Humans are the only creatures that have to pay to live on this planet. Think about ithat.

137  2016-12-18 by [deleted]



I'm also not being hunted by an apex predator right now.

I'm not starving to death.

I can buy about a thousand litres of clean, drinkable water for the cost of one hour of minimum wage.

And it's not like they kick you off the planet if you can't pay your bills.

Besides, if you want to live out in the wild, there is plenty of space.

This civilization we have built does have its advantages.

One could argue our Apex predator now comes in the form of debt collectors and law enforcement.

You may not be starving but in America alone, millions of kids go to bed hungry.

Even in a first world country like America, our water sources are questionable at best with oil spills, fluoridation, and scandals like the Flint water crisis. Many places like Brooklyn put up warning signs about the poison in their tap water.

You can be prosecuted if you choose to avoid paying your bills. One of those taxes being on the land you already own.

You can live off the grid but creating a self-sustaining ecosystem for fresh water and power will not be easy or cheap, despite what tech magazines may lead you to believe.

Civilization has it's perks, but what have we sacrificed in exchange?

Go live in the Alaskan wilderness and find out.

Our reliance on society's perks has led us to compromise our immune system, gut flora, and overall mental health with the food we eat, the water we drink, and big pharma meds we're told will fix us.

Most people wouldn't survive a week without their precious opioids. For those not already a slave to prescription pills, no amount of survival skills and high tech solar panels will save you from a compromised immune system. We would all die out in the wild. It is a futile effort to try and escape the cage society has made for us. The implication that I should be thankful for the safety of my cage is asinine.

Poisonous water, nutrient deficient food, and addictive medications for diseases caused by our toxic environment is not some coincidence of society's stupidity, it is a deliberate effort to keep us dependent on the system we constantly rail against.

Holy shit, you're a total nutter!

Personal attacks are against the rules of the sub but I don't personally care myself. What I do care about, is the fact that your only motivation to engage me is fueled by your necessity to insult, which only serves to reinforce your frail belief system that shields your crippling insecurities.

The point of a sub like this is to foster discussion, not shut it down with dismissive comments. Your accusation that I am a, "nutter" is based on nothing but your refusal to entertain any view point but your own. For this, I pity you.

It is true. I am a SHEEP and I must be AWOKEN.


I never implied either statement. Judging by your post history, you seem depressed and lonely. I'm just bored at work, feeding you the attention you desperately crave.

Your point is spot on. While I disagree with the direction we have taken, society has managed to keep billions of people alive who would otherwise be dead/never been born. One of the problems though in my mind is that we don't really have the option to opt-out of society, I can't choose to hunt and gather on land I want because of urbanization and property rights ect. On the flip side my ancestry is from Northern Europe so if things were "natural" again I would be hunting and gathering in titty cold weather, so I much prefer a warm house and food not from hunting and gathering. Now if only we could fix society so we can reach warm house equilibrium for everyone...

It's also managed to allow thousands of lives to roll away in complacency and patting itself on the back for meager accomplishments.

hey man, I like my complacent lifestyle and meager accomplishments. If I wasn't complacent then how else would we allow people to accumulate mass wealth and power.

The best argument in favor of bourgeois capitalism I've heard.

Advantages or vices?

Oh, whoopie doo! We discovered toilets and roads! Next stop smart phones and then we're pretty much God. Yep, well done everyone. This is it. The Top. sniiiiiiiiiiif Aaaah...

And disadvantages.

I'm also not being hunted by an apex predator right now.

you're not?

It also has to be controlled.

Yes but you have no rights and freedoms to live outside of the system.

There are no rights and freedoms outside of that system.

Besides, nobody actually wants to live completely outside the system. They just don't like certain aspects of the system, like paying taxes.

Yes there are. They supersede the rights and freedoms of the corporate state.

The system only exists because people cooperate and exchange things. The system wishes to control this and take what doesn't belong to it in order to maintain power.

There's no logic in saying nobody wants to live completely outside the system. They can't because they are part of a social animal that cooperates. It's more logical to say the system doesn't want people to not buy into it.

Yes there are. They supersede the rights and freedoms of the corporate state.

Outside of the system of nation states, you have no rights of any kind.

You have any rights you want. Are you stupid?

What sort of bullshit does this subreddit get up to nowadays. Holy shit. 'Civilization' isn't a 'conspiracy' unless you include literally every human to have ever lived as a conspirator.

I have been visiting this sub multiple times a day for nearly a decade now. Every single time I've visited there have been posts similar to this one, and like clockwork, someone posts a comment accusing them of being off topic.

