Hi r/Conspiracy. I'm a professional shill.

159  2016-12-25 by [deleted]



Why the throwaway? A post like this could have some value if it was submitted from an operational shill account.

As it is, you have told us nothing we haven't hear before, and you have provided zero evidence. It would be a big story if you could demonstrate that any of the mods were "on the payroll", so what's holding you back?

It seems to me it is more likely that you are just a troll (ie unpaid) that the mods have banned today for being an offensive arse, and you have cranked up a VPN with a throwaway to get your revenge.

Tell us something interesting.

Why the throwaway? A post like this could have some value if it was submitted from an operational shill account.

The employer would know.



Except they're going to know this is you, because you already announced you're moving onto another job. Fraud alert. Sound the alarms folks. We have a traitor on our hands.

That and they would track his iP and other crazy shit to find out which one just spilled the beans

Yall hiring?

Only way you could go to jail is if you worked for the government. If that's the case then you could prove that. Prove you worked for the government.

Could you explain why you have more than one NDA when you would normally sign an NDA that is all encompassing.

Lol, does anyone else feel like the atmosphere of this sub may be the most accurate simulation of what it feels like to be working for one of the three letter agencies? Trust no one, trust me, this is fake, this is bona fide, and most importantly the regurgitation of info from un vetted sources to be spread as gospel. Interesting at least.

Yes, it's exactly like Intelligence. A bunch of paranoid weirdos lurking in the dark like they're playing a game.

I'll say this to OP should he be genuine; you're pathetic. So are the people helping you. You're losers. You get paid to pass on other people's thoughts because you're too mentally and spiritually enfeebled to be an individual. So you take morally dubious jobs where you don't show your face or have any accountability. It's immature, sad, a hundred other things. But one thing it isn't is justifiable to any human other than yourself. So enjoy your Adderrall and your shilling e-friends. It was the best your life will ever get. Haven't you noticed the people you work for like Clinton can't come through on their promises to anyone? You sold your soul for exactly nothing, you probably weren't even paid. Good riddance.

Lol. Don't worry, mate. OP is full of shit. Nobody takes you seriously enough to care about or downvote your daft fantasies.

Thats the part I'm trying to figure out. Pizzagate has jacked me up. I don't know how agents would be able to witness this stuff. I'm getting sick just reading it.

The other day my family was like "let's have pizza for dinner," and my response was "sure!" because it makes them happy, but on the inside... I just wanted a salad. Salads don't seem to be code words for anything that would fuck me up too much.

Like tossing salad eh?

Nooooooooooooo! I forgot about that one!!!!!

You stole my joke ten hours before I got to make it. Nicely played, joke stealer.

facepalm. Thats like how people get paranoid every time they see a triangle cause of "The Illuminati." Don't play into that shit. Thats just letting them win by letting your frequency get lowered and reacting so strongly.

Thanks for that :)

Can't let them highjack symbols and words :)

I feel the same way. It's kids for Pete's sake! I hope someone who can legitimately do something to help them is investigating it. They're getting so much help from the private citizens here. And I commend every single one of you for it. I don't know how anyone could look at nothing more than the Instagram pictures and not be sickened and suspicious by the debased quality of them. Family-friendly restaurant my arse! I wouldn't take my GROWN kids there, much less any minors. Anyone saying anything different is either brain dead or committing the same sorts of criminal acts and they don't want anyone believing it happens.

Top comment

It's a troll playground.


the most accurate simulation of what it feels like to be working for one of the three letter agencies

If that's true, God help us. Because nobody knows for sure what's actually going on. But you get some very persuasive people who act like they know exactly what's going on.

Imagine these are the same kind of people advising (manipulating?) the top decision makers in the world's governments.

And they should never call them "intelligence" agencies. They're really just information agencies and sometimes their information is wrong.

Trust no one, trust me

What did he mean by this?

I would love to have an actual shill post on this sub with proof of payment and stuff

It wouldn't be that hard to copy/paste his "job description" from his "manager".

And easily verifiable by digging through old posts that would have been on the "target list" for shills like him and observe comment sections.

I don't doubt what he's saying one bit, but simply saying it doesn't really do anything for me. I think there's a lot of us that have known this has been going on here for quite some time. I guess I only assumed the mods are in on it and haven't seen real proof yet, but let's be honest...

