A possible reason for the elites' obsession with cannibalism: Hunter S. Thompson says human glands are the ultimate source of drugs.

1253  2016-12-15 by mka123088

While reviewing the franklin scandal again, I remembered that Paul Bonacci had said that he was forced to participate in a pornographic snuff film that was directed by Hunter S. Thompson. When I first heard this, I thought "wow, that's crazy" and moved on. But the other day something caught my eye that made me reconsider this detail. In the Wikileaks Global Intelligence Files, there is a deranged sounding email from one David McCuller ranting about how he wants to marry Barbara Bush, and how he blew up the pentagon and WTC buildings with Dubya, among other things:


This email is coming from someone who is clearly unhinged, and the people responding to him treat it that way, but he definitely says several things that ring of true events, albeit coming through a distorted filter. Then I saw the line "You're not going to smoke my pineal gland" and I suddenly remembered that in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas there is a scene where they talk about getting high from human glands:


Dr. Gonzo starts talking about how he got a client that is a SATANISM FREAK who couldn't pay him with money, and gave him an ounce of pure adrenochrome instead, which they then go on to say is only possible to get by extracting it out of a living human. Gonzo then talks about how his client is being accused of CHILD MOLESTATION and might try to rip out his pineal gland if he didn't accept the offer. They then talk about getting extract of human pineal and what would happen if they took it, and Dr. Gonzo says you would turn into something out of medical encyclopedia, and then he transforms into a demon. There is also an earlier scene in which a group of well dressed lizards have a blood orgy. Watching this film again with the knowledge of Hunter's connection to Bohemian Grove, satanism and child trafficking gives it a whole new meaning. It may be a much more literal depiction of reality than it seems upon first viewing.

So we know that these people are sacrificing children, eating the bodies, drinking the blood and worshipping dark gods. But why? I think this is the question that everyone investigating pizzagate is burning to know the answer to. Why would someone commit the most vile and atrocious crimes against humanity for promises from disembodied entities that may not even be real? Well, Hunter may be telling us indirectly that these entities may not be so disembodied after all, at least to them.

Anyone who has done any research into DMT knows that it is a ubiquitous aspect of the experience to have contact with non-physical entities, regardless of whether you believe they are real or not. I think it's very possible that these people are not only drinking human blood to stay younger, but eating human pineal (and other) glands in order to have intense psychedelic trips that bring about the experience of communicating with dark "gods". Their agenda is not only to control the masses through occult knowledge, but for the few in the ruling class to reach ultimate spiritual enlightenment. The all seeing eye on the pyramid that we know so well is the symbol of this goal, but the all seeing eye, also called the eye of horus, is the symbol of the pineal gland as well. The third eye is a spiritual concept, but it also literally refers to a piece of our anatomy. Considering everything that I've learned in the past few months, I would say that it is not at all a stretch to assume that the rulers may have learned something about how to have the ultimate drug trip that the rest of us are too human to ever have any knowledge of.

If anyone has any more info on rituals that involve eating specific body parts for a specific effect, it may be worth looking in to.


but eating human pineal (and other) glands in order to have intense psychedelic trips that bring about the experience of communicating with dark "gods".

A few thoughts.

  • One, how much DMT is in a single pineal gland?

  • Two, eating a pineal gland is a shitty way to get DMT. Why? Because the monoamine oxidase enzyme in your gut metabolizes monoamines (like DMT) while still inside your digestive system.

  • The only way to make DMT orally active is to first ingest some sort of MAO inhibitor. Interestingly enough, there are a number of botanical compounds that do this.

Now for a personal theory (yeah I know, here he goes again... roll your eyes)

In the Bible (bear with me for a moment) it says that God told Adam and Eve they could have every fruit except for the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge. I'm pretty sure it's also referred to as the tree growing in the center of the garden.

So what if this is a metaphor? I suggest that the tree of knowledge is a fancy way of describing the human nervous system. The motor and sensory nerves are the roots. Spinal cord equals the trunk and the brain is the leaves/branches. Your body is the garden and your brain is the tree at the center of the garden. The pineal gland is the fruit growing on the tree.

The pineal gland is a pine cone shaped gland centrally located in your brain. The ancients knew about the pineal gland too.

So maybe we have a warning not to mess around with the pineal gland. On one hand, it has something to do with godlike knowledge and higher levels of awareness. On the other hand, serious negative consequences go along with this knowledge.

I could speculate and take this even further, but I want to hear what other people think about this idea first.

This ties it all together. I would love to hear your further speculation.

The idea of eating body parts for their effect on the diner is a common and ancient one. Eating a lions heart was supposed to confer courage and strength in some sub-Saharan African tribes and I'm sure people have experimented with eating all kinds of things to see what happens..

A few thousand years ago, when taboos about taking human life and cannibalism didn't really exist, it's practically certain that people ate bits of other people for exactly this reason.

We know Neanderthals and early humans ate each other; there's lots of evidence for that. And it may actually work. Wouldn't it be interesting if the explosion of human consciousness about 40k years ago was the result of dining on Neanderthal brains?!

That last sentence blew my mind

This is literally the best thread I've read for month and there's been a ton of incredible threads today alone. I wish I had more to contribute than that.

Confirmed by Anthony Hopkins in Westworld

And in Silence of the Lambs! What's Robby hiding??

Do animals have pineal glands?

Does this work for other species as well?

Some mammals have them, but they're usually smaller. I believe cat's are the most attuned with their pineal gland. Could be why Egyptian Pharoahs held cats to high regards.

Someone on Reddit or 4chan pointed out a few months ago the markings on hillarys tongue could be from Kuru (disease from eating brains). Could this have anything to do with eating a pineal gland?

Here is a website with the tongue pictures it is pretty gross when you think about it.


http://i.imgur.com/dTeHAoF.png -- just a short picture with a description of disease

Prions are so disturbing.

what the actual fuck did I just stumble across...fucking gross

Fuck me those symptoms! She really must be eating human flesh!

So Eve killed someone and ate their penal gland.

Eve wasn't really an actual person. But definitely at least some of our ancestors did..

There is some speculation that we ate the Neanderthals as well as bred with them.

Not speculation. Split Neanderthal bones with butchery marks at human habitation sites. Either they were very curious about Neanderthal bone marrow, or they were splitting the bones to eat the marrow..

Didn't know this, thanks. Very interesting.

Homo sapiens sapiens are incredibly fucked up. I wonder how other human species were by comparison.

It's not fucked up. It's normal.

You live in a very atypical era of human history and you've been conditioned to believe that humans don't do these kinds of things. All the evidence is to the contrary. The sanctity of human life is a myth perpetrated by certain religions mostly.

I guarantee you you'd eat your own mother if you were hungry enough...

Smoked lungs and pickled liver? No thanks.

Mammals are different from many other animals. We don't do well with cannibalism. Perhaps it's because we're descended from herbivores. Engaging in cannibalism puts us at risk for autoimmune and prion diseases.

So no, it isn't as simple as all that.

Also, you forget that our "life" as multicellular organisms consists of the collaboration of trillions of beings within us. Understandably, every one of them is willing to die to preserve the whole, just like with any other multicellular organism. That seems to give the survival of the whole a sort of primordial sanctity, does it not?

I mean, why would life exist at all if the universe wasn't selecting for it? Self-reproducing forms are the most selectable forms in nature because reproduction is selected for. This is so basic it might not be obvious but inanimate matter can also go through reproductive cycles with far less specificity. Life is a whole new threshold of resolution and specificity in reproduction. Perhaps you think that insanely complex chemical beings such as us are no more important than the relatively elementary rock on which we walk, but I would argue there is quite a clear divide that has nothing to do with religion, and everything to do with the most basic laws of nature.

No lunch is free.

This reminds me of the story of General Butt Naked. General Butt Naked was a guy who fought in the Liberian Civil War. He and his men were known for eating humans and running into battle naked. He claims that one day before a battle, he ate a child's heart for spiritual protection against bullets. Right after he ate the heart, he had a psychedelic experience where a man and woman made of light visited him and told him to change his life.

After that battle, he turned to Christ. He is now an evangelist pastor in Liberia, helping former soldiers to become better people.

His whole story is quite fascinating. I first heard of him from this Vice documentary:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZRuSS0iiFyo his segment starts atht e29 min mark, although the whole video is worth watching.

Such a good documentary. I actually started this one a couple of years ago and only finished it now, in a completely different time and place.

Gave me an interesting sense of closure. Good stuff.

Haha thats great. Yeah, Vice was the shit back in the day. I mean, they still have some crazy journalism, but it just doesnt have that same edge.

I think Liberia is the edgiest of all their pieces. The Sewers of Columbia was terrifying in it's own way, but there's something about a lot of that stuff in Liberia where you know that one wrong turn and they could have turned West Point into a huge riot over the group of rich Westerners. I think it was the magical behavior modulation of having a camera and putting the whole thing on record that allowed them to survive that ordeal unscathed in the first place.

"Once symptoms set in [for the Papua New Guineans], it was a swift demise. First, they'd have trouble walking, a sign that they were about to lose control over their limbs. They'd also lose control over their emotions, which is why people called [kuru] the "laughing death." Within a year, they couldn't get up off the floor, feed themselves or control their bodily functions."

This kind of sounds like HRC's symptoms of illness throughout the presidential campaign, except for the timeline. I wonder how much Western medicine could help.

Will you ever stop politicizing everything?

Oh sorry. Trump absolutely needs to release his tax returns, and it really doesn't look as though he is "draining the swamp."

Shade on both sides, you happy?

Youre still politicizing things, so no.

You're on the wrong sub if you're trying to avoid politics.

Then be unhappy, this is /r/conspiracy

This is just the strong anthropic principle by another name. It's an argument I've always found completely unconvincing, primarily because of its circularity..

What is circular about my argument? I've stated nothing but obvious facts in support of a simple idea about a very basic characteristic of existence, namely, whether or not life matters any more than non-life.

You can tell the universe is designed to support human life because it has human life in it, is the essence of the strong anthropic principle. It's meaningless..

That is a poor explanation of my argument. I'm discussing the progression of reality towards complexity, not how much one or another pattern "fits" into or is selected by the whole. I really don't see any meaningful rebuttal in your dismissal.

Ok. A couple of points.

1) you think bacteria and other ultra-simple life forms in our bodies are 'willing' to die for the good of their host?

First, they don't have that kind of cognitive ability. At all times they are responding, without the luxury of choice, to biochemical signals that trigger specific reactions.

Secondly, the notion that they're choosing to act to preserve the host organism is clearly false. Not just because they're not capable of that, but because the system within which they exist is dictating the terms of their existence. They are able to live and reproduce in that system well enough to ensure the continuation of their genetic material. That's all.

So no, I do not accept there's some kind of inherent sanctity of life by that argument.

2) regarding the idea that the universe selects for reproduction.

Reproduction selects for reproduction. If you look into the origins of life, as our current understanding goes, you'll see that a particular set of geochemical circumstances enabled the development of extremely simple organisms, which, incredibly slowly, evolved into the life we know today.

We're essentially biological machines that, like the bacteria mentioned earlier, respond in set ways to given stimuli. There's plenty of neurological evidence emerging that suggests our thoughts, while they may seem 'real', are actually ghosts or images thrown up by deeper processes in the mind. Google 'does free will exist' if you want to know more about this.

The reason I mentioned the strong anthropic principle should be obvious now. Your argument is essentially the same - that the existence of complex life implies the universe wanted there to be complex life. There's no good reason to say that, and it is a circular argument.

1) you think bacteria and other ultra-simple life forms in our bodies are 'willing' to die for the good of their host?

You assume to know a lot about something the cutting edge is just beginning to understand.

Scientists are discovering that the microbiome is an indicator of one's obesity risk via direct influence on metabolic factors such as insulin resistance:

A microbiota with greater energy extraction efficiency resulted in less energy left over in feces and greater levels of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) in the cecum. Furthermore, when the luminal constants from the ceca of obese or lean mice were provided to lean germ-free recipients, the mice receiving the microbes from obese donors gained more weight in a 2-week period than recipients of the lean microbes, despite equivalent food intakes [3].

The microbiome is being considered as a direct determining factor in the makeup of our personality through a complex interface with the CNS via interactions in the ENS (enteric nervous system), a complex of nervous, immune and neuroendocrine cells in the gut that is specifically designed for this interface and easily rivals the complexity of the CNS:

The general scaffolding of the brain-gut-microbiota axis (BGM) includes the central nervous system (CNS), the neuroendocrine and neuroimmune systems, the sympathetic and parasympathetic arms of the autonomic nervous system (ANS), the enteric nervous system (ENS) and most importantly the intestinal microbiota (Mayer, 2011). These components interact to form a complex reflex network with afferent fibers that project to integrative CNS structures and efferent projections to the smooth muscle (Grenham et al., 2011). Through this bidirectional communication network, signals from the brain can influence the motor, sensory and secretory modalities of the gut and conversely, visceral messages from the gut can influence brain function (Grenham et al., 2011; Montiel-Castro et al., 2013).

