Ordinary people should view the news and news organizations as the enemy, because they are

99  2016-12-16 by voodoohoodoovoodoo

We are about to begin world war three, in large part due to the propaganda people often willingly buy. Stop giving them your money or attention. Cut your cable TV. Cancel magazines, newspapers... they lie to you, and you pay for it.

More than anything else, know that CNN especially is your enemy. It is a toxic waste dump, and the others pale in comparison since people view them as legitimate.


The NYTimes is the source of most of the major bullshit.

Every four years ordinary people fill in bubbles next to names printed on paper. They do this because they have been told over and over that they matter or that their opinion counts.

Know that CNN especially is your enemy? As if Fox News is any better? There is no special enemy here or one to really look out for. They all have the same agenda and those who run their parent companies are in league with each other.


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Lol, owned by 5 corporations, like one is less or more good or bad than the other.

They are all bad, but the average person believes CNN in general, and without question.

The average person actually knows better than you think. They did a recent poll on the publics trust of the media and found it to be only 4%. The ministry of truth doesn't care if you trust it or not, it just plows right along with the narrative of corporate empowerment.


We need to see thru this right v left scenario they put in front of us. I will never trust a company like briebart or fox or RT or Cnn at face value. They all have agendas.

The point I was trying to make is that CNN has this aura of being unbias. Of course, that is not the case, but the average unthinking american does think that CNN is telling them the truth which makes them even more dangerous in my opinion. The New York Times also has this, as someone else mentioned. Everyone knows Fox is bias.

Bad information is better than no information. If you want to truly be informed it's better to get your news from multiple locations. Not ignore them all. What CNN and the likes report is always true, but only a part of the picture. Whatever portion which paints things in the way they want them painted. Getting parts from multiple sources with multiple motivations is the only way around it. And let's be clear: all sources have a motivation. It's impossible to not include bias, as it's simply human nature.

And we, the people, have no power in starting or preventing another world war. e.g. (not to say these are realistic concerns) If putin wanted to fight over our placing defensive positions around russia, then he would have. And if he wants to go ahead and reform the USSR because we aren't setup to prevent him, then he will. Either way, there was nothing we could have done to prevent it.

the news to me: similar to the presidential race, is a gauge on the current atmosphere of the population it serves. you are what you eat they say, then you just need to look at what is being fed

Aside from my local news station for local news, the ONLY news I watch for national and International news is One America News, (oan) or their website oann.com You'll especially like the segments...Tipping Point and The Daily Ledger

Where do you get this WWIII idea from? That ship has sailed... aside from some guys with machine guns and few rockets everyone else in the world is gonna behave.

America was the roided up fratboy itching for a fight that just passed out after one last mega-kegstand. The world can breathe a sigh of relief.

America was the roided up fratboy itching for a fight that just passed out after one last mega-kegstand.

Yep, we are a crumbling empire. Good analogy.

Crumbling isn't accurate...

To continue the analogy... The fratboy just nearly died in an idiotic drug and alcohol fueled drunk driving head on with a Mac truck... he's gonna realize the error of his ways... clean up his act and hit the books... spend that energy improving himself. Born again Christian.

Respectfully disagree. I don't think we get a Renaissance. Not here. Americans are too stupid, too warlike and too complacent.