Anonymous 4Chan "High Level Insider" is a new kind of meme that needs to stop, Ok? Memes are against the rules of this sub.

164  2016-12-22 by 911bodysnatchers322


An internet meme is a propaganda idea in short form in bold letters layed on top of a picture. Condescending wonka, conspiracy keanu, etc.

Memes are not allowed in this sub. I think the reason is not because someone gets to make a statement (which is allowable in narrative / text post form), but because these memes were artificially upvoted by botnets in the past (correct me if I'm wrong, mods)

Posting quotes on top of an image constitute a meme-like gray area, so are political cartoons, according to the mods in a discussion about this years ago.

Similarly, people are starting to take screenshot of "high level insiders" sage wisdom in short form on 4chan. Here, in lieu of a funny picture, this is being presented with the familiar ugly, 1990s style anon imgboard format; presented as if a nugget of sage wisdom has been plucked from the vast haystacks of noise.

Also, this 4chan "insider" screenshots thing is spamming up the 'hot' queue as if by artificial upvoting, which I think is very strange and it's a new trend. I don't like it.

Being a part of the Masquerade is having Eyes wide shut

Because any one of us can just as easily masquerade as a "high level insider" and then feed you guys bs pretending to be from the cia. Over time, this gray-area meme technique of disinfo-weaponized 4chan screenshots becomes the lowest form of disinfo hell where we are talking about unsubstantiated antarctica nazi ufos and moon reality beam platforms and holohoaxes run by mind parasites. I'm not saying those things aren't true, but there is 0% evidence for them and we expect better here, we have an obligation to present evidence, something "high level insider" memeperson doesn't ever do.


I would say the litmus test is: did high level insider produce pictures? Links? source documents ? If no to all the above, then it's a 4chan insider meme, don't post it.

You don't get to Cyrano de Bergerac the CIA, last I checked, this was actually illegal--to pose as a cop.

If you don't say who you are, then you're a poseur.

If you post source, then you're an anonymous whistleblower and that should be allowed, so long as it's not doxxing.

Turnabout is unfair play

Stop listening to "high level insider" who gets to use his vast human, material, industrial and technical resources to remain anonymous while depriving you 100% of the same by intruding into every aspect of your life through technology, abusive laws and on behalf of corporate interests.

high level insider posting things is just kind of a way for el negro or whatever to ventroloquize on behalf of the cia/nsa and get more karma than just posting his idea here.


Well they make more sense than a lot of other stuff on here. I found them quite interesting.

Sure, but why post each individual image? There's one post with a bunch of links. Seems like karma-fishing, rather than an attempt to encourage a centralized conversation.

Hi - I'm OP- wasn't tying to offend/irk anyone and didn't realise what I was doing was against sub rules. Have spoken with the mods since and I have more clarity on what's accepted. I've been posting here for the last year and haven't engaged in this manner of delivery before. In retrospect it was a bit militant an approach - look at this now! I was trying to foster conversation in a topic myself and others in this sub were keen to see gain traction. Wether he's a Larper or genuine, anyone not speaking from a position of deep paranoia will realise there's wisdom in the anons answers. I was attempting to spread awareness to those who might not have known of him and engage in some critical discussion with some cynical minds. It wasn't my intention to flood the sub and piss people off. I respect this sub and the freedom it affords us and look forward to continuing being part of r/conspiracy


Ps for what's its worth I'm not NSA or CIA as I've seen read. I wish I was though .. you know just on the lower level shit. I bet those guys get paid

Edit - thanks again for everyone who shared their insights on HLI today. Quick observation: I noticed that the positive responses and conversations I had were focused on the content of the posts whereas all the negative, fruitless conversations etc were very much interested in ad homs. To the former: I appreciate you all taking the time to analyse the posts with me. To the latter, I understand your cynicism and appreciate your input nonetheless.

EDIT- Just read this guy again.