I think you've the wrong idea of what "will" as we normally conceive of it is. You assume that there is no will among unwitting actors, yet our brain cells are clearly unwitting actors that, as you say, merely react to their surrounding environment. So do we humans exact a larger will as groups by coming together in response to our environments. We can either completely eliminate the idea of will according to your precepts, or accept that what we originally thought to be the will of a single entity is a complex lattice of relationships among simpler organisms.

They are all striving for that complexity that we are both talking about. It is inherently and obviously categorical in the world around us.

We're essentially biological machines that, like the bacteria mentioned earlier, respond in set ways to given stimuli. There's plenty of neurological evidence emerging that suggests our thoughts, while they may seem 'real', are actually ghosts or images thrown up by deeper processes in the mind. Google 'does free will exist' if you want to know more about this.

I have looked into this concept a good deal. Again, this becomes a matter of semantics. You can take this incredibly complex predisposing of billions of things to certain actions by the influence of their environs and use it as an excuse to discount the idea of will altogether, or you can expand your definitions and allow for new understandings of what will is.

I strongly support revising the concept of will to incorporate what we now understand it to be, rather than discard it for not being what we thought it was.

You seem to think, however, that it is much better to avoid deriving any sort of ontological meaning out of what we study, yes? I find this to be a sophistical economy of human thinking that assumes that thinking of these things to any level of abstraction that isn't tied slavishly to the data holds some sort of innate foolishness that divests it of any credibility. On the contrary, I think that the extremely complex calculations that you yourself referred to that our subconscious uses in the judgment process lends more, not less, credence to the idea of the innate value of the Will concept.

This is a statement of my argument, and I presume we will choose to disagree.

the existence of complex life implies the universe wanted there to be complex life. There's no good reason to say that, and it is a circular argument.

I completely disagree that there is no good reason to say that. Again, the strong anthropological argument's fallaciousness hinges on the specificity of what it considers selected for. I am not talking about any particular being's mandate from heaven to spread complexity in the world, by looking at its situation at any one time in the world. I suppose what my argument really hinges on is the concept of the Will, as the ultimate unwitting actors are those atoms and their constituents that make up all activity in the universe. You can struggle to strip the meaning from all of this movement by attempting to erase the idea of Will altogether, as you are doing, but I find this to be a pedantic compromise in our ability to understand the world, and that there is every reason to say that complexity is the end-product of this universe by merit of the progression from extremely simple and homogenous matter to the extremely complex self-reproducing forms and patterns that we see all around on our planet today.

At the end of it, I do realize that this argument is circular. I would argue that the same can be said for the argument that this world is aimless. Yet, this "aimlessness" has provided a profound consistency of form and function that I feel brings the burden of proof to the door of the nihilist.

And I do think it is nihilistic to conflate the concept of determinism with an ousting of any larger contextual meaning to events. It completely robs us of the right to even attempt understanding of the world around us. You presume a utilitarian superiority with this slavish adherence to logical consistency, when there are certain things that can be arrived at in non-linear fashions, much as is done in the substrata of the human subconscious.

Still, a well-constructed argument. I can admire the architecture even if the implication of it is not to my liking or, really, of use to anyone.

Microbiome stuff was interesting, but wouldn't really clash with my view of the human organism as a system of interacting systems. 'Net output' in terms of conscious awareness is still the consequence of processes of which the individual is unaware but impelled by, and even if one of those is an interaction between gut flora and nervous system it doesn't really alter the broader picture of an organism acting as a function of the totality of it's own biochemistry.

Oh, but I didn't say the world was aimless. Or rather, I suspect a fundamental aspect of the universe may be precisely intentionality. Which is both a necessary consequence of what I described above, and the very opposite of nihilism. The human mind interacts with the world in very intriguing ways..

"Fundamental aspect of the universe [that] may be precisely intentionality"? What does that mean? It doesn't sound very different from my interpretation, that there are clear trends that suggest a common intentionality of the universe as a whole.

You don't have to call it intentionality if you don't want to. Perhaps you could just call it the Shape of Space. A 4-wheeled vehicle was an inevitability on this planet, because a rectangle has the best distribution of force in a driving scenario, with the minimal number of wheels. Obviously we built some variations for larger and heavier scales, but those exceptions are only a limitation of our materials, not the design.

And Design is what I suppose I'd call it. We can create things, but only within the limitations of the space reality has granted us. We didn't invent 2+2=4, we discovered it.

Oh I know that. I think inhibiting or clouding those aspects of human history only dooms us to falling into even worse habits. We are in the same position now as we were in 1888 in terms of how our society is structured and who controls it.

Agreed. To me the DNC seems like a modern era Tammany Hall.

The logical conclusion from this would be that there is no real objective morality, true?

I wouldn't say it's a myth, I'd say competition for survival is relatively low right now so there's no need to conflict with other humans over things

Most animals with consideredable intelligence are messed up. Orcas throw seals for fun, dolphins and chimps rape other animals. It's a weird fucked up animal kingdom.

Well, from what the dolphins told me those chimps were totally asking for it.

Is there any sort of verification that it was Sapiens, not fellow Neanderthals who butchered each other?...similar to the vast plethora of non Sapien species that currently are more than willing to kill and eat each other? Thanks for any useful links!

Found in association with Homo sapiens habitation sites at the same stratigraphic level, which is the criteria generally used by archaeologists.

Lots of academic stuff out there on this topic..

That only defines a time frame. In fact Sapiens often overtook older sites. Within decades or centuries of neanderthal occupation. There is no technology with a small enough error range to detect if the neanderthals cracked the bones, or wether Sapiens did a few decades later. Pure supposition. Within that narrow time frame.

Without a doubt, violence existed, cannibalism, likely, just no evidence to back it (as i asked before, link any pertinent links) in my opinion, there is no confirmed, and very little supporting argument either way.

As far as "lots" lots of evidence (no links like i asked to back your idea, just an anecdote) the first 2 google answers are contradictory at best. And, the sources are Livescience, and The Guardian, we can go to the Daily Mail as a third option....clickbait at best. As i said, please link anything factual.

Live science.

Noclear evidence suggests modern humans ate Neanderthals, much less that they did so enough to drive Neanderthals to extinction, despite recent claims from scientists in Spain.

The Guardian:

One of science's most puzzling mysteries - the disappearance of the Neanderthals - may have been solved. Modern humans ate them, says a leading fossil expert.

I think you're being deliberately disingenuous. There are plenty of sites that were exclusively occupied by Homo sapiens without ever being used by Neanderthals. The rest of your argument collapses at that point.

But I'll also point out that it's quite rare that you can't stratigraphically associate artefacts with each other. So you might find split Neanderthal bones, evidence of Homo sapiens occupation and some stone tools known to have been used by h sapiens at the time, all in the same layer of an excavation.

This is how the majority of artefacts are initially assessed and its the principle used to build chronologies of activity at any site. Absolute dates come from scientific dating techniques, but relative dating within a site is established by stratigraphy. It's also very clear from stratigraphical evidence when a site has been reused by several groups in rapid succession, and also when there's been a significant gap.

If you're not prepared to go past the first two google hits in your research, I'm not going to do the legwork for you. (Edit: the links you did find show clearly that the idea of h sapiens eating Neanderthals is well enough explored to have made it to the Guardian website. It's not 100% certain, in the same way almost anything you can say about events 75,000 years ago has a degree of uncertainty. But it is at the very least extremely probable.) I did give you the hint that you needed to be looking for academic sources. There are many journal articles that will support everything I've said.

I'll just say in this context that I spent quite a lot of time studying hominid evolution, and specifically h sapiens/Neanderthal interaction, in an academic context and I'm fairly sure of my ground on this subject..

No, Im not. I find it an interesting subject with sorely lacking evidence. If you can provide several paragraphs, you should be able to produce one link, just one reputable link, especially if you academically study H.S./H.N.... (which i find interesting that being academically versed, you refer to H. Sapiens, but not H. Neanderthal, only as Neanderthal) im well aware of stratifications and its limitations especially when you are observing middens and what is basically discarded organic material that is easily mixed up in stratifications due to other species (animal) interference, and geologic interference, such as earthquakes, and floods.

Im not purposely antagonizing you. Im just thinking that you can argue and claim sources, yet produce nothing concrete. Im still open to hear it, but so far you have provided zero evidence beyond an anecdote and conjecture that this happened. You say there are sources that are reliable, yet link none. Instead of telling me to look deeper in google (after 4 results, the rest has no reference to consumption) provide some proof, especially if thats your "area of study" and NO, the Guardian is not even within a light year of being a reputable science source (another reason to call b.s. on your "studies"), you would know better than to cite it as even a facetious reference.

P.s. if all you can say is look deeper into google to find the answer you want, its not science. Give me a reputable source on your theory and I will back you 100%

Also speculation that they died out partly because we ate them to extinction, though studies dispute the claim (while some accept it as fact).

<Eve wasn't really an actual person>

You know this, how?

DNA profiling of h sapiens shows no point at which single male and female ancestor exists. Several bottlenecks where h sapiens population may have fallen as low as hundreds. But no single male and female pair in evolutionary chain for at least 4 million years, by which point human ancestors 3 1/2 ft tall and semi tree dwelling. Direct contradiction with biblical description of Adam and Eve as first humans, assuming human means h sapiens and not a afarensis.

QED Eve is a mythical figure.

Please source.

You source it..

There was supposedly another woman beside eve. Lilith, who was thrown out of the Garden.

Now that's a scary lady...


Using human body parts as medicine was openly practiced by the nobility until like the 1800s

They never stopped

A quick tag on: Where one sense is dampened, another is amplified.

That's why people with eye defects have more astute 3rd eyes.

There have been studies surrounding cannibalism in chimps, and they eat eachother's brains. Perhaps for the same reason.

A quick tag on: Where one sense is dampened, another is amplified.

I believe this is actually a common misconception brought about by Movies and Television, with most people with sensory disabilities not demonstrating any significant increases in their other senses.

It’s thought that they may simply perceive their other senses are better due to their lack of another sense, but that quantitatively being blind doesn’t make your hearing improve, our brains just make it seem like it does.

Quantitatively it certainly does. If you blindfold yourself, your visual cortex has nothing to do. Within a few days, it will begin to learn to help out other parts of your brain.

Edit: One specific experiment I remember is a group of people were blindfolded for a few weeks. They were taught braille are their brains were scanned with fMRI. Their visual cortex started working to analyze their touch sensory input.

Same with blind people who regained sight: when given a ball, a pyramid, and a cube, they could only tell which one was found by touching them, and we're unable to using sight alone.

I would think it's like a computer. Yeah you may have a webcam active, but the computer takes a small performance hit for every input device active. Our brains only have so much power, and every sensory input requires brainpower to make sense of. There are thousands of calculations per second based on our visual input alone, so not having that input would free the area of your brain responsible for visual input and interpretation for other tasks maybe. I'm not sure if this is actually how it works, just a theory.

I have shitty vision. When I take off my glasses, I seem to have better, more in depth conversations with people... So I agree.

Why do you turn the radio down when you're trying to read a street sign and driving? To denoise your other senses and enhance them.

I see what you're saying, thanks for the correction.

I always thought it was because brain power didn't have to be used on that sense and was thus able to be used on other things with a higher degree of focus, but I've never actually done any research.

Neurons are basically complex biological transistors. So what can happen is, if you have an area of your brain unused, it can eventually be trained and pressed into service by another area. That's a very, very simplified version of what happens.

An interesting book that I think relates to this topic is An Anthropologist on Mars by Oliver Sacks. It's seven case studies on individuals with varying brain damages/disorders. Incredibly interesting stories about how the brain can adapt to abnormalities that would seemingly be hinderances.

The one that comes to mind in this conversation is about a man who got in a car accident and went colorblind. Although he suffered for years while trying to cope with the loss of color, he was eventually able to make out things like depth and contour with incredible acuity.

There was a tradition in the uk for centuries that if a family was having rabbit for dinner, the youngest child was given the brain as it was supposed to be very good for them...

No joke, I had a cat that lived for 16 years, constantly brought rabbit and bird brain to my front porch. Like, only the brain and nothing else. For 16 years straight.

That's nearly 5,700 brains!

That's because the brain is one of the most energy heavy part of a body, lots of grease. (if I recall correctly) bears eat the skin and the brain of the salmon when there is abundance, and they only eat the rest if they are still hungry.

My cat goes crazy for mackerel skins, I can tell you that much..

Do you knpw how big a salmon brain is? It wouldn't even make a whole bite for a human.

Yeah but if I recall correctly, in the documentary, the bear eats the skin then kind of sucks the brain out, then he tries to catch another salmon.

Good point with blind people and thier increased accuity in other senses, if a 6th sense does exist a I believe a blind person would be much more in tune or sharper with any potential extrasensory perception.

In regards to chimps I'd be more apt to believe they eat the brain because they're simply savage creatures, as apposed to doing it for "enlightenment". I'm assuming they also eat the stomachs, intestines, and even asshole of whatever it is they killed. Nothing spiritual about chimpanzee feeding frenzies IMO lol

I upvoted you because you contributed to the conversation, even though I think you're looking into this particular argument too deeply :) to the point of grasping at straws in my opinion ;)

Assumptions, assumptions..