Mainstream media outlets are on the payroll, reddit admins are on the payroll. Why wouldn't mods of these subs be on the payroll? Didn't the oldest mod of this sub just leave a few weeks ago? It's laughable to think that it's impossible for every mod to be in someone's pocket.

I guess I only assumed the mods are in on it and haven't seen real proof yet, but let's be honest...

I won't say they aren't, but what exactly would the mods on this sub in particular be doing to warrant being paid? They have public mod logs set up, so we can see if they're censoring any discussion on a particular topic, and other than a few instances where the admins intervened, I'm unaware of any subjects that are taboo here, but if anyone has evidence feel free to PM me. Most of the manipulation in this sub in particular is done by vote manipulation, which the mods don't really have any control over.

I honestly think a sleeper situation is more likely than an active censoring/manipulation type role. I.e. wait until severe mod action is desired for one reason or another, and than have that mod or mods shut it down or do a takeover of some sort.

You make great points - and like I said I only assumed it to be true. I shouldn't assume but at this point it's hard not to.

I've recently come to believe reddit and other mainstream discussion areas are much more engineered than I thought. I don't know why it took me so long to believe it to be true, frankly. We watch them manipulate mainstream news outlets for christ's sake (merry christmas btw), so to think that reddit, even this board, is a north star in a sea of disinformation is just ridiculous.

I'm more of the opinion that this board is actually shilled harder than nearly any other, less 'mainstream', discussion area. I have come to see this board for what I believe it really is - a chokepoint of sorts - for ideas. There are places where people discuss information that is utterly destructive to very powerful people. Information that elites are willing to protect. I'm sure you can imagine that a reddit board - or a private reddit board - is not the place to reveal how to find that information.

That, however doesn't mean reddit isn't an important battleground. Several places on reddit serve as conduits between the mainstream and that other harder to find side where there is currently more and more people getting their hands on that information I was talking about. Overall it's important to realize reddit is the mainstream media. If there's something TPTB don't want there, it simply won't be there, it's not a discussion. A good example is the recent media blackout of the dead NATO auditor. They have the ability to make a phone call and determine the course of the entire media. Reddit is not immune at all.

The controllers use many different tactics and go with what works on each particular board. You're right to say that they use a lot of vote manipulation and thread sliding here. It's pretty bad. Did you hear about the riots in South Korea? A good question to ask is: Where did the information that caused 100s of thousands of people to take to the streets against government come from? You'll find it very difficult if not impossible to find a plausible source of that information - but you'll notice it coincides with assange's dead man's switch. A switch, mind you, that is still releasing information. Won't read that on reddit...

How does recruitment work? I can't believe people make money off of this and nobody knows that this is a real job. Amazing.

Pay isn't awesome. But there are a lot of countries where labor is cheap and some parts have decent internet. Phillipines being one.

Philippines. Can confirm. They speak very good English (it's recognized as an official language) which is why there is a big call center industry there

It happened after boston Bombing:


User ID: 35850666 Korea User ID: 36689081 Korea User ID: 33951304 Kazak User ID: 36809983 Kazak

N.C.S. logo.jpg

//SECRET C:\SharePoint012\USNCSSAD_Wrk\c9\inet-N-7339.tx​t


Sensitivity Level

Action Code

Team 5.A/ SITE Location of official Agency folder None NPRC Team Contact Sheila N******


Do any of the respondents display the urge to supply information that could be helpful to your mission?

Do the respondents appear hostile to your attempts to steer the discussion?

Have you made a personal chart taking care to note who appear to be the “leaders” versus who appear to be the “followers”?

Have you attempted to gauge the “temperature” of the forum’s users?

In other words, the prevailing social psychology of the forum’s members?

Have you been more successful with one or the other XStart methods that were demonstrated in N-7015A.DOC?

Have more technical members (Computer Programmers, Administrators, or Moderators) of the forum deduced or accused you of hiding behind a proxy?

Would you gain more trust and/or credibility if you were to use one of the Agency’s allotted “HOME” pools? (most often needed when handling EVTS that are more sensitive to the pop. of a specific locale but also location centered web sites such as FB or Patch)

Has your PREDEV “persona” been successful or do you gauge that the users find you to be too obtrusive? Accusations of being “ever present” are.