Stop listening to High Level Insider

OP's tone is concerning- why doesn't he want people to read apparently fake Larper 4chan posts ?

If you read through every single thing I've ever posted on Reddit I've never demanded anything from anybody. What right do I have to do so? The posts contain nothing but information and concepts that ask nothing from nobody. If people are interested in what this anon has to say then how does that involve you? OP writes in tones of extreme negativity, condescending derision and finishes by demanding you not even acknowledge the existence of this information. Who does this guy think he is to ask that of strangers? You're nobody's father or mentor. It's not for you to decide what people are exposed to. Let people make their minds up for themselves.

Edit -

artificial voting

I'm sure the mods would have realised and banned me were that the case. No, what you were seeing today was genuine interest. If you read through the posts, you'll see lots of engaging conversations: the whole reason I posted. Still curious how this OP seeks to assert such controls on people he doesn't even know. .. read what this guys written and tell me something isn't up. Why is he so indignant?

Don't listen to the fucker. Keep up the sharing of Information

Keep sharing memes of the last 6 months of your 4chan shitposts....


So you think I'm HLI? Would it change things if I told you I'm from the UK and HLI's location on 4 chan shows he's in the US? Oh wait - you'd have an answer for that as well- like a proxy, yes? Ok you got me. damn! dat boi good

A screencap is not a meme.

This community would argue otherwise.... but that would mean you actually read this post.

Then downvote it and move on? You are not the gatekeeper of that which we seek knowledge of.

God bless and good luck.

Thank YOU for posting it and please keep up the good work!

Do they know how reddit works? Hint for them: It works on a voting system. Vote and move on, or don't. that's the choice.

Don't let them deter you from posting good and fruitful information. The link you provided me changed my thinking on numerous topics, and I am better for it. THANK you.

No problem my friend. Glad to hear you saw value in them - Thanks and happy holidays.

I get what you're saying. I think they'd be seen more separate IMO. But can see your point aswell.

Cause this sub is completely taken over by trump supporters who are used to only focusing on 3 words in a row

Wait, but MAGA is four words?....

Build the wall, drain the swamp, lock her up

MAGA is one word

hello 'redditeditard', (love your name, wish I thought of that ;) /serious

For sure you know what's up on reddit more than me (I'm a newbie, but real.. maybe really stupid, but for sure not supported by my govt).

You call them out as potentially "karma-fishing" (maybe true), I have been worried that it more sinister, but help me out (PM me if you want). Do you have any indication they doing more harm than karma-fishing or similar? (serious question here, I am a newbie/moron at this stuff)

I ABSOLUTELY get the mods have an impossible job in managing such decisions (in the lab we called this signal to noise ratio)

The take away from all of this (what I think all of us that are not paid to be here (shills etc.) is that 'injected noise' (CTR and the like) are the enemy for sure. If anything buffer up the anger for when we do know who are enemy is. They need to be removed, none of us benefit in any, even short term, future

Question for you.

Do they actually make more sense or are you simply not familiar with the subject matter and so it sounds more intelligent?

for me id have imagined this stuff belongs on a normie forum.

most of us should be aware of this stuff already or have drawn our own conclusions that trend there.

him summing it up briefly and pretending he is HL doesnt give extra value

yeah, sure ......... the research is digging into details and finding distinctions. Good job with your quick skim and wisdom to disregard it. You must be a pretty smart guy. /s (i will redact my sarcasm if you can redact yours

I'm not disregarding in fact I believe most of it. But that's because I came to same conclusions years ago. As an introduction to conspiracies it's good but nothing I've seen pared suggests high level insider knowledge . I could have LARPed all this. Has he payed something that wasn't conventional or well known?

Again not disputing the content of the posts, just that they imply he's a HLI.

Maybe the juicier stuff is located in husband other threads and I seem to recall a shtload being posted but when I read that part of it was Obama = Osama I decided not to read it

Not sure how many pictures there have been. I understand them already but they make more sense than reading stupid articles and would be easier for some new to this sub understand things from a different perspective.