See comments above about bears only eating brains and skins. And bears are a lot more 'savage' than chimps..

All assumptions, thought that was obvious lol same as your assumption (or theory I guess) that chimps eat brains because they contain the pineal gland and they're getting high or its having some effect on them or whatever your assumption was.

It could be true, but more likely they eat the brain because it's high in fat and nutrients, same as why things like bears prefer the brain and liver. The animal goes for the most calorie dense areas first, because they don't know how long they'll be able to feast on the kill. It could rot before they fully consume it, or another animal may come along and chase them away.

But like you said... assumptions assumptions ;) pretty much the entire basis of this subreddit IMO. Not saying making assumptions and speculating is Inherently wrong, so long as it's a probable explaination grounded to reality. But a lot of people in this sub like to ignore certain facts to fit their narrative and cling to their beliefs to the point they're almost borderline delusional.

I try to keep an open mind so IMO speculation and assumptions can be a healthy means for discussing certain issues, especially ones without a lot of information to go on. But speculation can quickly get out of hand to the point it hinders healthy discussion. Speculation/assumption is a double edged sword, it has its place in debate and discussion, but it can also derail it.

For the record I'm not accusing you of doing this, so far this has been a civil, grounded conversation and I appreciate that :) something we need more of, and not just on reddit.

But I literally never said or even implied that chimps are trying to get high on pineal glands. I just said that they may well not eat every part of an animal indiscriminately due to being 'savage'.

They almost certainly do eat the most nutritious parts for preference.

My mistake, I misunderstood you.

Look at Maori warriors, that wasn't even that long ago and they would eat their defeated foes to gain their strength.

Hell it still happens in Liberia.

Could that also be the reason why all of this need for DNA samples? Are they looking for specifics in bloodlines (genes allowing more DMT than others? ) so they can organize kidnappings accordingly? hmm.

Fuck the guy that first ate a brusselsprout. Eternal hate unto him.


No kidding. Put them in a baking pan with some chopped bacon for an hour at 350

Wouldnt prions create awful mutations in the brain, often to the point of madness and apparent retardation leading to posting stupid crap in this sub?

Perhaps. But when your life expectancy is 20-ish years, it may not be a relevant factor..

You're right, if we are talking about ancient man, but the thread is about the current elite. I would think they'd care about prion disease shortening their life of luxury and power.

OK, one of the possibilities goes like this. It's the Old Testament, so religious writing that tells people how to behave.

Most industrial and agricultural societies seem to have a problem with psychedelic substances. When it's a tribe of hunter gatherers with lots of free time, psychedelics are great.

When it's a farm based community where everyone is expected to work all day in the field, nobody wants a bunch of people laying around tripping.

Even in the Bible it says something about how Adam and Eve got kicked out of the Garden and had to work the ground for a living afterwards.

The world's first example of "Just say no"?

So the bible is a guide to stop yourself from turning into a tripping cannibal?

The Last Supper is the Last trip?

Blood of Christ, body of Christ. Trans Substantiation is the belief that the wafer and wine literally become flesh and blood. So there is still an aspect of acceptable and necessary cannibalism in the Catholic church and many other Christian denominations.

Yes, but following the Da Vinci style conspiracy above, the entire religion and story revolves around cannibalism.

Is that the statement being made and stood by?

No. Eucharist is 'unbloody' re-presentation of Christ on Calvary.

That is Catholic dogma.

You should probably re-read the definition of Transsubstatiation. And my comment.

I have. I'm a Catholic. The Catholic doctrine is that the host and wine literally become the Body and Blood of Christ in an unbloody way.

It is one of the sacred mysteries of the faith.

I've heard theories that the apple in the garden of eden was actually psychedelic mushrooms, which would buttress your theory.

Honestly at a scientific standpoint IIRC there's no concrete proof the pineal gland contains DMT, or releases it upon death for the matter.

I truly want to believe I'm wrong here, so please provide sources if you have any because it'd go a long way in convincing me there's a possibility that perhaps consciousness, or some form of, the human consciousness could exist after the physical body has died.

I want to believe. I'm very open minded but I'm a realist, and so far there's no concrete proof Of DMT existing in the pineal gland. Again I'd love someone prove me wrong, I genuinely want to believe DMT exists naturally in the human brain.

I'm the type of person to look at everything objectively, yet keep an open mind. I tend to inform myself on both sides of a position or argument and come to my own informed opinion. I feel more people could benefit from that line of thinking IMO. By taking a step back and looking at most things with an open and objective mind. Everything is a possibility until proven otherwise.

But now I'm just going off topic.

No, you brought up a valid point. It's good to think critically and ask questions.

As for whether or not there's DMT in the pineal?

I don't know of any research that proves it. But I can offer some really poor anecdotal evidence. If you've ever seen DMT inspired art, you will recognize some common themes.

Intense colors. There also seems to be a strong element of geometry and repeating patterns, even a fractal quality.

So one time there was a guy posting some of his artwork here on reddit. The interesting thing is that he mentioned he had a tumor on his pineal gland. So his artwork had a bit of that "DMT art" going on. But he hadn't been doing the drug AFAIK. Yet his art had that same sort of DMT influenced quality to it.

So I think that tumor on his pineal was causing it to secrete low but constant amounts of DMT into his system. The levels were just high enough to influence the style of his artwork in a recognizable way.

I know this isn't proof by a long shot. But it seems to fit with the Pineal/DMT theory.

Interesting! could you provide a link to the guy with a pineal tumors artwork? Or an article about it?

But yeah, the consensus seems to be that it's all anecdotal evidence, which doesn't necessarily mean the pineal doesn't secrete DMT, it needs further study IMO.

As for the common themes in artwork one could argue that's the nature of the drug, could be something more. Although DMT trips can vary wildly in content, they all carry a simular underlying theme or vibe with some people reporting extremely simular experiences down to the physical descriptions of certain "entities". Usually the dissolution of the ego and contact with "beings" can have a profound effect on a person's worldview and perception once they've come down and the drug has worn off.

It's impossible at this time to tell if these "beings" actually exist in some higher plain of reality or if they're simply the manifestations of our psyche while under the influence of a powerful substance. Either explaination could explain the similarities between different artists with similar styles after having a DMT experience. Alex Gray is an excellent example of this theme of artwork. It's heavily focused around psychedelia.

I'd love to see more research into the role of the pineal gland or psychedelics in general, but unfortunately I don't have confidence in "the powers that be" that they would release such information IF it were discovered. Hell they could already know the pineal gland is "the seat of the soul" and they're suppressing this knowledge from the public. They'd have a lot of motivation to keep it under wraps. Can't have the masses waking up to the fact death MAY not be the end of conscienceness.

EDIT: On a seperate note (rant, ignore in any replies to this part of my comment if necessary, I know this comment is long winded already.) This is essentially completely irrelevant to the previous conversation anyway. Just something I feel I should put out there:

Great conversations going on in this thread :) a lot of open minded discussion. Good to see, especially on a subreddit that can be so polarized and hostile towards others idea's/theories. :) people just need to keep an open mind and not cling to their beliefs like a radical. We're living in unstable times where the art of proper debate is degrading into nothing but ad hominum attacks and shouting matches. We need to have intellectual, respectful, and most importantly well informed conversations if we ever want to make progress. I feel like people these days don't understand the words "respectfully disagree" or "agree to disagree". Too many people cling to their (usually uninformed) beliefs like a fanatic. Even in the face of overwhelming evidence some people will blissful ignore the facts to suit their needs or rhetoric. The best we can hope for is these types of people to become a shrinking fringe group, but from what I see this sentiment is only growing, especially among millennials. There's a few things that are contributing to this IMO. Social media is a big one, but also these "social justice warriors" who are a legitimate threat to freedom of speech. I genuinely fear for my generations future, if only for the fact they seem so complacent in giving up our personal liberties for the illusion of safety.

In short I beleive social media did some devastating things for society as a whole. It gave everyone an outlet to express thier opinion, and more importantly it created the illusion that everyone's opinion is valid. IMO you're not entitled to your opinion. Your entitled to your INFORMED opinion. Nobody is entitled to spout ignorance like it's gospel.


Enjoyed this dialogue!

Same. This theory definitely does make one think. We do know that the "ruling class" does enjoy putting information right in front of us hidden in the open.

I knew of an African Gray named Alex. He was very smart...

Alex gray

About consciousness, I just wanna share that my Russian grandmother who is 1k miles away from me at bsically all times, can sense when I am sick. We always call her a couple of times a week, and she never calls (because we do), and we have a great bond.

But when I was a little kid and I was sick, she would ALWAYS call. I was sick 10 times when I was age 8-10, and EVERY SINGLE time when I felt really ill, she would call us and say she dreamt of me, and asked me if I am ok. This happened 10 times at least, and every time she called I would have been sick that day.

Many more stories like this that I have, to me, confirm that there is some other 'bond' out there that we can't explain (yet). Maybe this is consciousness.

The pineal gland produces melatonin and is outside of the blood brain barrier, it is second only to the kidneys in regards to blood flow rate. Essentially, adding CO2 to melatonin gives you DMT - both of which are readily available in your blood stream at all times. Melatonin levels directly correspond to light levels: during the day melatonin levels are lower due to sunlight, higher levels at night. Its still unknown what causes the conversion of melatonin to DMT, but it can be done nearly anywhere in the body. Peak melatonin levels in the body occur naturally during REM stage of sleep, as melatonin is produced relationally to the circadian rhythm. Now here is where science gets really really fucking interesting.


A phenomena has been documented first in zebrafish, and second in mice, in regards to the photoreceptor of the pineal gland and activation of the circadian clock. Scientists found that when kept in a dark room, mice and zebrafish did not develop the cones in their eyes - they were blind. But what they did develop is a ridiculous pineal gland photoreceptor cone and extreme amounts of melatonin. Once exposed to light, normal photoreceptor cone development occurred in the eyes and melatonin levels dropped to normal values.

The darkness prevents the activation of the circadian clock (proven in mice), which would typically result in a shitty sleep cycle and bad eyesight while kept in the dark. Instead scientists found at time T zebrafish developed a parietal eye - an organ that protrudes from the skin as a grey dot, rests between the eyes, and connects directly to the pineal gland. Typically zebrafish develop a parapineal gland, a shitty version of the parietal eye. Parietal eyes are common in lizards/fish, but extant from mammals/birds (who have a pineal gland just not the parietal organ), parietal eyes are used for thermoregulation and circadian rhythm. The common name for the parietal eye is "The Third Eye".

So science established that a fish kept in the dark for long enough evolves this organ that directly connects to the pineal gland and allows it to perceive the world in a previously undocumented manner. We literally have no idea what the parietal eye development in the zebra fish does, we just evolved this organ into it via controlled environment. That was never their intention.

See, zebrafish have damn near identical occular DNA/development as humans, and this research was conducted with the hopes of curing various eye diseases/ailments. The success of the experiment has a lot of researchers wondering what would happen if a human was subjected to the same dark room environment from birth. Would we develop a parietal eye or would our pineal gland express similar precursors like the zebrafish? Why is nature so set on controlling melatonin levels via light?

This is very interesting! Thank you for this

Yup! I know the researchers currently looking into this and they are all vigilant in furthering their research. It's worth noting, in regards to the spirituality surrounding the third eye, that all of the researchers associated with these labs are Hindu and from India. I profile people a lot, with no ill intent, and found it interesting considering the Hindu faith and their wearing of the Bindi. Possibly trying to rediscover the red eye of gods?

dmt has been found in the brains of mice. its only theorized to be in our pineal glands (i think it is). acacia trees are a much better source for dmt than brains. theres a fuckton of it in certain ones.

It's not the tree of knowledge. It's "the tree of knowledge of good & evil"

jep. i think it's because evil cannot be eradicated, and if we humans try to do so, evil just goes into hiding or disguise.

Evil is a potential, and gaining a knowledge of it introduces the enticing option of it.

I just wanted to add something about the Dmt and the inhibitor.

I think this is where the ceremonial cacrifice plays out its play. There might have something to do with the intense fear of the victim and the physiologic effects it might have on body chemistry. The phenomenon of naturally releasing larger does of adrenaline during flight or fright and the release of dopamine during an orgasm.

So there might be a release of a natural Mao inhibitor, since we already know that the pineal gland lights up during death and near death experiences.....

Just sharing some observations of practical nature.


As the quote in the OP goes: "you're not going to smoke my pineal gland"

No they egyptians didnt....They didnt even think the brain was very important. Do you have any (legitimate) sources for any of these claims?


Yes, its DMT, the doorway to the spiritual world drug. It's also the trauma drug. Its released in times of terror/pain/near death

Yes, interesting theory

I think the answer is obvious:

The "fruit" in the garden of Eden is some kind of psychedelic substance. There's no need to overthink this shit and come up with some convoluted theory related to the human nervous system.

Not that I have a problem with convoluted theories - they can be interesting and fun, but when the answer is as obvious as is the case here they shouldn't be indulged.

