Long referred to as reptilians, "Archons" are a parasite that has ruled over and controlled earth for centuries. Responsible for Paedophile rings world wide, control, and negativity. We have been spiritually enslaved but it's ending now.

59  2016-12-25 by Loud_Volume

This is deep down the rabbit hole so I'm just going to jump in.

Archons are hidden negative controllers of humankind, inorganic interdimensional entities that must now be exposed and exorcised from the individual human mind, from our human species, and from the planet as a whole as part of our collective evolution to a new state of consciousness and being.


The reason you hear people or David Icke refer to "ruling family bloodlines" is because humanity is controlled by 13 bloodlines.

These bloodlines hold the genetic DNA blueprint required for these archons to survive on. Devoid of empathy, love, positivity, these beings are the literal reincarnational opposite of what human beings truly are.

Our reality has been hijacked, our emotions manipulated, our culture destroyed, divided, attacked.

We are not a hateful species. We do not truly resonate at a level of negativity, anger, fear, hatred, but by control through financial institutions, pharmaceutical companies, military, entertainment, food, media, EVERYTHING. We have been controlled and put into a state of constant fear, worry, anxiety, the exact opposite of what we are as humans.

The archons feed off negativity and the fear vibrations of human beings that are constantly induced in those states because of the lifestyle that has been constructed for us to control us as modern day slaves.

"Although archons do exist physically, the real danger they pose to humanity is not invasion of the planet but invasion of the mind."

"The archons are intrapsychic mind-parasites who access human consciousness through telepathy and simulation. They infect our imagination and use the power of make-believe for deception and confusion."

I hope I am tying this together well enough. With 13 ruling bloodlines, with the genetic DNA blueprint required for these entities to continue living through us contained in those 13 bloodlines.

By control of all major institutions required to live on this earth we are basically forced into their system of control.

By being subjugated to that voluntary control that appears as reality but is really controlling us they manage to keep humanity in a low state of vibrational being.

This has been done for eons. Everything dark in the world is related to this archons. Pedophile networks are tied to these negative beings that use the fear, depravity, and lack of light as a means to sustain itself.

Archons have become so disconnected from light, so disconnected from God source, they require the exact opposite of what God source is to survive because it is the polar opposite of what the creator is.

There is a massive silver lining to all of this.

The time we are going through now is the shift of ages. Mankind has finally broken through all systems of control and is awakening once again to global cosmic consciousness and self awareness.

This has been a long time in the making and the archons, the evil illuminati bloodlines that have controlled civilization in front of our own eyes, is finally crumbling.

Their power structure is DONE. Mankind is undergoing the expansion of consciousness and self realization of God source.

No longer will be accept being controlled. We have been physically, mentally, and spiritually controlled but we have defied it all and reopened up ourselves up to the true light of divine essence.

I hope to open a meaningful discussion on this topic and would rather avoid conflict with one another. We have been divided enough, it's time we discuss these issues of control that have plagued humanity for a long ass time.

We are all one, we are moving forward, and our time for global spiritual awakening is now!


Fucking lizards. I have a bearded dragon. I often remind him how easy it was to put him in a box. And he looks back at me like the walnut brain that eats his own waste that he is. Reptiles of the David Icke stripe are only marginally smarter. They're not to be feared. If they could scan you and make your head explode, they would do it to everyone and take over. But no, they lurk in the dark drinking blood and raping butts and basically insist humanity should be scared because they're slimy.

Well, fuck lizards. Let's get some human size tanks with big pieces of drift wood to throw them in. They'll be fine.

i love my dragon hes telepathic

This post give me hope OP thank you. I believe humans are naturally good for we don't want to hate or be hated. 99% of us seek laughter, warm smiles and love from those we care about so why are we living in the hateful, spiteful, greedy world? It's time Humans start coming together. None of us want the alternative.

My username checks out.

Read up on the Djinn, and how they are composed of smokeless fire. Then go look up video's on youtube about (ufo) seen by the Coast guard in panama, on thermal camera's.

