If you are mid-level in Washington D.C., leak evidence of your superior's illegal activity NOW. When the clean-up starts, your superiors will try to protect each other. Not you.

567  2016-12-22 by [deleted]



Okay, serious reply here.

If you're working for the bad guys and want out before the shit really hits the fan (yes, the Cabal IS collapsing) then there are people who can help you.

Contact Thomas Williams, look up his FB page: Truth Honor & Integrity.

They have already setup means of protection for exactly this. It's not about leaking or anything. Its about providing a platform for people to make a transition to help us make a better world NOT controlled by them. Its happening whether anybody wants it to or not, we're already that far. Lots of former henchmen have already flipped sides for many reasons.

No joke, not a scam, get in contact with him now.

Don't do what this person says. Don't do anything illegal. Most of all don't leak it here or it will be removed. Wikileaks if you must, but the better thing is maybe cryptome or freenet then leak on 4chan.. Oh? You dn't know about freenet? There is a reason for that.

If you get ahold of damning info, save it, bury it in the woods somewhere after wiping all our fingerprints off it.

By all means don't leak anything now. Obama is still in charge. He's part of the fifth column

Wikileaks is presumed to be CIA. I wouldn't leak anything to WL unless you are on the inside.

Also this thread is pointless. They could leak all the info they want, if they don't have photos or videos of these people in action it will be disproved by the normies. Your best bet would be to do your own investigation. There is a lot more on the internet then people realize. Connect the dots. Research specific factions like the Clinton Foundation, Bilderberg group, Tavistock, etc. Also, certain people known to be part of the elite. Soros, the Clinton's, board directors of The Clinton Foundation.

This is out of the hands of the FBI. They most likely can't release anything in fear of not only their own lives but their family, wife, kids, friends, basically anyone who's come into contact with them. Nothing would probably happen to that extent unless a high up FBI agent released something on the lines of concrete evidence. This is on us. Don't lose hope. Continue telling people what we do know. I always like to inform normies of Operation Northwoods. This former top secret document was released under the Freedom of Information Act is very factual. Keep pushing this and other things. We have a lot more power then we might think.

If you get ahold of damning info, save it, bury it in the woods somewhere after wiping all our fingerprints off it.

USB dead drop.

What's the fifth column, and what will be the sixth column?

Fifth column refers to destroying an organization or institution from within. In this metaphor, the four columns are the four sides of a building under siege by an army for example, the fifth column is a virtual center, a metaphorical column inside the building

It refers to double agents acting withing an org to destroy America t from within. For example soviet spies within the CIA

In this example, the CIA's fifth column (obama/Hillary/DNC/Soros) referring to fascist, corporatist, gnostic, globalist technocrats who we are discovering are also Mafia child sex traffickers in addition to drug traffickers

Steve piesznic referred to this as "coup" versus countercoup (CIA white hat nationalists). Hope this excplains thing s. If not ask me more

Nope, I didn't know about freenet. Thanks for mentioning!

Nor I.


... hey! CIA, how's it going? slow day? Did you just finish your Spook MOOCs course? Online entrapment 101 was a fun class huh...

What makes you think the clean-up is going to start? has it ever fucking started before, despite what people know on this sub this shit is going to continue happening.

Who knows. It is very recent, relatively speaking, in human history that so many have access to so much information and such rapid communication, via the internet. It has the potential to significantly change things. Or not, if people don't utilize it for such. Humanity's destiny is kind of unfolding right now.

I think we've already proven that the internet is more useful for spreading misinfo and disinfo than it is for real information. I mean, you can still get real information if you know where to go, but most people don't, and will essentially believe anything you put in front of them if it sounds like what they already believe.

I think that is what the propagandists would like to believe to be the case. It might be true, but there's clearly plenty of people who can navigate this terrain and have learned more than many humans ever have

Hope is the thing with feathers. BTW, Icarus had feathers.

Hope, like the feathers of Icarus; is the only thing that will allow us to soar. The only thing that will allow us to truly rise above these deceptions we face every day... Without it, we'd be stuck face down in the mud forever.

Hope is a beautiful thing!

Hope is futile. Don't hope. Don't worry about hope. Hope alone is a completely empty thing.

I don't care how much somebody "hopes" they get better at math, for example. If you don't do the work and learn and study and number crunch and put in the hours, then it won't matter how much you "hope" you get better at math. You'll sink. Hope don't mean shit unless you WORK - unless you put in the time. You have to do work. You have to put your arms and legs and put your mind and your will power to work.

If you have work, then you don't need any hope at all.

It's like that one joke about boxing where two fighters are getting reach for a match, and one fighter gets on his knees in a corner, makes the sign of the cross and starts praying. And at ringside, a kid sees this and asks his father,

"Dad, what does all that prayer mean?"

And his dad leaned over and said,

"Don't mean shit if you don't know how to fight."

TL;DR: Fuck hope. Learn how to actually do the work (whatever that work may be), then you won't need hope.

