What's next, ya guys.. place your bets for what you think may occur in 2017.

33  2016-12-24 by [deleted]



Second American Revolution and civil war, world war iii, mass witch hunts and purges and new world order.


It's actually predicted in the bible from the head start. Public behaviour is actually acting as if that is about to happen.

Where in the bible does it mention a second american revolution or civil war?

And the way people have behaved since, sure seems like they're subconsciously anticipating it.

But anyway i was saying that the bible had predicted that these are the last days and shocking events are about to unfold one by one as if they were planned and the public seems to be going along with the plan unconsciously. Crazed behaviour, go along attitude to all tyranny and inability to realize deception says it all.

But as god actually seems to be a wicked creator that is both god and satan, i am not sure that if it is a plan or a warning.

Well, assuming the bible is true then yes, people are going to go along with it and willingly. Some won't go with it and will be persecuted killed.

The problem, how I see it, is the church is the problem and will help lead people astray.

assuming the bible is true

There's your problem right there.


The bible isn't true.

There's no proof that it's real and no proof that it's fake.

Those making extraordinary claims, such as a religious text being true and all of the ramifications that come with such a statement, have the burden of proof.

Every year it's "the bible is coming true, end times are near". Not just recently, has been for much longer and you know it. The blanket excuse of "you can't disprove it thereby it can't be ignored" is bullshit and flimsy when talking about something as grand as the claims and implications of what the bible says.


Prove to me leprechauns do not exist


You disproved nothing. You just posted a shitty webpage.

Proof that the New Testament is not what you think it is: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Council_of_Nicaea

I do know. Organized religion aka. the church is already subverted as a part of the plan and are cowered into uselessness. Just look at what kind of degenerate and rotten shit our "religious leaders" are (Dalai, Pope, Muslim Leaders etc.) and you will see it.

Yep. And if they have 501(c)3 status you can pretty much expect them to fall in line. And yes, the religious leaders are degenerate and rotten pieces of shit. You can add the so-called pastors of mega churches to the list as well.

Why is there such a heavy religious slant on this subreddit?

I come here with an open mind and ready to have my own opinions based on evidence or ideas presented. When people chime in with "angels" or the bible, etc, I just tune out automatically.

I believe religion says a lot about humanity and that it is used against us intentionally. Additionally, I believe that a portion of the elite are heavily religious but not in ways publically acceptable, legal or known to most of us.

That said, when talking about a new American civil war and other things like it, serious things with huge implications, someone almost always chimes in non-sarcastically about the bible or god.

It's insulting, to be honest.

Not trying to be divisive, I just don't understand.

The fact is since a long time, establishment religion is already a part of the illuminati.

I'm not religious, but I feel like religion is going to be playing it's part in this process. Christianity is the one religion that is ok to hate on and they are feeling persecuted. It's almost like their values of morality are getting shit on by mainstream society and I could see that causing an uprising. Most religions have something to say about the "end times" or "ascension" and I think that's what's playing out in whatever way.

I would normally think tptb wouldn't resort to these measures; but with Trump blackballing the CIA, using his own security and pushing gold and bitcoin to bypass the fed? Hold on to your butts...

Lmao! The CIA got him elected! It's all a show, my friend, as played out as that statement is it's still true.

Haha good one CIA shill.

So the KGB angle didn't work so now you guys doing 180 and making it CIA?

Enjoy having your agency blown to pieces.

Bond market crash that will wreck economy in June or July.

Euro breakup incomming with italy banks starting to collapse. Euro bond market chaos.

Considering a US military contractor is expecting the world population US population to drop like 70 percent in 2017, probably something dangerous.

EDIT: The contractor is Deagle, and the population drop is from 321 million to 60 million by 2025.

EDIT 2: German population halves, Australian population halves, Tanzanian from 51 mil to 37 mil, Indonesia up 100 mil.



Check out america's listing.

Well, that's proper horrifying...

Now take a look at all the countries you would guess would be in a world war...

If you look at the US, we started it, and we get hit the worst, even worse than the UK, with a 78 percent decrease. Italy, germany, spaid, belguim, UK, USA, russia, etc. Then the ones that wouldn't take part only go down a tiny bit compared to the 50 percent decreases, and some others increase.