Moses and the burning bush. The Acacia tree, known to grow on mount Ararat. It has proven psychedelic properties and some believe this is how Moses received revelation of the ten commandments.

sacred mushroom and sacred cross

I remember having a book called Magic Mushroom in Religion and Alchemy, that suggests Moses was under the infuence of Amanita Musceria during the burning bush event. It furthermore draws parallels with other religions and ends with the authors experiences using Fly Agaric. There is also in depth discussion of soma, and ergot bread helping jesus.

how about the chapter of the bible, revelations. what was that guy on.

ibotenic acid and muscimol, no doubt

PCP more than likely ;)

hehe ye

You think the answer to a probably symbolic, 5,000 year old plus, biblical story is obvious?

Please, supply some of that obvious proof!

It's because psychedelics are the origins of all religions. Do some research on it and you'll see it is obvious.

For starters take a look at what tribal societies religion is based on - the ingestion of psychedelics (mushrooms, ayahuasca, etc.). If psychedelics did not exist mankind would have never discovered religion.

"For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil." - Genesis 3:5

Something you ingest that will open your eyes and make you like God - its ridiculously clear they are referring to a psychedelic.

I thought it was settled that the "Fruit" was Pomegranate?

Let me try to chime in. With knowledge comes insight and responsibility.

"Shiva will open his third eye and he can burn up the whole existence if he wants!"


Perhaps this will clear up a bit more about the dimensions and energies, and consciousness as a hole and the change in perception of reality of a awakened pineal gland.

Of course you can abuse anything and these pedophilic satanic psychopaths surely do not use it for the common good.

And a reptile told her to do it... 🐍🍎

I was trying to make the connection of where they would get these pineal glands and thought maybe planned parenthood supplied them via aborted fetuses. So, I researched the development of the pineal gland in fetuses and stumbled upon this. http://www.psychonaut.com/art-philosophy/39248-babys-aware-49-days-pineal-gland-activated-49-days.html

Wow I've never heard of any old religion/culture talking specifics about fetuses. Thanks for the read!

I hadn't either. Very interesting stuff. That was just the first thing I found, but I am sure there is plenty more out there.

A forum post with no links to scientific studies and plenty of scripture quoting and interpretation. No thanks.

I wasn't making any claims about the information, I just found it interesting. And considering a lot of this speculation is centered around satanic beliefs, I think scripture offers some insight to the matter.

Satanic beliefs? Specifically, do you mean the the artsy podesta crap, Goetia/Lemegeton/Key of Solomon stuff, LaVey's church of satan doctrine, or what christians believe satanism is?

Go troll somewhere else. You clearly have nothing to add to the conversation other than snarky remarks.

Asking for specifics is now being a troll? You just gave up and flipped the chessboard, that's all.

You already stated you had no interest as the link was to a forum with no scientific research but now you are full of questions? Yes, I call that trolling.

It's called a conversation, but since youre more interested in throwing a tantrum, I'll let you be.

First of all, it is only speculated that DMT is released through the pineal gland, there is no proof of that. Second, the only two things that ARE produced in the gland are serotonin and melatonin. So this is a fairly outlandish speculation as of right now.

Interestingly, and not something I've seen mentioned in this train of thought, is the idea that the pineal gland calcifies as we age, rendering our third eye ineffective.

When taking all things into consideration, this could be one of the main reasons conspiracy theories abound with the rich and powerful specifically targeting very young children.

Part of calcification has to do with the excess of fluoride in America's drinking water cumulatively growing over time. Lots of people have speculated that the powers-that-be fluoridated the water as a tool to render our pineal glands ineffective, leaving us 'spiritually ignorant' as it were.

I wonder if this ties in to this overarching conspiracy theory at all.

Any of the methods listed to "decalcify" the pineal gland, valid? Is there an objective way to know HOW MUCH (%) your pineal gland is calcified?

Ah I really don't know I'm afraid, in regards to how much is calcified. If you want to decalcify your pineal gland it is important to get your necessary vitamins/minerals, particularly vitamin D which is best received from natural sunlight. People often recommend going hatless so as to let the suns rays absorb into your skin which will help decalcification. Iodine is also supposed to be helpful in the decalcification process. You can get Iodine in fish and certain nuts/seeds, or just in concentrated supplement form.

Above all else you need to IMMEDIATELY stop drinking fluoridated water. Get a quality water filter that specializes in Fluoride if you can afford it. Avoid foods that are heavy in fluoride as well. Chlorine is also bad for the pineal gland, so avoid swimming in chlorine heavy pools.

Have you heard the theory that there is only one food we need to eat in order to live almost indefinitely but that so far nobody outside of (insert controlling group here) has figured it out?

There was an entire blog devoted to informing people about this, but the person writing even admitted that they have no idea what the food actually is, just that they fell into this information.

I'm very curious if there is a connection to cannibalism or the pineal gland here. Perhaps it isn't even a physical food but something spiritual we need to focus or meditate on. There was another movement that believed we didn't require physical food at all called Breatharianism. It didn't last long though.

I have long believed that there is something going on behind the scenes with blood; essentially replenishing old blood with younger blood. Whether through transfusion or cannibalism, I don't know.

By the way, did you know that blood is classified as tissue?

Thanks for all this information, some I've heard/read before, some I haven't. Going to go off on some googling tangents for all the info and see what works.

You know how some tests you can do at home, to identify levels of certain compounds in your body, by peeing on a pee strip? And the color identifies levels of (for example) sugar/ketones/etc?

Does something similar exist, not peeing but something, that can be a test you do at home to identify the level of calcifying of your pineal gland?

What timeline are we in? This sounds like a plotline straight out of Bloodborne. In the game, humanity finds blood of old gods. They find the blood can cure any disease if ingested. The church starts giving it out to everyone & anyone. Later they find out that the blood of the old gods has unintended side effects. It makes the user transform into a beast or demon. Those that can keep the transformation at bay (usually people with high faith/status in the church) try to "ascend" in order to communicate/become old ones themselves. But doings so usually makes the individual go mad because the knowledge isn't meant for the human mind to understand. Wonder if this game was some sort of metaphor.

You know your Ayahuasca!



Smoking pineal glands. Likely just referencing the idea in the ... satire? Trolling? Whatever the hell is going on here. Plz nobody launch Pinealgate over this.

Barb, Why don't you tell me who you have been with that makes you feel so much more preternatural of a celebrity because of natural selection and... of course, because your celebrity which is obviously preternatural because of natural selection was engineered by democratic arbitration. You can't rob me of my genetic composite. You're not going to smoke my pineal gland. Did you know that I am fucking smart and smarter than Robert Pattinson or whoever you have been trying to be contemporaries with the white trash hoe Angelina Jolie making porn with, and easily more charming because I am not a tween automaton? Did you know that the alkaloid of DMT is actually a neurotransmitter like LSD 25 and 5-MEODMT, psylocin A + B and all psychadelic drugs because the definition of psychadelia is a neurotransmitter that the metaboliteitself thereof creates a kaleidoscopic vision of geometric proportions in the pea and pea or whatever attachment to the pineal gland there is with light cones OR rods also depending on genetics, and depending on genetics the chromosomal filtration of certain neurotransmitters within these rods or cones which also illustrate in the visual cortex apparently?

Wtf, who are these people? The e-mail chain reads it's written by angsty teens.

Some crazy guy?

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I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

The rest of that email reads like a crazy beta's desperate plea for sexual attention. He's lost a little weight though, so that's good.

I think it's pretty out there to suggest that people in the Roman Empire had a solid enough understanding of the nervous system to write a veiled metaphor so opaque, we're just figuring it out over a thousand years later.

Ancient people had a lot of free time and dead bodies.

This is a really brilliant connection. My mind is blown, thanks

Interesting insight.

except adrenochrome does not equal dmt and the op never (as far as i can tell) equates the two

Sounds crazy, but it kind of fits with people obsessing with the "third eye" like it will unlock your full potential and will make you like god or something...

Don't forget that the "philosophers stone" was the ultimate peak of alchemy and there's a lot of speculation it was talking about DMT (and that Isaac Newton spent 30 years of his life trying to figure out). DMT is produced in the pineal gland in extremely small doses but the DMT drug works on the corpus colosum to make the two hemispheres talk to each other better (the infinite/connections hemisphere and the logic/value/time hemisphere). So a person feels everything more than they've ever felt while also feeling it's all connected in a single arc of time more than they've ever felt, hence the ultimate experience.

Also, I wanted to say that I always thought that the fruit metaphor was supposed to indicate that we activated our "value" brain and were on the path towards seeking God. That we evolved beyond the simple existence and begin to desire one fruit for its better taste than the other, that suddenly something was "better than" rather in harmony (which then led to clothes because our first fear is our own exposure and clothing can help to protect us from that exposure). The speculation is that the fruit was either an apple or a fig, but the pine cone does have significance in ancient symbolism too (along with the olive branch and many others).

Again, remember the key in everything is that it's always hidden in plain sight. The symbolism is there, just have to find it and make sense of the consistency and usage.

There's also the serpent (kundalini) leading her to the fruit in the tree.

I think they are using the word "smoke" not as a preparation, but way to ingest. So they are still doing whatever they need to do in order to inhibit the effects of dmt and they will literally smoke and inhale it.

I like the idea, but when that was written, they couldn't have had the same metaphor in mind since they didn't know about the nervous system. I'll admit, it's still possible to come up with this metaphor if they were cutting people open to find their pineal gland.

The fear and loathing analogue was chewing on a human adrenal gland wasn't it? Or at least mentioned.

I generally don't have warm feelings towards a entheogenic explanantion because they tend to suck all the air out of the discussion. Once you introduce them, you now have a materialistic explanation for anything out of the ordinary - hallucination. Even if you are pro-entheogens, it still seems to muddy things because we can't say where reality begins and a hallucination ends and now we are off in crazy land. Of course at the same time there could be references to entheogens but I don't think we are socially mature enough to really have an intelligent discussion about it. I don't really like the direction Terrence Mckenna seem to go with it.

That seriously negative consequence would be prion disease. For a breif connection with the gods you destroy your mind

That's a darker path of speculation. But yes.

We know there are some tribes who practice this even today. Seems reasonable that it has taken place in various locations throughout history.

Also, some people seem skeptical about ancient knowledge of brain/nervous system. Really?

Those people hunted for a living. That means cutting open animals on a regular basis. People are smart enough to figure things out without a textbook. If my awareness seems to be centered in my head, let's take a look and see what's in the head of this elk.

When my spear hits an animal in various spots, different effects are associated with each spot. Hit the chest and it drops right away. Hit the abdomen and it keeps moving for a long time. Hit the right spot on the back and it's back legs quit working (but the front legs are ok)

So my guess is that even people from 5 or 6 thousand years ago had at least a rough, functional knowledge of the digestive and circulatory system. I also suggest that they had some basic idea of the nervous system in terms of awareness, sensory and motor function. This would especially be so for the bigger features like the spinal cord and the brain itself.

So I imagine some guys from 6000 BC who wants to possess "the spirit of a lion". They know the lion has a brain and they know that the lion's awareness (like their own) is located in the brain. So when they kill a lion, they have a little ceremony where the hunters each share a bit of lion brain. Placebo effect ensues.

Now I'll get really speculative. Say that some people got really good at recognizing different parts of the brain. Maybe they developed preferences for different parts/pieces?

I'll also going to suggest that some of the plants they were eating had different pharmacological effects. We know from ayahuasca, that some tribal cultures know enough to mix a DMT containing plant with one that has a natural MAOi.

So let's say some guy had recently consumed such a plant... maybe in another special ceremony? Now he eats a few pineal glands and maybe gets a noticeable effect from all the neurotransmitters.

"I drank some of that, ate a few of those... and now I feel like this! Gotta try this again and see if the same thing happens next time."

So yeah, take a natural MAOi and then eat some fresh brain tissue all loaded with neurotransmitters? Sounds disgusting, but it might have a noticeable effect.

Like you suggested, prion disease would spread effectively in regions where such practices were common. In this case, the fruit of the tree at the center of the garden would refer to the brain itself... and not just the pineal gland.

Melatonin is a known product of the pineal gland and is a tryptomine itself, if the pineal gland were to also produce a maoi it may be enough to fit the myths surrounding the gland.

if the pineal gland were to also produce a maoi it may be enough to fit the myths surrounding the gland.

Can you explain this part a bit more?

MAOI's have been known to increase the potency of all tryptomines. So if the pineal gland were to release them it could also give a boost to the melatonin making it a useful psychedelic.

Edit: I don't have any evidence to support the gland produces a maoi, just a thought

Sounds logical for me

Bro I love this theory!

not too shabby ben

The ancients had no idea what the brain did, much less about the pineal gland.

This is exactly like that southpark episode where they just say random things that link other things together. The CONTINUAL stretches at every point in your theory just make it even more unbelievable.


And finally, your theory falls apart once you consider that pine cones are not fruit and have existed longer on earth that plants that bear fruit(nor is it a fruit under any other circumstances), so only if you incorrectly consider pinecones fruit(i dont think god would mistake his own creations) would this symbolism still align.

It's a mis translation of fruit and something else that is closely related. Freaking Hebrew is hard to interpret, ya know?

but they were cannibals and could, thru trial and error, find out what parts of the human body, when ingested, made you see visions.