Icarus' wings melted and he plunged to his death. Study more, write less.

Because he flew to close to the sun, not because he made wings and flew.

Study: "Hubris." His story is about Hubris, not hope.

True. I guess I'm just old and pessimistic when it comes to the idea of change being possible. Not that I haven't seen change in my lifetime, but it's mostly been for the worse, especially in politics and government.

everyone knows icarus. you arent impressing anyone with your mythology lessons. take your own advice

Enjoying your slavery?

I'm trying to figure this out myself. I think maybe it's one of those "our lord and savior the Donald" things?

Maybe, I don't like Hillary at all don't get me wrong, but I don't see why so many people think that Donald trump who is a billionaire and is known to be corrupt is Jesus tier innocent and just. He's a socialite billionaire and has run in a lot of the same circles as Hillary also has had public contact with known pedophiles I do see a lot of people online grouping black, Jewish and gay people together with pedophiles I'm pretty sure his racism and sexism resonated with a lot of them.

They're both criminals and politics is kabuki theater for the military-industrial complex to distract a controlled populace


There are many degrees of evil. I honestly hope that Trump is just corrupt evil and not satanic evil.

Because even the most violent criminals fucking hate child molesters, and generally kill them if given the chance. That really says something.

Exactly, unless you have a mechanism to protect these whistleblowers from premature, involuntary deaths and jail. Then nothing will change. The OP is right about one thing, IF that were to occur they'd throw all the subordinates to the wolves, just look at what happened at Abu Ghraib. None of the higher ups who ordered the torture were arrested, questioned or in any way brought to task for their crimes. Instead the lackeys and lower rank and file got sacrificed.

I agree. Worst case scenario you'll see a big name take the fall, maybe HRC but the system problem will never be addressed.

yeah i was joking, i guess I'm just part of the problem. Big old sjw cuck because I don't hate the gays.

What? Wait what the fuck? Seriously just wtf? I have no idea what you're getting at bro. Stop the drugs.

I refuse to stop the drugs.

Wait whaaaaaaat? I have noooo idea what you're talking about man but whatever I'll say apology accepted and I guess continue doing the drugs if you insist but IMO it's a poor life decision lol.

Sorry I thought you were the one shitting on her for being trans.

People know about Pedo Island, Obamas Heroin Business, Clinton's Cocaine Business, who was involved in 9/11 (pro tip: neither the "terrorists" nor the Saudis) etc. It's a matter of time till we get the evidence to the public and then they'll all hang from the threes. It's a wonderful time to become a hero!

Oy vey, the goyim know!

Shut it down!!

I can't wait to end up ignored and tortured like Chelsea Manning, who people here talk about all the time and do their best to free from tyranny.

What useful things did Chelsea leak? What evidence of anything other than normal operating procedure for the State Dept. and military?

Lol, right because Trump is going to drain the swamp. Hilarious.


Ask Bradley what Chelsea thinks about it.

Edit: y'all can keep downvoting me, by it doesn't change this scary thought:

I maintain Bradley Manning is being forced to undergo gender reassignment and that they are calling him Chelsea (Clinton) as an added insult. It's torture. Straight up.

I agree. The sex change was his punishment.

This would be next level evil. The kinda shit that Kim Jong Un or whatever his name is would be envious of...

Ask Chelsea what Bradley thinks about it.

Wait so you don't think Chelsea is Hillary and Hubble's daughter, that Bill n Hillary have a political marriage, BUT that Chelsea is actually Bradley Manning?

Wow, that's like a conspiracy covering up a conspiracy wrapped in another conspiracy.

But i swear i remember her being an ugly little twit that looked just like her mother.


There is a non zero chance that Wikileaks is a CIA front now.

Where have all our heroes gone these days though? We don't have anymore...someone needs to take a stand and fight for the people!

If Bradley Manning weren't a pervert, God might have protected him. He did the right thing by exposing the wickedness of the U.S. war machine, though.

Edit: Downvoted myself for buying the "official" story. Manning is a hero and is probably forced to undergo "gender reassignment" as a form of torture. Trans people are still abominations, though.

Are you joking? Has it not occurred to you that forced gender reassignment might be an "enhanced interrogation" technique?

It never did occur to me. Come to think of it, why would they ever let a supposed traitor have access to that of he really wanted it?

You're probably right. I pray for nothing but death and destruction for all the rulers of the darkness of this world.

They wouldn't. Especially in a military prison. They would never ever give a "traitor" meds to make him more comfy with his gender identity.

They would, however, constantly threaten to chop off his dick & balls.

I maintain Bradley Manning is being forced to undergo gender reassignment and that they are calling him Chelsea (Clinton) as an added insult. It's torture. Straight up.

Actually no, it hadn't.

Damn that is some genius and insidious bullshit. It didn't make sense before... It does now.

Yeah we're gonna actually turn you into a woman and tell the world that's what you wanted most. You'll be the hero of the LBGT community! You're family will be so proud!