Me too. Digesting the 4chan screenshot archives is hard for a non-techie. Having the brief snippets of "sage wisdom" is helpful for me.

I do see what the OP is saying though, slippery slope.

Yes. I have not found an inconsistency with what I know and the best sources I have found (all rational, and pretty solid).

HLI responses to the Q/A (questions and answers) is so good, I am afraid it is AI from nefarious forces (MK/CIA et. al.)

despite the OP point of view, here is what I see;

the 'establishment' clearly is throwing disinfo out there (anyone want to challenge this??),

and the disinfo to be credible has to have some truth I think the amount of truth (info/disinfo) ratio is a measure of their present strength (or desperation if you will).

And tell me (any of you!) that the info/disinfo war is not going on in very high gear.

There is an old saying (for you young folks here) ; " can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear" , but I you can make fertilizer out of pig shit, so maybe HLI is pigshit, but I have found it useful, even if it be for teasing out real from false ...

I see no reason to be afraid, personally. Always good to question authority though! The HLI says to use your own judgment. You can ask this entity anything YOU freely want and then you are still free to follow up your information fact hunt afterwards.

HLI is a very well intended person so it seems, highly knowledgeable in many, many regards.

Thank you. I have suffered some already, and I think I can say with confidence if the 'police state' hasn't bitten you yet, it will if not stopped (but you probably generally agree with that if you reading this thread)

I do agree, I like HLI writings, and using my judgement (like a toothpick in a hurricane more like ;)

But thanks for the response happy holidays.

They offer no evidence.


HLI was/is just a 33rd degree free mason iirc

HLI says they are not in the masonic order, but part of the 3.

Some orders wanted him to join, another made him honorary member but he declined.

The flood of 4chan posts on the front page looks awfully similar to deliberate forum sliding. There is no reason why all of these posts couldn't have been corralled into one Imgur album.

Technique #1 - 'FORUM SLIDING'

If a very sensitive posting of a critical nature has been posted on a forum - it can be quickly removed from public view by 'forum sliding.' In this technique a number of unrelated posts are quietly prepositioned on the forum and allowed to 'age.' Each of these misdirectional forum postings can then be called upon at will to trigger a 'forum slide.' The second requirement is that several fake accounts exist, which can be called upon, to ensure that this technique is not exposed to the public. To trigger a 'forum slide' and 'flush' the critical post out of public view it is simply a matter of logging into each account both real and fake and then 'replying' to prepositined postings with a simple 1 or 2 line comment. This brings the unrelated postings to the top of the forum list, and the critical posting 'slides' down the front page, and quickly out of public view. Although it is difficult or impossible to censor the posting it is now lost in a sea of unrelated and unuseful postings. By this means it becomes effective to keep the readers of the forum reading unrelated and non-issue items.

Sliding blockchain imho

Indeed, we should examine what they're trying to slide off the front page. WikiLeaks? Pizzagate? Evidence that the German terrorist attack was a false flag? Any other ideas, folks?

Block chain

Literally exactly what CTR did with the megathreads and controversial posts on /r/politics.

fuck I love this subreddit. Literally everything is a conspiracy haha!

But it seems so true! The CTR taking over the subs was definitely a real thing, so those resources maybe just reallocate to a new task.

No. not everything a conspiracy, but about 70+ % of the shit we been told is a lie (US polulation fault for being a bit lazy and trusting). And now r/consp has become more important than ever. My sincere appreciation to all real people and the real hard working mods here, we real people know you are under assault (sock puppets and secret agencies that real good at back stabbing pretty fuking weak face to face).

The level of treason from both our govt and hired agents has gone beyond what I (and many) thought plausible, and cat is more than half out of the bag. U scared yet? (I'm not calling u a shill, I don't know, but u smell like one) you keep haha-ing away, pitchforks are coming (if you on 0.01 % side or hired by them, you will be left behind, if you typing here you ain't on the 'guest list'

Sorry to others reading, I am ranting against the CTR-like sock puppets

I have to hand it to you. This is the first time someone is calling me a sheep. I am used to people thinking im crazy for having my beliefs.

