After 5+ years of using Reddit as an unbiased site to have discussions about just about anything, I honestly cannot browse a site that lets me see only what they choose for me to see. I hate what this site has become. I will no longer browse this site. You should do the same.

219  2016-12-16 by scott8858

It's a sad time on reddit these days. Can't see both sides of peoples opinions. It's nothing but left wing tending. I am not republican nor democrat. If anything I am a libertarian. But the point is there is no balance at all. These bots must be working very hard because /r/politics is the biggest left wing circle-jerk I think I've ever seen. I never thought Reddit would be a site that only shows one side of the story to shove propaganda and hate towards the Republican party.

I know it's hard to just start browsing a different site, but what other choice is there?

TL;DR : Reddit has a far left wing agenda and I think It's unfair to have bots filtering out anything reddit decides you shouldn't see. What happened to the first amendment? Yeah...

Edit: Yes I understand that reddit is a privately owned business who has the right to filter any content, and cater to any agenda they wish. My point is I've been putting up with it this whole election and I've been pretty meh about it up until they started to silence posts that say things that go against reddits(left wing)agenda.


You have to keep in mind that a large portion of the user base is college age kids that have been brain washed to hell and back.

Remove yourself from the subs that destroy any post that censor shit. I've went as far as removing myself from subs that require stupid title requirements.

Seriously. Most of these millennials in here are conditioned to actually support censorship, and would rather not see the posts about stories that are uncomfortable for them to think about.

Hey man, don't drag all us millennials into this, not all of us are useful idiot sjw's

Especially us at the older end. I don't identify with being a useful idiot perma-triggered, 454 gendered, poly-, health at any size iphone addict. GET OFF MY LAWN!

Hats off to you, and apologies on behalf of us who generalize. We can do better.

You millennials and your atheism will hopefully finally change the US.

Atheism is part of the problem- bear with me before you judge please.

I am agnostic myself, so I am not condescending. Ultimately, religion (regardless of which variant) offers a moral framework. Yes, religious leaders (or political leaders back when most countries were married to the church) have used religion to control people, kill people, and oppress people. Yes, we have extremist factions of Islam today that strap bombs on themselves and try to kill others.

But religion as it pertains to the masses does generally promote civility, care for one's neighbors and community, promotes a list of tenets (like the 10 commandments) to be followed, promotes the idea of treating others with respect, etc etc. While religion still exists today, our society is much more driven by the ideology of consumerism, selfishness, and passivity relative to authority. We collectively lack a moral framework that would cause us to stand up to tyranny, to abhor societal systems which promote the ruthless brutality of modern competition, to be governed by honor to follow Constitutional ideals and not try to exploit lingual weakness in the document for personal gain, etc etc etc.

Im not saying youre that way of course. Im just saying that society is so lost in short flights of consciousness, fractured temporary value systems relative to a specific topic, etc etc that we have no overarching ideology to collectively guide us morally. We are materially rich and morally bankrupt- creatures with insane technology but who use this technology without or only with fleeting consideration for whether we should, or what the consequences would be.

Im a millennial, I'm agnostic, and I am most certainly not supportive of censorship nor the destruction of the 1st and 4th amendment; as another redditor once said, science has killed God as the primary moral governing force in society, and we are in deep shit because of it.

I dont have the answers- I dont think any one person can. Its going to take a collective look at our society for that to happen. Worse, despite being better connected than ever before in history, in other ways (mainly in terms of metacognition or the connecting of overarching human direction) we are more fractured than ever before.

I see your point regarding having a moral framework. I would argue that millenials are embracing humanism whether they think about it that way or not. No religion or external framework is needed or being used.

Am millienial. Can confirm. Most are fucking clueless

Yeah I have been doing that, but it just makes me uneasy knowing that I'm browsing a website that I morally do not support.

