability to conduct information operation so called hybrid warfare".1 Hacking and spreading disinformation is their Modus Operandi.

Congress was informed in October that "The U.S. Intelligence Community (USIC) is confident that the Russian Government directed the recent compromises of e-mails from US persons and institutions, including from US political organizations...".2



What disinformation? Were the Wikileaks emails wrong? Look, we're never going to agree on this. You believe in your Russian boogeyman and I won't. We can go our separate ways and that's fine.

You are the disinformation. It's the people like you that other conspiracy theorists look at and say that there is disinformation going on.

what have I said that's disinformation

You saying that there is no evidence of Russian disinformation. the guy/gal above showed you evidence, you deflected to something off topic. That is the epitome of disinformation to me, Its gaslighting 101.

I'll believe Wikileaks over our government that constantly lies. Thanks.

Deflecting again, but ill bite. How is a company that has been accused of having ties to russia (which they do) the source of truth as to where they got their information. Would it clearly not be in their best interests and even more bolstering if they got their info from some "disgusted" democrat instead of Russia?

You know who i dont trust more than anyone? People on the internet. Especially redditors that only have 18 day old accounts and have only posted to T_shitstain and r/Conspiracy.

Okay then we'll continue to disagree. No problem. I'm fine with that. You believe what you want and I'll believe what I want.

At least you are honest about your willful ignorance, I guess.

You'll believe in a pedophile conspiracy at the highest levels of our government based on some words in three e-mails, but you draw the line at criticizing Trump?

You shills are easy as fuck to identify when you post pro-Trump garbage like this.

Yes. You know what, you're right.

Thankfully there has NEVER been ANY pedophilia in governments before. There haven't been rumors for years or people arrested in the government like Dennis Hastert for child molestation. There wasn't a report five years ago of over FIVE THOUSAND Pentagon employees buying child pornography. Thankfully Bill Clinton never flew on a convicted billionaire pedophile's airplane over a dozen times. The suspicous "cheese pizza" talk luckily isn't a known code for pedophiles, even though many people have said it is. Thank goodness for all of that. NOTHING TO SEE HERE, FOLKS. MOVE RIGHT ALONG. YOU'RE JUST A CONSPIRACY THEORIST, SILLY.

But I'll go along with your Russian boogeyman shit instead. Let me guess, the CIA says Russia is bad for exposing Hillary Clinton's corruption and now we need to go to nuclear war with them? OH OKAY. LET'S GET ON THAT. JUST ME AND MY WILLFUL IGNORANCE. HERE I COME. WHATEVER THE TV SAYS IS TRUE.

Got it.

Thankfully there has NEVER been ANY pedophilia in governments before.

You couldn't go two sentences without attacking a straw man.

But I'll go along with your Russian boogeyman shit instead. Let me guess, the CIA says Russia is bad for exposing Hillary Clinton's corruption and now we need to go to nuclear war with them? OH OKAY.

The fuck? No.

It's not about nuclear war or whatever, but control and power.

I don't know what the TV is saying about any of this, I don't watch TV.

I know that Cambridge Analytics was used by the Trump campaign. I know that CA is owned by the Mercer family. I know that Mercer owns Breitbart. I know that Mercer is responsible for installing Conway and Bannon into the Trump administration. It's not an "interesting" conspiracy in the way Pizzagate is, but it's demonstrable. We know Trump is owned by the Mercer family and I think it's far more worthwhile to investigate THEM than some "code words" in the Podesta e-mails.

We know other people are owned by the Mercers, like John Bolton. We know that Make America Number 1 - the Mercer Super PAC - was run by Conway and Bannon, then Davis Bossie, who was also responsible for Citizens United, and who all are now part of the Trump team.

It's a clear-as-fucking-day conspiracy to take over the goddamned United States and turn it into a plutarchy, loot it, and get the fuck out. But no, a "coded" e-mail about pizza and handkerchiefs is way, way more important.

It's a lot lot more than just 3 emails, elite pedophile rings are prominent around the world, particularly in Australia, Norway, UK and the USA right now. Do some research and try to use some FACTS.

You complain about Trump's ties to Russia, they are nothing compared to Hillary. HRC approved the sale of 20% of all USA uranium to Russia while Secretary of State And Bill Clinton and the Clinton Foundation even got a cut). (Here's a NYT source)

Refute that. Oh right you can't cause your a CTR shill...

I'm not a shill - you are welcome to go through my comment history.

Hillary isn't president-elect, Trump is. Why are you bringing her up?