I don't believe everything I see, I try to make my own judgements. No I did not research anything into this case. From the outside with no prior knowledge it does seem a little funny. I never said it wasn't true, that is kinda the whole point. This can never be proven (unless you hack the site and find emails with proof). Still amazing how you assume everyone is just a sheep, which I can't blame you for as I basically live all around them, but I thought that by coming here it was obvious I stood out from them.

okay, touche (nice response, thank you)

I will be honest with you I thought you were not a sheep but a shill... .. I have so much appreciation for you 'conspiracy' guys now, at least know that my 'attack' was on what I thought you were, if anything I hope that all of us 'crazies' (r/conspir for example) can unify for something useful (like save the word). I have huge appreciation for the real people there, and while it is just one response back and forth, I think your real, so thanks and i would like to redact my attack. Should I post that? I have actually jumped over to r/worldnews to battle them there (honestly r/conspir has good people. Thank you guys

Half the front page is 4chan trash. What happened to this sub?

Suppression of r/pizzagate happened. This sub hosts some of the spill over from the Streisand effect. This won't be a popular answer with the deniers, but it is the truth. Here we have evidence of the biggest conspiracy in the history of our country happening in real time, and r/conspiracy bitches about it being here.

Very interesting.

great point. I had to type the literal words "I don't think there is a sex ring run out of Comet PingPong" to make the harpies go silent.

It was like I was on a list, then I wasn't. The way this manipulation works is fascinating, if not frustrating.

"I don't think there is a sex ring run out of Comet PingPong"

am I off the list now ??

I love you real redditors, you (and al_eppo) are on the front line of this battle love you folks /for real

dude. the more they push, the more I lean in. There is something going on here and I think we are one more leak away from having the corner pieces to the puzzle.

okay then well here is what I wrote then deleted as I have been afraid of causing more noise than signal; here goes

Re: HLI - ‘High level Insider’

I don't know much of anything, but; HLI did point to Bank of New York specifically in relation to money transactions days after 911.

Emotional hysteria (ie panic) is not very useful, addressing the problem (with all it's facets) is.

In this regard whatever HLI is, i found (him/her/it?) did emphasize important issues, and if people want to get practical FOLLOW THE MONEY (and my little research did find Bank of New York significant, presently the banks in the radar are HSBC, Deutche I had not heard much at all about Bank of New York, well maybe it should be .

this is pretty focused and real...

pzzagte- is not really significant in scope (got media attention but see links below for how widespread this actually is). This is not a surprise, this is the most powerful political tool you can blackmail someone with, will anyone argue that point?)

Widespread pedo/porno etc.


As terrible as this is for kids, it is more terrible if it ongoing. It only propagates because of excessive money power (again someone want to challenge this??)

It is this blackmail effect that is what propagates the problem.

HLI does address this blackmail issue (this is core and I think he emphasizes it), and yes while details and proof and required (but if you dare, check Ryan Dyson out on his review, he only did that one piece of research at a request, if you want more details see the links below and search Sibel Edmonds as they have done plenty (see below for just some).

My point is that while HLI may be LARPing or whatever, comments in this sub sure not doing much productive either (I do appreciate to mod such a forum is challenging to say the least).

My suggestion (and request)- tell me (or them) where they should post or make a sub. I am new here, been asking for some help, but not got much, where should I take my idea ??

references below:

Here is one link focused on it, here is a relevant keyword "kakistocracy"

Here are many links (these just from Corbett, you can find more from Newsbud, Ryan Dawson and others)

well..there goes the weekend! ¯\(ツ)

Down the rabbit hole we go...

sorry about that , my apologies to your family

but I am sure if you tell them you are doing it to save humanity as we know it, they should understand ........;) (your gonna get shit for this )

I can try to dig into tomorrow its later here, I can share a what i know/sources

same here...