Why not link the YouTube video?

Sure thing. And it was in Puerto Rica. My bad. Here's the video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxfdLkolCBQ&t=3s This was taken by DHS in puerto rico. They were hunting drug runners and saw this Djinn.

My (hu)man, thanks!

No prob.

Well, the description in the beginning of the video does not correspond to what the footage actually shows. Looks like a smaller airplane or drone. Why you would call it a djinn is beyond me.

It shows up on thermal camera. It was reported to not be seen with the naked eye. Why you wouldn't think that is beyond me. Also, go read about Djinn, and how the oceans is one place they are said to live.

Honestly, my only knowledge of djinn comes from the Bartolomaeus Trilogy (?) when I was younger. Where should I start digging into this? Super interesting.

You have to look in the Islamic theology and mythology to find what I am referring to.

I'll look into it, thanks. Interesting stuff

You are welcome.

Also, go read about Djinn, and how the oceans is one place they are said to live.

But what is the connection between this Puerto Rican UFO and Djinns? That it's a small heat source that is not visible to the crew of the plane at a great distance?

Do you agree we don't see it entering and exiting the water, as is claimed in the video?

I see it entering the water. That's how it looks to me.

Though you're probably right, I would like to see the original footage. I'm thinking there could be technical or optical reasons it looks like it's skimming through the water surface unimpeded. Maybe the cam's going in and out of focus. Maybe the "twin" ufo is an mirror effect.

I've often considered the possibility of these guys existing. If they truly do exist they are quite elusive. I'm sure they would hold advanced tech and have underground bunkers where they hide from public eye doing whatever creepy shit they do. However I do believe this is truly happening just not sure if it's reptilian humanoids or just possessed human beings - honestly either way it don't matter it's obvious it's happening they could look like lizard, gorilla, or little old ladies all I know is they are a ominous evil

What makes you think that it´s actually happening?

First you have to realize what these demons have done to humanity for a very long time. The evidence is in your food, in your government, in your money, in the products you own, in the sky, in the hospitals, in the water, in the news, in Hollywood, in music, on your television. Simon and Garfunkel entire song - sounds of silence is describing real tech used currently. How far should I go how much is it you need to learn? From the beginning of the century to present I could lay out the picture for you but it would take more words here than I have in me.

And just to reiterate like I said: I'm not sold on the existence of reptilian beings but honestly when you see the entire ugly truth it doesn't matter what they look like they are not human inside

You make a mockery of ancient Gnosticism by believing in reptiloids and other Hollywoodesque apocrypha.

Holy shill wtf. Have a merry Christmas bro lose the hate

How so?

It was beneath the ancient Gnostics to believe in reptiloids, they believed in ephemeral and diaphanous sidereal beings instead.

There are LOTS of us who believe it and don't feel the need to justify our belief on the internet... once you know, you know.

Ohhhhhh ok yeah

As odd as this archon parasite thesis is, I'm a bit partial to it. It's consistent with some things I've witnessed. If true, these things have the ability to override human behaviour like turning on a switch.

It makes logical sense in many ways that religion does not - it is a theory rooted in physics - we live in a universe compromised of vibrational energy

Most "religious'' texts talk about archons.

Care to cite any examples?

Ephesians 6:12 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

The Nag Hammadi Library, a collection of thirteen ancient books (called "codices") containing over fifty texts, was discovered in upper Egypt in 1945.

dating from approximately A.D. 350.

From The Hypostasis of the Rulers / Archons


It is interesting to hear biblical phenomenon discussed in nonchristianese. There is not much written in the scriptures (Jewish or New Testament) regarding the details of demons and other creatures in rebellion to our one God. And to be honest, the degree of evil and depth of hate for humans that pizzagate has revealed is beyond anything I could have imagined.