Someone on Voat figured out that Madeiline McCann, the babies on the Alefantis Instagram, George Soros, and a bunch of other public figures all have the same eye disorder. Apparently the gene that causes the eye issue may also be related to the development of the pineal gland.

Thread: voat . co /v/ pizzagate / 1458452

(I had to add spaces in the link to avoid the shadowban.)

P.S. Here's another Pizzagate-related Hunter S. Thompson quote.

Here is an interesting quote from Fear and Loathing where they take the Adrenochrome. Dang, never realized the human sacrifice and reptile aliens angle until now.

“As your attorney,” he said, “I advise you not worry.” He nodded toward the bathroom. “Take a hit out of that little brown bottle in my shaving kit.” “What is it?” “Adrenochrome,” he said. “You won’t need much. Just a little tiny taste.” I got the bottle and dipped the head of a paper match into it. “That’s about right,” he said. “That stuff makes pure mescaline seem like gingerbeer. You’ll go completely crazy if you take too much.” I licked the end of the match. “Where’d you get this?” I asked. “You can’t buy it.” “Never mind,” he said. “It’s absolutely pure.” I shook my head sadly. “Jesus! What kind of monster client have you picked up this time? There’s only one source for this stuff…” He nodded. “The adrenaline glands from a living human body,” I said. “It’s no good if you get it out of a corpse.” “I know,” he replied. “But the guy didn’t have any cash. He’s one of these Satanism freaks. He offered me human blood – said it would make me higher than I’d ever been in my life,” he laughed. “I thought he was kidding, so I told him I’d just as soon have an ounce or so of pure adrenochrome – or maybe just a fresh adrenalin gland to chew on.” I could already feel the stuff working on me. The first wave felt like a combination of mescaline and methedrmne. Maybe I should take a swim, I thought. “Yeah,” my attorney was saying. “They nailed this guy for child molesting, but he swears he didn’t do it. ‘Why should I fuck with children?’ he says; ‘They’re too small!’” He shrugged.


Kind of paints the whole alien/reptilian and abduction practices in a new light, right? It all seems like gibberish of madmen until you look far enough into it to realize that it's all tied together. The drugs, the pineal, the spiritualism, the conspiracies, etc.

As far as I'm concerned, the gene stuff is bullshit until I see compelling evidence for it (like in a gene database or an actual paper). A lot of different genes control a lot of different traits.

That being said, the pineal gland is an intriguing organ, and if you google the statistics of its calcification among different racial groups, you'll find that it has a strong correlation with melanin. Blacks > Indians > East Asians > whites, as far as pineal retention goes.

The calcification rate for adult whites is said to be 60-80%, and I suspect that this large margin is related to melanin differences among whites (dark pigmented whites vs. pale blonde whites)

Blacks > Indians > East Asians > whites, as far as pineal retention goes.

So... what about Haitians?

I'm a huge fan of Thompson and a fan of drugs to boot. His stories were usually at least somewhat fictional, and there is no evidence that Adrenochrome (EDIT: as described by Thompson) is anything more than a fictitious substance. Many drug aficionados have looked into this. There's nothing to it.

i think the takeaway here is not if Adrenochrome is a real drug, but rather than Hunter S thompson was writing about Satanist child molesters back in the 71

But his accounts, as we can see from the adrenochrome, are not exactly non-fiction.

Of course, but at the very least he had the idea of a secret satanist cult that sacrifices humans back in the 70s.

It's just, a very interesting thing to write. How the fictional Raoul Duke received a powerful drug from a cultist, cut out of a living human body. I know Thompson is a creative guy, but god damn.

Well that was kind of the idea of how people thought Satanists did back in the 70s. The Satanist scare that they would steal your children and sacrifice them is not exclusive to Thompson. The religious right thought the same thing back then. Still do.

That was when Anton Levey and his church became popular, yeah? I admit, I don't know much about occultism

It's all linked in ways you wouldn't imagine


lol yup this didnt take 5 seconds to find

Did you read it?

these hypotheses have never been scientifically accepted; adrenochrome is not currently believed to have any psychedelic properties

The drug Thompson described is fictional, but there are elements of truth there, just wildly exaggerated and that was his rather awesome style.


Adrenochrome is unscheduled by the Controlled Substances Act in the United States, but if sold as a supplement, sales must conform to U.S. supplement laws. If sold for consumption as a food or drug, sales are regulated by the FDA

It's completely legal for sale. No need for any conspiracy to obtain it.

I did edit my previous post for clarity.

Edit: Erowid trip report for what taking adrenochrome is actually like

I did read it, your original post was worded badly if this was what you actually meant

I fixed it, so now we can all be happy. I'm all for a good conspiracy as much as the next guy, but there's nothing to adrenochrome as something anyone wants to take.

Something interesting to note however, the wikipedia articles says that research alludes that it may play a role schizophrenia and other mental illnesses. I would say its not outright impossible considering the reported cannibalism of the pineal gland in satanic circles, and also the high rate of mental illness, namely schizophrenia in claimed ritual abuse victims. Something to consider maybe


Your Adrenochome isn't real idea is looking less and less likely.

I edited the post. It's a real thing. You are technically correct and that's the best kind of correct. It's just not what Thompson wrote it out to be

There is not an amazing psychedelic drug that has escaped scheduling from the DEA for 66 years. There were some initial hypotheses that this was something more than it ended up being. Turns out it's pretty underwhelming.

What am I looking at?

Goat head and horns

"Adrenochrome causes chemically induced schizophrenia"

Fun Fun (fun)

Theres no such drug, it seems to me he just put that part in there to fuck with people. Its a work a fiction after all.


Do you just run around the internet making things up?


What is this?

It is still a drug though...whether or not you can get off on it is another story

I meant like a drug, like get high drugs not aspirin drugs.

Well maybe we could look on erowid

Just the Huxley quote

Some say the high in death is due to the pineal firing

I don't think it seems to exaggerate the book's account to anyone who has both read and watched it. Brain bubbles are serious business.

From your own link:

adrenochrome is not currently believed to have any psychedelic properties.

That is the latest verdict on it. So, do you just go around the internet making shit up or what?

Pfft you take wiki as a source?? /s

I prefer Huxley's take (which is mentioned in there)

But you said "it is not a drug" I showed you it is

you didnt show its a drug. all you showed was that aldous huxley mentioned it back in the day. Keep in mind that huxley said a lot of crazy shit and also was not a scientist

I understand why you prefer huxley's beliefs, since that is a more sensational narrative, and supports the crazy story that public officials are secretly killing people, cutting open their heads, eating part of their brain, and participating in dark rituals (and something about reptile aliens). if you are willing to believe that complete bullshit, then im guessing there is no point in discussing any of this with you, but here is why i think you should be more skeptical about aldous huxley and hunter thompson and this whole adrenochrome thing;

Huxley wrote his book back in the 50s. there is no evidence he even got a real sample of adrenochrome, or any at all. in fact it is unlikely, because chemists didnt work out how to extract pure, stable samples of adrenochrome until like a decade later.

odds are that the research he refers to, that says adrenochrome causes schizophrenia, or mimics its effects, is that of Hoffer and Oswald, whose hypothesis is no longer accepted.

the other issue with this whole stupid conspiracy about politicians killing people and eating their pineal glands in secret for dark rituals is that there are so many other sources of adrenochrome. in fact it is sold pharmaceutically, because it is used to constrict capillaries to prevent bleeding during surgery. It is present in many animals, it can be synthesized by oxidizing adrenaline, and it is even present in the blood of humans, rats, etc.

Pretty sure the pineal eating isn't for adrenochrome, but for dmt and presumably an analogue or something like it produced in that gland.

someone else up-thread brought up adrenochrome. i seriously doubt that there is any psychoactive result for eating the pineal gland. dmt specifically was talked about earlier in this post, someone pointed out that eating dmt doesnt do anything (unless there are other compounds present to prevent breakdown in the stomach), and that there are much better sources of the drug. i also doubt that a non-brain surgeon could even find the pineal gland. its really tiny, and if you cut open a brain, it all looks pretty much the same. plus there would be blood everywhere. I may be wrong about that but it seems ridiculous.

honestly the weirdos that go for this sort of conspiracy annoy me. i mean, there are much more interesting conspiracies that are ACTUALLY PLAUSIBLE. The clinton foundation's shady ties to foreign govts, russian internet brigades and russian attempts to influence US elections, the panama papers, .... but no, these idiots are like one step away from claiming they found sunglasses that let you see all the reptilians hiding among human population.

What if one of the chemicals produced by the pineal gland aided in making it orally bioavailable? Also, still just devils advocate, don't you think the ruling elite would have someone capable of finding and removing them? And maybe the entourage of the dmt and the other chemicals produce an effect much greater than dmt isolate? Sort of like how THC is much stronger with other chemicals that are produced by the plant?

Yeah, i cant argue otherwise. but its a long leap from "what if this string of suppositions is true" to the reactions of the dumber people in this thread who are saying "omg politicians are eating kids' brains!?" and the very notion that the "ruling elite" would want to do this instead of just having their interns buy them drugs, or that they could get medical professionals to help them do it and not spill the beans, is silly.

i am all for the devils advocate, but lets also get occam's razor in here while we're at it.

but its a long leap from "what if this string of suppositions is true" to the reactions of the dumber people in this thread who are saying "omg politicians are eating kids' brains!?"


and the very notion that the "ruling elite" would want to do this instead of just having their interns buy them drugs

Kinda addressed that already

and the very notion that the "ruling elite" would want to do this instead of just having their interns buy them drugs


lol. you win

Again though, I just really like arguing. I'm with you insofar as there are more tangible and actionable "conspiracies" we can already do something about.

Cats reportedly get high of adrenaline. There are adrenaline junkies. Many faces of death (not any source really but..) the live monkey brains were a source of a buzz.

well there you go. conspiracy confirmed

There may just not be a lot of research into getting high off a piece of a living victims brain. Seems like the kind of research we wouldn't really end up hearing about

Unit 731 went decades without the public knowing it existed. Yet the American govt retained all the research when it was shut down in the 40s.

Perhaps we can talk to some Mexican cartels, or isis perhaps, and see if we can get samples... for science.

Sythesised compounds don't always have the same effects. The living victim part might have more to do with it than just getting more.

If I go full psycho I will update this thread.

I hope I don't need to put /s on this

tomorrow's headline:

"u/toomuchpork killed by mexican cartel while trying to buy human brains; Has reddit gone too far?"

The source is Pikhal

Do you like to just post Wikipedia links without reading them?

"The controversy that these reports created just sort of died away, and the adrenochrome family has never been accepted as being psychedelic. No one in the scientific community today is looking in and about the area, and at present this is considered as an interesting historical footnote."

-Alexander Shulgin, the fucking bottom line on this sort of stuff

You should have just read your own link before posting that smart ass nonsense.

You should have read my several other replies on the topic before berating me for no good reason

He makes apps underground, he don't got time for google.

Apparently neither do you. read the link that you replied to. it says that modern science has found no evidence of adrenochrome having psychedelic properties.

"Author Hunter S. Thompson mentions adrenochrome in his book Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. The adrenochrome scene also appears in the novel's film adaptation. In the DVD commentary, director Terry Gilliam admits that his and Thompson's portrayal is a fictional exaggeration. In fact, Gilliam insists that the drug is entirely fictional and seems unaware of the existence of a substance with even a similar name. Thompson also mentions the substance in his book Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail '72."


The compound is real, but it can be synthesized in a lab. No need to take it from a live human. Also, it doesnt seem to be very potent at all and full of side effects that make adenochrome vastly inferior to dmt, psilocybin, and salvia divinorum.

Here is a well thought out experience on adenochrome.

Actually, a lot of Thompson's works are highly-fictionalized autobiographical works containing considerable amounts of fictionalized retelling of various his real life experiences.

This is the drug in question

You get shadowbanned for linking voat?

More specifically: links to /v/pizzagate are shadow banned.

which is more proof pizzagate is true

Conclusions like that are why no one takes you seriously.

nobody is doing this to be taken seriously you buffoon this is for the safety of kids..

think im crazy all you want.

So you're content to ramble to the choir, good to know all of your amazing knowledge that all the lamestream media zombies can't possibly comprehend will accomplish absolutely nothing because you fail to engage anyone who doesn't already think like you to reconsider the lies society tells us. You give skeptics a bad name, and you're just as easily misled as the sheeple you think you're so far above.

didnt even read it famo


Yeah, that's pretty much the impression you give off.

no it is for you, trusting MSM despite always being wrong.

going so nuts to deny pizzagate = proof it's true, this is how it always works. shoulda just ignored it otherwise.

and now you're blocked for being CTR

Never said I trusted or denied anything, simply that your conclusion was flawed and based on nothing, and that's the reason why people will never take you seriously. You only further prove my point to jumping to more conclusions about my beliefs, again, based on nothing.

You dont think its a little damning that the subject is being heavily censored on several sites?

I don't think it's damning in the slightest.

I think they're trying to keep you people from getting any more innocent people killed again.

An innocent security guard was killed and Sunil Tripathis family was harassed because people like you connected the wrong dots during the Boston bombing

3 people were murdered and many more injured because James O'Keef deceptively edited a video to make it look like planned parenthood was selling baby parts.

