Jared Fogle liked CPP

38  2016-12-22 by Contrary_mma_hipster

Interesting tidbit I had not known until a post on Voat just now.

"During a pre-gig talk with the audience, Kleinman refers to Jared Fogle, former American spokesman for Subway restaurants, saying that he used to like to come down here. When several audience members add that he also likes young boys and children, Kleinman laughs and says: "Well, we all have preferences." Fogle was sentenced to 15 years in prison without parole for paying for sex with minors and receiving child pornography."

1:34 in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vlhBn_zSIro


Chris Hansen liked ICP.

why don’t you take a seat right over there?"

I've seen enough pictures of Comet Pizza to know it doesn't sit on top of a Subway restaurant.

The video is NOT CPP. The real location is HERE

You can see by the background in the video as well as the quick pictures of the location. The wall in the background is exactly the same, they obviously had a projector screen pulled down over the main portion but this is NOT CPP.

I bet if you wanted to do the work, at some point a Subway is close by.

Does someone mind posting to youtube and pointing out for RRoR so the nay sayers can move on with their denial?


“Located literally underneath Subway on U Street, you can't go wrong with checking this place out.” in 6 reviews

This is the second comment on the yelp page. FYI.

Nice, This vid is partly responsible for the idea that CPP has a basement. yes, this vid of Kleinman doing a tribute thing for Sasha Lord(who books gigs for comet) is easy to assume it's at comet ,when it's not.

It shouldn't diminish the fact that these guys played at CPP and their words here are disgustingly fucked up considering the topic.

Definitely not. But the op is mostly debunked.

About Jared?

That he liked comet ping pong. When the vid is not at comet ping pong how do we know he likes it? The vid debunks the op.

Stop talking about the basement issue. Who cares about that here. That's a ploy to distract from what is being said here.

They are clearly talking about a jared that was the subway sandwich guy. They're not at CPP, they're at tropicalia which does have a subway right above it.

The connection here is that heavy breathing was playing at a gig and speaking to and about, what I call, morally questionable people and topics. It just shows they reference the Jared Fogle who did get caught! They weren't at CPP, that's fine....who cares about the basement. They were at this other place in DC, not that far away from CPP.

Stop getting stuck on the basement thing here! They were at a different location and because they were at another location doesn't make what they're speaking about any less disgusting.

Nothing has been "debunked". You're not buying into wikipedia page of this being debunked simply because they say it is so, are you?

this vid of Kleinman

You mean James Alephantis in a mask and a blonde wig.

why don’t you take a seat right over there?"