Wait, what was that? For us? You mean WP? No problem, your wish is our command! Which appendage feels a little cold?

how are you on this subreddit yet you believe in god? I mean I have nothing against religion but it is obviously the biggest lie in the history of humanity used to control and murder people for over 2,000 years. Who cares if she identifies as a woman? I don't know if you're trolling or not.

By "God" many refer to different understandings of spiritual realities which are real even if some of the institutions which claim to represent them have their own particular flaws.

Just because religion can be used to control doesn't mean that existence wasn't created or that Jesus didn't come back to life or that there was no flood/mass extinction event.

I would far rather believe in God and be mistaken in my understanding of him/her/it/them than say definitively that there is no such reality and so close my mind off to a different kind of reality than the purely material.

Yeah but when people use "god" as an excuse to shit on trans people it pisses me the fuck off, and as far as flood/mass extinction fine but I don't believe in magic and I don't believe for a second that Jesus came back to life. Was their a Jewish dude who had a sort of cult and gave little talks on hills who pissed off the Romans named Jesus? maybe. Did he do magic tricks? I really doubt it.

  1. I can understand that.
  2. Flood stuff is interesting
  3. There were several Jesus' with followers and most of them died. One, apparently, didn't stay dead.
  4. Technically he didn't do "miracles", or as you translate it, magic tricks. They're described as signs. As in, they point towards a claim (made by him or his followers) about "who" he was. There's a ton of literature discussing the hwremeneutical approaches to the written version of these events and the degree to which they were mythical etc. My general take, if you're interested, i see that with most of these texts (Christian, Muslim, Sumerian etc) they tell two kinds of stories. One are those which are imaginative and attempt to explain reality in terms of morality and purpose etc (creation narratives for example) and the other kind are those where an event happens and they place meaning onto it and it assumes a legendary quality. Personally always reluctant to say that those who lived thousands of years ago were idiots. I'd imagine if you adopted an ancient roman baby from birth and brought them up today they'd be on reddit themselves.

I am not trolling, and of course I believe. Do you not know that the whole globalist, NWO, satanic, child-molesting, greedy, freedom-hating, baby-killing, perverse, disgusting agenda is exactly what the Bible says will be happening? /r/conspiracy is nothing but confirmation for Bible prophecy.

lol, you've got me there i suppose. every time a man identifies as a woman an angel loses its wings.

So much this. We are standing on the cliff right now. Below us is a period of chaos and strife. The players are lined up and ready. The conditions are right. A holy war is coming. A three sided conflict coinciding with an uptick in natural and man-made disasters. There is no avoiding it. The NWO will be unmasked and weild their power for destruction unabashed. Islam will unify and rise up as one and declare jihad on the unbelievers. And the rest of us will turn to God and fight for our right to exist. This will happen before the end of the century, possibly with the next decade. It all lines up perfectly with how the Bible says it would play out.

Organized religion is a big lie, but God is real. Evil men used people's good intentions to control them. I believe God will have a special place in hell for those people.

maybe there is some higher power, but i really doubt an after life

im sure that they're all on r/conspiracy waiting for the go ahead from you

If you have anything to submit, submit a copy to Wikileaks first:


Governments have traced leakers on 4chan, and the Reddit admin have already signaled that this website is being monitored at all times.

In addition, but before you leak, buy body armor. It's worth its weight in gold. Here's one place you can get a reliable set:


Be prepared to leave at a moment's notice for the wilderness and assume a new identity.

Good luck, leakers. You are acting on behalf of humanity. Mahalo for your service.


There might be, but the public will have to force it to happen

We installed trash cans around downtown, but there is still a lot of litter. I mostly blame the tourists.

Protecting the ledge is a smell of a Hero System design, eh.

Document evidence of malfeasance and have your lawyer look it over.

Send it to yourself, registered mail sealed in two envelopes and put it in lawyer's care for when the shit hits the fan.

Amateurs leaking info about government is not wise. They will eat you alive.

Beware that many believe wikileaks is compromised (even r/wikileaks), so leak through other means until we have sufficient proof. Check out r/whereisassange for more info.

Huh. Internet isn't how you leak things anymore, man.

If you get your hands on incriminating TS documents, use an offline printer. Photostat and make 1000s of copies. Ask some of your friends to put on their hoodies and surgery masks and leave them EVERYWHERE. Let others who read them post them on their social media sites and watch it go viral.

Not foolproof, but it's harder for "them" to remove/control info. There's no webpage to delete here, and they can't do anything once it went viral.

They'll sell out their underlings before themselves. It's called "cannon fodder."

"Drastic times call for drastic measures" -- E.F. Hunton

But i swear i remember her being an ugly little twit that looked just like her mother.

They're both criminals and politics is kabuki theater for the military-industrial complex to distract a controlled populace

There are many degrees of evil. I honestly hope that Trump is just corrupt evil and not satanic evil.

Because even the most violent criminals fucking hate child molesters, and generally kill them if given the chance. That really says something.