Disease is caused by eating too much and breathing bad air, not by microorganisms

0  2016-12-20 by factsnotfeelings

Disease is not caused by bacteria/viruses. If they were then we wouldn't contain over 100 trillion bacterial cells...

I did a longer post about Germ theory itself, here

The theory of miasma

Breathing is the most important function of life, when we stop breathing, we die within minutes. This shows that breathing is far more important than eating or drinking.

When are the elderly most likely to die? Whilst sleeping.

What makes sleeping unique?

Answer The bad air that the bedroom contains!

  • Most people don't wash their bed linen that much, maybe once a week at most.

  • Over time, the dead skin cells contained in the mattress begin to putrefy, and a sleeping person is essentially inhaling this air.

  • To make matters worse, most people (especially in cold countries) leave their windows and doors closed at night. This causes carbon dioxide to build up, which is toxic.

There is more clinical evidence for miasma theory, than germ theory:

There are many cases of patients being treated, simply through breathing fresh air.

Otto Warburg also postulated that oxygen deficiency was a key cause of cancer.

the prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar.


There is a reason why you feel tired after a big meal. It is because your body has been weakened. Your drowsiness, is your bodies way of telling you: 'hey, don't do that again!'.

I am a big believer of the electric universe theory, everything runs on electricity and everything is related to electric charge.

The best and probably only food we should eat, is fruit.

Fruit is a great conductor of electricity and for this reason, it is the key form of food that our body needs.

Meat, vegetables and carbohydrates must be cooked, processed and seasoned before consumption.

This alone exposes the fact that we are not meant to eat these 'foods'.

Do you see a lion adding paprika to his food?

Of course not!

If you aren't able to eat the food in it's natural state, then you shouldn't be eating it at all!

There is a theory that we don't even need to eat food at all and that we can live on air/sunlight alone, I made a post about it over at C_S_T.


Modern medicine is built on corporate propaganda and hearsay. Germ theory is promoted, not on the basis of scientific evidence, but in order to provide the scientific pretext for Big Pharma.


Tell this to the Native Americans... Yeah, there's no germs. You guys just died in droves on two continents because of lack of nutrition and peace pipes.

Is there really any conclusive proof that they died off due to germs?

If anything I would have thought that the native americans would be more healthy, since they had lived in the fresh open air, whereas europeans lived in dirty cities.

By the fact that they had big red spots. And that it wasnt a coincidence they died when the europeans came over. And the fact that they displayed the exact symptoms of diseases like smallpox(which when smallpox is seen under a microscope it is germs)

If anything I would have thought that the native americans would be more healthy

yeah, but they demonstrably weren't, so you're wrong


Do you see a lion adding paprika to his food? Of course not!

You would have made a fortune in the middle ages. Facts, not feelings.

There's no such thing as mushroom toppings on pizza. We know this because mushrooms are poisonous.

(Making fun of vapid reasoning, in case that wasn't clear.)

I needed a good laugh 👍

Get some help dude. None of this is true.

Do you believe in fan death?

no, the circulation of air is a good thing in my opinion

So tell me why a person is sick at work, they get a coworker sick, that person goes home and his family gets sick. none of them ate the same food. they live on different sides of town. if not germs, than what?

People in close proximity breathe the same air. If one person falls ill as a result of inhaling toxic air, then others in the vicinity can fall ill also.

then wouldn't everyone in the office get sick, small office, all breathing same air, oh that's right, different diets, haha. Or was it the guy drove all the way home, with the same toxins from work in his lungs, breathed once in the house, got all the air toxic from his one breath, and boom, everyone sick. or, just humor me here, or guy 1 was sick, guy 2 touched something guy 1 did, germs spread, guy 2 goes home and touches everything, family also does and gets sick. this is some next level bullshit youre spitting.

then wouldn't everyone in the office get sick, small office, all breathing same air, oh that's right, different diets, haha.

Well breathing bad air is like any other toxin. If you grow up in an area with loads of smog and smoke, eventually you get used to it.

If you are used to working in a stuffy office environment, then overtime you build up tolerance. Just like people who consume alcohol drugs build up tolerance.

All the people have been working in this office the same amount of time. Yes, pollution is real. But saying it is the reason people catch a cold is just bullshit.

