Another sub found this post too suggestive. So the mods removed the post entirely. Someone is shitting their pants. Maybe r/conspiracy is not yet completely compromised? Post in description.

0  2016-12-16 by NonThinkingPeeOn

Can anyone give an experiment that one can do for himself/herself in order to prove that the earth is definitely a globe?

Not asking for second hand knowledge. Not asking for photos or videos from any source. Asking for something that can be directly known.


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Thanks for the reminder automad. Fixed.

Oh look, it's another mod. Going to remove this post too?

them telling me I'm "trolling", for asking a question?

If I was going to remove then it would already have been removed. You and others are welcome to discuss "flat earth" here. Just don't use misleading titles.

  1. the shadow of the earth on the moon (crescent shape).
  2. time zones.

one: A time zone is a region of the globe that observes a uniform standard time for legal, commercial, and social purposes.

That example is not even related to physical phenomena. its a mental construct for time/clock keeping.

Are you talking about it being night time in one place and daytime in other?

two: Shadow of the earth moon?

like during a "lunar eclipse"?

  1. the shadow cast on the moon is the shadow of the earth. it is crescent. and, that comes from what? i pyramid shape? a turtle shell? it's pretty damn obvious if you would spend a few minutes processing information rather than rattling off dumb objections.
  2. just curious. since it's night in hong kong and day in new york, what is your brilliant idea for how a flat planet would accommodate that? giant curtains? and how does the sun set over this giant plate of a world when people in new york are looking at a sunset and in hawaii it's noon?

here's another idea; take a ride in a plane on a clear day. the horizon is obviously curved.

"From a friend who was a military pilot, and from sources such as the many books I have read on the SR-71 and U-2 it can be said that this doesn't appear until you get up to 55K-60K feet........

The highest I have been is 41K on a 777 and I couldn't see anything but a flat horizon."

"I am an airline pilot, and the highest I have been is 41000'. Can't say that I have noticed any curvature."

A crescent moon is caused by the moon's own form shadow, according to globe earth theory. Even for the theory of which you are a proponent of, you don't even have the details straight.

day night cycles on a flat earth could be caused by a relatively low moving sun close to the earth's surface, which would give rise to perspective convergence as the sun moves away from you. also intensity of the sun light could factor, as light has exponential falloff of intensity the further from the source you are.

Like whats "amazing" about this phenomenon is that the earth and moon share the same proportions.

Has this been observed elsewnere ?

Why is the sun round? Why is the moon round? Why do water droplets form spheres? Why does the earth look round from the fucking moon? Cheese brain motard.

Thanks for that input. An amazing level of discussion. it seems you could discourse for hours on this topic.

I mean if you are philosophic in thinking this is a great tennis match, its like being on a jury.

Being in the debate and having fun thinking about it is agnostic really. Like what if you thought of this as some other place.

At least it makes great fiction, but like no one really knows what the fuck is going on. What if one religion is actually right LOL how ludicrous.

Do flat earthers deny that all other celestial bodies are round? Do they think the sun is flat? Is the moon fat? If they acknowledge that practically everything is round then why do they think the earth is an exception?

It's not a real conspiracy.

I remember when it started. Some guy made a joke website ala "dihydrogen monoxide" and a few people joined for the lulz. Fast forward two decades and it's a serious thing.

IMHO it's a CIA sham now. Or whatever agency runs the lite psyops.

It's not a real conspiracy.

what's the conspiracy you refer to?

I remember when it started.

Lol. It started when people could make observations and form logical conclusions. So, from the beginning of humanity.

The flat earth conspiracy. I remember the first website, it was written tongue in cheek and was funny. Now people actually expect others to take it seriously. It was never meant to be taken seriously. Ahh the good old days of the net.

In my post above, I should have clarified: the modern incarnation.

So some random person, once upon a time, mocked the flat earth theory on the internet.

There is nothing else to be inferred from your experience. Any other conclusion you made, like "it all started there", is unfounded.

It is most certainly the case that another random person on the internet wrote about flat earth in a different light.

I come from Prodigy my good man. We grew our memes out in the back 286 in those days.

why would someone deny that the sun and moon are round, when you can look into the sky and clearly see that they are round?

why would someone deny that the earth is flat when they can look at their immediate surroundings and see that it is flat.

It is the burden to prove the earth round, if you believe it to be so. When the evidence of simple observation around you says the earth is flat, and only second hand knowledge sways you to think otherwise, why wouldn't there be doubts?

sigh. when they post stuff like this you know they're not even trying.

From the article:

Shadows and Sticks

If you stick a stick in the ground, it will produce a shadow. The shadow moves as time passes. If the world had been flat, then two sticks in different locations would produce the same shadow.

Imagine the Sun's rays hitting two sticks, some distance apart. If the Earth were flat, the resulting shadows would be the same length, no matter how far apart you place the sticks. But they don’t. This is because the earth is round, and not flat." These structures were the tallest in many towns back in the day, and some still survive. Liquids assume a perfect spherical shape, i assume because of surface tension and gravity interacting, but I actually dont know the real reason why. If The earth is composed of significant amount of water, then, despite the accompanying lithosphere, the globe shape would be assumed in the same way the lead shot is formed in the shot towers

That is seriously cool.

Every time someone brings this up I say:

If the Earth was flat everyone would see the same stars.

If you are in New Zealand you cannot see the North Star.

The reason you don't see the North Star is because the world is round and blocks the view of it.

But no one ever replies back to me.