Blackout the amount then

Or you know, just black out the cents.

That makes no cents

Sure does!

And what would happen if you were caught? Who cares if you get"caught" if be you are quitting anyway?

NDAs, yo.


In legal world, ndas aren't worth shit

Are....are you serious?

How much?

Me too.

If only there were rules against baseless posts like this... oh wait, there are...


You know, as well as I do, that there are protocols and policies and procedures one must abide by.

Maybe Rule 5?



It's Christmas.

Get off of reddit and spend time with anyone that can tolerate you.

This post stays because it triggers you and has already been approved by another mod.

We act as a Team here.


I thought you were a mod? Cant you do anything?

He stepped down as mod a month or so back.

Thank God

I see, been a busy month.

Their W-2, and two pieces of government issued photo identification as proof. Minimum.

Bullshit. I believe their are shills here, but not this troll with his drive-by shitpost

Its just a guy looking for attention. Dime a dozen on subs like these.

R/conspiracy from 2828quw8 sent 20 minutes ago

"Your mods are lying to you. Don't trust them."

He sent me this by private email. Anyone else?

It looks like there is an attempt recently to make us turn against the mods. This was posted here yesterday which is an x-post from /r/conspiratad 3 years ago. it was posted agian from another account and the OP claimed that he got banned.

I mean /u/sovereignman, the guy who handles punishment, told me that the mods here welcome shills, and that they have just as much of a right to an opinion as anyone else. Anyone want to see the link?

perhaps r/conspiracy is controlled opposition and all of the mods work for the Department of Defense.


I doubt it's that bad. But if someone really figured some shit out, I'm sure the posts could be removed.

This is a regular occurence in this sub.

What will happen next is that a long standing mod will overstep their bounds publicly. Accounts you've never seen before that all seem to know one another will flood the sub with text posts calling for the mod to step down. Those posts will inexplicably make the front page of the sub.

Half the mod team will suddenly disappear from the sidebar, and new mods (also accounts you've never heard of) will be confidently promoted, to the sounds of cheering from accounts you've never heard of.

And the fuckery will continue under new management. I've been here for years, and it's never any different.

They want civil war.


I know from my personal experience that /r/conspiracy mods shill for the establishment by removing posts that expose the establishment's wet dream Trump for who he is (I had several of mine removed). So yeah - don't trust the mods here.

I know at least one of the mods here is a huge Trump fan, so I'm not surprised.

It was going on long before Trump.

I approved this post, not because I believe it but because you people deserve to decide for yourself.

Please no shill accusations or witch hunting users that you suspect are shills because they post about the things mentioned by OP.

The rules will be enforced fully.

OP has dm'ed me stating that you are on "the payroll"

edit for screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/Fx7RorA.jpg

Yeah he DMed me telling me not to trust my peers that THEY are on the payroll.

Can I get in on the payroll? I accept bitcoin



Sent. when do I get my shill credentials?

lying about shill payments has serious consequences. please speak to Mr. Soros immediately.

Conspiracy: "shill"+"shekel"= ????? :3

Mr. Soros is using nmap on my public ip right now.

Who taught him that, most of us don't even know how to use email!

Soros is leet bro



Screenshot the DM.

If you're gonna go this far, why not screenshot it?

How would he know who is on the payroll. That's stupid. Only way would be if they all knew each other in which he could easily post screen grabs

I believe him.

That basically confirms his claims, right? It might discredit the idea that he has left his employer, but... he's gotta be a shill if he's doing this.


How wise of you... Thank you, lord mod, for your magnanimous consent of info.

no need to be snarky, it was caught in our spam filter because the account is brand new, and we have public mod logs so if I approved it then people can see that I approved it. If I hadn't explained why I approved it then someone would have asked. This isn't my first rodeo.

The whole post is ridiculous. but wise to keep it up


You aren't required to use it.

You guys obviously aren't required to moderate it either.

You mean like /news?

Do you want me to cite the rules of /r/conspiracy this post undeniably breaks? If I do will you censor me for rule 2?

Honestly I wish you would quit bitching constantly that the rules aren't moderated to your personal standards.

