Has anyone else noticed that reddit's new superinflated upvote system doesn't seem to apply to /r/conspiracy?

717  2016-12-18 by [deleted]



The reddit algorithm used to give diminishing returns to already very popular posts. For example it used to be much harder for a post to go from 5-6k than from 1-2k. This gave more obscure posts and subreddits a chance to have their content seen, and created some variety in r/all. This algorithm change has absolutely been done to inflate posts in default subreddits which are inherently going to be more popular than more obscure subreddits. This is definitely a form of soft-censorship to keep "questionable" content from being seen by the majority of users.

I'm convinced it has something to do with all the controversy surrounding plzzag8te. All of this happened in this order: 4chan and T_D discover the stuff in the pedosta emails, sub gets created on reddit, content about plzzagate gets shadowcensored on default subs, r/plzzag8te and related subs get banned, spezit scandal goes down leading to the new voting algorithm, which buries posts and hurts r/T_D and subs like this one. Shills infiltrate r/conspiracy somewhere during all that. Oh and not to mention the blatant removal of any post or comment that goes against the DNC narrative. This place has gone from fun shit to fascist in the span of a few weeks.

The way the media has been acting since before the election/clinton flop and continuing now with the fake news agenda is so odd, it's really freaking me out.

We've seen so many crazy outlandish stories pop up from time to time, the way this one has exploded and gotten national coverage and a whole fake news narrative built up around it is extremely telling imo.

That's the biggest tipping point for me. Not to mention all the legislation passed in the last couple weeks effectively legalizing censorship and increased surveillance. There have been a lot of crazy conspiracy theories around since 9/11 and never has there been this sort of response from the media and leadership around the globe.

and they are all moving as one big sychronized unit, it's really showing their hand and the power/influence they have had for a while now.

The scope of media bias and influence is so massive its almost hard to comprehend. Did you see the list of top reporters/journalists/editors that were basically paid off by the DNC?

This is just a small part in a large machine.

Yes i saw that list. Shows how incredibly manufactured the public opinion is, many of us just never realized how much until PG opened our eyes. Illusion of choice, illusion of freedom. Not to mention all the millions of dollars pouring from every which way into the CF. Things start clicking once you follow the money.

Shills have been here a long time before that, judging by how certain narratives are pushed and anything that goes against that is downvoted or the person attacked/ridiculed. Pizzagate is some huge and valid conspiracy despite no evidence, yet talk of Russian hackers is ridiculed as a joke.

Then again I'm guessing you had a specific definition of shills in mind? Probably only refers to people that disagree with you, right?

You're kind of a dick.

Only opinions that don't fit into the circlejerk. Same is true for any subreddit. Reddit can suck sometimes almost all of the time.

Yup. I was just downvoted to hell for asking about the questionable details surrounding SandyHook on the mindless r/conspiratard. I thought I'd open a discussion. I was wrong.

Going on /r/conspiratard and bringing up a conspiracy is like trying to convert people on /r/atheism, or trying to have a discussion of substance with anyone on /r/The_Donald. It's a losing proposition, doomed from the beginning.

That being said, Sandy Hook conspiracies are completely batshit.

Eh. I only asked what they thought of the evidence otherwise. I think the difference about r/conspiracy is that the folks here would do what they could to convince you of their point. Maybe I'm wrong. You said Sandy Hook is batshit and you're already negative.

I see your point.

What evidence? I am totally open to conspiracy, but I'm not open to believing something when the only evidence is "If you squint this person looks like this person in this different disaster! The whole thing must be staged, lets harass greiving family members for being traitors!"

The questionable thing is they implemented that policy to improve the viability of small subreddits, and by virtue increase the site experience.

Back when subreddits were first launched (back in the day most of us used personal names as our accounts) they were garbage because no one posted to them. You'd post to r/science and it'd get 20 upvotes and a couple of comments. They forced posts only to subreddits, which forced their growth.

This regression is going to lead to the failing Digg had where it was all shit. r/all will end up with a half dozen posts in it from all major subs, you'll have to hit page 5 before you see anything - exactly like Digg. And someone reading this will be thinking "what the fuck is Digg" - exactly.

Yeah, I don't know what digg is..

Not missing out on much

As someone that came from the great Digg migration I think this is inevitable of any special thing that becomes too large.

Bastardization of the whole, where the only solution is to find a new vessel.

Goodbyes are becoming more and more forced.

Meanwhile voat is getting better and better actually. Developmentally I've enjoyed their 2 year progression with atko at the helm

I remember Digg and used to watch Digg nation episodes . So sad what happened and it does seem reddit is headed that way.

