Media has turned 180 degrees from the simultaneous "Stop Whining about Rigged Election", "Election/Voter Fraud Doesn't Happen " Narratives

229  2016-12-17 by 911bodysnatchers322


The MSM isn't even trying to hide their duplicity anymore. Apparently they don't have to because people's memory is like 12 days, max. Also, if people really want to believe something is true they will.

2017 is the year of Media Wars, WW1

People v Power

We must attack Russia and seize their "Weapons of Mass Deception"!!!

What's it called when we hack into russian computers and find CIA's stuxnet2 there? Answer: awkward

And from "FBI is just a political tool of the right being used against Hillary" to "The FBI just verified the CIA's theory that Russia hacked the election, therefore it is true."

People just have a partisan axe to grind and they're more and more blind to logic the more emotional they get. We are caught in a bad feedback loop.

But didn't Trump say it was rigged?

It was! Voter Fraud via DNC, Collusion with Mainstream Media, Stole it from Bernie, Dead People Voting, Machine Rigging...

And we STILL said "F#CK NO" to Hellary. Recount California, let's see how many illegals voted and how much that would change the popular vote.

But nooooo, the Russians made everyone go vote. Clearly.


Thata why it says stop whinning

Forgot to add "to district us from the fact that the RNC actually rigged the elections."

Its truly galling

The Russian narrative is so retarded I can't even fathom how these people came up with such a stupid story.

Weird thing about legit updates itself when stories develop. At the time, they said there was no voter fraud, there wasn't, from any appearances, apart from a claim Trump made as he inflated his own ego. Then, the CIA released information that still didn't actually include voter fraud or rigging. It involved the possible hacking of high-ranking officials emails, a propaganda campaign, and an attempt by an outside nation to directly influence the results of our election.

Can someone explain that website to me?

The MSM is so transparent. What a bunch of pigs.

Are you actually retarded or just pretending to be?

Go back to bed Russia, you're drunk.

Sez the same people are whining about pizzagate having a lack of evidence, when there is also no evidence of ties to russia, and in fact several in the nationa security council are saying 'no ties to russia'

But yes, you're very funny, jonny. Pat pat. I don't want to hurt your esteem. I know you're young and used to being coddled
