I never thought I would find out that the elite are Satanic, child abusing pedos who torture and canabalism their victims.

174  2016-12-23 by LightBringerFlex

Who would of thought..


Even though I've seen it written and heard it said for decades, and I've read the Bible... yes, it's still completely alarming to see it come out – and be just as bad, or worse, than described or predicted.

All in the pursuit of vanity and ego.

You don't think headlining a Half Time show is worth selling your soul? Don't you know Bono is more entitled to good health and happiness than the average proll and we should have to look at him all the time even if we don't want to?

Bono not even close to the worst. Or maybe he's the absolute worst. Tough to tell.

When you take the claims of Podesta being involved in the Temple of Set, it does make sense. At that point you're talking about Egyptian Mythology that goes back to the time of Genesis (considering the book of Genesis wraps up with Joseph, the Pharoah and saving Egypt from famine -- circa 1750 BCish).

It's not as though these belief systems died with a culture, and then were found in a dusty old book and someone said "Hey guys, this looks like fun! Let's give this a try!" It's been passed along for centuries... For millennia....

For all the depictions in movies and literature of the Illuminati or "secret societies", among the elite controlling and manipulating the Matrix-like reality in which we exist, there's never been a real threat to them. Even if one or two fall, there are others furthering the cause right in front of our faces that we'll never suspect.

It makes me wonder their endgame. Their motives. For something to have endured for so long, it requires some mutual benefit for the disciple. What do they gain? Power? Money? Why do they further the agenda? Where is it all going?

Perhaps this is the sort of thing that we are to consider when it was asked "What does it profit a man to gain the world but lose his soul?"

Power is not a means, it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power.

-Orwell, 1984.

Was there something in the Bible about it?

the Old Testament describes that a number of ancient societies were ruled by a class of spiritists and magicians who in some cases also practiced child sacrifice, yes. I'm not sure if they are ever explicitly said to be devil worshippers in those descriptions, but a big picture view shows that the powers they're messing with are the same as the devil the Bible is talking about.

It's astrology. These old socities are ruled by priest kings who command heaven, astrologers.

They still believe in it which explains the twin towers (gemeni) falling.

i am pretty sure all evidence points to the God of the old testament being a demi-God worshiped by Jews. Not the Divine creator. Jesus says he came to fulfill the prophecy of the Law not to continue it or validate it. The prophecy was that a messiah would come. He contradicts the Law many times. stoning, eating pig meat, retribution, the after life, hell and damnation. Certainly if the Law of the old testament was divine Jesus would never have to come to dissolve it. In fact, what he does is refute all the barbaric shit of the old testament , because it was not divine but just barbaric human bullshit. He also freed the masses from the control of the greedy rabbis who take from poor in the name of God, and fill their temples with their goods. Jesus retored the Divine Law from demi-God law. Divine law was mercy and love. No fucking Hell and damnation. Jesus retored Law of the creator for all. No church or Rabbi needed. No temple needed. No middleman or Guide needed.

Adonai, the LORD our God, Lord Almighty and Christ Jesus are one. Jesus fulfilled the law and although heaven and earth will pass away, His words shall not. Judgment is coming, for as Jesus preached the Good News, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand."


“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."

Did you know that when translated literally, Adonai means "Lords" in Hebrew?

OT God is the same as Jesus.

People did not know Him as Jesus in ancient times, because He had not become incarnate yet.

Triune God is mentioned as early as Genesis 1:26 though. This is the same God that Jesus mentions later while He is on earth. Jesus is the Second Person of the Trinity.

God ordered the Israelites to cleanse the land which was their inheritance. They did not listen to Joshua, hence the Canaanite abominations which still exist today.

"When you enter the land Adonai your God is giving you, you are not to learn how to follow the abominable practices of those nations. 10 There must not be found among you anyone who makes his son or daughter pass through fire, a diviner, a soothsayer, an enchanter, a sorcerer, 11 a spell-caster, a consulter of ghosts or spirits, or a necromancer. 12 For whoever does these things is detestable to Adonai, and because of these abominations Adonai your God is driving them out ahead of you. 13 You must be wholehearted with Adonai your God. (v) 14 For these nations, which you are about to dispossess, listen to soothsayers and diviners; but you, Adonai your God does not allow you to do this."


nice arguments

Rule 10. No personal attacks. Removed. 1st warning.

Re watch fear and loathing in Las Vegas

for what purposes?