Even more terrifying is if you look at the US portion, and look at the chart for inports/exports when you click it for more details, our trades/imports/exports go down to basically zero next year.

So if you think about all the shit that's being pulled with russia(the ambassadors) and all the other bullshit that happens, I think it will be pretty bad. I don't think it would be biological warfare because it doesn't spread to non-developed countries like cuba and indonesia.

I'm not being alarmist but I'm probably going to buy some seeds, masks, and tools at the store so I can grow food when I can't go to the store and buy it.

So what could possibly cause this?

Russia basically doubles its economy.

It's population fall seems natural.

Do uk and usa just blow themselves up?

Random Eu countries suffer but others don't?

I couldn't see corresponding opposing sides to this conflicts

Perhaps they know that we'll soon be introduced to aliens, and that a lot of us will simply elect to leave the planet.

If an alien offered to spirit me away I would go with them. The ability to gain amazing knowledge, to see worlds never seen by humans before, to use technology never used before, I would most definitely go.

It would be amazing, but expecting that to happen would be foolish and wishful.

have you ever seen "to serve man", the Twilight zone episode? If aliens ever show up promising a free ride, run the other way, cause those fuckers are going to eat you lol

Or trap you in their next-gen matrix design.

Aliens aren't interested in giving you a free ride, so you'll have to pay for passage. So only wealthy countries will see a decline in population. Other factors will be freedom (if people aren't allowed to leave, population won't decline) and happiness (if people are happy where they are, they won't want to leave).

Why would aliens want money? If they have the capabilities of interstellar travel and faster than light travel, they really don't need jack shit from our planet. Aliens wouldn't need to "harvest" us for resources either, since the same resources are on other planets too.

Trump will launch attack on Saudi Arabia, justified by

a) 9-11 involvement ( It need go no further than the Saudis). b) Saudi military personnel dragged from NATO bunkers in Aleppo. c) Evidence of an global CP network involving the Sauds/ Dems/ CF etc.

The attack will occur almost immediately. ( February is good as its cold). The attack will take around a week from start to finish. This will be a US Philippines joint attack.

CIA headquarters will be targeted in a Cruise Missile Strike. All their secrets will be destroyed.

An international taskforce will be created to hunt down ISIS and all its advisors supporters and funding.

A new form of punishment will be established called the Christening where once found guilty the ISIS insurgents will be individually drowned by one of families of their victims.

This controlled and dignified form of blood letting will be required to control the people.

Saudis huge overseas wealth will be seized to pay for attack, 9-11 reparations, and reparations to the huge overseas workforce in the country. Many will decide to stay.

Saudi Oil production will be used to rebuild US infrastructure, but production will be controlled to stabilize the price of oil at an appropriate level $95/pb by Dec 2017.

The Palestinians will be given a homeland North around Tabuk.

Israel will invade Jordan and seize sufficient land for 50 years of settlement.

The vast Rub Al Khali (Empty quarter) will be covered in solar power. Suppressed electricity transmissions technologies and together with advanced permaculture techniques the desert will converted into an electricity producing rainforest with small scale sustainable farming interspersed.

This Solar/Permaculture development model will be recreated across much of the equatorial regions of the world.

Millions of displaced and hungry people will be fed and housed. With the huge greening of the planet carbon levels will be reduced ( not that this was important but will silence the cabal of scientists who have staked their all on this bullshit).

There will be no financial crash.

What is the deal with Trump? Well its no about Trump. Trump just uses the deal from circumstances of relatively nothing, as far as billionares go.Diid he get there without inflicting liberties on you in person?

That makes him the good guy rascal that he was on the TV to great popularity only upto when he said he would run. And kapoow there come the barn stormers and crowd pleaser to the back of the wall. That woke you up and now he's in. Cant you see the brilliance of this, no significant violence has yet occurred. There is help in places you would be scared to look, However negotiations are occurring. Most for the good. What you would essentially call the good man.