Because the election was between HRC and Trump, and HRC/CTR's tactic this election cycle has been to invert the truth (and blame her opponent for things she's guilty of). They falsified connections between Trump and Russia/Putin, then they have the MSM cover it repeatedly. The MSM conveniently ignore the real stories like how HRC sold 1/5th of our uranium to Russia for a massive payout through the Clinton Foundation (or her emails, or how she rigged the primaries or even PizzaGate).

I did go through your comment history like you suggested.... how are you not a shill? (90% of your comments have been blatantly false trying to convince people PizzaGate isn't real, or how Russia hacked our elections)

and HRC/CTR's tactic this election cycle has been to invert the truth

That's everyone's strategy. Beyond that, the election is over, so, again, why are you saying "B-b-b-ut HILLARY" when I'm asking you about Trump?

90% of your comments have been blatantly false trying to convince people PizzaGate isn't real

I believe Pizzagate is a conspiracy meant to distract. To me, it's obvious. You and I are polar opposites in this regard. To you, Pizzagate is 100% true, to me, it's 100% false. That doesn't mean we should start calling each other shills, dude.

Of the many tens of thousands of comments I have made over my 6+ years on Reddit, only a handful have been about Pizzagate. So, it's not 90%, more like .009%

It's not everyone's strategy, give me two examples... I can give you a dozen for CTR. (Why do you think they have a $5 Million Dollar budget for Reddit alone?)

What is PizzaGate meant to distract from? Do you really think that Wikileaks published John Podesta's emails in order to distract people?

Well obviously I didn't review your full 6 year history, just the last week... and they are ~90% Anti-PizzaGate or Anti-Trump (you can buy accounts....)

I'm just going to list a bunch of coincidences that have happened in the last couple months:

  1. Norway arrest 51 in an elite pedophile ring (shortly after donations from Norway to the Clinton Foundation drop 90%!)

  2. The New York Times, Washington Post, and ABC News all deleted their articles on the Norwegian pedophile ring on the same day (a few days ago).

  3. 1000's of pedophiles were openly posting child porn on Twitter, instead of banning those accounts Twitter actually bans the accounts that are calling them out.

  4. The current CEO of the NYT is Mark Thompson, the same Mark Thompson who covered up Jimmy Savile's pedophilia for YEARS

  5. Andrew Breitbart was murdered after claiming John Podesta is a child-trafficker in 2012 before any of these emails or other stories were released. (The coroner who examined his body died of arsenic poisoning)

  6. Australian 60 minutes released an episode exposing an elite child trafficking ring (Involving some Americans too)

Do you want more? Cause I got more, lots more...

It's not everyone's strategy, give me two examples...

Why do you not care about Cambridge Analytics? They outspent CTR by millions of dollars. Is it because they did it for Trump that you don't care?

Anyways, Trump calls Hillary crooked, is crooked himself. Trump says he'll drain the swamp, instead fills it. Accuses Clintons and their foundation of supporting and accepting money from all kinds of foreign interests, including the Saudis, turns out he's actually guiltier of that.

Look, I'm not a Clinton fan and I want her to go down and get what she deserves, but it's not mutually exclusive to calling out Trump.

I have to read about your numbers 1 and 2 before I can comment.

3 - This is not a fact. This is all based on the accusations of a single twitter account. No one can verify this account, who owns it, or how they got the information. The user being banned is not surprising, as they were essentially on a harassment campaign. Note, I'm not saying it isn't true, just that you shouldn't treat it like gospel.

The current CEO of the NYT is Mark Thompson, the same Mark Thompson who covered up Jimmy Savile's pedophilia for YEARS

Sorry, what? I know someone made a comment out of context that he was going to "lie" but never said what he was going to lie about or offered any proof other than hearsay.

Andrew Breitbart was murdered after claiming John Podesta is a child-trafficker in 2012 before any of these emails or other stories were released.

He died in the presence of other people who witnessed him have a heart attack. I like how you just state he was murdered though, like it's a fact.

I am interested in non-politicized conspiracy theories you may have - I'll even continue to listen to your right-wing spin - but hopefully you can start linking proof.

To be honest, I'm a Bernie fan, not massive on Trump but anything is better than Hillary. I would have preferred Stein or even Johnson over Trump.

Trump calls Hillary crooked, is crooked himself. Trump says he'll drain the swamp, instead fills it.

Draining/filling the swamp is subjective and not specific in the slightest. (nor is it an attack)

And calling her 'crooked' is an oversimplification, he was specifically referring to her crimes during Secretary of State. (Emails, abuse of power, etc)

That's enough about Clinton, as I think we're in agreement that she should be in prison for her crimes.