Probably the scene where Dr Gonzo talks about a client who couldn't pay money - and was into satanic stuff - gave him some pure human pituitary gland extract - that only could be extracted from someone alive at the time - and what that would do to someone...

Then everyone turns into lizards and have a blood orgy.

The lizard part is like... 1/5th of the way through and satanism scene is 4/5ths of the way through?

David Icke talked of this years ago and was spit on and laughed at. We now see it to be true. This is a controlled Fake Universe. And the horrors get much worse than this. My theory is very controversial and usually met with skepticism or ridicule. I genuinely believe this to be true: When you die you will be pulled into the "Fake Heaven" which is actually an Astral Holding Area. After a period you will be judged by the "Archons". They will then say you must return for "More Lessons" and to remove "Karmic Debt". Both are complete scams. Your memories will be erased and you will be reinserted into this hellhole. We are used over and over as "Energy Slaves". The Archons are Parasites, and the Earth Global Elite work for them.. Google: 1)Archons White Light 2)Archons Reincarnation 3)Archons Lords Of Karma 4)Archons Reptilians 5) White Light Trap 6)Gnostics Archons 7)Illuminati Archons 8)Illuminati Lords Of Karma 9)Reincarnation Memory Erase. If you take the time and google search all these, you will come across a large amount of information.. It is much worse than you could imagine. If you google search what I have listed, you will come across an enormous amount of information. Watching "David Icke" videos on youtube will explain everything and is something everyone should do. Much of what is considered "insane", later proves to be happening.


Max Spiers, an English man recently assassinated for speaking the truth about what's going on in reality, suggested that, after death, humans should absolutely not go to the light. Rather, he says, go to your heart.

Does this tie into how hl anon said the kingdom is inside you, and other sources saying that God actually resides inside us?

Yes. Humans currently live in a state of egoic consciousness. Meaning, we believe we are our thoughts, which make up an image of ourselves. The best way to explain it is by using pride as an example. Pride, to me, was my dad telling me I needed to be a certain someone, so I spent my life trying to be that someone, and would be offended when someone said i wasn't that someone. Eventually, after a bunch of suffering, I let go of that pride because I realized it was an illusion. It was a collection of thoughts and memories and ideas, which hold no basis in reality. The truth is that we are the consciousness, the awareness, that sits behind our entire experience of existence and silently watches, hears, tastes, feels, and smells. What we are on the inside is energy too. The "I" feeling is really just an energy field but we have allowed our brains to associate the "I" feeling with memories and thoughts. That energy has no center. There is no "I". There is no personal will. Rather, there just is what is. Consciousness is God. We are God.

TLDR: We are the universe experiencing itself...?

Edit: I actually agree, but use an entirely different reasoning. Thermodynamics. Which states:

"The law of conservation of energy. This states that energy can be neither created nor destroyed. However, energy can change forms, and energy can flow from one place to another. A particular consequence of the law of conservation of energy is that the total energy of an isolated system does not change."

Life, consciousness, is in itself, energy. It has to go somewhere when you die.

Yezzir. So funny how we all understand intellectually that we are energy, which is neither created nor destroyed. Yet, we deeply fear death. I will say...I've been pursuing enlightenment for some time now and there is undoubtedly a more intimate form of consciousness once you understand that the thing for which you think is an illusion. We all think for an ego, which is a collection of memories. It isn't real. All that's real is the energy that is.

No matter what reasoning we use, we're going to arrive at the same answer if we're devoutly honest.

I watched his Poland speech. Past his obvious nerves (?) he had good stuff to share. And a good heart. Rest In Peace.

So you don't believe when we depart we become a branch of the big spaghetti monster? Now I'm relieved as I wouldn't enjoy eating myself.

Your gnostic new age BS is just about personalizing evil like other religions before to explain human behavior you can't fathom. There are already enough religions. We surely don't need a "new age" one designed for the latest fart by another occult group.

Oh look another jaded evangelistic atheist redditeer trivializing other people's ideas and/or beliefs.

No religion here. This is based on the actual experiences of myself and countless other researchers.

Hey i know you! Good to have you on the board/in the community! Blessings!

or you could read the Bible, interesting as we see prophecies unfold


It is a Multi Dimensional Conspiracy. The Elites worship the Archons. The Archons are primarily based in the Astral Dimension.


The Archons have had complete control over this planet and it the Astral afterlife for quite some time now. The Globalists worship them. That is why they do their insane Esoteric Rituals. Guess What: You will be meeting the Archons after you die. They will be the ones Erasing Your Memory once again and Forcing You To Reincarnate Over and Over..

