Google apps listening on Android

29  2016-12-22 by ovamopice

I used Square register for my small business, (the app component of the Credit Card accessory you have probably seen around, plugs into the audio jack and allows you to swipe CCs)

The other day I opened it up and noticed something strange. For security purposes, when you launch the app is runs a series of checks based on your system configuration and won't let you continue unless they are all satisfied (i.e. one is that location services must be on)

Well, this time upon launching the app, I get a message saying "Audio Recording application detected, you must close/disable it before using Register. Restart your device if the problem persists."

Hmm, funny.. I didn't open any voice memos or recording apps in DAYS. I hit the button on my Samsung EDGE that pulls up the app list to see what's running... Surprise surprise, the only other app visibly open is Gmail.

Closed it and guess what? Was good to proceed.

Ive had my suspicions before, and I know many of you have provided your own accounts of such behavior, but there it is. 100% I am now convinced that Google is recording, storing, analyzing, selling and probably sharing with various agencies, governmental or otherwise, audio streams from your cell phone.


it has to listen so it can wait for "ok google"

No, I have that feature disabled.

I have voice services turned off on my phone and my wife's. Still, curiously, I get ads on Facebook for things I've been talking about over the past 3-4 days, even if I've not looked them up online. I've tested it several times with things I wouldn't be interested in at all as well. Within range of your phone, say something either while alone or work into a conversation something to the effect of "Man, you know what would be really great? If we could track down an AFFORDABLE JET SKI RENTAL. An AFFORDABLE JET SKI RENTAL would be really fun." Keep a watch on the ads that you're served everywhere online; you'll see some interesting things happen as you test them like this.

Yep, same with my SO and her facebook.

Literally was talking about something we need to budge for and not more than 2-3 minutes later it pops up on her facebook, she was pretty creeped out. Funny thing is I told her they have been doing that for a while but she didnt believe me until she basically seen it happen in real time :|.

I understand where she's coming from. I didn't want to believe it either. It's despicable and highly invasive.

Believe this 100%. It's totally fucked. But I literally happened to me a couple times.

Yeah? Assume any computer hardware you didn't solder together and write assembly code for is spying on you.

One if the reasons why I only access social media and email through the browser on my phone - never an app

browser can have mic access too

Wouldn't it hve to ask for access tho. The other reasons I dont keep the apps on my phone are to prvent location tracking, reaing my texts or listening to my calls.

well you can deny those permissions to apps too but the argument was ... can you really be sure it's disabled?

None of your technology is private and all of it is constantly spying on you.