I told you while you were a mod that I didn't think you were capable of separating yourself from this concept of objective truth and how that isn't compatible with a conspiracy subreddit where people speculate constantly. That's why a lot of people come here, to speculate. You can moderate that out of the community or force them to format their title like their a fucking contestant on jeopardy just to satisfy some assholes desire to have objectively true titles into perpetuity.

Lighten up man it's a conspiracy forum.

Lighten up man it's a conspiracy forum.

I love this. I wish this was a quote on the submit button.

Preach it!

theghostofdusty rarely has anything of value to add to the conversations here, i wish he'd find a new hobby

The rules are written for everyone to see in the side-bar. They are crystal clear. The language is not ambiguous. The words used have universally understood meanings. They are not my standards, I didn't make them.

Since you guys obviously hate them so much then why not axe them?

We don't hate them we just don't interpret them to the most extreme strict interpretation possible.

You think that people making assertive claims of fact in posts without any evidence is "speculation". It's not. That's called lying, aka disinformation, aka propaganda.

This disconnect from reality and the English language that the mod-team has adopted in the past six months or so is a serious problem. Please wake up from your Trump malaise.

Bitter much?

Are there any better subreddits or forums than this one? I'd be interested in something with a lot more moderation. There are good opinions here but they are becoming harder and harder to find.

please take TGOD with you when you leave

It's hard to wade through all the bullshit, man. Finding a place where there's less bullshit to wade through isn't such a bad goal, imo. I don't know where TGOD falls on the spectrum, but his criticism seems fair. Not that I think there's no place for the speculation we see here though. It all has its place.

Rule 10.

Let me get this straight. Shill posts anonymously that there are shills in the group, including the mods. And that the group is manipulated technologically for up/downvotes, etc.

He offers no proof, and is willing to offer no proof, proof which could actually be beneficial for the group, and even the world. Instead, he's just casting a wide net of distrust and doubt.

Aaaaand this is supposed to be the guy who is retiring? Sure, yeah. Hold on while I just don't believe that. Or at best it's like climbing out of the boxing ring and giving your opponent one last shot to the face.

You wanna do some good, dude, do some good. But don't pretend to yourself that this move is in any way noble. You've been a professional liar. Saying you're a liar is not recompense for the damage you've done. Your confession is not absolution.

No, but the users who post in this thread may be proof of his claim.

Yes, I already know. I try to use my upvote/downvote to counter your group but sometimes you guys really brigade certain threads pretty hard, especially when it comes to TPTSB fucking kids.


I thought this was already blatantly obvious..

LoL this is like posting spoilers in r/starwars or throwing a hornets nest into a locked room full of people. Good job OP. Take my UV

this is like posting spoilers in r/starwars

LMAO! That is actually hilarious. To see all those force users get their telekinetics in a bunch.

Damn, I actually feel sad for OP. He had to come in here and say goodbye to the people he was deceiving. What kinda life do you live where you feel the need or connection to those you fuck with to come say farewell. I feel blessed already

what's fucked up is he isn't even a real shill, just a bored troll with no family to love him on Christmas Eve

That's sad. Hope he finds some love

Kind of like the rest of us :)

Show me proof you're a shill and not just some troll. Because right now I just think you're trying to cause confusion and distrust.

Where do I submit my resume?

I'd bet op is someone who got banned for repeated rule violation and this is his genius come back.

Exactly what I thought.

The fact that he's PMing people with shit like "Your mods are against you, don't trust them!" while simultaneously PMing some of the mods with "Your fellow mods are against you, don't trust them!" smells like a desperate attempt to cause discord by someone who is very obviously bitter and pissed at this sub for some reason.

That's just my guess.

  1. Your account is 2 hours old lmao nice troll. 2. Your comments aren't shadowbanned I see them all 3. Thanks for the laugh :)

Can you tell us what inspired you to leave the shill job?


Moving on to trolling bigger forums eh?

So you're saying you are complicit?


This only makes me believe in flat earth even more... unless that's what they want us to think. I'm confused man.

If you are still posting, I'm curious about how the pay structure works and how you receive directives on what topics to up/down vote. Also, how did you get the job and if there is any other interesting tidbits you might share with us for Christmas?