Conspiracy is one of the most interesting and fascinating topics for a forum, simply because it is more of a lens or perspective, than a rigorous topic for discussion. Defining, interpreting, and communicating conspiracy is an under-explored region of psychology.

The conspiracy community is very avant-garde like in that it opposes the myopic focus of the mainstream. Freedom of speech is regarded as the foundation for the community's existence, and thus we get posts like this. I find them all fascinating.

I have no idea why you find public disbelief in the very fundamental things that keep us all alive to be 'fascinating'. It's dangerous. This particular idea is patently dangerous.

All danger is fascinating. Nature is the most dangerous and fascinating example of all. But what we're talking about here are ideas, thoughts, memes, expressions, words, concepts, etc. In reality, these things are not really dangerous at all. Community, logic, and research help filter out bad ideas, albeit through a process. Expressing an idea is never dangerous. Reactions are dangerous, not ideas.

well... not every human, but it is going on since long ago. And please consider that the modern media is brand new. back in the days people were telling the news by talking to each other, and later by hand letters.

Yes, every human who ever lived agreed, like all the the leftists violently opposed to exactly this notion who've been murdered by capitalist states?

You believe that it is wrong for civilization to systematically persecute those who wish it dead? Really?

That kind of sentiment was the justification for stalinism ya fascist.

Shills... they're among us

The Marxists have taken over.

No, we haven't.

Your poison is seeping.

No...If I wanted to I could live in the forest.....Hunt for food (free) build a shelter out of wood and mud(free) make my own clothes out of animal skin/fur

Not in the US unless you are native american.

Tons of public land out there. Tons of food out there that requires no licensing.

Not really. You would be breaking the law in some fashion in virtually every nation.

How would you break the law?? If l lived in a spot where none could find me?? I'm talking like Montana or Colorado or Alaska... like in the middle of nowhere you could fend for yourself without worrying about paying rent

The land is either public or private, and usually public lands have restrictions on setting up long term. Just because you weren't found doesn't mean it is fully legal.

Just because it isn't legal doesn't mean I can't do it....What I am saying is that it is possible

Why aren't you there, doing that?

Because it's a shitty existence. Albeit a peaceful one, but shitty nontheless.

Yea - its a toss up. Live a totally free, although very meager life OR live a pretty lavish lifestyle but be under rule for the entirety of your life with basically no control of your own destiny. Makes me wonder if we could ever function without government

Oh you are so right. I live in germany. In 2007 they signed a bill here, that practically forces you to get the public health insurance. Beforehand it was that you only had to do it, if you are an employee. But the new bill made it so you are forced even if you have NO INCOME. i didn't know about this in 2010, when i dropped out of the family policy of my parents insurance. I went through a though phase of depression back then and didn't open the letters i got. Am still paying today. How i hate these scumbags.

Welcome to obamacare.

Our govt actually penalizes you in your federal taxes for not having bought a heath insurance plan from one of the companies that ALL jacked their prices through the roof.

We probably do need some form of shelter, (particularly for those of us who live in cold countries) but we need much less food than we think we do.

Obviously most of the technology we use is basically needless. People often portray young children as pressuring their parents to buy them gadgets, but it's usually the other way around.

My parents bought me and my sister a game console without us ever asking for it, my dad bought me a laptop without me requesting one and my mum recently made fun of me for not being on twitter (lol).

Overconsumption is unhealthy, and it makes us economic slaves, dependent on the elite for our sustenance. I made a post about eating being a habit, not a necessity, it's very relevant to this topic.

but we need much less food than we think we do.

In calories, how much food do we need?

Im not shure , but its beeing produced enough food for twice the planets population. So I guess its a problem in the distribution of it.

I don't see calories as being the right measure of how much food we need to eat.

Food should be eaten, mostly to regulate core body temperature and internal pH levels.

Ben Adamah

Calories are the best way to quantify how much you eat.

You said people need less, so putting it into calories is the best way to answer the question of how much less.

Ben Adamah

Unless it is pleasant to smell, sight, touch and taste as produced by nature then it is not appropriate to eat and is defiling the constitution of the body.

The author is clearly unaware that poisonous foods exist.

Is it not interesting that the bugs and the birds have no sickness

Well that's just wrong.

He probably thinks birds don't get sick because we can't talk to birds and ask if they're feeling okay.

as we well know, we can only drink with difficulty, unless we use a contrivance invented by mankind to convey water to our mouth. There is much doubt as to mankind being a drinking animal.

Wait till he looks at how most land animals drink. Lapping up water with the tongue is far more complicated and inefficient than a person just scooping up water in their hand.

