Are SSRIs just caffeine?

2  2016-12-22 by dolvert

Symptomatically, they seem to act similarly? A little bit causes anxiety, energy, etc., more gives lethargy, headache, etc., both give similar bad "withdrawal symptoms" that seem to coincide it seems? Maybe different SSRIs seem to act differently because of different amounts of caffeine in them? I'm only interested in symptoms. Theoretically, if people tell you SSRIs change serotonin in the brain but SSRIs act just like caffeine symptomatically, maybe the people lie to you and it's just caffeine in disguise, but again it's just a theory. Don't hate me for it.

SSRI withdrawal symptoms listed in WebMD (

Anxiety (includes racing heart. One anecdote:, muscle twitching) Depression and mood swings Dizziness and balance problems

Electric shock sensations ("Brain zaps" are often reported after SSRI (just a few:,, and caffeine could be listed as well. (search "sharp stabbing pains in my head"), though this term is kind of vague and could be just a headache)

Fatigue Flu-like symptoms (by definition includes muscle pain. Also see etc.) Headache Loss of coordination Muscle spasms Nausea Nightmares Tremors Trouble sleeping Vomiting

Caffeine withdrawal symptoms: (This website also has other people's experiences in the comments).

Headache Sleepiness Irritability Lethargy Constipation Depression Muscle Pain, Stiffness, Cramping Lack of Concentration Flu-like symptoms Insomnia Nausea and Vomiting Anxiety Brain Fog Dizziness Heart Rhythm Abnormalities

Note that different websites may list different symptoms. Low libido wasn't mentioned in these both lists, but anecdotally it should be it seems. Low libido should be associated with weakness, malaise, which is a symptom of both "withdrawals". I've seen many people get twitchy after SSRIs, just like I am after caffeine. Same for low libido. I have some experience with it. Search /r/ssris. Head pressure, blurry vision, seemingly migraines or rashes seem to happen with both. Racing heart (part of anxiety) is mentioned here: You may want to google or search some of the symptoms in google or /r/decaf, /r/ssris, etc.

Increased heart rate. See 8:35 of this video.

Alcohol possibly acts similarly? It can be both a stimulant and a sedative, and according to WebMD alcohol's withdrawal symptoms could be:

Shaky hands Sweating Mild anxiety Nausea Vomiting Headache Insomnia

Visit /r/stopdrinking for more. Brain fog is another possible symptom.

Also see:

In particular:

"A much smaller subset of people report a permanent cluster of symptoms including anhedonia, genital numbness, sexual dysfunction, anorgasmia, low libido, and memory deficits. (Interestingly, there are quite a few people reporting this exact set of symptoms after discontinuing finasteride for hair-loss and accutane for skin; I am less certain given the general safety of finasteride in clinical trials which show similar side effects to placebo, but really would not rule it out given its proven effects on important hormones.)"

Finasteride for hair-loss and accutane for skin seem to give certain similar symptoms too?

Side effects of Accutane for one person was achiness, brain fog. Fatigue for a few people.

Joint/muscle pain for another person:

Back pain:

People get twitchy (muscle twitch/twitching/twitches/spasms. Google it) after Adderall. It's not clear whether all stimulants should make you twitchy. It could give racing heart: Also see Search through /r/adderall. It does seem to act similarly.

These are at least things to consider and it's a theory with some evidence and currently I don't see a reason why it's wrong. I'd like to see some evidence that it's wrong. Again, I only care about symptoms, not research (that could theoretically be lies as I've said), so an anecdote with an experience with an SSRI that gives an objective symptom that caffeine could never give is the only way you could prove me wrong here. Thanks.

(Another post:

Interestingly all of these things seem to have in common those side effects?


Caffeine is as close to a miracle drug as it gets. SSRIs, and every other drug, are not without a negative side effects. So anyway not caffeine for sure. For anything else consult a doctor. Get a new doctor or call a nurse if you don't trust the current doctor. Stopping medication suddenly could be unpleasant for a number of reasons.

No, people get awful symptoms from caffeine as well. See (For subreddits search /r/decaf, /r/caffeine, /r/coffee) There are comments there for other people's experiences and also again caffeine side effects ("withdrawal symptoms") are the same as I've given. I've seen people get twitchy after SSRIs, the same for caffeine. Search /r/decaf. Chronic anxiety, insomnia, etc. after quitting could stay.

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OK, I am a heavy caffeine user. 2-5 cups of coffee a day, plus a cuppa tea in the evening. I'll admit if I don't get my AM coffee I feel off, mostly angry that there is not any coffee yet. But after a few hours I feel fine.

Don't you get joint, muscle pain? Headache?

Not really. Don't really get joint or muscle pain ever. Headaches never seem caffeine related.

There are many other ways to disprove your theory, but since you seem to be in a somewhat riled up state about this, I'll oblige your request.

"so an anecdote with an experience with an SSRI that gives an objective symptom that caffeine could never give is the only way you could prove me wrong here"

SSRIs are notorious for causing sexual dysfunction, which caffeine does not. Caffeine actually increases blood flow, so it could theoretically help with erectile dysfunction, if anything.