A man has already entered Comet pizza with a loaded gun looking for "answers" based on the pizza gate accusations from you and Alex Jones.

How long till someone shoots up the place trying to save children that aren't there? It's literally happened before don't act like I'm making this up.

I get that you think you have good intentions and are trying to save children. But people genuinely have a good reason to fear for peoples lives, and those like reddit that host this shit don't want the liability.

"You people" lol. I dont align myself with extremism. I dont see the harm in asking questions, and Im not going to stop just because it makes you uncomfortable. Sorry, not sorry

To assert "Reddit banned it therefore it's true" is lazy and anti-skeptical. Sure, it can raise suspicion, but to declare that as the sole piece of evidence needed to make that kind of conclusion makes him sound crazy to to any "normal" person. In stating this, he then accused me of being fooled by the mainstream media. How is that even related to what I said?

I never said it was the sole piece of evidence. The topic is being censored on Twitter and other platforms at well. That seems strange to me. If it doesnt to you, cool

I didn't say you said that, but the person I was originally replying to said that was the only evidence he needed, and that's what I was taking an issue with.

That's a fair point. But it shouldn't be banned, right?

Learn to take zero chances.

Just the post not your account afaik

Wow. This shit is taking off. How stupid of Reddit, a massive hub of free speech, to be doing what they're doing right now.

a massive hub of free speech

There's your first mistake.

Reddit, a massive hub of free speech

Only if the admins agree with what you're saying.

This and the OP are the shit r/conspiracy are made of

Can you show us a photo of the Alefantis baby with that eye mark since I don't recall to see that. A search of photos of the Instagram show a baby with normal eyes.

Typing from mobile so please excuse typos

I've partaked in the ritual/ceremony of Ayahuasca. I ventured down to Peru there in the thick of the Amazon. No electricity, running water, everything can kill type of scenario. Stayed with a local family and we're living in shanty huts for two weeks.

Ayahuasca is the combination of many plants and herbs. The concoction has DMT and an inhibitor which allows you to experience the affects of DMT as it moves through your system.

The ceremony itself involved the shaman chanting, blessing and calling upon certain dieties to assist us in ceremony, and clearing the space. We each drank the brew and lied down as we waited for what was to come. I personally had an intention to let go of the things that were holding me back and to step into who I was becoming.

For those of you who have tried MDMA it starts off like that. A rush of euphoria overcomes you which is then followed by hallucinations. Long story short I faced my fears in the form of demons, left my body, met mother ayahuasca, went into what can be described as what awaits humanity, saw my timeline, connected with my spirit guides, puked a shit load (purging), faced some child hood trauma, and it all felt like I was in a dream. The distinction between reality and the dream state was blurred. Everything was maleable. It absolutely changed my life.

Well this suddenly seems very relevant: the world ayahuasca foundation, and tons of "conferences and retreats" are funded by the open society foundation. The open society foundation, who's logo is a spiral, is owned by George soros.

What do you think his angle is?

"Eating dmt changed my life and made me the goal achieving person of my dreams, much like the reddit community likes to romanticize LSD and mushrooms to give you that push or actualization to pursue and achieve a goal." - Jorgé Soros

This sounds amazing. I have really bad anxiety though and I fear that this would trigger an anxiety attack of epic proportions. Le sigh

I have bad anxiety and it definitely triggered an epic, nightmarish panic attack. The kind where I sympathized with people killing themselves on drugs, because anything would've been better than the hell I was experiencing. Just, for your fyi.

Thanks for the FYI: won't be trying this experience anytime soon.

It actually is perfect for getting over fear and anxiety.

Seems like short term pain for long term gain.

If you're ready to learn to let go. Practicing meditation first is recommended.

Did you feel better afterwards?

Friday night was euphoric and I felt amazing afterwards. Saturday night was hell and I was "raw" for days after. I think the two nights expanded my access to how high my highest self can go and how scary the basement of my psyche is with all the fears within.
So... feel better? Not really better so much as I have increased access to places and I commend myself for the bravery of playing this Russian roulette and exploring new places in the human experience. Still processing it all frankly. You can find Graham Hancock's journals with ayahuasca for another trip report online that captures the varied (and daunting) landscapes you can find yourself in.

edit: Turning into different jungle animals was fun and both nights I could vividly travel through all my memories at will. Even flying through the streets of my childhood neighborhood. To balance out the challenging bits, those were otherworldly experiences I'll treasure forever.

You sound stuck in a self imposed prison of circular logic.

That's definitely possible. Elaborate?

Instead of saying "im going to try something outside my comfort zone to fix a problem in my life" you said "my fear of change forbids me from change, but i dont like my current state"

Either you do something to fix it, or, your choice is to do nothing. So by not choosing option a, you are CHOOSING to have crushing anxiety. Im not saying a shaman trip or whatever is the first step, its not, but dismissing a path to curbing your anxiety due to anxiety is counter productive to you as a person. YOU have to say im going to do one thing to make me uncomfortable today. Then maybe go a little further next time. Before YOU know it, youll be more comfortable doing more things. Just like a person working out, little by little you build your strength. But its you holding yourself from whatever your goals are at the end of the day. I work in a 100% commission line of work and its reallllllly made me realize we have more control over our fortunes than at first glance, you just have to make it a habit(which can be difficult) for yourself to think this way. I realize you cant do absolutely anything you put your mind to, but within your little sphere of life you really can do anything you put your mind to. YOU just have to actually make a plan and execute. Ask yourself: "will this kill me?", if no, maybe just give it a try, whats the worst that can happen?

You must fear the consequences of not changing more than change itself to move forward in life.

Thank you so much for that. I deeply appreciate it and will take everything you said to heart.

Pass it on.

It would, i think.

And I imagine it would be better afterward and long lasting.

I also don't know from personal experience.

This may actually trigger you to move past your fears. By facing your fears head on you no longer allow them to dictate your life and use them as opportunity to grow.

We all have fears. But when we let fear dictate our life we become a victim of our own circumstances. If we use fear as stepping stone to become something better - by facing, accepting, and letting go. Then you have transformation. However, getting to the point where you make that conscious step to do is the most difficult.

Thank you. I am working on that right now-I let fear totally take my life away from me and now I'm battling to get it back.

LSD did that to me, a panic attack of epic proportions, hard to describe an uneasy feeling that rapes your soul.

Hard to describe said fear, it's beyond epic, it's absolutely nightmarish.

In the comedown it was like I had the worst flu possible.

Had a few hours of clarity that were interesting...

Not longer interested in said substances, maybe one day, no idea.

The same thing happened to me the last time I ate mushrooms and I haven't touched them since either. Granted I was at 6 Flags and anyone would have had a panic attack...but yeah

I really have been wanting to do this for some time. thanks for sharing your experience.

If you are ready and willing then go for it. It's not for the faint of heart and what comes up can be the most terrifying and blissful experience ever. The duality of ayahuasca is pretty incredible. If you want to know more feel free to msg me.

Will do. Thanks!

went into what can be described as what awaits humanity

Can you give more detail on this?

Also, did any of the negative aspects haunt you afterward, or were you able to integrate the experience into a mostly positive one?

I thought the adrenachrome bit in Fear and Loathing was just some bullshit added what is loosely a true story.

It is. It's never been proved that the human body can even make dmt. There's actual reports online of people using adrenachrome and it doesn't do jack shit.

Maybe you need to mix it with some mono amino oxidase inhibitors (MAOi) like with real DMT

Possibly, but I doubt it. It hasn't even been proven that the human body produces dmt at all.

Maoi is only needed when taking oral dmt, it prevents the body breaking it down before it does its job. You don't need when injecting or smoking

DMT has been proven to be present in mammals and there simply hasn't been enough research done to determine further although the likelihood is high that it would occur within Humans as well.

Fact is studies are ongoing because it presumed to be the case by those in the know.

In fact in 2014 it was synthesized from a human melanoma cell line so we are well on the way to proving this concept.

Never mind the fact that it would explain near death experiences as well as dream states.

Also a simple google search shows the Adrenacrhome does indeed have effects on the human brain.

They classify these effects as thought disorder, derealization, and euphoria.

Popular belief again seems to be that this could possibly have some effect but needs to be mixed with something else to bring on desired effects.

MAO Inhibitor?

Even Aldous Huxley seems to think it's capable of having some effect as referenced in these quotes from the wiki link I have provided.

"a product of the decomposition of adrenaline" that can "produce many of the symptoms observed in mescaline intoxication."

I have no clue myself but that's just what I came across with a quick google search. I'm sure someone has a better grasp on this than I.



Maybe that info was placed there as dissinfo?

People still might believe it to be true, making them liable for craziness.

What if it's a conspiracy

  • When the Egyptians mummified the body they first removed the pineal by inserting a little scoop up the nose. Supposedly they would put it in a jar and store it in the tomb. But since this culture was so focused on the pineal and with the things they created it makes you wonder.


"The pineal gland is located within the precise geometric center of the brain. And although larger in children, as we age, it reduces in size to that of a pea as it undergoes a gradual calcification process. The optimum size of the pineal gland, when fully engorged and activated, is that of a grape."

Here is more :


There is a tradition dating back to at least 1000 A.D. in which Arabs and later Europeans engaged in the practice of 'eating mummy'. Ancient mummies were ground up and eaten for medicinal and occult practices...secret societies still practice the eating of 'live' pineal gland such as the Skull and Bones society see this post on 'Cannibalism of ancient mummies'.

Skull and Bones consume live pineal gland during ‘The Obscene Rite’

The beneficial effects of the hormone melatonin have been part of the health supplement scene for some time, for high melatonin production is known to be synonymous with a high immune system, a low cancer risk, long life, energy, stamina, and according to many, enhanced spiritual awareness.

Laurence Gardner writes:

"..High melatonin production thereby increases the facility for receiving and transmitting high-frequency cosmic and local broadcasts, and leads to a greater state of cosmic awareness - a state simply of ’knowing.’ In this regard, it is interesting to note that the Pineal Third Eye has been found to contain very fine granular particles, rather like the crystals in a wireless receiving set...many magical rites and meditation techniques are aimed at gaining control of this organ and the fluid it produces: the live melatonin... Supplements bought over the counter are ineffective because, as Gardner explains, their inherent secretions are obtained from the desiccated glands of dead animals and they lack the truly important elements which only exist in live human glandular manufacture.."


Do you have a source for the granular particles? Genuinely interested not tryna ne a dick.

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12224052 "...that the crystals were calcite. With the exception of the otoconia structure of the inner ear, this is the only known nonpathological occurrence of calcite in the human body"

http://harvestinsight.webs.com/crystal%20pineal.bmp Cant snag the image from the nih journal because it would dox me.

Awesome thank you this is great information.

I can only hope all this stuff will come out in my life time one day. I'm also scared for that day.

There is no reason to be scared. This is literally a dream.

I don't know what to believe anymore.

stop reading bullshit on the internet.

Best comment I've read on this sub for a long time.

Now be a good peon and take another blue pill...

On that day the masses will win

or, you know, there is the possibility that its all bullshit.

Don't worry it wont. If it has stayed covered up through the centuries, it will stay covered up now.

We didn't have the internet those centuries.

Don't forget the underage girl his lawyer found at the airport...

Source or story? Haven't heard this

I believe he means in the movie. There's an underage girl that hangs around them for a little bit.

Portrayed by Christina Ricci.

Castration! Double castration!

Fuck...good catch. That scene seems a lot darker within this context. Oscar Acosta was a very fascinating, truly horrifying individual, then he hops on a boat and disappears for good. Scarier than any horror movie I've ever seen..

Adrenochrome is fictional and there's no evidence that DMT or any other psychoactive drug is produced in the human pineal gland, and even if it were, it probably would be too little to have any effect if consumed. Plus, DMT is pretty easy to get the old fashioned way.

like, you can order it online, no need to eat organs

wait, wait, wait.


I thought the Silk Road got taken down.

You don't just "take down" the dark net. New websites, markets, and vendors pop up every day. There's really no stopping it unless you make it a crime to have tor installed on your computer.

good point. although I have heard the FBI has a list of devices/IP's that have Tor downloaded on them, which makes things sketchier.

Adrenochrome is a chemical compound with the molecular formula C9H9NO3 produced by the oxidation of adrenaline (epinephrine). The derivative carbazochrome is a hemostatic medication. Despite a similarity in chemical names, it is unrelated to chrome or chromium. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adrenochrome

Looks like it's real

Youre ruining the larp, please stop.

Maybe it's not just the pineal gland, but every gland of the endocrine system, and for different purposes.

Probably relevant: Each gland is represented by a corresponding chakra. Here's a list, although there's some disagreement on some of these:

  • Root chakra (1st) — Reproductive glands (testes in men; ovaries in women); controls sexual development and secretes sex hormones.

  • Sacral chakra (2nd) — Adrenal glands; regulates the immune system and metabolism.

  • Solar Plexus chakra (3rd) — Pancreas; regulates metabolism.

  • Heart chakra (4th) — Thymus gland; regulates the immune system.

  • Throat chakra (5th) — Thyroid gland; regulates body temperature and metabolism.

