Has anyone gotten a FOIA request for Seth Rich? I'm pretty sure he was the one to do the actual leaking to WikiLeaks.

27  2016-12-17 by King_of_the_sidewalk

Right after his death WikiLeaks tweeted a $20K reward for information regarding Seth. Check out @wikileaks's Tweet: https://twitter.com/wikileaks/status/763041804652539904?s=09 also Julian Assange hints at Seth being an informant here https://youtu.be/Kp7FkLBRpKg Clarifying this will help the media and Obama stop lying that Russia has anything to do with the hack.


Seth Rich was murdered and that's what brought him to our attention.

Yes, hence the reward for information and the hinting of seth being the insider.

Sorry, I misread your title. Much happening here. There's no "fixit" button.

He hasn't been the only one by the DNC/WH power players. There have been more , and they were eliminated for reasons far milder than leaking their game plan. Know i understand why Alex Jones and others are standing down for now on the pizza

What would this FIOA for Seth Rich request information on? What agency would this FIOA be submitted to? I'm genuinely curious to know.

Craig Murray says he met the source in Washington and it wasn't a Russian, it was a disgruntled DNC staffer. The official Wikileaks position is they don't name their sources but as seen in the RT interview, why mention Rich & their sources in the same breath, unless to overtly imply he is in fact the source? One without the other is questionable enough, but viewed together, coupled with the nature of Rich's death - 2 shots in an armed robbery where nothing is stolen - it's very difficult to not arrive at the obvious conclusion. Anyone still arguing otherwise is being wilfully ignorant or lacks the ability to competently reason.