Here's a source that touches on points 1 and 2 (there are probably better sources, but Google's not exactly helping me right now)

  1. They used Twitter's API to find the 1000's of accounts, here's a bad source (but it has screenshots of some of the stuff), here's the original list that was compiled.

  2. There are plenty of other [UK] sources that say the same thing, but it's essentially impossible he didn't have some knowledge of what was going on.

  3. It's not a fact he was murdered, but he was only 43. (And the CIA uses a poison dart gun that is 'untraceable' and makes it appear as a heart attack) Why do you think his coroner died from arsenic poisoning?

I'll add a few more points.

  1. I haven't even mentioned Comet Ping Pong's strange art (that Alefantis lied about), or it's instagram page full of extremely bizarre photos.

  2. Several sources claim that the Weiner emails (that the FBI confiscated from NYPD) contain a mountain of proof. Let me remind you that Weiner was found to be sexting underage girls.

  3. Jeffrey Epstein is a convicted pedophile, he's also the co-founder of the Clinton Foundation. (And his island is notorious for it). Bill Clinton has taken many trips down there, even aboard Epstein's private plane, the Lolita Express.

  4. John Podesta has art depicting cannibalism in his office, and Tony Podesta his brother is even worse (has 'art' depicting young children being murdered/abused).

  5. I'm going to mention the Australian 60 minutes episode again exposing the elite pedo-ring, cause you didn't even mention it.

If you're not convinced that there is at least something nefarious going on among the elite/establishment/MSM, you're either blind, ignorant, or apart of it. The probability that all of these points are simply coincidence are less than a trillion to one, and arguing against it without any evidence is futile.

If you're not convinced that there is at least something nefarious going on among the elite/establishment/MSM, you're either blind, ignorant, or apart of it.

I really, really hate this way of thinking. "If you don't see what I see, you're complicit or stupid." I don't think you're stupid for getting caught up in Pizzagate, I think the people manipulating the Pizzagate story are just very good at appealing to conspiracy-minded people.

They take a dash of truth and use it to convince people of whatever story they are trying to push.

Why do you not care about Trump's associating with Epstein? Why is Pizzagate worth investigating, but not the accusation that Trump and Epstein raped a minor together? You know, the case that was dropped because the plaintiff was getting so many death threats to stop the story from getting out?

I do care about Trump and Epstein, I'm not 100% convinced that Trump isn't associated with all of this, all I know right now is that he's certainly got a better chance of dealing with it than anyone else.

You didn't even try to further debunk any of those 10 points, just look into them, that's all I ask. I fully admit I don't know the full scale of this, or even all the implications, all I know is there is significant evidence pointing to an elite pedo-ring in the USA (CIA), UK (MI5), Australia, and Norway (As well as the MSM). I don't make these accusations lightly, but they're serious and needs a full investigation.

Yeah sorry man, hard to reply to everything while I'm at work.

Of course I will look into them.

I've seen the instagram and found it totally innocuous. Same with the e-mails. Twittergate makes no sense to me - why would thousands of people knowingly propagate child porn on a public website in a public manner with full knowledge their actions were being recorded? Why is this tied to Pizzagate?

all I know is there is significant evidence pointing to an elite pedo-ring in the USA

I think it points to evidence that there are elite pedophiles in this country and maybe some of them are in it together, but I don't think it's as large as Pizzagaters think. I think there may be a few different groups that get up to all kinds of awful behavior. Again, I think Pizzagate is a distraction from other, larger conspiracies.

The US is on its way to becoming a Christian Theocracy and we're going to lose many of the rights we were born with. All because people are too busy googling Pizzagate instead of reading up on Trump's cabinet... for example.

Harry Reid

Is fucked because they are about to leak that him and 2 others created ISIS

Lindsay Graham was one of the other ones, wait till it leaks, they are done

If I remember correctly John McCain was the third

The russian debate is stupid and just a deflection, move on from it

Before the election I thought Hillary was a criminal and Trump a buffoon.

Since PizzaGate broke and the propaganda of ALL the MSM became clear, I'm beginning to believe Trump's our only hope. All the elite's that are implicated realize this and are scrambling to do everything in their power to stop it, even if it means a coup (by the CIA/Obama).

The CIA needs to be axed, and Hillary sent to prison for life (or even death).

If the Weiner emails are released all hell will break loose and hopefully set this all in motion.

This echoes pretty much how it went down for me, too.