Yet /r/GarlicBreadMemes got over 38k upvotes the other day. I don't understand this site anymore.

yes, its a huge snowball affect as well.

Any post that doesn't make it to r/all doesn't even stand a change. I'm sure we see post counts rise by a huge amount when they make the cross over, as the exposure to everyone just ups the count to a level most individual subs can't compete on.

Well said.

True democracy is soft censorship now?

True democracy wouldn't have a predetermined set of default subreddits.

411,935 readers

1,239 users here now

(might have something to do with it)

Edit: The_Donald right now 323,236 readers

7,492 users here now

This sub is much much older so a lot of the subs here are on dead accounts... thats why TD would have so many more active at any given time.

At least 6 of those accounts are mine. I mean the overall accounts, not the active. I create a new account every so often because I sometimes feel I reveal too much info on my personal life here to have it under a single account only. So I make a new account about once a year and change it up.

Fact155 being the next account name you use?

Haha no, it's part of a number combo I've used for a long time. I just randomly picked it one day


Wow, if I named my accounts that way, I'd be the sock lord of Mars by now.

At least two are mine. I think this sub probably has a significantly higher number of users who have cycled through multiple accounts, and thus still on the sub list, than most subs.

Do the numbers count for active mobile users? I still use Alien blue.

Think the number of users on a sub is being messed with. The number of users on at a given moment seem lower on r/T_D and here.

on a somewhat related note, I noticed today that /r/conspiracy isn't in my subreddit tab... I'm pretty new to reddit but I'm thinking maybe this isn't normal.

This has been a complaint recently among many users.

It is not normal, or at least it hasn't been in the past.

That's just how reddit works sadly. It shows your top 100 subreddits that you've subscribed to, and most of the time it doesn't even work properly.

Some of my top 100 have not updated since I subscribed back when I started my account, yet many active subreddits get cut.

It happens to me occasionally and I've only got about 15 subreddits

Mines like that too.

I and dozens if not hundreds or more were banned from reddit for a voat post that linked to an r/self post. It had to do with p i zi z a g a ate We believe it was a honeypot.

Can confirm, received 2 day ban from reddit for this

Well I did notice the other day a post I posted on The_Donald has 14304 up votes, but my profile page says 717 from comments & 6030 from posts with a karma of 6747

I maybe don't understand the way it works but doesn't seem right!

I just looked at your history and that is extremely bizarre that your 14k post wouldn't be counted.

All the new super inflated upvotes dont count. only the real upvoted portion counts. Take a look at the inflated posts (+10k) at r/all and click on their OP profile. for example this guy! has a post that got 15k upvotes but he only have 5K post karma.

So, why have the new system then if it doesn't count towards your karma? That makes no sense.

Maybe they just want to hide certain posts from the past and push other posts to appear as the top posts of all time. if you look now at r/worldnews the top posts off all time are all just 5 months old or less.

Ok so its not just my imagination then lol. Ah such is life.

Yes it does.


That's from 3 months ago before the change. (it's backdated change). no guarantee it is possible to make since change.

Some thing that I'd like to point out: when the change did happen it seems that they didn't get the hang of filtering certain subreddit from their posts getting too big.

I specifically remember T_D posts getting some insane amounts of numbers. And literally more than half of the posts were all on the front page. It was insane.

I think the next day though, they caught on and figured out how to stop it. Ever since then, very few posts get the numbers it got on the beginning. And usually the ones that do are just shit posts and nothing of importance or shocking value. When the Obama birth certificate thing was going viral, a large lost of it was actually removed from the front page and replaced with just some shit post.

The top post here right now has 2k upvotes. That's a huge discrepancy.


On one post, amazing. Yet somehow /u/RatmanThomas's post karma total is still only 19,365. This just shows that the algorithm tweak is a massive scam, and karma scores are now even more meaningless than they were before.

Link karma has never and still isn't a 1:1 ratio with upvotes. This has been stated multiple times by the admins.

Algorithm changed after this post..

Actually, this is weird. That post shows 33.41, not 33.4k. It has 33,384 points, so shouldn't it read 33.4 (rounding) or 33.3?

This post from the front page reads 60.3k.

Look at it with subreddit style turned off. It's just an issue of this sub's CSS not displaying the whole number.

This sub has always had a problem with non-participation. Look at how many people sub here then look at how many comments are on this subs front page. Out of the top 25 only 2 post have more then 100 comments and most of the rest have less then 20. The same has always been true for up-votes as well with a few having 300 + but most having less then 175.