Ok well in the office example, different people might have different lung capabilities.

People catch a cold in winter, because we keep our windows closed and the toxic fumes/carbon dioxide builds up over time.

Wouldn't there be more carbon dioxide exposure while outside in the summer?

Hmm, good point. When outside the convection currents from wind should help keep the CO2 mixed with the rest of the air.


summer also has more sunlight though. the increase in CO2 is balanced out by the health benefits of sunlight

You decide completely at random what you do and don't believe is real.


What a completely nonironic name

Dude where is your mind?

Rule 10. No personal attacks. Removed. 1st warning.

People in hot country who never close their windows are just as sick as the northeners...

So then shouldn't I try to expose my self to these "toxins". If people died because of them, then I want to build a tolerance. Of this were true Big Air would swoop in and market a vaccine of sorts for it.

You realise that microorganisms are in the air, which you then breathe in.

Drinking too much the sun and smelling too much the sky sad peepole of UR, for bad to babby wrenkle one or go to the droctor

Well the cornerstone of science is experimentation so I propose an experiment. You whip up some bad air and some bad for me food and breathe and eat as much of it as you want (provided that the food is free of micro organisms). Meanwhile I'll grow a culture of E. coli and MRSA and have you eat that with a spoon. Whoever gets sick first loses. Fair?

I'm pretty sure if lions were able to spice up their meals, they totally would haha

I hate this so much. /r/conspiratard

You, sir, are a moron

If you aren't able to eat the food in it's natural state, then you shouldn't be eating it at all!

Goodbye Lentils, Wheat Products, Rice, +++

Cooking removes the water soluble nutrients from the food.

Columbia Health, a division of Columbia University, notes that some vitamins, particularly many B vitamins and vitamin C are lost or diminished through cooking vegetables in water because they leach into cooking water.

So then if the water leeches the vitamins, can you not just use the water for soups or stews and still use the vitamins?

No, because magic.

We aren't able to digest vegetables. Humans are designed to eat fruit, animals with multiple compartments in their digestive system (like cows) are much better for eating vegetables.

Take care of those bad germs with diatomaceous earth!!! Drink the stuff in the morning and it kills a lot of the bad bugs inside you. Great post!

Do you live in a airtight ball? Why would carbon dioxide build up in your house like that.

One commenter is shadow banned.

I don't think you've lost a fan.

Then why are starving homeless people, who breath outside air, and on small towns quite good air. Sick so often

Homeless people inhale noxious fumes from their dirty clothes, that's why they fall ill.

Ok then how do you explain people getting mildly sick from vaccines.or the statistical analysis that people who are vaccinated get sick less often with less serious diseases

How do you think vaccines work? Or do you think theu dont?

Vaccines don't work because our immune system is not actually fighting bacteria/viruses.

Antibodies simply do the work of recycling bacteria, after those bacteria have recycled diseased tissue.

So you are accepting that bacteria do cause diseases???

There is some truth to all this but to give some credence of your fruit being good for you stuff there is this Kirlian Photography

OP is getting nuked, but I'll give you an upvote for a few interesting points.

  1. I agree in the importance of constant air circulation. "Rooms" are an unnatural environment.

  2. I suppose one could interpret things as "germs not causing disease" if we look at it from a perspective of germs merely being an indicator of existing health problems, but that would be an issue of perspective I think, but I do see what you are saying.

I disagree we only need fruits, etc. Too many health studies showing need for fats, proteins, etc. Fruits alone won't do this.

Well, there is this:


Does not help OP's case at all, but there are sicknesses that are caused by bad environments, but that doesn't discount germs and germ theory.

Bacteria are pleomorphic. When you are healthy, the bacteria are dormant.

When you become ill, the bacteria are activated and start to recycle diseased tissue.

Can you link me some of your top resources on the pleomorphic bacteria topic?

E C Rosenow

Go to page 1

Hemolytic streptococci when soaked in unheated cows milk, obtained in a sterile manner, take on cultural and other features resmembling streptococci obtained from cases during a milk epidemic of sore throat, and when later passed through animals they take on the features of Streptococci Mucosus.

I couldn't find any other papers unfortunately.

If this was true, I would have died years ago.

nigga you insane