Why not stick to things we may prove?

13  2016-12-23 by [deleted]

Man. Been a while since I read anything here, and I don't remember it being like this.

Atlantis, hollow earth theory, giants, reptilian overlords, reincarnation, fake heavens....

What happened?

Why do people want to focus on quacky mystical shit instead of stuff we might be able to prove?

We can sit here and argue about which fairy tale origin stories are true, or we could focus on real shit, shit that we can prove went down, we just question the official version of events.

Stuff like....

  • Was the recent Russian ambassador incident a false flag?
  • How deep did the DNC corruption go?
  • Questions surrounding Tower 7?

I dunno. I try to keep an open mind you know? I don't trust any news source 100%. I question the narrative everyone is trying to push, question the version of events we have, and still want to know more about JFK.

But damn, hollow earth and reincarnating lizard people? I can't buy into that shit.


But damn, hollow earth and reincarnating lizard people? I can't buy into that shit.

You realize narratives like this are actual disinformation put forward by shills trying to destabilize the forum, right? People don't actually believe that stuff, they just want to make it look like we do, so we look insane, so people leave and don't talk about important things.

You're a valuable contributor here and I've always enjoyed your perspective. I do think that there is room within a conspiracy forum for non-activists as well as serious activists.

I think you're a serious activists and I applaud your passion to make the world a better place but there is a reason you aren't as prolific on /news as you are on /Conspiracy, there is a reason you're able to post activist things, which are almost universally considered to be ridiculous by the consensus of the public, and discuss them. And that reason is that we allow things to be posted here no matter where they fall on the public perception spectrum of ridiculous things. If we tried to limit that spectrum, there suddenly becomes a possibility that your own topics land on the wrong side of that limit.

Thanks for your kindness. I don't want to limit the spectrum of discussion at all, but rather just wake people up to the fact there are disinformation campaigns, and there are disinfo narratives, and they are actually on this subreddit and voted to the top to make us look bad. I think some people think this is paranoia or pie-in-the-sky, but it's a real daily reality on this sub. Just trying to point that out for the uninitiated.

I would hope. Some of the people here seem to actually believe this stuff.

To me buying into every crackpot conspiracy theory Icke and others espouse is no better than buying into the MSM account of all events in our world.

Some people get swept up in the shilling and become useful idiots. But mostly it's just shills giving themselves upvotes to appear popular.

I don't believe those theories but they are fun to entertain. Also why do people always think we'll look crazy discussing it? To the average sheep, we look crazy no matter what we talk about...

To the average sheep, we look crazy no matter what we talk about...


From my experience, yes. But we'll agree to disagree :)

Well, perhaps this sub isn't for average sheep, perhaps it's for curious sheep who want to expand their knowledge. When we look like idiots because of poor content, it doesn't help

I completely agree. But if people can't even entertain an idea they shouldn't be here to begin with no matter how crazy it may sound. "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." - Aristotle.

No, there are people who actually do believe that stuff.

Useful idiots


But damn, hollow earth and reincarnating lizard people? I can't buy into that shit.

I have excellent news! You aren't required to buy into any of that shit, or to even read it. However, some people enjoy it and want to discuss it.


That's cool, I just remember such topics being a little more fringe a year ago. Kind of surprising to see how different the community is now.

The less fringe things there are in this new age the better imho. Let's talk about everything and figure things out without arguing anymore.

Been a helluva year bro.

Yeah, this sub should stick with the real issues and let all that unprovable fantasy BS alone.

Stick to stuff like claiming that every single mass shooting or other similar event like a bombing is a staged event.

There is always something that somebody can claim they saw on the video that proves it's fake. Usually it's either that blood looks fake or why isn't there more blood. They can never seem to get it quite right. Seems to me that they should hire someone from Hollywood special effects. They do an excellent job...

They always recruit "crisis actors" from Craigslist a week or so before such an event. Too obvious...


This sub deals w hardcore truths that kinda suck. I welcome the weird. Its a well deserved break.

I like weird too, but I'd like true weird things, at least...

I don't want this sub to become /r/Glitch_in_the_Matrix or /r/nosleep

Why do people get so upset that every post on here doesn't align with their conspiracy comfort level? When you go to a restaurant, do you complain that they have a food you don't like on the menu? Or do you just order what you like? It feels like you're trying to question the legitimacy of the sub and bring down its credibility simply because YOU think some of the stuff posted is not believable. It's just too far-fetched. Whatever.