I'm not sure I understand where your optimism for defeating this old & powerful cabal comes from. Very few people even want to recognize it is happening. Frankly I cannot figure out exactly how it is progressing. As a govt/nation, all is still very compromised. Trump is being seduced/threatened/bribed(?) to fall in line with Oligarch agenda. And Oligarch agenda is global NWO. He came into office against war, now calls for nuke arsenal.

Which brings me to this: there are many prophecies regarding the eventual near destruction of earth & humanity in the war between God & these evil beings. It includes the actual return of JESUS, the risen Messiah, dressed for battle and victorious over Satan & his demons.

But before that occurs, the NWO *will be established. We will not be able to buy or sell without a "mark of the beast". We will no longer use cash. A very charismatic, global leader will deceive many and they will follow him, but his agenda is evil. He will eventually sit in the Jewish temple. An event described as "the abomination that causes desolation." Many nations will wage war against Israel, a huge army from the north, which is the event called "Armageddon." It is at this point that JESUS will return and save the world & humanity from total destruction.

I am skipping many details. Many of these prophecies began to be revealed in Ezekiel, Isaiah, Psalms and in the New Testament by Jesus and writings of the apostles. One specifically pertinent was written by the apostle John-- the book of Revelation.

They are difficult texts with ppl writing at times about futuristic technology or symbolic images. Many bible scholars have labored over them and you will be able to find good commentaries and interpretations regarding the background and relevance to the events at the time of the revelation and at the end times.

I write this to encourage a faith in our Creator and to seek/recognize His hand in the events coming at us. He left these words for us all, hoping we would see and let Him be our God.


"To me it seems that the Fall is, higher-dimensionally, about the forces of divine light squeezing out the ankle-biters and the false light (beings posing as the divine light within the 4th density; the other side of the duality coin of the corrupt demiurge) From the inner surface of the Earth, vastly reducing limiting beliefs, wrapping thus the Earth in a 4th density blanket (as Adronis put it)... in other words, the influence they have been having on the human mind for eons is about to end. Hence, EVERYTHING. WILL. CHANGE.

How this will manifest lower-dimensionally will be beyond fascinating! Only 1 week away"


This was posted on the bashar forums and aligns with what I believe is currently happening in regards to the spiritual consciousness shift happening.

Could this be the missing puzzle peice to pizza gate? Are these pedophile networks being exposed fronts for the negative generation of fear?

This concept is beginning to become more and more plausible by the day.

I truly believe this is the missing puzzle piece. Humanity has been so deceived by these archons, these lower dimensional vibrational negative energy vampires (think of a leech, a tick, etc)

That purposely create human strife, fear, wars, and negative circumstances to further feed on this negative vibration because it is the only way to sustain itself. It literally cannot consume energy any other way except by latching onto fearful and low vibrational third dimensional beings.

This is truly truly making sense now but is also so fucking crazy I can't believe it makes sense.

Here's what tied the missing puzzle piece for me.

"And, it is further said that these Zuswazi, these Imbulu, or whatever you choose to call them, are not capable of eating solid food. They either eat human blood, or they eat that power, the energy that is generated when human beings, on the surface of the Earth, are fighting and killing each other in large numbers.

I met people who have fled from the early Masaki in Rwanda, from years ago, and these people were horrified by what was happening in their country. They said that the slaughter of the Hutus by the Watusi, and the Watusi by the Hutus, is actually feeding the Imanujela, monsters. Because the Imanujela like to inhale the energy that is generated by masses of people being terrified or being killed by other people.

Makua looked at me quite seriously and observed, "If we look at the state of the world today, we can see their influence everywhere, and at every level. The could be thought of as psychic vampires. The e'epa are mental forces that have the ability to intrude into the human mind. They operate through subterfuge and psychic stealth.

They are adversaries who are drawn to humans because they wish to acquire our human capacity for creative imagination. Humans are creators, and they are not. Because of this, the deceivers will always be thwarted by the superiority of our human species."


But now the tide is changing and the balance of light is tipping the scale in its favor. These things are coming to light and we are dealing with the way we have negatively been living for hundreds of years. We are realizing the capacity for love we were truly built and meant for. Humanity is remembering it's love of the creator and the creators love of its creation.