I have no clue how many accounts would account for this, but I know there are probably quite a few accounts who subscribe and read but don't post or comment.

There's always just the regular lurkers, but I think this sub specifically and probably other subs that seem "fringe" have a lot of folks who enjoy the content but don't want people seeing that they post in r/conspiracy. (not including the people who come here to mock or just make fun of us for being whackos.)

Anything getting 10k has prolly been pushed by bots or reddit admins themselves... we used to get big pushes like that a week or so ago to get stuff to the frontpage of all from here... or to curate our front page. But I think their attention has turned elsewhere and it's getting back to a more "natural" state like it was before the election.

I have a related question. Did anyone else see their post karma go up when they implemented the new karma system?

This username is one I created earlier this year to use primarily on this conspiracy sub. I ended up using it on r/WhereIsAssange too.

My post karma jumped from 653 to 1261 instantly, presumably when they flipped the new karma switch. At the time, I hadn't heard they were putting a new system in place, so I thought something weird was going on, made a note, took some screenshots, and moved on.

I'm still trying to figure out why my post karma doubled? Anyone have a similar experience or some insight?

Nope, but my comment karma has been cut in half.

Neither of my karma's have changed.

I haven't seen a change either.

this new algorithm seems to just recycle garbage to the front page.

so working as intended i guess

Why won't they let us see upvote/down votes like we used to have? If it's a "debated topic" let us make that decision. Why can't the opposition be shown? It's become a "like button"

If you browse reddit with reddit enhancement suite add-on you can see number of votes unless a post is less than 50% upvoted

Thank you for the heads up, I'll have to give enhancement suite a try

we are the inverse experiment

The OPer would have 2k upvotes on his account for past posts, yet the post the OPer made would have 20k upvotes.


I have NEVER seen double digit upvote counts ever, WTG gives?

I feel that reddit as a whole is a hive minded community that revolves around profits stimulated by the advertisers themselves.

Take for example AMA's more often than not serve as nothing more than subliminal advertismenst. Top posts on front page related to old keanu reaves meme's are outlining / pre PR for his new and upcoming films. Not to mention the Vote HRC bs which all users hated equally. It's literally a PR Platform, and in no way serves a purpose for and to the users, when their actual stories, are out shined by various intent of corporate parties. Here is a real question; Why can we only ask for donations in /r/donate or /r/assistance when the views are generally limited when a post would do much better in /r/getmotivated. Isn't asking for help important? When you've actually got to the point in your life you need the assistance from others; It shouldn't be a "criminal thing" and a deleted post. Factually most users have periods in their lives and most users would also be happy to be there for them in the first place. (Had they knew). But reddit seems to have a huge huge problem, with what? Helping people?

It's like churches that expect their masses donations. I remember when I truly needed help I asked a church, and they gave me an outdated community pamplet for soup kitchens. Mind you, I explained I just needed a temporary hand out of financial gain to meet a bill (prior to losing my home), and this was impossible. (As the pastor climbed into his 50k vehicle).

I think if reddit was for the people they would rely on donations, not advertising revenue. So in that extent until the members unilaterally begin to understand that. Don't expect yourself or your struggles to be more important than the new lego starwars collection. It's just not worthy of reddit users attention?

Note generally I like reddit, and generally I don't ask for help and I simply have needed to at times. It just hurts that it isn't important, and I wonder how many suicides we all could have prevented by simply kicking a single dollar to one and other at a time.

Factually I'd much rather be charged 1.00 monthly for a subscription to my favorite subreddit, then put up with approved ctr and shill accounts working to either push a product or opinion. Its just bad for the website as a whole, and I think if given the oppurtunity, A. Reddit would greatly profit, and B. Reddit users would be 100% happier getting the garbage offline. While C. It would make Mods jobs that much easier.

If you MODS read this. What is your take on this? I mean It would probably lead to your positions being paid ones? Technically if anyone deserves a donation from time to time. I feel it is certainly them themselves. :)

View top posts of all time, and you'll see it does.

It does, this sub has just become such a joke after the fake news + Russian invasion that people rarely bother participating.

I've always marveled at the people who come here to say that this sub is a joke. Like, what does that make you?

A long time subscriber that doesn't like the direction the sub has taken?

Ah, then forgive my snark; I though you were one of the visitors from /r/all who likes to come in here and paint the whole sub with a broad brush.

Yeah, I can't say I'm too happy with the direction either. I've only been here a few years, but even since T_D the overall quality is significantly diminished, and the aftermath of the election hasn't helped things like I had hoped. There's still some good content, but it's even more a search amongst the weeds than it was.