You fucking idiot

The Khazars.


A square is a form of rectangle. But not all rectangles are squares.

In other words, some who call themselves "Jews." Not all Jews. I swear.

Source: Jew

I was told by a jew that they're two types of Jews.

Jews- The 'real' jews.

Jewish- 'fake' Jews who wish to be Jews but hide under the name. These could be the perpetrators. Maybe not. Don't take my word for it.

There are indeed people who do terrible things in the name of Judaism that have nothing to do, in my opinion, with being actual Jews.

As for "the real Jews", I don't know what your friend means, but yeah the rest are normal people (except for Orthodox) with a shared cultural heritage trying to figure out how to fit an aging religion into a modern framework.

The shared cultural heritage allies many of this group with the first group, as they see the first group protecting all Jews. And that allows the first group to hide behind cries of "anti-Semitism." But many others (like me) see what's going on and want to have nothing to do with it. But when you or anyone talk about "Jews", you're still talking about me. And I'm not a psycho.

So yes, your friend's analysis is basically correct. But there are subtle in-group dynamics of deception, fear, and in-group loyalty that are very difficult to talk about, for many reasons.

Bottom line is, though, I think (EDIT: know) the vast vast majority of Jews are not at all what the other Jews paint them to be.

Not consciously, and the normal Jew may not be complicit in what's going on. But the tribe is very much the competent tool of the powers.

That said, this is literally true of any subjugated group. I'm not trying to assert blame. But the tribe is in a position of more potential energy for change than most other groups.

"The tribe is in a position of more potential energy for change than most other groups."

Fully agree. But that is an awakening journey many have yet to go on.

And yes, any unawakened group is merely a piece on the chessboard. But Jews don't deserve extra hate for being similar in that way. Disappointment, maybe. Because of the potential. But the disincentive to action is also higher, for many reasons.

Appreciate this comment. I've got a friend of mine (not Jewish, but a former religion student and very smart) who's said to me "I'm pretty sure there's a secret Civil War inside the Jewish faith that we've got no clue about."

Yes. Look up Norman Finkelstein on Amazon, Rabbi Michael Lerner of Tikkun, and Miko Peled.

Nope...jew"ish" people. They aren't the original Jews from the bible

This is a key distinction.

Decreed by some authority around 9th century AD. Now known as Ashkenazi Jew, and are 90%ish of the global jewry. Sephartic would be the Jews of the bible.

Nah they aren't the originals either. Merely converts. The original line of Judah is black. Even hitler knew the true identity. And I ain't no hitler fan but the truth is the truth. Sephardic/Spanish people have Neanderthal DNA. God's bloodline is pure. Only black people have pure human DNA.

Satanism is simply apart of the system of control and domination the elite have over the planet. Satanism would simply indicate delusional belief systems designed around doing negative things for some powerful negative being, which simply doesn't exist. But as you already know, the elite feed off of negativity and perpetuate it wherever they can.

I have recently made a post about Atlantis and its connection to the elite that I would like everyone to read, and I've already made another post calling for more discussion/research of this topic since it is very very important to destroying the system of the elite.

In fact, read all of my posts since they all are about this topic and they are all connected so by reading them all you'll get a better understanding of the logic I used and the connections made.

This is the post in question about Atlantis and the elite, and I urge you to read it and my other posts as well.

Satan does exist. It's the planet Saturn. He is currently the ruler in heaven together with jupiter/zeus/(ju-zeus). In astrology that is.

Check out astro-theology to learn more.

I was researching Pentecostalism and stumbled across this:


Will do!

I did and it's a great post! Keep up the work! I also made a comment adding things I've been finding interesting over the years. This has also been a niche I've been into for a long time. Thanks for your contribution!

Flood was caused when they pulled the moon into orbit after the first moon crashed when it was used too heavily for suppression of general resistance to the Martian corruption and creation of sentient slave races they were working on.

Sandy Hook was a fucking hoax. The elites are going to blow up the hoover dam

Everyone in the area of the hoover dam needs to move.

I agree

up river?

That could work

How do'you know?

Cant say or clinton will assassinate me


I have inside info and if I reveal my sources the clintons will know who i am and they make my car crash and say it was an accident

http://www.opposingviews.com/i/religion/group-homes-christian-ritual-sex-trafficking-victim 12-21-2016 cottage house

I am with you. It makes me think of all those who have been dismissed as crazy.

The Synagogue of Satan rules the world and will until Christ saves it.

until Christ saves it.