I gave this the benefit of the doubt until this line.

Your fellow users and mods are working against you.

Here's one that's more convincing.

"I get Paid to Chat on Reddit"


There's a chat box?!

Tell us something we don't know

Not 100% sure hollow earth is false or real. Eat a dick for eternity:)

Haha how come your leaving us?

How did you get the job? I'm curious....did you look on indeed for "paid shill"?

Curious user name for a throwaway

Some men just want to watch the world's stomach churn.

How do I get a shill job? I need the money and it sounds fun.

Seconded. I would be the best shill. I spend 95% of my time on the internet and I'm autistic.

Can't have been a very good shill with a post karma of 60 and a comment karma of 10...

We need to get one of them to contribute to a book.

Appreciate the post but without something interesting to add to the common knowledge of shills it seems rather pointless.

You don't have ANYTHING of value to post about your time as a shill that would surprise people? I find it hard to believe if you're real.

You can buy upvotes or accounts here.


This sub seems legit to me. Don't like how Veterans Today articles get downvoted but that's a problem with the bots/users not the mods.

inb4 but waaaaaah its 40% disinfo. Yeah, but you're eating up 99% shit.

Regardless of your legitimacy, you speak a truth that most here are well aware of. Why don't you go and tell a sub like /r/politics where it is more likely to be new information?

Who do you shill on behalf of?


How gullible can you people be?

OP's been PMing people and trying to play them against each other and the mods. Obvious troll is obvious.

probably 9000sins or ghostofdusty...

Which mods?

Every one of them that replied in this thread aren't modding per their own rules, so...

Who pays you?

don't go you were just getting good.

Hook Line Sinker. Trolled by a fake shill. Kiddos... Y'all Just went meta

Why don't you tell us anything useful like what kind of topics your team would target for downvotes?

I never thought I'd witness a shill post about being a shill. I hope OP presents evidence to prove otherwise.

Not surprised.

this guys full of shit. Trust me, I'm a gangstalker

The night Saturn stood still.

One night I went camping with my wife and I took a massive dose synthetic psilocybin.

I rarely dabble in recreational drug use of any kind but the occasion called for it... Anyways didn't take too long till everything was moving wildly. The camp fire was making the trees next to me melt in fantastic colors, all the while every star in the sky was swirling with great viger. Everything in my field of vision was moving except for a single object in the sky. My sober sitter and wifey pooh had to use a star charting app on her phone to see what it was, sure enough it was Saturn.

I tried everything to make Saturn budge. I stared at It for well over an hour and it was completely stationary. Even tried using my perifual vision but nothing worked.

Gotta disclose that I'm not really into astronomy so going into that experience I had no idea where Saturn was.

This guy is still a shill. 100% fuck him

How do I get paid to do that? I could use a day job that fits my hobbies.

I suspect that this is a shill prenteding to be a shill who is actually a shill

How about some specific information? What is the name of the firm you work for? Who are your contacts in the firm? What software do you use and would you please post a screenshot? And which submissions have you personally been involved with?

Who upvotes this shit???

It neither contributes, or encourages positive discussion. Anyone who thinks this is real is a fuckin idiot.

We've already exposed literally hundreds of you worthless pieces of shit.

It isn't the shills I worry about. It's the shills who are paid to shill the shills.

What is a shill

another name for troll

ITT: feeding the troll

I'll entertain this but I don't believe this is bullshit.

Shills are so hawt right now

Yeah this is totally real

So you say you are a shill. Let's see some examples of your flat earth posts. I for one am a believer in flat earth and i am curious what side you are on, and furthermore what type of information, or disinformation, you have posted in past.

As somebody he has done little to no research on the flat earth theory, what is your most convincing piece of evidence that the Earth is indeed flat?

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Am I on the payroll? Since I'm apparently a shill. Where's my Christmas bonus

How much?

Blackout the amount then

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And what would happen if you were caught? Who cares if you get"caught" if be you are quitting anyway?

Like tossing salad eh?

facepalm. Thats like how people get paranoid every time they see a triangle cause of "The Illuminati." Don't play into that shit. Thats just letting them win by letting your frequency get lowered and reacting so strongly.

That and they would track his iP and other crazy shit to find out which one just spilled the beans