This page is just verbal diarrhea, he says something that sounds fancy but give it a second and you'll realise he's a fool.

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All life is paying for being here, now, in one way or another.

Fair enough...Cash or credit card? What do the turtles use and why is IT no longer applicable to humans? (Just thinking out loud)

They are bred and killed. Food for thought.

We're just slaves to a different kind of hunger...only if you wish to look at it as slavery, though.

If you are not omnipowerful, omniscient, and omnipresent, then you do not have anything even approaching absolute freedom. But always judge the limits of your freedom wherever and whenever you can. We have freed ourselves from the matrix of primitive tribalism and become a collective communicating body, just as we restrict ourselves today with governments and monetary fiat...but what other freedoms ought we to have that we do not have by nature alone? Are there any we ought to restrict?

The human condition is just as much about finding answers to these questions as it is determining that they should even be asked.

Yes. Its a modern form , soft slavery. It needs indoctrination and manipulation to continue. Who knows what pizza-distributor to vote for in future...

It's like in high school and there is a house party and some wiseass decides to begin charging admission at the front gate.

What do you mean pay?

Can you build a house?

Can you sustain your own food supply through only growing your own things?

Could you keep enemies at bay that want your things?

You don't realize, but money is used not to pay for things, but to pay for someone else's work that either you are too lazy to do, or simply cannot altogether.

Let that notion sink into your psyche.

You aren't allowed to do those things dork, do you know what "private property" means? It means pay up or get out.

Tell that to all the animals you eat.

We all pay with our lives in the end.

I really thought this was a highdea

Lots of animals work for a living, the may not get paid in money but they get food and board for their efforts so they are paying for the rewards they get with their time.

This is only true for those living in developed countries.

that's ok, we dont really need clean water or trash pickup, anyway

get rid of the fire dpt. too, while you're at it

Pay for protection. If I can avoid getting mauled by a bear or a pack of wolves in the night and live like a king with my electricity and supermarkets with everything I need 5 minutes down the road? I take civilization any day of the week. Yes it's a prison but it has many creature comforts I enjoy and wouldn't give up to live as an animal.

Money has replaced the tribe, we have become isolated despite living so close to each other.

its not that its bad its that could be so much better if it wasn't run by greedy crazy fuckers

And if that isnt enough , the debt is ever increasing. So much for self sustained living. The human psyche has been tampered with. One can start to understand what Einstein ment... "The only things unlimited is the universe and human stupidity."

Humans are the only creatures that build vehicles to travel faster. Think about that.

This is one of those thoughts you have when you're stoned, you think it's something profound but it's actually pretty dumb.

Every creature must pay its dues in one way or another. The only problem with humans is that we pay our dues without receiving our fair slice of the pie.

People should provide me with goods and services for free.

You don't have to pay to live, you could live "off the grid" and subsist off the land, most people simply choose not to because it's a lot nicer living in a house with utilities and having reliable food/water, human companionship, access to medical care, the internet, etc.

The grass is always cut at the golf course too! Its awesome i can go play whenever i please.

Usually said by those who suck at life and are wanting to blame someone.

Hmmmm....I'll have to ponder that connection for a while.

Wow. How do you even get here from there?

You've never met an actual leftist, have you?

I might have...Not much of a judge about that stuff. Is it important to have met one in order to understand...What? That particular perspective? There are so many...How does paying to live on Earth become a left or right issue?

It goes right along with one of the arguments the left uses. Being that everyone should be getting weekly payments from the government just for being alive. This payment should be enough to cover food, housing, and kids. Basically tax the shit out of the people that are actually working, and give it to faggots (not gay) that lay around all day thinking they know everything about the world.

But there are sooo many problems with that it's hard to put them all onto paper even.

What're you implying?


I need to learn that trick.



Because you don't pay to live, you live to pay. And that's a personal problem, not indicative of a greater flaw in the human race. Simply put, your life is what you make it.

Interesting reflection of the pay to live/live to pay notion. I believe you are right. Both are true. But extracting value into paper or digital monetary value? Ask a frog how much rent he pays...

Welcome to obamacare.

Our govt actually penalizes you in your federal taxes for not having bought a heath insurance plan from one of the companies that ALL jacked their prices through the roof.

No, we haven't.

All danger is fascinating. Nature is the most dangerous and fascinating example of all. But what we're talking about here are ideas, thoughts, memes, expressions, words, concepts, etc. In reality, these things are not really dangerous at all. Community, logic, and research help filter out bad ideas, albeit through a process. Expressing an idea is never dangerous. Reactions are dangerous, not ideas.

Just because it isn't legal doesn't mean I can't do it....What I am saying is that it is possible