If you are perfectly content to live within your own level of "believable" conspiracy and knowledge and truth that's great. But we don't have to.

also, a lot of us come here to share ideas and information, it doesn't have to be correct, but don't chastise us for wanting to break free from the spoonfed propaganda and explore new ideas with open-minded individuals

I understand this. But although it makes this board seem a little tin foily, it also gives you room to discuss the real dialogue without drawing the wrong kind of attention.

To be honest, I tend to see the hollow/flat earth and such theories as a nice break from the usual. They're the types of theories that the majority of the sub find amusing, and treat as more a humorous distraction than anything serious.

It's that "It's Aliens" element. Sometimes that's what gets people into "conspiracy theory". Coast to Coast typically has a much larger audience than Infowars.

I think those types of things (hollow earth, holographic universe, extra-terrestrial existence, etc.) are expansive subjects shrouded with disinformation, but have sprinkles of truth built in. That is how the elite can get away with the continuation of the game that is. And they have the potential, if realistically found out, to change worldwide perception of the reality we find ourselves in currently. I own books by Adam Smith about economics, Henry Kissinger about "diplomacy", Francis Crick about the research into DNA, Bruce Lipton about biology relating to belief, and Lloyd Pye about the research into bigfoot. Nothing is taken off the table in the realm of possibility until I can intuitively figure it out for myself.

Nothing is taken off the table in the realm of possibility until I can intuitively figure it out for myself.

This is a wonderful attitude to have. Entertaining an idea is one thing. Acting like an extremely esoteric theory is 100% indisputably true is another :)

There are plenty of neat ideas out there that would be cool if true. Hollow Earth? I'm sure there'd be all sorts of interesting discoveries to make in there. Ancient astronauts and giants? That'd be one of the most interesting things to ever happen if it were proven true without a doubt. An afterlife? Sure, I'd love for there to be one.

Just because an idea sounds neat, or I really want it to be true....well, you still need to ground beliefs in some sort of evidence.

How's that bigfoot book?

I'm a long time lurker but the hollow earth made me want to comment here, that post gave me cancer.

It's an insult to human intelligence to believe in an underground sun, giants, mammoth.

People have yet to prove giant's existence with bones but here the ''special'' people in the hollow earth post think they still exist. Jesus, do you know what would be required to feed giants and mammoth?

What the hell happened to freaking gravity, mountain and volcanoes formation, the giants made them? I can't even... Jesus, I don't want to use the word conspirator, but that's what they are. Hollow earth are as bad as flat earth believers.

Yup. I feel it'd be way more productive to focus on things like political corruption, government spying, false flag operations and other conspiracies that are grounded in the real world and have actual evidence pertaining to the claims.

Thought you'd get a laugh out of this exchange:

Me: Why do you believe in interdimensional reptilian alien overlords?

/r/conspiracy guy: Why do you believe in gravity?

Sometimes I just want to give up, lol.

he does have a point, gravity hasn't been proven and it's just woo woo magic, so why do you believe it?

Damn, you're right. I googled it and it really is just a theory!

Yeah we surely stick to the ground because we all have glue under our shoes or something

Seriously, using the bible as fucking evidence and throwing away science for their arguments is just crazy.

Yeah, if anything isn't the bible itself a conspiracy? Maybe its because I'm older, but back when I was more into this scene I think more people felt that way.

I mean, people were into all sorts of spiritual stuff, but it was a personal journey, not one born out of belief that a collection of ancient hebrew writings that have been altered and translated multiple times across thousands of years are the divine word of god and the eternal truth.

I've heard it's good, but I haven't read it yet (my physical book collection grows weekly, so I have a massive 'must read' list). I've listened to his talk on the book, and he touches on a lot of facets (the hominid branch offs, human evolution, Darwinism). I looked at the book distinctly this morning and thought, "I have to read this at some point."

Maybe this sub https://www.reddit.com/r/actualconspiracies/.

Haven't really been there much can't speak for how good it is. Still I'd rather not put blinders on the scope of discussion allowed, even though I think things like hollow earth are at best silly, at worst disinfo.

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Still I'd rather not put blinders on the scope of discussion allowed

I can respect that on, but part of me wonders if things like that are driving people away from the real issues.

I'll check out that sub, thanks!

also, a lot of us come here to share ideas and information, it doesn't have to be correct, but don't chastise us for wanting to break free from the spoonfed propaganda and explore new ideas with open-minded individuals