We are the Christ that saves it. The mystery behind the 2nd coming is that the 2nd coming refers to the return of our senses (a departure from insanity).

Jesus is the Creator Son of this sector of the universe and he might become visual for us but the 2nd coming refers specifically to the return of human senses. For ages, we have been thinking insanely but this is all about to change and lead to the Golden Age or we will suicide the planet. It's up to us.

Sorry. I'm not in the together we are Christ group. I go word for word when it comes to Revelation just like the contract says to. I'm completely on board with TPTB's plan of mixing advanced technology and Eschatology to fake a Second Coming because it's only going to unleash the real thing.

Who is faking the 2nd coming? You mean with the Trumpet sounds?

Northrop Grumman is running the show. They are in full control of the situation.

just wait until the reptilian conspiracy is proven true then we won't know up from down.


It has happened all through out history.

Our modern world has changed so rapidly from how people used to live that we look at history books or even black and white photographs and they seem like a different world. But human nature has not evolved in step with the technology. Human beings physiologically have remained largely unchanged for at least 200,000 years.

Human beings today are no different than the tyrants and barbarians you read about in past times. Many have just gotten better at hiding their true nature.

Neither did I, I thought they'd hidden it too well to ever be found

Elite pedophile rings have been in the news for years, discussed in this subreddit and other subreddits for years, and a conspiracy topic for decades.

For all these people on /r/conspiracy to claim a sudden awakening smacks of the highest bullshit.

A lot of younger guys brought in recently. Personally I have heard the ritualistic behaviors.. But not how children were involved until someone left the cheesy gate open

I think the point now is to reach beyond the elite pedo rings and connect it to something more. We shall see.

In theory tech disrupts everything, maybe it disrupts now.

Welcome to real life my friend



Huh, and here I learn that many people in this community actually believe in a God and Satan.

When you're dead, you go into the ground and you're dead. That's it, in my opinion. No more, no less. People are assholes and commit horrific crimes and abuse because that's what humans have done for thousands of years. The worship of a nonexistent idol is nothing new. I think people being monsters because that's who they are deep down is far more frightening than most of these theories here.

Well if you ever watch InfoWars it becomes obvious Alex Jones is Christian. It makes sense for this community to cling to hope and faith (I do too) because our material world is so fucked up

I don't watch actively Alex Jones. Really don't like a lot of his views and who he supports even if he covers interesting theories.

I don't fault anyone ever for having hope of something beyond this world. I, personally, find a lot of issues with most religion.

For instance: I think when people say others are doing fucked up things because of their worship of Satan/Lucifer (whichever is the correct term depending on the person in this sub) it hides the fact that the only truly evil thing is that specific individual or group and instead places blame on an imaginary figure.

I enjoy it, personally. Not being religious, I like getting the snippets of quotes from the bible. Adds context. Like, I posit most people on this thread feel like Leviticus looking at Babylon (in the current events form of pg, et al).

Shit, we've been found out! Only one option remains to pacify the public: large scale TICKLE TORTURE

Not just the Elites! The Grunts, Jackals, Hunters, and Brutes are all evil too! Don't even get me started on the Prophets... I thank the heavens everynight we have someone as strong as Master Chief to keep them at bay.

That very thought has made me the very person I used to dismiss as crazy... I'm still coming to terms with it...

Their reptilians too! Half humans and half WTF

Haha. Wtf is right.

"and cananalism their victims"


You call him Satan. They call him Yahweh. Or was it Amen...? Same difference, either way.

Tomato tomatoe.


You've found out or you've read people suggesting it? Very different things

Because there's no group of people called the elite

Nope. If they dont have matching tattoos, then theyre not a real cabal.

I can understand sarcasm. Don't worry, buddy.

White people crazy my dude

Lol, the religion they practice probably started in the Middle East or Northern Africa so I don't think it's just white people.

Everyone can be crazy. Don't fall in to the trap.

The current propaganda floating around is white people are all evil. Before that it was all blacks. Before that Mexicans. And on and on. Round and round we go.

TPTB run propaganda, you can be lied to. Dig through conspiracy. Dig for mkultra information. See what you want after that. Truth sets us all free.

Sorry to all the crazy white people I have offended.

I forgive you

Well shit. That was easy.

I mean, non-shitty people are usually pretty quick to forgive someone who apologizes.

Well shit. That was easy.

You don't think headlining a Half Time show is worth selling your soul? Don't you know Bono is more entitled to good health and happiness than the average proll and we should have to look at him all the time even if we don't want to?