Then you might as well get off the Internet

Good point. But there are better alternatives. I looked into voat and it seems okay for the moment. They even have a 🍕 gate sub. Meh

YouTube is forcing the content they want you to see now more than ever also. Encrypt your phone, get rid of Facebook (or create a new one and never log on with your device) and go ghost. I may be paranoid but that doesn't mean that they...

Fine! I'll stop using reddit!

Step 1: Go to location bar

Step 2: Type in first website i can think of

Step 3:


Haha it will take some time to get used to.

Reddit was not unbiased 5 years ago. Sorry, but you are wrong about that one. Reddit has always been a haven for soft-minded and soft-bellied liberal propaganda and propagation. They like to, around here, talk about how intellectual they are, but that couldn't be further from the truth. Many of them have been effectively told how to think and find confirmation of their intellects in the shared opinions, but that's a danger to society at large right now.

The fact of the matter is we're all people. And as such we all typically want to "fit in" or find our community. In one age it's one religion or another, in another age it's something else.

There's always going to be a witch hunt, information is going to be obfuscated, and the actions of people are going to manifest themselves in destructive ways in order to achieve some dominant system of control.

If it's not witches, it's hippies, blacks, or christians and now it's whites/conservatives on the block.

Although it is interesting to see the extent to which social engineering has rendered such a large percentage of a demographic to loathe and act with purpose to eradicate itself.

But the "liberal" influence has been engaged in nations and societies much older than ours, typically to their ruination. Tradition is challenged, that brought health and wealth, and later generations succumb to the excess and all of those qualities transfer to rampant hedonism and the discharge of personal responsibility.

That's where we are now. Culture is a slow beast to turn over, and it doesn't typically happen without incident.

If you merely go to places that comfort you with similar values, then you're doing yourself a disservice and willfully limiting your perception to a vacuum.

Unfortunately you have to mingle with the golems to keep your finger on the pulse, unless you wish to forsake them and their civilization altogether.

There is no easy answer. There is no quick fix. All you can do is figure out how you wish to live as best as you can. Accept but discard the influences that aren't compatible with you, be the change you want to see (cliche, but true), vote local.

Western society is in a rough place right now, with all sorts of fabricated movements seeking to deconstruct its values: feminism, SJW cults, minority worship, kill your family/kids, government is good, etc etc...

We've become incredibly gynocentric to the point that we call this notion of personal responsibility "oppressive" particularly in the cases of gender or any race but white. And through this scope of intolerant tolerance, we've fashioned ourselves a corrosive system of life that viciously despises an individual, his ideas, and seeks to suffocate his expression and achievement.

"You didn't build that."

Funny thing is 5 years ago up until this election I only came to reddit for entertainment. Then I actually gained an interest in the fact that all these websites and news outlets are either left or right. There is no middle ground what's so ever. In the end it's a fucking pissing match and we end up with our heads right back up our asses.

People just amaze me.

Well, I have to somewhat disagree with you;

For my own sake, I think this sub may actually be the middle ground.

As a short attempt at elaborating on this, I'd say r/politics is on one end of the spectrum, and r/the_donald the other. Reddit has many colors of course, but politically speaking, we are smack in the middle.

There are many other issues additional to these I am not too active in myself, but you get the point.

Here at least, it is possible to have a somewhat decent conversation and information exchange w/o being mocked off the table by either camps.

But I could be wrong, though I think I'm on to something.

You can't include r/the_donald into the spectrum of any objectivity. Politics? Yes, certainly. Just like, and I don't know if such a thing exists and don't care, but if r/obama existed the type of news and slant you would get is implied.

Politics and its moderators have chosen to slant what should be neutral ground, and THAT is where the problem lies.

The complaint being is that if you go somewhere, especially a place that is supposedly an open exchange of ideas under a label as neutral as politics, you expect a colorless mix and match of ideas.

If I go to breitbart, I expect a conservative interpretation. If I go to salon, I expect a "liberal" slant. I shouldn't be expecting a slant if I visit r/politics, or WaPo, NYTimes, whatever the case is supposed to be.