This is truly beautiful. Truly eye opening. I can't help but shed a few tears for this cosmic play happening right in front our own eyes.

How does Trump fit into all this? Is he a force of good, bad or just chaos for the sake of chaos?

That only 'matters' in one sense, but not in any higher senses. As a sign of the times though..

spez: he's prolly reptilio

What actual evidence do you have for Archons existing?

Youtube AI archons black goo and nasa's dark secret by harald kautz vella.

I literally can't read that sentence without laughing.

Fair enough. It's pretty full on but I believe it presents some things which constitute evidence. Maybe not enough to decide entirely, but at least to realize something big is going on...

I'm posting these as I'm finding these because I'm researching this as we speak. Here's another great article with even more sources inside it. Font is absolutely terrible but the material is good.


A good simple quote:

“Humans are not the only beings with powerful minds. Attached to humanity are unseen beings that also are an organ of the earth. They share the metabolism of the earth, just as humans do. These beings form a spectrum from benevolent to harmful. They have been present alongside the human race from the beginning. The destiny of these beings and that of humans is intertwined. The Toltec’s call them Allies. The Allies lack a brain, which means they have no factory to create emotions, but they need the ethereal energy of emotions to sustain their life. Allies push humans to create traumas in order to create fear, which they feed upon.”

I wish I didn't have evidence but everything is pointing to this.

I feel like we can agree that there would have to be more to the surface than pedophile rings, major global control of human populations, mass control of all institutions and currencies. What is the end goal with all that.

And that is where this is pointing to. It's time for mankind to understand that there is more to reality than what we see in front of us day to day. And the fact that we could be more than our physical bodies of meat that a lot of people insist we are.

And if one were to open up to the idea of such a concept, then the conclusion that one could also reach is that there are lower dimensional vibrational beings that feed on the negativity and fear vibrations of a higher aligned frequency than itself.

I want this to be wrong. I don't want such a negative state of consciousness to exist and possibly influence mankind. But that's what everything is pointing towards.

Here is one source of information that sparked a lot of this discussion. I really need help investigating this. It could be the huge final thing behind PizzaGate, all the depravity and negativity that's happened to mankind and suspended it in a repressed state.

Any help with this I greatly appreciate.


My mind and logic wants to reject all this but deep down I truly feel like there is some truth to this.

See that's the thing. I believe in UFOs because I have seen them multiple times. I've seen things that can't be explained. The issue with posts like this is that they claim to understand details with no evidence so it makes it all seem ridiculous.

I'm still confused... Where is the actual evidence?

On YouTube obviously.

my personal evidence was watching a group of kids suddenly turn murderous and try to kill a baby.

Lmao what? When? Where? Why? Under what circumstances? How can you verifiably attribute that to Archons?

Lmao what? When? Where? Why? Under what circumstances? How can you verifiably attribute that to Archons?

I've written about it before, as /u/AccurateLinguist. I can't verify it's Archons, whatever they are. I'm not sure how one would design experiments to even test this hypothesis. The hypothesis however does fit with what I witnessed.


meh, can't be bothered looking for it. i was a young kid, sitting on my porch. across the street a group of neighbourhood kids greeted a new kid on the block and his infant sibling by trying to run it over with a bicycle with one of them on it. the scene, for lack of a better word, developed very quickly. they were normal kids one moment and then evil the next. i yelled at my mom, she came running out on to the porch, and whatever it was that had gotten into these kids suddenly left. the new kid, who had been restrained by the others, and who was holding on to the bike with dear life, grabbed his sibling and ran inside. it was quite literally like they were taken over by some evil force. it was freaky. the kids were 10ish i'd guess..not very old.