I would be happy to hear feedback, when you can of course

Asking for proof is suppression?

No, banning a sub that was compiling proof is suppression. The OP asked what happened to this sub, and I gave the real answer. The amount of pizzagate posts increased as that sub was banned. That is a fact.

How one 'asks' is. Yes it can suppress by extremely selective criteria that has no objective basis, only subjective goal post moving.


Well, f--k you too lol...

Frankly I think HLI is full of $#!+ but what do I know?

+1. Good post. To bad the moderators on this sub aren't doing shit about it.

Once again you try and decide what others should discuss and talk about.

I know a high level insider. He told me that people will spend time worrying about high level insiders as some type of meme, and will have other like-minded individuals post on conspiracy sites to rile them and distract people from serious news and conspiracies.

I don't know much of anything, but; HLI did point to Bank of New York specifically in relation to money transactions days after 911.

pzzagte- is not really significant a widespread (international) use of ped_filia is (and as terrible as is is for kids, it is more terrible from the blackmail effect as that is what propagates the problem). HLI does address this blackmail issue (this is core) and I give a corbett references below. Emotional hysteria (ie panic) is not very useful, addressing the problem (with all it's facets) is. In this regard whatever HLI is, i found (it?) did emphasize important issues, and if people want to get practical FOLLOW THE MONEY (and my little reserach did find Bank of New York significant (previous to HLI, I would have thought HSBC, but well this is pretty focused and real...

Here is one link focused on it, here is a relevant keyword "kakistocracy"

Here are many links (these just from Corbett, you can find more from Newsbud, Ryan Dawson and others)

Why are you attacking the appearance of the website? What it looks like is of so little importance. Seems like a move to discourage viewing the content. I just care about the content not the appearance.

If you actually read his post he's saying that this is cheap and easily done by any person here pushing an agenda. Meaning disinformation is possible to throw others off course.

I read his post and got that part. He seems to be overly emotional and negative towards it by mentioning the appearance of it. What is so offensive about it? Just argue it is a meme and move on. Seems suspicious to me.

Not sure why you are trying to discredit me by saying that I didn't even read the post when I actually did but maybe that is just your way of arguing. I'll give you a pass.

He was making a comparison between the definition of a meme and the screen caps from chans. i.e. a standardized background with some sort of text as the subject.

Though I guess bodysnatchers could have left out the part about it being ugly and still get his point across.

It's no different from someone making a selfpost here giving their own opinion on something. Should we ban selfposts because the poster may be uninformed? They're on topic and not exactly wrong. Not really a big deal imo.

Individually they're not a big deal, and I'd just whine about people upvoting junk like normally happens. But when 5+ of them all get upvoted to the front page and bury everything else, it does become a big deal.

an easier solution would be to just ignore what you don't like and pay attention to what you do and upvote/downvote what you want to see. these stupid posts whining about the sub and moderators and quality of content are tiresome and suspicious


at this point is there much difference between this and the claims from HLI?

I would say yes. A post from u/911bodysnatchers322 or any other "random" reddit user does not carry some implied weight of insider knowledge. In fact new users are likely to be the most susceptible to HLI (mis/dis) info.

I deleted the comment. My intention was to only question a few things but upon rereading my post it came off as more inflammatory than I originally intended. I have been following 911s posts for some time as well and I enjoy them.

No memes is a rule for a reason, and it's a good rule I agree with. He's dead on that HLI screenshots are near memes, if not explicit memes.

I know mods here are very lenient and don't like deleting threads but I wish they would wipe out all pics with 'nuggets of wisdom' written on them. Give the posters a warning and after a few more ban them. Simply putting a label on them isn't very helpful as they keep getting posted.