  • Third Eye chakra (6th) — Pituitary gland; produces hormones and governs the function of the previous five glands; sometimes, the pineal gland is linked to the third eye chakra as well as to the crown chakra.

  • Crown chakra (7th) — Pineal gland; regulates biological cycles, including sleep.


Just to add here. I thought I read something awhile ago about egyptians having mastered the glands. They were able to heal themselves as well. It also mentioned there were actually a lot more glands than we know about today. But because we lost this knowledge, many atrophied and lost their utility.

I will try to find this.

If u watch the "pyramid code," the last episode they go into how the Egyptians had some crazy knowledge about the pineal gland and other glands. As well as some pretty sweet technologies we supposedly don't have today.

Very interesting. I wonder if, say, Russian medicine knows about these things. (My Russian friend was flabbergasted at an English article saying American doctors just figured out what the appendix was for -- they learn about it in grade school. Our medical/education system is so fucked.)

What do the Russians say it's for? I'm curious now.

Regulating bile in the digestive system.

Yes and regulating bacterial flora

Shit, this just dawned on me. Appendix removal is fairly common. What if it's related to elite organ trafficking?

I watched a doc once about the pyramids and they were hypothesizing that some of the pyramids were medicinal and that if you sang in them the different sizes would create different vibrational frequencies that could be used to heal, just thought it could be an interesting angle to add to the discussion.

The endocrine glands pretty much control the entire body so yeah they are quite important. Once your adrenal glands go down you are pretty much fucked unless you get them back on course. Due to shitty diet the majority of our society's adrenal glands are down which also means the majority of society's kidney's are on their way to failure which is why cancer and disease is so prevalent. sry kinda went on a rant....but seemed somewhat relevant.

If there's an afterlife, Hunter is there laughing his ass off at you fucking rubes.

"If you wonder if he's gone to Heaven or Hell, rest assured he will check out them both, find out which one Richard Milhouse Nixon went to — and go there. He could never stand being bored."

good read

Except this is more plausible than an afterlife.

In the sense that both are false, yes.

Arizona Wilder said the reptilians feed off of people under extreme stress. Their brains produce adrenochrome, and they get high off it.

In many occult texts dealing with magic, a strong emotional reaction is needed to cast a spell. For example orgasm to finish an incantation. Typically this is why women are feared for their witchcraft, because of their ability to have multiple orgasms, hence more energy for their spells. Men can as well but it's not a simple for us.

Gives a new perspective on magic wands....

definitely symbolizing a phallus


Do people seriously believe this? Or like fantasy starwars/batman talk about? Like fandom maybe.

Honestly, with the ferocity that any talk of "magic" was driven from the lands by use of religion makes me wonder if there maybe was something going on

In many occult texts dealing with magic, a strong emotional reaction is needed to cast a spell.

Some people obviously believe it. There's some physiological evidence to support this point of view.

Lets see that evidence for casting spells please.

Explain? Do you want me to video tape myself masturbating into a spell circle and do some witchcraft?

Do you want links to some books?

Do you need evidence to the fact that strong emotions are strong motivators of action in the body?

Not so long ago this was commonly accepted thought.

So what? People believe all sorts of crazy shit, this included it seems.

That can be said about us as well.

What if alien abductions are elites in suits

I made a post about this a week or two ago actually lol - it makes a fuck load of sense if you listen to David Icke


This was a theory in the recent X-Files reboot.

i am thinking about this too. but suits seems weird, because these aliens are small or really thin. maybe they have developed a technology to put your brain in a virtual reallity or something like that

What if alien abductions are where elites get their suits

Watch the show People of Earth. It's this with a humorous twist.

The Tall man

A coked-up Hunter Thompson tells Letterman "I like to kill"

Every time I see the real Hunter, I just am in awe of Depp's performance. He really nailed this guy's mannerisms and vocal cadence to a T.

Thompson and Depp are deeply connected...


They were friends. But here at /r/conspiracy we prefer to use little more ominous figures of speach. Get's the people going.

Go on...

cheese pizza

They were good friends, yeah. Depp funded and attended Thompson's funeral, which included launching his ashes out of a cannon on a 150' tower to the tune of "Spirit in the Sky". That's how I wanna go out. If I remember right John Kerry and another senator were in attendance.

There is no scientific evidence that the pineal gland has dmt in it, it is only theorized that it has enzymes that can synthesize dmt during birth and near death experiences

Rene Descartes

Rene Descartes

I mean you can just buy DMT...

However, it is interesting theory especially when you consider the effects of eating humans and how it makes you crazy https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kuru_(disease)

That's a prion disease. Any psychological effects are due to neurodegeneration.

Good old Kuru. The original penis panic.


They also claim that when they dine on the humans they get a rush and beings appear. (I will try to find the link, can't at the moment)

This would be consistent with them getting a dose of DMT and then seeing things.

It is still a debate among DMT users whether the substance produces hallucinations or actual perceptions of realities that cannot be seen without it.

It is still a debate among DMT users whether the substance produces hallucinations or actual perceptions of realities that cannot be seen without it.

And the philosopher will say:

"What's the difference."

One is spiritual one is chemical, which brings us the question is conciousness spiritual or chemical ?

Professor Davis:

"Conciousness is the result of a chemical process that is interpreted as a spiritual process, by that same chemical process. It's like taking a picture of yourself in the mirror; The spiritual camera only sees what it can, oblivious to everything else."

I actually really like the way this was put, very succinct.

He was just a mild-mannered English professor until we introduced him to shrooms. Now he's a monster.

They are one....so it's both. There is no chemical without the spiritual. Chemicals are just the physical manifestation of spirit on the lowest level.

But you cant eat people and get high off dmt. Its impossible.

Ill buy gold for anyone to prove me wrong.

If you ate MAOIs before hand?

But why not just extract the DMT froms plants? Also I've never seen any studies proving the human brain produces DMT.

Because these idiots are using it as a key component of their crazy conspiracy.

It doesnt make one bit of sense, thats why im trying to ask reasonable questions.

Because exactly like you said, you can make it in your bathroom with dried grass. Theres no need to eat peoples souls or whatever the fuck to get it.

Cults don't follow such logic though?

Another useless know-it-all, you don't belong here.

That doesnt change shit about the fact you cant eat people and get high on dmt.

Idk how much ambient DMT is in a human body at any given point, but if there is any to be had, you would need an MAOI to process it through your digestive tract. I can guarantee you you can eat all the DMT loaded tree bark or creeping vines you want and you won't trip, if you don't also eat some sort of MAOI.

This would also align with the hypothesis that Hillary Clinton is suffering from kuru, a disease believed to be contracted by eating the brains of other humans

What about salvia?


OP mentioned that he was unhinged...

The wikileak email was crazy so I looked the guys other emails up. It's mostly rambling nonsense. But in one he mentions did you catch the codewords. All the emails have random stuff in caps.

I do believe you have gone off the deep end taking this literally. But there is something in this guys emails if someone can decipher it. The real message is embedded in code. The rest is meaningless.

Here is the email where he mentions codewords.


Supposedly this is what they were doing at Montauk using MK Ultra techniques to fracture the victims mind and create the height of fear, at which point the adrenochrome would be harvested. I'm only basing this off of the Montauk Chronicles documentary I recently watched.

Adrenochrome is mentioned in The Doors of Perception by Aldous Huxley as "a product of the decomposition of adrenaline" that can "produce many of the symptoms observed in mescaline intoxication."

I live in Guadalajara we have plenty of Mezcal for your mezcaline intoxication needs. :D

Indeed, Mezcal el Patron is one of my favourite types of intoxication :-)

Wow, lizard blood orgy from Fear and Loathing being an occult reference = blown mind. Now I have to watch it again.

And someone was serving booze to these goddamned animals!

I love these kinds of discussions. They happens so rarely. DMT is easy enough for an experienced chemist to extract from certain types of plant bark/material. Amazonian tribes discovered a way to do it, they claim the trees told them. In our western minds that sounds ridiculous. But what they mean is they interpreted some form of observed data from the plants somehow. Suddenly doesn't sound so ridiculous now. Those of us who grew up surrounded by the scientific method have to realize that there are other ways of interpreting data to achieve the same results. This is just what we grew up with and are familiar with. It's ignorant to say the scientific method is the only way to discover the mysteries of life and existence.

My point is words are useless. We think in concepts, not words. Ever had a thought you finished before you could even mentally complete the sentence?

I've gone way off topic. You asked for my thoughts :P

I'd imagine stuff from the pineal gland would have to be smoked, or as another user suggested, eaten alongside another chemical. Wouldn't be out of the question. It's interesting to note that Satan often represents a being that delivers (sometimes secret) knowledge to mankind in this context. Could be partly why the archetype appeals to the elite. I'd love to try DMT sometime. I'd have a really good conversation (in concepts, not words) with a hypercube. I'll report back if I ever get some :P

Amazonian tribes discovered a way to do it, they claim the trees told them. In our western minds that sounds ridiculous. But what they mean is they interpreted some form of observed data from the plants somehow. Suddenly doesn't sound so ridiculous now. Those of us who grew up surrounded by the scientific method have to realize that there are other ways of interpreting data to achieve the same results. This is just what we grew up with and are familiar with. It's ignorant to say the scientific method is the only way to discover the mysteries of life and existence.

This is a very tough one, certainly on the internet.
I wonder what concepts great civilizations such as the Maya have discovered, which we haven't. Or for which concepts we have become blind.

Yes that's exactly what I mean :D I would imagine a lot!

Dmt is a fun crazy drug but damn fear and loathing i need to rewatch that movie net there is a whole lot more going on there.

Really interesting post! I've been reading about there types of people for years and the few people who allegedly left the illuminati and lived to tell about it, also make claims that eating humans makes theme stronger and provides spiritual insight.

No doubt there's been a lot of research into psychedelics that is being suppressed. In my youth I did a lot of backpacking in Peru and happened to try both smoking DMT and also an ayahuasca mixture a few times. It was incredibly positive/euphoric experience (s) though occasionally terrifying at times. Which I why i just cant wrap my mind around how/why anyone could deliberately hurt anyone after doing DMT.

Or why anyone would seek out a negative psychedelic trip. I wonder if on some sick, unconscious level, that these elites are torturing themselves as well.

Someone posted this article on a thread a month ago about HRC having Kuru symptoms. It's about a study showing young blood transfusions into old mice regenerated their brains.

This particular paragraph made me queasy.

The study was published in Nature Medicine in 2014. Immediately, emails flooded in to Wyss-Coray’s inbox. Alzheimer’s patients wanted infusions of young blood. So did numerous aged billionaires. One, who flies around in a jet with his name emblazoned on the side, invited Wyss-Coray to an Oscars after-party this year. (He didn’t go.) Another correspondent wrote with a more disturbing offer: he said he could provide blood from children of whatever age the scientists required. Wyss-Coray was appalled. “That was creepy,” he said.

Can we reverse the ageing process by putting young blood into older people?

I have no proof but it seems like these depraved acts are filmed and used by the Central Bankers to insure their politicians wont ever jeopardize the paper money system.

I went through a sudden spiritual awakening when going through depression many months ago. It was self-imposed depression, meaning my thought system had become so brutal that I literally believed I was a piece of shit and that there was no way out of my emotions. Out of nowhere, my mind shut off. Yet, I still existed. This was my introduction to the pursuit of enlightenment.

We all know that we are, in fact, energy. We all believe we are this "me" that lives "my" life. But the fact is that all of that is an illusion. There is NO you that exists within you. That "you" is consciousness, but we have this thought system, also known as an ego, that thinks for and of itself -- but...it is an illusion. The elite know this. They seem to have hidden the truth behind existence from all of us. Nowadays, it's taking deep depression and sudden awakenings for us humans to recognize that we do not exist the way we think we do.

In knowing that we aren't what we think we are and that reality is SO far different than what we assume, it seems obvious that the conclusions you have reached are not at all outrageous. It's likely we are not alone in this universe; not at all, in fact. Seems reasonable to me to that they hope to summon some 'thing' to Earth, almost like a God, if you will, for them to worship (people theorize that there is a 9th planet and that NASA, owned by the elite, keeps incredibly life-changing information about the universe hidden from the public). And if 'negative', rather than positive, energy is something that "blesses" the elite with youth, strength, and materialistic power, I would not be surprised.

At this time in the world, it is my belief that all humans should spend some time looking within themselves, even if that concept is something you've been groomed by family/friends/society to think is silly, worthless, and a waste of time.

Those who are interested, youtube 'Adyashanti' and listen to that enlightened man talk. He'll open your eyes to the fact that NONE OF US IS WHAT WE 'THINK' WE ARE. If the evil elite are living for their own enlightenment, let us find ours to combat them. The entire purpose of existing is to find enlightenment, but we've been trained to think life is about relationships, money, survival, and being perpetually busy.

You in carcosa now

The Bible talks about how the ancient Egyptians and Hebrews used this types of sacrifices for power

Is "Walnut Sauce" the product of a pineal gland?



It doesn't really matter if demons are real or not. Some people believe they are, and are willing to commit atrocities in their name.

Is this why zombies eat brains?

