Tried a "fake news" test on CNNs Facebook post.... Immediately shut down

283  2016-12-20 by [deleted]



No surprise there. I'm sure there's a moderator 24h deleting "bad" comments.

Start doing sarcastic posts then followed by /s and using reverse psychology and other tactics

We may have to start making our own playing cards, like during the French Revolution.

uh - they have whole fucking teams filtering content - along with thousands of AI threads...

I worked with a guy who is a CP filter team member (they search for porn/CP/abuse posts on FB and hand those profiles over to the PD/Feds/authorities)

They go through the sewer of FB (which is basically all of FB) and they actually do a good job of sending evidence to authorities for crap. a job that is DoNotWant.

Now, this doesnt forgive the close ties they have to DC... but they do have these groups within FB and at least they can hopefully skim the surface for the best of some....

The real issue is; why have we been able to get the twitter peds blown up, but we havent seen SHIT from FB on the matter?

They have ~1.2B Dumb Fucks TM on the site yet not a single major criminal ring has been busted??????????????????

Has FB found its blackmail leverage?

Good report of realtime censoring and triggers.

I think this Merkel's fine for "FAKE NEWS" is just propaganda to justify more censoring. Very cohesive players. No wonder we were fooled for so long. Thank God for Wikileaks.

-"Thank G-d for wikileaks."

I disagree. Wikileaks may even bring us truth (I'm truly unsure), but ultimately anyone disseminating wikileaks is performing espionage, and now journalists can be enemy combatants. Through social media a citizen can be a journalist.

You do the math.

I guess you are using New Speak. Wikileaks have been disseminated and have revealed many shocking and shameful facts written by the hand of the traitors in deed. You remind me of CNN saying people should not read them. How convenient for a treasonous group of players.

Wikileaks is only publishing what has been leaked. Finding wrongdoing, lying and treason is the very job of journalists. Or was anyway. What you are defending is deliberate covering up of the betrayal by those in highest offices. How can that benefit our country? Our people?

You are too paranoid. I am not defending anything. Just saying this will be used to arrest/detain people (I predict).

You are calling *me paranoid with this prediction? I don't doubt it bec we are headed to totalitarian police state, which you exemplify.

You must have me confused with somebody else. Go back and read what I wrote, but don't read into it.

CNN definitely deleted some of my posts, I know that for a fact.

Yep. Had the same thing happen to me, as well as the same thing OP had happen to him. I kept getting likes and comments steadily, then at about 40 likes, it stopped completely and something happened to my Facebook app too. It stopped working, shut down and had me resign in.

you're using the app? dang, that's brave

I know. I deleted my old profile but made a new account months ago, in an effort to try and wake some people up, and honestly to view MSM articles that are being distributed and constantly shared, as well as talked about amongst friends and people I know. In some ways, I feel like more people are waking up..however, then I see another thread of nothing but inaccuracies and biased opionions, so I don't really know. But, I do keep electrical tape over the cams on all my devices and take other precautions, but you are right, I do need to just get rid of it once and for all.

I posted a news story on FB about wikileaks. Underneath my posting my friends saw 'you may also like' news links to UFOs and cities in Antarctica stories.

Wow. That's a new level of infuriating.

i use facebook, i have 14,000 followers i am trying to redpill and helping them redpill their friends...i just use the desktop site through the browser on my phone, not the app

That's what I should be doing, and will start. But yeah, that what my intentions were too, ever since I remade a new account, was to inform more people and check out MSM articles being produced.

whats wrong with the app specifically?

apart from facebook massive data collection etc etc, how is it specifically worse than e.g. just browsing from desktop?

is it their access to microphone & collecting background noise or something like that?

mainly i want to avoid the messaging app and so i use the desktop site on the browser so i can see messages without using the apps

but what difference does it make if we use the facebook chat on desktop version vs mobile?

i rarely use mobile messenger but sometimes browse through the app.

most of my convos are through whatsapp or facebook messenger on desktop.

im not arguing for fb just want to know if there is extra reason to be fearful of particular aspects of it.

tbh when were at a point where people start noting adverts on fb based on their "encrypted" whatsapp convos...

targeted marketing...

“I don’t think that people realize how much Facebook is tracking every move we’re making online,” she said. “Anything that you’re doing on your phone, Facebook is watching.”

funnily enough the only sort of marketing i see on fb is things ive searched ages ago and already purchased.

e.g. computer accessories, holidays etc.

its mostly just a source of nuisance if i see a better deal post mortem.

perhaps this is more USA based or should i be seeing same in UK?

thanks for the links, will make sure to read.

Lots of news sites censor freedom of speech in their comments. Private agreements over-rule the Bill of Rights!

Exaclty how communist china media would do.


Isn't it funny how nobody actually understand how the Fed works. Add to that the original Federal Reserve Act was a conspiracy before it was signed into law on 1913.


Doesn't make it right ... Cause I was talking about stuff that CNN widely denies/pretends is "fake news"

It doesn't make it right according to who? You?

CNN is a private company. I would suspect that at this point, they know exactly what kind of posts are going to turn into ugly flame-wars. If they don't want those posts on their content, it is their right.

