where is doug band!???????

51  2016-12-21 by chickyrogue

Eric Braverman is starting to be noticed (missing almost 2 months now) .. and whenever I post this WikiLeak, and mention "and Doug Band, too!" -- it gets a few ups, and today got a handful of downvotes: https://www.wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/55649 I swear that a week/ten days ago, someone on r.conspiracy posted a text post that made it to the top 20 "hot" posts there, something about Doug Band should be on the "suicide" watch list because he was "most likely to crack" (or words to that effect, basically spill the beans to the FBI.) .. and later that post was GONE. So basically, Doug Band is missing, too, and no one talks about him. But this post mentions in in a list of other people: https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/5hzc7x/what_is_going_on_with_barclays/ which has my link to the wikileaks, as well as a link in my comment to the most recent r.con post about Eric Braverman. Haven't posted these anywhere, yet: Doug Band may have gone to Epstein's island with Bill: http://freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/3483516/posts (search for comment with "Bill Clinton and Doug Band made about thirty trips to Jeffrey Epstein’s Pedo-Island" -- there's more there, and a few other people mention Doug Band in other comments on that thread. mostly worthless, but data: https://about.me/dougband & https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doug_Band & https://www.linkedin.com/in/dougband and a little more than those three: https://works.bepress.com/doug_band/about/ and a creepy link that's on his wiki page: http://flvoters.com/by_number/1001/76255_douglas_jay_band.html and a recent (last year or so) one from wiki page that ties FIFA to the Clinton Foundation & his company, Teneo: http://www.politico.com/story/2015/07/fifa-hires-teneo-doug-brand-120225 one extra link: http://www.digplanet.com/wiki/Doug_Band


You're a superstar. Thanks for this post


thank you for your attention to this my meOW is the brains i am just the balls ;0


This leak mentions eric braverman, Doug, and someone named Ira. Dunno who Ira is...


Have we ever seen any evidence of these initiatives helping people? Anywhere? It's crazy to me how these organizations exist all over the world with billions of dollars flowing to & from but nothing ever gets better. Bunch of smarmy crooks, IMO!

Holy crap! I have not seen that one yet. All 3 are probably dead, you know, just in case they weren't sure which one said it.

<3 meOW

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Antarctica probably.

Have we ever seen any evidence of these initiatives helping people? Anywhere? It's crazy to me how these organizations exist all over the world with billions of dollars flowing to & from but nothing ever gets better. Bunch of smarmy crooks, IMO!