It's also possible that the elite were trying to frame Hunter Thompson because he was so famous and was opposed to the New World Order agenda. Hunter was one of the first people to say that 9-11 was a a false flag and I think these claims he was involved in child exploitation may have been generated by his reporting. Remember the elite use mind control for purposes like this - false accusations.

But now that we have that out of the way.. it is also possible that Hunter wasn't the pure freedom fighter we think he was. I heard his son talk about the book he wrote about his dad and he wasn't necessarily the greatest guy... so who knows who the real Hunter was...

Hunter lived right next door to Osama Bin Laden's relatives in Colorado I believe.. pretty odd coincidence imo...

Adrenochrome connection? Al Gore had his airport encounter scrubbed from the internet when we was found with a briefcase of it

Any links I can read about that?

You know I had mentioned this before in regards to Spez, bc I noticed he had smaller than normal pupils. Didn't catch on but yeah as a neuroscientist, eating humans, you can get prion related diseases which affect the eyes.

I noticed the post on Voat about the eye abnormality and the pictures of the kids with same rare condition on CPP instagram, do people remember this appeal video for Madeline McCann? It was shown on TV & on big screens during major sporting events etc, I remember thinking the eye graphics were a bit weird & creepy. Just thought I'd post it here. https://youtu.be/HEuQn5rWPa0

Despite all the negative responses, I think there is something more to this story. In the wiki leaks, the cryptic wording makes me think they are talking about drugs. I do think drugs are involved alongside child trafficking.

It may not be that they seek "adrenochrome" exactly, but I do think that these satanists seek other than just the blood of victims.

Keep digging and creating hypothesis. I have proposed a few in the past. They might seem far-fetched, but the truth has been stranger than fiction recently.

There's no reason that the person would need to be alive still to harvest a pineal gland. All the amino acids which make up the various compounds found in there would easily last for quite some time making it far more likely to just harvest it from those who died. Although the far easier thing to do is to just artificially create the compounds since there are various ways of doing so. The other main problem is the fact that very little compounds like those in the gland are viable to consume since the digestive system will break them down as well as the fact that it's very hard for them to cross the blood brain barrier. That's why artificial variants are used since they can be developed to survive ingestion and cross the blood brain barrier.

Free will is at the center, I believe. Satanism is about submission and power, and if you believe that there is no free will, it's much easier to force others to submit their lives to yours.

this whole thread makes me sick, angry, disturbed, and i don't know wtf. i need to take my family to a deserted island in the south pacific to get away from this. how depressing and depraved fuck.

The fact there's a family that you have influence over while believing this trash is depressing as fuck.

i want to see evidence to the contrary.

the fact there is none is depressing as fuck.

Start with the fact there's no reason to believe/evidence that there's DMT in the pineal gland in the first place let alone a reasonable enough amount to justify spending resources on harvesting people compared to just buying it.

I can't believe you are in charge of other people. Good lord.

not an argument

Picking the easy response, I see

not an argument

Right, just a criticism

u smell like a butt

I wipe carelessly

i crop dust like an ace

Surely if this was true and human glands really were a good source of mind altering substances, more people would know about it?

anyone that saw fear and loathing in las vegas knows about it

most people don't want to do all those drugs tho. maybe beer and marijuana at the most.

I've always kinda figured this is what they are after. People say "follow the money" or "it's all for oil". We print money so that's ruled out, if we really needed the oil we would take it so what's left? We are getting so close.

money and oil are tools for power yes but not the end goal for themselves.

Photographer Rusty Nelson fingered HST. In the same itvw Nelson tells how he himself had been impersonated within this criminal cabal, and had even MET his impersonator face-to-face. I submit, HST had so many visual gimmicks to his appearance that wdb easy to impersonate him for purposes of defaming him. And Rusty Nelson didn't even twig to the idea that he himself cdv been deceived by the same old trick he KNEW had been used against he himself.

Just a thought, would it be possible that this could be a factor in importing refugees into "western" countries?

to eat them? -_-

When I was reading about A. Crowley they referenced ritual fear inducing abuses such rape etc before they would drain the blood of a child and drink it imidiately to gain a narcotic like effect from the release of adrenaline.

Awesome post! I'd like to add this: known occult expert Mark Passio would say that the «eye of horus» symbolism is one for expressing the harmony/power, equilibrium of the sacred aspects of male and female : male = Protection, female = Care.. Not sure this is also implied in how they force this symbol in the media and in their rituals. Would not bet on it. Still points out to the «cremation of care» ceremony in Bohemian Grove.. If you do bad deeds and you don't want to have any remorse, burn the caring/female part of your psyche symbolically, then you will feel powerful because less restrained to act out. Moloch statue in the background accentuates the sacrifical undoing and the coherence of all of this. Eech.

Awesome post and comments wow!

DMT and the Pineal gland also discussed in this interview on The Higherside Chats. Not sure if it's in the first free hour or the second paid hour ($5 month) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A2pQA4jdpfo

You're missing a big connection: Saturn (yes the planet) is being worshipped by these satanists. I still haven't figured out why. Any insight from others on the Saturn -> Satan connection?

Any stuff I can read about Saturn being worshipped by them?

Found pineal reference again in another Wikileak by David Mc Cullar.https://wikileaks.org/gifiles/docs/34/348834_fwd-copy-gray-no-joke-2-.html

@mka 123088

I upvoted you for your creativity.

isn't there a mst3k movie about that gland being the fountain of youth?

René Descartes believed the pineal gland to be the "principal seat of the soul". Academic philosophy among his contemporaries considered the pineal gland as a neuroanatomical structure without special metaphysical qualities; science studied it as one endocrine gland among many. However, the pineal gland continues to have an exalted status in the realm of pseudoscience.

-The Pineal Gland wiki.

Ivy league blow hards calling Descartes, Plato, Lubicz, etc pseudoscience is rich.

Because they're not humans, if they don't get their fix this happens to them. https://youtu.be/flZeHc-jKtw

Could you fucking imagine, murdering some one to eat them. That's fucking horrible.

Hunter S Thompson spent much of his time, the year leading up to his death, with Jimmy Buffett. Kathy O'Brien has alleged Buffett to be connected to the CIA as a drug runner, utilizing subjects from the MK ULTRA / Project Monarch program. I've idolized Thompson in my younger years, but the more I hear this rumor and ones on its periphery, the more I think back to the audio recording of Thompson narrating a gang rape by the Hells Angels at a Ken Kesey party: His supposed horror and more obvious excitement.

/r/pinealgland for those interested

Nigga, how many glands did you eat? LOL

If you've got a receptor for it, your body can make a version.

This isn't a possible connection. This IS the connection. Everyone has been so focused on pedophiles they have forgotten the idea that maybe these sick pedophiles are cannibals..

What the fuck is that email? Shit is a trip in and of itself

I think a lot of you are getting the adrenal gland, which excretes adrenaline, mixed up with the pineal gland, which excretes dmt. As far as I know what Gonzo is referring to is the former.

I believe this is an exactly correct understanding of what satanists are attempting to do.

Everything satanists do is a mockery/imitation of, attempted ursurpation of God.

God is Omniscient, therefore satan tries to claim omniscience too... through this cannabalistic pineal gland ritual.... and using illicit means such as these - cannibalising people, hexes, spells, misusing natural objects and misusing people - which provides links to the demonic whereby foreign or 'occulted' pseudo-knowledge is passed from person to person or from person to demon.

Another example is Masses...Christians (Catholic and Orthodox Christians anyway) celebrate Christian Masses.

Satan only imitates ..a 'black mass'.

These sorceretic ritutals are misuses and abuses of God-give nature which attempt to invert the natural order.

The natural order inverted contributes to Satan's ultimate 'end-game', which is to be worshipped "as God". He of course will suffer defeat since he is not God. But will use people who are willing to cooperate with this agenda for their own earthly gain....at the cost of their eternal soul.

"What does it prosper a man to gain the whole world, but lost his soul?"

"Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. “All this I will give you,” he said, “if you will bow down and worship me.”

Jesus said to him, “Away from me, Satan! For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.’"

Holy shit boy are you into this Christian guff there's less evidence to support that then most of the more reasonable conspiracies mate.

Yes I am. If people can believe aliens have invaded earth, is it really that much more of a stretch to believe that God invaded it?

Doesn't florine calciate the penial gland?

I always thought it was simply a metaphors for living life on the edge of sanity; ie, the secretion of adrenaline from Thompson's own pineal gland gave him a fix.

It's well known in the occult community that it's a common practice during Satanic Ritual Sacrifices to withdraw the blood and the fluids from the brain when the human is at maximum fear levels, which loads that blood with N,N-Dimethyltryptamine and high levels of adrenaline.

They drink this blood and have incredible abilities because of the heightened senses that come along with being in that fight or flight zone during a death or near-death experience.

I've heard stories of how Al Gore got caught with several liters of blood at the airport and it took his lawyers a couple weeks to come up with the documents that said apparently he needed the blood because of a "medical disorder".

I have not read through all comments, but here are my two cents:

The Antichrist, Al-Dajjal and so on is said to have only one eye, which may refer to the Ajna Chakra of the subtle, energetic body, which more or less corresponds to the pineal gland. The subtle body is empiric fact, as anybody who was successfully treated by an acupuncturist can tell you. The difference between meditation and enlightenment by giving up the self and surrendering to something higher and the various Satanists is the latter unending reliance on the ego. And if everything you do is for your ego, why not eat human pineal glands?

Well there is a fringe neurological (but systemic and functional enough) explanation of the "reptilian" references: The oldest part of our brains is reptilian and it is the deepest, most secure and blissful state a human being can be in (apetitive/aversive, Freudian Anal Phase, Mother Safety). If you wanted to live your life in animalistic exctasy (eat, fuck, sleep, repeat), a "reptilian" culture would be perfect. So no aliens, no gods, just meat and numbers like always.

No, our positions on this are wildly differing.

I'm arguing the (potential) existence of a reality whose very fabric responds and reacts to intentionality and consciousness. You're arguing for a simple, classical, mechanical universe; a kind of giant lego set with fixed rules and terms of operation.

You were further arguing that the conveniently neat fit between us and that universe is essentially due to the universe arranging itself to suit us, rather than us having evolved in that universe and so necessarily reflecting its physical manifestation. Now you seem to be arguing an immutable and unchanging universe in which reality is permanent and fixed in its terms and in which humans are a side detail.

Frankly, I'm a bit confused about your meta-position on all this. It can't be both a strong anthropic universe and a cold uncaring universe of mathematics and geometry.

Yes, Especially the third eye man. it releases DMT and other drugs that are rare in nature.


Thnk you for this post.

You're welcome. Not that I'm at all happy to share this though!

Yeah, I said it.

Interesting to note that Phil Schneider said the same thing about reptilian aliens in DUMBs

I like Hunter as much as anyone and love his writing. But taking hus ramblings this seriously you would think you ingested the same amounts of drugs as him.

Do not underestimate the western mad scholars.

Jesus fucking Christ. Cannibalism, reptilians, chakras. This is the kind of thread that makes people laugh at proper conspiracy theorists.


That's just gross

Isn't there like fur on hillary toung from eating people. It's why she has the numerological problems.

elites obsession with cannibalism??? I thought they were pedophiles.

"The elites' obsession with cannibalism"? Seriously?

What backwater theocracy do you live in?

Guys, come on, do we really want to be supporting these crazy theories? They make us seem like fools and discredit everything else we discuss

wow ty for this reveal i got something to think about today ;0

If true, what an endless supply of DMT Earth is, eh? So, to instigate an epic event to wipe out the population would seriously diminish the supply. Edit: also gives the Blade trilogy new meaning.

There is so much more DMT in plants on earth than there is in humans. Nothing you could do to the human population would affect the availability of DMT in the slightest.

It literately grows on trees ... (tree bark)


Just because it's being discussed doesn't mean everyone here thinks it's all 100% true. It's like when I get high with friends and we talk about super far out shit. No need to take it so seriously.

Rule 10. No personal attacks. Removed.

i think they all suffer themselves way too much excellent cocaine jmho

good theory they've been doin hard core drugs for years so tolerance is another aspect

As the quote in the OP goes: "you're not going to smoke my pineal gland"

Except this is more plausible than an afterlife.

No they egyptians didnt....They didnt even think the brain was very important. Do you have any (legitimate) sources for any of these claims?


So the bible is a guide to stop yourself from turning into a tripping cannibal?

The Last Supper is the Last trip?

to eat them? -_-

But I literally never said or even implied that chimps are trying to get high on pineal glands. I just said that they may well not eat every part of an animal indiscriminately due to being 'savage'.

They almost certainly do eat the most nutritious parts for preference.

I've heard theories that the apple in the garden of eden was actually psychedelic mushrooms, which would buttress your theory.

Well that was kind of the idea of how people thought Satanists did back in the 70s. The Satanist scare that they would steal your children and sacrifice them is not exclusive to Thompson. The religious right thought the same thing back then. Still do.

hehe ye

"If you wonder if he's gone to Heaven or Hell, rest assured he will check out them both, find out which one Richard Milhouse Nixon went to — and go there. He could never stand being bored."

good read