Wasn't thrilled with Trump at first either. I didn't seriously start paying attention until about mid-October. Then I started following Wikileaks daily. Pizzagate hit and it began to dawn on me that there are way too many coincidences. Something huge is here.

You can see everything they're doing now:

They're prepping for the bomb to drop. Clinton and company aren't just fighting to be president, they're fighting for their lives.


Makes the most sense they are afraid of something they have hidden and dont want exposed. I mean, we all know what big piles of shit all these people are after all the wikileaks stuff.

Michelle O giving the performance of a lifetime made me wonder why she felt the need?


Maybe #pzGt should take a tactical pause, at least publicly, until after Jan 20th.

I would even go as far as estimating that at least four fifths of all who voted Democrats are in on this conspiracy... Why wouldn't they be? You got proof saying otherwise?

Woah there, big boy. There are plenty of reasons other than being a pedo. I recall during the Bundy standoff Reid being implicated in a scheme selling land to a Chinese solar company. They deemed a tortoise a endangered species to secure the land. I've no doubts he's dirty, but a pedo? Yea... probably, heh.


cough cough Harry Reid? Does that mean he resigned because of this or that he is endorsing Clinton still? A little context on that comment?

He compared Trump getting elected to 9/11...

You can be upset about Trump, sure. You can be pissy about it for awhile, fine. But comparing him to 9/11 seems a bit hyperbolic and a little insulting to everyone who had to deal with all of the trauma 9/11 brought.

Just makes me wonder if there's more to Harry Reid than what we're seeing, especially with the Pizzagate revelations. That's all.

Agreed. Thanks for the clarification. Wasn't aware it was him who made that comparison. DRAIN THE SWAMP!

Yea I'm not really talking about us normal folk, I should make that clear. More so the people in the belly of the beast that is D.C.

This echoes pretty much how it went down for me, too.

Wasn't thrilled with Trump at first either. I didn't seriously start paying attention until about mid-October. Then I started following Wikileaks daily. Pizzagate hit and it began to dawn on me that there are way too many coincidences. Something huge is here.

You can see everything they're doing now:

They're prepping for the bomb to drop. Clinton and company aren't just fighting to be president, they're fighting for their lives.

I agree, I'm from a relatively affluent area and almost everyone is just bummed out that Trump got elected over HRC, but I don't know a single person protesting (especially not over a month after the election).

It's pretty clear that the MSM is just a propaganda machine at this point that's beginning to lose its control over people (hence all the #FakeNews BS).

Where was the MSM during the massive protests at the DNC convention, or at Bernie's 100's of massive rallies? (Or even just covering HRC's scandals without bias)

It's not everyone's strategy, give me two examples...

Why do you not care about Cambridge Analytics? They outspent CTR by millions of dollars. Is it because they did it for Trump that you don't care?

Anyways, Trump calls Hillary crooked, is crooked himself. Trump says he'll drain the swamp, instead fills it. Accuses Clintons and their foundation of supporting and accepting money from all kinds of foreign interests, including the Saudis, turns out he's actually guiltier of that.

Look, I'm not a Clinton fan and I want her to go down and get what she deserves, but it's not mutually exclusive to calling out Trump.

I have to read about your numbers 1 and 2 before I can comment.

3 - This is not a fact. This is all based on the accusations of a single twitter account. No one can verify this account, who owns it, or how they got the information. The user being banned is not surprising, as they were essentially on a harassment campaign. Note, I'm not saying it isn't true, just that you shouldn't treat it like gospel.

The current CEO of the NYT is Mark Thompson, the same Mark Thompson who covered up Jimmy Savile's pedophilia for YEARS

Sorry, what? I know someone made a comment out of context that he was going to "lie" but never said what he was going to lie about or offered any proof other than hearsay.

Andrew Breitbart was murdered after claiming John Podesta is a child-trafficker in 2012 before any of these emails or other stories were released.

He died in the presence of other people who witnessed him have a heart attack. I like how you just state he was murdered though, like it's a fact.

I am interested in non-politicized conspiracy theories you may have - I'll even continue to listen to your right-wing spin - but hopefully you can start linking proof.

Deflecting again, but ill bite. How is a company that has been accused of having ties to russia (which they do) the source of truth as to where they got their information. Would it clearly not be in their best interests and even more bolstering if they got their info from some "disgusted" democrat instead of Russia?

You know who i dont trust more than anyone? People on the internet. Especially redditors that only have 18 day old accounts and have only posted to T_shitstain and r/Conspiracy.