Labeling them with unverified is acceptable to me. I am not calling for censorship but a warning. I've been given a timeout from this sub for far less

OP, your post should be stickied.

b-b-but FBI anon was wrong about literally everything that wasn't posted in the news, how can an imageboard dedicated to shitposting and trolling be FALSE?!

Posts should be judged on their quality alone. If they generate discussion, then good.

I've long suspected that the movement to corral memes on Reddit largely stems from the fact that they're a pain to moderate because they're not subject to plain text-based searches, and not because memes are in any way bad.

Agreed. 'Unnamed sources'

If "High Level Insider" was actually saying something new AND substantive, these "meme's" of 4chan wouldn't bother me.

But since it's CLEARLY BS, it is grating to see on the front page. Should just be called, "Some Anon's Opinion..."

They're all being submitted by the same user. It's likely just some kid making the posts on 4chan and reposting them here.

And then commenting on them and having discussions...

And then signing into different accounts and praising himself for making a difference in the world.


I agree. Point me to a single instance of a 4chan insider being right (looking at you FBIanon)

A lot of what HLI said seems legit, on the issues.


I do not think he is legit. Something doesn't add up, and I think it's because whoever it is was making educated guesses instead of actually knowing. I could have posed as HLI.

Screenshots are not what rule 8 is about

If these things don't stop u know ways to make them stop

MANY of the High Level Insider posts are coming from one user...

I think it should have been one self post, with questions and answers, and some additional information to read through instead of the 30 or so posts. Bans and removals shouldn't be used though.

The problem is then it's hard to get a conversation about a single one while also having a discussion on another thing said. In example when you scroll down hot you would see your suggestion, as I understand it, a post that's title is something like "HL insider Questions and Answers", while doing the separate post would then look more like this "HLI "Their goal isn't really Globalism"" or "HLI on Terrorsim". You get to see what you include yourself in from the posts title compared to "Higl Level insted Questions and Answers"

That's a good point. At least it should of had the question asked included.

I think it should have been one self post, with questions and answers

The problem is that HLI provided 1700 plus comments and answers on various topics, since July. No way OP could process all of them in the form you are proposing IMO.

Great post OP, here's my thoughts:

This is where mods need to step in and remove these posts.

Make it clear this could be one post, but not multiples.

No need for a ban.

Either this sub has changed drastically, or something artificial is propping up all of these low quality 4chan posts.

Perhaps this is an attempt to 'ban' all chan related things, in order to ban the blockchain talk, pizzagate research and other legitimate progress.

Others have said flairing. I like this idea. For mods to flair with " unverifiable "

BREAKING! Some people say... High level insider... Eventually lead to clickbait. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but soon.

Very funny...very true


From now on, I autodownvote "why is this in /r/conspiracy". I will do this 100% of the time, no exceptions.

~911bodysnatchers322 - 2016

You are god damn right. Put it on a billboard. Give me ur address I'll mail you a T-shirt. Just kidding

Oh I get it, you're trying to say these two are the same thing. They aren't you dummy

The less 4chan spiel the better.

I love when people rolelplay though...

HLinsider has some moderately interesting thoughts but there's a lot of fishy stuff that seems really off, eg he unequivocally states that Barack Obama is the same person as Osama Bin Laden and that no aliens exist. Probably a larper or troll/shill.

He also said he would say obviously untrue things as plausible deniability.

i'm convinced FBI anon was real: FBIRecordsVault twitter was inactive for a year and then they post about Fred Trump and Tesla. They were referencing this meme:

And then Nov 1 posts about the foundation, just like he was saying in the threads.

'fbianon' is different from the person who calls himself 'high level insider' - i am certain fbianon is real as well, but the 'HLI' memes i saw circulating around conspiracy are not from fbianon but from 'HLI'

He also said he would say obviously untrue things as plausible deniability.

No he didn't. You are probably confusing him with another "insider."

What do you mean "probably"?

You think this guy listens to a lot of David Wilcock and Corey Goode and larps the shit out of us.