This reminded me of a observation written long ago that I went and dug up:

In the Russian and Chinese revolutions, after the Communists had murdered tens of millions of innocents, they could not stop murdering, and brutally killed one another ... Communism is collective demon possession." ["Marx & Satan", by Pastor Richard Wurmbrand, p. 107-108]

yeah there's something to the psychology of crowds, too. and when fights break out. something happens that spreads.

So are these reptilians the equivilant of the most poisoned minds on this planet? They just be redeemable like the rest of us. Heck, if we are all one, they are us.

Essentially. Archons exhibit the polar opposite of love light joy and compassion and focus on the opposite of what that is.

We are all one, because everything originates from source, or the creator. So these archons are a part of creation unfortunately but there is a blessing to their negativity.

If it wasn't for them, humanity wouldn't be able to undergo a spiritual awakening because there would be no darkness to awaken from. No negativity to purge.

In effect, negativity, hatred, greed, and everything that has ruined planet earth is what in effect will cure it because it has helped us achieve self awareness.

I still have A LOT of research to do on these negative entities as there is a lot of information to sort through.

"Expecto Patronum!"

You're on the right track. You have good ideas about their goals.

The control isn't as powerful or as coherent as you think

There are different, somewhat competing groups

I don't think they're reptilians. But start reading about the Nephilim.

Look up 'jinns'. The Islamic version of what you call archons. It's been known for 1400 years that they exist. The devil is also a jinn, differs from Christianity's view of the devil as s fallen angel.


Exact same thing I thought of! Which reminded me of the famous quote

"Art imitates life"

I was thinking about Monsters Inc the other day...

I like this idea of a completely hijacked reality. It's fascinating and is a good scapegoat for all the depravity in the world. I would love to see real evidence of it. But unfortunately I think humans are just easily susceptible to corruption through power...And people in positions to be corrupted are just really really shitty.

We are not a hateful species. We do not truly resonate at a level of negativity, anger, fear, hatred, but by control through financial institutions, pharmaceutical companies, military, entertainment, food, media, EVERYTHING. We have been controlled and put into a state of constant fear, worry, anxiety, the exact opposite of what we are as humans.

The Psycho-Social, Chemical, Biological & Electro-Magnetic Manipulation of Human Consciousness - Jedi Mind Tricks

I love it, because anyone can make shit like this up: it means freedom to be...not smart.

How can you make up a theory rooted in physics and based on the way vibrational reality works? Are you saying this defies physics?

Calling something "interdimensional" means you are almost certainly not basing it in real physics. The general idea of humans being controlled by malevolent forces on the other hand just has nothing to do with physics at all; it would be a biology question or something. Definitely no physical law prevents humans from being controlled.

Clearly you have no clue what you´re talking about. I don´t think they talk about Archons at the Princeton physics dept.

Because such a thing wouldn't be discussed at an institute owned by the control of information.

Such a thing wouldn't be discussed there because it would uproot this whole fake reality lifestyle we have made for ourselves.


At Princeton they're too busy drinking fucking Yeager bombs. They're in the fucking zone chief.


No it's an area of research and esoteric merit that I enjoy. I love niche information such as this and feel it is truly empowering, liberating, and veil lifting and can truly be beneficial to mankind.

No it's an area of research and esoteric merit that I enjoy. I love niche information such as this and feel it is truly empowering, liberating, and veil lifting and can truly be beneficial to mankind.

Yeah this is basically my view too. Even if these theories are false their models often cast light on a lot of subjects.

Taking DMT reveals them.

Now lets wait for the loonies to tell us why its the jews fault

Everyone knows only reptilian eggs can hatch in Israel.. duhhh

For sure, I seent it

Dude you've lost it. I worry about your mental health.

I'm A-okay just really damn far down the rabbit hole. Nothing I haven't done before, I'll be alright.


yeah there's something to the psychology of crowds, too. and when fights break out. something happens that spreads.

It shows up on thermal camera. It was reported to not be seen with the naked eye. Why you wouldn't think that is beyond me. Also, go read about Djinn, and how the oceans is one place they are said to live.

My username checks out.

On YouTube obviously.