This is exactly my prediction. I honestly feel that if Trump survives, and he does in fact investigate and arrest the Clintons/Obamas, Saudi WILL be heavily implicated too. They are involved in everything. From corruption in American politics, to the migrant crisis and ISIS. Trump will have very good reason to start a war. Also, he could make an agreement with Putin to eliminate ISIS and perhaps even get his support to go after Saudi. If I would support any war, it would definitely be a war on Saudi. Those monsters... You could eliminate Wahhabism. Also, the oil, money and gold you would gain from taking Saudi could restore the American economy. An agreement with Russia would also take away some tensions with China. Trump is honestly the best thing that could happen to us.

& /u/galenvanbrok

Nothing excites me more than prospect of USA fucking Saudis over.

Russia would help since they fund wahhabis in Chechnya and Dagestan too.

Question is how deep is Bahrain involved and what's happens to other USA bases in ME?

The other Gulf states in Qatar, Bahrain and Kuwait are also in on it with Saudi & the Democrats. I have not found direct links with Oman or the United Arab Emirates but I wouldn't be surprised. However these countries have no real military power as individuals and would be forced to bend the knee quickly. So either they would have to let the US have free access to their bases or they risk being eliminated themselves (Bahrain, Qatar, UAE are all very small countries). Saudi would be surrounded on all sides. It would take just a few bombs to destroy Dubai or Doha entirely for example, I don't think they would risk that by not allowing the US their base anymore.

Good point about wahhabists in Chechnya and Dagestan. Even the migrant crisis in Europe isn't very good news for Russia. Instability and uncertainty there means the same for the Russian economy.

One thing that might be problem is massive expat populations.

Also any rumours about Saudis having nukes?

True. I would imagine it starting with - hey guys send all the expats home safely and surrender yourselves now or else.

Yep. Although it is not proven that they develop nuclear weapons themselves, they have been caught funding the Iraqi nuclear program, they've been caught collaborating with the Chinese on atomic bombs and they directly fund Pakistan's nuclear weapon program. This Pakistan-relationship has even been proven by the MSM BBC. So even if Saudi doesn't develop nuclear weapons on their soil, they have their arsenal in Pakistan. Also, some Saudi prince said a few years ago that Saudi would look into developing its own if Iran was ever allowed to have a nuclear weapons (thanks Obama). They definitely have access.

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That's actually kind of a positive forecast. Here's hoping reality comes out more like this...

So what do people think of the factor of stronger ties between Russia and the U.S., in regards to the agenda to create a central world government (officially declared or just in practice)?

Like for consideration, right now there is a war of the journalists/media/government-talking-heads going on over what is really happening in Syria. In that regard, Russia and the West are pitted against each other.

Yet simultaneously, it seems that Putin and Trump will likely wind up strengthening ties and team work between the two nations (U.S. and Russia).

What are people's thoughts on these two situations unfolding side by side?

I am inclined to believe Eva Bartlett and others that it is the West that is funding terrorism to destabilize Syria. Which doesn't necessarily mean that Russia is an innocent angel, I don't really see it as a 'versus' situation entirely.

But like in this debate, it is easy to tell that that is the narrative that many are trying to push, i.e. Russia vs U.S. since whenever anyone (like Eva, herself) tries to point out the corruption from the West involved, the opponents (who like the guy in that debate can't make an actual case and can only interrupt and launch personal insults, which is very telling) try to frame it like.. "If you call out corruption from the West, then it must mean you support Russia/Assad" which is a logical fallacy (but still one that is being pushed heavily none the less).

Debate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkjVK18H1z8

Yet, again, what we are seeing over here in western MSM is people pushing this idea that Trump and Putin are going to be close pals.

It's weird hearing the talking heads talk about how Russian/US ties are the worst ever and then hearing the same people say that Trump and Putin will be buddy buddy.

We can only wait and see. Personally, I hope that Trump and Putin work together as much as possible.

well I fully expect the see.I ay to attack the american people and try to blame on someone else..as usual. We have NO greater enemy on this planet than the see.I.ay.We all need to be prepared for their strike back at freedom liberty and truth as I assure you they DESPISE all of it.They are satanic and they protect cannibals and blood drinkers

Nationwide internet outage, possibly even power grid. Just a short term test run, not permanent. A new superbug scare with a few hundred deaths, and enough coverage to make people keep to themselves even more, those that go out will wear masks. Higher costs and less spending will weaken but not crash the economy- not in 2017 anyway. There will continue to be more hate crimes on both sides of the political/racial/religious fence- There will be multiple assassination attempts, some by Trump voters that felt betrayed or were personally affected by a policy change

i hate it when people spoil an ending

EMP attack in America blamed on Russia right before Internet white hats Crack the big one open. Nothing but information from MSM, fear and panic talks of War... messages from Trump issued by media to sound traitorous .