And that is actually a problem, which requires me to piece together my own truth, which usually lies in what isn't spoken, or the subtext of what is spoken. I.E. the television telling me that pizza gate is a hoax and that reading wikileaks is illegal and only they can tell me what they contain. That tells me there's probably much more to pizza gate and that I need to read wikileaks for myself and turn my attention completely away from traditional sources who are engaged in propaganda and NOT journalism.

r/politics is a discredit to reddit as a whole and an assault upon the entire philosophy of the free market of ideas. That's why r/politics should be scorned (along with the people who participate in it) and r/the_donald should be left alone.

Some people would misconstrue that statement as a conservative opinion, but they would be wrong.

You'll not find middle ground when you/we insist on viewing the incredible complexities of this country as two consistent and convenient sides.

It's far easier to objectively see things how they are when you disregard 'ists, isms, ocracies', etc. I don't know about you, but my wide-ranging beliefs cannot be labeled so easily.

Things are nowhere near as simple as those terms suggest. The fool's game is believing that our current system is a valid attempt to make things easier. The only streamlining it lead to, was a fast track towards intentional divisiveness.

I set my reddit bookmark for r/conspiracy which is where I spend 99% of my time on reddit. Sometimes I browse r/all but not for very long before I get tired of the distracting bullshit. Good luck I hope you don't come back (I mean that in a good way).

Haha thank you.


I know all about Bernie's following. If the superdelegates would have elected Bernie instead of Hillary we would have a Democrat for our next president. And I do feel sorry for Bernie supporters because Hillary has far more connections than that poor old man.

I don't believe in socialism but I would much would have rather had Bernie than Hil or Don.


This. Socialism for the rich with capitalism for the poor as Chomsky calls it.

At this point, we need politicians who understand the real issues: wealth inequality, the corporate marriage to government, the co-opting of corporate services to instantiate governmental tyranny (Microsoft, Google, Yahoo, etc along with their US .gov buddies), the military industrial complex, etc.

Why do you think I became a pol ack 3 years ago.

/pol is good once you've developed a mental filter to block cuck kek jewkek* peadokek larperkekfuck* - its right wing heavy but the convo gets deep at times and every now and then there's an AMA from some pretty interesting characters. All in all i lurk 95% and post the rest of the time ...

Reddit is under no obligation to uphold the First Amendment. There are plenty of right wing sites you can go to to get your preferred flavor of propaganda.


you aren't too smart are you? you think he was attacking you. he wasn't. he was telling you that they ALL are biased. ALL of them. if reddit was espousing opinions you agreed with you wouldn't notice as readily that it was still propaganda. everybody likes the smell of their own brand.

I was referring to the comment of "your flavor". I have no flavor.


Rule 8. No memes. Removed.

oops. Sorry.

You are the one coining the phrase "left-wing circle jerk". You are the one complaining about a bias against Republicans. You are the one complaining about a privately owned website dedicated to anonymous ass-hats on the Internet (Read: YOU) posting whatever bullshit they like is not First Amendment-y enough.

Forgive me for not being able to divine the particular nature of whatever ill-formed bullshit Libertarian political opinion you have that went unsaid in your post. But it sure fucking sounded like you were complaining about the Right not getting enough time on the soapbox to me. And there's a whole fucking Internet of right-wing websites you can go fuck off too to get your Libertarian jollies off. In fact there are Libertarian SUBREDDITS you can go fuck off to and get your jollies off.

I stated no opinion. I gave you information. Nothing I said was cancerous.

So you can see the distinction, here are some opinions:

Complaining about what you did on a Conspiracy subreddit is meaningless. Calling me a numb-skull is meaningless. Being completely unable to google alternate social media sites that totally agree with you on everything is not a Conspiracy, it makes you sound whiny.

I don't practice libertarianism but if I agree with anything, it's their beliefs.