You're welcome to create your own counter-CNN organization to prove whatever points you have.

No. They are a new station and should be held accountable. Don't want to start a "flame-war"? Don't suppress and stifle content

Accountable to what??? You realize this has nothing to do with freedom of speech right??

CNN is a private company that pays to have a digital profile on another private company's site (facebook). Two private companies and you're more than free to use neither of them.

When they start censoring YOUR wall posts then you'll have something to complain about, but even then you have no legal standing just a shaky moral one because again PRIVATE COMPANY.

Again, they are a private organization that is allowed to run their organization however there want. We have very specific laws that deal with all of this. I understand you think they are wrong, but that's not what our legal system has decided.

And the suppression of user-submited comment is exactly how you stop flame.

Well as of right now, 97 other people seem to agree with this post... You seem to be the only one with a problem. They can't censor real shit and then say it's fake news... That's not freedom of information or speech.... But ya... So far, 97 people and counting agree with me apparently.

Freedom of speech does not apply to private companies. You might want to read up on what is actually covered by the first amendment.

I'm Canadian, please inform me.

Um. It's not complicated. If I have a page and make a post, and you comment on it, I can delete it. It's my page. Same thing here.

Simply put, the first amendment applies to your freedom of speech not being infringed upon by the federal government. So, for example, the fed can't legally stop you from having all the pizzagate protests you want to have.

However, you have no legal right to speech when it comes to your interaction with a private company. If CNN doesn't want to see your pizzagate posts, they have zero obligation to allow them.

That's fair. Thanks for the explanation, you learn something new every day!

Yes, and this is really f*ed up imo that the constitution doesn't apply to all people/goverments/corporations.

I'm pretty sure free speech means, if you're a human, you can say whatever you want and it's your right to say it... I believe that would be the definition of free speech ... Wether or not you say it to a corporation that's privately owned or not. They're supposed to be for the people, reporting for the people. But they're just spreading lies.... What stops them, nothing, free speech is there to protect them... Along with money and the government cause they're paid shills. Never in history have CNNs word been more widely disapproved of or not trusted , why ? ... Cause it's all bullshit. One fake story or staged "terror" attack after another.

I'm pretty sure free speech means

I hate to break it to you, but that's not what it means. Regardless of if that's what you want it to mean.

You can say whatever you want. You just don't have the right to do it on other people's property. You're more than welcome to invest in creating your own news outlet to pick up where they are doing poorly.

And that's the free speech that the fed cannot restrict.

Yes yes, I understand now. I'm Canadian, were pretty well just able to say whatever and whenever. Things aren't like they are in the states , and I've never actually read the first amendment. So, anyways, thanks for the info, good to know, I admit I was wrong.

If you commented with a few different accounts, then maybe the shadowban or censor was more along the lines of IP related. They somehow were able to censor a gateway, not just a profile.

I like this, interesting theory. Someone should set up a better experiment with some different IPs.

The Portman Murphy bill passed the house, senate and was a line item in the budget bill weeks ago. The state dept now has its own 160 million dollar federalized CTR. Free speech is compromised. You just met The Ministry of Post-Truth™. In a few days this state sponsored propaganda machine is going to be run out of Trump's Exxon flavored State Department.

Oh god... We're all going to have to start writing in code!

this shit is so whack.

I remember reading a story about china banning sarcasm/puns etc from social media. in order to hide text, we substitute letters, or add spaces, but in chinese that doesnt work the same, so to get around filters, they use puns, rhyming words, extreme sarcasm, word-play etc.

I thought to myself, damn...that really must suck to live in a society like that...

well, here we are.

Yeah, I think last year I read something about China's media policies, and here we are trying to defend our own right to have freedom of speech.

I think we need to gather a bunch of red pills and hand them out like Hippies with LSD.

gotta lift

Well then you'll have to post "fake" news using words that are not detected, as in code words. Funny how that works right?

You're surprised that a media giant moderates it's social media page?

Everyone needs to start using Canva and post their comments in images.

I'm pretty much doing that for every Facebook post. I take printscreens of headlines I want to share and post them like that. If I use links, especially to Breitbart, Daily Caller, Citizen's Audit and The Gateway Pundit, Facebook complete hides my post.

So I just put it in Canva. It's free and fast.

No screenshots, no links, no nothing.

Legit af.

Here is screenshots from my two accounts as PROOF CNN is indeed censoring comments. I posted what I actually said and how it went down in a recent trending CNN write up here on Reddit just a couple hours ago. See it for yourself.

How do you attach screen shots on here, I'm new to Reddit by a couple months and have only used it for directly posting a pic or writing. If you tell me how to do it, I'll get you your pics and proof in a minutes time smart ass.

Get an Imgur account then just copy paste links to the pictures you post on Reddit.

Freedom of speech does not apply to private companies. You might want to read up on what is actually covered by the first amendment.

Get an Imgur account then just copy paste links to the pictures you post on Reddit.

I like this, interesting theory. Someone should set up a better experiment with some different IPs.