Mass alien presence and contact. Foreign creatures claiming this and that doing miracles and wooing us. Claiming they have the solution to our problems, pope claiming one of them is christ, and then ya know.


On the other hand: expect a lot of good things to come out of AI. Like, world-shakingly huge developments in AI. If you're not a Singularitarian, tough cookies on that one; if you are, rejoice!

The Traveller has come! Choose and perish!

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May-June the LHC is going to find something.

I predict that when shit hits the fan in America there will be an overnight genocide of a lot of muslims. Many innocent non muslims will be hurt due to name confusion. Watch out for Yall Queda

Israel bombs Gaza or Lebanon again -- possible war with Iran.

America gets more involved in the Middle East.

Terrorist attacks, terrorist attacks, terrorist attacks.

Syrian civil war finally comes to an end? hopefully?

Civil strife and a changing political atmosphere in Europe.

China becomes more of a leading world power.

Climate change becomes a very real and serious threat.

I'm not as pessimistic as some of you guys. People have been predicting an American civil war and WW3 every year... I don't think we'll have another world war with the presence of nuclear weapons. It would mean complete annihilation for all parties involved. What you can expect is more of the same: Greed, proxy wars, obsessive consumerism, general Fear and Hatred, and an overall disregard for the environment.

I predict that we see no meaningful change. We will still have oligarchy masquerading as democracy.

Here are my "predictions" for 2017:

  • Pedophilia hits mainstream
  • Heads will roll in DC including high-up political figures
  • "Russia did it!"
  • A push for forced tolerance of pedophilia in some way
  • Criticizing pedophilia or calling it out could be labeled hate speech
  • The guilty playing the victim card, pointing the finger back at the accusers
  • Attempt to shift blame to low-level pedos or stir a moral panic
  • A major shutdown of a social media site
  • A threat to "turn off the internet"
  • A development of new hashtags or codewords of our own to skirt around censorship
  • Actual video footage of child abuse being leaked online
  • Actual photo evidence of politicians engaging in child abuse
  • Claims that the evidence was staged or faked or called a false flag
  • Some unlucky few will take the fall publicly, but others will remain
  • An outrage from Christians which could be heavily promoted in MSM to start a civil war
  • Hating Christians will be in-vogue even more
  • More exposure of how systemic the sexualization of children has been over the past few decades
  • The powers that be getting caught with their pants down
  • More people not believing the MSM or turning against them
  • Critical mass of people waking up
  • More cracking down on "fake news" and an increase in censorship online and social media
  • A manufactured pedo panic or witch-hunt false flag
  • Exaggerated promotion of violent or witch-hunting conspiracy theorists as the enemy to make real investigators look bad
  • Further name-calling and
  • A honest push to understand pedophilia instead of witch-hunting
  • Real pedophiles coming out and speaking out for and against the cause
  • MSM talking heads breaking script and speaking their minds
  • The mass exodus of the MSM begins
  • More victims coming forward
  • An understanding that pedophilia is way more common in the human race than we want to believe
  • Realizing your sexuality, attraction, and identiy has all been purposefully confused
  • Realizing that ironic hipster culture of promoting the dark occult as "cool and trendy" was planned
  • A call for a more holistic form of government
  • A call for more alignment with nature and our hearts
  • Perhaps looking toward native culture and tribal elders for how to live more in alignment with nature and life instead of against it

Big euro trouble. Euro breakup starts in italy.

Shift to right/nationalism continues with german and france election

Mossul gets liberated by summer. Islamic state in trouble. Also in syria raqqa / palmya. With the califate under pressure/ destroyed islamic terrorism on the rise world wide, especially europe.

Trouble in chinese sea. China already on high nuclear alert. Confrontation with us over islands and sea territory.
