As far as we know Trump is an uncompromised President Elect. What are you hoping he pursues through the DOJ or discloses in the name of the truth for the American people?

0  2016-12-17 by SirSirob

  • End corporate welfare/handouts

  • Close tax loopholes used by the wealthy / corporations

  • Aggressively go after and severely punish businesses hiring illegal immigrants

  • Put a min wage cap of $150,000 per year on H1B visas.

  • Take cannabis off schedule 1

But trump is a corporate whore with a cabinet of corporate whores who will do none of the above.

yeah the carrier deal already shows how he stands in terms to corporations.

No. President of Goldman Sachs, Gary Cohn, as director of the National Economic Council shows how he stands. The carrier deal was for the people stupid enough to keep falling for this "Trump won but is anti-establishment, democracy is alive and well in the US" garbage. It's really shocking how many GS, CFR, Bilderberg guys he can meet with and appoint, yet we still have these morons. "Give him 100 days", imagine people saying that about HRC as she's appointing obvious insiders. It'd be absolutely hilarious. It's no different with Trump.

We went from HRC in jail to taking advice from HRC after the election. Wake up please.

Clean house in and free the FBI from its shackles, let the good left among them take down the child trafficking rings in the U.S. no matter what or who is involved.

Likely a hope of futility, but still the one I harbor none the less.

Really, just follow through with his first 100 day plan. Tis' golden. I'm not holding my breathe, though...

More Goldman Sachs execs for top positions please! Uncompromised LMFAO!!!

Erase the cap on the Social Security tax so we can extend this important program indefinitely.

Raise it to 500k if there must be a cap, and make it scale with cost of living increases as well.

I earn well over these numbers, have maxed my contribution every year for more than 20 years, and I think we can do more. This country has treated me great and we should do all we can to improve the living conditions of all our people.

Senior citizens should not have to work into their 70s and 80s to feed and shelter themselves.

Erase the cap on the Social Security tax so we can extend this important program indefinitely.

lol repeal it entirely and make it illegal to ever do again. Fuck your marxism.

Senior citizens should not have to work into their 70s and 80s to feed and shelter themselves.

Why? None of those are rights.... You don't work you don't have goods to trade, you don't hunt (or work) you don't have food. Age doesn't really matter... Why is the government responsible (and it's not the government - but society - ie people pay (get robbed) taxes to the government, government doesn't produce any wealth).

Lol, wait until you get to that age and see how you feel about it then.

It sucks but it is what it is - elderly can't always contribute the way that they did when they were younger. And if you've busted your ass to contribute to society for 50-60 years, frankly you deserve to be taken care of when your body is no longer capable. Also, its important to remember that we really do have the resources to make it work- the reason we don't is because we are being squeezed dry by a greedy elitist and banking class that has no accountability for the bullshit that they pull with funds

Lol, wait until you get to that age and see how you feel about it then.


frankly you deserve

No. You don’t.

Also, its important to remember that we really do have the resources to make it work

No. We don’t.

If they cannot contribute, then they:

  1. Resort to working (not a 9-5, what ever their skill is)
  2. Resort to family to help them out
  3. Resort to the community
  4. Die

It would be no different under Socialism. What can you contribute, or are you just a worthless mouth to feed.

We do not have the money, the government does not have the money. They rob from others. The government produces nothing, yet you think we should give the government the responsibility to allocate funds to people? They are complete shit at it.

I'll ask you. How much of your own money, have you made a consciousness decision to donate? If you say none, well your a problem, and do not contempt me. I donate and pay taxes. My donations go to good causes and people I meet in my community, my taxes go to politician's slush funds and are widely misappropriated.

Government is not the solution. Fix yourself and start being a better person and stop asking a raper to make you more charitable about people cumming in your anus...

Are you drunk?

Little buzzed :), why?


None of those are rights

EXACTLY!! They are the privileges and consideration that civilized peoples show to one another and, especially, to their elders.

Why is the government responsible

Indeed. It is NOT the government. It is society as a whole, taking care of one another. Government is the best and obvious answer to how we take care of these folks.

We use the wealth of everyone to take care of, get this, you'll love this part, to take CARE of everyone.

Seems rather simple, no?

EXACTLY!! They are the privileges and consideration that civilized peoples show to one another and, especially, to their elders.

Donate yourself or shut up. What I do with MY taxes is MY business.

EXACTLY!! They are the privileges and consideration that civilized peoples show to one another and, especially, to their elders.

So, make a donation?

Indeed. It is NOT the government. It is society as a whole, taking care of one another.

So, make a donation?

Government is the best and obvious answer to how we take care of these folks.

It's the worst, and that has been proven, time and time again....

We use the wealth of everyone to take care of, get this, you'll love this part, to take CARE of everyone.

How much have you donated to various charities, non-profits, or given to the homeless on the streets?

Seems rather simple, no?

What I'm saying, is simple. What you're saying is just delusional...

No. How mindwashed can people be? Money isnt real and creates 99% of the problems with this world. We all own the world and shouldnt have to slave away just to live, the world would be a better place if people were free to do what they dream of without worrying about monwy

Not disclousing but hopefully expanding liberties.

I hope the article I read was real and hopefully he follows through but earlier I saw reports of him wanting all states to honor other states carry permits and he wants to take silceners off class III

Curious, what would be the legitimate point of removing silencers from class 3? I understand that they're fun to play around with, but for under $300 you can get a stamp and adaptor to use an oil filter as a silencer (arguably a better deal as a silencer is a consumable item) or make one.


Reallocate some bureaucracy to issues more beneficial to the whole, strengthen a colonial constitutional right. Perhaps raise morale a tad overall, but the other side (idealists, not realists imo) will still not see why expansion is necessary.

If you are familiar with firearms and "cans" as they call them then you know a silencer doesn't really muffle much. It's still loud and the percentage of them being found in a crime scene are extremely low. Only a subsonic round will get that "din".

Perhaps grow a market a little.

Just some thoughts. I believe society has not tapped into that special thing yet, and until that moment happens, guns are pretty necessary.

I'm from one of those "strange" areas of the USA that leans democratic but loves guns. If the US could manage more than a two-party state it would probably be libertarian.

I don't feel that there's much more of a legitimate private market for silencers than there is now. The era of parlor shooting is pretty much gone, and unlike concealed carry I don't see much reason that an average citizen needs more access to a silenced weapon than they do now. Hell, one of my ex-girlfriends has a class-3 license. They're not hard to come by legally

None of what you've said has given a viable reason for removing silencers. Honestly I think that unregulating them would cause an upspike in violent crime due to people thinking that it would conceal the crime.

Put clinton on trial. Take the whole corrupt establishment down with her.