You can find thousands of the anecdotal examples you are seeking by going to and searching for patient reviews for the various anti-depressants (SSRI and SNRI). You will see sexual dysfunction complaints everywhere.

List of anti-depressants:

Does caffeine increase your or anyone else's libido anecdotally? "Caffeine actually increases blood flow" is research, not an anecdote. One person here said it actually decreases blood flow, and some people there had decreased libido. Some places mention decreased libido if you google "caffeine libido". From random memory this girl had decreased libido: Also Search "libido" on /r/decaf. Low libido is mostly the same as weakness, malaise, which is listed under both withdrawals. Also, I can see how a certain caffeine product could increase libido once during the first use, but over time it should get worse.

Caffeine primarily acts as a vasodilator, but can act as a vasoconstrictor briefly, initially. But that's research, which you're uneasy about.

However, I concede on that point, anyway. One of the best ways to find anecdotal reports is to specifically search for forums. So for example, "caffeine erectile forum dysfunction" would be a good one. That search is pulling up forums full of guys with anecdotes claiming that caffeine ultimately gave them sexual dysfunction.

So I lose this round.

Caffeine never gave me brain zaps. Can't say the same for Lexapro.

Very interesting. I've asked one person who got sharp stabbing pains in their head after caffeine if they've ever taken any SSRIs and I'll wait for a reply. Thanks for your input.

Chill, Winston. I'm getting ready for bed. I can elaborate on the morrow, but it's just this quick, painless-almost disorientating-jolt. Sometimes it makes me dizzy for a split second, other times I feel like I just jumped parallel universes.

I'll try to figure a better way to explain it tomorrow

How exactly do the brain zaps feel? Are they painless little sounds in different parts of the brain or do they hurt (sharp stabbing pains in different parts of your head)? Caffeine is associated with headaches.

Doesn't affect me in the same way as caffeine. I believe you though, because everyone reacts differently. Imagine one person with all the side effects on the list. The drug would never be sold.

Could you possibly elaborate on the symptoms you get from SSRIs and caffeine? I won't mind if you don't want to.

Caffeine provides ...I don't know, 'top' energy? Like the predictable thing of being able to wake up, or a coffee after lunch to give you a boost through the afternoon.

My antidep is like a 'deeper' energy, in that if I miss a day, I'll wonder why I'm run down and irritable and fatigued.

That said, I take both within an hour or so most days...

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Ugh this is a tough one. So my next thought was what if you could test to see if there was caffeine in it for yourself. So I find this product, caffeine test strips, which can detect caffeine in a beverage and had customer reviews (anecdotes), and which you could just buy and use for yourself (put contents of SSRI capsule or pill crushed to powder in water, stir and test), so I was compiling it all up for you, the product was fking discontinued and apparently nobody else on earth makes these strips despite the fact that they sold well enough to people with caffeine sensitivities wanting to test their decaf beverages. I also can't find any reasons as to why it was discontinued.

Have there been any cases of someone emptying their SSRI/SNRI capsule or crushing up a SSRI/SNRI pill, and then taking the material to a laboratory and paying to have it analyzed (unknown to the lab)? That's what I'm trying to find right now, if anyone has done this.

Interesting. Thanks for your work.

Caffeine doesn't make people go to schools and start shooting people.

List of school shootings on SSRI antidepressants

While it could've been a direct cause, there are some other different possible causes. There's a possibility of: people who are immoral and mentally ill enough to want to create mass shootings are very likely to have done some wrong things before, triggered a visit to a psychiatrist (by parents, other people) and a prescription of some SSRIs, making the SSRIs seem possibly unrelated to the shootings, or just the last straw. And the possibility of many people being forced to take SSRIs, feeling permanently changed by the medications (helped by the actual effect of fatigue or anxiety or both, which many people on SSRIs experience (you would get it from too much caffeine too.,, etc.)) and different from everyone else who's unmedicated/"normal", which makes them hate themselves permanently. If you hate yourself, you're more likely to be more violent.


What if instead of a half of a cup of coffee you drank like two or three? Or taking a smaller dose of the SSRI? As I've said in this thread with a few links, larger doses of caffeine trigger heaviness instead of helping. While it may depend on sensitivity, I think overcaffeinating yourself would give lethargy to everyone. Just something to consider.

SSRIs may also give shortness of breath.

Or He mentioned it somewhere. Google "Zoloft racing heart", "ssri racing heart", etc. to find more anecdotes. While the racing heart could've been caused by anxiety of the fear of side effects, the same can be said about your view of the racing heart after caffeine.

They come from the family of histamines. Not caffeine.

That website doesn't contain anything related to histamines. (CTRL + "F" "Histamine").

Because the article isn't about histamines at all.

also doesn't mention "histamine" (Ctrl + F) at all though.

Google it bud

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Very interesting. I've asked one person who got sharp stabbing pains in their head after caffeine if they've ever taken any SSRIs and I'll wait for a reply. Thanks for your input.

How exactly do the brain zaps feel? Are they painless little sounds in different parts of the brain or do they hurt (sharp stabbing pains in different parts of your head)? Caffeine is associated with headaches.