When I saw you complain about how reddit is full of left wing circle jerking, I thought that reddit is a website that is privately owned, and is under no obligation to conform to any censorship or lack of censorship at all. And that you said yourself that you were Libertarian leaning. Which tells me that you value private property. Since reddit is the private property of the owners of reddit, you don't really have any say in the matter as to how reddit is operated. Since you seemed unhappy with the Left-leaning opinion of the voices on reddit, I said you could go anywhere to get a right wing opinion.

Now you know what I was thinking when I replied to you. I don't think I was coming from where you assumed I was.

Your right, fuck face. I don't want reddit to change. I just feel like it's a shit fucking website at this point after all these mods were put in to silence whatever they please.

And trust me, I enjoy reddit. I've browsed it all day every day for the past 6 years. But after recent modifications to content filtering I feel morally obliged to drop this site and go to one that has yet to be corrupted

I think it's just a huge circle jerk and I feel like /r/conspiracy is one of the only places on reddit with people that aren't fucking brainwashed to the point of no return can talk about what's going on and where to go from here to obtain balanced discussions at least.

It's spelled; "You're right, fuck face."

If you are going to be a belligerent child, at least learn how fucking spell.

The guy you're replying to is an idiot who can't think in a nuanced way. Chill out. I understand exactly what you're saying.

I'm an idiot? I don't see the nuance in OP's thought process. I only see the written equivalent of a shrug.

Being completely unable to google alternate social media sites that totally agree with you on everything is not a Conspiracy, it makes you sound whiny.

You're missing the point. Certain subreddits get banned, which creates a false consensus.

THEREFORE, people don't even realize that they need to check other sources- they just think Hillary is the only choice, and everyone agrees, and it's obviously just Russian hackers that are exposing pedophilia in DC.

In the real world it doesn't matter that the smarter among us could go look for something true, as long as the masses keep using the rigged site.

OP's boycott idea is a good one. I'm a leftist and I tell people to leave here all the time. Don't buy Reddit gold, use an ad blocker, and leave for good as soon as we have a critical mass somewhere else. (, chans,, etc.)

Censorship should be a failing business strategy. Let's make them pay for trying to control what ideas we're allowed to study.

Rule 10. No personal attacks. Removed. 1st warning.

It is possible to be liberal and know that r/p0litics is nothing but sheep shit.

But are you left or right then? I'm so confused. Show me your papers!

I'm looking for a right wing site that isn't neo-con and pro-Israel. Can you help?

I would prefer not to. Googleing right wing sites depresses me.

Seriously..."what happened to the first amendment?" OP, I think you need to do some research on what the first amendment means...


I did some time on Voat...had to stop because of the rather malicious use of the words "nigger" and "jew". That really bugged me, and it's pretty damn hard to offend me.

Get over to Minds, Voat, and Gab!

Yes yes yes. I just downloaded boats n voats today. So far so good. Thanks!

If you choose to never visit /r/conspiracy again, please know that you will be divided from everyone here. This is the first half of their divide and conquer plan.

It's not like there's a plan for doing anything about the corruption anyway.

What happened to the first amendment? Yeah...

Firstly Reddit is not a public service so it doesn’t apply in this context, just like any other forum has mods who remove stuff they dislike.

Secondly, if you want to leave, then leave, why post saying you’re going to do it and then don’t? So far one hour from posting and your account hasn’t been deleted. Perhaps by tomorrow you will have actually left, or is this post just for the drama? not

Because I want to have this post be active for 24 hours. I do want to see what people think and if I am alone here. And I will be done with reddit.


Nah, I'm good. Nice knowin ya!

Bye Felicia

the owners of reddit are jews, whod of thought

While I understand that position, I have to disagree. If this is your only forum, you're an idiot. Measure these reports against all others and find your truth.

Critical thinking is becoming a survival skill. Get woke, scott.

Especially us at the older end. I don't identify with being a useful idiot perma-triggered, 454 gendered, poly-, health at any size iphone addict. GET OFF MY LAWN!

Hats off to you, and apologies on behalf of us who generalize. We can do better.

You millennials and your atheism will hopefully finally change the US.